Questions for fans on a teenager's birthday. Idea for a children's party: cool tasks for forfeits for children

Fanta with jokes is one of the best entertainment for celebrating the New Year 2019. Both friends and colleagues can perform various funny and funny tasks. You can arrange a game of forfeits in a close family circle. The main thing is to pick up interesting tasks in advance, the implementation of which will cheer everyone up.

The game of forfeits is an exciting entertainment. It is advisable to prepare for it in advance. You can write tasks on cardboard cards or small sheets, and then put them in a large box, jar or other container. During the game, invite each guest to pull out a card. Phantoms should be fun and funny, but safe. They should not contain tasks that can offend a person or are physically impossible.

Merry forfeits for friends

If you are preparing a New Year's party, take care not only of the festive menu, but also of entertainment. Forfeits prepared for friends will help make the celebration of the New Year 2019 fun and memorable.

  • Eat sliced ​​fruit from a plate with your eyes closed, while you can not use your hands.
  • Within a minute, name 20 famous writers. It can be both poets and prose writers.
  • Invite a girl/boyfriend to dance. You need to dance on a sheet of A4. You can't leave the leaf.
  • Make one of the guests laugh in 2 minutes. The person performing the phantom can choose the “victim” himself.
  • With your eyes closed, draw a pig, because this is a symbol of 2019.
  • Depict a pig using gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
  • Depict a famous artist, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Name 10 songs on the New Year theme.
  • Get the candy out of the saucer, in which sour cream is poured, without hands.
  • Eat an apple or pear without using your hands. To complicate the task, the fruit should be tied up with a rope.
  • Inflate a balloon quickly and sit on it so that it bursts.
  • Drink a glass of champagne without hands.
  • Dance with a glass filled to the top with water.
  • Draw a self-portrait. To make it funnier, the person performing the task can be blindfolded.
  • Sing a song about a Christmas tree with a Caucasian accent.
  • Depict all animals from the Eastern calendar: Pig, Rooster, Horse, Snake, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep, Tiger, Bull, Monkey, Rat. You can divide this task into several forfeits, for example, 3 or 4 animals in each card.
  • Draw a Christmas tree, but the pen or felt-tip pen should not be held with your hands, but with your teeth.
  • Predict the future of three guests.
  • Dance the dance of the little swans. A person can choose partners for dancing himself.
  • Sing a children's New Year's song, for example, "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" or "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", while holding your nose with your hands.
  • Make a New Year's toast like a robot or a foreigner.

Be sure to make a phantom called "Transition of the move." It means that you are released from the task and pass the move to the next guest. So that the task does not seem too simple, you need to come up with a phantom for the next participant. It must be funny. To prevent guests from refusing to complete the task, come up with a penalty for refusal, for example, to drink a glass of champagne.

Fanta for the street

If you are tired of sitting at the table and decide to go with the whole company to the Christmas tree, to the park or to the central square, you can also play forfeits on the street. And here are a few relevant ones.

  • Sing a children's New Year's song near the Christmas tree or in another crowded place in such a way as to attract the attention of the hallways.
  • Pretend to be poor and ask for alms from people passing by.
  • Organize a round dance around the Christmas tree or in a crowded square. For musical accompaniment, you need to sing a New Year's song.
  • Have a drink with three passers-by on brotherhood. A bottle of champagne and disposable cups should be brought from home.
  • Interview 5 passers-by. You need to ask questions about future plans, upcoming prospects, personal life.
  • Draw a pig and walk around the Christmas tree three times.
  • Make a snowman in 5 minutes. If the weather did not please with snow, the task can be complicated - to make a snowman or a Christmas tree from improvised means.
  • Roll down the hill alone, with a stranger or a stranger.

Fanta for colleagues

Merry forfeits can also be used for corporate parties for the New Year 2019. If you want the holiday to be a success and to be remembered for a long time, write down funny tasks in advance on cards or pieces of paper.

  • Draw a portrait of the boss. To make it funny, you need to blindfold.
  • Depict one of the employees, and colleagues must guess who you are portraying.
  • Promise one of your colleagues to help with the work. It's better to do it in a playful way.
  • Cut out snowflakes from napkins and decorate one of the employees with them, imagining that he is a Christmas tree. You can use other improvised materials for decoration.
  • Choose epithets for each employee.
  • Confess to the boss in your misconduct: being late, not submitting a report, etc.
  • Name the shortcomings of colleagues in a joking manner.
  • You need to sing the motive of your favorite song like “oink-oink”, and those present must guess what kind of song it is.
  • Ask each employee for some thing, and then put on yourself.
  • Hug all colleagues in turn.
  • Within a minute, come up with a wish for each employee. If the team is large, the time can be slightly increased.
  • Be a mirror. It is necessary to repeat the movements of the person standing opposite.

  • Tell a New Year's poem. And to make it funnier, you need to stand on a high chair, like in kindergarten.
  • Congratulate yourself on the New Year and wish you all the best, looking in the mirror.
  • Depict a drunk Santa Claus. It is desirable that he tries to do something, for example, to get a present from a bag, but he does not succeed.
  • Drink any alcoholic drink from a saucer. Hands cannot be used.
  • Using only one hand, fold a sheet of paper 4 times, and then write congratulations on it for the team.
  • A portrait of fame must be attached to the back of the person who pulled out the phantom. A person takes turns approaching colleagues and asking leading questions that will help to guess the identity, and employees must answer only “Yes” or “No”. Questions can be of a different nature, for example, “Is this a woman?”, “Is this an actress?”, “Is she blonde?” and etc.
  • Play a scene from a famous cartoon or fairy tale.
  • Say a few sentences. Their text should be put on a card or invite the guest to say tongue twisters known to him.
  • Sing the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden" with one of your colleagues.
  • Give the boss a massage. It could be the boss or the head of the department. Gender doesn't matter.

  • Guess which employee is standing. To complete this task, a person needs to be blindfolded. He must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.
  • Make a toast with an Estonian accent.
  • Put grapes or nuts on your cheeks and sing any New Year's song.
  • Draw a snowman blindfolded.
  • Draw with closed eyes one of the employees, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Read a New Year's or winter poem as if you are falling asleep.
  • Draw a Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, while holding the pen between the palms.

Pick your favorite forfeits and create a good mood for friends, guests and colleagues. It will take a little time to prepare, but everyone present at the holiday will be able to have fun from the heart. A charge of positive and ringing laughter is guaranteed.

New Year's forfeits from Ilya Noskov: video

We offer to download cards that are suitable for the holiday.

Task options:

  1. Show fireworks so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  2. Draw a scene from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry". Call on other members to help you.
  3. Draw a scary monster.
  4. Draw the character of any cartoon so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  5. With your eyes closed, tie the laces on the shoes of another participant in the game.
  6. Draw an animal so that everyone around you can guess who it is.
  7. Take a felt-tip pen or pencil in your mouth and, without the help of your hands, draw a balloon on a string.
  8. Guess the riddle: A house has grown in the field, the house is full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. We walk the house with a shaker on a gold pillar.
  9. Fill your mouth with water and try not to swallow or spit it out for 1 minute while those around you will make you laugh.
  10. Draw a mirror and “reflect” in it one of the participants in the game.
  11. Say a compliment to each of those present.
  12. Take one participant in the game as an assistant, tie your left hand to his right leg, go around the whole room together.
  13. Take a few participants in the game as assistants and together portray the Bremen town musicians.
  14. Remember your favorite song and sing an excerpt from it, adding “Ku-ku” after each line.
  15. Close your eyes and describe from memory what the participants in the game are wearing.
  16. Say the tongue twister twice “If“ if ”before“ after ”, then“ after ”after“ if ”. If “if” after “after”, then “after” before “if”.
  17. Depict how mom puts on makeup in front of the mirror.
  18. Fill your mouth with sweets or nuts and say the tongue twister 3 times “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry”.
  19. Tell a funny incident or anecdote in a sad voice.
  20. With the help of two participants, depict the characters in the painting “Three Heroes”.
  21. Take a few participants in the game to help, depict a steam locomotive and wagons. Drive a few stops picking up and dropping off passengers.
  22. Put on the shoes from the right foot to the left, and from the left to the right, and go around all the rooms.
  23. Say the tongue twister three times “The gorilla hamadryas cooked Hercules. And the hamadryas thanked you.”
  24. Imagine talking on the phone.
  25. Depict any athlete so that others can guess.
  26. Sing the chorus from any song while jumping on one leg.
  27. Close your eyes and draw a funny face.
  28. Close your eyes and draw a portrait of any participant in the game.
  29. Draw an evil hare, and then a kind and cute wolf.
  30. Say the verse “I love my horse” in a scary voice (like in a horror movie).
  31. Tell the tale “turnip” by confusing all the characters: “The grandmother planted her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up ... "
  32. Yawn until one of those present also yawns.
  33. Put any fruit on your head and go from one corner to another (diagonally).
  34. Bow to each of those present in different ways, without repeating yourself.
  35. Name 10 names that start with one (any) letter.
  36. Get on all fours and go around the whole room, depicting a bear.
  37. For 1 minute, portray Princess Nesmeyana, at which time the rest of the participants in the game should make you laugh.
  38. In one corner of the room - cry, in the other - laugh, in the third - yawn, in the fourth - fall asleep.
  39. Make one of the participants in the game an unusual hairstyle.
  40. Picture a samovar.
  41. Go outside or onto your balcony and yell “Hello sleepwalkers!”
  42. Guess the riddle: Not a beast, not a bird, a sock like a knitting needle. It flies - it squeaks, it sits down - it is silent.
  43. Crawl under a chair.

In the kit you will find 5 sheets of A4 format with ready-made cards and 1 sheet for self-writing forfeits, as well as I will cover for forfeits.

How to prepare fantas:

You need to print out the cover for forfeits first, then print the tasks on the back side. After all the sheets are printed, it is necessary to cut the sheets into separate cards.

Fanta is a well-known and beloved game not only for children, but also for adults. Its rules are so simple that even the youngest participants of the New Year's party can come up with tasks and play the game. The popularity of forfeits lies in the fact that this game is suitable for absolutely any society. Be sure, no matter what company you are in, be it friends, colleagues or relatives, you will spend the New Year 2019 unforgettable.

Reference! Fanta was played several centuries ago. In some countries, this game was the most central event of any holiday. From German, the word "forfeits" is translated as "pledge".

Fanta can be played in different ways:
1. With the help of the presenter. All participants in the game give any of their things to the person chosen for the role of the leader, it is desirable that it be small. All items will be folded into a bag or hat. The host's assistant takes turns pulling items out of the hat, and the host, not seeing this item, comes up with a task for the owner of the phantom. If the owner of the thing has completed the task, then his thing is returned to him.
2.With the help of cards. Fanta can be played without a leader. To do this, all members of an exciting show write tasks on pieces of paper. Then the leaves are folded into an opaque bag or bag. They take out the forfeits in turn. The one who takes a piece of paper out of the bag and is cheating. Tasks should be moderately easy and unusual, quickly executed. Do not come up with too intimate or dangerous tasks.

By the way! If the cheater does not cope with the task, then a fine should be provided for him in this case. Which one - decide together. You can, for example, drink a glass of strong drink or pay a monetary "fine" to the general treasury. At the end of the game, the money will go to the most creative player.

3. With the help of lots. First, all participants jointly come up with a task, and the one who will perform it will be decided by a draw. A burning match, which is passed around in a circle, can act as a lot. If this method is too dangerous for you, you can use a children's rhyme.

  • Fanta for the company of children
  • Fanta for friends
  • Phantoms on the street
  • New Year's fantas with jokes
  • Fanta for colleagues

Fanta for the company of children

You can make a children's New Year's holiday original and memorable with the help of the game "forfeits". As you already know, there are many options for building a game, but for children it is better to choose the simplest one - where there is an adult presenter who will draw forfeits and assign tasks. Children will highly appreciate the game where you need to give your little thing to the leader and wait with rapture when a personal thing appears from the hat. In addition, this version of forfeits is facilitated by the fact that it is not necessary to require children to come up with tasks and write them down on pieces of paper. Children's tasks are not always feasible, and therefore it is better not to take risks with children's imagination.

Advice! You can use a different way of playing for a children's company: cards with the names of the participants are put in one container, and with tasks in another. The facilitator first determines who will do the task, and then the task for him.

The main thing in the game forfeits for children is to designate tasks that are suitable for the age of the participants. This game is not for difficult actions. Everything should happen quickly so that all participants have time to play and no one gets bored.
List of funny tasks for a noisy children's company:
1. Draw a portrait of one of the guests without the help of hands (holding a pencil in your hands).
2. Tell about yourself from an immodest side. In this case, you need to look in the mirror.
3. Depict an animal in a funny situation. For example, a pig near a trough or a cow at a watering place.
4. Depict objects that make sounds (a boiling kettle, a whistle of a locomotive or a ship).
5. Show with the help of pantomime some well-known scene.
6. Depict a mirror: you need to repeat the actions of one of the participants in the game for a minute;
7. Depict six emotions - fear, joy, chagrin, fear, surprise, resentment.
8. Describe each team member.

9. It’s funny to “tell fortunes” to an independently chosen person.
10. Eat a piece of cake without using your hands.
11. Pop the booty ball.
12. Hold a minute with a serious expression on your face, while other children will make you laugh in every possible way.
13. Sing a verse of a famous song, but grunt or hum instead of words.
14. Eat a lemon and don't wince.
15. Gather all the guests, seat them in imaginary wagons and take them throughout the apartment.
16. Fulfill the desire of a neighbor.
17. Find an object hidden in the room by other party participants.
18. Play the role of Santa Claus - with an adult male bass, taking a stick that acts as a staff, congratulate the children on the New Year.
19. Draw a Christmas tree with balls and garlands blindfolded.
20. Make your friends laugh with your causeless laughter.
21. Show with the help of hands a poem, which at the same time will be read by one of the members of the company.
22. For a while, list fairy tales, cartoons and films on the New Year theme.
23. Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the advent of spring.
24. Make yourself a New Year's costume from improvised means.
25. Sing a song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the style of rap.
26. Come up with funny nicknames for your friends and call them that throughout the game.
27. Say the names of the players backwards.
28. Take a funny photo of the whole company.
29. Show the robot.
30. Name such fairy-tale characters as Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Goblin, Vodyanoy, Koschey the Immortal with affectionate words.

Funny fantas for a drunken company

In the midst of New Year's Eve, when the decibels of noise and laughter reach the limit, it's time to play the game of forfeits. This harmless and, on occasion, very funny game will help guests to take a break in the bustle of New Year's Eve and laugh heartily at the stupid and ridiculous, and sometimes vulgar tasks that the game participants diligently perform.
For a company of adult friends, the option of playing with cards is suitable. Guests write funny (and not difficult) tasks on scraps of paper in advance, then put all the cards in a bag. The host brings the bag to each member of the game in turn, he takes out the first paper that comes across without looking, thereby assigning himself a task.

By the way! This game can be played in pairs. All guests are divided into pairs and jointly perform tasks that are determined either by the host or by a draw. Tasks for couples can be more difficult, but by no means dangerous, compromising or time consuming.

List of funny tasks for a company of adults:
1. If the player is a man, take a pot and spoons, go up to a lonely girl, drum and confess her sympathy in a tired voice.
2. Stick with stupid conversations to all the guests, portraying an annoying fly. It can be annoying to buzz. One of the guests can slap you.
3. Invent a fairy tale in a modern way, so that the main characters are friends gathered at the table.
4. With the help of hands, facial expressions show one of the guests.
5. Show the poses of seven different animals that are doing something at this moment. For example, a butterfly flies, a caterpillar crawls, a cow drinks water, a dog gnaws on a bone.
6. Make a phantom with a move transition. If such a phantom fell out to the driver, then he can give it to any participant.
7. With the help of voice and posture, show the mating games of animals (growling, biting the withers, the excitement of monkeys, ostriches, etc.).
8. Dress up as a woman if a man is playing (and vice versa) and seduce a guest of the opposite sex.
9. Dress up as Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden and congratulate the flatmates.
10. Pronounce a New Year's toast and drink a "stack".

11. Depict a statue, while dressing up in a canopy (you can use a sheet). Take a photo with each member of the game, while changing position.
12. Have a drink with a neighbor for a “brotherhood”, kiss at the end. Guests kiss regardless of gender.
13. Put nuts or sweets on your cheeks and at the same time say a few tongue twisters that the guests will remember.
14. Depict how a chicken carries an egg.
15. Choose a participant and make him a New Year's make-up.
Funny fantas with erotic overtones:
1. Massage the buttocks of the neighbor on the right.
2. If a couple performs: squeeze an apple between the bellies and, without the help of hands, roll it to the mouth, eat it.
3. Draw a pose from above. At the same time, a person is selected as a partner by drawing lots.
4. Tell me about your five wildest desires.
5. Performing the task becomes for five minutes the slave of his partner (in this case, the "master" should not come up with humiliating or difficult desires).
6. Tell all members of the game about what kind of role-playing game you would play.
7. Fulfill the wishes of each player.
8. Without the help of hands, burst the ball, which is on the lap of a neighbor on the table.
9. Depict how a rooster cares for a chicken.
10. Honestly answer which option you choose: hard BDSM or sex in a public place.
11. Play true or false: honestly answer frank questions from the participants in the game. If you do not want to answer, then you will have to complete a stupid assignment.
12. Massage the neighbor on the left to the part of the body that he points to.
13. Dress up as a doctor, cure the patient with the help of erotic actions.
14. Take off the toilet item.
15. Voice an orgasm.

Fanta for friends

If a company of close friends (usually family ones) gathered on New Year's Eve, then the fanta game will exclude the erotic component, so as not to inadvertently compromise the participants when performing ambiguous tasks. More often in a friendly company, tasks are simple, without intimate and negative overtones.
Fan list for friends:
1. A man stroke his belly, imagining that there is a child. At the same time, talk with the baby and look forward to an early birth.
2. Make the player on the left laugh with grimaces.
3. Depict a rabid gopher.
4. Choose three girls and dance "Can-Can" with him.
5. In a minute, remember 10 films about the new year.
6. Eat a sausage without hands with a partner.
7. Draw a mustache and walk like this until the end of the evening.
8. Bow to the three players using different postures.
9.Make players tasty cocktails, make them drink.
10. Drink a shot without the help of hands.

11. Pretend to be a beggar. Walk with outstretched hand until 100 rubles are collected.
12. Recognize by touch 10 different items hidden in the bag.
13. Sing a popular song in another language.
14. Depict any profession using gestures. The rest must guess.
15. Guess the subject with the help of leading questions that the guests made.
16. Talk about the life of penguins for one minute.
17. Draw a portrait of your wife (spouse) without looking at the canvas.
18. Call an unknown number and wish you a Happy New Year.
19. Praise yourself as if you are stuffing yourself into wives (husbands).
20. Three minutes to answer the questions of the players, while it is impossible to answer with unambiguous words "yes", "no".
21. Tell your biography in five sentences.
22. Vylakat, like a kitten, an alcohol-containing drink from a saucer.
23. Sing a children's New Year's song, leaving only vowels in the words.
24. Explain to the audience how to fry eggs. This must be done without the help of words.
25. Pronounce a Caucasian toast.
26. Do now what you have long wanted to do.
27. Tell about your main shortcoming and tell how the fight is going on with it.
28. Name a certain number of New Year's words starting with the letter C.
29. Sneeze until one of the guests says: "Be healthy."
30. Show any trick (for example, how you drink a glass of vodka without hands).

Phantoms on the street

The game moves to another level when completely strangers become its participants. At the same time, those who fantasize are all those participants in the New Year's celebration. And random passers-by usually play the role of the "object" of the action. For phantoms on the street, harmless desires with unpretentious jokes are suitable.

Important! Before you choose to perform the action of a stranger, make sure that he does not mind your foolishness.

List of possible tasks:
1. Make a difficult riddle for three random passers-by.
2. Happy New Year to all passers-by.
3. Organize a round dance of strangers around the Christmas tree in the city square.
4. Drink a glass of champagne with passers-by.
5.Stand under the tree and loudly congratulate all the people present on the square in a presidential way.
6. Pretend to be a fortune teller. Stick to all passers-by to tell them fortune.
7. Distribute sparklers to strangers. While kissing them on the cheek.
8. Meet 10 passers-by of different sexes.
9. Pretend to be a pig (the symbol of 2019), circle around the Christmas tree and grunt loudly.
10. Treat all the children you meet with sweets.
11. Receive compliments from 10 passers-by of the opposite sex.
12. Dress up as Santa Claus and get various nonsense out of the bag, giving away to passers-by (matches, toilet paper, candy).

13. Arrange a massive flash mob around the Christmas tree, involving passers-by and children.
14. Build a snowman in 3 minutes.
15. Roll down the hill with a train with your friends.
16. Shouting all over the street: “People, quit drinking! The New Year has already arrived!
17. Run out naked into the street and ask a passerby for salt.
18. Depict a drunk Santa Claus. For entourage, you can make up your nose with lipstick.
19. Get around all the neighbors in the entrance and congratulate them on the new year.
20. Pretend to be a conductor. Waving your arms with feeling, directing the performers of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” consisting of friends and random passers-by.
21. Arrange a massacre with snowballs.
22. Take phone numbers from 10 people of the opposite sex.
23. Interview passers by asking questions about their dreams and future.
24. Stop the car and congratulate the driver on the holiday.
25. Make a butterfly in the snow.
26. Throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet, and then, as if nothing had happened, say: “Oh, I misunderstood.”
27. Sing a New Year's song at the top of your lungs. Maybe with some foreign accent.
28. Pretend to be a speculator. Stealthily offer to buy something, while this is something to hide under the jacket. Do not forget to later confess to a passerby that you played him.
29. Pretend to be a foreigner and turn to passersby, asking for directions to the embassy.
30. If a fantasizing man, then he should hug as many girls as possible at a time. If a girl - you need to hug men. In this task, you need to show ingenuity.

New Year's fantas with jokes

This is a selection of tasks for a company of different ages, which are easy to complete and at the same time “not fall into the mud face”. Simple, childishly naive and funny fantas will cheer up any guest not only in the new year, but also on another holiday.
Tasks for fans for the new year:
1. Recite a famous poem as if you were a rapper.
2. Sing a New Year's song as if you were very drunk.
3. Show fireworks or sparklers with the help of pantomime.
4. Draw a portrait of a person sitting at the table with mayonnaise or ketchup.
5. Take a general photo, putting the posing in funny poses.
6. Let all the girls at the table paint your face with gouache.
7. Drink an alcoholic cocktail that the guests have "collected" for you.
8. Predict the future of each member of the game.
9. Show with gestures what you are doing at your workplace.
10. Blindfolded determine your wife (husband). You can complicate: guess each person.
11. It is ridiculous to characterize all the guests using only positive qualities.
12. Dance a striptease with the removal of three items of clothing.
13. Keep track of the time left until the New Year. It is desirable to announce the time every 10 minutes.

14. Kiss the player opposite where you want.
15. Stick your head out the window and shout loudly: “There she is, Turkey!”
16. How can you more convincingly confess your love to yourself, while looking with a serious face in the mirror.
17. Play the role of a waiter: throw a towel over your hand, stand in the appropriate position and offer everyone coffee and tea. Prepare drinks for everyone who agrees.
18. For 10 minutes, pretend that you are a patient in a psychiatric clinic: constantly look around and repeat in a conspiratorial whisper: “Hush, hush, otherwise the doctor will wake up and we will be ata-ta.”
19. Depict a bee that collects nectar from flowers.
20. Draw a student on the last day before the session.
21. Perform a belly dance, while wearing the appropriate paraphernalia.
22. Depict one of the players, while the rest must guess who they are talking about.
23. Tell everyone you didn't wear underwear. Explain your action with a serious and unflappable air.
24. Dance a slow dance with the neighbor on the right, while the neighbor on the left chooses the music.
25. Show your childhood dream with gestures. Everyone must guess.
26. Spoon-feed three men, talking to them like little children.
27. Conduct an erotic banana eating master class.
28. Depict a capricious child who was not bought a toy. You can sob, hysteria, drumming with your feet and hands.
29. Issue a fine to any guest, at the same time come up with a punishment and dress like a policeman.
30. Make an offer to the neighbor on the right. Only instead of the phrase "Marry me", you need to ask for legs, kidneys, a piece of liver.

Note! Make a bonus: let each of those present praise the fantasist or name his best qualities.

Fanta for colleagues

For a corporate party for the new year 2019, forfeits with jokes are suitable. True, these jokes should be neutral and not offend the honor of employees. Usually a hired presenter works at corporate parties. He collects small items from the guests that will serve as phantoms and starts the game.

Fact! This game is ideal for a group of unfamiliar people. It is noticed that it liberates the participants and makes them closer and more friendly.

Funny fantas for a corporate feast:
1. You are a tangerine addict. Admit how the withdrawal goes and how you deal with it.
2. Hug everyone present.
3. Imagine that you are a magician. It is necessary to fulfill the desire of one of the guests.
4. Make the players laugh with grimaces.
5. Eat at the same time two incompatible products on the table.
6. Say a New Year's toast in the style of the President of Russia. Drink with everyone for the New Year.
7. Participants take turns saying words that just come to their mind. The task is to come up with a rhyme for each word.
8. Sing a song by Verka Serduchka. At the same time, you need to dress appropriately.
9. Draw a portrait of the player on the right, holding the pencil between his teeth.
10.Wish each player in the new year the fulfillment of their desires.
11. Send all the guests air kisses in different ways.
12. Conduct a master class on washing socks. At the same time, it is necessary to explain the whole technology of a difficult lesson.
13. Come up with a short New Year's story, where all the words will begin with the letter P.
14. Tell everyone about your election campaign. Do not forget, you are nominated for the post of a deputy of the Ecumenical Duma.
15. Fortune telling on the head of a neighbor on the right.
16. Tell a joke.
17. Until the next turn, clap your hands, killing invisible mosquitoes.
18. Convince everyone present to vote for you in the next presidential election.
19. Sit angry for a minute. In this case, the rest of the players should make you laugh. If you succumb - take a phantom.
20. For 20 minutes, randomly say any stupid phrase. For example: “I am a talking bird. I am smart and smart."

21. Tell Drozdov's voice about the mating season of penguins.
22. Tell any poem on the New Year theme in the form of a tongue twister.
23. Show the pose of the phrases "I'm boiling." Participants must guess. If you couldn't, take a phantom.
24. Take a New Year's greeting on the phone's camera as a keepsake for all players.
25. Imagine yourself as a doctor. Listen to the heartbeat of all the participants in the game, pressing your ear.
26. Play a rhyme with the player to your left. The winner may refuse to fulfill his phantom and the move will pass to another player.
27. Show how the fish congratulate each other on the new year.

Fanta's game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for children, adults, and mixed companies of different ages. You can play forfeit for the New Year, and for your birthday, and just in a company to have fun.

The name of the game "Fanta" comes from the German "Pfand" - pledge, pledge.

There are several types of games:

Fanta with a host. Each player pledges one personal item. It can be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name, or any valuable thing that is a pity to part with. For example, a mobile phone or a watch. Players put things in a common bag or box. The host turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?”. The host assigns a task to each phantom. The person who owns the object must fulfill it. Moreover, the host also has to redeem his deposit. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Fanta with cards. Each player writes their wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of phantoms in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Further, either the players, without looking, draw out their tasks to the phantoms, or the leader shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may come across their own task. Therefore, it is better not to think of something that you yourself do not dare to do.

Fanta with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever the match goes out, he will fulfill the general desire of the players. This version of the game is not suitable for children. Matches are not toys for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or the neighbor on the left (options are possible: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of a birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some hero of fairy tales: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Depict any animal: a lion, a pig, a hedgehog, a cat, a monkey, etc.
  5. Depict any bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. Depict a famous person or movie character: Marilyn Monroe, Rinata Litvinova, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that doesn't want to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Depict a mirror (go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray him).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about a birthday.
  19. The birthday boy pronounces any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for him.
  20. Sing a song (you can complicate the task - make you sing under the table or with matches in your teeth).
  21. Sing a song about a small Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil with your upper lip to your nose.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns of the text with words derived from the name of the birthday person or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song "Two Merry Geese", smacking your lips - "sending kisses" to the birthday man or neighbor on the right.
  24. Play with your finger on the lip the motive of the song "Let them run awkwardly ...".
  25. Answer "yes" to any question asked by each of the players in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with "P" and "G" (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of little ducklings (options are possible: swan lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with a "whhhh" sound.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, food "I'm a moon rover alone, beep, beep ..."
  31. Say 7 times in different ways "Oh, how beautiful (beautiful) I am!", Looking in the mirror, and not laughing.
  32. Name for each player 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Compliment the neighbor on the left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute with your right hand and at the same time stretch your left hand forward with the palm clenched into a fist and the thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wo! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players are allowed).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol for the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.
Sample tasks for fanta.

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth company or a company of close friends:


  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls off the table into the substituted glass.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with comic captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is poured into the glasses at the moment.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Say a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water from them.
  9. Depict the scene "You must marry me" with a neighbor on the left.
  10. Drink a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a drink with a neighbor on the right "to brotherhood".
  12. Extinguish the lit candle with a cry (you can’t blow it).
  13. Put on flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head out the open window and shout loudly, "I can see Japan!!" or "People, I love you!"

Hello beautiful mommies!!! I share my work! By the anniversary of Miroslava, I dug up a bunch of useful material for the entertainment of guests !!! So, fly in while I'm kind)))))))))

At the very end of the post, there are interesting competitions that we held at the Anniversary with the godparents !!!

1. The game "Me too" (comic)

I have a game for you
I will read you poetry now.
I will start and you finish
Answer in unison: "So do I."

I woke up early in the morning...
Washed with tap water...
Went for a walk...
Went to the zoo...
I saw a lioness there...
I saw a tigress there...
There was a baby elephant in a cage...
Was funny as a pig...
Who loves apples?...
Who loves pears?...
Who doesn't wash their ears?

2. Fanta

He slept soundly all winter,
He sucked his brown paw.
Now close your eyes and sleep
Yes, snore like a bear.
(depict a snoring bear.)

What's in the apartment for ringing?
Maybe it's a phone?
How does he call? show me
Call us, buzz.
(imitate a ringing phone.)

Put candy in your mouth
And try to say
You tongue twisters out loud.
Enough and two.
(Without eating sweets, say one or two tongue twisters.)

Early in the morning, at dawn,
Both adults and children sleep.
So that all of them do not oversleep,
Crow five times.

To become even stronger
Something needs to be nerfed.
Do you want honey or jam?
It's a birthday!

(Such forfeits are called "prize": tasks are reduced, in fact, to eating sweets. The optimal ratio of ordinary forfeits with tasks and "prize" is about 5 to 1)

Think of a task yourself
Just listen, pay attention!
Let the invented covenant
The neighbor will do it on the right.
(come up with a task for your neighbor on the right, the neighbor on the right - complete it.)

Blimey! Can not be!
You need to wash your dishes!
Okay, just kidding, don't listen
Better eat candy.
("Prize" fantasy)

Don't forget what we're celebrating
And who do we all congratulate?
Without any chant
Tell him "Happy birthday!"
(You need to congratulate the birthday man.)

This task is difficult
Virtually impossible.
It is necessary to remember five lines -
Read the poem.

Do you like to play on the computer?
Can't get you off the screen?
Concentrate your attention
Say three toys names.

"We're tired of meowing,
We want to grunt like pigs.”
So grunt like a piglet,
And then meow, kitty.

Who is it that is walking along?
Quacks, calling mommy?
Yellow ducks stomp.
Quack, you will be slapped.
(depict a "duck" gait, quack. The rest clap.)

The tank roars, guns fire.
War is not a toy.
Show us soldier
How the machine gun shoots.
(Make the sound of a gun firing.)

Oh, lucky, what a miracle
Fant pulled out beautifully!
You shot right!
You can take your candy.
("Prize" phantom)

What kind of occasion?
The fantasy is over.
Let the fant be simpler:
Tie a bow on the bear.
(show how to tie a ribbon with a bow.)

This phantom is your reward:
You don't have to do anything.
Don't cry like a lion and a tiger,
And get some candy!
("Prize" fantasy)

Fant caught a difficult one,
Don't leave him, stay!
Remember something terrible
And make a serious face.
(make the most serious and formidable face, one of the parents takes pictures. And the photo will remain funny as a keepsake)

You can sing the song in different ways:
Scream loudly and snort softly.
But don't you whisper it and don't shout it
And moo like a cow.
(The song “Happy Byozdei tou yu” is selected and “mooing” to its motive.)

Toads croak on the shore
Together with frogs in an old pond.
This is frog friendship.
And you need to croak.

Is the New Year coming?
Or is Santa Claus coming?
Though I made a mistake with winter,
Sing about the Christmas tree anyway!

Who's birthday?
And what is his name?
Take the first letter
Name two animals.

I'm a photographer anywhere
I always go with a camera.
Let's color the photo
Make a funny face!
(make a funny face, someone is taking a picture.)

I don't like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, come on, prove it
How to laugh, show me!

Origami you know the word
Didn't you hear that?
Okay, here's a treat for you
Make a paper airplane.

What's happened? Why?
What happened? I don't understand!
Happiness - well, you're lucky
Get a notebook from us!

It's cold, it's snowing,
Many birds fly south.
So that we do not forget the bird's cry,
You chirp here for us like a sparrow.

Oh, and there is no task.
So you can take the candy.
Or gingerbread. Or cake.
The treat is first class!

3. Guessing game "What kind of company are we?" (joking)
(we spent this with adults when the children ate and ran away to play)

Warn the guests that today you are in the role of a fortune teller. Ask a question, and then ask the guests (in turn) to name a number from 1 to 20 (and the one that comes to mind first). Encrypted under the number and will be the most intimate and desirable for the respondent. You can call it fortune-telling, you can call it a game, but surprisingly, these comic predictions almost always come true and are very suitable for the person to whom they are intended.

1. Who were you in a past life?
1. A hermit monk.
2. Navigator.
3. Royal jester.
4. Renaissance artist.
5. A eunuch in a harem.
6. A concubine.
7. Beggars.
8. Roman legionnaire.
9. A slave on a plantation.
10. Astrologer.
11. A rogue of noble birth.
12. An artist of a traveling circus.
13. A gambler.
14. The leader of the tribe.
15. Provincial actress.
16. Innkeeper.
17. Medieval knight.
18. Organ grinder.
19. A camel driver.
20. Court lady

2. What is your character?
1. Good.
2. Accommodating.
3. Very controversial.
4. Difficult.
5. Moody.
6. Weak.
7. Strong-willed.
8. Scandalous.
9. Optional - Your vice.
10. You are too decent.
11. Lovely!
12. Jealousy spoils you.
13. Very heavy.
14. You are almost a child.
15. Naivete decorates you.
16. It's hard to say anything good about your character.
17. You need to keep it simple.
18. Your character has not yet formed.
19. You are just an angel.
20. Your character depends on the circumstances.

3. What type of transport matches your image?
1. You'd better walk.
2. Reindeer team.
3. Bicycle.
4. An old carriage.
5. Balloon.
6. Racehorse.
7. "Moskvich-412".
8. Pie.
9. Airliner.
10. Rickshaw.
11. Hang glider.
12. Tovarnyak.
13. Broom.
14. Donkey.
15. Russian troika.
16. White "Chevrolet".
17. Yacht.
18. Gypsy wagon.
19. Private jet.
20. Racing motorcycle.

4. What's good about you?
1. You do not tire with your presence.
2. Refined manners.
3. Graceful figure.
4. The ability to choose friends.
5. Luxurious hair.
6. The ability to sit on two chairs at once.
7. Loyalty to ideals.
8. And the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.
9. Almost everything.
10. Legs.
11. Flexible mind.
12. Divine voice.
13. The ability to turn a blind eye to other people's vices.
14. The desire to notice the good in others.
15. Flying gait.
16. Your hospitality.
17. Love for people.
18. Charming smile.
19. Fantastic generosity.
20. Rare wit.

5. What is your life motto?
1. After me, at least a flood.
2. All - or nothing!
3. Whatever is done, everything is for the better.
4. Out of sight, out of mind.
5. My hut is on the edge.
6. Through thorns - to the stars.
7. I came, I saw, I conquered.
8. Nothing human is alien to me.
9. Take everything from life.
10. Man is a wolf to man.
11. Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.
12. You go quieter - you will continue.
13. Nothing to be surprised.
14. If you want to be happy, be happy.
15. Seize the moment.
16. The end justifies the means.
17. Not a day without love.
18. Give people joy.
19. Time is money.
20. Don't spit against the wind.

6. What do you dream about most often?
1. Something that will not happen in reality.
2. Past life.
3. Nightmares.
4. Treasures.
5. Lots of food.
6. They don't talk about this out loud.
7. Fragments from pornographic films.
8. Romantic travel.
9. Stage and fans.
10. Money, money, money.
11. Leadership post.
12. Beloved person.
13. Childhood.
14. Dull landscapes.
15. Chic mansion.
16. Paradise gardens.
17. Negroes and the sea.
18. Flights in time and space.
19. First love.
20. God knows what!

7. What will you give half your life for?
1. No way.
2. For the fulfillment of innermost desires.
3. For a bottle of good wine.
4. For talent.
5. For an ardent lover (ardent lover).
6. For extraordinary love.
7. For a rich groom (a rich bride)
8. For secure old age.
9. For a graceful figure.
10. For good health.
11. For a loved one.
12. For first love.
13. For worldwide fame.
14. For the opportunity to become a Hollywood star.
15. For eternal youth.
16. For a villa by the sea.
17. For a ticket to Rio de Janeiro.
18. For slender legs.
19. For a clear conscience.
20. For a tight wallet.

8. Where would you like to spend your holidays?
1. In the country.
2. You can do without a vacation.
3. On a Mediterranean cruise
4. At home on the couch.
5. In the village with grandfather.
6. In the kitchen.
7. At youth parties.
8. On romantic trips.
9. In Paris.
10. Running around the shops.
11. Reading detective stories.
12. Where there is wine and women (men).
13. It's hard for you to give advice.
14. Tent, fire, barbecue.
15. You don't know how to relax.
16. Visit museums, libraries.
17. In the best restaurants in the city.
18. At a resort with a mistress (lover).
19. On a nude beach.
20. In a family that has not seen you for a year.

4. Competitions and ideas for the anniversary:

1) Competition "Interesting position"
2 men are called, an inflated ball is tied to their stomach with tape or a long belt, the more, the better, and they scatter matches on the floor, while the music goes on, who will collect more matches so that the men learn how to be pregnant.

2) Rhymes
The first line “Our Miroslava is a whole year” is written on a piece of paper, I bend the sheet so that this is not visible, I write the next line and pass it on to the next poet, he writes the next line and folds the sheet so that my line is not visible to the next one, but his line he saw and so on, a sense of humor is welcome, we do not pretend to be classics, so if rhyme or meter suffers, don't get upset!

3) Guess the baby purees

4) Competition of children's songs
One line is selected from well-known children's songs. The words are mixed up. It is necessary to correctly line up the line according to the mixed words and guess the song.
Or make a contest "Guess the melody"
(if you just want to sing, it’s better to make a contest in the form of “Guess the melody”. In this case, you will need backing tracks of songs and preferably printed text in several copies. Then the guests will not have to hum, remembering the words of the songs. But I didn’t have time to look for backing tracks and print out the words. It's good if there is karaoke. Then you can cover the words of the song with something while the guests guess, and then sing together under karaoke.)

5) The game "Live Buttons" perfectly replaces the Anniversary "Chamomile")

All guests are divided into pairs. In pairs choose who will be the button. The button selects for itself the sound signal "pdyshch", "peak-peak", etc. The presenter accepts the answer only of the pair whose button sounded earlier. This will save you from arguing about who gave the correct answer first.

With what weight was Miroslava born?
- With what growth?
- What color are her eyes?
- What is the pediatrician's name?
- Favorite food?
What time did the first tooth come out?
- When did you crawl?
- When did you go?
- How many teeth now?
- Favorite toy?
- What is the sign of the zodiac?
- What is the year of the girl's birth?
- What time was she born?
What day of the week were you born?
What were the name options?
- How many balls are in the room?
- What is the patronymic of the mother of the birthday girl.
- In whose year was Miroslava born?
- What is the apartment number of the birthday girl.
- The number of the hospital in which Miroslava appeared?
- How many native aunts and uncles does Miroslava have together?

6) Bottle
2 or 3 participants are called. They need to drink the contents of the baby bottle through the nipple. It turns out that adults are not so easy to do.

7) Nipples
Participants compete to see who can spit the pacifier the farthest.

8) Pampers
2 or 3 couples choose a participant who will be the “baby” who needs to put on a toilet paper diaper. (this contest can be combined with contest 7 or 8)

5. Auction "Painting of a famous artist"

There are wonderful finger paints for kids. Having lowered the baby's hand into this paint and leaving fingerprints on a clean sheet of paper in a beautiful stretcher, you can arrange an auction!

6. We play the lottery:

Attention attention!
Please get tickets
Win-win lottery
Starts to entertain!

1. Today you are not a hero of the day, a bay wreath does not shine for you, you better accept a bunch of bay leaves (bay leaf) from us.

2. This ball will stop baby crying. (Balloon).

3. You got a sweet - a chocolate bar!

4. Pour this into a glass, and slowly drink it (plastic glass).

5. After a glass, it’s very important to have a bite to eat, here’s a PAPER NAPKIN instead of a sleeve

6. Everything in this modern world is electrified - you get an old electric lighter. (MATCHBOX)

7. Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).

8. And for dessert, we have a candy for you. (Chupa Chups)

9. You would like a piano, but got a calendar

10. Well done for playing, Get a Ferrari now. (Children's car).

11. Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the numbers, Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

12. To keep your little body dry, you got a towel!

13. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle).

14. Black and white for everyone is very simple! white on black - just for you! (A PIECE OF CHALK)

15. The typewriter is modern! silent! harmless! (PEN)

16. And for you - we have a fixer of thought! (PENCIL)

17. Universal synthetic backpack - you can pack everything from a match to an elephant here! (PACKAGE)

18. Washing machine - we wash everything that is needed, everything that is possible - it's not difficult for us! (ERASER)

20. universal sewing machine - minimal cost! fix any flaw! sews both leather and morocco! (NEEDLE AND THREAD)

21. While the boss is "removing shavings" from us, Calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug).

22. You will be beautiful to walk with a haircut, captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo)

23. To save you from torment, You won a hand cream. (Hand cream).

24. Washing machine "Baby". (Baby soap)

25. We give you toothpaste so that you are toothy. (Toothpaste)

Ideas for celebrating christening:

1. Clean slate

You need to take a fairly large clean white sheet. Show it to guests and say:

The child is born pure and pure, like this white sheet. And then he acquires certain qualities. Let's write in this list only the best qualities that our hero of the occasion will have. And so that there is no free space for anything bad.

The sheet and marker are passed around, and everyone writes down one good quality that the baby will have. And so on until there is no free space left on the sheet. You can write the following words: “Mind, kindness, high intelligence, thirst for knowledge, respect for elders, sociability, goodwill, faith in God, following the advice of godparents, etc. etc.".

2. Tests for godparents

When writing a script for the christening, be sure to include a few tests for the godparents. For example, the ones below.

Godparents mom and dad compete in their "teaching skills"

1. Knowledge of Russian folk tales. The godparents take turns naming the tales they will tell the godson. Whoever calls last, wins.

2. The ability to make a toy out of nothing. Godparents are given fruits (banana, apple, tangerine), several vegetables, a knife and toothpicks. We need to make a doll. Whoever gets the most realistic and funniest wins.

3. Collect toys. The godparents stand each near a separate chair. Various toys are scattered on the floor. At the same time, the godparents begin to collect toys from the floor: you need to take one toy, take it to your chair, put it on it, and then go for the next toy. Whoever manages to collect the most toys in the end wins.

4. Team game "Chocolate". Godparents mom and dad pick up a team of 3-4 people. Godparents are given a large chocolate bar. They must divide the chocolate "by the windows" and distribute to the members of their team, and they must eat the chocolate slices as quickly as possible. Whose team eats the chocolate bar faster, that godparent wins.

5. Team game "Charms". The host recalls that the pin is considered a powerful amulet and suggests preparing amulets for the hero of the occasion. Each team is given a long wide ribbon (blue or pink or tricolor) and a box with a large number of decorative pins. Teams simultaneously begin to fasten pins on the tape. Whose team can do it faster, that godfather wins.

6. Riddles. Prepare the usual children's riddles and test the godparents. Whoever guesses the most wins.

The godfather who wins the most tests should be obliged to take patronage over the godfather and increase the level of his knowledge and abilities regarding the upbringing of children.
