Vkontakte chameleon anonymizer entry without restrictions. Chameleon - free anonymizer for Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki

Getting access to Odnoklassniki through a mirror and an anonymizer is not so difficult. If you restrict access to the portal, you can access it only through third-party resources. These are special sites that encrypt information and do not allow software tools to track the direction of traffic.

There are many reasons for using such services. Here are some common grounds:

  1. The site is blocked at work.
  2. Access to it is limited by the provider.
  3. There are other blockings.

A common situation is when social networks are blocked at work. It becomes impossible to enter them, the portal data is blacklisted by the filter. The reason is that the company is interested in employees working, not spending time on social networks.

In this case, it is not recommended to try to bypass blocking. There is a chance that you will be caught with an open social network in the workplace. Not only are you wasting time chatting with your friends, but you also deceived your superiors by bypassing the blocking. The result is a serious fine or dismissal. Is the time spent on Odnoklassniki worth the lost work?

If the blocking occurs through the provider at the initiative of Roskomnador, then you can safely bypass it. There are many ways to do this, you will find the most suitable for you.

VPN - a possible solution to the problem

To bypass various blockings, you can use VPN. There are several types of such software solutions:

  • Browser extension.
  • Special program for PC.
  • Application for mobile.

The browser extension can be found in the Chrome store. Enter "VPN" in the line, view the options presented. Among them, you can choose the right solution.

After installing the extension, activate it and you can fully use the Internet. Now Odnoklassniki and any other sites that have been blocked are available to you.

Another way is to go to the portal of a particular service and download the application. You install it on your PC and activate it. Now the traffic is encrypted and the restrictions no longer affect you.

You can download the app for your smartphone. Go to the official store on your platform, it has a lot of useful software. Choose among the options in the category that suits you. One of the best apps is Opera VPN.

How does VPN work?

  1. The service directs traffic to a server located abroad.
  2. It connects to the site.
  3. As a result, various software blockers see that traffic is going to a foreign server, but cannot track the endpoint.

Administrators in your company may be trying to block VPN services. But the problem is that all software solutions work according to different principles. Therefore, it is impossible to close access through VPN completely, there will still be enough applications that you can use.

Anonymizer Odnoklassniki

You can access the site through an anonymizer. This is a simpler option that does not require the installation of additional software on a PC. The whole procedure will take a small amount of time for the user.

The disadvantage is that mirrors can be permanently blocked at work, administrators add them to the black list of the filter. Therefore, anonymizers do not give one hundred percent probability of access to a social network.

There are many Odnoklassniki anonymizers. Among them are Pingway, Chameleon and a number of other portals. How to log in through them:

  • Go to the service website.
  • Select a social network.
  • Additional confirmation may be required.
  • You must enter a username and password to access the resource.

How to choose the right anonymizer? Pay attention to several options:

  1. How long has the service been in this area?
  2. His reputation. It is important to use reliable resources to ensure your own safety.
  3. How good is the connection, are there any problems in use.

Be careful not to use unreliable services. They may copy your personal data for later access to the page. You will have to spend some time to recover your account.

Anonymizer or VPN?

Each person independently chooses the appropriate option. At work, it is easier to use an anonymizer. It allows you to go to Odnoklassniki, you do not need to download and install additional software to access the site. At the end of the day, you can erase the history so that no one can find traces of visiting prohibited resources.

VPN is recommended to be used at home if the site is blocked by the ISP. You can bypass restrictions for any portals, fully enjoy all the features of the network. But the speed of access through VPN is less, consider this fact.

Logging into Odnoklassniki through an anonymizer-chameleon, if access is denied, is a very common way to bypass restrictions set at work or school.

If there is no access for another reason, then below in the article you can find a solution to this problem.

How to bypass blocking Odnoklassniki through an anonymizer. What is an anonymizer site?

The principle of the Internet is based on the connection through the IP address of each user. The assignment of a specific IP address to a user depends on his belonging to the provider through which the connection to international networks takes place and can be either static - unchanged, or dynamic, changing after the modem is turned off and on again (for a while). Most providers, along with mobile operators, use a dynamic system for assigning IP addresses to their users, but these addresses all belong to the same location.

Anonymizer- this is the functionality of the site (chameleon), which hides the user's IP address and replaces it with another address. As a result of such actions, the site receives different information about belonging to a location, to a completely different point on the globe. The established restrictions on transitions to social networks do not apply, since the chameleon site is redirected to the network via an encrypted connection.

Go to Odnoklassniki through the anonymizer chameleon Cameleo.ru

Below we will consider the entrance to Odnoklassniki, if access is closed. How to bypass site blocking? Сameleo.ru is already a fairly old and proven resource that has been working in this direction for more than 6 years. In order to enter Odnoklassniki through Cameleo.ru (free), just follow the link to the chameleon site:

During the activity of Cameleo.ru, a large number of reviews have been accumulated about the safe entrance to the social network

Another of the proven anonymizer sites that redirects to the VK page through other IP addresses is Noblockme.ru. As a result, the equipment that restricts access to the network simply does not participate in the connection. To enter Odnoklassniki, if access is closed (through an anonymizer-chameleon), you should:

  • go to the noblockme.ru page and click on the Odnoklassniki tab. A secure login will be completed instantly.

Login through anonymizer-chameleon Hideme.ru (VPN)

Consequences of using unverified anonymizers

Anonymizing sites that engage in fraudulent activities appear and eventually disappear on the Internet. Data is stolen from “immediately or over time (to remove suspicions). This happens as a result of the creation of the site to which the transition takes place, in appearance indistinguishable from the original. Then they demand to send or send messages to a paid number, etc. You should be vigilant before using the anonymizer, be sure to find out about it reviews.

We know how to enter Odnoklassniki if access is closed (blocked) for some reason.

In a recent prominent example in Ukraine, the government blocked popular Russian Internet resources, including Odnoklassniki. Everyone who tries to open their favorite site is waiting for an error on the browser page or the inscription access is blocked.

There are a large number of ways to get around the ban, and 90% of them work, and this pleases.

What are the types of bypass to enter blocked resources:

  1. Anonymizers: programs, browser extensions, sites;
  2. As for the sites through which you connect to Odnoklassniki, this is a long process, and in this way, the input data can be intercepted. Let's talk about browser extensions a little lower, because. this is one of the best options. Anonymizer programs in most cases require configuration, so we will skip this item.

  3. Mobile applications of popular social networks.
  4. Did you know that Odnoklassniki has an app for Android and iOS? If not, feel free to download and chat.

  5. Browsers with a built-in VPN function that allows you to change IP and connect to any sites with closed access accordingly.

There are not many browsers that support the VPN function. Of the popular ones, there are only 2: Opera and Tor Browser.

How to enter Odnoklassniki in Ukraine

Regardless of whether access was closed in Ukraine, or in Uzbekistan, the method below works for any country.

So, how to enter Odnoklassniki, for example, in Ukraine or in any other country:

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to enter VKontakte under your account. The reason lies in the blocking of social networks by the system administrator from your work or place of study. What should I do if I urgently need to visit my account, but it is impossible to do so?

The best solution would be to use workarounds, among which there is an anonymizer or a mirror. About how it all works and why you need it, just below.

Login to VK

How to enter your page in VK

The entrance to the social network is carried out exclusively through the main page, available at the link - http://vk.com. Its official address should be taken into account, because there are replica sites that look like original authorization pages, but transfer all the information received to attackers.

So, by going to the suggested address, you will see the main page of VKontakte. Pay attention to the authorization window located on the left. You will be asked to enter an email or phone number, supplementing them with password information. Then you should click on the "Login" button. If no errors were made when entering data, authorization will occur, and you can safely spend time on your page.

VK login to your page

How to enter a page in VK through an anonymizer

Anonymizer is a specialized service aimed at hiding information about the user while working on the network. They are used as intermediate points necessary for authorization on one of the sites closed for free access by the system administrator or provider.

The technology hides the user's real address, which allows you to bypass the blocking without any problems. Simply put, the system does not even notice the presence of a user on a prohibited site.

The number of anonymizers is quite large, so you can choose any one, because they work on a similar principle. However, for the security of personal data, do not forget to change your password after using such services. As an example, the service will be given: https://2ip.ru/anonim/.

After clicking on the link, you will see a form to fill out. The country whose IP will be used to enter will be listed here. Nearby is a line for the site that we plan to visit. In the URL we enter the previously encountered http://vk.com. You can choose any of the countries as the country, but in some cases the redirect will not work. It is best to give your preference to United Kingdom or Germany. Next, it remains only to click on "Open", after which there will be a redirect to the main page of VK.

As you can see in the address bar, the link will look different, as it will reflect a visit to the site through the proxy server used by the anonymizer.

Simply put, you get the ability to hide your activity from the system administrator.

We enter through the mirror

By clicking on the above address, you will find yourself on the main page of the mirror. It will not be difficult to understand it, because it is fully translated into Russian. You just have to enter the URL of the link to view and click "Go". Popular queries that are in high demand are a little lower, and the necessary VK will be on the first line.

Then everything happens in the same way and you are redirected to the main page of the social network. In this case, the login will be carried out using a mirror, so it will not be possible to track your activity, at least the system administrator will definitely not notice anything.

How to enter VK through a mirror on a mobile phone

The options above can display pages incorrectly if you logged out through mobile gadgets. In this case, the best solution would be to use the http://apidog.ru/auth.php service. It has long established itself as a proven platform and allows you to visit your account through any operating system.

It is worth noting that it was created exclusively for visiting the VKontakte social network, so if you want to navigate other resources, we advise you to pay attention to the options above.

So, by visiting the above address, you will see an informative window with fields for logging into your account. The system with which you plan to enter the social network will be indicated below. The default is Android. To change the settings, just click once on the list and select the option you need. By the way, there is a mobile OS not only from Google, but also from Apple. Just choose iPad or iPhone. Developers have not forgotten about support for BlackBerry and Windows Phone.

By the way, the service will be useful not only for those who want to bypass the ban on the use of VK, but also appear on the network in offline status. And this means that outsiders will not be able to find out at all what you do in the workplace or for what purpose you enter the social network.

It is worth noting that this method does not always demonstrate the desired result and may malfunction. The reason for the malfunctions lies in the policy of the social network, which, at any opportunity, blocks such services in order to eradicate alternative ways to visit your account in any way other than the official page.

Additional Options

In addition to all the above services, there is auxiliary software that facilitates visiting a social network. First of all, this concerns special browsers with a built-in anonymizer. By the way, they are often equipped with an additional VPN, which allows you to visit blocked sites.

If you do not want to install additional software, the solution can be found in plugins. Already now in the browser stores there are a huge number of suitable options that can be used to solve the problem that has arisen. They work on the same principle as individual services, that is, they allow the user to visit pages on behalf of another browser.


All the methods described above, although they operate within the law, are oppressed by the governments of some countries. A vivid example of this is the scandal surrounding the blocking of torrent trackers and instant messengers in the Russian Federation. But be that as it may, as long as they are available online, you can use any of the options offered.

It will not work to name exactly what is better to give preference to, because all options can equally be called excellent solutions for getting out of an uncomfortable situation when visiting a social network is deliberately blocked.

The only caveat will be the handling of your account. The whole problem lies in the fact that all these services without fail require entering their data for authorization. There is no guarantee that your account information will not be passed on to third parties who can do with it as they wish. Therefore, do not forget to monitor your protection and change your password in a timely manner after using mirrors for a long time.

A huge number of users have their own account on the Odnoklassniki social network and perform many actions there - upload photos, communicate, listen to music, follow the news, etc. However, for various reasons, users may be deprived of the opportunity to access their favorite network - the employer, the regional provider, or even one of the family members blocks it. Especially for such cases, there is an anonymizer for classmates - a functional program that allows you to access the site of one of the largest social networks at any time.

How to use the anonymizer for Odnoklassniki?

Blocking a computer or smartphone is based on the IP address received from the Internet provider during the connection. Moreover, it doesn’t matter which of the home or office computers you use - access to the site is blocked through a router that distributes the Internet. Anonymizer allows you to go to the site you need without revealing your IP address, that is, anonymously. Among "users" anonymizers are also known as "mirrors for sites". Many of them are posted on popular sites and forums as answers to questions or in feature articles. In total, in order to get to a blocked site, you need to follow these steps

  1. Find the site of the anonymizer you need using a search engine
  2. Type in the address bar the site you can't access
  3. Press the "OK" key
  4. Start using the opened "blocked" site.

The mechanism for using Odnoklassniki mirrors is very simple, the main thing is to learn about it in a timely manner, then your favorite social network will always be at your disposal.

Limiting communication on social networks cannot be considered a fair measure. If a person cannot live without "posting" something in "classmates", such a blocking may be justified. However, if a person conducts important correspondence (even not related to work), and each message must arrive on time, no one has the right to “cut off” him from social networks, and this injustice must be corrected.

The main anonymizers for classmates - brief characteristics

The list of site mirrors is quite large and is in constant dynamics - some disappear, others appear, it all depends on who will be in time faster. We bring to your attention a list of some standard anonymizers with which you can access a blocked site.


A universal anonymizer that provides access to many popular social networks and video hosting sites. To get to the site you are interested in, you just need to click on the desired icon and you will find yourself on the resource you are interested in incognito mode. The advantage of the site is that it is completely free and does not require any authorization or confirmation.


The program belongs to the group of universal and will provide an opportunity to visit not only classmates, but also other social networks and hosting.

The advantages of an anonymizer are as follows:

  • Located on premium hosting, which allows sites to load much faster
  • Works with the latest generation of web resources
  • Supports any platform and operating system (Windows OS; Android, iPad, iPhone, etc.)

A completely free anonymizer that does not put any restrictions and is constantly updated. You will be able to sit in Odnoklassniki without any restrictions and use the functions available there - listen to music, play applications, chat with other users, track news, etc.

An alternative to the anonymizer Chameleon also provides the ability to use blocked social networks and video hosting.

In addition to the sites mentioned above, you can use the following anonymizing sites:

  • ViaPROXY


While using anonymizers, there is a big risk of catching a virus or finding that all computer passwords have been hacked and someone else is using your accounts with might and main. To avoid such unpleasant situations, use only trusted mirrors and links from trusted sites.

Even if you don’t belong to the “risk group” (you don’t live in a “problem” region, you don’t have a strict and tough leader, and your family doesn’t mind spending time on social networks at all), it’s still worth learning how to use an anonymizer for classmates. An additional advantage of the functionals is that they allow you to go to Odnoklassniki, even if the official site is temporarily unavailable for technical reasons.
