Funny experiments in physics. The most beautiful physics experiments of all time

BEI "Koskovskaya secondary school"

Kichmengsko-Gorodets municipal district

Vologda region

Educational project

"Physical experiment at home"


7th grade students

Koptyaev Artem

Alekseevskaya Xenia

Alekseevskaya Tanya


Korovkin I.N.




Nothing in life is better than your own experience.

Scott W.

At school and at home, we got acquainted with many physical phenomena and we wanted to make home-made devices, equipment and conduct experiments. All the experiments we conduct allow us to gain a deeper knowledge of the world around us and, in particular, of physics. We describe the process of making equipment for the experiment, the principle of operation and the physical law or phenomenon demonstrated by this device. The experiments carried out interested students from other classes.

Target: make a device from available improvised means to demonstrate a physical phenomenon and use it to tell about a physical phenomenon.

Hypothesis: made devices, demonstrations will help to know physics deeper.


Study the literature on conducting experiments with your own hands.

Watch video demonstration of experiments

Build experiment equipment

Hold a demo

Describe the physical phenomenon being demonstrated

Improve the material base of the physicist's office.

EXPERIENCE 1. Fountain model

Target : show the simplest model of the fountain.

Equipment : plastic bottle, dropper tubes, clip, balloon, cuvette.

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    We will make 2 holes in the cork. Insert the tubes, attach a ball to the end of one.

    Fill the balloon with air and close with a clip.

    Pour into a bottle of water and put it in a cuvette.

    Let's watch the flow of water.

Result: We observe the formation of a fountain of water.

Analysis: compressed air in the balloon acts on the water in the bottle. The more air in the balloon, the higher the fountain will be.

EXPERIENCE 2. Carthusian diver

(Pascal's law and Archimedean force.)

Target: demonstrate Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.

Equipment: plastic bottle,

pipette (a vessel closed at one end)

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.

    Take a small vessel (pipette) and load it with copper wire.

    Fill the bottle with water.

    Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands.

    Watch the phenomenon.

Result : we observe the dipping of the pipette and the ascent when pressing on the plastic bottle ..

Analysis : the force will compress the air over the water, the pressure is transferred to the water.

According to Pascal's law, pressure compresses the air in the pipette. As a result, the Archimedean force decreases. The body is sinking. Stop squeezing. The body floats.

EXPERIENCE 3. Pascal's law and communicating vessels.

Target: demonstrate the operation of Pascal's law in hydraulic machines.

Equipment: two syringes of different sizes and a plastic tube from a dropper.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. Take two syringes of different sizes and connect with a dropper tube.

2.Fill with incompressible liquid (water or oil)

3. Push down on the plunger of the smaller syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the larger syringe.

4. Push the plunger of the larger syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the smaller syringe.

Result : We fix the difference in the applied forces.

Analysis : According to Pascal's law, the pressure created by the pistons is the same. Therefore: how many times the piston is so many times and the force generated by it is greater.

EXPERIENCE 4. Dry from water.

Target : show the expansion of hot air and the contraction of cold air.

Equipment : a glass, a plate of water, a candle, a cork.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. pour water into a plate and place a coin on the bottom and a float on the water.

2. invite the audience to get a coin without getting their hands wet.

3. light a candle and put it in the water.

4. cover with a warm glass.

Result: Watching the movement of water in a glass.

Analysis: when air is heated, it expands. When the candle goes out. The air cools and its pressure drops. Atmospheric pressure will push the water under the glass.

EXPERIENCE 5. Inertia.

Target : show the manifestation of inertia.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle, cardboard ring, coins.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We put a paper ring on the neck of the bottle.

2. put coins on the ring.

3. with a sharp blow of the ruler we knock out the ring

Result: watch the coins fall into the bottle.

Analysis: inertia is the ability of a body to maintain its speed. When hitting the ring, the coins do not have time to change speed and fall into the bottle.

EXPERIENCE 6. Upside down.

Target : Show the behavior of a liquid in a rotating bottle.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle and rope.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We tie a rope to the neck of the bottle.

2. pour water.

3. rotate the bottle over your head.

Result: water does not spill out.

Analysis: At the top, gravity and centrifugal force act on the water. If the centrifugal force is greater than gravity, then the water will not pour out.

EXPERIENCE 7. Non-Newtonian fluid.

Target : Show the behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid.

Equipment : bowl.starch. water.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. In a bowl, dilute starch and water in equal proportions.

2. demonstrate the unusual properties of the liquid

Result: a substance has the properties of a solid and a liquid.

Analysis: with a sharp impact, the properties of a solid body are manifested, and with a slow impact, the properties of a liquid.


As a result of our work, we:

    conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

    created home-made devices that demonstrate the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal's law.

We liked to study pressure, make home-made devices, conduct experiments. But there are many interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science

We hope that our classmates will be interested in this problem, and we will try to help them.

In the future, we will conduct new experiments.


It is interesting to watch the experience conducted by the teacher. Conducting it yourself is doubly interesting.

And to conduct an experiment with a device made and designed by one's own hands is of great interest to the whole class. In such experiments, it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how a given installation works.

Conducting these experiments is not difficult and interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. New research ahead!


    Evenings in physics in high school / Comp. EM. Braverman. Moscow: Education, 1969.

    Extracurricular work in physics / Ed. O.F. Kabardin. M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

    Galperstein L. Entertaining physics. M.: ROSMEN, 2000.

    GeagleL.A. Entertaining experiments in physics. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985.

    Goryachkin E.N. Methodology and technique of physical experiment. M.: Enlightenment. 1984

    Mayorov A.N. Physics for the curious, or what you don't learn in class. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy and K, 1999.

    Makeeva G.P., Tsedrik M.S. Physical paradoxes and entertaining questions. Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1981.

    Nikitin Yu.Z. Fun hour. M .: Young Guard, 1980.

    Experiments in a home laboratory // Kvant. 1980. No. 4.

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining mechanics. Do you know physics? M.: VAP, 1994.

    Peryshkin A.V., Rodina N.A. Physics textbook for grade 7. M.: Enlightenment. 2012

    Peryshkin A.V. Physics. - M .: Bustard, 2012

Good afternoon, guests of the Evrika Scientific Research Institute website! Do you agree that knowledge supported by practice is much more effective than theory? Entertaining experiments in physics will not only perfectly entertain, but also arouse interest in science in the child, and will also remain in memory much longer than a textbook paragraph.

What experiences will teach children?

We bring to your attention 7 experiments with an explanation that will definitely raise the question in the baby “Why?” As a result, the child learns that:

  • By mixing 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue, you can get additional ones: green, orange and purple. Have you thought about colors? We offer you another, unusual way to make sure of this.
  • Light reflects off a white surface and turns into heat when it hits a black object. What can this lead to? Let's figure it out.
  • All objects are subject to gravity, that is, tend to a state of rest. In practice, this looks fantastic.
  • Objects have a center of mass. So what? Let's learn how to take advantage of this.
  • Magnet - an invisible but powerful force of certain metals that can give you the abilities of a magician.
  • Static electricity can not only attract your hair, but also sort out small particles.

So, let's make our kids proficient!

1. Create a new color

This experiment will be useful for preschoolers and younger students. For the experiment we will need:

  • flashlight;
  • red, blue and yellow cellophane;
  • ribbon;
  • white wall.

We conduct an experiment near a white wall:

  • We take a lantern, cover it first with red and then with yellow cellophane, after which we turn on the light. We look at the wall and see an orange reflection.
  • Now we remove the yellow cellophane and put a blue bag on top of the red one. Our wall is lit up in purple.
  • And if the lantern is covered with blue and then yellow cellophane, then we will see a green spot on the wall.
  • This experiment can be continued with other colors.
2. Black and sunbeam: an explosive combination

For the experiment you will need:

  • 1 transparent and 1 black balloon;
  • magnifier;
  • Sun light.

This experience will require skill, but you can handle it.

  • First you need to inflate a transparent balloon. Hold it tight, but do not tie the end.
  • Now, using the blunt end of the pencil, push the black balloon halfway inside the transparent one.
  • Inflate a black balloon inside a transparent one until it takes up about half the volume.
  • Tie off the tip of the black balloon and push it into the middle of the clear balloon.
  • Inflate the transparent balloon a little more and tie off the end.
  • Position the magnifying glass so that the sun's beam hits the black ball.
  • After a few minutes, the black ball will burst inside the transparent one.

Tell your child that transparent materials allow sunlight to pass through, so we can see the street through the window. A black surface, on the contrary, absorbs light rays and turns them into heat. That is why it is recommended to wear light-colored clothes in the heat to avoid overheating. When the black ball heated up, it began to lose its elasticity and burst under the pressure of the internal air.

3. Lazy ball

The next experience is a real show, but you will need to practice for it. The school gives an explanation for this phenomenon in the 7th grade, but in practice this can be done even at preschool age. Prepare the following items:

  • plastic cup;
  • metal dish;
  • cardboard sleeve from under the toilet paper;
  • tennis ball;
  • meter;
  • broom.

How to conduct this experiment?

  • So, set the cup on the edge of the table.
  • Place a dish on the cup so that its edge on one side is above the floor.
  • Place the base of the toilet paper roll in the center of the dish directly above the glass.
  • Put the ball on top.
  • Stand half a meter from the structure with a broom in your hand so that its rods are bent to your feet. Get on top of them.
  • Now pull back the broom and release sharply.
  • The handle will hit the dish, and it, together with the cardboard sleeve, will fly away to the side, and the ball will fall into the glass.

Why didn't he fly away with the rest of the items?

Because, according to the law of inertia, an object that is not affected by other forces tends to remain at rest. In our case, only the force of attraction to the Earth acted on the ball, which is why it fell down.

4. Raw or boiled?

Let's introduce the child to the center of mass. To do this, take:

cooled hard-boiled egg;

2 raw eggs;

Invite a group of children to tell a boiled egg from a raw one. In this case, eggs cannot be broken. Say that you can do it without fail.

  1. Unroll both eggs on the table.
  2. An egg that rotates faster and at a uniform speed is boiled.
  3. In support of your words, break another egg into a bowl.
  4. Take the second raw egg and a paper napkin.
  5. Ask someone in the audience to make the egg stand on the blunt end. No one can do this except you, since only you know the secret.
  6. Just shake the egg vigorously up and down for half a minute, then set it on a napkin without any problems.

Why do eggs behave differently?

They, like any other object, have a center of mass. That is, different parts of an object may not weigh the same, but there is a point that divides its mass into equal parts. In a boiled egg, due to a more uniform density, the center of mass remains in the same place during rotation, while in a raw egg, it shifts along with the yolk, which makes it difficult to move. In a raw egg that has been shaken, the yolk descends to the blunt end and the center of mass is in the same place, so it can be set.

5. "Golden" mean

Invite the children to find the middle of the stick without a ruler, but just by eye. Evaluate the result with a ruler and say that it is not entirely correct. Now do it yourself. A mop handle works best.

  • Raise the stick up to waist level.
  • Lay it on 2 index fingers, keeping them at a distance of 60 cm.
  • Move your fingers closer together and make sure that the stick does not lose balance.
  • When your fingers converge and the stick is parallel to the floor, you have reached the goal.
  • Put the stick on the table, keeping your finger on the desired mark. Make sure with a ruler that you have exactly completed the task.

Tell the child that you have found not just the middle of the stick, but its center of mass. If the object is symmetrical, then it will coincide with its middle.

6 Weightlessness in a jar

Let's make the needles float in the air. To do this, take:

  • 2 threads of 30 cm;
  • 2 needles;
  • transparent tape;
  • liter jar and lid;
  • ruler;
  • small magnet.

How to conduct an experience?

  • Thread the needles and tie the ends with two knots.
  • Attach the knots with tape to the bottom of the jar, leaving about 2.5 cm to its edge.
  • From the inside of the lid, glue the adhesive tape in the form of a loop, sticky side out.
  • Place the lid on the table and glue a magnet to the hinge. Turn the jar over and screw on the lid. The needles will hang down and reach for the magnet.
  • When you turn the jar upside down, the needles will still reach for the magnet. You may need to lengthen the threads if the magnet does not hold the needles upright.
  • Now unscrew the lid and put it on the table. You are ready to conduct the experience in front of the audience. As soon as you tighten the lid, the needles from the bottom of the jar will rush up.

Tell your child that a magnet attracts iron, cobalt and nickel, so iron needles are affected by it.

7. "+" and "-": useful attraction

Your child has probably noticed how hair is magnetized to certain fabrics or a comb. And you told him that static electricity was to blame. Let's do an experiment from the same series and show what else the "friendship" of negative and positive charges can lead to. We will need:

  • paper towel;
  • 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp. pepper;
  • the spoon;
  • balloon;
  • wool item.

Experiment steps:

  • Place a paper towel on the floor and sprinkle the salt and pepper mixture on it.
  • Ask your child: how now to separate salt from pepper?
  • Rub the inflated ball on a woolen thing.
  • Bring it to salt and pepper.
  • The salt will stay in place and the pepper will stick to the ball.

The ball, after rubbing against the wool, acquires a negative charge, which attracts positive pepper ions to itself. Salt electrons are not as mobile, so they do not react to the approach of the ball.

Experiences at home are a valuable life experience

Admit it, you yourself were interested in watching what was happening, and even more so for the child. By doing amazing tricks with the simplest substances, you will teach your baby:

  • trust you;
  • see the amazing in everyday life;
  • it is fascinating to learn the laws of the world around;
  • develop diversified;
  • study with interest and desire.

We once again remind you that developing a child is easy and does not require a lot of money and time. See you soon!

Winter will begin soon, and with it the long-awaited time. In the meantime, we suggest you take your child to no less exciting experiences at home, because you want miracles not only for the New Year, but every day.

This article will focus on experiments that clearly demonstrate to children such physical phenomena as: atmospheric pressure, the properties of gases, the movement of air currents and from various objects.

These will cause surprise and delight in the baby, and even a four-year-old can repeat them under your supervision.

How to fill a bottle with water without hands?

We will need:

  • a bowl of cold and tinted water for clarity;
  • hot water;
  • Glass bottle.

Pour hot water into the bottle several times so that it warms up well. We turn the empty hot bottle upside down and lower it into a bowl of cold water. We observe how water from the bowl is drawn into the bottle and, contrary to the law of communicating vessels, the water level in the bottle is much higher than in the bowl.

Why is this happening? Initially, a well-heated bottle is filled with warm air. As the gas cools, it contracts to fill a smaller and smaller volume. Thus, a low-pressure medium is formed in the bottle, where water is directed to restore balance, because atmospheric pressure presses on the water from the outside. Colored water will flow into the bottle until the pressure inside and outside the glass vessel equalizes.

Dancing coin

For this experience we will need:

  • a glass bottle with a narrow neck that can be completely blocked by a coin;
  • coin;
  • water;
  • freezer.

We leave an empty open glass bottle in the freezer (or outside in winter) for 1 hour. We take out the bottle, moisten the coin with water and put it on the neck of the bottle. After a few seconds, the coin will begin to bounce on the neck and make characteristic clicks.

This behavior of the coin is explained by the ability of gases to expand when heated. Air is a mixture of gases, and when we took the bottle out of the refrigerator it was filled with cold air. At room temperature, the gas inside began to heat up and increase in volume, while the coin blocked its exit. Here the warm air began to push out the coin, and at one time it began to bounce on the bottle and click.

It is important that the coin is wet and fits snugly to the neck, otherwise the focus will not work and warm air will freely leave the bottle without tossing a coin.

Glass - non-spill

Invite the child to turn the glass filled with water so that the water does not spill out of it. Surely the baby will refuse such a scam or at the first attempt will pour water into the basin. Teach him the next trick. We will need:

  • a glass of water;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • basin / sink for safety net.

We cover the glass with water with cardboard, and holding the latter with our hand, we turn the glass over, after which we remove the hand. This experiment is best done over the basin / sink, because. if the glass is kept upside down for a long time, the cardboard will eventually get wet and water will spill. Paper instead of cardboard is better not to use for the same reason.

Discuss with your child: why does the cardboard prevent water from flowing out of the glass, because it is not glued to the glass, and why does the cardboard not immediately fall under the influence of gravity?

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

At the moment of getting wet, the cardboard molecules interact with water molecules, being attracted to each other. From this point on, water and cardboard interact as one. In addition, wet cardboard prevents air from entering the glass, which prevents the pressure inside the glass from changing.

At the same time, not only water from the glass presses on the cardboard, but also the air from the outside, which forms the force of atmospheric pressure. It is atmospheric pressure that presses the cardboard to the glass, forming a kind of lid, and prevents the water from pouring out.

Experience with a hair dryer and a strip of paper

We continue to surprise the child. We build a structure from books and attach a strip of paper to them from above (we did this with adhesive tape). The paper hangs from the books as shown in the photo. You choose the width and length of the strip, focusing on the power of the hair dryer (we took 4 by 25 cm).

Now turn on the hair dryer and direct the air stream parallel to the lying paper. Despite the fact that the air does not blow on the paper, but next to it, the strip rises from the table and develops as if in the wind.

Why does this happen and what makes the strip move? Initially, gravity acts on the strip and atmospheric pressure presses. The hair dryer creates a strong airflow along the paper. In this place, a zone of low pressure is formed in the direction of which the paper deviates.

Shall we blow out the candle?

We begin to teach the baby to blow even before a year old, preparing him for his first birthday. When the child has grown up and fully mastered this skill, offer him through the funnel. In the first case, positioning the funnel in such a way that its center corresponds to the level of the flame. And the second time, so that the flame is along the edge of the funnel.

Surely the child will be surprised that all his efforts in the first case will not give the proper result in the form of an extinguished candle. Moreover, in the second case, the effect will be instantaneous.

Why? When air enters the funnel, it is evenly distributed along its walls, so the maximum flow velocity is observed at the edge of the funnel. And in the center, the air speed is small, which does not allow the candle to go out.

Shadow from the candle and from the fire

We will need:

  • candle;
  • flashlight.

We light the battle and place it against a wall or other screen and illuminate it with a flashlight. A shadow from the candle itself will appear on the wall, but there will be no shadow from the fire. Ask the child why this happened?

The thing is that the fire itself is a source of light and transmits other light rays through itself. And since the shadow appears when the side illumination of an object that does not transmit rays of light, the fire cannot give a shadow. But not everything is so simple. Depending on the combustible substance, the fire can be filled with various impurities, soot, etc. In this case, you can see a blurry shadow, which is exactly what these inclusions give.

Did you like a selection of experiments to conduct at home? Share with your friends by clicking on the buttons of social networks so that other mothers will please their babies with interesting experiments!

Experiments at home are a great way to introduce children to the basics of physics and chemistry, and make it easier to understand complex abstract laws and terms through visual demonstration. Moreover, for their implementation it is not necessary to acquire expensive reagents or special equipment. After all, without hesitation, we conduct experiments every day at home - from adding slaked soda to the dough to connecting batteries to a flashlight. Read on to find out how easy, simple and safe it is to conduct interesting experiments.

Does the image of a professor with a glass flask and scorched eyebrows immediately appear in your head? Do not worry, our chemical experiments at home are completely safe, interesting and useful. Thanks to them, the child will easily remember what exo- and endothermic reactions are and what is the difference between them.

So, let's make hatching dinosaur eggs that can be successfully used as bath bombs.

For experience you need:

  • small dinosaur figurines;
  • baking soda;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon acid;
  • food coloring or liquid watercolors.
  1. Pour ½ cup baking soda into a small bowl and add about ¼ tsp. liquid paints (or dissolve 1-2 drops of food coloring in ¼ tsp of water), mix the baking soda with your fingers to get an even color.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  4. You should end up with a crumbly dough that barely sticks together when pressed. If it does not want to stick together at all, then slowly add ¼ tsp. butter until you reach the desired consistency.
  5. Now take a dinosaur figurine and cover it with dough in the shape of an egg. It will be very brittle at first, so it should be left overnight (minimum 10 hours) for it to harden.
  6. Then you can start a fun experiment: fill the bathroom with water and drop an egg into it. It will hiss furiously as it dissolves into the water. It will be cold when touched, as it is an endothermic reaction between an acid and a base, absorbing heat from the environment.

Please note that the bathroom may become slippery due to the addition of oil.

Experiments at home, the result of which can be felt and touched, are very popular with children. One of them is this fun project that ends up with lots of thick, fluffy colored foam.

To carry it out you will need:

  • goggles for a child;
  • dry active yeast;
  • warm water;
  • hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • dishwashing detergent or liquid soap (not antibacterial);
  • funnel;
  • plastic sequins (necessarily non-metallic);
  • food colorings;
  • bottle 0.5 l (it is best to take a bottle with a wide bottom, for greater stability, but a regular plastic one will do).

The experiment itself is extremely simple:

  1. 1 tsp dissolve dry yeast in 2 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. In a bottle placed in a sink or dish with high sides, pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide, a drop of dye, glitter and some dishwashing liquid (several pumps on the dispenser).
  3. Insert a funnel and pour in the yeast. The reaction will start immediately, so act quickly.

The yeast acts as a catalyst and speeds up the release of hydrogen from the peroxide, and when the gas interacts with the soap, it creates a huge amount of foam. This is an exothermic reaction, with the release of heat, so if you touch the bottle after the "eruption" stops, it will be warm. Since the hydrogen immediately escapes, it's just soap suds to play with.

Did you know that lemon can be used as a battery? True, very weak. Experiments at home with citrus fruits will demonstrate to children the operation of a battery and a closed electrical circuit.

For the experiment you will need:

  • lemons - 4 pcs.;
  • galvanized nails - 4 pcs.;
  • small pieces of copper (you can take coins) - 4 pcs.;
  • alligator clips with short wires (about 20 cm) - 5 pcs.;
  • small light bulb or flashlight - 1 pc.

Here's how to do the experience:

  1. Roll on a hard surface, then lightly squeeze the lemons to release the juice inside the skins.
  2. Insert one galvanized nail and one piece of copper into each lemon. Line them up.
  3. Connect one end of the wire to a galvanized nail and the other end to a piece of copper in another lemon. Repeat this step until all fruits are connected.
  4. When you are done, you should be left with one 1 nail and 1 piece of copper that are not connected to anything. Prepare your light bulb, determine the polarity of the battery.
  5. Connect the remaining piece of copper (plus) and nail (minus) to the plus and minus of the flashlight. Thus, a chain of connected lemons is a battery.
  6. Turn on a light bulb that will work on the energy of fruits!

To repeat such experiments at home, potatoes, especially green ones, are also suitable.

How it works? The citric acid in the lemon reacts with two different metals, causing the ions to move in the same direction, creating an electrical current. All chemical sources of electricity work on this principle.

It is not necessary to stay indoors to conduct experiments for children at home. Some experiments will work better outdoors, and you won't have to clean anything up after they're done. These include interesting experiments at home with air bubbles, and not simple ones, but huge ones.

To make them you will need:

  • 2 wooden sticks 50-100 cm long (depending on the age and height of the child);
  • 2 metal screw-in ears;
  • 1 metal washer;
  • 3 m cotton cord;
  • bucket with water;
  • any detergent - for dishes, shampoo, liquid soap.

Here's how to conduct spectacular experiments for children at home:

  1. Screw metal ears into the ends of the sticks.
  2. Cut the cotton cord into two parts, 1 and 2 m long. You can not exactly adhere to these measurements, but it is important that the proportion between them is 1 to 2.
  3. Put a washer on a long piece of rope so that it sags evenly in the center, and tie both ropes to the ears on the sticks, forming a loop.
  4. Mix in a bucket of water a large number of detergent.
  5. Gently dipping the loop on the sticks into the liquid, start blowing giant bubbles. To separate them from each other, carefully bring the ends of the two sticks together.

What is the scientific component of this experience? Explain to the children that bubbles are held together by surface tension, the attractive force that holds the molecules of any liquid together. Its action is manifested in the fact that spilled water collects in drops that tend to acquire a spherical shape, as the most compact of all that exists in nature, or that water, when poured, collects in cylindrical streams. At the bubble, a layer of liquid molecules is clamped on both sides by soap molecules, which increase its surface tension when distributed over the surface of the bubble, and prevent it from quickly evaporating. As long as the sticks are kept open, the water is held in the form of a cylinder; as soon as they are closed, it tends to a spherical shape.

Here are some experiments at home you can do with children.

7 easy experiments to show kids

There are very simple experiences that children remember for a lifetime. The guys may not fully understand why this is all happening, but when time passes and they find themselves in a lesson in physics or chemistry, a very clear example will surely pop up in their memory.

Bright Side collected 7 interesting experiments that children will remember. Everything you need for these experiments is at your fingertips.

It will take: 2 balls, candle, matches, water.

Experience: Inflate a balloon and hold it over a lighted candle to show the children that the balloon will burst from fire. Then pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie it up and bring it to the candle again. It turns out that with water the ball can easily withstand the flame of a candle.

Explanation: The water in the balloon absorbs the heat generated by the candle. Therefore, the ball itself will not burn and, therefore, will not burst.

You will need: plastic bag, pencils, water.

Experience: Pour water halfway into a plastic bag. We pierce the bag through with a pencil in the place where it is filled with water.

Explanation: If you pierce a plastic bag and then pour water into it, it will pour out through the holes. But if you first fill the bag halfway with water and then pierce it with a sharp object so that the object remains stuck in the bag, then almost no water will flow out through these holes. This is due to the fact that when polyethylene breaks, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our case, the polyethylene is pulled around the pencils.

You will need: balloon, wooden skewer and some dishwashing liquid.

Experience: Lubricate the top and bottom with the product and pierce the ball, starting from the bottom.

Explanation: The secret of this trick is simple. In order to save the ball, you need to pierce it at the points of least tension, and they are located at the bottom and at the top of the ball.

It will take: 4 cups of water, food coloring, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Experience: Add food coloring of any color to each glass and put one leaf or flower into the water. Leave them overnight. In the morning you will see that they have turned into different colors.

Explanation: Plants absorb water and thus nourish their flowers and leaves. This is due to the capillary effect, in which the water itself tends to fill the thin tubes inside the plants. This is how flowers, grass, and large trees feed. By sucking in tinted water, they change their color.

It will take: 2 eggs, 2 glasses of water, salt.

Experience: Gently place the egg in a glass of plain clean water. As expected, it will sink to the bottom (if not, the egg may be rotten and should not be returned to the refrigerator). Pour warm water into the second glass and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. For the purity of the experiment, you can wait until the water cools down. Then dip the second egg into the water. It will float near the surface.

Explanation: It's all about density. The average density of an egg is much greater than that of plain water, so the egg sinks down. And the density of the saline solution is higher, and therefore the egg rises.

It will take: 2 cups water, 5 cups sugar, wooden sticks for mini skewers, thick paper, transparent glasses, saucepan, food coloring.

Experience: In a quarter cup of water, boil sugar syrup with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Sprinkle some sugar on paper. Then you need to dip the stick in syrup and collect the sugar with it. Next, distribute them evenly on a stick.

Leave the sticks to dry overnight. In the morning, dissolve 5 cups of sugar in 2 cups of water on fire. You can leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but it should not cool down much, otherwise the crystals will not grow. Then pour it into jars and add different food colors. Lower the prepared sticks into a jar of syrup so that they do not touch the walls and bottom of the jar, a clothespin will help with this.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of sugar decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your stick with a seed of sugar grains.

Experience: Light a match and hold it at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the wall. Shine a flashlight on the match and you will see that only your hand and the match itself are reflected on the wall. It would seem obvious, but I never thought about it.

Explanation: Fire does not cast shadows, as it does not prevent light from passing through it.

Simple experiments

Do you love physics? Do you like to experiment? The world of physics is waiting for you!

What could be more interesting than experiments in physics? And of course, the simpler the better!

These exciting experiences will help you see the extraordinary phenomena of light and sound, electricity and magnetism. Everything you need for the experiments is easy to find at home, and the experiments themselves are simple and safe.

Eyes are burning, hands are itching!

Robert Wood is a genius for experimentation. look

- Up or down? Rotating chain. Salt Fingers. look

- Toy IO-IO. Salt pendulum. Paper dancers. Electric dance. look

- Ice Cream Mystery. Which water freezes faster? It's cold and the ice is melting! . look

- The snow creaks. What will happen to the icicles? Snow flowers. look

- Who quickly? Jet balloon. Air carousel. look

- Multi-colored balls. Sea dweller. Balancing egg. look

- Electric motor in 10 seconds. Gramophone. look

- Boil, cooling. look

— Faraday's experiment. Segner wheel. Nutcracker. look

Experiments with weightlessness. Weightless water. How to reduce your weight. look

- A jumping grasshopper. Jumping ring. Elastic coins. look

— A sunken thimble. Obedient ball. We measure friction. Funny monkey. Vortex rings. look

- Rolling and sliding. Friction of rest. Acrobat walks on a wheel. Brake in the egg. look

- Get a coin. Experiments with bricks. Wardrobe experience. Experience with matches. coin inertia. Hammer experience. Circus experience with a jar. Ball experience. look

- Experiments with checkers. Domino experience. Egg experience. Ball in a glass. Mysterious skating rink. look

— Experiments with coins. Water hammer. Outwit inertia. look

— Experience with boxes. Checkers experience. Coin experience. Catapult. Apple momentum. look

— Experiments with inertia of rotation. Ball experience. look

— Newton's first law. Newton's third law. Action and reaction. Law of conservation of momentum. The amount of movement. look

- Jet shower. Experiments with jet spinners: air spinner, jet balloon, ether spinner, Segner's wheel. look

- Balloon rocket. Multistage rocket. Impulse ship. Jet boat. look

- Centrifugal force. Easier on turns. Ring experience. look

- Gyroscopic toys. Clark's wolf. Greig's wolf. Flying top Lopatin. Gyro machine. look

— Gyroscopes and tops. Experiments with a gyroscope. Spinning Top Experience. Wheel experience. Coin experience. Riding a bike without hands. Boomerang experience. look

— Experiments with invisible axes. Experience with staples. Matchbox rotation. Slalom on paper. look

- Rotation changes shape. Cool or raw. Dancing egg. How to put a match. look

— When the water does not pour out. A little circus. Experience with a coin and a ball. When the water is poured out. Umbrella and separator. look

- Roly-ups. Mysterious matryoshka. look

- Center of gravity. Equilibrium. Center of gravity height and mechanical stability. Base area and balance. Obedient and naughty egg. look

- Human center of gravity. Fork balance. Funny swing. Diligent sawer. Sparrow on a branch. look

- Center of gravity. Pencil competition. Experience with unstable balance. Human balance. Stable pencil. Knife up. Cooking experience. Pot lid experience. look

— Plasticity of ice. A popped nut. Properties of a non-Newtonian fluid. Growing crystals. Properties of water and eggshell. look

— Expansion of a rigid body. Ground stoppers. Needle extension. Thermal scales. Separation of glasses. Rusty screw. Board to smithereens. Ball expansion. Coin expansion. look

— Expansion of gas and liquid. Air heating. Sounding coin. Water pipe and mushrooms. Water heating. Snow heating. Dry from water. The glass is creeping. look

— The Plato experience. Darling experience. Wetting and non-wetting. Floating razor. look

- Attraction of traffic jams. Adhesion to water. Miniature Plateau experience. Bubble. look

- Live fish. Experience with a paperclip. Experiments with detergents. Color streams. Rotating spiral. look

— Experience with a blotter. Experience with pipettes. Experience with matches. capillary pump. look

— Hydrogen soap bubbles. Scientific preparation. Bubble in a bank. Colored rings. Two in one. look

- Transformation of energy. Curved strip and ball. Tongs and sugar. Photoexposure meter and photoelectric effect. look

— Transfer of mechanical energy into thermal energy. Propeller experience. Bogatyr in a thimble. look

— Experience with an iron nail. Tree experience. Glass experience. Spoon experience. Coin experience. Thermal conductivity of porous bodies. Thermal conductivity of gas. look

- Which is colder. Heating without fire. Heat absorption. Radiation of heat. Evaporative cooling. Experience with an extinguished candle. Experiments with the outer part of the flame. look

— Transfer of energy by radiation. Experiments with solar energy. look

- Weight - heat regulator. Experience with stearin. Creating traction. Experience with weights. Spinner experience. Pinwheel on a pin. look

- Experiments with soap bubbles in the cold. Crystallization watch

— Frost on the thermometer. Evaporation on the iron. We regulate the boiling process. instant crystallization. growing crystals. We make ice. Ice cutting. Rain in the kitchen. look

— Water freezes water. Ice castings. We create a cloud. We make a cloud. We boil snow. Ice bait. How to get hot ice. look

- Growing crystals. Salt crystals. Golden crystals. Large and small. Peligo's experience. Experience is the focus. metal crystals. look

- Growing crystals. copper crystals. Fairy beads. Halite patterns. Home frost. look

- Paper bowl. Experience with dry ice. Sock experience. look

- Experiment on the Boyle-Mariotte law. Experiment on Charles' law. Let's check the Claiperon equation. Checking Gay-Lusac's law. Focus with a ball. Once again about the Boyle-Mariotte law. look

- Steam engine. Experience of Claude and Bouchereau. look

- Water turbine. Steam turbine. Wind turbine. Water wheel. Hydro turbine. Windmills toys. look

- Solid body pressure. Punching a coin with a needle. Ice cutting. look

— Fountains. The simplest fountain Three fountains. Fountain in a bottle. Fountain on the table. look

- Atmosphere pressure. Bottle experience. Egg in a decanter. Bank sticking. Glass experience. Canister experience. Experiments with a plunger. Bank flattening. Test tube experience. look

— A blotter vacuum pump. Air pressure. Instead of the Magdeburg hemispheres. Glass-diving bell. Carthusian diver. Punished curiosity. look

— Experiments with coins. Egg experience. Newspaper experience. School gum suction cup. How to empty a glass. look

— Experiments with glasses. The mysterious property of the radish. Bottle experience. look

— Naughty cork. What is pneumatics. Experience with a heated glass. How to raise a glass with the palm of your hand. look

- Cold boiling water. How much water weighs in a glass. Determine the volume of the lungs. Persistent funnel. How to pierce a balloon so that it does not burst. look

- Hygrometer. Hygroscope. Cone barometer. look

- Three balls. The simplest submarine. Experience with grapes. Does iron float? look

- Draft of the ship. Does the egg float? Cork in a bottle. Water candlestick. Sinking or floating. Especially for the drowning. Experience with matches. Amazing egg. Does the plate sink? The riddle of scales. look

- A float in a bottle. Obedient fish. A pipette in a bottle is a Carthusian diver. look

— Ocean level. Boat on the ground. Will the fish drown. Stick scales. look

— Law of Archimedes. Live toy fish. Bottle level. look

— Experience with a funnel. Water jet experience. Ball experience. Experience with weights. Rolling cylinders. stubborn leaves. look

- Folding sheet. Why doesn't he fall. Why does the candle go out. Why doesn't the candle go out? The blast of air is to blame. look

- Lever of the second kind. Polyspast. look

- Lever arm. Gate. Lever scales. look

- A pendulum and a bicycle. Pendulum and the globe. Fun duel. Unusual pendulum. look

- Torsional pendulum. Experiments with a swinging top. Rotating pendulum. look

- Experiment with the Foucault pendulum. Addition of vibrations. Experience with Lissajous figures. Pendulum resonance. Hippo and bird. look

- Fun swings. Vibrations and resonance. look

- Fluctuations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Seize the moment. look

— Physics of musical instruments. String. Magic bow. Ratchet. Drinking glasses. Bottlephone. From bottle to organ. look

- Doppler effect. sound lens. Chladni's experiments. look

- Sound waves. Sound propagation. look

- Sounding glass. Straw flute. String sound. Sound reflection. look

- Phone from a matchbox. Telephone station. look

- Singing combs. Spoon call. Drinking glass. look

- Singing water. Scary wire. look

- Hear the beating of the heart. Ear glasses. Shock wave or cracker. look

- Sing with me. Resonance. Sound through bone. look

— Tuning fork. Storm in a glass. Louder sound. look

- My strings. Change the pitch. Ding Ding. Crystal clear. look

- We make the ball squeak. Kazu. Drinking bottles. Choral singing. look

- Intercom. Gong. Crowing glass. look

- Blow out the sound. Stringed instrument. Little hole. Blues on the bagpipe. look

- Sounds of nature. Drinking straw. Maestro, march. look

- A speck of sound. What's in the bag. Surface sound. Disobedience Day. look

- Sound waves. Visible sound. Sound helps to see. look

- Electrification. Electric coward. Electricity repels. Soap bubble dance. Electricity on combs. The needle is a lightning rod. Electrification of the thread. look

- Bouncing balls. Interaction of charges. Sticky ball. look

— Experience with a neon light bulb. Flying bird. Flying butterfly. Revived world. look

- Electric spoon. Saint Elmo's fire. Water electrification. Flying cotton. Soap bubble electrization. Loaded frying pan. look

— Electrification of the flower. Experiments on the electrification of man. Lightning on the table. look

— Electroscope. Electric theater. Electric cat. Electricity attracts. look

— Electroscope. Bubble. Fruit Battery. Gravity fight. Battery of galvanic elements. Connect coils. look

- Turn the arrow. Balancing on the edge. Repulsive nuts. Light up the world. look

- Amazing tapes. Radio signal. static separator. Jumping grains. Static rain. look

- Wrap film. Magic figurines. Influence of air humidity. Living doorknob. Sparkling clothes. look

— Charging at a distance. Rolling ring. Crack and clicks. Magic wand. look

Everything can be recharged. positive charge. The attraction of bodies static adhesive. Charged plastic. Ghost leg. look

Electrification. Tape experiments. We call lightning. Saint Elmo's fire. Heat and current. Draws an electric current. look

- Vacuum cleaner from combs. Dancing cereal. Electric wind. Electric octopus. look

— Current sources. First battery. Thermoelement. Chemical current source. look

We make a battery. Grenet element. Dry current source. From an old battery. Improved item. Last peep. look

- Experiments-tricks with a Thomson coil. look

- How to make a magnet. Experiments with needles. Experience with iron filings. magnetic pictures. Cutting magnetic lines of force. The disappearance of magnetism. Sticky wolf. Iron wolf. Magnetic pendulum. look

— Magnetic brigantine. Magnetic angler. magnetic infection. Picky goose. Magnetic shooting range. Woodpecker. look

- Magnetic compass. poker magnetization. Magnetization with a feather poker. look

— Magnets. Curie point. Iron wolf. steel barrier. Perpetuum mobile of two magnets. look

- Make a magnet. Demagnetize the magnet. Where does the compass needle point? Magnet extension. Get rid of danger. look

- Interaction. In a world of opposites. Poles against the middle of a magnet. Chain game. Anti-gravity discs. look

- See the magnetic field. Draw a magnetic field. Magnetic metals. Shake 'em up Magnetic field barrier. Flying cup. look

- Light beam. How to see the light. Rotation of the light beam. Multicolored lights. Sugar light. look

- Absolutely black body. look

- Slide projector. Shadow physics. look

- Magic ball. Pinhole camera. Upside down. look

How does a lens work. Water magnifier. We turn on the heating. look

— The Mystery of the Dark Stripes. More light. Color on glass. look

- Copier. Mirror Magic. Appearance from nowhere. Experience-focus with a coin. look

— Reflection in a spoon. Wrapped curved mirror. Transparent mirror. look

- What angle. Remote control. Mirror room. look

- For jokes. reflected rays. Jumps of the world. Mirror letter. look

- Scratch the mirror. How others see you. Mirror to mirror. look

- Adding colors. Rotating white. Colored top. look

- The spread of light. Getting the spectrum. spectrum on the ceiling. look

— Arithmetic of colored rays. Focus with disk. Banham disc. look

- Mixing colors with the help of tops. Star experience. look

- Mirror. Reversed name. Multiple reflection. Mirror and TV. look

— Weightlessness in the mirror. We multiply. Direct mirror. False mirror. look

- Lenses. Cylindrical lens. Double layer lens. Divergent lens. Homemade spherical lens. When the lens stops working. look

- Droplet lens. Fire from an ice floe. Does a magnifying glass magnify? The image can be caught. In the footsteps of Leeuwenhoek. look

- The focal length of the lens. Mysterious test tube. Wayward arrow. look

— Experiments on the scattering of light. look

- Disappearing coin. Broken pencil. Living shadow. Experiments with light. look

— The shadow of the flame. The law of reflection of light. Mirror reflection. Reflection of parallel rays. Experiments on total internal reflection. The course of light rays in a light guide. Spoon experience. Light refraction. Refraction in a lens. look

— Interference. Slit experience. Experience with thin film. Diaphragm or turning of the needle. look

- Soap bubble interference. Interference in the lacquer film. Making rainbow paper look

- Obtaining the spectrum using an aquarium. Spectrum using a water prism. Anomalous dispersion. look

— Experience with a pin. Paper experience. Experiment on diffraction by a slit. Experiment on diffraction with a laser. look

Do you love physics? You love experiment? The world of physics is waiting for you!
What could be more interesting than experiments in physics? And of course, the simpler the better!
These exciting experiences will help you see extraordinary phenomena light and sound, electricity and magnetism Everything necessary for the experiments is easy to find at home, and the experiments themselves simple and safe.
Eyes are burning, hands are itching!
Go explorers!

Robert Wood - the genius of experiments..........
- Up or down? Rotating chain. Salt fingers.......... - Moon and diffraction. What color is the fog? Rings of Newton.......... - Top in front of the TV. Magic propeller. Ping-pong in the bath.......... - Spherical aquarium - lens. artificial mirage. Soap glasses .......... - Eternal salt fountain. Fountain in a test tube. Spinning spiral .......... - Condensation in the bank. Where is the water vapor? Water engine.......... - A popping egg. Inverted glass. Whirlwind in a cup. Heavy paper..........
- Toy IO-IO. Salt pendulum. Paper dancers. Electric dance..........
- Ice Cream Mystery. Which water freezes faster? It's cold and the ice is melting! .......... - Let's make a rainbow. A mirror that does not confuse. Microscope from a drop of water
- Snow creaks. What will happen to the icicles? Snow flowers.......... - Interaction of sinking objects. The ball is touchy ..........
- Who quickly? Jet balloon. Air carousel .......... - Bubbles from the funnel. Green hedgehog. Without opening the bottles.......... - Candle motor. A bump or a hole? Moving rocket. Diverging Rings..........
- Multi-colored balls. Sea dweller. Balancing Egg..........
- Electric motor in 10 seconds. Gramophone..........
- Boil, cooling .......... - Waltzing dolls. Flames on paper. Robinson Feather..........
- Faraday experience. Segner wheel. Nutcrackers .......... - Dancer in the mirror. Silver plated egg. Trick with matches .......... - Oersted's experience. Roller coaster. Don't drop it! ..........

Body weight. Weightlessness.
Experiments with weightlessness. Weightless water. How to reduce your weight..........

Elastic force
- A jumping grasshopper. Jumping ring. Elastic coins..........
- Crawler coil..........
- A sunken thimble. Obedient ball. We measure friction. Funny monkey. Vortex rings..........
- Rolling and sliding. Friction of rest. Acrobat walks on a wheel. Brake in the egg..........
Inertia and inertia
- Get the coin. Experiments with bricks. Wardrobe experience. Experience with matches. coin inertia. Hammer experience. Circus experience with a jar. The ball experience....
- Experiments with checkers. Domino experience. Egg experience. Ball in a glass. Mysterious skating rink..........
- Experiments with coins. Water hammer. Outwit inertia..........
- Experience with boxes. Checkers experience. Coin experience. Catapult. Apple momentum..........
- Experiments with inertia of rotation. The ball experience....

Mechanics. Laws of mechanics
- Newton's first law. Newton's third law. Action and reaction. Law of conservation of momentum. Number of movement..........

Jet propulsion
- Jet shower. Experiments with reactive pinwheels: air spinner, jet balloon, ethereal spinner, Segner's wheel ..........
- Balloon rocket. Multistage rocket. Impulse ship. Jet boat..........

Free fall
- Which is faster..........

Circular motion
- Centrifugal force. Easier on turns. Ring experience....

- Gyroscopic toys. Clark's wolf. Greig's wolf. Flying top Lopatin. Gyro machine ..........
- Gyroscopes and tops. Experiments with a gyroscope. Spinning Top Experience. Wheel experience. Coin experience. Riding a bike without hands. Boomerang Experience..........
- Experiments with invisible axes. Experience with staples. Matchbox rotation. Slalom on paper..........
- Rotation changes shape. Cool or raw. Dancing egg. How to strike a match..........
- When the water does not pour out. A little circus. Experience with a coin and a ball. When the water is poured out. Umbrella and separator..........

Statics. Equilibrium. Center of gravity
- Roly-ups. Mysterious matryoshka..........
- Center of gravity. Equilibrium. Center of gravity height and mechanical stability. Base area and balance. Obedient and naughty egg..........
- Human center of gravity. Fork balance. Funny swing. Diligent sawer. Sparrow on a branch..........
- Center of gravity. Pencil competition. Experience with unstable balance. Human balance. Stable pencil. Knife up. Cooking experience. Experience with a saucepan lid ..........

The structure of matter
- Fluid model. What gases does air consist of? The highest density of water. Density tower. Four floors..........
- Plasticity of ice. A popped nut. Properties of a non-Newtonian fluid. Growing crystals. Properties of water and egg shells..........

thermal expansion
- Expansion of a rigid body. Ground stoppers. Needle extension. Thermal scales. Separation of glasses. Rusty screw. Board to smithereens. Ball expansion. Coin Expansion..........
- Expansion of gas and liquid. Air heating. Sounding coin. Water pipe and mushrooms. Water heating. Snow heating. Dry from water. The glass is creeping..........

Surface tension of a liquid. wetting
- Plateau experience. Darling experience. Wetting and non-wetting. Floating razor..........
- Attraction of traffic jams. Adhesion to water. Miniature Plateau experience. Bubble..........
- Live fish. Experience with a paperclip. Experiments with detergents. Color streams. Rotating spiral ..........

Capillary phenomena
- Experience with a blooper. Experience with pipettes. Experience with matches. Capillary pump..........

- Hydrogen soap bubbles. Scientific preparation. Bubble in a bank. Colored rings. Two in one..........

- Transformation of energy. Curved strip and ball. Tongs and sugar. Photoexposure meter and photoelectric effect ..........
- Transfer of mechanical energy into heat. Propeller experience. Bogatyr in a thimble..........

Thermal conductivity
- Experience with an iron nail. Tree experience. Glass experience. Spoon experience. Coin experience. Thermal conductivity of porous bodies. Thermal conductivity of gas ..........

- Which is colder. Heating without fire. Heat absorption. Radiation of heat. Evaporative cooling. Experience with an extinguished candle. Experiments with the outer part of the flame ..........

Radiation. Energy transfer
- Transfer of energy by radiation. Experiments with solar energy

- Weight - heat controller. Experience with stearin. Creating traction. Experience with weights. Spinner experience. Spinner on a pin..........

aggregate states.
- Experiments with soap bubbles in the cold. Crystallization
- Frost on the thermometer. Evaporation on the iron. We regulate the boiling process. instant crystallization. growing crystals. We make ice. Ice cutting. Rain in the kitchen....
- Water freezes water. Ice castings. We create a cloud. We make a cloud. We boil snow. Ice bait. How to get hot ice..........
- Growing crystals. Salt crystals. Golden crystals. Large and small. Peligo's experience. Experience is the focus. Metallic crystals..........
- Growing crystals. copper crystals. Fairy beads. Halite patterns. Home hoarfrost..........
- Paper bowl. Experience with dry ice. Experience with socks

Gas laws
- Experience on the Boyle-Mariotte law. Experiment on Charles' law. Let's check the Claiperon equation. Checking Gay-Lusac's law. Focus with a ball. Once again about the Boyle-Mariotte law ..........

- Steam engine. Experience of Claude and Bouchereau..........
- Water turbine. Steam turbine. Wind turbine. Water wheel. Hydro turbine. Windmills-toys..........

- Solid body pressure. Punching a coin with a needle. Ice cutting..........
- Siphon - Tantalum vase..........
- Fountains. The simplest fountain Three fountains. Fountain in a bottle. Fountain on the table..........
- Atmosphere pressure. Bottle experience. Egg in a decanter. Bank sticking. Glass experience. Canister experience. Experiments with a plunger. Bank flattening. Experience with test tubes..........
- A blotter vacuum pump. Air pressure. Instead of the Magdeburg hemispheres. Glass-diving bell. Carthusian diver. Punished curiosity..........
- Experiments with coins. Egg experience. Newspaper experience. School gum suction cup. How to empty a glass..........
- Pumps. Spray..........
- Experiments with glasses. The mysterious property of the radish. Bottle experience..........
- Naughty cork. What is pneumatics. Experience with a heated glass. How to raise a glass with the palm of your hand..........
- Cold boiling water. How much water weighs in a glass. Determine the volume of the lungs. Persistent funnel. How to pierce a balloon so that it does not burst ..........
- Hygrometer. Hygroscope. Cone barometer .......... - Barometer. Do-It-Yourself Aneroid Barometer. Ball barometer. The simplest barometer .......... - Light bulb barometer .......... - Air barometer. water barometer. Hygrometer..........

Communicating vessels
- Experience with the picture..........

Law of Archimedes. Pulling force. Swimming bodies
- Three balls. The simplest submarine. Experience with grapes. Does iron float?
- Draft of the ship. Does the egg float? Cork in a bottle. Water candlestick. Sinking or floating. Especially for the drowning. Experience with matches. Amazing egg. Does the plate sink? The riddle of scales ..........
- A float in a bottle. Obedient fish. Pipette in a bottle - Cartesian diver..........
- Ocean level. Boat on the ground. Will the fish drown. Scales from a stick ..........
- Law of Archimedes. Live toy fish. Bottle level..........

Bernoulli's law
- Funnel experience. Water jet experience. Ball experience. Experience with weights. Rolling cylinders. stubborn sheets..........
- Bending sheet. Why doesn't he fall. Why does the candle go out. Why doesn't the candle go out? Blame the air flow..........

simple mechanisms
- Block. Polyspast ..........
- Lever of the second kind. Polyspast ..........
- Lever arm. Gate. Lever scales..........

- Pendulum and bicycle. Pendulum and the globe. Fun duel. Unusual pendulum ..........
- Torsional pendulum. Experiments with a swinging top. Rotating pendulum..........
- Experience with the Foucault pendulum. Addition of vibrations. Experience with Lissajous figures. Pendulum resonance. Hippo and bird..........
- Funny swing. Vibrations and Resonance ..........
- Fluctuations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Seize the moment..........

- Gramophone - do it yourself ..........
- Physics of musical instruments. String. Magic bow. Ratchet. Drinking glasses. Bottlephone. From the bottle to the organ..........
- Doppler effect. sound lens. Chladni's experiments ..........
- Sound waves. Spreading sound..........
- Sounding glass. Straw flute. String sound. Reflection of sound..........
- Phone from a matchbox. Telephone exchange ..........
- Singing combs. Spoon call. Drinking glass..........
- Singing water. Scary wire..........
- Audio oscilloscope..........
- Ancient sound recording. Cosmic voices....
- Hear the beat of the heart. Ear glasses. Shock wave or clapperboard ..........
- Sing with me. Resonance. Sound through the bone..........
- Tuning fork. Storm in a glass. Louder sound..........
- My strings. Change the pitch. Ding Ding. Crystal clear..........
- We make the ball squeak. Kazu. Drinking bottles. Choral singing..........
- Intercom. Gong. Crow's glass..........
- Blow out the sound. Stringed instrument. Little hole. Blues on the bagpipe..........
- Sounds of nature. Drinking straw. Maestro, march..........
- A speck of sound. What's in the bag. Surface sound. Disobedience Day..........
- Sound waves. Visible sound. Sound helps to see ..........

- Electrification. Electric coward. Electricity repels. Soap bubble dance. Electricity on combs. Needle - lightning rod. Electrification of the thread ..........
- Bouncing balls. Interaction of charges. Sticky ball..........
- Experience with a neon light bulb. Flying bird. Flying butterfly. Living world..........
- Electric spoon. Saint Elmo's fire. Water electrification. Flying cotton. Soap bubble electrization. Loaded frying pan..........
- Electrification of the flower. Experiments on the electrification of man. Lightning on the table..........
- Electroscope. Electric theater. Electric cat. Electricity attracts...
- Electroscope. Bubble. Fruit Battery. Gravity fight. Battery of galvanic elements. Connect the coils..........
- Turn the arrow. Balancing on the edge. Repulsive nuts. Turn on the light..........
- Amazing tapes. Radio signal. static separator. Jumping grains. Static rain..........
- Wrap film. Magic figurines. Influence of air humidity. Living doorknob. Sparkling clothes..........
- Charging at a distance. Rolling ring. Crack and clicks. Magic wand..........
- Everything can be charged. positive charge. The attraction of bodies static adhesive. Charged plastic. Ghost leg..........
