Seeing a big mountain in a dream. Why mountains dream: the meaning of dreams for men and women

Mountains in Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse:

  • See - get protection
  • Walk on them and climb up - difficulties and obstacles
  • Wooded - infidelity
  • With ruins - gain
  • Fire breathers are a big danger
  • Climb mountains - avoid ambush
  • With snowy peaks - lofty intentions
  • Naked - anxiety
  • To be surrounded by mountains - to use your abilities
  • To ascend and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise is falling. see also mountain
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Mountains:

    Mountains - see - get protection - walk on them and climb up - difficulties and obstacles - treeless - infidelity - with ruins - gain - fire-breathing - great danger - climb mountains - avoid an ambush - with snowy peaks - lofty intentions - naked - anxiety - be surrounded by mountains - use your abilities - climb and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise - high - hard work, sadness - reach the top - be happy

    Why do the Mountains dream Ukrainian dream book?

    Mountains - mountains dream - this is grief, bad, difficulties. Bare mountains - anxiety, covered with forest - treason. As you dream that you are climbing a mountain, this portends sadness; how you climb the mountain and go, is good: the male got out of grief a little; and if you climb a mountain and don’t get out, you will be in misery: climbing a mountain is a difficulty in what you have to do, but when you get out, it’s already good; you climb a mountain, then it must be some kind of grief, but like a tree, it grows; going down the mountain is a failure. Stone on the road (path) uphill - obstacles. Heading up a mountain with an abyss - before an unhappy marriage.

    AT Modern dream book if you dream of the Mountains:

    High mountains - hard work, depression

    If you dream of the Mountains? AT Dream Interpretation of Loff:

  • For a long time, the mountaintop was taken as an idiomatic representation of all the best that life has to offer. Are you looking for something, or do you feel impossible to achieve success in some area of ​​real life, or have you already reached the top in something?
  • Sometimes you need to cross the mountain yourself, either by choice, or because you ended up there due to a chain of circumstances that is not always clear. You should remember who you said goodbye to before the start of the TRIP, why you decided to leave and what you expect to meet in the mountains of your dreams.
  • Mountains can symbolize majesty, danger, or sacred ground. You may simply like to be in the mountains, and for this reason you can see them in a dream. Mountains can instill in you a sense of love for nature, life and a sense of rebirth.
  • The interpretation of the mountain's dream Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova:

  • to see - difficulties;
  • wooded - infidelity;
  • (I climbed for a long time - a very serious illness).
  • go down - failure;
  • climb a mountain for the sick - recovery
  • climb - success if you climb;
  • naked - anxiety;
  • See mountains in a dream Dream interpretation for women:

  • Mountain means obstacle. The case that you, perhaps, have long and carefully planned, will remain an unattainable peak for you. It is better to leave obviously senseless attempts to conquer it and do something else.
  • If you see yourself on top of a mountain, it means that fate will soon take a sharp turn (it is not known whether for the better or for the worse) and your life will change radically.
  • If you climb a mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded a hundredfold.
  • If the peak that you dream of is covered with a snow cap, then you need to gather your strength and achieve your goal by all means. If there is no snow at the top, then it is better not to suffer and give up fruitless attempts.
  • What does it mean to see mountains in a dream Old Russian dream book?

  • naked anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climb - success if you climb; see - difficulties; going down is a failure.
  • What does the mountains mean in a dream Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor?

  • You, rising, go to the blue cloud. I returned to the road to the blue mountain. Cloud with the mountain, apparently, it's time to part. The hermit flooded his dress with tears. Meng Haojan (689-740) Primary elements - wood, metal/stone, water. Elements - wind, dryness, cold, humidity. Emotions - anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, depression. Organs - liver, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, large intestine. Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation of the Trigram of the mountain is Gen. We read the trigram from the bottom up: two Ying (torn) features at the base - the solidity and secrecy of the reasons that gave rise to the situation, the long and gradual formation of the current process; one yang feature at the top is a symbol of instantaneity and imbalance of external manifestations. Everything hidden is manifested: a long rest, is based on a tendency to destruction and disappearance, and sooner or later gives a flash of energy; the longer it was calm, the stronger the flash. The Book of Changes says that Gen is the trigram of the northeast, where everything that exists is born and comes to an end: the old one ends and a new round of life begins (the east is life, the north is death). Gen is a stop, a dog, hands, the youngest son and daughter, a path and a road, a guard, a ring on a finger, a rat, a tongue, a spiritual mediator between a person and a deity, and the like. Everything related to crossroads and change of landmarks. The mountain is a symbol of the duality of man: inner heaviness, weakness, craving for the earth from which he was created, and an external desire for success, for Heaven through struggle and overcoming. The more clearly the inner weakness of a person is manifested, the more sophisticated the attempts of the external manifestation of strength become. However, everything that does not have inner strength in itself is outwardly depleted and sooner or later falls apart, contrary to all plans, and often unexpectedly. Truly strong people do not feel an inner need to show their strength without the pressure of external circumstances. For a specific situation, the mountain is also symbolic: the peak of the mountain is the limit of development and the maximum tension of the situation, the highest point from which there is nowhere to go. A person on a mountain is a sign of complete self-denial and immersion in oneself. By withdrawing into oneself, one reaches one's own bottom (or peak) - the highest point, which allows one to make a single decision, because there are no opportunities for escape. After all, the external struggle is nothing more than a consequence of internal contradictions and fears that provoke external depression and depression, or confidence and success. Mountains to see / pass - yang and yin state, their action is favorable together - in harmony and not favorable - separately, in disharmony. To see mountains in a dream without overcoming them - to face the image of one's own internal problems and self-blocking in the form of mountains: internal anger at oneself provokes an external outbreak leading to depression, they are united by fear; together they give rise to anxiety and debilitating distrust of others (home or colleagues). Internal self-blocking gives rise to external troubles: when the internal state of the struggle is uninterrupted, then outwardly more and more new phenomena are involved in the struggle as in a cycle, without solving old problems. A doctor's advice and a review of life guidelines are needed. Going to the mountains without the desire to overcome them and returning back means leaving - renouncing the world, breaking things off with all possible consequences (severing ties, relationships, etc.) finally a good path. Climbing mountains with effort - the impossibility and unwillingness to be further in this situation, the need to rise above it in order to be able to detach from oneself to consider solutions. This is basically favorable, but depends on further behavior in reality: a person who perceives the world inadequately will not be able to correctly view the events below from the top. You should be thoughtful and not make hasty decisions. To overcome mountains in a dream - overcoming and taming destructive external manifestations and development; a manifestation that is also characteristic of the internal basis is a sign of the beginning of a struggle for oneself, a revision of views, a rejection of anger and a demonstration of superiority - this means a difficult but sure recovery. Success in the future. Seek and strive for the mountains with a thirst to overcome - __ internally pre-prepared revision of landmarks; this image can also mean obstacles erected from the outside - by someone else's will. The dream is favorable: success, accomplishment, well-being in the house. Climbing the peak of the mountain and contemplating the surroundings with delight is the maximum of luck (perhaps after a difficult start). To die in the mountains - an urgent change in life orientations, goals, plans and the advice of a doctor is necessary (see the organs of the body indicated at the beginning of the chapter).
  • Mountains in a dream Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • To see high mountains with snowy peaks - you need to strive for the sublime, spiritual values ​​​​of life; Rocky Mountains - to stress and anxiety; Fire-breathing mountains are a sign of danger; To diseases with high temperature, to burns.
  • Have you ever admired the peaks of majestic mountains in a sleeping state? Such a plot, seen in a dream, cannot be ignored. Often it is interpreted as the appearance of obstacles or difficulties on the way to achieving goals. But there are many other opinions regarding what the mountains dream of. In order for the interpretation of sleep to be accurate, you need to remember everything to the smallest detail and turn to the dream book.

    Up to the top

    No matter how high the mountain is, if in a dream you tensely but stubbornly climb to the top, then in reality you will be able to achieve your goal. You see in a dream how step by step you rise higher and higher along the mountain path, which means very soon your cherished desire will come true. According to the Universal Dream Book, the same vision gives a chance to hope for a noticeable career advancement. The meaning of such a dream is positive, and it remains only to wait a bit to see in reality exactly where new perspectives and opportunities will open before you.

    The interpretation of the dream in which you storm the top of the mountain, offered in the Women's Dream Book, is associated with an imminent promotion. Seeing in a dream how you drive up a rather steep hill with the help of transport is also an excellent sign that promises an increase in capital or an increase in salary. Moreover, the faster you move, the less you have to expect pleasant changes.

    If you dream about how, at the cost of incredible efforts, sweating, you are climbing to a mountain peak, then in real life, you may have set yourself an extremely difficult task. According to the dream book, this is a warning that it will be difficult - unforeseen difficulties will arise.

    A hint about how a career will develop is given by a dream in which you run up a mountain. If in a dream there is enough breath and strength to conquer the peak, then you will be lucky in the professional field in reality.

    Down to the foot of the mountain

    Now about what the mountains dream of, along which the dreamer descends. If he moves without fear and with ease, then he will also effortlessly be able to cope in reality even with a huge amount of accumulated cases. According to the dream book, this plot sometimes promises a big win or an extremely successful combination of circumstances for the dreamer.

    And the Modern Dream Book indicates that after going to the foot of the mountain, a difficult life period will end in a person.
    A bad sign, if in a dream you roll head over heels down the mountain, and even get abrasions, scratches due to obstacles encountered on the way: stones, twigs. The dream warns of the likelihood of ruin, dismissal from service.

    A sleeping person who sees himself rapidly flying from the top into the abyss will have to show such qualities as perseverance and hard work in real life. Only in this way will he be able to achieve what he wants. In the meantime, he is delusional, believing that he can easily solve any problem.

    In Grishina's dream book, you can find an interpretation of a vision of how you roll down a mountain slope. Its essence is that one must be prepared for unpleasant surprises, bad news regarding work, business. Had a dream that you are a climber descending a mountain? Take a dream as advice that you need to be more confident in your own abilities. You underestimate yourself, shy in communication. Don't be afraid, in fact, you have a lot of positive qualities!

    snow-white heights

    Why dream of mountains with snow-capped peaks? According to the Wanderers' dream book, this is a sign that others will treat you with respect, appreciating your work or some act.
    To fall into a snowfall in the mountains in a dream means problems in real life. However, you will cope with them if you show character - persistent and patient.

    Having noticed ice high in the mountains in a dream, think about how correctly you evaluate what is happening around you in life. Maybe you are showing excessive cynicism or, on the contrary, naivety? Aesop, in his dream book, interpreting such a plot, also adds that there are a lot of deceivers around the dreamer. Yes, he himself, it seems, got used to the lie ...

    Other interpretations

    A fantastic case, possible in a dream. The sleeper, soaring into the sky, sees the top of the mountain. This unusual dream promises that as soon as you wake up from dreams, an extraordinary surge of strength and energy. Hurry up to use them, realizing your dreams! The dreamed peak will help by giving a hint to the one who has to solve some important issue.

    The famous Vanga has her own explanation of what the mountains dream of. The fortuneteller believed that this dream gives hope - at a difficult moment, friends and relatives will definitely support. It is also possible to get acquainted with an important, influential person who will disinterestedly patronize the dreamer.

    The dream book in the "mountains" section gives an explanation of what the high peak seen by the sleeping person means. It is a symbol of hard work and difficult tasks. It turned out to reach this peak in a dream, then in reality achieve what you want. A person who has reached a special, high position in society may dream of standing on a mountain. He has a reason, in fact, he is proud of himself and his merits. People do not in vain respect, appreciate him.

    A bitter, undeserved offense or deep disappointment is preceded by a dream in which a mountain of sand is seen. Such an explanation is offered by the Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century, warning that you need to be more careful and careful. The one who is in search of the ideal of the beloved (beloved) sees mountains covered with lush, green vegetation. This can be dreamed of by an extraordinary, exalted person who does not get tired of morally improving.

    Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 04/02/2020

    Dreams that appeared from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. It is highly likely that this night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, ...

    Mountains in a dream symbolize ideas, prospects and at the same time the efforts made, the possibility of realizing the chosen goal, as well as various obstacles. Dream Interpretations, using some examples, will tell you why a mountainous landscape is dreamed of most often.

    According to Aesop's dream book

    Did you dream that you had a chance to climb a mountain? In a similar way, an attempt to achieve a certain goal is reflected. The further interpretation of the dream depends entirely on what happened along the way, whether you managed to get to the top and what you saw there.

    Why dream if, despite all your efforts, you never made it to the top of the mountain? This means that external circumstances will become an insurmountable obstacle, or you initially chose the wrong path, goal. Did you happen to see a mountain that had two peaks? Achieve success in your business with the help of influential patronage.

    Dreamed of a river flowing down a mountainside? A series of small and insignificant events is approaching, you will waste your energy, therefore you will not experience satisfaction from the work done. But the dream book prophesies: soon this situation will end. If in a dream there were residential buildings on the slopes of the mountain, in reality you will be surrounded by true friends and reliable friends.

    What does the chain of mountains blocking the road mean? On the way to achieving the goal, you will encounter unforeseen difficulties. If the mountains stand along the road along which you walked in a dream, then, despite the machinations of enemies, you will easily achieve your plan. Did you dream that the mountain seemed to be approaching you? Vision means that circumstances will turn out in the most favorable way.

    Why dream if the mountains tremble and move? Deep down, you know that you are wasting your energy. Have you ever seen an old horse that is barely dragging itself up the mountains? The dream interpretation suspects that you are extremely tired of your work and responsibilities, therefore you practically fell into despair. The same plot hints that there is very little left to the goal, you just need to tighten up.

    According to the modern combined dream book

    Why do mountains dream? If in a dream you perceive them as an insurmountable barrier, then in reality you literally complicate your life yourself. To see the mountains as something ordinary and insignificant is much more useful. The dream interpretation considers them a warning about a difficult situation. But you can prepare in advance, so you can easily find a way out.

    Did you dream that you were barely dragging yourself and could not climb the mountain? The monotony and abundance of work depresses, the dream book advises to find time for rest. The same plot reflects a case that you are unlikely to be able to bring to its logical conclusion. It is good to see that inspiration has visited and you have easily climbed to the top of the mountain. This means that success will bring an unexpected decision or unusual circumstances.

    Why dream of mountains from which a landscape of stunning beauty opens up? In the future, you will experience excitement, but in the end you will be able to improve well-being. If the view of the mountains disappointed you in a dream, then the dream book does not advise making far-reaching plans, most likely, they will be completely upset. The same image conveys the uncertainty of the future and the fear of it.

    According to Denise Lynn's dream book

    Why do mountains dream at all? In a dream, they are associated with spiritual and creative upsurge, inspiring experiences. It is good to see that monasteries and temples stand on the peaks of the mountains. This means that you are destined for unhindered spiritual development.

    Sometimes mountains act as a symbol of barriers and obstacles. Dreamed of mountains? Soon, boundless prospects will open before you. Dream book advice: pay attention to the signs and try not to miss your chance. If in a dream you felt a panic attack and realized that you were not able to conquer the mountains, then in reality this will result in uncertainty, doubts, unnecessary hesitation.

    Mountains in a dream symbolize goals and opportunities to achieve them. Had a dream about going uphill? Similarly, the movement in the selected direction is transmitted. If you had a chance to go down the mountain, then the dream book is sure: you are clearly moving away from your goal.

    Why do mountains dream in snow, in greenery

    Dreamed of mountains in the snow? Gather your strength and move towards the goal without hesitation. If in a dream there was no snow cap on the mountains, then it is better to give up your intentions, because all attempts will be fruitless. Why dream of mountains in greenery with forests on the slopes? Minor problems clearly distract you from the main thing.

    The worst thing is to see completely bald mountains. This is an omen of trials and suffering. If the specified image appeared to the girl, then she should break off relations with the person who is caring for her at the moment. This man will only bring trouble and disappointment.

    Dreamed of mountains and rocks

    A mountainous landscape with bare rocks symbolizes benefits without much cost. At the same time, if mountains and rocks appeared in a dream, then for a certain time the life path will be difficult and uneven. Did you dream of steep mountains and rocks without vegetation? Others will try to solve problems without your participation and this will offend you greatly.

    Why else dream of mountains with rocks? In the negative interpretation of sleep, this is a sign of quarrels, failures, streaks of bad luck. If you decide to go mountaineering and conquer such mountains, then the path to happiness will be thorny and difficult. Climbing a bare sheer cliff also means that a period of hard work and experiences is approaching.

    Mountains in a dream - other transcripts

    Dreamed of mountains visible in the distance? Get ready for responsible and difficult work, but its clear execution will elevate and ensure well-being. If in a dream you reached the top and found a steep cliff, then you will be seriously disappointed when you get what you want. Besides:

    • living in the mountains is a happy event
    • walk - material profit, well-being
    • get injured in the mountains - life's dead end, unsolvable problems
    • find jewelry - an unexpected, very profitable offer
    • go to the river - a new look, knowledge
    • chain of mountains - deal with continuation
    • bald mountains - infidelity, anxiety
    • mountains with ruins - sudden luck, win
    • with the palace - glory, material gain
    • with a gloomy castle - excessive ambition
    • with a volcano - a big danger
    • with snow - good intentions
    • black mountains - danger
    • shining - good luck in your endeavors
    • climb the mountains tirelessly - success in the intended business
    • with great fatigue - excessive load, empty goal
    • with great difficulty - suffering
    • climb the mountain - the goal is close
    • to be on top - fateful changes in an unknown direction
    • go down - the end of a difficult life stage
    • break off the mountain - failure, trouble, danger
    • fall - loss of current position
    • to the bottom of the gorge - imprisonment, stalemate, death

    Why dream if you had a chance to see the mountains with genuine delight? You have chosen the right, albeit difficult, path, therefore you have enlisted support from above and good luck. If you had to go to the mountains without enthusiasm, then in reality you will voluntarily cut off ties, attachments and literally leave the world.

    Mountains are a mysterious symbol, because it is not for nothing that mountain slopes and gorges are found in traditions and legends. In dreams, a hillock symbolizes an obstacle to the goal. The conquest of a mountain peak for men and women is usually a favorable sign, portending success in any endeavor. But the mountains in a dream can promise the dreamer and trouble in business. To figure out how to interpret a dream, you should remember it in detail.

    Some dream books advise interpreting a dream in which mountains are seen, taking into account the gender of the dreamer.

    For a man, there are the following interpretations:

    • Climbing a mountain and reaching the top - to a favorable end of business.
    • To survive a fall from a mountain hill is a difficult period in life. The sleeper is not recommended to start new business now.

    A woman who sees mountain slopes in a dream will find various interpretations of this symbol in dream books:

    1. Climbing to the top and remaining completely powerless portends the girl to disappointment in what she wants to get. Expectations will differ significantly from reality.
    2. If on the dreamer's path uphill she encounters obstacles everywhere, this means that her marriage union will not bring happiness.
    3. If a woman climbs a mountain path and sees a lot of small mountain debris, then in reality the path to the goal will be thorny.
    4. Climbing mountains - this dream portends deception.

    Why do women dream of mountains by day of the week

    The day of the week on which a woman dreams of mountains can affect the interpretation of the dream:

    • if the mountains dreamed on the night from Monday to Tuesday, a person will have the opportunity to treat himself to shopping;
    • to see mountain heights in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday - the desire is not feasible, you should not try in vain;
    • if you dream of mountains from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a happy omen. Efforts and efforts will bring long-awaited fruits, the dreamer will succeed;
    • a dream in which mountains were present, which occurred on Thursday night, promises the appearance of a new friend;
    • mountains on the night of Thursday to Friday in dreams portend a sleeping fun time full of interesting events;
    • if you dream of mountains on Saturday night, then career advancement is expected in the future;
    • to see the mountains on Sunday night - to receive good news.

    Why dream of a mountain or a rock?

    Mountains can symbolize majesty, danger, or sacred ground. You may simply like to be in the mountains, and for this reason you can see them in a dream. Mountains can instill in you a sense of love for nature, life and a sense of rebirth.

    Sometimes you need to cross the mountain yourself, either by choice, or because you ended up there due to a chain of circumstances that is not always clear.

    Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in business. Forested mountains are a sign of infidelity. To see ruins in the mountains is to win.

    A castle standing in the mountains means that good changes and profit await you.

    Snow-capped mountain peaks in a dream symbolize your ambitions; reaching such a peak is a harbinger of the fulfillment of ambitions.

    Rocks in a dream are a sign of obstacles and worries. To dream of fire or smoke coming from the mountains is a sign of great danger in a risky business.

    Climbing them means your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbing up is a sign of success and high income. The same means a dream in which you managed to easily go down the mountain. However, rolling down a mountain in a dream unexpectedly for you is a bad omen that portends an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs. Climbing uphill and not slipping is an omen that your perseverance will help you succeed if you only get to the top of the mountain safely. Standing on a mountain is a sign of honors and a strong position in society. Traveling through the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in business, which you will achieve through hard work. However, if you have a guide on your journey, then in reality someone will contribute to your success.

    Dream Interpretation Maya

    Good value.

    If the top of the mountain is covered with snow, people around you will appreciate you very soon. Every morning, mix a beaten egg white with coffee and drink this drink.

    Bad value.

    If there is someone at the top of the mountain, prepare for the fact that someone will try to take your place. To be on the safe side, put the nails of your left hand and left foot in a cloth bag, add a strand of your hair to it, and bury it at sunset.
