Where is the vet. Moscow Veterinary Colleges

As a child, many dream of becoming a veterinarian and treating animals. We learn more about what a noble and necessary profession it is from fairy tales - for example, the famous "Aibolit" by K. I. Chukovsky. Veterinary medicine is a really good professional choice as these professionals are easy to find jobs and highly paid in 2020.

It is impossible to work as a veterinarian without a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education, so we have compiled a rating of the best veterinary universities in Russia.

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The best veterinary universities in Moscow

Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabin

Kazan Veterinary Academy named after N. E. Bauman

The Academy conducts admission in 3 specialized areas:

  1. Veterinary and sanitary examination.
  2. Zootechnics.
  3. Veterinary.
In the last specialty, the university has the largest number of state-funded places in the country.

Teachers and students of KGAVM actively participate in industry events that are held in the region: summits, congresses, conferences. This gives you the opportunity to present the results of your scientific work.

Tomsk Agricultural Institute - branch of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

The branch of NSAU is one of the strongest agricultural universities in the country. It is based on:

  • dairy farming training center;
  • veterinary clinic.

There, students of the specialties "animal science" and "veterinary medicine" have an internship and apply their knowledge.

Don State Technical University

DSTU offers applicants a wide range of educational programs, among which are "veterinary and sanitary examination and clinical and laboratory diagnostics."

In this specialty, few budget places are usually allocated, but the price of the contract is one of the cheapest in the country (from 60,000 rubles).

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin

Kuban State Agrarian University is one of the best veterinary universities in Russia. Provides training for future zootechnicians and specialists in veterinary expertise.

The university is active in international activities, students have the opportunity to participate in internships abroad, study and do exchange practice.

Tuva State University

TSU closes the list - one of the leading universities in the Siberian Federal District. Curricula are drawn up taking into account modern methods, a lot of time is devoted to independent work of students.

  1. Veterinary and sanitary expertise of industries, enterprises and trade processing
  2. Breeding, genetics and selection.
A nice bonus: upon admission, the individual achievements of the applicant are taken into account (victories in olympiads, scientific activity, etc.).

A TSU diploma makes it easy to get a job in the leading enterprises of the region.

Studying as a veterinarian is not easy, there are many complex disciplines in these specialties. If you have problems with labs, essays, or term papers, contact the Student Help Desk. His experts will make sure that only four-legged patients have tails, not you.

Working with animals, like working with people, requires a special vocation. We talked to veterinarians - pet rescuers, zoo residents, farm dwellers - about the peculiarities of their difficult profession.

For those who want to become a veterinarian, it is important to know:

1. A veterinarian is a difficult profession both morally and physically (especially if you have to treat large animals).

2. Animals do not get sick according to the schedule, so the work will not always have a stable schedule and clearly marked days off.

3. There may be problems in personal life - not always the second halves share increased fanaticism at work.

4. The human factor - the complexity of the interaction of pet owners with a veterinarian - can never be ruled out, so it is important to be balanced and competent in communicating with people.

5. The profession is not very suitable for squeamish people: sometimes you need to do “dirty” work and gloves are not always at hand.

Yana: “I loved animals since childhood, especially horses; my parents were against my hobby. I am a city child, I did not grow up in the countryside; there was only a dog at home - a Caucasian shepherd dog. I think that the love for animals, the lack of proper communication with them and the desire to help them led me to the profession. There was another curious question: how to treat cats/dogs - clearly, but how are horses treated?

Where to study to be a veterinarian?

In Moscow, the qualification "general veterinarian" can be obtained at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), at the Skryabin Moscow Veterinary Academy (MBA) or at the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (MGUPB).

For admission, you will need excellent knowledge of biology and chemistry (taken in the USE format); in the future, you need to be ready to memorize large amounts of information, not be afraid of complex laboratory work, and remain calm in any situation.

Yana: “By the 4th year, we had one female team left in the group - the strong half either transferred to another specialization or left the walls of our institution.

First lesson in a new subject. The teacher carefully looked at our group and the following dialogue takes place:

— Who is your leading mare?

(In response to him, a general slurred “uh.?!”).

- Alpha mare who, I say ??

(Here we finally ceased to understand what was happening).

- Who is the head of the group, I ask?

(Loud laughter)."

Irina: “Now I understand that during my studies I lacked a mentor. A person who would direct the mind in the right direction. Therefore, upon graduation with a diploma in my hands, I felt like a complete layman in veterinary medicine.

Yana: “At the first job there were a lot of surprises. Veterinary faculty students are taught not so much to treat animals as "what kind of disease it is and what will be used for stew and what for sausage." I'm exaggerating, of course, but sometimes something like this happens. It is important to always be ready to independently seek additional information, gain practical knowledge.”

Anastasia, administrator of the veterinary clinic: “Before entering, I worked for a whole year as a laboratory assistant at the academy; it helped me a lot, it was like I was one step ahead of all the freshmen. But when it came to practice, we did not know the simplest everyday things. Once we went to the farm, it was necessary to examine the newborn calves. None of us had any idea how it works, where you can go, where you can not. I imprudently turned around and fell with the calf into the drain.”

Polina, student: “I study veterinary pharmacology; I never knew how to put a thermometer on cats. It was in the first year; I was on duty at the regional center and the doctor said to take the cat's temperature after the operation. Well, I put it under my paw and wait ... Half of the center was crying with laughter.

Demand for the profession

The profession is in great demand on the periphery. There are such nooks and crannies in Russia where you will not find a good veterinarian in the afternoon with fire. In large cities, things are a little different - competition is high; it is difficult for a graduate of the veterinary academy to immediately find a well-paid job. It is necessary to prove yourself well; work experience is important, so many students from the third year begin to earn extra money in veterinary clinics.

Another industry that veterinarians often find themselves in is veterinary and sanitary expertise. All food products entering the market are controlled by expert veterinarians. Veterinarians also work at the border in order to protect the country from viruses (for example, bird flu or mad cow disease), which appear from time to time around the world. Imported and exported animals are carefully checked - this helps to avoid the occurrence of epidemics.

It is sometimes said that the salary of a veterinarian is inversely proportional to the size of conscience. Of course, this is not always the case; but some veterinarians honestly work for little money, while others, knowing, for example, that the pet will not survive, still charge huge amounts for admission or prescribe expensive medicines from the hospital pharmacy. However, a reputable veterinarian will always be in high demand.

About burial

Marina, an employee of the pet cemetery (Moscow, Kurkino district) says:

“Unfortunately, many pet owners think that they can bury it in a nearby park - the main thing is that there are no unnecessary witnesses. In fact, this is strictly prohibited, since it creates a danger to the ecological and sanitary situation. Also, no one excludes that playing children will stumble upon the animal; Can you imagine how they will feel? In the event of the death of a pet, cremation is required.

If the owners plan to take the ashes of the pet with them, it will cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles; general cremation - within 1000-2000 rubles, depending on weight. If the owners do not want to deal with everything on their own, it is possible to entrust all the worries to the veterinary service.

Who needs this job

Quite often, veterinarians understand animals better than people, which is a great way to figure out if this is the job for you. “If this is really yours,” says Ekaterina Chirkova, an ultrasound diagnostician, “no difficulties and failures will scare you. But if you suddenly realize that this is not yours, you must be able to admit it, not suffer in this profession, leave. We work with animals that should not suffer from human unwillingness to work and from unprofessionalism. They perfectly feel the person and often endure the most unpleasant manipulations from one, and do not let the other close.

Average salary of a veterinarian in Moscow:
50000 rubles.

Vet - a specialist in veterinary medicine who deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases of agricultural, domestic or exotic animals and birds. His work functions also include surgery, medical and cosmetic procedures, vaccination, childbirth, consultations for owners of sick pets, monitoring animal hygiene and animal welfare at enterprises, as well as veterinary and sanitary control over the quality of livestock products.

Personal qualities:

  • Love all animals and want to help them
  • Have the necessary knowledge about physiology, pharmaceuticals, methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases
  • Possess intellectual, logical abilities and a good memory
  • Be responsible and considerate
  • Demonstrate quick reaction and psychological stability
  • Have golden hands (for operating doctors)

Where to study to be a veterinarian:

To become a veterinarian, you need to get a higher education in the relevant field: veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination. After graduating from college or technical school, you can only count on the position of a paramedic.

All faculties of veterinary medicine offer universal training of personnel without a specific specialization. The disciplines studied include biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmaceuticals and animal husbandry. An important aspect of training is that training is usually focused on work with livestock, additional courses and electives may be required for work with domestic animals. Students of this direction undergo compulsory practice during their studies, and upon completion of higher education they receive the right to engage in medical practice. This right will give you:

  • (m. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya)
  • (m. Vykhino)
  • (m. Belyaevo)

Broader specialization:

  • - Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology
    (m. University)

Pros and cons of professions:

Career, places of employment:

Although higher education in this profile does not imply an internship, the graduate will still have to complete postgraduate practice as a veterinary assistant. Only with this condition will he be admitted to certification and become a full-fledged doctor himself. To improve professional qualifications, a postgraduate diploma, internships, participation in medical seminars and lectures will also be useful.

Specialists in veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination will be required at all enterprises and in all organizations where animals are involved in the work:

  • in veterinary clinics, pharmacies, pet stores
  • on farms
  • in laboratories and research institutes
  • at agricultural enterprises (meat-packing plants, poultry farms)
  • in nurseries
  • in zoos
  • at the circus
  • at a sanitation station or food control stations
  • in service dog clubs
  • at horse farms, hippodromes
  • in food companies

Those who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian should be realistic about their future earnings. A novice veterinarian receives no more than 25-30 thousand rubles, an experienced specialist - about 40-50 thousand rubles, and a top-class professional - 70-80 thousand rubles.

The main task of the faculty of correspondence and evening (part-time) education– ensuring quality assurance in educational activities:

  • in meeting the needs of the state and society in specialists and scientific personnel in the field of veterinary medicine, animal science and biotechnology with a level of social and professional competence that meets the requirements of educational standards;
  • in an effort to achieve the academy's leading position in the market of educational, scientific and innovative services to ensure continuing education in the field of veterinary medicine and biotechnology.

Correspondence and evening veterinary education
students in MBA

Even under Soviet rule, taking into account the persistent desire of mid-level veterinary workers to improve their skills on the job, as well as the growing need of the livestock sector for highly qualified veterinary specialists, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR allowed in 1956 to open a correspondence veterinary faculty as part of the Moscow veterinary academy.

During the years of perestroika, due to financial difficulties and the breakdown of interregional ties, the function of this faculty was temporarily suspended. However, in 1998, in order to intensify the training of highly qualified specialists from rural youth for agriculture, it was decided to resume the activities of the correspondence veterinary faculty (since 2002, the faculty of correspondence and part-time education).

The educational process at the faculty is based on the disciplines included in the Federal component, the national-regional (university) component, as well as disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the Academic Council of the Academy.

On-the-job training of specialists in part-time and part-time (evening) forms of education is carried out according to the main professional educational programs aimed at solving the problems of consistent professional development and training of specialists of appropriate qualifications.

Undergraduate Programs:
  • 03/36/01 - veterinary and sanitary examination (part-time education) - 5.5 years
  • 36.03.02 - zootechnics (correspondence course) - 5 years
  • 03/38/07 - commodity science (correspondence course) - 5 years
Specialist programs:
  • 36.05.01 - veterinary medicine (part-time and part-time education) - 5.5 -6 years
Master's programs:
  • 06.04.01 - biology (part-time education) 2.5 years
  • 19.04.01 - Biotechnology (part-time education) 2.5 years
  • 36.04.01 - veterinary and sanitary examination (part-time education) 2.5 years
  • 36.04.02 - animal science (part-time education) 2.5 years

Part-time (evening form) education exists in the veterinary academy since 2002. It makes it possible to obtain a diploma of a veterinarian without having a secondary specialized education and continue working on the job.

On a part-time basis, a block-modular system of education is provided. The study of each subject lasts 2-6 months, after which students are certified in this subject. This allows them to more easily absorb the educational material and avoid difficulties when passing tests and exams.

  • Students have the opportunity to combine work and study, that is, immediately apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.
  • Part-time (evening) classes are usually held several times a week on weekdays and weekends.
  • Contacts between students and teachers are regular, the learning process is more systematic, and control is organized at a much greater frequency.

Extramural studies

Department of Animal Technology and Agribusiness

The objects of professional activity of graduates are all types of farm animals, domestic and game animals, birds, animals, bees, fish, technological processes for the production of livestock products, feed of plant and animal origin. At the department, you can specialize in fur farming, beekeeping, sheep breeding, horse breeding, and cattle breeding.

Department of commodity science

Main types of professional activity: purchase and sale of goods and raw materials of animal origin, quality examination during the purchase, storage and sale of goods, analysis of supply and demand, advertising of goods, assessment of consumer value and competitiveness of goods (furs, skins, etc.), processing and sale of food products of animal origin (meat, milk, fish, honey, etc.).

Department of Veterinary Medicine

A veterinarian applies his knowledge in veterinary clinics, livestock farms, stud farms, meat processing plants, customs, zoos, service dog kennels; carries out veterinary and sanitary control over products in the laboratories of food markets. Throughout the entire period of study, students have the opportunity to engage in research work at the departments and in scientific laboratories.

According to statistics, 76% of Russians have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each of the owners of pets, if not regularly, then at least once in a lifetime seeks help from a veterinarian. Indeed, for most of us, our smaller brothers are not just animals that brighten up our leisure time, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need the help of a doctor.

According to statistics, 76% of Russians have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each of the owners of pets, if not regularly, then at least once in a lifetime, seeks help from veterinarian. Indeed, for most of us, our smaller brothers are not just animals that brighten up leisure, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need a doctor's help.

All this suggests that "Aibolites" are no less (if not more) in demand among the inhabitants of our country than "human" doctors. This fact, and the widespread belief that a veterinarian is less responsible than a doctor who treats people, leads many young people to storm agricultural and agrarian academies. But at the same time, many do not even suspect that the diploma veterinarian, does not guarantee that the specialist will be popular among pet owners. And all because in this profession it is not so much knowledge and experience that is very important, but the presence of certain personal qualities, which you can learn about from this article.

Who is a veterinarian?

A veterinarian is a qualified specialist in the treatment of animals (pets, zoo animals, birds and farm animals, circus "artists", etc.), as well as disease prevention and other related duties related to veterinary medicine.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin veterinarius (concerning working cattle). This suggests that the first veterinarians cared exclusively for farm animals. By the way, despite the fact that veterinary medicine as such appeared in ancient times (presumably, simultaneously with the practice of domesticating wild animals), the official date of occurrence veterinary professions 1761 is considered to be the year when the first veterinary school was opened in Lyon.

It is not difficult to guess that a universal veterinarian, as well as a universal "human" doctor, does not exist, since each animal species has its own characteristics. And one person is simply not able to study them all. Therefore, modern veterinary medicine includes a huge number of narrow specializations, which depend not only on what animals the specialist works with, but also on the direction of activity (for example, a veterinary surgeon, veterinarian herpetologist, veterinarian oncologist or veterinarian ornithologist).

Professional duties of a veterinarian largely dependent on specialization. However, in general, any specialist is obliged to: monitor the correct maintenance and care of animals, provide medical and preventive care (including sterilization / castration, insemination / delivery), provide the necessary medicines, vitamins or disinfectants, provide special care for animals quarantined, as well as advise pet owners on the treatment and prevention of the disease.

What personal qualities should a veterinarian have?

Insofar as work of a veterinarian is inextricably linked with the daily care and treatment of animals, a fundamental factor in choosing this profession is the love for animals and the ability to "understand" them. In addition, a veterinarian, like any other medical worker, must have such personal qualities as:

Of course, with love and understanding alone, a veterinarian will not be able to cure an animal, therefore, in order to conduct a successful professional activity, he will need a whole set of skills and knowledge, among which deserve special attention: knowledge of the basics of medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, biology, zoology and chemistry, possession of methods and ways of interacting with animals, extensive knowledge in the field of biological characteristics of various animal species and physico-chemical characteristics of the composition of medicines.

Benefits of being a veterinarian

As mentioned above, Aibolites are in demand today no less than "human" doctors, and this is one of the main benefits of being a veterinarian. At the same time, the income of some veterinarians far exceeds the salaries of even very good doctors who treat people. This is especially true for veterinarians who specialize in the treatment of exotic and expensive animals (for example, purebred horses).

Speaking about the income of veterinarians, one cannot fail to mention the fact that these specialists have great opportunities to run their own business. And for this it is not at all necessary to make large investments in opening a private veterinary clinic. A good specialist is passed by grateful pet owners to each other "from hand to hand", so a specialist can simply provide services privately on a house call. The main thing is to prove yourself well and sincerely love your work.

The benefits also include a wide circle of veterinarian acquaintances. Indeed, today animals are not only pets, but also a kind of fashion brand - almost all the "rich and famous" have already managed to "mark" themselves in photo shoots with their four-legged friends (for example, photos of the President of Russia with his dogs regularly appear in the media). Therefore, among the clients of a good veterinarian there may be both the most ordinary, but very interesting Russians, and the "powers of this world", who can be useful to a specialist in everyday life.

Disadvantages of being a veterinarian

The main difficulty in the work of any veterinarian is that his patients cannot tell or show what, where and how they are worried. Therefore, the specialist has to make diagnoses on the basis of symptoms, test results and his own intuition. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correctly diagnose an animal, which sometimes leads to irreversible consequences. Of course, no one will be held legally responsible for the death of an animal veterinarian in Russia. However, no one canceled moral responsibility, and every failure is a dark stain on the reputation of a specialist (which directly affects the number of clients and the amount of earnings).

Doubtless disadvantage of the veterinarian profession is a high risk of specialist injury. Animals do not always understand that the doctor wants to help them, so bites and scratches almost always "decorate" the hands and feet of the veterinarian. This does not exclude the possibility of contracting serious diseases that can be transmitted to the veterinarian from a sick animal.

Speaking about the profession of a veterinarian, one cannot but say that the work schedule of these specialists is irregular (especially if the doctor is faced with difficult cases), and due to high physical and emotional stress, only true enthusiasts can stay in the profession for a long time.

Where can you get a job as a veterinarian?

The Medical University also invites professional retraining of doctors and nurses. Training takes place in part-time form with the use of distance learning technologies, which allows you to combine study with work. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

Become a veterinarian can be in any agricultural or agrarian university. True, the future specialist needs to be prepared for the fact that he will first have to spend 6 years on training, and then work for some time as an assistant to a practicing veterinarian. The fact is that Russian universities basically train specialists to work with farm animals, so young veterinarians can get acquainted with the peculiarities of treating pets under the guidance of more experienced colleagues. And only after acquiring practical skills, a novice veterinarian can start independent practice.
