Green threads in a dream. White thread on the dream book

Very often, what was dreamed in a dream is a reflection of the emotional state of a person, which the subconscious mind draws while the person is at rest. Such symbols in the world of dreams include threads in the form of individual fibers, in balls or in spools.

To understand exactly how to interpret such a plot, it is worth looking into the dream book. The threads, according to the interpretations of the interpreter, symbolize changes, and what they will be depends on the color of the fibers and the actions that the dreamer performed on them.

As a rule, the threads that appeared in a dream indicate the relationship of a sleeping person and the people around him in the real world. Deciphering such a plot, one can judge what character these relations will acquire in the near future, and how this will affect the dreamer himself.

So, for example, if the threads were tangled or just lay chaotically, most likely, communication with people in the environment will be confusing. Perhaps the dreamer will face some kind of difficult situation that will entail changes in the social sphere. If, in addition to this, in a dream you began to unravel them and coped with this task, the problem that arose in reality will be solved quickly and to your benefit.

At the same time, if you dream of a ball of yarn for knitting, then the dreamer expects an improvement in relations with family members or relatives. At the same time, such a plot should be taken as a signal to make more efforts for the benefit of people nearby. The better your relationship with family and friends, the more successful your life as a whole will be.

It is worth paying attention to the interpretation of such a dream for single women. Seeing colored threads along with knitting accessories, a girl may well expect to meet a young man. It is worth noting that the guy will be extremely interested in you, so you can safely count on the beginning of a romantic relationship.

Color matters

In situations where colored threads for sewing appear in a dream, such a dreaming phenomenon can be regarded as a sign of fate about favorable changes in the near future. In this case, a person experiencing a long time of disappointment and failure will finally have a long-awaited hope for a brighter future. What the threads of a particular color are dreaming of, the dream book will also tell.

If in a dream you dreamed of white threads for sewing, such a dream means great surprise, which the dreamer will soon experience in reality. For plots where the dreamer sews with such a thread, there is another interpretation that promises an unpredictable situation. To get out of it with dignity, a person will need to show his sense of humor.

Black fibers in a dream are a warning to take care of your health in order to prevent a disease or its consequences. a needle with a black thread in a dream - to possible stressful situations at work, which the dreamer can avoid if he is extremely careful and attentive.

Did you dream of red threads? In most cases, such a plot is an omen of an official marriage or the beginning of a romantic relationship. If you see yourself in a dream, sewing something with a needle with such a thread, you can be sure of the strength and sincerity of your relationship with your chosen one.

Blue-colored fibers in a dream are considered harbingers of a long and interesting journey. Pink dream as a signal of excessive daydreaming, the dreamer's naivety.

What did the sleeper do in a dream?

The essence of the prediction also depends on what actions the sleeping person performed in the plot. To find out the interpretation of specific dreams, just look into the dream book. Threads, according to the interpreter, a person can:

  • Buy. This event can symbolize a journey or trip. In this case, the longer (or more) the fibers, the longer the road will be.
  • Accept as a gift. If in a dream a person is presented with a coil or ball, for him this may mean growing up. As a rule, such a plot states the fact that the parental family is now in the background for the dreamer.
  • Unravel. When you dream that a person is trying to unravel the threads in the dream plot on his own, this can promise him power and influence, thanks to which he can succeed.
  • Rip, tear. Often a dream in which the sleeper tears off tangled threads from himself is a dream for people who in reality gain freedom or get rid of an old problem. If the threads were white, a change in the type of activity awaits a person.

As you can see, in any case, the threads dream of changes. And in most cases, interpretations promise changes favorable to the dreamer.

White threads. They mean that in reality you have no reason to worry, you can count on the fact that harmony and an atmosphere of mutual respect will reign in your house in the near future. If you dream about this symbol, it can have different meanings.

Why do white threads dream - Freud's Dream Book

If you see white threads, this is a warning for you that in the near future you may be subject to many different temptations, but for various reasons you should not give in to them, because maybe this will somehow end badly for you.
The dream interpretation interprets that in the near future you will be able to resolve a serious family conflict, or someone else will do it, and you will feel significant relief due to the improvement of the atmosphere in your home.

If you dream of white threads, this may portend some separation in your life or in your immediate environment.

Why dream of sewing with white threads - Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of sewing with white thread - symbolizes that you may have problems defining your life hierarchy of values, and you may not know what is really important to you.

If you dream of sewing with white thread, this is a signal that you lack authority and need someone who will show you the right path that you can follow.
The dream interpretation believes that this may portend your receipt of some unexpected gift from fate, or signal that you should try to make peace with those with whom you have been in conflict for a long time, because this person is waiting for you to be the first to reach out to agree to peace .

What is the dream of a needle with a white thread - Wangi's Dream Interpretation

A needle with a white thread is dreaming - this symbol is usually associated with a good memory, so it can mean that in reality you forgot about something that you should remember, or you are trying to remember something and you are afraid that they forgot about it.

It can also mean that subconsciously you have a tendency to expand your consciousness, but don't experiment too much. The last possible explanation is the fact that in reality you are trying to escape from reality, because it does not suit you and it is not good for you.

Why dream of a needle with a white thread - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of a needle with a white thread, this is a warning that there are people next to you who, pretending to be your allies or even friends, wish really bad things for you, and are only looking for the right moment to harm you in some way. Therefore, you need to be careful that someone does not mislead you, which can cost you dearly.

If you dreamed of a spool of thread:
this predicts a visit to your home by guests whom you do not expect and are never happy to see. Bobbin thread on a sewing machine

Broken threads:
they say that you will be treacherously betrayed by your loved one. See the thread on someone's clothes

To thread a needle in a dream:
means that caring for loved ones will take up all your time, so you won’t even have time to go to the hairdresser. Sew with white thread instead of black or vice versa

Colored threads: a sign of attention that the chosen one will show to you.

Silk threads:
you will bathe in luxury by marrying a rich foreigner. floss threads

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Threads

Threads in a dream:
mean that the difficulties that you will meet in your life are still far away.

Broken threads: portend trouble due to the treachery of your friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima Threads

Thread in a dream:
symbolizes time. Usually such dreams indicate how long this or that business will last.

Strong and long thread: a good sign that portends a successful course of life.

Too thin or rotten threads:
warn that your plans are poorly thought out, and at any moment you may fail.

Short thread too:
promises failure. Perhaps soon you will have to quit some of your affairs.

Broken thread: portends a break in relations.

Tangled threads or threads wound into a ball:
means some complicated, confusing matter.

Eastern dream book Threads

Spin or knot thread: to the long road

prepare threads for embroidery - to the secret of the heart

tangled threads: to confusion in business

thread knots: to other people's conversations about your personal life.

The newest dream book Threads

Gnawing threads with teeth: black: to illness

white: to free will

green: to heart disease

red: to love

don't remember which one all bad things end.

Threads: to a confusing situation that an outsider will help resolve.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century Threads

Seeing threads in a dream, winding them: signifies a past danger

you can find out some secret, reveal secret deeds.

See a lot of threads:
to ill will, quarrel, confused

See a ball of thread:
it means that you are confused in your thoughts and feelings, it is difficult for you to overcome this confusion, you need to understand yourself.

Unwind in a dream, threads: to the possibility of being beaten.

To see a skein of thread in a dream: means that someone can be useful to you

golden thread: to get good advice.

Untangle threads:
a sign that you will learn someone's secret, tangle the threads

Psychoanalytic dream book Threads

A thread: connection between events and experiences. Path to reason. Thread of life.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn Threads

A thread:
ancient symbol. It may refer to the navel, which is connected by a thread to karma, or fate. Look for a guiding thread in your life.

Dream Interpreter Threads

Thread or thread to see: means secrecy and secret deeds

untangle threads: means to reveal the secret

tangle threads: means the need to keep secret their actions

winding threads portends boredom and annoyance.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Threads

Threads: slander you, rumors or news to hear, mystery

confusing: business troubles, gossip

can't find the end of the thread: long but hard life

parse confusing: gossip weaves about you, find out the secret

the danger has passed, news / about the secret to know, gossip to breed, annoyance, boredom

to put in a needle: love

skein of thread: benefit

roll into a ball: badly

unwind: gossip hear a lot

embroider: annoyance

white threads: close fun ride

black: close sad trip

golden: good advice.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Threads

A thread: ancient symbol. Look for a guiding thread in your life.

Modern dream book Threads

See threads in a dream:
a prediction that, to your happiness, you will walk along a winding road.

Broken threads: a harbinger of losses caused by treachery and betrayal of friends.

Ukrainian dream book Threads

How to thread: dream, then it will be some lie.

Strengthen the thread: to love.

Can't find end of thread: to live long, but hard.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Threads

Threads to twist: have patience

develop: beware of mystery

see: accustom yourself to justice.

ABC of Dream Interpretation Threads

A thread: symbolizes the connection between body and spirit, heaven and earth.

Break thread: lose some part of yourself.

Tangled threads, ball: confusion, quarrel.

Winding threads: thrift, wealth.

Slavic dream book Threads

Threads: you will do secret things.

Idiomatic dream book Threads

"Sewn with white thread": all in plain sight, clumsy disguise

"hang or hold on by a thread": danger, emergency

"guiding thread of Ariadne": you will be led

"silver thread": symbol of the connection between the soul and the body

"ball of thread" confusion

"problem node": difficulties

thread of conversation: the main thing.

Esoteric dream book Threads

Threads in spools, balls:
small frequent trips close to home (within your locality).

Wrap new ones on your finger:
non-business new connections. Threads of communication, if the connections are broken, they are interrupted

weak, thin ties are not strong.

American dream book Threads

A thread: karma, rock

Family dream book Threads

Threads are falling off: to the difficulties that will arise in your life after some time.

Broken threads: portend the treachery of friends.

Dream Interpretation of Health Threads

See loose threads: to nerve problems

to weave threads - you need nervous calm.

Dream interpretation horoscope Threads

Sew with black thread: mourning announcement.

Sewing with white threads: empty chores.

If you dreamed of a spool of thread, this predicts a visit to your house by guests whom you do not expect and are never happy to see. A bobbin with threads on a sewing machine is a long-term task, which, however, will bring significant results and give you great satisfaction.

Torn threads indicate that you will be treacherously betrayed by your loved one. Seeing a thread on someone's clothes means an invitation to a big celebration that you will receive in the very near future.

Threading a needle in a dream means that caring for loved ones will take all your time, so you won’t even have time to go to the hairdresser. Sewing with white threads instead of black or vice versa portends misunderstandings that will occur at work during your absence.

Colored threads are a sign of attention that the chosen one will show you.

Silk threads - you will bathe in luxury by marrying a rich foreigner. Mouline threads - the sadness that has darkened your soul will soon melt like smoke.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of shame, shame and need. Such a dream can also portend a loss of a job or a demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy.

Seeing in a dream your underwear or the underwear of a loved one dirty, greasy, burnt is a very bad omen that portends you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce.

Putting on clean underwear in a dream - to receive good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other's sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to marry is mutual.

The rest of the dream predicts good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothes.

A dream in which you see yourself dressed in underwear, surrounded by strangers, means that many trials, shame and hardships await you.

However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you naked, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame.

If in a dream you see that you are getting into an elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly starts moving up, then, contrary to your expectation, you will have great success, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big chores.

See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover's underwear, then you will have a lot of worries and troubles due to your frivolous behavior, which will become known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval in your address.

A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person.

However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries because of your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family.

Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all the troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to equip your home or build relationships with a loved one.

Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your underwear is a harbinger of physical ailment, surgery and stress that will affect your entire future life.

See interpretation: blood.

In a dream, a woman wearing beautiful underwear in front of a mirror is a sign of deceived hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends you separation from your loved one and the collapse of plans.

If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing such underwear that he has never worn before, then many disappointments await you. Such a dream portends you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal.

Marks on your underwear - to receive an inheritance and marry a very responsible and hardworking person.

Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation.

Folding clothes in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Interpretation of dreams from

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Threads (threads) in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Threads (threads)

Old grandmother's dream book

Why do Threads (threads) dream, what does it mean?

We saw Threads (threads) in a dream: to wind - to avoid danger; a skein of thread - to have a benefit; golden thread - get good advice, for details, if Threads (threads) are dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do Threads (threads) dream in a dream?

Spool - If you see a spool of thread, it means that you have to solve a difficult task. However, if you succeed, you will be able to fulfill your most cherished dreams. An empty reel dreams of disappointment

Spring dream interpreter

According to the dream book Threads to rob (thread). Picking threads from your clothes is a situation in which you have to make excuses.

A spool of thread - to a continuous chain of worries and troubles.

Muline. To attraction.

To gnaw a thread with your teeth - having seen such a dream, you can safely hope that all the bad things that spoil your life will end happily.

Thread a needle (thread, thread, needle). - to the family union.

Summer dream interpreter

Thread - Unwinding a ball in a dream and pulling the thread - in fact, unraveling an unpleasant matter that many people are related to.

Coil - To see a spool of thread - to a long journey, as the dream book says about this dream.

Muline (threads). - If you dreamed that you were embroidering a blouse for yourself with floss threads, your life will soon be much more diverse.

Thread a needle (thread, needle). - You will live in unanimity.

Autumn dream interpreter

Thread (threads). - Dreaming in a dream about how you collect the threads left from the firmware from your clothes - to a short-term clouding of your mind.

Spool of thread - For a dressmaker - for a large order.

Muline - For embroidery.

Gnaw the thread - Gnaw the thread to decide on something at last.

Angelic dream book

What is the dream of Threads (threads) according to the dream book:

Seeing threads in a dream means that soon you will come across some kind of mystery, an event that you cannot find a logical explanation for.

If you dreamed of threads in balls or spools, then such a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of frequent small trips (within your city, village, and so on). Moreover, it is quite possible that these trips will be associated with bureaucratic procedures (for example, you want to sell or buy real estate, apply for a mortgage, and so on).

If you had a dream where you wind threads around your finger, then soon expect new romantic acquaintances. Moreover, such acquaintances will not always be crowned with success in your personal life, but you will undoubtedly make good friends.

In general, threads in a dream can be a symbol of your connection with the outside world, with the people around you. That is, if you dream of thick, strong threads, for example, a rope, then we can say that you stand firmly and confidently on your feet.

If you understand that the threads in a dream are very thin and fragile, then there is a high chance that you will feel that loved ones are moving away from you, you are separated by misunderstanding, distance, illness, and so on. If the threads break in a dream, then such a dream means loss - the loss of a loved one, friends, work, family, and so on.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Threads (threads) in the dream book:

Threads - If you dreamed that you were twisting threads, then you need to be patient.

I dreamed that in a dream you developed threads - then you need to protect your secrets.

To tangle the threads, you need to keep your recent actions secret.

If you just saw threads in a dream, then you will hide something and commit a bad deed.

Winding threads in a dream - you will be upset about something.

See also: why dream of a ball, why dream of sewing, why dream of wool.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

If you dream and what the Threads (threads) symbolize:

If you dreamed of threads, then gossip and a bad attitude from others await you.

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

See Threads (threads) in a dream:

I dreamed of a spool of thread at night - then unwanted guests would suddenly come to you.

I dreamed at night of a bobbin with threads on a sewing machine - then you will do hard work for a long time, but not in vain, the result will please you.

If a thread breaks in your dream, then your loved one will betray you.

If you saw in a dream a thread on someone's clothes, then you will soon be invited to a big festive event.
