Do-it-yourself vertical windmill (5 kW). We create a wind farm with our own hands Wind generators for the home with our own hands

A wind generator or, in common people, a windmill is a simple device that provides its owner with considerable savings due to the generation of free electricity. Such an installation is the dream of any owner of a plot cut off from centralized networks or a summer resident who is dissatisfied with a newly received receipt for electricity consumption.

Having understood the design of the wind generator, the principle of its operation, having studied the drawings, you can independently make and install a windmill, providing your home with unlimited alternative energy.

Is it legal to use wind?

Creating your own, albeit compact, but power plant is a serious thing, so it is logical that the question involuntarily arises: is their use legal? Yes, if the power of the wind-launched installation does not exceed 1 kW, which is quite enough to provide an average country house with electric current.

The fact is that it is with this indicator of power that the device is considered household and does not require mandatory registration, certification, approval, registration, and, moreover, is not subject to any tax.

However, before you make a wind turbine for your home, it is better to protect yourself and take into account a few points:

  • Are there special restrictions on the use of alternative energy sources in the region of residence?
  • What is the permissible height of the mast on the ground?
  • Will the noise from the gearbox and blades exceed the established standards?
  • Is it possible to provide protection against generated radio interference?
  • Will the mast interfere with bird migration or cause other environmental problems?

If you think through all the nuances in advance, then neither the tax, nor the environmental services, nor the neighbors will be able to make claims and prevent the receipt of free electricity.

How does a windmill work?

In the photo, finished home-made wind turbines are represented by elongated metal structures on three or four supports, with blades moving from the wind. As a result, the kinetic energy received by the wind flow is converted into mechanical energy, which in turn starts the rotor and becomes an electric current.

This process is the result of the well-established work of several mandatory components of a wind power plant (WPP):

  • A propeller with two or more blades;
  • turbine rotor;
  • Reducer;
  • Controller;
  • Electric generator axle and generator;
  • inverter;
  • Battery.

It is also necessary to provide for a brake block, gondola, mast, weather vane, low and high speed shaft. The device also determines the principle of operation of the wind generator: a rotating rotor produces a three-phase alternating current that passes through the controller system and charges the DC battery.

The final amps are converted by the inverter and sent through the connected wiring to output points: sockets, lighting, household appliances and electrical appliances.

How to do it yourself?

The most reliable and simple design is considered to be a rotary wind turbine, which is an installation with a vertical axis of rotation. A ready-made home-made generator of this type is able to fully ensure the energy consumption of the dacha, including equipping the living quarters, outbuildings and street lighting (though not too bright).

If you get an inverter with indicators of 100 volts and a battery of 75 amperes, then the windmill will be much more powerful and productive: there will be enough electricity for both video surveillance and an alarm.

To make a wind generator, you will need construction details, consumables and tools. The first step is to find suitable windmill components, many of which can be found among old stocks:

  • Generator from a car with a power of about 12 V;
  • Rechargeable battery for 12 V;
  • Push-button semi-hermetic switch;
  • Inventory;
  • Car relay used to charge the battery.

You will also need consumables:

  • Fasteners (bolts, nuts, insulating tape);
  • Steel or aluminum container;
  • Wiring with a cross section of 4 square meters. mm (two meters) and 2.5 sq. mm (one meter);
  • Mast, tripod and other elements to enhance stability;
  • Strong rope.

It is advisable to find, study and print drawings of wind turbines with your own hands. You will also need tools, including a grinder, a meter, pliers, a drill, a sharp knife, an electric drill, screwdrivers (Phillips, minus, indicator) and wrenches.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start assembling, focusing on step-by-step instructions that tell you how to make a wind generator with your own hands:

  • Cut out blades of the same size from a metal container, leaving an untouched strip of metal a few centimeters at the base.
  • Symmetrically make holes with a drill for the existing bolts in the bottom of the base of the tank and the generator pulley.
  • Bend the blades.
  • Fix on the blade pulley.
  • Install and secure the generator on the mast with clamps or a rope, stepping back from the top about ten centimeters.
  • Establish wiring (to connect the battery, a meter-long core with a cross section of 4 sq. Mm is enough, for loading with lighting and electrical appliances - 2.5 sq. Mm).
  • Mark the connection diagram, color and letter marking for future repairs.
  • Install the transmitter with quarter wire.
  • If necessary, decorate the structure with a weather vane and paint.
  • Secure the wires by winding the installation mast.

Do-it-yourself wind generators for 220 volts are an opportunity to provide a summer house or a country house with free electricity in the shortest possible time. Even a beginner can set up such an installation, and most of the details for the structure have long been idle in the garage.

DIY photo of wind turbines

The issue of wind energy in our innovative time is of interest to many. Those who have ever visited European countries in their car have probably seen huge wind farms.
Hundreds of generators are encountered along the way.

Observing such a picture, many begin to believe that obtaining electricity with the help of wind is a very promising and profitable occupation. Wise Europeans cannot be wrong.

At the same time, for some reason, the fact is ignored that in other places of the same Europe, there are practically no such wind farms. Why did it happen?
That's it about this, when, where and how it is profitable to use windmills, and when not, and will be discussed in the article.


Surely, after the next rise in the price of electricity, you thought about installing a wind generator on your site. Thus, providing, if not all, then most of their needs for electricity.

Some are even considering becoming independent from the grid this way. How realistic and possible is this? Unfortunately, for 90% of owners of private houses, these dreams will remain dreams.

And so that you do not waste your money, we will tell you with the calculation of all the numbers why this is so.

Wind speed

Unfortunately, there are not many regions in our country where the wind speed is at least at the level of 5-7 meters per second. The data is taken on an annual average. In the vast majority of latitudes suitable for habitation, this very speed is equal to a maximum of 2-4 m / s.

This suggests that your wind turbine most of the time, simply will not work. For stable electricity generation, it needs a wind of about 10 m/s.

If the wind in your area is 7m/s, then the generator will operate at a maximum of 50% of its nominal value. And if only 2 m / s, then by 5%.

In fact, in an hour, a 2kW generator will give you no more than 100W.

You will also encounter another wind problem that manufacturers are silent about. Near the ground, its speed is much less than at the top, where industrial installations 25-30m high are placed.

You will mount your unit at a maximum of ten meters. Therefore, do not even be guided by wind tables from different sites. This information does not apply to you.

Manufacturers are modestly silent that for their wind resource maps, measurements are made at a height of 50 to 70 meters! In addition, data on turbulence and eddies are not taken into account there.

If you try to lift it higher than 10m, you will definitely think about lightning protection. Blades electrified by air friction, very tasty bait for discharges!

In addition, for some reason, everyone is only worried about such a parameter as wind speed, and at the same time they forget about its density or pressure. And the difference for energy is very significant. The dependence of electricity generation on wind pressure is disproportionate.

So, if the wind pressure doubles, the generated power increases eight times!

In addition, there is a certain craftiness in the specified technical characteristics of generators.

Of course, you can trust them, but only for ideal conditions. Because:

  • and in laminar flow with a constant direction and increased density

In your summer cottage, the wind speed can be such that it will not work and turn the shaft, let alone generate energy.

And this is spring or autumn. It is during this period that the most active movements of air masses occur.

Do not forget that the windmill does not operate in the idling mode of the turntable, but must spin the generator rotor surrounded by neodymium magnets.

And this is only as long as the electric potential of the windmill is lower than the battery voltage. When the voltage is sufficient to start charging, the battery turns into a load.

If low-speed structures with a vertical axis of rotation are used, then there is already a step-up gearbox. Have you tried spinning the booster? Such a design becomes more complicated, weight, windage, cost increase.

Even at the lighthouses of the Northern Fleet, given the constant winds and the polar night, experts prefer to use solar panels. When asked why this is so, they answer in a simple way - there are fewer problems!

Wind turbine batteries

Large industrial wind turbines can transfer energy directly to the grid, bypassing any batteries.

But you can't do without them. Without a battery, neither the TV nor the refrigerator will work. Even the lighting will shine in fits and starts, depending on the gusts of wind.

At the same time, for 12-15 years of operation of the generator, you will be required to change 3-4 sets of batteries, thereby doubling your initial costs. Moreover, we take an almost ideal option, when the batteries will be discharged no more than half of their capacity.

Of course, you can buy cheap battery models, but the costs will not decrease from this. Just going to the store for new batteries will not be done 4 times, but already 8.

Where is the best place to install

Another thing to seriously think about is the availability of free space. Moreover, in terms of area, it can go 100 or more meters in each direction from the mast.

The wind should move freely along the blades, and reach them without interference from all sides. It turns out that you must live either in the steppe or near the sea (preferably directly on its shore).

The ideal location would be at the top of the hill. Where from the position of aerodynamics, the air flow is compacted with a corresponding increase in wind speed and pressure.

Forget about neighbors. Their gardens and two-three-story mansions will “drink your blood” great, blocking the tailwind every time. As well as neighboring forest plantations.

The same industrial windmills are not placed directly one behind the other, but mounted diagonally. Each subsequent one should not close the previous one.

Price for 1 kW of power

The 4th reason is the high price. Do not be fooled by the prices of sellers in price lists. They never show the real cost of all the necessary equipment.
Therefore, always multiply prices by 2, even when choosing the so-called ready-made kits.

But that's not all. Do not forget about operating costs, reaching up to 70% of the cost of windmills. Try repairing the generator at a height, or dismantling and disassembling and assembling the mast each time.

Don't forget to replace the battery periodically. Therefore, do not expect that a windmill can cost you $ 1 per 1 kW of electricity.

When you calculate all the real costs, it turns out that each kilowatt of power of such a wind generator cost you at least 5 bucks.

Payback period and savings calculation

The fifth reason is inextricably linked with the first four. This is the payback period.

For your individual wind turbine, this period is NEVER.

The cost of a windmill, mast and additional equipment for 2-kilowatt high-quality models will reach an average of 200 thousand rubles. The performance of such installations is from 100 to 200 kW per month, no more. And this is under good weather conditions.

Even precipitation reduces the power of windmills. Rain by 20%, snow by 30%.

So it turns out all your savings - this is 500 rubles. For 12 months of continuous work, a little more will come in - 6 thousand.

But if you remember the initial spending of 200 thousand, then you will return them in thirty-two years!

And all this without taking into account operating costs. And if you estimate that the average life of a good windmill is about 20 years, it turns out that it will finally and irrevocably break down even before it reaches payback.

At the same time, a 2-kilowatt unit will not cover 100% of your needs. A maximum of a third! If you want to completely connect everything from it, then take a 10-kilowatt model, no less. The payback period will not change.

But there will already be completely different dimensions and weight.

And fixing it just like that on a pipe through the attic of your roof will definitely not work.

However, some are still convinced that due to the endless rise in the price of electricity, the wind generator will at one fine moment, in any case, become profitable.

When to buy a wind turbine

Of course, electricity is getting more expensive every year. For example, 10 years ago, its price was 70% lower. Let's carry out approximate calculations and find out the prospect of a windmill paying off, taking into account the sharp rise in the cost of electricity.

We will consider a generator with a power of 2 kW.

As we found out earlier, the cost of such a model is about 200 thousand. But taking into account all the additional costs, you need to multiply it by two. It will turn out at least 400 thousand rubles. costs, with a service life of twenty years.

That is, for a year it turns out 20 thousand. At the same time, in fact, this year the unit will give you a maximum of 900 kW. Because of the coefficient installed capacity (it does not exceed five percent for small windmills), you will wind up 75 kW per month.

Even if we take 1000 kW per year for ease of calculation, the cost of 1 kW / h received from a windmill will be 20 rubles for you. If we assume that electricity from thermal power plants will rise in price by 4 times, then this will not happen tomorrow, and not even in 5 years.

Which windmills to choose

Well, for those who live far from substations and VL-0.4kv, it is worth purchasing the most powerful windmill models that you can afford. Since from the power that is indicated in the pictures, you will get no more than 15%.

Another category of consumers, quite deservedly, makes a choice not in favor of Chinese factory models, but, on the contrary, prefers home-made windmills from self-taught masters. It also has its benefits.

For the most part, the inventors of such devices are competent and responsible guys. And in almost 100% of cases, without any problems, they can return the installation if something went wrong, or it needs to be repaired. This will definitely not be a problem.

In industrial Chinese windmills, the appearance is certainly prettier. And if you still decide to buy it, immediately after checking it with an electric drill, do preventive maintenance and replace Chinese scrap metal with high-quality lubricated bearings.

If there are large bird nests near you, it does not hurt to purchase an additional set of blades.

Chicks sometimes fall under the distribution of a spinning "mini mill". Plastic blades break and metal ones bend.

And I would like to finish with wisdom from those users who did not listen to all the arguments and came across all the problems described above. Remember, the most expensive weather vane for a home is a wind turbine!

One of the easiest ways to get cheap electricity is a wind turbine. It is not necessary to buy it, you can build it yourself, using correctly drawn up drawings and diagrams, parts and materials.

The principle of operation of a wind generator is simple: the wind drives the blades that rotate the turbine rotor, which converts wind energy into mechanical energy. Wind turbines are:

  • with horizontal axis rotors;
  • with vertical axis rotors.

The advantage of the latter is that they work regardless of the direction of the wind and its strength. The power generated by a homemade wind generator ranges from 100 to 6000 watts. The minimum speed at which the turbine can start generating electricity is 2.5-3 m / s, but to achieve the rated power, wind speeds of 10 m / s are required.

The rotor typically spins at 15-20 rpm, while a typical asynchronous generator generates electricity at over 1500 rpm. For a homemade windmill, a 12 volt car generator is suitable.

The principle of operation of the wind generator

How to make a wind generator with your own hands

The basis for creating a wind turbine is a well-made project and a prepared drawing. This is very important, because without a clear idea of ​​​​how the device should look like, it will be difficult to build it correctly without violating the installation order of all elements.

Drawings and diagrams

You need to start by drawing up a general sketch of the wind turbine, marking the key elements: the tower, the generator, the wooden base, the blades and the hub that connects them together. A self-drawn diagram may not be very detailed: this is not necessary. It should be used to give a general idea of ​​how the various parts of the wind turbine will be laid out and how the design will look in its final stages.

Wind generator assembly diagram

After preparing the circuit, you need to set the correct dimensions of the wind generator. These should include the height, length and width of the wooden base that connects the generator and tail fin to the tower. Also determine the dimensions for blades made of metal pipes or PVC pipes, depending on what material will be used. Separate measurements are needed for the tail fin: height, width and length, and diameter for the blades, which determine the size of the wind turbine.

After the drawing and rough sketch of the device with the set dimensions are ready, you can proceed to the preparation of materials and tools for work.

Necessary tools and materials

To make a homemade windmill, you will need the following parts:

  • rotor with blades;
  • gearbox to control the speed of rotation of the rotor;
  • gel or alkaline battery for powering electrical appliances;
  • inverter for current transformation;
  • tail section;
  • mast.

The rotor with blades can be made independently, while the rest of the elements will probably have to be bought or assembled from the necessary parts. In addition, to assemble a homemade windmill, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • saw on wood;
  • metal scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • soldering iron;
  • drill.

Be sure to need screws and bolts to connect the blades to the hub and to fasten the metal pipe to the wood.

DIY wind turbine blades

When making the blades on your own, you should pay special attention to observing the shape of the products specified by the drawing. The blades can be winged or sail type. The second one is simpler to manufacture, but has a low efficiency, which makes it inefficient in home-made wind turbines, even of medium size.

For the manufacture of blades of a homemade wind generator, materials such as:

  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • aluminum;
  • fiberglass;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

The device of the bladed part of the wind generator

If you choose polyvinyl chloride, then PVC pipes with a diameter of 160 mm or more are perfect for creating blades. Plastic and wood are less wear-resistant materials that, under the influence of precipitation and strong winds, will become unusable in a few years. The best option is aluminum: it is durable and lightweight, resistant to tearing and creases, immune to moisture and elevated temperatures.

Step by step instructions for making

When all the drawings have been drawn up, and the materials and tools have been prepared, you can begin to assemble the wind generator with your own hands, guided by the following order:

  1. Prepare concrete foundation. The depth of the pit and the volume of the concrete mixture is calculated based on the type of soil and climatic conditions. After pouring the foundation, it takes several weeks to gain the desired strength. Only after that it is possible to install a mast into it to a depth of 60-70 cm, securing it with braces.
  2. Place the prepared blades into the pipe, fasten them with screws and nuts to the hub on which the engine will be installed.
  3. Position the diode bridge next to the motor and secure it with self-tapping screws. Connect a wire from the motor to the positive diode bridge and the other wire to the negative bridge.
  4. Fasten the motor shaft, put the bushing on it and tighten it tightly counterclockwise.
  5. Balance the base of the tube with the motor and shaft attached to it and mark the balance point.
  6. Fix the base of the device with screws.

A wind generator can last much longer if you paint not only the blades, but the base, shaft and engine cover. To turn on the unit, you will need a set of wires, a charger, an ammeter and a battery.

Car Alternator Preparation

In order to make a wind generator with your own hands from a car generator? you will need to install a power of 95A with a voltage of 12 V. At 125 rpm it produces 15.5 watts, and at 630 rpm this figure will be 85.7 watts. If we talk about a load of 630 rpm, then the voltmeter will show 31.2 volts, and the ammeter - 13.5 amperes. Thus, the generator power will be 421.2 watts. To achieve this indicator, it is necessary to use neodymium magnets, which are 7 times more effective than ferrite ones.

At the beginning of the preparation of the automobile generator, it is necessary to remove the rotor winding of the magnetic excitation and the electronic brushes with the collector. In place of the ring ferromagnets, you need to install neodymium magnets in the amount of 3 pieces, the size of each of them should be 85 x 35 x 15 millimeters. The disadvantage of using powerful magnets can be "sticking", which makes it difficult to move the shaft. To reduce it, the magnets should be placed at a slight angle relative to each other.

Before starting the generator, it must be tested on a lathe by spinning the shaft to 950–1000 rpm. If the device is working properly, the return will be at least 200 watts. In most cases, a classic vertical-axis powerplant is suitable: it is characterized by low revs and noiselessness.

During the operation of the wind turbine, it is recommended to periodically check the reliability of the fasteners at the base of the mast, lubricate the bearings of the rotary device, and balance the tilt of the installation. Once every six months it is recommended to check and change the electrical insulation, which is often damaged due to use in adverse conditions.

A homemade wind generator, assembled from a car generator and simple parts, is able to provide electricity to a small house and become an autonomous backup power source. Environmentally friendly and low maintenance, it will pay for itself within 2-4 years depending on and last for decades.

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In the modern world, more and more money has to be paid for utilities, which include the supply of electricity. Therefore, owners of private houses are increasingly thinking about how to make a 220V wind generator with their own hands, which can provide uninterrupted electricity to the whole house.

Industrial wind generator

All wind turbines consist of a blade, a turbine rotor, a generator, a generator shaft, an inverter, and a battery. It is conditionally possible to divide all models into industrial and home ones, while the principle of operation will be the same for them.

Rotating, the rotor creates an alternating current with three phases, which goes through the controller to the battery, and then, in the inverter, it is converted into a stable one for supply to electrical appliances.

The rotation of the blades occurs due to the physical impact with the help of an impulse or lifting force, as a result of which the flywheel comes into action, as well as under the influence of a braking force. In the process, the flywheel begins to spin, and the rotor creates a magnetic field on the fixed part of the generator, after which the current is reproduced.

In general, wind turbines are divided into vertical and horizontal. What is connected with the location of the axis of rotation.

Vertical option

When planning to create a 220V windmill with your own hands, first of all, think over the vertical options. Among them are:

  • Savonius rotor. The simplest, which appeared back in 1924. It is based on two half-cylinders on a vertical axis. The disadvantages include low use of wind energy.

  • With Darrieus rotor. Appeared in 1931, the spin-up occurs due to the difference in the resistance of the aerodynamic hump and the belt pocket, therefore, the disadvantages include a small torque, as well as the need to mount an odd number of blades.

A kind of wind generator Daria
  • The blades have a twisted shape, reducing the load on the bearing, increasing the service life. The disadvantage is the high price.

A homemade version will come out cheaper if it is properly thought out and mounted.

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Horizontal Models

Horizontal models are divided by the number of blades. Their efficiency is higher, but there is a need to install a weather vane to constantly search for the direction of the wind. All models have high rotational speeds; instead of blades, they mount a counterweight, which affects air resistance.

Multi-blade models can have up to 50 high-inertia blades. They can be used to operate water pumps.

How to make a 220V do-it-yourself wind generator

To provide a private house with a constant flow of electricity at an average wind speed of 4 m / s, it is enough:

  • 0.15-0.2 kW, which go to basic needs;
  • 1-5 kW for electrical equipment;
  • 20 kW for the whole house with heating.

It should be borne in mind that the wind does not always blow, therefore, with your own hands, a windmill for the house should be provided with a battery with a charge controller, as well as an inverter to which the devices are connected.

For any model of a homemade windmill, the main elements will be required:

  • rotor - the part that rotates from the wind;
  • blades, usually they are mounted from wood or light metal;
  • a generator that will convert wind power into electricity;
  • a tail that helps determine the direction of air flow (for a horizontal version);
  • horizontal rail to hold the generator, tail and turbine;
  • match;
  • connecting wire and shield.

In the complete set of the shield there will be a battery, a controller and an inverter. Consider two options for how to build a wind generator with your own hands.

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Features of assembling a wind generator from a washing machine with your own hands

Consider how to make a 220V wind generator with your own hands using an old-style engine.

Table 1. Detailed instructions for a wind generator from a washing machine with a photo

What needs to be donePhoto example
You should buy neodymium magnets that are mounted in recesses on the motor rotor. The notches themselves are made on a lathe, use the diagram for proper placement.
Glue the magnets with superglue into the prepared recesses. Then, they should be wrapped with paper, and the rest of the space should be filled with epoxy.
Next, we prepare the axis, which is better to order from a turner. Inside the hollow structure there should be room for the cable and a hole for its entry. We mount the holder from an iron rod. For it, we use a grinder, with which we cut off two tubes (fix the generator on them), and weld on the other end.
We turn to the blades, which can be made from 16 cm pipes for external sewage. In this case, use a jigsaw.
It remains to assemble the wind generator, securing all the elements. To begin with, we attach the generator, blades, rotor and tail to the carrier rail. Do not forget to close the generator with a casing.
The power plant should be mounted using a hinge mechanism, and the mast is mounted in a concrete base with 4 bolts.
Route the wire to the switchboard.
Connect all elements and perform a performance test.

To make it easier to understand the whole sequence of actions when assembling a wind farm with your own hands from an old one, watch the video:

Features of assembling a vertical wind generator from a car generator with your own hands

When "homemade" people think about how to make 220V wind turbines with their own hands, they most often use car generators as a basis. It is easy to assemble, and for work you will need:

  • generator 12V from car;
  • battery;
  • converter from 12 to 220 W with a power of 1.2 kW;
  • barrel or bucket aluminum or steel for the blades;
  • control lamp from the car;
  • switch;
  • voltmeter;
  • copper wires with a cross section of more than 2 mm;
  • clamp for fastening.

To assemble a vertical wind generator with your own hands, you will need a tape measure and a pencil, a set of keys, an electric drill and a grinder, as well as metal scissors. Detailed installation instructions are given below.

Table 2. Assembly of a vertical wind generator from a car generator

The prepared metal container must be marked and cut into 4 equal parts, but this must not be done completely. In each part, drill holes for the bolts, which should be symmetrical.
The blades that are not completely cut are slightly bent, the rotation speed directly depends on this process, so decide in advance in which direction the equipment should rotate.
It is necessary to fix the blades on the pulley, and install the generator on the mast using clamps, and also assemble the wiring according to the prepared scheme.
The main thing is to correctly connect the wires to which the battery is connected in the shield, as well as the converter.

To make it easier for you to navigate, watch the video on the option of assembling a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands.

Electricity is steadily rising in price. To feel comfortable outside the city in hot summer weather and a frosty winter day, you need to either spend a lot of money or look for alternative energy sources. Russia is a huge country with large flat areas. Although slow winds prevail in most of our regions, strong and violent air currents blow over the sparsely populated area. Therefore, the presence of a wind generator in the farm of the owner of suburban real estate is most often justified. The appropriate model is chosen based on the area of ​​application and the actual purpose of use.

Wind turbine #1 - rotary type design

You can make a simple rotary windmill with your own hands. Of course, he is unlikely to be able to supply electricity to a large cottage, but it is quite possible to provide electricity to a modest garden house. With it, you can supply light in the evening to outbuildings, illuminate garden paths and the local area.

You can read more about other types of alternative energy sources in this article:

So, or almost so, a do-it-yourself rotary wind generator looks like. As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in the design of this equipment.

Preparation of parts and consumables

To assemble a wind generator, the power of which will not exceed 1.5 kW, we will need:

  • generator from car 12 V;
  • acid or gel battery 12 V;
  • converter 12V - 220V to 700 W - 1500 W;
  • a large container made of aluminum or stainless steel: a bucket or a voluminous pan;
  • automotive battery charging relay and charge control lamp;
  • semi-hermetic "button" switch for 12 V;
  • voltmeter from any unnecessary measuring device, you can automobile;
  • bolts with washers and nuts;
  • wires with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 and 4 mm 2;
  • two clamps with which the generator will be attached to the mast.

To do the work, we will need metal scissors or a grinder, a tape measure, a marker or a construction pencil, a screwdriver, keys, a drill, a drill, wire cutters.

Most owners of private houses do not recognize the use of geothermal heating, but such a system has promise. You can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of this complex in the following material:

Progress of design work

We are going to make a rotor and remake the alternator pulley. To get started, we need a metal container of a cylindrical shape. Most often, a pot or bucket is adapted for these purposes. Take a tape measure and a marker or construction pencil and divide the container into four equal parts. If we cut metal with scissors, then in order to insert them, you must first make holes. You can also use a grinder if the bucket is not made of painted tin or galvanized steel. In these cases, the metal will inevitably overheat. Cut out the blades without cutting through them to the end.

In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions of the blades that we cut in the tank, it is necessary to make careful measurements and carefully recalculate everything.

In the bottom and in the pulley we mark and drill holes for the bolts. At this stage, it is important to take your time and arrange the holes symmetrically to avoid imbalance during rotation. The blades should be bent, but not too much. When performing this part of the work, we take into account the direction of rotation of the generator. It usually rotates in a clockwise direction. Depending on the angle of the bend, the area of ​​influence of wind flows increases, and, therefore, the speed of rotation.

This is another option for blades. In this case, each part exists separately, and not as part of the container from which it was cut.

Since each of the windmill blades exists separately, you need to screw each one. The advantage of this design is its increased maintainability

The bucket with finished blades should be fixed to the pulley using bolts. We install the generator on the mast using clamps, then we connect the wires and assemble the circuit. It is better to rewrite the diagram, wire colors and contact markings in advance. The wires also need to be fixed on the mast.

To connect the battery, we use wires 4 mm 2, the length of which should not be more than 1 meter. We connect the load (electrical appliances and lighting) using wires with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2. Do not forget to put the converter (inverter). It is connected to the network to contacts 7.8 with a 4 mm 2 wire.

The design of the wind turbine consists of a resistor (1), a generator starter winding (2), a generator rotor (3), a voltage regulator (4), a reverse current relay (5), an ammeter (6), a battery (7), a fuse (8) , switch (9)

Advantages and disadvantages of such a model

If everything is done correctly, this wind generator will work without creating problems for you. With a 75A battery and a 1000 W converter, it can power street lighting, video surveillance devices, etc.

The scheme of the installation clearly demonstrates exactly how wind energy is converted into electricity and how it is used for its intended purpose.

The advantages of such a model are obvious: it is a very economical product, easy to repair, does not require special conditions for its operation, works reliably and does not violate your acoustic comfort. The disadvantages include low productivity and a significant dependence on strong gusts of wind: the blades can be torn off by air currents.

Windmill #2 - axial design with magnets

Until recently, axial windmills with iron-free stators on neodymium magnets have not been made in Russia due to the inaccessibility of the latter. But now they are in our country, and they are cheaper than originally. Therefore, our craftsmen began to manufacture wind turbines of this type.

Over time, when the capabilities of a rotary wind generator will no longer provide all the needs of the economy, you can make an axial model on neodymium magnets

What needs to be prepared?

For the basis of the axial generator, you need to take the hub from the car with brake discs. If this part was in operation, it must be disassembled, the bearings checked and lubricated, rust cleaned off. The finished generator will be painted.

To qualitatively clean the hub from rust, use a metal brush that can be mounted on an electric drill. The hub will look great again

Distribution and fixation of magnets

We have to stick magnets on the rotor discs. In this case, 20 magnets with a size of 25x8mm are used. If you decide to make a different number of poles, then use the rule: in a single-phase generator there must be as many poles as there are magnets, and in a three-phase generator, the ratio of 4/3 or 2/3 poles to coils must be observed. Magnets should be placed by alternating poles. To ensure that their location is correct, use a template with sectors printed on paper or on the disc itself.

If possible, it is better to use rectangular magnets rather than round ones, because round ones have a magnetic field concentrated in the center, and rectangular ones along their length. The opposing magnets must have different poles. In order not to confuse anything, use a marker to put “+” or “-” on their surface. To determine the pole, take one magnet and bring others to it. Put plus on attracting surfaces, and minus on repulsive ones. On the disks, the poles must alternate.

The magnets are correctly placed. Before fixing them with epoxy resin, it is necessary to make plasticine sides so that the adhesive mass can harden, and not glass on the table or floor

To fix the magnets, you need to use a strong glue, after which the bonding strength is further enhanced with epoxy resin. It is filled with magnets. To prevent the resin from spreading, you can make plasticine borders or simply wrap the disc with tape.

Three-phase and single-phase generators

A single-phase stator is worse than a three-phase one, because it vibrates when loaded. This is due to the difference in the amplitude of the current, which occurs due to its non-constant return for a moment in time. The three-phase model does not suffer from this disadvantage. The power in it is always constant, because the phases compensate for each other: if the current drops in one, it increases in the other.

In the dispute between single-phase and three-phase options, the latter comes out the winner, because the additional vibration does not extend the life of the equipment and irritates the ear.

As a result, the output of a three-phase model is 50% higher than that of a single-phase one. Another advantage of the absence of unnecessary vibration is the acoustic comfort when working under load: the generator does not hum during its operation. In addition, vibration always puts the wind generator out of action before the expiration of its service life.

Coil winding process

Any specialist will tell you that before winding the coils, you need to make a careful calculation. And any practitioner will do everything intuitively. Our generator will not be too fast. We want the 12 volt battery to start charging at 100-150 rpm. With such initial data, the total number of turns in all coils should be 1000-1200 pieces. It remains to divide this figure by the number of coils and find out how many turns there will be in each.

To make the wind generator more powerful at low speeds, you need to increase the number of poles. In this case, the frequency of current oscillations in the coils will increase. For winding coils, it is better to use a thick wire. This will reduce the resistance, which means that the current will increase. It should be noted that at high voltage, the current may be "eaten" by the resistance of the winding. A simple homemade machine will help you quickly and accurately wind high-quality coils.

The stator is marked, the coils are laid in their places. For their fixation, epoxy resin is used, the runoff of which is again resisted by plasticine bumpers.

Due to the number and thickness of the magnets located on the disks, generators can vary considerably in performance. To find out what power to expect as a result, you can wind one coil and scroll it in the generator. To determine future power, you should measure the voltage at certain speeds without load.

For example, at 200 rpm, 30 volts is obtained with a resistance of 3 ohms. We subtract from 30 volts the battery voltage of 12 volts, and divide the resulting 18 volts by 3 ohms. The result is 6 amps. This is the volume that will go to the battery. Although in practice, of course, it turns out less due to losses in the diode bridge and in the wires.

Most often, the coils are made round, but it is better to stretch them a little. At the same time, there is more copper in the sector, and the turns of the coils are straighter. The diameter of the inner hole of the coil should match the size of the magnet or be slightly larger than it.

Preliminary tests of the resulting equipment are carried out, which confirm its excellent performance. Over time, this model can be improved.

When making the stator, keep in mind that its thickness must match the thickness of the magnets. If the number of turns in the coils is increased and the stator is made thicker, the interdisk space will increase and the magnetic flux will decrease. As a result, the same voltage can be generated, but less current due to the increased resistance of the coils.

Plywood is used as a form for the stator, but you can mark sectors for coils on paper, and make borders from plasticine. The strength of the product will increase the fiberglass placed on the bottom of the mold and on top of the coils. The epoxy must not stick to the mold. To do this, it is lubricated with wax or petroleum jelly. For the same purpose, you can use a film or tape. The coils are fixed to each other motionlessly, the ends of the phases are brought out. Then all six wires are connected by a triangle or a star.

The generator assembly is tested using hand rotation. The resulting voltage is 40 volts, while the current strength is approximately 10 amperes.

Final stage - mast and propeller

The actual height of the finished mast was 6 meters, but it would be better to make it 10-12 meters. The base for it needs to be concreted. It is necessary to make such a fastening so that the pipe can be raised and lowered using a hand winch. A screw is attached to the top of the pipe.

PVC pipe is a reliable and fairly light material, using which you can make a windmill propeller with a predetermined bend

For the manufacture of the screw, a PVC pipe is needed, the diameter of which is 160 mm. A six-blade two-meter screw is to be cut out of it. It makes sense to experiment with the shape of the blades in order to increase the torque at low revs. From a strong wind, the screw must be removed. This function is performed using a folding tail. The generated energy is stored in batteries.

The mast must be raised and lowered with a hand winch. Additional structural stability can be given using tension cables.

Your attention is given to two options for wind turbines, which are most often used by summer residents and owners of suburban real estate. Each of them is effective in its own way. Especially the result of using such equipment is manifested in areas with strong winds. In any case, such an assistant in the household will never hurt.
