Pitted cherry jam: recipes for thick cherry jam with whole berries for the winter. Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

The hot summer season is not only free evenings, relaxation and fun, but also the very peak of the summer harvest. Even when the warm days are coming to an end, you can always extend this wonderful time by preparing dishes from your favorite fruits, vegetables and berries for the winter.

Pitted cherry jam is an excellent substitute for sugar for a tea drink. This will favorably save the figure, because 100 g of cherry jam contains an average of 250 kcal, which is 150 units less than the calorie content of granulated sugar.

In addition, cherry jam is highly valued for its beneficial effects on the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems.

How to remove pits from cherries

Before preparing cherry jam, you need to try to remove the bone out. You can do this using one of three convenient methods:

  1. Tool. You can easily remove the bones if the kitchen has a special device for this. It does not have a specific name, therefore they call it, starting from the purpose - "Separator of stones from cherries." A garlic press is also suitable, most models of which are equipped with a hole for removing the nucleoli. With the help of these devices, you can easily pull the seeds of berries out. As a rule, both of them have a folding design. You should put the berry in the hole so that the mark from the stalk is at the top, and then fold the tool in half. The tip, located on the second part of the tool, will push the core of the cherry, and the berry will remain intact;
  2. Hairpin. Every girl at home must have a hairpin for pinning her hair. They have an arcuate shape, which makes it easy to remove the pits of cherries. To do this, you need to conveniently place the cherry in your hand so that the hole from the stem looks up. Then, using the rounded side of the device, it is necessary to pierce the middle of the berry and scoop up the nucleolus, taking it out;
  3. Pin. With a pin, like a hairpin, you can remove the seeds from the fruits of the cherry. It is necessary to act in the same way as in the previous method, the main thing is to pierce the berries with the side of the pin on which it is connected. There is a small ring in this place.

Any of these methods is extremely simple. So, the procedure for peeling one cherry will not take more than ½ minute.

Adherents of culinary traditions prefer pitted jam with a thick consistency.

This allows you to use it as a filling for pastries, sandwich bases, sweets for tea, etc.

You can cook thick cherry jam in just a few passes with the addition of a large amount of granulated sugar. In such cases, water is not added, it can only be slightly moistened with sugar. You can also make sugar syrup first, and then cook thick jam based on it.

The procedure for cooking such a jam takes quite a lot of time, because it is necessary to repeat the same actions many times, sometimes letting the jam stand for several hours. But such an event is really necessary to obtain the desired consistency:

  1. The first cooking of pitted cherry jam leads to the fact that the sugar absorbs the juice of the berries, because they decrease in size and wrinkle, and the amount of syrup increases significantly;
  2. During the second brew, the process of the first is continued;
  3. At the final stage of cooking, the cherries begin to absorb the syrup, which makes them round again, and the resulting jam is thick.

In order to make thick pitted cherry jam, you need components such as:

  • Cherry fruits - 4 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 4.4 kg.

Any recipe based on fruits, berries or vegetables requires careful preparation of the ingredients. After harvesting, you should immediately sort out the berries, getting rid of damaged fruits. Then you need to clean the fruits from the greens and rinse them using a colander.

Using one of the listed methods, it is necessary to remove the bones from the berries, the main thing is to do this very carefully, shifting the berries and nucleoli into separate bowls.

After the ingredients are ready, it will be necessary to place them in a saucepan and cover with granulated sugar, mix and leave for a couple of hours.

After the specified time, you can transfer the pan to the stove and turn on a small fire, on which the ingredients should come to a boil. During this process, it is important to monitor future jam and remove foam from it.

When boiling occurs, it is necessary to cook the cherry for about 10 minutes, and remove from heat and leave to stand for half a day.

The second cooking approach involves the same procedure, only this time, after boiling, the cherries should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes. We must continue to monitor the jam, remove the resulting pink foam, and then leave the jam again for half a day.

For the third time, boil pitted cherry jam after boiling for as long as it takes for it to thicken completely.

Ready thick jam should be allowed to cool, and only then it can be packaged in clean sterilized jars.

Recipe for cooking with gelatin

You can achieve the desired consistency of jam without adding a large amount of granulated sugar. After all, there are thickeners that will help with this.

For example, gelatin available to everyone is a great opportunity to save sugar and get real traditional pitted jam. To cook it, you will need the following components:

  • Cherry fruits - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Gelatin - 25 g.

The recipe for pitted cherry jam with gelatin is not very complicated. To begin with, gelatin must be allowed to swell in advance, for which it should be filled with warm water.

Berries need to be prepared for cooking in the usual way: sort them out, get rid of spoiled fruits, rinse and peel them. Then choose a dish convenient for cooking and put the cooked cherries there, cover them with sugar, and start cooking.

Cooking should be continued for 15 to 20 minutes, and at this time it will be possible to work on gelatin. It will swell and will have a stable shape, so you need to heat it in a water bath until a thick sticky mass forms.

The resulting mass can be added to cherry jam, mix with a wooden spoon, and then wait for the boil.

This completes the cooking, it remains only to distribute the finished sweetness between the sterilized jars.

"Five minutes" - quickly and without hassle

Today, even experienced housewives do not limit their day to housework, therefore they have a small amount of free time. Not everyone can make jam for several days, but in order not to upset loved ones, there is an excellent five-minute jam recipe.

Its taste will remain excellent, and the amount of retained vitamins will be of great benefit to both adults and growing organisms.

To prepare it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Cherry fruits - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid - 1/5 tsp

How to cook pitted cherry jam "Five Minute"? First you need to start preparing the berries, sorting them out, rinsing them through a colander and taking out the nucleoli in one of the available ways.

After choosing the dishes suitable for cooking, place the berries in it and leave for several hours (from two). To save time, do this procedure better in the evening.

In the morning, place the dishes with berries on the stove, turn on the chalked fire and leave to cook. Wait until it boils, add a pinch of acid to the mass, cook for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

On these simple steps, the process of making pitted five-minute cherry jam is limited. It remains to sterilize the jars and arrange dessert on them.

How to cook pitted cherry jam with lemon

To give cherry jam a special delicacy in taste, you can use the recipe below. You will need:

  • Cherry fruits - 1 kg;
  • Lemon fruits - 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Prepare the ingredients in the usual way, and also remove the bones from them. Then put the berries in the dishes chosen for cooking and cover with sand. Let stand.

Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon, and then squeeze its juice into future jam. Put the dishes on the fire, bring the contents to a boil and wait another 5 minutes. Do not forget to remove the pink foam from the jam, and also stir with a wooden spoon.

After the specified period, leave the pitted cherry jam under the lid for half a day. Then boil it again for 5 minutes after boiling. Such an event should generally be performed 3-4 times, after which the cherry jam will be ready.

This can be determined by its consistency, which should take a stable form when transferred to a cold surface.

Do you love apricots? Their tender flesh strikes with an unusual taste. Such a blank must be made in the summer in order to cook wonderful pastries with it in the winter.

You also need to prepare cherries in your own juice. you can check out the recipes.

And read how to make assorted vegetables for the winter.

In order for the cherry dessert to definitely become famous, you should follow these cooking recommendations:

  1. Stir the jam only with a wooden spoon, so it retains more nutritional properties;
  2. Do not use aluminum cookware for cooking, because it is prone to oxidation;
  3. To the question - how much to cook pitted cherry jam - there is no definite answer. It is important to adhere to the selected recipe and the cooking time indicated in it;
  4. When preparing jam in several approaches, you need to take breaks exactly half a day long. At the same time, you need to store it on the stove, covered with a towel, but not in the refrigerator;
  5. Do not forget about the pink foam, which must be removed from the surface of the jam;
  6. In order to be sure that it will not deteriorate or become moldy, before closing the jar, you need to pour a spoonful of granulated sugar on the surface of the jam.

Pitted cherry jam is easy to prepare and worth the time and effort spent on it:

  • Compared to sugar, it is low in calories, which allows it to be used instead of a sweetener for tea;
  • It can be used as a filling for rich products: buns, croissants, envelopes, etc.;
  • There are several recipes, each with its own simmering benefits;
  • Cherry jam is extremely useful for blood vessels, the heart, the nervous system and strengthening the immune system.

Cherry jam is bright, fragrant and tasty. Do not miss the moment from mid-June until August to stock up on cherry berries for the winter. Such a delicacy can be eaten immediately, as well as canned in jars to get and enjoy it at any time. Picking the cherries from the tree is all the effort it takes to create this sweet dessert. For jam it is worth stocking up only with sugar. Usually, the ratio of sugar to berries is 1:1, but in the recipes below, various options are provided, respectively, and the taste will vary slightly.

Delicious cherries have a number of benefits. It is endowed with antipyretic abilities, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. The high content of vitamin C in it helps to strengthen the immune system. By using it regularly, a strong circulatory system is provided to you. Only often it is not possible to eat it, since all berries are a seasonal fruit. Cherry lends itself perfectly to heat treatment, so it can be safely preserved in any form. It can be juice, compote, jam. In winter, cherry jam can be eaten with tea, it is also great as a filling for pancakes, buns, a layer in cakes, an ingredient in pies. It is worth noting that under the action of hot temperatures, some of the useful cherry substances are lost, but the main part remains. The remaining positive elements include its ability to improve appetite, treat inflammation in the stomach, intestines, throat, and much more.

Pitted cherry jam

For seedless cherry jam, you need 2 kg of berries. If the berries are sour, then sugar will need 2.4 kg, sweet varieties require 1.6 kg. Such a delicacy usually turns out to be thick, so if you are a fan of viscous and rich jam, then use the recipe below.


Bones with the remains of cherry pulp on them can not be thrown away, but boil compote.

Pitted cherry jam

Pitted jam uses more sugar than pitted cherry dessert. And all because the bones absorb a certain part of the sweetness into themselves. Such a cooking process is long in 3 calls, which means that you need to plan more time for making a sweet dessert. It will go a kilogram of cherries and five and a half glasses of sugar. For syrup, you need 4 cups of water (1 cup - 150 grams).


The jam is ready! Happy tea!

Instead of dipping cherries in boiling water, you can make a prick in each berry .

Cherry jam "Five minutes"

Those who wish to preserve useful cherry substances as much as possible are offered the option of quick heat treatment of fruits. Cherry jam "five minutes" is obtained with an undestroyed shape of berries and a bright saturated color. For such a sweetness, 1 kilogram of cherries, only 400 grams of sugar and 200 grams of running water will go.


When removing bones, it is better to wear gloves. Cherry juice is so corrosive that you have to wash your hands for a long time.

Cherry jam with chocolate

Those interested in how to cook cherry jam with additives are invited
Delicious recipe for cherry jam with chocolate. For such an unusual dish, you need 500 grams of pitted cherries. It can be not only fresh fruits. Frozen also fit perfectly into the recipe. A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate will complement this masterpiece. Additional components will be a glass (150 grams) of sugar, a large spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 50 grams of ordinary running water and, if desired, 100 grams of cognac can be added.


Making cherry jam is a real pleasure. One has only to wait for a while until the berries absorb sugar, but waiting does not work. Usually, the saturation time takes up to 10 hours, depending on the type of fruit and its sweetness. The presence of seeds in the berry, which also absorb sugar, is also important. Have a delicious jam and enjoy tea drinking with it!

Did you know that jam has a long history? It came to us from the magical and mysterious East, and its ancestor is the oriental sweet Turkish delight.

Since ancient times, a lot of time has passed and the jam has firmly taken root in our open spaces. Delicious and accessible to all delicacy, which we prepare in the summer and enjoy it in the winter.

Perhaps every family has its own favorite jam. But most likely, it is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to cherry jam. It gives a special peaceful mood to any family or friendly tea party.

How to cook cherry jam? Cook it with or without stones, long or short? This question is asked by many novice housewives. In our opinion, there is no single answer to this question. In this case, you just need to rely on your own taste and choose the recipe that is more to your liking.

But if you want to cook a thick pitted cherry jam, then you are welcome to get acquainted with our recipe.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Cherries - 700 g;
  • Sugar - 700 g.

Whatever number of cherries you take for making thick jam, the amount of sugar should be equal to their weight or a little more (depending on the sweetness of the berries).

How to make thick pitted cherry jam for the winter

In order for cherry jam to turn out excellent with whole pitted berries, choose only large, not overripe cherries. Since from a simple small one after removing the stone, you will not get berries that keep their shape.

And one more piece of advice.

Sometimes berry worms can live in cherries, and so, to get rid of them, you should use a simple trick. It consists in the following: we make lightly salted water and immerse our cherries in it. As a result of this procedure, uninvited guests leave the berries within 15-20 minutes.

After a salt bath, we wash the cherries and remove unnecessary ponytails. We carefully review and set aside spoiled cherries.

Next, we get comfortable and begin to peel the cherries from the stones. To carry out this procedure, smart people came up with a special device. But if you don’t have it, don’t be upset, you can use the old grandfather method. We take an ordinary horn pin for hair, insert it into the hole (where the tail was attached) and slightly pressing on the cherry, we take out the bone.

Having worked a little, we get the basis for cooking cherry jam. We take a suitable container and begin to load the peeled berry into it, pouring sugar in layers. We use about half of the sugar at this stage.

We leave the cherry covered with sugar for about 3-4 hours. During this time, she will release enough juice to start making jam.

Pour it into a saucepan or basin (but not aluminum) and put on fire. We heat gradually (it is better to use a divider) and boil for about 15 minutes.

Then we turn off the fire and let the jam cool completely, during which time the cherries will draw in a sufficient amount of sweetness.

After the jam has cooled, all the berries must be pulled out.

And pour the second half of the sugar into the pan.

And start boiling sweet cherry juice.

Cook until the desired density is obtained and then load the cherries there, bring to a boil and pour into jars.

By this time they should be sterilized and hot. We roll up the lids, previously washed and dipped in boiling water.

Thick pitted cherry jam is ready to go to the pantry before winter.

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Miraculous Berry

Wash the berries, remove the seeds. Place the cherries in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar and wait for the juice to stand out. After that, put the berries on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil the jam for ten minutes after boiling, then spread it in sterile jars, roll up, turn over and wait for it to cool completely. After that, the jam must be taken to a cool place for storage.

Preparation for work

Heat the jam for the last time, bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes. Everything. Pour the prepared jam into the prepared jars. Close with lids (ordinary iron or twisted).

  1. Rinse the cherries, sort out the damaged fruits and remove (only good cherries go into jam). Spread the washed berries on a clean towel spread on a flat surface (conveniently - on a large tray) to dry before cleaning.
  2. Step number 3.
  3. 1. Weigh the right amount of ingredients. We start with processing the berries. Wash cherries with water. Remove leaves and stems. We take a toothpick and make punctures in each cherry. Bones do not need to be removed.

cooking options

100 ml of water;

  1. Cherry berries - 1 kg.
  2. In fact, there is one (he is the easiest) recipe for making cherry jam. For him, you need to choose one kilogram of ripe, undamaged berries and the same amount of sugar. The fruits are sorted out, getting rid of the damaged ones, as well as the stalks and leaves, washed thoroughly, and then the bones are removed. By the way, doing this is quite simple. It is enough to use a hairpin, with which the bone is removed from the base of the stalk. However, you can use special culinary tools. After all the cherries have been processed in this way, they are covered with sugar and left in a cool place for 8-12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the berries that have already released the juice are put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes, after which they are left to cool completely. Next, pour the syrup into a separate bowl and boil it to such a state that a drop does not spread in ice water. And only after that cherry is added to it. The jam is boiled for another 15 minutes and laid out in sterile jars. Such a sweet thick dessert will be the perfect addition to a winter family tea party.

Bone treat

Arrange the hot product in jars and roll up.

Boil syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. Heat the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved in it.

  1. A truly good housewife can be considered one who knows how to cook cherry jam.
  2. ​Components:​
  3. Boil jam quickly - bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 15 minutes, stirring and removing foam. Pour into prepared jars, screw on the lids (or close with screw caps). Cool down. Put away for storage in the cold.
  4. Peel the cherries with a pin (English, with a latch) or a strong straw for juice.
  5. We turn to the sterilization of cans. To begin with, the container should be washed with soda. Next, heat the jars in the oven for 20 minutes. Although you can sterilize in the usual way. Pour the jam into jars up to the shoulders. Roll up. We remove the jars together with the contents for storage.​
  6. 2. We start the "Multi-cook" mode. Suitable temperature is 160 degrees. Fill with water and wait for the moment when it boils. Now you can add berries. Let's take 5 minutes. We shift the cherry into a colander.

Features of cooking

1 kg cherries (fresh or frozen).

Cooking time

Step number 1.

thick treat

Seedless Cherry Jam: Alternative Recipes

If you want to cook not only a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy, then you need to clearly remember how to cook five-minute cherry jam. The secret of its preparation is hidden in the name itself. For such a jam, you need 0.5 kilograms of sugar and 1 kilogram of prepared cherries.

  1. Pour cherries into a container with syrup and leave for 7-8 hours. It is better to do this at night.
  2. Each fruit is good in its own way. But if we talk about berries, then cherries can be considered one of the most beloved and sought after. Many will agree with this statement. However, before we talk about how to cook cherry jam, let's talk about this berry. Its small round fruits contain the richest reserves of vitamins A, B, C, PP and E. Cherry is a storehouse of a variety of macro- and microelements that are priceless for the human body. Having a characteristic sweetish taste with a pleasant and slightly sour tint, it perfectly quenches thirst and can even be considered a home remedy for certain diseases. But most often cherries are used in cooking. It produces incomparable juices, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, syrups and jams. Various tinctures, extracts, liqueurs and liqueurs are made from these berries. And if you know how to cook cherry jam, then you can cook a wonderful delicacy for the future. It will serve as an excellent decoration for pastry dishes and a variety of desserts.​
  3. 650 gr cherries with stones;
  4. How to cook:

Stock vitamins for the winter

Stick a pin into the cherry (where the petiole was). You need to stick a pin with the end that does not open, that is, opposite from the lock).

Now you know how cherry jam is made in the Polaris and Redmond multicookers. The recipes described in the article are suitable for both beginners and experienced hostesses.​

  1. 3. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (one and a half glasses). Add half the indicated amount of sugar. Bring this mixture to a boil. We're starting to plant cherries. After a couple of minutes, turn off the mode. We take out the bowl from the multicooker. Can be placed on the table by placing a cutting board under the bottom. We leave for 4 hours.
  2. Instructions for how to prepare cherry jam in the Redmond slow cooker are given below.
  3. We sort the berries and rinse with tap water. We remove the stems. Discard spoiled cherries. For jam, we will use whole berries. Therefore, you do not need to pull out the bones from them.
  4. There are two more interesting recipes that will require a little more time and effort, but will give a wonderful, but somewhat different taste. This is dietary cherry jam and five-minute jam.

Cooking method


Tasty and healthy pitted cherry jam

After the time has elapsed, put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and leave again for 8 hours.

What we need:

100 gr dark bitter chocolate;

Wash the cherries, cover with water and leave. Cook sugar syrup, based on the proportion: 1 glass of water for every kilogram of sugar. You need to cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Put the dried cherries into the boiling syrup, immediately turn off the heat and leave for seven hours. Separate the cherries from the syrup by removing the berries with a slotted spoon. Bring the syrup to a boil, put the cherries back, bring to a boil again, turn off the heat and leave for ten hours. As this time passes, once again bring the jam over low heat to a boil and cook until tender. There is a well-known test, how to determine the readiness of jam - you need to drop one drop of it on a cold surface, it should not spread. It remains only to spread the finished hot jam in sterile jars and roll up. Done!​

Pry off the bone with a pin and pick it out of the cherry.

Pitted cherry jam jars

4. We insert the bowl together with the contents into the multicooker. We start the same mode. But we lower the temperature to 130 degrees. When the liquid boils, add the remaining sugar. Let's take 20 minutes. You can set a timer. We got a fragrant cherry jam. The recipe in the Polaris multicooker is universal. This means that owners of devices of other brands can also use it. The main thing is the presence of the "Multi-cook" mode. The proportions of the ingredients remain the same.

1. First, let's deal with the processing of berries. We sort out the fruits. Throw away the crushed and rotten cherries. We shift good berries into a colander. We wash them in running water. We are waiting for the liquid to drain. Now we remove the bones. This can be done manually or with a special tool. Some hostesses prefer to make jam without pitting cherries. However, we do not recommend doing this.​

Step number 2.

Diet cherry jam

​Preparation of food and necessary utensils - as usual. Bones must first be removed from the berries. This can be done using a special tool or using a regular pin.​ After the specified time, repeat the procedure.


Cherry jam in the multicooker "Redmond", "Polaris". Pitted Cherry Jam: Recipe

Container for cooking. Jam is best cooked in enameled, brass or copper utensils. For these purposes, a wide pan with low sides or a basin is usually used so that the product is not too thick in them. The container must be free of chips or other mechanical damage. Such defects may cause the product to burn.​

Cherry and Lemon Jam

200 gr sugar;

  • ​Components:​
  • It is convenient to take a straw from small packages of juice. The retractable part does not interest us, it is not so strong. But the main part of the straw, which is used to pierce a hole in a bag for drinking juice, is suitable for peeling cherries.
  • This is an excellent jam for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to take on the monotonous but pleasant work of removing pits from cherries. But then you get a soft, juicy, tasty and tender jam. And avoid having to spit out the cherry pits.​


Grocery set: 2. Before you start cooking cherry jam in a Redmond multicooker, you need to send the processed berries to an enameled cup. Then add sugar to it. Mix these ingredients well. We leave for a few hours. During this time, the fruits should release enough juice.

Transfer the cherries to a bowl. Pour in the amount of sugar indicated above. We take a small lemon. Cut into halves. Squeeze the juice into a saucepan. And we rub the zest on a grater. Then add to the cherry. It got its name due to the fact that the proportions of sugar and berries are changed in it. So, to prepare such a dessert, you need two kilograms of cherries and only one kilogram of sugar. The process of pre-preparing the berries looks exactly the same as in the basic recipe. But the cooking process itself is somewhat different. So, the fruits that let the juice along with sugar are put on a slow fire and boiled until boiling, while the foam is removed for five minutes. Next, the jam is allowed to cool and boil again. The procedure is repeated three times, and after the last jam can be preserved in sterile jars.

Put the berry mass in a container, cover with sugar and leave for 4-5 hours. During this time, the cherry should release juice. Pour the hot product into jars, roll up, turn upside down and leave in this position until completely cooled. Later, cold jars can be turned over and sent for storage.​

To stir the mass, you need to prepare a wooden spoon or spatula so as not to spoil the color of the final product. And to remove the foam, it is better to take a stainless steel slotted spoon. 100 gr cognac or dark rum;

Cherry jam in the Redmond multicooker

750-800 gr sugar.

Juice straws to remove cherry pits

  • Cook for five minutes in 3 doses. But you can also use the traditional method in one go until cooked (about 40 minutes). If it is possible to store the jam in the refrigerator or cellar, you can prepare a very tasty cherry jam with a little sugar, it is boiled quickly.
  • Sugar - 400 g;
  • 3. We transfer the contents of the cup to the slow cooker. Pour sugared cherries with water. We start the "Extinguishing" mode. How long should the timer be set for? Approximately 55 minutes. The lid does not need to be closed. Do not forget to stir the ingredients every 5-10 minutes. This will prevent the future jam from burning. At the end of the program, the berries will wrinkle a little, and the amount of syrup will increase by ¼.​

Step number 3.

Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

Then put the container on the stove, bring to a boil and leave to simmer for five minutes. During the cooking process, a large amount of foam will form. It definitely needs to be removed. Otherwise, the jam will soon turn sour.

Each housewife prepares cherry jam in her own way. How much to cook, in what sequence, at what temperature - only she knows. A unified recipe usually gives only basic instructions. Details have to be worked out in practice. For example, you can mix berries with hot syrup. Or sprinkle fresh fruits with sugar and wait for the pulp to release juice. The appearance of the future jam depends on this. If we talk about time, then prolonged heat treatment will achieve a thicker consistency, but will turn the berries into a shapeless mess. The temperature shouldn't be too high either. The mass will burn and will not have time to boil properly. This will affect the quality. The product will have an unpleasant aftertaste of burnt sugar, and this is not the best flavor for jam. Alternatively, the fruits can be boiled together with the liquid or only the syrup can be heated, after removing the berries from it.

The finished product is usually poured into glass jars or bottles, and then hermetically sealed with metal lids. A sealing machine is used for sealing. The container must be pre-treated with detergent, rinsed well, and then heat treated. The easiest option is to heat the jars in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.​

Shelf life

1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice;

Cherry jam in the Polaris multicooker

How to cook:

  • With a strong part of the straw, we pierce the cherry through. The straw enters the place where the petiole was attached and knocks out the bone from the opposite side. It turns out a through hole, like in a bead. All.​
  • But if you are not ready for the feat of peeling cherries or you are a fan of the movie “Witches of Eastquick”, you can cook cherry jam with stones according to the same recipes.

200 ml of water;

4. By the time the beep sounds, the jars should be sterilized. You also need to prepare the lids. Pour hot jam into jars and roll them up. We turn the container upside down and put it in a cool place.

We put the pan on the stove, and cook its contents, setting the minimum fire. We are waiting for the moment of boiling. Now mix the ingredients. Don't forget to remove the foam. Let's take 5 minutes. Then we remove the pan from the stove. The resulting mass should stand for 6-12 hours. It does not need to be sent to the refrigerator. Just cover the dishes with a clean cloth.​

It got its name, unfortunately, not because it is cooked for only five minutes, but because 5 minutes before the end of the heat treatment process, a natural preservative is poured into it. So, for such a jam, one kilogram of berries will require one and a half kilograms of sugar, 0.4 liters of water and a teaspoon of citric acid. The cooking process looks exactly the same as in the dietary version. But at the same time, water is added to the cherry with sugar before the first boil. Five minutes before the end of the third "approach" citric acid is poured into the jam. The latter will allow you to save the resulting dessert even if it is poured into jars cold.

Decompose the finished product hot into prepared containers, roll up and send to a cool dark place.

Jam "Five minutes"

Often, novice housewives, after reading a bunch of different recipes, ask the same question. They are interested in how much cherry jam should be cooked? First you need to note why you need breaks between brews. Indeed, cherry jam is prepared in several stages. After each heating, the mass must be infused. At this time, the pulp of the berries is soaked in a sweet syrup so as not to lose moisture and retain its shape. The heating process should be repeated two to five times. The mass heating temperature also depends on this amount. If the mixture is boiled only twice, then the duration of each boil should be approximately 10 minutes. If intermediate boiling is carried out in 5 steps, then the time of each treatment should not be more than 5 minutes. In any case, the readiness of the final product and its organoleptic properties are always evaluated visually. It is necessary to constantly test the mass so as not to miss the right moment.​

  • There are several options for how to cook cherry jam:
  • 50 ml of water.
  • Wash the berries. Using a special device, remove the stones from the cherries. Sprinkle the peeled berries with sugar, mix thoroughly and wait until the juice stands out. Put the container with cherries on low heat, bring to a boil, not forgetting to stir. Boil the jam for five minutes after boiling, removing the foam. Remove the jam from the stove and let it cool. When it thickens, bring to a boil again over low heat, boil after boiling for 5 minutes and let cool again. Repeat procedure. After the third call, the jam must be laid out in sterile jars and rolled up. Do not forget to turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm towel and leave to cool completely. Delicious pitted cherry jam is ready! It is important to note that this recipe for cherry jam will be appreciated by those people who watch their figure and do not eat a lot of sugar.


This method is suitable for those who have sore joints of the hands. It is not very convenient for such people to hold a pin and it is painful to make a movement to pick out a bone with a pin. But knocking out a bone with a straw is no problem. In a liter jar, approximately 800 g of cherries (or cherries) with pits are placed. How many other berries in 1 l.

Cherry with pits - 1 kg. Many housewives make cherry jam for the winter. But not everyone knows the conditions and terms of storage of the finished product. Now we will talk about it. A suitable place to store pitted cherry jam is a cellar, cellar or refrigerator (but not a freezer). There sweet dessert can be up to 18 months. If you have prepared jam without removing the seeds from the cherries, then its shelf life is short. Only 3-5 months. Take note.​

Step number 4. It is in these simple three ways that you can cook a delicious and healthy dessert - pitted cherry jam.


This jam contains a huge amount of vitamins, and all the beneficial properties of the berry are perfectly preserved due to short-term heat treatment.


More often, practical housewives choose an option that provides for long-term storage. That is why they are interested in the question of how to cook thick cherry jam. In this case, it does not matter at all whether it will be with bones or not. The recipe is the same in both cases. For such a jam you will need: for 1 kilogram of fresh cherries - 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 1 glass of water.

It can be prepared with or without bones. It all depends on taste preferences and shelf life. The presence of the stone significantly affects the taste of the final product. It acquires a peculiar aroma that many people really like. Seedless jam has its advantages: it is convenient to eat and can be safely given to children. Such a product can be used to decorate cakes, as well as filling for pies or other culinary products. Seed jam has a limited shelf life. The product is best eaten within a year. Later, hydrocyanic acid already begins to accumulate in it, which is the strongest poison and can lead to undesirable consequences.

How to make cherry jam:


How many cherries in 1 liter

Find out how many cherries you got after cleaning. Add sugar.​

And sugar in 1 liter - 920 g.

Proportions for cherry jam

Step number 1.

Wash the berries, remove the seeds. After this procedure, you will have about 500 grams of cherries. Put the berries in a saucepan, add water, sugar, lemon juice and bring everything to a boil. Immediately after the jam boils, it is important to reduce the heat to a minimum, then pour rum or cognac into it and cook for another 25 minutes with constant stirring. Remove from the heat, add the broken chocolate to the treat and stir the jam until all the chocolate has melted. Arrange the cherry jam in sterile jars and roll up. After about a day, it will completely cool down and then you can shift the jars to a cold place for storage. So, time to sum up. Cherry is a very useful berry, from which a wonderful jam is obtained, reminiscent of a distant childhood with its aroma. There are many jam recipes, so everyone can choose a delicacy to their taste!​

    1000 gr pitted cherries;

    Boil cherry jam for five minutes in 3 doses (you can finish it in 1 day, with an interval of 5-6 hours: morning-at lunch-late evening; or cook slowly: for example, in the evening-morning-evening):

To determine how much sugar you need for your pitted jam, you must either measure how many cherries you have (in kg or liters) before cleaning. Either after cleaning, weigh or measure the volume of cherries with a liter jar. In general, this time I measured peeled cherries in jars (I took 1 kg of sugar for 1 liter jar of pitted berries = 800 g).​

2. Cover the cherry with sugar

  • We do not need to cook cherry jam in a slow cooker, as in previous versions. Everything will be much easier and faster. We sort out the berries. Remove leaves and stems. Wrinkled and rotten berries are sent to the trash can. We wash the rest of the cherries in running water.

3. Cook jam

3.1. For storage at room temperature (lots of sugar)

1 kg of cherries (preferably fresh);

  1. Want to make a sweet dessert for the winter but don't have much free time? It's not a problem. You can make pitted cherry jam in a slow cooker. The recipe for the Redmond brand appliance is described below.​
  2. ​Product List:​
  3. Boil or freeze?

3.2. For cold storage (low sugar)

Put the prepared berries in a bowl and cover with a layer of sugar on top. In this position, leave the products for 3 hours.


Pitted cherry jam, Pitted cherry jam - the best recipes from Pokushay.ru.

The easiest way to cook cherry jam with seeds. To do this, you will need the following set of products: 1 kilogram of sugar and cherries, as well as 150 milliliters of cold water.​More from category: Preserves and jams​

Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

200 gr sugar.

  • Bring to a boil while stirring. Reduce the heat, cook for another 5 minutes (stirring and removing the foam). Cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 5-12 hours.

​To store at room temperature (lots of sugar): 1:1. Take an equal amount of sugar and cherries (by weight or by volume).​ Step number 2.

Cherry jam diet recipe

Sugar - 1.2 kg.

  • ​Ingredients:​
  • Sugar -1 kg;

Nutritionists say that the best way to consume fruit is to serve it raw. This is also true for cherries, but only in part. The thing is that in the heat-treated fruits of this plant, some useful properties are only enhanced. And therefore, if cherries are needed as an active therapeutic substance for reduced appetite, diseases associated with the circulatory system, acute respiratory infections and some other health problems, it is better to cook it. But the question arises of how to do this most effectively, and not only from a therapeutic point of view. The answer is simple: make pitted cherry jam. This can be done quickly and easily, the main thing is to study several recipes and choose the most suitable one.​ Then put the container on the fire and heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. After that, increase the temperature and slowly bring the mass to a boil. The procedure must be repeated three times.

Cherry jam - recipe with chocolate

The cooking process is very simple:

  • Found a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter.​
  • How to cook:
  • Heat the jam, cook after boiling for another 5 minutes (reduce the fire, stir, remove the foam). Leave again for 5-12 hours.​
  • For storage in the refrigerator or basement (little sugar): for 1 kg of peeled cherries, 300-500 g of sugar. Such jam will be more tender, slightly sweet, juicy. And closer in taste to fresh berries. How to cook, I will also tell.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Cook on minimum heat. As soon as the liquid boils, you can remove the pan from the heat. Pour the cherry with the resulting syrup. The mass should only be brought to a boil, and not boiled. Then she should stand a little.
  • How to make cherry jam in the Polaris multicooker:

1 kg of sugar; one lemon;

Base, or How to cook cherry jam Pruning cherries Metal mesh from rodents

Cherry jam called "royal", this dessert received such a high title due to its excellent taste, which no berry can compare with. Cherry jam is prepared with or without pits, the second option is considered the highest quality and safest for health, because two years after preservation, toxins are released from the pits that can be harmful to health.

The most delicious jam is obtained from southern varieties, as well as Shubinka, Turgenevka and Zakharyevskaya cherries, to make the dessert fragrant, you need to use maroon berries, and the more saturated the color, the tastier the dessert.

Cherry jam - preparing dishes

In order for cherry jam to turn out tasty and to be stored for a long period, it is necessary to prepare the dishes with high quality. Usually, jam is boiled in stainless steel or enameled containers. The fact is that from the moment the berries are processed and covered with sugar before cooking, several hours pass, if during this period the cherries are allowed to stand not in a stainless steel, but in another container, the jam will acquire an unpleasant shade.

Glass jars should be sterilized before putting jam in them, this can be done in a microwave oven (pour 1/2 cans of warm water and boil for 3 minutes), oven (wet jars are placed in a hot oven and the door opens slightly), on the neck of the teapot or in another way.

Cherry jam - preparation of berries

Berries for cherry jam also need to be processed. If the jam is pitted, you need to remove them with a special tool, you can also use a regular pin, hairpin or metal pen. Of course, it is better to use special devices, in which case the berry will lose less juice.

In the event that cherry jam is cooked with seeds, each berry should be pierced with a needle, this is done so that the syrup penetrates into them faster. An alternative to this process can be a minute blanching at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Pitted cherry jam

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

Remove the seeds from the berries using a special device or improvised means, put the berries in an enameled or stainless steel dish, sprinkling with sugar. Let the berries release their juice, in order for the syrup to appear, 2-3 hours are enough. Transfer the berries with syrup to a stainless steel cooking bowl, add 1 cup of water and boil over low heat, gradually stirring with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, make the fire stronger, bring the jam to a boil and remove from heat. A similar procedure (bringing to a boil from removing from heat) must be repeated several times, at the same time, make sure that the cherry does not burn. The foam formed during the boiling process should be removed. After the jam has cooled, it must be placed in glass jars, rolled up with lids and put in a cool room.

Pitted cherry jam

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1/2 kilogram of sugar:
- 800 grams of water.

The secret to making delicious jam with seeds is how well the berries will be prepared for cooking. Whole cherries are slowly soaked in syrup, there is a risk that they will shrink and the jam will not be of high quality, at the same time, it is also not recommended to cook them for a long time. How to find a compromise?

The fruits must be pricked with a pin, put in a basin and not poured, but poured with syrup prepared from 800 grams of water and 300 grams of sugar. Keep the cherries in the syrup for 3-4 hours, then bring to a boil and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Next, separate the cherries from the syrup and boil the liquid for another 5 minutes. Put the cherries back into the syrup, add 200 grams of sugar and boil until tender (bring to a boil and remove from heat several times).

Thick cherry jam

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
- 1 glass of water.

The secret of thick jam lies in the variety of cherries, for those who like to “stand a spoon”, it is better to take Zakharyevsky or Vladimir cherry varieties for making jam. Another secret of thick jam is in the amount of sugar, it should be slightly more than when making traditional medium-thick cherry jam.

Berries (to get the bones or not, the hostess decides individually) place in a special bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Put a bowl of berries on low heat, add 1 cup of water and heat, stirring constantly so that the cherries do not burn. When the syrup becomes homogeneous, you can turn on the fire more and bring the jam to a boil. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Skilled chefs say that cherries cannot be boiled for a long time, otherwise it will wrinkle and brown spots will appear, which makes the final product of less quality.

The process of skimming during cooking is very important because it consists of coagulated proteins that are subject to rapid sourness. The foam is removed to increase the shelf life of the cherry jam.
