A conspiracy for money and luck for sugar: a description of the rituals. Sugar spells to attract money, love and good luck

One of the strong esoteric manipulations is the easiest way to read from Vanga for sugar is a conspiracy for good luck and money. With the wrong pronunciation of words, there are no negative moments during the ceremony. Sugar will help in all areas of life: to attract money, gives wealth, clients, bewitches good luck, health. There are a number of ancient texts that relieve pain, enhance love. Any sugar conspiracy from Vanga works.

A conspiracy called sugar is similar to honey. It also attracts the necessary and desired person.

Folk omens are confirmed daily. Everyone knows that in order to neutralize the sad consequences (scattered salt), a kind of rite with sugar should be performed. Or accidentally confusing salt with sugar, this means: expect good luck, money, love. And you can not be afraid of the boss, but ask for supplements to the salary.

But signs and beliefs do not come true so often. The spell of white magic on sugar will help speed up the process of attracting well-being. You can use a sugar plot for a successful purchase or trade, to enhance a bright feeling, or a Thursday plot. It remains to choose the desired option.

Collection of conspiracies for sugar

  • money;
  • good luck
  • love of a man or woman;
  • clients;
  • good trade.

All this will not be difficult if you read the chosen plot on the growing moon. The best moment is the first week of the lunar calendar. You can read conspiracies, conduct a money ceremony from Vanga on other days. And yet, one should adhere to the rules that consist in conducting rituals on women's and men's days. But you need to read the conspiracy to trade only on Thursday. For good luck, rituals are recommended on Saturday and Sunday until 12 noon. Women's days are used to attract love or return a husband. If it is necessary to read a conspiracy on sugar for women's love - men's days.

The proposed collection is real conspiracies and rituals. It remains to choose the most suitable option.

Option 1: to attract buyers

Vanga's sugar conspiracy, which is read for good luck not only in large-scale trade, but also for a one-time sale of real estate, will help when using granulated sugar and refined sugar. You can ask for more or less money for real estate, but you can sell a house, apartment or car at a real cost. The Bulgarian healer recommends always saying prayer words.

According to Vanga, rituals to attract clients, find a job, or return relationships are more successful if the prayer “Our Father” is read before and after the manipulations. Magic will act unambiguously white, positive. Prayer repels negativity during magical actions.

Buyers are called in with the following text, which is pronounced at dawn over a sack of granulated sugar:

“White, sweet sugar, Help me, my friend. Make my life sweet. Help sell (buy), lure real buyers.

For a quick sale of a house, apartment, you can say the words over three pieces of refined sugar:

“I ask heaven to make my life sweeter than sugar, brighter than the sun, so that everything impure is illuminated, covered with white sugar. Amen".

Say three times.

Both options for magical actions involve leaving the charmed sweetness in the housing for sale in its eastern part. As soon as the money is received, a prayer of thanksgiving is said. Sugar is taken out and burned near the house. The same manipulations are carried out to receive money for a car. To attract customers, sugar is placed under the driver's seat.

Option 2: to attract good luck

With the help of a sugar conspiracy, you can attract well-being and good luck

Magic from the Bulgarian clairvoyant will help attract prosperity, luck, wealth. When you are looking for a job with more money, the search will be more successful if you perform rituals not to attract money, but directly pronounce a conspiracy on sugar for quick luck. Not pure sugar texts are considered strong, but mixed ones (the use of two or more components). Mix together rice and granulated sugar (powder made by yourself). All manipulations are carried out at home the day before the actual search. Provided that interviews have already been scheduled, some of them may not take place due to various urgent reasons. Dont be upset. So this place was not successful and profitable for you.

Next step. Together, mixed sand and rice provide powerful protection against slander, evil eye and damage. The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  1. Take the ingredients in each hand.
  2. Close your eyes and hold for a little over a minute.
  3. Open palms. Bring to lips.
  4. Whisper the text while mixing the two ingredients on a white cloth:

“How sweet sugar is and how it attracts bees to itself, How everyone loves it, so let me live sweetly, Let money, like bees, flock to my wallet for my sugar, Respond with good luck in all matters.”

After that, the mixture is divided into several parts. Wear in clothes, wallet. Scatter houses in the corners.

How quickly the result will appear is easy to say: a maximum of 2-3 days. This rite guarantees well-being, prosperous life, good luck in all good undertakings, if carried out correctly.

ritualscan be held on any day of the week, avoiding major Orthodox holidays. Rice can be replaced with salt. It is especially useful to do this if the boss has big plans for you, but "well-wishers" are trying to ruin your reputation.

Option 3: to raise money

Magic will help attract money

Money magic in most cases refers to black practices. But when sugar is used, such ceremonies and rituals are with positive matters. Blood, which is always used to bewitch dark energy, is not used in sugar versions (which is unambiguous evidence of white power).

Some believe that this conspiracy from Vanga for a good trade in sugar is very effective. But the use of the text is guaranteed to raise not only sales or attract buyers. He also gives good luck in all matters and undertakings, attracts money, helps to find a job.

Need to know! Rituals for money, which are used by white practitioners, guarantee profit. But on the condition that a person will have a chance to get it with his own labor. This may be additional earnings, a change in position, employment in another job.

The money transfer is done like this:

  • As the sun rises, go outside with a mixture of salt, rice, and sugar. You need to take 50 g of each ingredient.
  • Stand so that the sun shines in your face, illuminating the mixture (hold it in your hands).
  • Say the words:

“My life is sweet, my life is smooth, I live in abundance, and all the troubles are behind the fence. White sugar - pure, free life in abundance! May it be so!".

  • Divide into two equal parts. Scatter one in a place where birds gather, and take the other home.
  • Boil the remaining rice mixture over low heat. If the ceremony was successful, an even circle of white color is formed on the walls of the pan.
  • Cool and give to animal feed. Can be fed to stray dogs.

Option 4: for successful trading

With the help of a sugar conspiracy, you can increase the number of buyers five times

If the conspiracy to trade is read for sugar, then, as practice shows, the number of buyers increases fivefold. Sugar rituals of this format affect sales, but with one caveat: the product must be of really high quality. It is not worth using a conspiracy from Vanga for sugar to trade for selfish, deceptive purposes. The magic will stop working, the person will be punished. He loses seven years of well-being and prosperity.

“Almighty Nicholas, son of Christ, great miracle worker! Wash you, do not leave me and my family! You help everyone in the seas and oceans, on earth and in the sky. Those who cry ask you, those who are sick receive from you. Please give me a peaceful life and well-being. We praise you together with the united Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

Leave overnight in a white bag so that the moonlight hits the granulated sugar. Sprinkle in the corners of the store, sales area the next morning.

Option 5: love spell

Strong conspiracies from Vanga are not only for sale or good luck. They are also used in love. When pouring sugar into a cup of tea or other drink, say and give your husband (boyfriend) a drink:

“In the name of the Father and the Son, I slander sugar, I sentence love. Let the Servant of God (name), feeling the sweetness on his lips, turn over, in love with the Servant of God (name) swear forever! As tea is not sweet without sugar, so the life of the Servant of God (name) without the Servant of God (name) is insipid and bitter! Only longing will remain for him if he turns away from me! Let sweetness fly through the blood, bring joy to both of us! Amen".

This ritual will help bring back the feelings of a wife or a girl who has cooled or offended.

Sugar conspiracy attracts prosperity and wealth

Well-being, wealth, obtained with the help of a sweet ingredient, can be violated if it is not used for good. Greed, stinginess and other human vices repel positive energy, and the conspiracy loses its strength and attraction. The use of white magic for evil leads to problems in life for 7 years. If the person did not realize his mistake, the punishment would last until the user of sugar magic corrected himself.

Since ancient times, traditional healers and psychics in their practice have used sweets for rituals. It is believed that a conspiracy for sugar or honey helps to bring good luck to the house, increase the flow of customers in trade, and improve relations with higher management. You can select a lot of options for rituals with the help of magic, in which sugar pieces or granulated sugar are used. Such rituals can be carried out independently at home, strictly following the instructions.

Sweets have long been used for rituals.

Sugar has magical properties

Sugar is an essential part of most people's diets. But in addition to the energy value of this product, it also has magical properties. With its help, more than one magical ritual is performed. Sugar conspiracies are carried out to achieve the following goals:

  1. Such magic helps people make important decisions.
  2. It can be used to perform a ritual for a good relationship with the boss.
  3. With it, you can also attract financial flows, and this is important in doing business.
  4. Rites are performed for money using sugar.
  5. A love spell is performed on sugar, on friendship in a team (this is done less often).
  6. This product becomes a defense against enemies and envy.
  7. With this product, you can also attract customers, bring good luck and health.

Thanks to sugar, you can cure yourself and other people from various diseases. Also, this magical attribute helps to establish the financial side of life.

Conspiracy rules

To do so, you must follow certain rules.

All magical rituals require certain rules to be observed, thanks to which you can improve results and achieve them faster:

  1. It is not recommended to act during a period when a person is experiencing a negative emotional mood. In the presence of aggression and irritability, one should not expect a positive result.
  2. It is better to perform the ceremony on Thursday shortly before the appearance of the growing moon in the sky. Also positive days for magical manipulations are Wednesday and Saturday. On Sunday, magical actions are not performed, as they will be ineffective.
  3. There are no rituals for major church holidays, such as Christmas or Easter.
  4. During the purchase of a product or any other aids for magical rites, you cannot take change.

You can carry out all the actions yourself. And you can contact a specialist and consult with him.

Proven Conspiracies

There are many ways to use this attribute, including love spells.

love plot

A sugar plot for the love of a man or a guy is most often offered by representatives of black magic. To perform the ceremony, you need to sit down at the table on the first night of the growing moon, which must first be covered with a black tablecloth. To conduct the ceremony, you need to take candles, preferably red ones. Candles are placed on the table in the form of a five-pointed pentagram. Place a bowl or any other glass container with sugar in the center. Then drive the index finger of your right hand over the loose mixture, saying the following words:

“I won’t pray, I won’t cross myself. I’ll talk about sugar, I’ll call love to myself. As this sand is sweet, as bees stick to it, so let me be sweet for (name), so that he only wants me, wishes. Let it stick to me, only keeps me in mind and in heart. May (name) burn with a strong passion for me, never forget me. In a dream, he doesn’t sleep without me, doesn’t eat food without me, doesn’t drink drink, keeps me in his mind. He will not be fed up with my love, and if he decides to forget, let him dry up and suffer. As a fish does not live without water, so he does not live without me. My speeches are firm, strong. No one can take them off. I close my family with locks and seals, no one will untie them or take them off, they won’t find the keys, they won’t unlock them. I will throw the keys into the pool of the river, the locks are reliable and strong. May it be so".

An old conspiracy is considered very strong for attracting love.

This ancient conspiracy has great power. Read it nine times. Next, let the candles burn out completely. Next, read on the container with the loose mixture:

“As this sugar is sweet, so let me be sweet forever for you. May it always be so.”

After the ritual, lightly spit in a saucer, pour the charmed sugar into any jar. Add a little to your loved one's food and drink.

The return of the husband to the family

To return the husband to the family, they use a cemetery love spell. It is held in the cemetery on the growing moon. Find a grave with the same name as your lover. Next, dig a small hole at the feet of the grave, put a photo of a loved one, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top, and then read the following text:

“As this sand is sweet, so may I be sweet to you (name), as the dead will not leave his coffin for a single step, so may you be with me forever, love and do not forget. Do not live without me, do not see the world, suffer in torment and dry. Only with me you will be calm, you will love and desire only me alone. May my words be strong as steel.

Requires a red candle to complete.

“Like the flame of a candle is hot and bright, so let passion ignite in the heart and never fade away. May my fiery speeches come true.

Leaving the cemetery, leave sweets, honey, eggs or red wine on the grave. At the crossroads, too, leave a ransom.

good luck

To attract luck, special rituals are also performed using sugar. Such rituals for good luck help attract customers in business, climb up the career ladder. So, take a sugar bowl, fill it to the brim, dip a teaspoon into it, drive it around in a clockwise direction, reading the text in parallel:

“My sugar-friend, give me a sweet life, may fate be smooth. I take your sweetness as a weapon, I attract all the good luck to the house, and drive away the failures. May my words come true!

Charmed sugar should be added to food and drink

After that, add the charmed product to food and drinks. Take a small piece of bread, sprinkle it with sugar, then eat it, imagining how good luck fills the whole body, how diseases and blackness go away. Such quick plots are very effective. Every time something goes wrong in life, they can be repeated. Do not put a lot of the spoken product in drinks. You can also take an envelope, pour some sugar into it, put it under the threshold, this will help bring luck and success to the house.

For trade

The sugar trading conspiracy works quickly and effectively. To conspire for successful trading and attracting buyers, you need to take just one small handful of sweet sand. Perform the ceremony in the evening, at sunset. The conspiracy to trade should be read in the room where the goods are located. The person being read should take a pinch in his right hand, say the following words to it:

“How sweet this sugar is, so let life become sweet. Wherever I leave it, they will come to me, they will bring money. Every day their number increases. Money to money, make me happy, but I don’t need any other happiness. Amen."

We need trade conspiracies to make it easier to do business. Sprinkle sugar after the ceremony in all corners.

The ritual must be carried out in the place where the goods are located

To raise money

There are also money spells to attract money. You should write your wishes on a piece of paper, hide it in a white envelope. Also put money in the same envelope, sprinkle with sugar, seal the envelope, say a conspiracy from above:

“My life is sweet. Let me live in abundance, all misfortunes are far beyond the gates. Sugar is white, and my life is pure, white, smooth, and everything is in abundance in it. I attract money, luck, luck and prosperity! May all that is said come true."

This attraction of money for sugar usually begins to act quickly. Especially if you sincerely believe in all actions, mentally visualize a positive result.

Hide the envelope, and when all the plans come true, burn it.

After the implementation of the plan, the envelope must be burned

Rite to increase the flow of customers

The conspiracy to attract customers is currently popular. In addition, such a ritual to attract customers begins to act quickly. What you need: oven, aspen chips or firewood, refined sugar. If it is not possible to kindle firewood in the stove, you can kindle a fire in an open place. Kindle firewood, let it flare up well. Next, put the refined sugar in a fire or oven so that the pieces begin to melt. Looking directly at them, read nine times.

This product known to everyone has been used for magical purposes since ancient times. A conspiracy for sugar can be read in order to improve your life. Surprisingly, with the help of sugar, you can bring harmony to almost any area of ​​life. After reading this article, you will know exactly how.

You probably never thought what priceless and miraculous properties this product hides.

In the legends of various peoples, there are references to the magical properties of this sugar, a lot of signs, legends and myths are associated with it. For example, the inhabitants of Africa believed that sugar helped wounds heal faster, they poured sugar on cuts, uttered a conspiracy, and the wounds actually began to heal faster. Recently, scientists from Birmingham have shown that sugar actually kills pathogens that interfere with wound healing.

In contrast to the well-known sign about spilled salt, which prophesies the appearance of all kinds of troubles in life, spilled sugar portends great happiness. You can neutralize the prediction of spilled salt by sprinkling three pinches of sugar on top of it.

If you inadvertently mixed salt with sugar while eating, this means that your financial situation will soon improve.

Collection of conspiracies for sugar

If you do not have a stove, use a barbecue or make a fire in nature.

Option 1: "To attract buyers"

This should be done late in the evening when the sun goes down. You need to read the plot in the room in which the trade is carried out. Take a pinch of sugar with your right hand and read the following words:

As sugar is sweet, so my life will become sweeter.

Where I make sugar, people will come there and bring me money.

And every day more and more.

Money to money stretches, and I will become happier.


Repeat the plot three times, then gently sprinkle sugar on the walls and corners. The ritual will begin the next day.

Option 2: "To attract good luck"

It's very simple. With a teaspoon, start stirring the sugar in the sugar bowl clockwise and read the plot:

White sugar sand, help me, my friend.

Make my life sweeter and protect my family. Amen.

For the plot to work, just eat sugar with the whole family to attract good luck.

There are also sugar trading conspiracies that you need to read in order to increase the profitability of your business.

Option 3: "To raise money"

To conduct a magical rite, you need to write your desires in detail on a piece of paper and put it in a white envelope. Together with him, put a large denomination bill in an envelope, and sprinkle a small amount of granulated sugar there. Seal the envelope while reading the conspiracy from Vanga for sugar money:

My life is smooth, my life is sweet

I live in abundance, I will break all the troubles.

White sugar - life is free and pure, and I live in abundance!

May it be so. Amen.

Always keep the envelope with you, but do not open it until your wish is fulfilled. When this happens, burn a piece of paper and spread the ashes.

Perform a ceremony to become with your favorite "sweet couple"

Option 4: "For successful trading"

There is a very vintage on sugar. With the onset of night, you need to kindle the stove with aspen wood. Put a few cubes of refined sugar in the blower. As soon as the fire begins to buzz, start a conspiracy to trade, read on sugar:

Fire, don't touch my sugar.

And people were stirred up to follow my goods.

May it be so. Amen.

Remove the sugar from the blower with your right hand when the firewood burns out. Do not clean it from the ashes in any case. Place it in the place where your trading takes place. After the implementation of the ritual, your business will improve, the number of customers will increase and the financial condition of the company will improve.

Option 5: "Love Conspiracy"

A conspiracy to love for sugar is easy and harmless. You need to spend it on the growing moon.

For the ceremony, you will need five wax candles, a red piece of cloth, refined sugar, which will subsequently need to be put in a drink or food of a loved one, so its amount should be small.

For the ritual, lay the table, arrange candles in the shape of a heart, pour sugar into a saucer, which will be located in the middle of the heart, light the candles.

In this article:

We are so accustomed to sugar in everyday life that we can’t even imagine what beneficial properties it has and what miracles can be done with it.

Almost all the peoples of the Earth attributed mystical properties to sugar; many legends and signs have always been associated with it.

Many African tribes have believed for centuries that sugar can help wounds heal faster. Sounds very implausible, doesn't it? However, scientists from the Seli Oak Hospital, located in Birmingham, conducted a series of experiments in which special sugar dressings were applied to wounds, bedsores and ulcers of patients.

Their findings suggest that sugar can kill bacteria that prevent wound healing and cause chronic disease. From a scientific point of view, such properties of sugar are natural, because bacteria need moisture to reproduce, and a special bandage absorbed all the water. And this is just one of many cases where modern science confirms superstitions and folk beliefs, in reality there are many more such cases.

In Slavic countries, sugar was also considered a special substance capable of healing, attracting good luck, and even telling about the fate of people.

A conspiracy or ritual for sugar is a simple magical rite that uses a product known and accessible to everyone. There are many different magical actions that use sugar and almost all of them are positive and cannot harm the performer.

Who today has not heard of a Bulgarian clairvoyant named Vanga? Everyone knows about her, because she became a real celebrity, many famous people, politicians turned to her, and she treated each of them like any other person. But few people know that Vanga asked many of her visitors that on the night before the session, they put a piece of sugar under their pillow. It was for this sugar that the fortune teller talked about the future, made diagnoses, and even treated for various diseases.

Some of the conspiracies that the famous healer told her patients about have been translated into Russian and even today help get rid of diseases.

Ritual with sugar to restore health

To restore shaken health or gain strength after a long illness, you can use this magical ritual. The ceremony must be carried out late in the evening, immediately after taking a bath. Coming out of the warm water, go through all the rooms of your own home, ventilate the room well and light three church candles. Put a few pieces of sugar on a clean saucer (the amount should be equal to the number of diseases from which you suffer). Now you will have to stretch your hands in front of you, palms down, and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord bless, Lord help. How the Lord God created the earth, and the sky, and the water, and the stars, how he affirmed everything by his will, and strengthened it with his strength, and how on His earth, and in His heavens there are no diseases and any ailment, no pinches, no bloody wounds, no swelling, no aches, so I, the servants of God (name), will not have illnesses. Like the earth and the stars, so the Lord God created me, and confirmed by will, and strengthened by force. There will be no disease on my body, by the will of God, there will be no zealous heart on my heart, on my white bones, on my red blood. I will not have a tumor, no aches, no pinches, no wounds.

The key of the archangels is one, one and indestructible. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The structure of sugar is the best suited for such a ritual.

Conspiracy to return a spree husband

If your husband is on a spree, but you love him and want to return him to the family, this simple magic ritual with sugar will help you. To carry out the ritual, you need to collect sugar in your husband’s personal cup and say the words of the conspiracy to him:

“As a stream with a stream run together, as trees grow together in a forest, as rocks turn into mountains, as one color merges with another, and the grass grows in the fields, so we, the servants of God (names), come together and be together. I am on a wide field, I will pick a bright color from the grass, and I will go out with it into the valley. In that valley I will find a wide path, from which I will take an earthling. I will go through the forest, and go out into the green meadow, look there on all four sides, see if the servant of God (name) is coming to me.

And then I will throw into the field a clean strawberry, and the color from the green grass. As a stream and a stream run together, as trees grow together in a forest, as rocks turn into mountains, as one color merges with another, and the grass grows in the fields, so we, the servants of God (names), come together and be together. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Sugar is a product that is in every home. However, despite this, it has long been used not only for food, but also in various conspiracies and love spells. In addition, there are many signs that are also based on this product. For example, a conspiracy for sugar is a powerful rite that always has only a positive direction and does not have negative consequences.

The only thing to fear is the lack of a result, but this only happens when a mistake was made during the ceremony. We will learn about this material in more detail and describe the most popular rituals using it.

Sugar was used even by Vanga

It is worth saying that sugar is used not only by those who practice magic at home. For example, the world-famous clairvoyant Vanga often worked with sugar, such rites were called Vanga conspiracies for sugar or a Muslim conspiracy. Why is this product so important in magic? The fact is that its small particles - crystals, tend to enhance the effect of any rite, multiplying it a hundredfold.

For this reason, many love spells, especially love spells, are done with sugar. Its smallest crystals can accumulate all the spoken words and emotions, feelings and experiences that came from the performer, Vanga used the same. After that, if this sugar gets to the victim as an additive to a drink or food, everything conceived will come true soon, that is, the love spell begins to take effect.

In addition, white sweet crystals are often used for such purposes:

  • to improve business, namely trade (Vanga did not use this in her practice)
  • to stabilize business relations in the team
  • to improve your financial situation, achieve wealth, improve trade, attract buyers and make more money
  • improve health status

Sugar for better trading and more revenue

Since ancient times, sugar has been used to improve trade, namely to get the maximum revenue, that is, money for the sale. We will learn how to make a conspiracy to attract customers (buyers) in trade and to raise money on our own with our own hands, and how to correctly read a conspiracy to trade in sugar. In order for this to happen, you need to make a small fire into which one paper banknote and several lumps of sugar are thrown. When the fire breaks out, start reading the sugar plot.

“Fire, fire, I see your flames, take my sweet gift and give me more money. Let people come, they will buy my good goods, and I will receive the money for the sale and use it for business. My money is my luck. Amen, amen, amen."

It is important that the sugar does not burn out completely, but only melts a little. These not completely burnt pieces, gently pull out of the fire and take with you. In the future, put them where the money for the goods sold is usually stored. This will be the very catalyst that will start attracting the maximum number of customers (buyers) in the trade, thereby earning more money.

Sugar will help you get rich

It is worth saying that sugar can help to make a profit not only in trading, but also without it. If your financial situation is not in the best position now, an uncomplicated conspiracy, which is also read using sugar, will help you. To do this, you will need a wallet that will contain several paper banknotes, coins and at least one valid bank card with an account balance. Hold a wallet in your hands and say the following words:

"Bees fly for honey, and money for sugar will come, I'm waiting for you right here, here and now."

Ritual at random with sugar

Rites for good luck are the most common rituals that have long been used by people in one way or another. The plot must be spoken in private, holding a pin in your hands that no one has worn before you. There are some warnings that indicate that the ceremony must be performed strictly when the moon is in its waning stage. You will also need:

  • Brown rice
  • A pinch of salt
  • Granulated sugar
  • Plate

Salt is poured onto a clean plate prepared in advance, then sugar and finally rice. Then in the middle you need to make a recess with your finger and place a pin there. It must be unzipped. Say these words: “Luck is coming to me, I hold it tightly and I won’t let luck go anywhere else.” After that, fasten the pin to your clothes and try never to take it off.

Sugar helps restore health

Sugar can become an assistant in those situations when you need to help a person, even a child, with poor health or when doctors are unable to help and alleviate suffering. How to perform such a ceremony? Let's start with the preparatory stage, you need to take a shower, that is, conduct a rite of physical purification.

Further, you need to clean the apartment in which the sick person lives, because, as you know, the dwelling is also able to accumulate negative energy, which subsequently returns to the owner. In order for the house to be cleaned, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning, and then open the windows wide open. This completes the preparation and you can proceed to the direct ritual.

In the evening, when the sun sets, sit on a chair in front of the table, light nine candles. Next to them, put a plate with sides, on which you need to put lump sugar. Moreover, its quantity will be determined by the name of the ailments, that is, their number. Now it's time to read the magic plot:

“Holy spirit, father and son of God, you created this world, sky, sun, earth and air, and me in it. Deliver me from my illness, for my illness does not give me life. I can not breathe heavenly air and admire the beautiful in the sun. I, your slave or your servant, want to be with you in soul, help me become healthy. Amen, amen, amen." Repeat the ritual for the Annunciation, Vanga gave this advice to all her clients.

We return the spouse to the family with the help of sugar

Is it possible to return a husband to the family with the help of a sugar conspiracy? There are several rituals that can help restore a family and win back a husband from a rival. To do this, you will need a container, that is, a cup or mug, from which the missus usually drinks tea or coffee. You need to take it with clean hands, put a few tablespoons of sugar and say these words:

“Water flows - the sea turns out, trees grow - a forest forms, a hill with a hill - mountains are founded, one leaf with another leaf is made, a blade of grass to a blade of grass - a field is obtained. So we are with him, we cannot live without each other. Help me to return the sweetness, to know the joy with a sweet man. So that we go through life together, step by step, overcoming obstacles and problems, sharing joy and good luck. Let the one who crossed the road to us go the other way. Amen, amen, amen."

Sugar in love spells

With the help of sugar, you can lure your loved one, draw attention to yourself. What will be needed for this?

  • 3 or 5 candles of any color and size, but always new
  • A new tablecloth, it must be plain and must be a bright color
  • Sugar in bars

In addition to all of the above, you need to choose the right time. The period when the moon is in the growth stage, that is, during the growing moon, is considered ideal.

It is believed that salt and sugar are ideal conductors that can be used as a conductor between the victim and the customer while reading love plots on a piece of sugar. Let's describe each of the stages that include love sugar rituals:

  1. Wait for the right period, that is, the growing moon
  2. Arrange all the candles so that they resemble the shape of a heart from above.
  3. Pre-prepared sugar must be carefully laid out on a plate, which is placed in the middle of an artificially created heart made of candles
  4. Now you can light the wick on the candles and completely immerse yourself in the flame, which should absorb any self-doubt that may be present, as well as nervousness. The love spell looks like this:

“Son of God, Lord God, I turn to you, because I need your help. I feel that I cannot live without him, he is my blood and love and life. May he be with me until the end of his days, until death do us part. Amen, amen, amen."

This text must be read three times, after that look thoughtfully at the sugar that needs to be set on fire with the help of the fire of one of the candles. While the sugar is burning, you need to think about how happy you will be when you achieve your goal, how you will feel when you are finally together. After the fire goes out, you need to remove everything from the table and go to bed.

The final step will be the morning of the next day. It is worth inviting someone who was the target of yesterday's ritual for a cup of coffee or tea. In order for the ceremony to be as strong as possible and act as quickly as possible, you need to put a vase with fresh flowers on the table with treats. This is necessary in order for the force to be amplified by living energy.

How to build relationships with management

Sugar can help you do the impossible - normalize relationships with superiors, which are usually not the warmest. For this reason, many people often suffer, because the working atmosphere must be healthy, only in this way the result of the work will be positive. In addition, without normal relations with superiors, there can be no question of getting a promotion or moving up the career ladder. You can help yourself with ordinary sugar by reading certain words on it.

Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, you need to take a teaspoon of sugar, use it to collect granulated sugar from the sugar bowl, and looking at it, read the following words:

“Sugar, sugar, help, dear. Make sure that the boss looks at me in a new way and sees me as a good employee. Let his eyes look clear, and hostility will go away. I, God's servant (God's servant), can and want to work and do my job well, help me get gratitude for my work.

After that, you need to go to bed with a calm heart and soul. And in the morning, take the sugar used during the ritual, quietly pour it out in front of the boss's office.

How to improve relationships with employees

With the help of sweet powder, you can significantly improve relationships with colleagues, which is also important in the professional field. It happens that colleagues do not let you into their social circle or simply envy you for one reason or another. In these cases, you need to turn to the next ritual.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony strictly on Friday, it is desirable that it rains a little. You will need a few pieces of lump sugar, which you need to put in a transparent container and cover with a lid. Place the pot on a balcony or window to catch rainwater. After it is filled and the sugar is completely dissolved, you need to read the text of the conspiracy.
