Leading signs of gaming activity. Definition of play activity

The structure of the game can be divided into several elements.

  • 1. Any game has a theme - that area of ​​reality that the child reproduces in the game; children play "family", "hospital", "canteen", "shop", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", etc.; most often the theme is taken from the surrounding reality, but children also “borrow” fabulous, book themes.
  • 2. In accordance with the theme, the plot, the scenario of the game is built; Plots refer to a certain sequence of events played out in a game. The plots are diverse: these are industrial, and agricultural, and craft, and building games; games with everyday (family life, garden, school) and socio-political subjects (demonstration, rally); war games; dramatization (circus, cinema, puppet theater, staging fairy tales), etc.
  • 3. The third element in the structure of the game is the role as a mandatory set of actions and rules for their implementation, as a simulation of real relationships that exist between people, but are not always accessible to the child in practical terms; roles are performed by children with the help of play actions: the “doctor” gives an injection to the “sick”, the “seller” weighs the “sausage” to the “buyer”, etc.
  • 4. The content of the game - what the child highlights as the main point of the activity or relationship of adults. Children of different age groups, when playing with the same plot, introduce different content into it: for younger preschoolers, this is the repeated repetition of an action with an object (therefore, games can be called by the name of the action: “swing the doll” when playing “daughters - mother”, “treat the bear cub” when playing “to the hospital”, “cutting bread” when playing “to the canteen”, etc.); for the middle ones, this is the modeling of the activities of adults and emotionally significant situations, the fulfillment of a role; for seniors - compliance with the rules in the game.
  • 5. Play material and play space - toys and a variety of other items with which children play out the plot and roles. A feature of the game material is that in the game the object is used not in its own meaning, but as substitutes for other objects that are practically inaccessible to the child (sugar, paving blocks, money, etc.). The game space is the boundaries within which the game unfolds geographically. It can be symbolized by the presence of a certain object (for example, a bag with a red cross placed on a chair means “hospital territory”) or even indicated (for example, children separate the kitchen and bedroom, house and street, rear and front with chalk).
  • 6. Role and real relationships - the former reflect the attitude to the plot and the role (specific manifestations of the characters), and the latter express the attitude to the quality and correctness of the performance of the role (they allow you to agree on the distribution of roles, the choice of game and are implemented in game "remarks" such as "must do so”, “you spell wrong”, etc.).

The development of the game goes from its individual forms to joint ones: with age, the composition of the participants in the game and the duration of the existence of the game association grow. Younger preschoolers often play alone, but already in 3-year-old children, associations in groups of 2-3 children are recorded. The duration of such an association is short (only 3-5 minutes), after which the children of one group can join other groups.

By the age of 4-5, groups cover from 2 to 5 children, and the duration of a joint game here reaches 40-50 minutes (usually about 15 minutes). Usually the game starts with one child, and then others join him; one child's suggestion resonates with other children, resulting in games with a common theme. In middle preschool age, children can already coordinate their actions, distribute roles and responsibilities.

Being the leading activity throughout all the years of preschool childhood, the game is not the same throughout its entire length.

Stages of development of the game of preschoolers:

Stage 1 - Introductory game (from 2-3 months to 8 months - 1.5 years)

An adult organizes the child's object-playing activity using a variety of toys and objects. The basis of this game is the actions-manipulations carried out in the process of examining an object by a child. This activity of the infant very quickly changes its content: the examination is aimed at revealing the features of the object-toy and therefore develops into oriented actions-operations with the toy.

According to the motive given to the child by an adult with the help of a toy item, it is an object-play activity. At first, the child is absorbed in the object and actions with it. When he masters the action, he begins to realize that he is acting himself and as an adult.

Stage 2 - Display game (about a year)

The child's actions are aimed at revealing the specific properties of the object and at achieving a certain effect with its help. An adult not only names the object, but also draws the attention of the baby to its intended purpose. As a result of such a game, the child learns to identify the specific properties of the object (squeaks, rides, rolls, etc.). This is the climax of the development of the psychological content of play in early childhood. It is he who creates the necessary ground for the formation of the corresponding objective activity in the child.

At the turn of the first and second years of a child's life, the development of play and objective activity merges and at the same time diverges. Now, however, the differences begin to appear, and the next stage in the development of the game begins in the methods of action: it becomes plot-representative.

Stage 3 Plot-display game (about 2 years)

In which children begin to actively display the impressions received in everyday life (cradle the doll). The child's actions, while remaining objectively mediated, imitate in a conditional form the use of the object for its intended purpose.

This is how the prerequisites of the 4th stage of the development of the game - role-playing game (after 3 years) are gradually infected.

It is this type of games that embodies the most significant and essential features of the game as an activity. In it, the child imagines himself to be anyone and anything and acts in accordance with this image. A prerequisite for such a game is a vivid, memorable impression that caused him a strong emotional response. The child gets used to the image, feels it with both soul and body, becomes it.

The figurative role-playing game is the source of the role-playing game, which is clearly manifested from the middle of the preschool period. The game action has a symbolic character. When playing, a child under one action means another, under one object - another. Not being able to handle real objects, the child learns to model situations with substitute objects. In-game item substitutes may bear very little resemblance to real items. The child can use the wand as a spyglass, and then, as the story progresses, as a sword.

At this stage of game development, word and deed merge, and role-playing behavior becomes a model of relationships between people meaningful to children.

The 5th stage of the Self-role-playing game begins (after 4 years). Role play is an independent activity of children that simulates the life of adults.

The child, choosing a certain role, also has an image corresponding to this role - a doctor, mother, daughter, driver. The child's play actions also follow from this image. The imaginative internal game plan is so important that the game simply cannot exist without it. Through images and actions, children learn to express their feelings and emotions. In their games, mother can be strict or kind, sad or cheerful, affectionate and tender. The image is played, studied and remembered. All role-playing games of children (with very few exceptions) are filled with social content and serve as a means of getting used to the fullness of human relationships.

As the child grows, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning the real relationships of people in the process of joint activity. Adults can act as one of the participants in the game, encouraging children to joint discussions, statements, disputes, conversations, contributing to the collective solution of game problems that reflect the joint social and labor activities of people. As the child grows older, the plots of their role-playing games become more complicated.

So, for example, a game of "daughters-mothers" at 3-4 years old can last 10-15 minutes, and at 5-6 years old - 50-60 minutes. Older preschoolers are able to play the same game for several hours in a row, that is, along with an increase in the variety of plots, the duration of the game also increases. As you know, any activity is determined by its motive, that is, by what this activity is aimed at. Play is an activity whose motive lies within itself. This means that the child plays because he wants to play, and not for the sake of obtaining some specific result, which is typical for household, labor and any other productive activity.

The world of any child is filled with things necessary for him: pyramids, various toys, cartoons and shooters. This is not surprising, because for a preschooler the most important activity is the game. Of course, parents are obliged to know how and how to entertain their baby, so that at the same time this activity contributes to his development and benefits.

The role of play in child development

Playing is a compulsory activity for a child.

  • She liberates him, so the baby plays with pleasure and without coercion. From the first weeks of life, the baby is already trying to interact with the rattles suspended above his bed.
  • At preschool age, play activities teach children to order and follow the rules.
  • During the game, children strive to show all their skills (especially when playing with peers).
  • Enthusiasm appears, many abilities are activated, the game creates an environment around the baby, helps to find friends and establish contacts.
  • While playing, the child learns to find a way out and solve problems.
  • The rules of the game teach him to be honest, and when they are violated, the general indignation of the players follows.
  • The child can show in the game qualities that are invisible in everyday life.
  • In addition, the game shows rivalry between children, which will help them defend their position and survive.
  • Games have a beneficial effect on the development of imagination, thinking and wit.
  • Gradually, through play activities, the child prepares for entry into adulthood.

Game activity functions

Any activity has one or another functional purpose, and gaming activity is no exception.

  • The main function of the game is entertainment. The game should arouse interest in the child, give pleasure, inspire him.
  • The communicative function of the game is that in its process the child develops the speech mechanism in the process of finding a common language with partners.
  • In the choice of a playing role, the function of self-realization is hidden. A child who has chosen a role with additional actions is more active and has the makings of a leader.
  • In overcoming various difficulties in the game (which arise everywhere) lies its therapeutic function.
  • Thanks to the diagnostic function, the baby can better know his abilities, at the same time the educator will determine the possible presence of deviations from the normal behavior of the child.
  • Through the game, you can carefully adjust the structure of personality. In addition, in the game, the child learns the rules of human society, values, accustoms to socio-cultural norms, is integrated into the system of social relations.

Types of gaming activities

Primarily, all games can be divided into two large groups, differing in the form of activity of children and the participation of adults in them.
The first group of independent games includes such activities in the preparation and conduct of which adults do not directly participate, and the activity of the children themselves comes to the fore. They themselves set the goals of the game, develop it and act independently. In such games, children can take the initiative, which increases the level of development of their intelligence. This also includes story and cognitive games aimed at developing children's thinking.
The second group includes educational games that require the participation of an adult who sets the rules of the game and directs the work of children until the desired result is achieved. The purpose of these games is to educate, educate and develop the child. This group includes dramatization games, entertainment games, mobile, didactic, musical games. It is easier to smoothly transfer the child's activity from educational games to the learning process. In this group of educational games, many varieties with different goals and scenarios can be distinguished.

We rarely think about why our children love to play, and what, in fact, the game gives them. And kids need games, and a variety of them. Just because they are...

Characteristics of the game activity of a preschooler

The world of the child copies the adult world. The kid endows his toys with real and fictional properties. Through the game, it is easier for him to get used to the society around him, to comprehend its roles, relationships and cultural traditions.
Usually, preschoolers have several phases in the structure of play activity:

  • sensorimotor;
  • directing;
  • figurative-role-playing and plot game, which also includes musical and gaming activities;
  • game by the rules.

The beginning of knowledge of the surrounding world is associated with familiarity with toys that are pleasant to the touch, making sounds, as well as various household items, bulk materials and liquids. It is best for parents to buy those toys, the functions of which are similar to the functions of objects with which the child will have to come into contact in life. At preschool age, children should be unobtrusively guided in their play activities. It is useful for parents to involve children in everyday affairs, introducing them to new subjects, and at the same time gradually cultivating good habits in them and introducing them to duties.
Having matured a little, the child moves on to the director's game: he endows objects with arbitrary properties and controls their actions. Even later, preschoolers have a role-playing game activity. Children, copying the adult world, organize "hospitals", "families", "shops", etc. If before the child could play alone, then, having matured, he is already drawn to communication and interaction with peers. This once again demonstrates the importance of play for the formation of a social unit from a child. Then team games acquire a competitive nature and are furnished with a list of rules.

Games for preschoolers

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Didactic games

The most important value of game activity is the development of children in its process. This is directly served by didactic games conducted by educators. These games are specially designed for education and upbringing, they have certain rules and a specific result is expected. In fact, a didactic game is a synthesis of a form of learning and a game. It sets didactic tasks, defines the rules and game actions, and predicts the result. Under the didactic task is meant the educational impact and the purpose of learning. It is well demonstrated by games where the ability to compose a word or counting skills from letters is fixed. The task in the didactic game is carried out through game actions. The basis of the game is the play actions carried out by the children themselves. The more interesting these actions, the more productive and exciting the game will turn out.
The teacher who controls the behavior of children sets the rules of the game. When the game ends, it is necessary to take stock of its results. This may mean determining the winners who did the best with the task, but at the same time it is necessary to encourage each participant in the game. Adults use didactic games as a way of learning that allows them to smoothly move from playing to learning activities.

Game and development of children's speech

The game significantly affects even the development of the child's speech. A minimum level of communication skills is necessary so that the baby can confidently connect to the game situation. Due to the need to communicate with other children, the development of coherent speech is stimulated. In play, which is the leading form of activity at this age, the sign function of speech develops intensively due to the substitution of one object for another. Proxy objects serve as symbols for missing items. Any real object that replaces another object can serve as a sign. The placeholder object transforms the verbal definition by associating the word with the missing object.
Thanks to the game, the child begins to perceive individual and iconic signs. In iconic signs, the sensual properties are virtually close to the object being replaced, and the sensual nature of individual signs has little to do with the designated object.
Games are also important for the development of reflective thinking. For example, a child playing hospital cries and suffers like a patient, although inwardly he enjoys playing the role.

The influence of the game on the development of the child's psyche

The complication of gaming activity contributes to the development of the child's psyche. With the help of the game, the mental qualities and personal characteristics of the child are formed. Over time, other activities sprout from the game, becoming important in the subsequent life of a person. The game perfectly develops memory, attention, because in it the child needs to focus on the details in order to successfully immerse himself in the game situation. Role-playing games develop the imagination. Trying on different roles, the child creates new situations, replaces some objects with others.
The influence of gaming activity on the formation of the personality of a child, who acquires communication skills, learns to establish contacts with peers, studies the behavior and relationships of adults, is noted. Drawing and designing are very close to play activities. At the same time, they are still preparing for work. The child tries, doing something with his own hands, while he is not indifferent to the result. In these studies, he should definitely be praised, because praise will be a new incentive for him to achieve perfection.
In the life of a child, play is as important as work for an adult or study for a student. Educators know this, but it is important for parents to understand this as well. Children's interests need to be developed in every possible way, to encourage their orientation towards a better result, victory. As the baby grows, he needs to be offered such toys that would help him mentally progress. Parents should sometimes play together with the child, because he perceives joint play as more important.

Target. Teach children how to properly place game material, treat it with care.

Target. Learn to accurately and expressively perform simple dance movements, reflecting in them the change in the nature of music.

Target. To introduce children to the educational supplies of a preparatory class student, to teach them to keep them in order and be able to quickly prepare for the lesson (in mathematics, reading, work, physical education, drawing, rhythm). To consolidate the rules of conduct at school, in the classroom, in the classroom, during breaks, in the canteen, on the playground.

Target. During the game, consolidate the concepts: above, below, between, to the right (right), to the left (left). Cultivate attention, observation.

Target. To teach children to understand a piece of music, to compare musical images.

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables (name, shape of fruits, stem, leaves, color, taste), about their significance for humans. Cultivate the desire to grow the right plants.

Target. During the game, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road for transport and pedestrians along the streets of the city (village). Cultivate attention, organization.

Target. To teach children to distinguish the timbre of the sound of musical instruments.

Target. Exercise children in reading direct syllables.

Target. To teach children to describe a toy (object) from memory, to develop visual memory.

Target. To consolidate in children the knowledge of ordinal counting, the composition of the number. Develop speech and thinking.

Target. To fix the constructive (an object is created from separate parts) and plastic (an object is created from a whole piece by pulling) modeling methods. Independently distribute tasks in group work. Develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination.

Target. In the game, develop speech activity, speed of thinking.

Target. During the game, consolidate knowledge of the names and sequence of the days of the week. Match the days of the week with the past, present and future: today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday, yesterday was Sunday.

Target. Perform familiar songs, games, round dances, dances.

Target. In the game, to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards comrades, the desire to take care of them.

Target. Fix direct and reverse counting.

It is known that the main activity of preschool children is play activity. What a child is in the game, so he will be in life. And this is not accidental, because through the game the child enters the system of relationships between people at work, on vacation, in the family, in the team.

1. Folk outdoor games are traditional means of pedagogy. Therefore, it is possible for children to get acquainted with these games, starting from a younger age. After all, they, as a genre of oral folk art, are a national treasure.

At first, the teacher introduces the children and memorizes jokes with them, counting rhymes that make the game more interesting and enrich its content. All folk games are concise, expressive and accessible to children. And the educator sees how the kids reflect all their life impressions and experiences in a conditionally playful form that contributes to a specific transformation into an image (“Geese-swans”, “Kite and mother hen”, “At the bear in the forest”, etc.).

When choosing a folk game, it is necessary to take into account such factors as:

Children's age;

Location of the game;

The number of participants in the game;

Attributes for the game;

Knowledge of the rules of the game;

Driver's choice.

The simplicity of the rules of folk games, their variability, the simplicity and naturalness of physical exercises that make up game actions, the ability to take the initiative, imagination contribute to the wide popularity of these games. The more diverse the game situations, the more interesting the game becomes for children.

In order to arouse interest in games, create an appropriate emotional mood, entertainment games (staging) are used in working with children. The content of entertainment games should be made more “intricate” than the actions of children in an independent game, taken from a real reality close to the child.

So, after showing actions with a toy, you can offer children the same objects, toys, so that they can imitate what they just saw, and then transfer what they learned into independent games.

The task of entertainment games is to arouse children's interest in the game, to please them, to make them laugh, to create a good mood. The value of the educational impact has long been noticed by the people: they have created children's songs, nursery rhymes, toys and games that amuse and teach a small child. For example, such a nursery rhyme as “Okay, okay” makes the baby listen to what the adult says, follow his actions, imitate them (clap his hands, raise his hands, put them on his head), i.e. play. The people created wonderful works - nursery rhymes, jokes, so that children in the game with a word learn the intricacies of their native language.

Rich opportunities for sensory development and improvement of manual dexterity are fraught with folk toys: turrets, nesting dolls, tumblers, collapsible balls, eggs and much more. Children are attracted by the colorfulness of these toys, the fun of actions with them. The teacher tells the children about the beauty, brightness, features of these toys and gradually leads the children to understand the concept of "folk toy". In his story, the teacher can use children's folklore. For example, showing a toy bear, plays a nursery rhyme:

The bear came to the ford

Bultykh in the water!

He's already wet, wet, wet,

Already he is braid, kitty, kitty.



Dried up!

Got up on the deck -

Bultykh in the water!

He's wet, wet, wet...

And how much joy the game with a bear in the water will bring to children. At the same time, the pedagogical means of developing the child is also solved (vocabulary work, the development of phonemic hearing, the desire to imitate and reproduce sounds).

Along with songs and nursery rhymes, children are introduced to fairy tales. And do not be afraid that this or that fairy tale can bother the child. Adults get tired of monotony, and children love repeated, endless readings of the same work.

2. Outdoor games in the physical development of preschool children.

Outdoor games is a conscious active-motor activity aimed at the movement of motor tasks and the implementation of game rules. The specificity of outdoor games is the ability to instantly change one's activity on a signal, to act in accordance with the rules of the game. The rule is the law in the game.

All outdoor games can be divided into two groups:

Games with rules;

Sport games.

To the group games with rules included games different in content, in the organization of children, in the complexity of the rules and the originality of motor tasks. There are story games, plotless and fun games.

Story games are based on the experience of children, knowledge about the surrounding life, observations. These are games such as “Drivers”, “Pilots”, “Scouts”, “Train”, etc. Some features of animal behavior can be introduced into games: the cunning of a fox, the habits of predators - a wolf, a kite, a pike, the speed of bunnies, birds, caring hens.

The plot games and rules are determined by the nature of the movements of the players. In one case, children, imitating horses, run, raising their knees high, in another they jump like bunnies, in the third they need to be able to climb the ladder like firefighters.

In story games, usually all children portray, for example, birds, bunnies, and one child (or teacher) plays the role of a wolf, fox, kite, cat. The actions of all children are closely interconnected, and, playing the role of a wolf, fox, kite, etc., encourages all players to move faster and more energetically.

With the help of games, the educator teaches children to coordinate collective actions under certain conditions, teaches them to change the way and nature of movements according to signals and in accordance with the rules. For example: in the game "Train", moving one after another, do not run into the one walking in front; in the game "Drivers" - slow down at a red light of a traffic light; "Airplanes" - land on a verbal signal; “birds” fly away to their nests if a cat appears or it rains, etc.

In the group "plotless games" includes - "Traps", "Running", games with objects ("Serso", "Ring toss", "Kingley"), simple relay games. In these games, the educator demands from the children great independence, speed and dexterity of movements, orientation in space. This is related to the performance of a specific motor task.

With young children, you can play simple relay games: “Move the toys”, “Who is more likely to reach the flag?” etc. Here, the elements of the competition encourage children to be very active, various motor and volitional qualities (speed, agility, endurance) are manifested. And such games as Serso, Ring Bros, Ball School, etc., differ significantly from previous games. Here the teacher teaches to perform more complex movements: throwing, throwing and catching or rolling balls, balls, rings. The teacher explains the task to the children: it is imperative to hit the target, catch the ball, ring. Some elements of individual competition are already appearing in these games (knock down skittles, catch as many rings as possible, complete more tasks of the “Ball School”).

In his work with preschool children, the teacher also uses fun games and attractions. The teacher offers to perform motor exercises in unusual conditions (run, holding a spoon with a ball in your hand, and not drop it; perform blindfold movements - hit the ball, “water the horse”, etc.).

A large place in outdoor games is given to game exercises, the essence of which is to perform specific tasks (“Crawl to the rattle”, “Get into the gate”, etc.). Game exercises are methodically correctly organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose of physical education.

In game exercises, the child acts according to the instructions of the educator, and the performance of motor tasks depends on the child's personal capabilities. In almost all exercises, elements of the game can be introduced (for example, “Across the bridge”, “Across the stream”). This helps to make them more interesting, contributes to their correct and accurate implementation. And the teacher has the opportunity to follow each child, if someone did not succeed, the teacher offers to repeat it again.

Outdoor games help the child overcome shyness, shyness. It is often difficult to get a child to perform any movement in physical education, but in the game, imitating the actions of his comrades, he naturally and naturally performs a variety of movements. Obedience to the rules of the game educates children in organization, attention, the ability to control their movements, and contributes to the manifestation of volitional efforts.

Narrative outdoor games help children consolidate their knowledge and ideas about the objects and phenomena of the world around them: about the habits and characteristics of the movements of various animals and birds, their cries; about the sounds made by machines; on the means of transportation and the rules for the movement of trains, cars, planes.

The role of outdoor games in increasing the motor activity of children during the day is very important. The longer and more actively the child acts in the game, the more he exercises in one or another type of movement, more often he enters into various relationships with other participants, i.e. the more he has to show dexterity, endurance, the ability to obey the rules of the game.

The activity of children in games depends on the content of the game, the nature and intensity of movements in it, on the organization and methodology of its implementation, as well as on the preparedness of children.

3. Building games with preschool children.

In the collective construction game, the skills necessary for further independent activity are formed, friendly relations are formed, the skills acquired in the design classes are consolidated and improved.

Toddlers first build individually. For example, in the building corner, children build cribs out of bricks. The teacher moved all the beds in a row - a bedroom turned out. Another example, each child builds a path, and if all the paths are connected, then you get a long road that cars can drive on. The result of this is the involuntary communication of children with each other, during which they receive the first lessons of a common uncomplicated game. So gradually there is a transition from individual activity to joint activity.

In building games, the educator teaches children to follow the rules of moral behavior: courtesy, a friendly attitude towards comrades, the desire to share the details of the building kit, and have a positive attitude towards joint construction.

Using the knowledge gained in the design classes, the children independently began to build a fence around the nesting dolls, a house for a doll, a garage for a car. Gradually, the buildings become more complex. For example, in the classroom, children learned how to build a steamboat, conveying its main features. And in the game they needed both large and small ships, both passenger and cargo. We have to think about how to change the familiar model of the steamer in accordance with the new plan.

In the game, construction is a dynamic process: children improve, rebuild, and add various details to the same building over many days. At the same time, the buildings of children, as a rule, are much more complicated than those that were given to them in the classroom.

In the classroom, each child shows his individuality only within the framework of the tasks that the teacher sets for them; in the game, children themselves choose the theme of the building, invent constructions themselves, solve constructive problems on their own. Therefore, in games, the individual characteristics of the child are most fully revealed, his interests and inclinations, knowledge and ideas are revealed.

4. Creative play in the pedagogical process of educating young children.

The main activity of preschool children is a game, during which the spiritual and physical strengths of the child develop: attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, the game is a way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

A deep and complex process of transformation and assimilation of life impressions takes place in games. Creativity is also manifested in the idea - choosing the theme of the game, drawing, in finding the implementation of the plan, and in the fact that children do not copy what they see, but with great sincerity and spontaneity, not caring about the audience and listeners, convey their attitude to the depicted, their thoughts and feelings.

The game is a reflection of life. Here everything is “as if”, “pretending”, but in this conditional setting there is a lot of real: the actions of children are real, their feelings, experiences are genuine, sincere. The game is always improvisation. Children play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings.

Unlike adults, children are not able to think about the upcoming work or game in all details, they outline only a general plan that is implemented in the process of activity. The task of the educator is to develop the child's creative abilities, purposeful imagination, to encourage him in any business to go from thought to action.

Children's creativity is based on imitation, which serves as an important factor in the development of the child, in particular his artistic abilities. Relying on the tendency of children to imitate, the educator instills in them skills and abilities, without which creative activity is impossible, educates them in independence, activity in the application of this knowledge and skills, forms critical thinking, purposefulness.

Play is an independent activity in which children interact with their peers. In the game, children learn to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal, the game helps to bring up purposefulness. The task of the educator is to focus on such goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, contribute to the establishment of relations between children based on friendship, justice, mutual responsibility.

Most of the games reflect the work of adults: children imitate the household chores of their mothers and grandmothers, the work of a teacher, doctor, seller, driver. Unobtrusively for children, the teacher tries to influence the content of the game, i.e. on the choice of topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. From one topic, you can create different plots, the roles can be the same, but the game images are always individual.

At preschool age, there are joint directorial games. They are similar to a role-playing game, because reflect the level of knowledge about various environmental phenomena, and carry elements of creativity and fantasy, include children's reflections on what is close to their interests. Including the director's game in his work, the educator thereby activates the imagination, teaches to come up with a plot, connect objects and toys according to meaning.

At a younger preschool age, children are introduced to a figurative role-playing game. She teaches reincarnation in the images of objects, animals, actions "pretend". Here you can use a mirror in front of which children are playing exercises such as: “Show how you can get angry, laugh, cry, etc.”, you can include attributes from the dressing corner.

Children love to play with natural material (sand, water, pebbles, sticks, cones, shells, etc.). In these games, the teacher introduces children to the properties of natural materials (sand is poured, you can sculpt from wet sand, fish, ducks, boats swim in the water, toys are washed in water, laundry is washed, etc.), encourages you to compare, distinguish, name them . In the game, the development of colloquial speech occurs, the vocabulary of children is enriched.

In creating a game image, the role of the word is especially great. It helps children to identify their thoughts and feelings, to understand the experiences of their comrades, to coordinate their actions with them.

Game creativity develops under the influence of education and training. Its level depends on the acquired knowledge and instilled skills, on the formation of the interests of the child. It is in the game that the individual characteristics of children are manifested with particular force, which affect the development of a creative idea.

Thus, interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make children's lives complete, and satisfy their need for vigorous activity. In the game, profound changes take place in the entire psyche of a preschool child and the most important mental neoplasms of the age appear: figurative thinking, imagination, orientation in the tasks and motives of human activity.


BP Nikitin Developing games. - 2nd ed. - M .: Pedagogy, 1985.

V.N.Tersky, O.S.Kel Game. Creation. A life. - M .: Education, 1966.

D. B. Elkonin Psychology of the game. - M .: Pedagogy, 1978.

M.G.Yanovskaya Creative play in the upbringing of a junior schoolchild: Method. Handbook for teachers and educators. - M .: Education, 1974.

OA Stepanova Development of the child's play activity: a review of preschool education programs. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

Growing Up Playing: Wednesday. and Art. doshk. age: A guide for educators and parents / V.A. Nekrasova. - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2004.

T.P. Voitenko "Game as a method of learning and personal development"

Lidia Orlova
Types of gaming activities

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten "Sun" R. Red Baki

Post to RMO.

Subject: « Types of gaming activities at preschool age"

Prepared: Orlova Lidia Yurievna

November 2016

Types of gaming activities at preschool age

The game is a special activity, which blooms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. Not surprisingly, the problem of the game has attracted and continues to attract attention. researchers: teachers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art critics, biologists.

Game - leading view child's activities. In the game, he develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend.

The game creates the basis for a new leader activities - educational. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is to optimize and organize a special space in the preschool educational institution for activation, expansion and enrichment play activities of a preschooler.

Game classification

Children's games are a heterogeneous phenomenon. Even a non-professional eye will notice how diverse the games are in terms of their content, the degree of independence of children, forms of organization, game material.

Due to the variety of children's games, it is difficult to determine the initial grounds for their classification.

(slide 2): In the works of N. K. Krupskaya, children's games are divided into two groups

I. Creative games: directorial, plot-role-playing, theatrical, games with building material

II. Games with rules:

1. Outdoor games: according to the degree of mobility (small, medium, large mobility); by dominant movements (games with jumps, with dashes, etc.); by subject (with a ball, ribbons, hoops, flags, cubes, etc.)

2. Didactic games:

Based on didactic material (games with objects and toys, desktop-printed, verbal)

In recent years, the problem of classifying children's games has again become relevant.

(slide 3) A new classification of children's games developed by Svetlana Leonidovna Novosyolova Soviet psychologist. The classification is based on the idea on whose initiative games arise. (child or adult). In its practical gaming activity with pupils, we apply the classification of S. L. Novoselova.

There are three classes games:

1. Games that arise at the initiative of the child are independent games:

Experimental game

2. Games that arise on the initiative of an adult who introduces them with educational and upbringing goals:

Educational games: Didactic Narrative-didactic Mobile

Leisure games: Games-fun Games-entertainment Intellectual Festive-carnival Theatrical-staged

3. Games coming from the historical traditions of the ethnic group (folk, which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children.

(slide 4) main and leading activities preschool age are imaginative games.

(slide 5) The role-playing game is one of the creative games. In a role-playing game, children take on certain functions of adults and in specially created by them gaming, imaginary conditions reproduce (or model) activity adults and their relationships.

Director's game is a kind of creative games. It is close to role-playing, but differs from it in that the characters in it are not other people (adults or peers, but toys depicting various characters. The child himself gives roles to these toys, as if inspiring them, he speaks for them different voices and acts for them himself.Dolls, teddy bears, bunnies or soldiers become the protagonists of the child's game, and he himself acts as a director, managing and directing the actions of his "actors", so this game was called the director's game.

(slide6) In theatrical games (dramatization games) the actors are the children themselves, who take on the roles of literary or fairy tale characters. Children do not come up with the script and plot of such a game themselves, but borrow from fairy tales, stories, films or performances. The task of such a game is to reproduce the role of the character taken on as accurately as possible without deviating from the well-known plot. The heroes of literary works become actors, and their adventures, life events, change by children's fantasy become the plot of the game.

(slide 7) In addition to creative games, there are other types of games, including games with rules (mobile and desktop).(slide8, slide9)

Games with rules do not imply any particular role. The actions of the child and his relations with other participants in the game are regulated here by rules that must be followed by everyone. Typical examples of outdoor games with rules are the well-known hide-and-seek games, tags, hopscotch, jump ropes, etc. Board-printed games, which are now widely used, are also games with rules. All these games are usually competitive character: Unlike role-playing games, there are winners and losers. The main task of such games is to strictly follow the rules, so they require a high degree of arbitrary behavior and, in turn, shape it. Such games are typical mainly for older preschoolers.

Board-printed games are diverse in content, learning tasks, and design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

(slide 10) As proved in the studies of N. Ya. Mikhailenko, E. E. Kravtsova, games develop in the following sequence

Younger age - role play (dialog game);

Middle age - a game with rules, a theatrical game;

Senior age - game with rules, director's (play - fantasy, play-dramatization).

(slide 11) Integration of educational areas and game activity/

(slide 12) The game is not only an imitation of life, it is a very serious activity which allows the child to assert himself, to fulfill himself. By participating in various games, the child chooses for himself the characters that are closest to him, correspond to his moral values ​​and social attitudes. The game becomes a factor in the social development of the individual.

(side 13) Bibliography

1. Anikeeva N. P. Education game. M., 1987.

2. Bern E. Games that people play. M., 2009.

3. Vygotsky L. S. Game and its role in the mental development of a child.

4. Grigorovich L. A., Martsinkovskaya T. D. Pedagogy and psychology. -M, 2003.

5. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. 2nd edition. M., 1999.

Vygotsky L.S. Game and its role in the mental development of a child. // Issues of psychology. 1996. No. 6.

6. Novoselova S. L. The game of a preschooler. M., 1989.

7. Shmakov A. Her Majesty the game. Fun, fun, practical jokes for children, parents, educators. - M.: 1992.

8. Udaltsova E. I. Didactic games in the upbringing and education of preschoolers. M., 1975.

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