"I've been trying to quit prostitution for a long time." The history of the "shoulder" from the highway Grodno - Baranovichi

The car skidded on the turn so that it screeched its brakes terribly, with a squeal and a roar flew into a ditch, almost overturning.
- Here, bitch, almost caused an accident because of her! - the driver of a foreign car shouted in fright and surprise, clutching the steering wheel with whitened fingers.
- Yes, you do not drive jitters, calm down. Everything is fine, they are alive, and the car is intact, why are you freaking out? - I said from the back seat, hitting my shoulder hard on the ledge.
- Not x ... I give you! Nothing! Because of which? Because of some slut! Shurka, the driver of the car, fumed.
- Yes, what's the matter, explain plainly - I did not understand. - What kind of slut, what are you? Shurik didn’t fit into the turn, and are you looking for the culprit?
- What turn. She, bitch, rushed right under the wheels ...
- Where is she?
- I know. Maybe it's in the bushes.
Shurka and I jumped out of the car. God forbid they really shot down ...
- And here she is! - Shurik yelled and with a swing hit some girl in the face, barely standing on her feet, a little behind the car.
The girl collapsed to the ground.
- What are you, Sasha, stop it! What are you fighting? I shouted, quickly running up to Shurik. - Still, God forbid, with anger you will start kicking with your feet. I can't stand it when women are beaten, whether they are right or wrong, I don't care. "You can't beat them" was my rule. Shurik really intended to continue the execution, jumping up to the woman who had fallen face down. I barely had time to grab his hand.
- Stop, I say, but not that! - and I showed my fist. - Between the eyes I will light up so much that it will be very painful!
Shurik retreated.
- That's because, bastard, almost sent to the next world, but is touched, as if nothing had happened!
- Okay, now we'll figure it out.
I walked up to the woman and touched her shoulder.
- Get up, no one will touch you, I promise.
The woman continued to lie. Only a rare twitch of her shoulders indicated that she was crying or laughing. Maybe some kind of psychic, or a drug addict, now a lot of all sorts of divorced ...
- Get up, get up, - I already grabbed the edge of a long cloak and began to lift the woman. Don't be afraid, Shurik won't touch you anymore. Really, Shurik? he asked the driver, who had stepped away gradually.
- Yes, well, her ... - Shurik cursed dirty again.
- You heard it? All, I'm sorry, let's get up.
The woman finally began to calm down and raised her head. And then I froze. In front of me was a girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old, quite a teenager, with still plump lips and a red trickle of blood on the edge of her mouth. But the childish gray eyes looked so sad and angry that I felt uneasy.
- Shurik, it's a girl!
- Girl! I know these girls. **** roadside, not a girl. Shoulder, no doubt.
- Didn't understand who? I asked.
- Shoulder. Wow! Prostitutes are so called that they trade with truckers. After fucking, they fall asleep on their shoulders, and they go all the way - they drove and the girl on their shoulders. Scream!
Shurik came closer, looked at the girl and blinked wildly.
- You, you, you ... - Shurka gasped from the spoken words. - Yes, this is Katyukha, - Shurik babbled, still not believing his own eyes.
- Do you know her? - even more Shurik, I was surprised.
Shurik fell silent, not knowing what to answer. He was silent for a minute, then shouted angrily:
- Katyukha, my cousin, Yura's uncles, daughter.
- What uncle Yura? I didn't understand.
- Yes, the son of grandfather Stepan. Uncle Yura is in prison now, and this is his daughter.
I silently looked at the girl. “But she’s beautiful, and somehow looks like Stepan’s grandfather,” I noted to myself.
“How did you get here,” Shurik yelled again, coming to his senses. What are you doing here on the track? I almost hit you! Why did you throw yourself under the wheels, you fool?
Katya was silent. She wiped her face with a handkerchief, stood up, shook off her long and dirty cloak, found a mirror, and began to preen herself, as if nothing of the kind had happened.
- Will you answer me, or do you want to get hit in the face again? Shurik shouted again, running up to the girl from behind.
I managed to intercept the hand brought by Shurik.
- Everything, Shurik, everything, that's it. Don't you dare, you understand? Go ahead, start the car, we'll leave now.
Shurka went to the car, walked around and sat behind the wheel, began to start.
Katyusha put herself in order, and even summed up her plump lips with bright red lipstick.
I chuckled to myself as I watched this teenage woman. The profession leaves its mark - the face must be attractive. This is the first commandment of any prostitute, the rest is secondary. “Well, the mind is in last place,” the priestesses of love themselves like to joke.
It seemed to me completely unnatural that this very young girl became a professional venal love. “Looks like the second Sonechka Marmeladova,” - for some reason this comparison came to mind. “Lord, Russia, you, Russia! Why don’t you take care of your daughters, sending them on the high road to trade themselves? But my thoughts were interrupted by Shurik:
- Come on, help me, I can't go to the track alone.
I approached and, making an effort, helped the car to drive onto the asphalt.
- Here, order. Well, are you with us or will you stay to work? Shurik shouted to Katyukha, who was standing on the sidelines and watching our fuss.
“No, I want to go home,” she said softly, barely audible.
“She wants to go home…” Shurik muttered. - Come on, sit down, I'll take you to Aunt Natasha. Let her walk away on your ass with a broom so that she doesn’t hang out with anyone. Go, sit down, - Shurik commanded.
Katyusha obediently approached the car:
- Where does he sit down?
- In the front seat, where your girlfriends always sit, - Shurik quipped.
Katyusha, without saying a word, got into the front seat. I, with my heavy and overweight figure, climbed back into the back seat.
“Well, touch it, Shurik, just keep your eyes peeled, otherwise you’ll run into some one again,” I was joking.
- Ugh, ugh, to hell, - Shurik spat over his left shoulder and crossed himself. - Save and save, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. It was he who saved me today, - Shurik said, pointing to the icon attached to the dashboard next to the steering wheel.
“Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” I answered more by inertia than with meaning, solving a difficult task in my mind at that time: how to help the granddaughter, the deceased grandfather Stepan?
- Listen, Katerina, tell us how you got to such a life? I decided to take the bull by the horns.
It is known that girls of easy virtue easily split when under anesthesia with booze or smoking dope. Katerina did not smell of alcohol, which means the second. Inadequate behavior on the track just does not occur. And I was not mistaken.
- And what to tell something? Everything is like everyone else. My father was imprisoned when I was six years old, I never saw him again. Mom began to drink, she began to beat me and two brothers. Those younger ones, so there are fewer of them, she took out all the evil on me, and beat me with anything. Here, there is a mark on the head for life, - and Katyusha, lifting her hair, showed a deep scar on her left temple. - Mommy hit her chair so hard that they pumped me out in the hospital. She was imprisoned for three years, and we were assigned to an orphanage. It would be better if Grandfather and Grandmother Klava were taken, but they weren’t given to them – they were old. The brothers were taken to one orphanage, and I was taken to another, there were no places in that one. And there the orders are such that they either steal or become bandits ... Guys who go where, many are on the run, but I have nowhere to go. She endured as long as she could. And then, our supply manager, Sidorych, assigned all the older girls to engage in prostitution. The boarding house stood on the outskirts of the city, the peasants, especially the elderly and chocks, fell in a shaft. They fucked the girls, and gave the money to Sidorych. When I was ten, Sidorych called me to his office, pulled up my skirt and left ... right on the couch. She says - that's it, the girl has matured, go to work ... She cried, asked Sidorych not to send me to the peasants. And he - no, they say, how will you work. “What will I give you to drink, feed you?” She went and complained to the headmistress Nelli Rakhmanovna, she said: “This cannot be. Sidor Terentyevich is a modest person, you slander him. And put it out the door. What was left for me? She began to spread her legs like everyone else. All night, sometimes without a break. Especially after pay, they will fly like flies on honey ... Ugh! Katerina spat savoryly at her feet. - Listen, give me a smoke!
Shurik, stunned by his sister's story, was silent, not knowing what to say, and whether to believe Katerina. I also sat. Anger streaked across my face. I wanted to go immediately and punch that son of a bitch, Sidorych, in the face so that he would wash himself with his own blood. I took out a cigarette and handed it to Katerina. She flicked on the lighter, lit a cigarette, took a few deep puffs, and began blowing smoke rings. After enjoying her cigarette, she continued:
- I ran away, wandered around the stations, stole ... Sometimes, if I was lucky, the traders from the stalls gave me some work - tomatoes or something else to sort out. You earn a hundred rubles - you feel happy! I'll buy a bun with marmalade, tea with sugar, and still have some left over for ice cream... Kaif! The men pestered, but not like in a boarding school, there is chaos. And here it is: I want ladies, I want no. Rarely has anyone been raped. But the cops got it. One Armenian man, who kept me in a stall, hid me from them twice. Then he says: “That's it, go away, what do you care? You are a minor. And they can get me." I left. And where to? I got on the track to go to my grandfather and grandmother. Basement nationalists on a foreign car. "Let's go, beauty, ride?" Let's go, they took me to the south, they raped me with a whole gang, I almost died. She ran away, ended up in Rostov, where she turned over the winter, and moved home. I found out that grandfather Stepan had died, and grandmother Klava, moreover, went nuts on this basis. I went to my mother Natasha. She was already out of prison, she took up her own again, drinking and walking. Gone old, like a witch has become, no teeth, but give me booze and grub. But I feel sorry for her, mother all the same ... - the girl, having smoked her cigarette, nervously crumpled the cigarette butt in her fingers. - So I went back to the track. I earn money, this is what my mother and I live on.
- What happened today? I asked as calmly as possible.
- What about today? The same as yesterday and the day before yesterday. She came to St. Petersburg, worked successfully, took more than three thousand. On the way back, a black man dropped by in a jeep and offered five pieces. Well, I guess I'll take the risk. Five thousand is a lot of money, I’ll rest at home for a week or two. Agreed. And he, a freak, gave cigarettes with dope. I worked and became prettier so that I did not understand where and what. He threw me out here, at the fork, without paying ... And here you are. I wanted to stop the car, so I stepped onto the asphalt. I felt that it was not necessary, but not to stop, my legs carried themselves. The head is plague, a push, I fly into the bushes, the car into the pit, Shurka comes out and slaps me in the face ... That's all.
- N-yes ... - not knowing what to say, I mumbled.
Finally, Shurik came to his senses:
- Tomorrow I'm going to your boarding school, I'll file a lawsuit against all this bastard. Let them judge. Just don't drift when called. You need witnesses, you understand?
Katyusha smiled.
- You're not the first. Everything was bought from them there, and the cops, and the courts, and the authorities ...
- And we'll see about that, - Shurik did not let up. “Really, Sergeich?”
- That's for sure, Shurik, we will still fight for the guys ...
- It's you, Katyukha, don't go to Aunt Natasha yet. Live with us, - continued Shurik. - There will be enough space in the hut, you will help your mother around the house.
Katerina again silently smiled and nodded her head: she habitually did not object, but she knew that she would not go to Shurka's mother, Aunt Nastya. She guessed what the relative was doing, and more than once shamed her. Yes, I feel sorry for the mother. Who will need her, dear blood? Lost without her. No, she won't, for sure.
I guessed what Katerina was smiling at, and silently listened to Shurik's heated speeches, thinking about how to really help the girl.
We arrived in Fedulovo in the late afternoon. We stopped near Shurik's house:
- Will I take you, Sergeich?
- No, I'll go myself. Thank you, Sasha, - I held out my hand to him. - Helped out while my horse was repaired.
- And where are you going? Shurik shouted, seeing that Katyusha quickly walked away from us.
She waved her hand, saying that everything will be fine, and her thin childish figure in a ridiculous long cloak disappeared into the evening air.
- Here, fool! Shura scolded. - Okay, I'll go to Aunt Natasha, I'll figure it out, - he promised me goodbye.
I tried to arrange the fate of Katyusha. I found a job for her in the city, rented a small apartment, began to seek the restoration of her rights, going through the authorities every day. One fine day, Katyusha called me on my mobile phone.
- Uncle Kolya, thank you for everything, but I don’t want to be a burden, and I don’t believe in justice. Farewell ... - and turned off the phone.
A year and a half later, at the entrance to Moscow, in Khimki, a pretty, well-dressed girl in a short skirt, black glasses, with brightly painted full lips stopped the car.
- Do you want to give the girl a ride, uncle?
The voice sounded very familiar to me.
- Katerina, you?
The girl jumped away from the door.
- Uncle Kolya!..
- Listen, Katerina, I was looking for you. Why did you leave? I started. - Sit down, everything will be fine now, I promise you ...
But the girl shook her head.
- Sorry, you misunderstood. I'm not Katerina, I'm Dina. Sorry, - she slammed the car door and walked away ...
I did not know what to do, jumped out, caught up with her.
- Listen, take some money. Here, here I have ten thousand cash, no more. ..Let's go home, Katerina, wife, son remember and wait for you. I speak true!
I began to thrust money into the girl's hand, but she waved it away and, crying, rushed to run.
And for a long time a dark red jeep with flashing lights on stood on the side of the road, and a handsome man walked and smoked nearby, waving his arms, as if talking to himself. An avalanche of cars with indifferent people rushed past, occasionally honking when a man ran out onto the asphalt, not knowing why ...

Next, you will find a story about the life and work of road prostitutes working on the M1 highway. One of the priestesses of love spoke about all the intricacies of her profession, about what made her do it, and, of course, about her earnings.

On one of the “long” weekends in May, roadside girls chose the M1 highway, popularly referred to as the “Olympic”. This transit highway - part of the European route E30, passes through Belarus from Poland to Russia. In addition to Belarusians, foreigners drive here: truckers, business people, tourists. And no matter which way you go from the capital along the M1, women are standing near gas stations and cafes.

40 kilometers from the capital, on both sides of the road, near two roadside cafes with large parking lots, truckers “defend”. We were ready to wait for the evening, assuming that girls offer intimate pleasures to clients under the cover of darkness, but ...

What are you, they work here in the morning, without weekends, checkpoints! - laughed the Russian driver of the heavy truck, with whom we managed to talk. - Look, there is a girl on the other side of the road.

Women standing on the sidelines waiting for customers are frankly bored, so they agree to tell about themselves - only so that their faces are not shown, "so that children and acquaintances do not know what we are doing."

I'm a drunkard, so I'm standing here, - the tipsy blonde Nadia declares, crunching chips. With these words, the woman waved her hand, turned around and walked towards the parking lot. We learn from her friend that Nadya not only loves to drink, but also indulges in drugs, “and owes money to everyone in the world,” so she agrees to everything that the client offers her.

What else is left? I am from a small town, there is no work, and if there is, then the salary is small, but I need to support myself and the children. I have two of them - 14 and 17 years old. Alimony for two from the former - one and a half million. Moreover, you have to pay for a rented apartment, - a woman who called herself Maya confesses. - I am 39 years old, I have a higher education, I have held positions for many years, but I had to come here. If I had been told earlier that I would be prostituting… Aw.

According to Maya, she was scared to go out on the track for the first time. But, she says, she was lucky: the first two clients were adequate men who paid 700 thousand rubles for an hour of work, then the work went well.

Now I go out when I need to. I take breaks to rest whenever I feel like it. Sometimes I take a vacation. I don’t go to foreign lands to rest, I prefer Odessa.

For a road prostitute, Maya looks good: with a manicure and pedicure, a neat haircut, silver jewelry on her neck and arms. Only clothes hint at a profession: a T-shirt with a deep neckline, short shorts and shoes with a flirty bow, high heels.

Some look worse, some look better. Everything depends on the woman. Those who have been working for a long time take less care of themselves. I also take care of myself, and the diet, nutrition, because I have an incentive and a desire to work. My clients are quite wealthy people, so my appearance should be appropriate. Someone who wants to, brings spare clothes and several pairs of shoes with him - often the legs get tired, you can change shoes, so that the heel is lower.

Maya says that among the clients there are most of all “long-distance fighters”: Belarusians, Poles, Russians, Lithuanians, and come across in cars. And customers have different cars - from ancient Volkswagen Passats to new polished BMWs.

Service - in the cab or inside the car. With a trucker - in the parking lot, in a passenger car we drive off into the forest. If the car is “rich”, this does not mean that you will take more money from the client - on the contrary, they are clamping down, demanding a discount. Very greedy Russians and Poles, someone even asks for change. And somehow I drove off with one to the forest, everything ended quickly for him, so he tells me: “Well, wow, you earn money - in just 2 minutes, one and a half thousand [Russian] rubles!”.

From the fact that guests from Russia came to the country for the May holidays, the girls, they say, are neither hot nor cold: there is no profit.

What's the use of them - out, rushing past, - Maya waved after the cars with Russian numbers. - There are good truckers, but now it has become difficult for them to work - strictly for every euro they have to report according to the documents. I know, because many drivers pour out their souls to us, especially older people. They complain that it is hard for them to work, they pour out all their negativity on us. Have to listen.

However, despite the financial difficulties of clients, the woman is convinced that prostitution will always exist: "As long as there are men, this work will continue."

You know, this money is very easy, - Maya quickly switched to “you”. - Well, morally, maybe a little hard, but then you get used to it. It's very hard to get out of here. First, the clientele is developed. If you have served well, they ask for a phone number, and then they call, come, pay good money. Get used to big money. But as they come, so quickly they leave.

Maya does not undertake to single out any one type or age category of men who use the services of girls.

Men are different, from 20 to 50 years. Of course, there are older ones, but this is rare. There are clients with interesting deviations or special desires. In general, you can earn a lot if you really work for days. I'll tell you that I usually get 20 million a month. They pay in Russian rubles, and in dollars, and in euros, but you don’t need hryvnias, - the woman laughs. - Now there is enough earnings, and if I worked at the factory, then there would be money - only to rent an apartment and pay utilities, for everything else there would be a million and a half. It's impossible to live on that kind of money. But I don’t call anyone to the track: such work is out of desperation.

The cost of services of all road prostitutes is approximately the same: for oral sex - from 15 to 20 dollars, traditional - from 25 to 50 dollars.

Of course, the prices are very flexible, and we can make a discount. For example, if the client immediately wants the complex. Someone prefers anal sex - about the same cost as for regular sex, although, looking at a specific person, I can throw a little.

While we are talking, cars periodically slow down nearby - drivers are interested in the cost of services. Maya bends down so that the man can look into the deep neckline, and voices the prices: "350 thousand - yelled, 500 - sex."

Why so expensive? Come on 200! - the driver is traded. Maya disagrees and the car drives off.

I will not work for 200 thousand. Maybe when there is no money, and I will agree, but now I am not broke.

Maya assures that during sex, even oral, she always uses a condom.

Here, I carry a condom with me, a lubricant for anal sex, - a woman demonstrates the contents of a small handbag. - There are clients who do not want a condom, but I do not mess with them. I also try not to get into the car if there are more than two people, you never know what.

From the side of the parking lot, a trucker client is heading towards the woman. Two minutes of negotiations - and Maya disappears for an hour in the cab of a tractor with Russian numbers. His colleague, expelled from the car for a while, is trampling near the truck.

Do not look at me, I do not use the services, - the man was embarrassed. - And that colleagues of girls remove - I do not condemn. A man has such a warehouse - nature demands its own. But women need to earn money. Girls work everywhere - both in Russia and in Europe. And although they are from different countries, they do not differ from each other in appearance, even ours are prettier and more cultured somewhere.

At this time, new girls appeared on the side of the road. One looks bright: long hair with a reddish tinge, a black low-cut dress and ballet shoes.

It is easier to stand in such shoes than in heels. Legs get tired. I have been here for a long time, the first time I went to the track when I was 22 years old. And now - 36, but I look younger, - the woman smiles with dark spoiled teeth. - I am divorced from my husband, mother-heroine - six children. The eldest is 14 years old, the youngest will be three. I receive 2,400,000 for a small allowance. Is this money? I need at least 400 thousand a day. In general, I have my own house, they gave it as a large house. Repairs did, too, money was needed very much. I have no relatives, my mother was deprived of parental rights, and then she died.

The woman says that it is difficult to work on the road: “The police are constantly raiding the roads, even pulling them out of cars in the forest.”

Drivers actively react to the bright appearance of a prostitute, so in ten minutes she leaves with another client.

I’ll go home, I’ve worked, I’ve already called a taxi, ”says her friend. - Well, yes, we always take a taxi to the track and back. In one direction, 160 thousand taxi drivers take. Actually, I've been working here for a long time. Many have been here for several years. After all, some have loans, children. What are we, window sills to gnaw? Why do men come to us, it is known: wives are lazy, their head hurts. One of my clients once said: "My wife's eyebrows did not hurt for a month."

After a while, Maya appears on the road with lipstick smeared on her face.

Everything worked out, - the woman says, chewing gum and at the same time picking her teeth with a toothpick. - Hard work, sometimes thankless. Sometimes you get so much work in a day ... No matter how good a condom is, there is still friction. You work with several clients - everything hurts.

Some motorists passing by us honked and waved their hands. Maya smiles back and blows kisses.

When there are no women in the car, the men greet us. And if women are driving, they are ready to turn their heads out of cars, looking at us - as if we were some kind of special. And you look (this is already for us) - if a Volkswagen Touareg appears, we will run away with you. The morality police ride it. And you stand with me, so you will be noticed too. Although you do not look like a prostitute and your mood is not like that - people from afar feel, you see: no matter how much we stand, no one stops. You can't work with this approach.

Already evening. Maya takes a long Velcro flicker from her small bag and hooks it onto this very bag.

Have you heard a joke that Belarusian prostitutes can be distinguished from others by the obligatory flicker? Wow, no joke. And then it will get dark now, and I won’t be seen, and the traffic police can fine me. Now I’ll work it out and go home, only Nadya will be left here drunk, and they will take her ...

I met Ksyusha at night near Ryazan, on the Moscow highway. I sat in a roadside cafe, drank tea, talked with an elderly saleswoman, yearned. It was necessary to lay out a boring tent and sleep in a terrible cold. It's windy and damp outside.

She went in, took off her scanty patent-leather jacket and folded in half from coughing. I repaid the debt to the saleswoman, showed her a plastic tablecloth, which I had just received as a gift from a trucker. They twisted this nonsense in their hands and adapted to cover the buns so that they would not become stale.

- In men, ah! Instead of diamonds, they give plastic tablecloths,” the saleswoman says jokingly and looks askance at me.

“Fuck my diamonds, I’m like a diamond myself.” Aunt Tamara, pour some tea.

She took her personal, huge mug, sat down at the table and began to look for cigarettes. I handed her the pack.

“And this is a journalist,” Aunt Tamara says proudly. — Travels from Kyiv.

Journalist you say? - Ksyusha looks askance at me, - Journalist ... I would tell you so many stories, journalist ...

- Well, tell me, - I moved to her table. — I have plenty of time.

She is thirty-five, she is a prostitute. Her services cost 300, 400 or 500 rubles, depending on the complexity. She herself comes from Kazakhstan, although she does not remember her native places. Half Ukrainian, half Kazakh - this is what she knows about her parents. She grew up in an orphanage. She received her first term for stealing a moped, she was in a children's colony.

Does not thump and does not prick. Proudly shows clean veins. She herself was completely preserved, the figure is, only thin, the cheekbones are cut on the face.

- I lost weight after giving birth. She gave birth to a boy this spring. I didn’t survive… Being pregnant, I stood on the track to the last, all winter. Maybe that's why...

The last term - ten years - Ksyusha served for murder. She literally quartered her roommate with an ax, thirty-five wounds.

- He beat me, and then with scissors in the neck twice, see the scar? ... - he throws his head back, - he called his neighbor, shouting that I stumbled, cut myself, an ambulance ... They sewed me up, I lay there for a week. His sister came and asked not to put him in jail. Yes, I was not going to sit him down ... Then I watched TV, - there is a TV in the corridor, and something jumped. Something jumped. Not recovering, she ran away from the hospital and decided to have a roommate.

- I, as soon as I got out of prison, went on a spree for a year. Ten years without a man, think about it. BUT? Then she went to work to get a job, they ask - why didn’t she come right after her release? - Walking, I say! And what? Ten years, they would have tried ...

I have no end of clients. One from Germany came twice, - shows a phone with nameless numbers, - All clients. The phone is new, I took it for five thousand. My last trucker stole, brute. He put me in a cafe, he said, wait, order something there, I'm right now, but he washed off. The bastard, he took away his purse, money, phone ... Never mind, I'll meet him again. I’ll meet - not like I’ll pierce the wheels ... I’ll ask my friends - they are his ... They are homeless, but for me a mountain ... They say - “Ksenia, we are for you ...”

And coughing and coughing.

— I work without pimps. I will feed these brats... Estimate, right now, pimps are 19-20 years old, youngsters. It is they who must feed me, my aunt ... They beat me here already. And I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything. I tell them - "Well, beat it, then another will take my place tomorrow." There is a whole crowd of girls working behind the bridge. Also on themselves. And you don't have to feel sorry for me. Everyone has a difficult life. Do you have it, is it easy? Clients immediately complain to me about life, and then already ... It is difficult for everyone. Everyone has.

She speaks, she speaks, her chin rested on her hand, her eyes are closed.

- You would, Ksyusha, shelter a person, eh? - Aunt Tamara intervenes, - why put him in a tent, this is not human.

- To the dacha, or what? - Ksyusha started up, - Only I don’t have light there. And there is no heating. But the blanket is new, downy. Pure, don't think. I have a dacha here, I bought it for seven thousand. I lived there in winter, the floor was slippery from ice.

Yes, it's kind of awkward...

— No, look, Aunt Tamar! A tramp, but what a shy one... Only you can buy something to eat?... A little bit.

We bought food and went. To go - along some kind of landing, past the landfill, and the truth is one hundred and fifty meters. A dark tiny house, a yard with weeds and apple trees, a crooked gate.

“Look, sill, the boards are brand new, I nailed it myself.

Ksyusha became somewhat shy and fussy.

- Here is a sofa, normal, a clean blanket, goose. Just no duvet cover. Don't worry, I don't bring anyone here, you're the first. It's clean here. See the boards on the ceiling? My friends did this to me, I asked. They are homeless, but good guys. And this is a bear - look, bear, he recites poetry.

He takes a teddy bear from the bed, presses it, and he begins to recite about Christmas trees, cones, berries and honey.

- This is my friend. The trucker gave it to me.

By this time I already had a lump in my throat. Especially when this bear, the only creature with whom she just sleeps, in a dark cold house began to tell her nursery rhymes in a kind metallic voice.

- No pillows! And there is no mattress ... How can I put you without a mattress ... - No, you sit here, smoke, and I'm behind the mattress. I used to live nearby, rented a house until I bought this one.

And jumped out. I took the cigarettes, put the knife in my pocket, and went outside the outhouse. Well, just think - a prostitute from the highway leads you through a dark landing to some house where no one will look for anyone. Dumb? There is a weirdo. Then she runs away, and will return alone or with the company - God knows. Because the knife is in my pocket, and I'm standing around the corner.

No, she came back. Rolling up the huge mattress, he tries to close the gate with it on his shoulder.

And coughing, coughing. There is no light in the house, with a flashlight her face seems greenish.

— I have one sofa, you see. Get undressed. You start pestering - I'll hit my elbow.

Ksyushenka, fool, well, with what elbow? You are shaken by the wind. I did not undress, just in case. I secretly put the knife under the sofa. She undressed, jumped under the covers, trembling quietly.

- Coldly.

- Can you hug?

- Hug. No, give me my phone, I'll put on a song for you. About me. Do you know the Vorovayki group, don't you? ... Listen here.

“Not a thief… not a slut… she didn’t know such a word before…” Ksyusha covered herself with a blanket over her head, rustling candy wrappers in the dark.

What are you doing, falling asleep with candy in your mouth? Khan's teeth will be.

— An orphanage habit, — he giggles quite like a child, — I love "Rachki". Don't you love? We were forced to sleep under the covers in the orphanage. Who leaned out, that ruler. Listen, don’t leave tomorrow with my last rubles, I have 500, I earned it today. If you pick up the last 500, I’ll find it ... I’ll tell my friends. And I will cough in my sleep a lot, I'm sorry.

So we fell asleep.

Woke up early. She slept with my hand pressed to her instead of a bear.

I washed myself - the faucet from the watering pipe in the corner of the garden, as soon as frosts begin, it is blocked. Made her tea on my stove. He rubbed his back with alcohol - some trucker gave me a whole bottle, no more than a third remained. She wrapped herself in a blanket.

“Forgive me for not seeing you off,” Ksyusha boomed in a cold voice, “you go to the sound of cars, don’t think about anything, finally.”

I went out into the hallway, checked my things, looked into my wallet, counted. He put some money on her nightstand. Not too much and not too little, like a hotel. And left.

Previous travel notes of our correspondent can be found under the heading " "

Woke up around 5pm. But Vika did not sleep at all - she lay on the floor in the kitchen and talked with Andrey. Andrei sits in a zone not far from the regional center. To get through to him, Vika stole the phone from the sleeping Nina.

“He came to the point,” Vika tells me her love story. - He took me for two hours. And now we've been together for a year and a half!

Of the "one and a half years together" they really lived together for only a month. Yes, they drank, yes, they fought, but all the same, these 4 weeks in Vika's mind are now the brightest. And for a year and four months, Vika has been waiting for Andrey and spending all the money to get to the colony and buy her beloved T-shirts, cigarettes, food, put money on the phone. These 1.5 years she drinks a lot, lost her front teeth. And although Vika earns a lot - 40 thousand a month, four local salaries, she left false teeth "for later" - when Andrey comes out.

- My dolly! - Vika shouts, having phoned, into the phone. - Well, how are you there? I miss!

But instead of exchanging tenderness, Vika has to make excuses: Andrei called Vika's boss Sveta and found out that Vika did not go to work yesterday.

- My face is on fire! I could not! Vika explains. One and a half beer, designed to facilitate the conversation, is empty before our eyes. I came home and fell asleep! I didn't fuck anyone, if that's what you're interested in!

Vika has been working as a prostitute for two years now. Andrey is aware of the money used to buy T-shirts and other blessings of life. Andrei believes that there is not enough money, and since Vika is skipping work, it means that she does not love him. And he does not need an unloving woman. He drops the pipes.

Vika immediately calls back:

- Andrey!

The conversation lasts two hours, with breaks for tears. As a result, Vika sits down in front of the mirror and begins to carefully cover up the brown spots on her chin - a chemical burn, peroxide, drunk. From the back, Vika looks like a chiseled figurine, but a drunken flushed face, a lost look, a black hole in her mouth. Vika is a blowjob specialist.

Nina and Sveta take turns taking showers. There is indelible perennial mold on the walls of the bathroom, the wallpaper in the rooms is lagging behind, the apartment is extremely cluttered. The housing itself is rented and, like the girls' workplace, belongs to a certain Martha. “She is like a sister to me,” Sveta says. “I call her that.” Getting dressed. Sveta calls a taxi, and by six in the evening we go to the point.

18.30. The point is located seven kilometers from the city, on the Market. The market is a chain of plywood and metal stalls - "wagons" on both sides of the federal highway. There are about 50 trailers: tire fitting, cafes, girls. The girls work in five wagons, but they are competed with saleswomen, “who will go out for a drink with anyone”, and “highway” girls who work alone, on the side of the road. Svetin's trailer is considered the best on the Market.

There are actually two trailers of Sveta - “fucking” and “main”. In the "fucking room" there are two rooms, two beds, and nothing else. In the “main” room, besides the bed, there is also a “cafe” room behind the wall: a bar counter, two refrigerators, dishes.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

Sveta sticks on false eyelashes, thickly smears her lips with mother-of-pearl. The girls sweep the trailers, change bed linen, take out the table and chairs from the trailer, put them on the ground. They pull out the receiver, the speakers: "Russian Radio", everything will be fine! On the table are watermelon and melon. They are immediately bought by a family with children driving along the highway. Sveta puts in new ones.

“I can sell anything,” Sveta says. “And many times.”

Sveta is 41 years old, "a real great patriotic." A short blonde with a tenacious look. On the market for 15 years. Before the Market, there was a lot in her life - an insane love for a drug dealer, which ended with her being sold into slavery to pimps: “she worked off his debts in a week and a half”; marriage to a Dagestan: “I ran away because no one ordered me”; work as a waitress in a cafe in the mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia. Sveta likes to remember this period of life the most: “I even served the government of Karachay-Cherkessia! On New Year's Eve, there were 5,000 tips alone!” But even now she is happy. Proudly lists: “Two wardrobes of clothes, a wardrobe of shoes, and threw away cream three times - they got bored.” Sveta already has an adult son and daughter. Her daughter hardly speaks to her. “She is educated, a teacher, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke,” Sveta says proudly.

Sveta also has a Dream. The dream's name is Singer Valeria. “A simple Saratov girl, but how she got untwisted!” Sveta, together with Zoya, who owns both trailers, went to her concert in the regional center. This is another happiest moment. I made my way to the stage, gave Valeria green roses, got an autograph. The autograph now hangs on the mirror with photographs of her daughter.

Almost all prostitutes in Sveta's trailer have children. Blowjob Vika has a 6-year-old son, Nina has a 12-year-old daughter. The children live with their parents. There is also a mother of many children - Taya. Her daughter is in the third grade, her son is just starting school. Taya comes to the trailer and immediately goes to bed before the customers arrive. Very beautiful - light wavy hair scattered over her shoulders, a sad smile - and very quiet. Before getting to Sveta, Taya sat on a poppy. Received the nickname Cube. “Now it doesn’t seem to be expanding, although who knows,” Sveta notes. “Works well, not fussy.”

Picky is Nina. Firstly, "no blowjobs for any rubles." Secondly, no "chocks": "I hate." "Churok" Nina hates, as it seems to her, for quite ideological reasons: "They put a woman below themselves."

Nina is not a typical track girl: over thirty, short haircut, plump, very smart, very angry with her tongue. There is even an unfinished higher education - economics. A friend brought Nina to the track ten years ago. “I wanted to earn a ticket, but I stayed that way. Who would have told me even for a year that I would be a prostitute, I would not have believed in life. Nina stayed on the track for the sake of her daughter - she was two, without a father. Now my daughter is in the 5th grade, the winner of various reading contests. Nina is very proud of her.

Nina is going to get married soon. Her fiancé Vasechka is 10 years younger than her, now at a construction site in Moscow. She continually writes him gentle SMS. Vasya is a former drug addict, and Nina says that it was her love that pulled him out of addiction. True, Nina's feelings for the groom are rather maternal, but, "I think we will be happy."

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

19.30. The first client arrives - 05 region, Dagestan.

— Mamen Cuments! yells Nina. - Assalam alaikum! In the name of sheep, cheese and pig's ear! OMON!

- Blowjob 300, anal 200, at one time - this is for twenty minutes - 500, an hour - a thousand, night - 4, - Sveta habitually clatters. After a brief negotiation: - Layla, this is for you.

Lila jumps up from her chair, pulls on her short dress, smiles. Laila is half Dagestan herself, perhaps the only girl who sincerely rejoices at guests from the Caucasus. “It’s very convenient to work with them: they f... eat like it’s the last time,” says Laila. “He came in, twitched a couple of times, and that’s it.” Layla works for speed. It can serve up to 20 people per night. Laila herself is from the village. She boasts that she bought a refrigerator for 17 thousand, a plasma - "so we all went nuts."

- We only make 20 thousand for two with Laila! - Sveta boasts. — In general, a successful set then was.

Recruiting girls from the villages to the track is a common thing. Marfa has special people, they travel around the villages, far away, and recruit girls from large and poor families. Villagers on the track are very fond of - hard-working, modest, "with a good incentive to work." Some come to the track themselves. They are carefully interviewed - they try to figure out drug addicts. Others are brought to the track in trunks to work off debts. The brought girl will cost the trailer 5-20 thousand. But you have to buy them wisely. One day, Sveta bought one, and she ran away the next day, "ungrateful creature."

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

20.00. It's getting dark, customers are arriving. Two guys buy beer (100 rubles in a bank), argue with Sveta about the price. Sit down with the girls. They are silent, they do not answer the questions of the girls. One of them is busily groping Vika's legs. “Guys, can you buy some chicken? - "circles" their Light. The girls are hungry. They would have meat." One of the guys comments: “The best meat on the market is in this car.” Neighing. Order Vika and Taya once.

Sasha comes in to sit - "mommy" from the next car. Discussing their friend Zoyka-garbage. Zoya-garbage lets her stepdaughter, but the problem is not in this, but in the fact that her trailer did not hand over a thousand to clean up the territory.

Sasha says that she recruits girls herself: “I get into the car and drive around the city. On the square in front of the Palace of Culture, at bus stops, they sit ... well, you know, like that? Belly out, beer in hand. I come out to them like this from a white Mazda: girls, you are sitting here, picking up boys, drinking beer, spending money. And we have the same thing, but they already give you money, and drinks are free and at least fill up. Let's go and have a look."

Sasha boasts that the daughter of the deputy head of the local police department worked for her for a whole year: “Her parents didn’t give her money for tsatski, so she came to us herself. But I didn’t hand it over to the townspeople at all, so that they wouldn’t recognize it, and I didn’t put it at the table. She was sitting in the wagon. If the client is clean and not local, I call her. Now she is studying at the Faculty of Economics, the first year.

They discuss why there are so few wagons with girls on the track. The business is profitable, the expenses are small - the trailer itself costs 50-150 thousand rubles, another 1.5 thousand "rent", 3 - utility costs. The "roof" - the local police - however, is very formal: it is expressed only in the fact that once a month the cops come to the "subbotnik". But they don't have to pay either. As a result, the "mommies" agree: "There are few people, because the business is painfully nervous."

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

20.30. A short bald man gets out of the taxi - a smile on his whole face. A military man, he has just received the rank of major and is going to wash. "Svetka! - shouts. - Chicken, vodka, quick! And now we will shoot you!” The girls laugh. “Money,” Sveta demands. "What, you don't know me?" Major is surprised. “Pay up front! Sveta says. “There are many of you.”

The major shows Nina photos from his mobile phone - a new high-speed car, Japanese, on the cheap. He plays with the keys, trying to make the key chain visible - a GRU-shny bat. He shares his plans: there are four months left until retirement, and then - his own detective agency. “Uncle is a major general from the tax police of the region, aunt is the Supreme Court. Help, I'll unwind." “You are my Teletubby,” Nina is amiable with him.

They drink a bottle of vodka - 300 re, asks for a second one. “I quarreled with my beloved. That is, he didn’t quarrel, but just like that, he got nasty and left, ”says with pride. “Call her,” Nina asks. "No, no, I'm a man. She will call."

After a while, the bell actually rings. The major imposingly puts the receiver to his ear, then jumps up and starts cursing. In the unit under his jurisdiction, a conscript shot himself. Right at the post.

- Etc! the major yells. - The chick left him, me too! I didn't shoot myself at the time! Not men at all - waffles born in 90-91. Crisis children. The one on the parade ground also overheated ... The beaver is in intensive care right now. Doctors say: 50/50 will survive. And it's not my fault that the sun warms!

Having looked away, the major nevertheless understands that he must go. He starts to recruit a driver, but catches himself: drunk, night, Market - what about the reputation? Then he decides, calls some Volodya and yells into the phone: “That's it! I'm resting! Don't you dare disturb me! I won't go anywhere! At eight in the morning the report is on my desk! I will sign everything!

- Wow, nerves! - laughs. - Taya, let's go for an hour!

Gives a thousand Light. They leave.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

23.00. New car. A man with a boy, the boy looks 14 years old.

“The tribe brought it,” the man explains. He needs to try Baba.

The boy is very embarrassed. He drinks vodka and quickly becomes nightingale, leaves with Taya. The man, meanwhile, begins to remember the zone. Turns out he just got out. Sat for robbery.

“There are normal people there. Clean. Not like you.

“Drink better,” Nina says quickly. - Pour you a drink?

— Have you drunk from this glass? I won't drink from a whore's glass!

“And I studied at the Lyceum,” Vika suddenly says. — In a German gymnasium.

“Don’t lie,” says the criminal.

- And I'm not lying. First, my mother for drugs, then I have a suspended sentence ... But you know, Die Liebe ist ein Gluck, Die Liebe - Schicksalsschmuck. Die Liebe ist ein Traum, Die Liebe - Sonnenraum…*

Light comes out. Silently splashes vodka on the ground.

- Pipiska! Vika yells. - May you burn!

- He wants vodka - let him buy it! - Sveta yells back. - It is the third time he comes to the laid table! A freebie does not live on the Market! - flies up to the dumbfounded man. Come on, three hundred! And two hundred more for salads!

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

0.10. He doesn’t get out of the taxi - an elderly man in glasses falls out.

— Oh, Stasik! shouts Sveta. - Sit down at the table!

It is difficult for Stasik to sit on a chair, but he does not close his mouth: “Here are the tiles on Yaroslavl churches? Terracotta, engraved, glazed, with animals and plants. Spirituality was, inner beauty! And where is it now, this spirituality, this strength? Sveta, meanwhile, pulls out all the money from his wallet “for food and wine for the girls”, leaving only one hundred rubles for a taxi.

Stas teaches at a local university. "University" in Sveta's trailer is a special concept. The son of the hostess Marfa is studying there and local teachers periodically come to the “subbotnik”. But Stas arrives with money, and Nina goes to dance with him.

Half an hour later, Sveta sends Stas home.

- He's in love with me. For a long time! - Sveta boasts. - Comes, something will order. And looks, looks with such eyes!

According to Sveta, every third visitor is in love with her. He lists names with pleasure: who offered to live, who offered marriage, two asked to have a child. And one came, he said: you don’t belong here, you are clean, go to work with me.

- What kind of work is it? girls are interested.

- And so, weave wreaths on coffins! This one is also in love with me,” he nods at the major, who literally buried himself in Nina’s chest. - I'm in his phone as a favorite!

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

1.30. Lesha, one of the oldest inhabitants of the Market, comes to sit. For 20 years he has been holding a tire fitting trailer next to the girls. It crumbles in compliments: “We all hold on to you! You are our workers!” Refers mainly to Vic. And he achieves his goal - Vika sits on his knees. “Come on, get down,” Sveta yells. Lesha laughs.

- I know what you're laughing at! Sveta screams. - She came to your trailer yesterday morning!

So she brought in the money.

“And locked herself up from the inside, didn’t she?” Get the hell out of here!

Lesha takes Sveta "for a conversation" to a tire shop. Upon his return, Sveta shares his impressions:

- What I love about this job is that you can put men in their place. Loves her. I want to marry, he says. I'll buy it, he says, you have it. And I'll make sure they don't get married. I will never forgive this Vika.

Last year, Sveta could not resist - she got drunk. It was a hard night. Naturally, there was a conflict with customers. And Vika got scared and called Martha. Marfa arrived, quickly kicked the men out, and fined Sveta 24,000. And Sveta herself had to go to the track as a girl.

- Well, paid for two weeks. But I'm not a prostitute. I won't forgive her.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

3.30. — Only 12 today. And I can do more. I can do more. I can do 17. I’m just tired, ”Layla justifies herself to whom it is not clear. “And this last one was nothing. Kissed me, said I was cool. They usually don't talk much.

“When I fuck with them, I divide 500 rubles into parts in my mind,” Laila says later. - This is for my father for a parcel, this is for my mother, she is in the hospital now, a stroke, this is for the house, this is for clothes. Little brother, sister just went to work - also at the Market, but a saleswoman, and immediately married. This is how time passes with mathematics. I am supporting my family alone.

“One happiness,” Lila says. - I'm barren. I will never have children. So I don't have to worry about them either...

— Lila! Sveta calls. - To you!

A swollen man with fixed eyes: "Let's go." “Yes, yes, now,” Lila says, and gulps down her glass of wine. Hands are shaking.

They return quickly. The man leads her to be photographed to his car. Enough, trying to put on the hood. Lila kicks back and accidentally scratches the car with her heel.

- What is it? the man says quietly. - Do you understand what you did?

Brother, I feel for you! the major yells.

There is a lively discussion at the table about what time the repairs will cost. Amounts from 5 to 7 thousand are called. The men are clearly teasing each other. Sveta runs out of the trailer at the noise:

- What are the complaints? You yourself! He put her there!

- Your sluts...

— Sluts? Why did you come here? shouts Sveta. - Why did you come to the sluts?

- Should I call the region for a showdown?

“I can summon the region itself!” Call! There is power for every power!

The girls sit quietly on the laps of customers. The guy really goes to the car, makes a few phone calls. It turns out:

- So it is! I propose to disperse the world. Or in seven days your bedbug will be gone. Count down.

- Get away from here! - Sveta yells and starts to baptize the car. - You can't get home! Good luck to you big!

The man is leaving. Light starts laughing.

- That's something else. I remember that a thief came alone. He says: "Put your hand on the table." I put. He took out a knife, as he poke! She barely pulled back. He says: "Your reaction is good." We drank with him later, circled him for a couple of thousand ... Or, here, he came with a grenade. Stoned. And then he will get the check, then he will stick it. Teasing. Well, he pulled the pin, and I firmly put my hand on top of the grenade. I say: "Let's explode together!" He sobered up in a second. Here, at the Market, you can’t drink at all. You have to be sober. Otherwise, my girls will be found at the spring, just like girls were found last year.

- I hate you more! the major says. - Will you have a drink with me?

- Pour it up!

Pouring vodka. Sveta imperceptibly splashes the glass into the sand.

4.00. The criminal, having gone to take a piss, stumbled upon the “hachi”. The drivers were carrying watermelons and stopped to spend the night right on the roadside.

- Five wagons of watermelons, each with two of these animals. And only one bitch gave me a watermelon! On our, on Russian soil!

They agree that “hachi” should be f ... t. The major and the criminal get up from the table. But they don’t get to the point - the criminal falls heavily, the major picks him up and returns him to the table. Although his mood remains fighting.

- You tell me who is here with ... at, Ninochka. For the sake of beauty, you can shoot ...

- Also me, Rimbaud in a shrunken form! Nina puts him down. Tell me more about your car.

Anka, a highway driver, looks into the light. She is 23 years old. But she looks 40 - deep wrinkles, dirty tousled hair, withered body. Experienced drug addict.

— I'm a tape equipment operator! I work in the 1st shop, shift "a"! Anka says to the men. She repeats this several times.

Eats greedily, leaves quickly.

“So, I haven’t beaten the norm yet,” Sveta says. Anina "norma" - 700 rubles, 1 dose.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

4.30. Sveta sends Vika with a client to the city for two hours. Following Vika, Laila also leaves - to the village, to the passing train.

Soon Taya calls a taxi: her son coughed yesterday, and compresses are needed in the morning. “Because of her, there is always some pipets,” Sveta says. - Her husband (also sitting) had an eye gouged out in a fight when she cheated on him with a security guard, and he climbed ... Do not look that she is quiet, that she is sweet. She's damned."

In general, all the inhabitants of the track are very superstitious. Both trailers have icons. Curses, slander, evil eye, amulets... These women believe that the world is the result of the application of forces invisible and not subordinate to man. Probably the only way to survive here.

The taxi slows down so that the sand flies in all directions. Two guys, very dressy: just out of the club and will be back there soon. One is forcedly cheerful, the other is very drunk. They've been walking for five days now. The one who is drunk needs to unwind - his wife has died.

I was ill for six years. And four days ago... For some reason I can't sleep.

- Will you take some vodka? Guilty girls? Sveta asks.

- No, I don't need to.

"So why did you come here?" shouts Sveta. Did you come for free?

But under Nina's gaze, she falls silent and quickly leaves.

“My father died in 2006,” says Nina. - My birthday was celebrated, and a week later they call: come.

Tears begin to run down her painted cheeks. It's so unexpected that everyone turns away. Only the guy who lost his wife strokes her hand: “Health to you, girls. The main thing is health, health.

Nina finishes her vodka and goes to the main trailer to sleep.

“Damn drunk,” Sveta comments. - They don’t want to see her at home after the death of her father. And rightly so. When we worked with Marfa, we “wrap” clients, and then behind the trailer - and two fingers in our mouths to keep our shape. And this one… Many people come to work with us to keep their alcoholism in their hands. But you won't hold back. Martha coded Vika. Lasted a week. And Nina doesn't even want to. He says I have no problem.

And they will have nothing. Because there is nothing in my head. It would be - they would break out into people. Here they are, after all, they also put them at the checkout. Lacks ... That's why they are prostitutes, and they are needed only to earn money from them.

They married Nina, a local tire fitter. Lived with him, everything is arranged. So one day she went to the track - and hello, she left with some kid. She returned three days later, and that's all ... This man is now marrying a local girl, also a prostitute. And in order to marry you, you also need to earn money. And now, mark my word, a month after marriage, he will return here. The track — it just does not let go.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

5.00. Six guys get out of the car (as soon as they fit in?): shaved, pumped up - real ghosts from the 90s. “The villagers have arrived,” Sveta says in an undertone. - In mind. Blues are thrown - and here, yeah.

- Would we like a girl?

- Nobody's here! Have parted.

“You, mother, would not be rude ...

What kind of mother am I? Get out of here! In the 12th or 37th.

- Yes, they were there. Not there either.

One of the guys - "under the fast" (amphetamine. - E.K.). Runs around the table, shouting: “Yes, she infuriates me! I hate everyone here!

“And if you are, then you will never have girls here at all,” Sveta concludes.

“Quick” is seated at the table, vodka is poured. But he immediately grapples with the boy, who until then was quietly dozing on a chair. Punches him in the face. The table topples over. Blood, juice and vodka quickly soak into the sand.

- I'm calling the police! Sveta yells, waving his cell phone over his head. - You will spend the night in the bullpen!

The guy with the criminal uncle quickly leaves.

“And we’ll sit here,” the villagers say. - Bring on the beer.

The situation is heating up. Vika arrives by taxi. She's completely drunk and wearing only her bra.

— Oh, boys! - thumps on someone's knees.

“Oh, I remember her,” one of the villagers says. “Look, boys, it was she who hit me on the arm!” Insubordinate at all.

- Yes, she is professionally unsuitable! - the guy in the red T-shirt begins to argue. - A prostitute should lie like a log and be silent. I remove the goods in order to receive pleasure. And if it does not work according to the instructions ...

“Well, this is a slut, brother,” another villager admonishes him. - And sluts generally have a weak core of life. And then, 20 sticks a night...

- No, well, do you agree that you should love the profession? Here I am, a screeder. I put in a shift, let's say 20 sticks. And if they ask me to pack 21, I do it, I don’t wander around. We are all robots, really. And she? She must take as many sticks as she likes. And then, from sex, too, you can enjoy! Maybe she's a nymphomaniac. Maybe she's coming.

His comrades are busily feeling her breasts, grinning, exchanging glances. Vika is completely drunk, looks in front of her indifferently.

- Hey! What the hell do you live on? - the guy in the red T-shirt leans over the table.

- And I f ... y on x ... th I live, - Vika suddenly says very clearly. "Just don't tell me that, okay?"

- Well, quickly sleep! - Sveta pulls Vika from the table, pushes her into the trailer and locks the door. - I'll sit with you guys.

Villagers stupidly and heavily drink beer. A siren is heard over the area. Lights up quickly. Along the road, on the other side, horses and cows walk slowly. Yurka the driver on a red mare snaps his whip. “Two months left, and — will! he yells at us. “Two months, Svetka, wait for me!”

The boys finally get up.

Forgive us, mother, if something is wrong. We'll be back as usual tomorrow.

But then it turns out that the ignition key was locked in the car. While the villagers are deciding how to open the door, the "quick" takes a stone and knocks out the side glass. Then he starts to break out fragments, cuts his hands, blood.

- Sveta, bring water!

Before getting into the car, the "quick" long and carefully, to a shine, washes his shoes from blood and dust.

5.50. Sveta wakes up Nina and Vika. The table is brought inside, the unfinished bottles of Light are put away in the refrigerator - "I will sell it again." Unscrew the handles of the receiver. The anthem of Russia in pop processing is carried over the Market. The girls are dancing, venting fatigue, anger, disgust for this world in the dance.

— Hail, Fatherland! - yell in unison.

To this accompaniment, the “ten” arrives with two guys. One remains to wait in the car, the other gets out and takes out a "crust" - the city police department.

“I like this one,” she nods at Vika. He grabs her across her body, drags her into the car, yells to her partner: - Open the door!

Vika kicks back. The girls rush to beat with a squeal. It is still not possible to put Vika inside the car, and the cop attacks Sveta.

- You are a mother here, you are responsible for the behavior of your daughters.

Why didn't you come to me first? This is not done at all!

They go to the wagon. Quiet negotiations. Nina rushes after:

- Yes, you are about ... whether, cattle! Is she a thing for you to drag into the car? Thing?!

- Nina, shut up! shouts Sveta.

“We’ll arrive tomorrow,” the cop concludes after a pause. - Three of us, with friends. The table is set, girls.

He winks at Vika, calmly gets into the car, and leaves.

- You oh ... la! - Sveta rushes at Nina. “They would have loaded everyone into the car now!” The drunk is over!

“All right, don’t fuss,” Nina leans against the wall. She's shaking.

- Drunk. Not a prostitute - a slut. Give me a cigarette.

“The dead drunk has no cigarettes,” Nina says calmly. - And what a slut ... You are exactly the same as us. Route.

- I?! I have achieved a lot, thank God ...

But I remained human. And you are Grandma X…nya.

“You won’t get away with it,” Sveta says after a pause.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

6.20. Before calling a taxi, Sveta takes out a large notebook and goes into the calculations. During the night, 13,670 rubles came out. Out of the 8,000 earned by the girls, the girls themselves are left with 4, 4670 are received by Sveta (a percentage of the goods sold). We take the rest to Martha.

The girls stay in the car, Sveta goes upstairs. A fat woman with an attentive animal look lays out money in piles. Sentences: "Money to money, fools to fools." Her one and a half year old daughter is snoring in the next room.

Martha gives Sveta five hundred rubles for each girl: "Give it to them, for their expenses." The rest of the girls' money is kept by Martha.

Sveta long and verbosely complains about Nina.

"We'll figure it out," says Martha.

They think to go to the Volga, but decide to go home anyway. Nina immediately turns on the TV - the morning cartoons have begun, "the horror I love." Vika goes to the kitchen, dials Andrey's number. Instead of a beep from the receiver, he wheezes: “The years go by and there is no end, they don’t let the young man go.” “Oh, he put this music because of me!” Vika whispers to me.

- Andrey! - yells into the phone. - Andrey! How are you, my doll? How did you sleep?

The next night, as a punishment allegedly for drunkenness, but in fact - for "Grandma X ... nude" - Nina is given to the villagers for the night.

Photo: Anna Artemyeva / Novaya Gazeta

For most of us, the idea of ​​truckers was formed by the series of the same name. And someone knows about the profession from the inside thanks to the stories of hitchhikers, who are often picked up by truckers. How do truckers live in Russia and why did they go on strike because of Plato? We tried to figure it out.

1. Choice of profession

Truckers are either romantics or pragmatists. The former like to be on the road, while the latter hope to earn. Most often, truckers are people from regions who want to earn money and “travel”.

2. Mastering the profession of "truck driver"

To become a trucker, you need to get a category C (truck) and CE (truck with a trailer) license. Then get a job in a transportation company. Or buy your own company and do private transport. The cost of the main tractor varies around three million rubles, and the trailer will cost another one and a half million.

A self-employed driver is either respectfully or ironically called "master" among colleagues. But in fact, working without a boss is even worse in some ways: usually such truckers have less rest and take any job in order to “recapture” the cost of the car faster. Finding clients on your own is not easy either.

By the way, there are almost no women in the profession. This is due not only to the way of life, but also to the fact that in the event of an accident, sometimes you have to change the wheels yourself or repair a huge car. Not all women can do it.

3. Salaries of truckers

You can earn from 40 to 70 thousand rubles a month, but it all depends on the company. Worst of all, according to the stories of drivers, is the drivers of Magnit. They have the lowest salary, and the products must be delivered exactly on time.

Working for yourself and not sitting still, you can get 70-80 thousand per month. But every 50 thousand kilometers you need to undergo maintenance, which costs from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. And also gasoline. Force majeure also happens when, for example, a wheel breaks. The driver, working as an individual entrepreneur, takes all these costs on himself.

4. Forced rest

By law, the driver must have a tachograph installed in the cab. This is a device for recording speed, mode of work and rest. Depending on the time spent behind the wheel, the trucker must rest a certain amount of time. This is by law. But in reality, on the territory of the Russian Federation, many of these rules are neglected in order to quickly reach their destination.

5. Sleep and food

Drivers sleep most often right in the car. In modern trucks, behind the driver's seat there is a full-fledged bed with a mattress - a “sleeping bag”. Sometimes the truck is even equipped with two such sleeping bags, if truckers are traveling together in a truck. Drivers spend the night most often in special parking lots, and not on the roadsides. There, another driver may enter the truck, or the trucker will become a victim of robbers. The driver will be solely responsible for the lost or damaged cargo.

Sometimes the company pays for an overnight stay at a roadside hotel. But here the drivers are ready to go to the trick: you can sleep in the cab and provide a fake receipt for an overnight stay at the hotel, and take the money for yourself. Fake receipts and checks are sold by special people working near the highways.

You can also safely spend the night in areas where truckers stop in a “bunch”. There can be 10-20 trucks at a time. True, there is a risk that while the driver is sleeping, his diesel fuel will be drained. It will be impossible to prove anything.

As for food, most eat in roadside cafes. Good information is shared between colleagues. Some take food with them (canned food, tea, pasta), especially if the car has a stove and a mini-fridge.

6. Do drivers sleep with prostitutes?

It depends on the trucker himself. By the way, truckers call girls of easy virtue "shoulder" or "shoulder". A shoulder is a few tens of kilometers of the track - the distance from gas station to gas station.

7. Communication with colleagues

All trucks are set to a special 15th communication channel. There, drivers warn each other about traffic jams, traffic police officers and accidents. Here you can also clarify the road, find out where to buy diesel fuel and other useful information. Chatting on other frequencies. By the way, the passenger of the truck is unlikely to understand what the truckers are talking about - the radio has a very specific sound.

8. Why don't truckers like cars?

Any truck has a so-called blind zone - a part of the road that is inaccessible to the driver's view. Dalnoboev is very annoyed that the drivers of "small" cars do not understand this and create the risk of an accident.

9. "Plato"

"Platon" is a Russian system for collecting fees from trucks weighing over 12 tons. It is believed that trucks cause damage to federal roads, destroying them. The additional tax should help support the transport infrastructure. The introduction of "Platon" caused dissatisfaction among the carriers and marked the beginning of mass protests. Strikes by disgruntled drivers and demands to abolish the tax only led to a reduction in the tariff.
