In which sports section to give the girl. Sports for girls: pros and cons Sections for children 8 9 years old

Remember your childhood? Many of us were taught by our parents to do morning exercises, sent to various sports sections, creative circles. And those who went through such "tests" are now largely grateful to their fathers and mothers. We learned to swim, run, dance, skate, and today we must help ensure that our children are not left without happy emotions.

Sport is an activity not only for gentlemen, but also for little ladies. Training will strengthen the baby's muscles, help develop the correct posture, increase endurance and health.

Important! Scientists have proved: at the age of 5-8 years, the risk of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack is determined. The more actively the child trains, the less likely the occurrence of ailments in adulthood.

The benefits of sports for children

What are the benefits of sports sections for girls? It's very simple: training contributes to:

  1. Better health: regular exercise not only prevents the risk of a number of diseases, but also treats some diseases.
  2. Character building: sport increases stamina, “hardens” nerves, teaches you to make decisions at crucial moments and never give in to difficulties.
  3. Maintaining tone: Daily exercise will help your child stay alert, energetic and fun.

However, in which section to give the girl? First of all, you should ask the baby what she would like to do. If a little athlete is confused and cannot choose a particular preference, the responsibility lies with the parents.

Important! When choosing a sports section for your daughter, be guided by the inclinations and preferences of the baby. An important factor is the age of the child.

The table shows the main requirements for the age of future athletes put forward by the coaches of different sections:

Kind of sport

Girl's age

Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, sports dancing, swimming

Martial arts, athletics, figure skating, tennis, team play (volleyball, basketball, football)

Skiing, sports tourism, golf, biathlon

Horse riding, cycling, fencing, kayaking, weightlifting

Mountaineering, bobsleigh, triathlon, rock climbing

Popular children's sections

Before you - TOP 8 best sports sections for girls. The most structured information will provide comprehensive information: at what age is it better to send a child to training, what are the positive and negative aspects of a particular sport, indications and contraindications for classes.

Option number 1. Gymnastics, sports dancing

You need to start practicing at the age of 3 to 4 years.

Artistic gymnastics and dancing contribute to:

  • development of grace, flexibility, accuracy and confidence of movements;
  • the formation of a taut figure and correct posture;
  • manifestation of the creative potential of the child.

Another plus of training is the relatively cheap equipment. But the disadvantage is serious and lies in the high probability of injury.

Indications and contraindications. Gymnastics and dancing are suitable for any girl, regardless of physique, character, temperament. It is forbidden to engage in such sports for children suffering from myopia, scoliosis, heart disease.

It is interesting! The world champion in gymnastics Alina Kabaeva visited the sports section for the first time at the age of 3.5 years.

Option number 2. Swimming

Swimmers are first dipped into the pool at about 3-4 years old. At the same time, future athletes can count on:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • stabilization of blood circulation and nervous system;
  • obtaining a hardening effect.

Swimming is useful for girls with myopia, diabetes, scoliosis, and obesity. You can not train in the pool with diseases of the eyes, skin.

Option number 3. Figure skating

  • strengthening the cardiac system, musculoskeletal system;
  • the formation of endurance, grace, artistry;
  • exerting an invigorating effect on the body.

Indications and contraindications: Ice skating is suitable for active, agile, cold-tolerant girls. The sports section is useful for osteochondrosis, scoliosis, but is prohibited for asthma, myopia, and some lung diseases.

Important! Another "winter" type of training is skiing, where you can give the baby as early as 7-8 years old.

Option number 4. Tennis

Girls from 5 years old can get acquainted with tennis. This sport helps:

  • development of dexterity, speed of reaction;
  • striving for victories;
  • improvement of coordination, stabilization of the work of the respiratory organs.

Tennis is shown to girls with osteochondrosis, metabolic disorders. The section is suitable for ambitious, energetic babies. Contraindications are diseases such as asthma, flat feet, myopia.

It is interesting! The “first racket of the world” Maria Sharapova, who came to tennis at the age of 4, was distinguished by a very soft, calm character. However, despite the doubts of the coach, she achieved unsurpassed results in sports. The main thing is to have a solid inner core.

Option number 5. Athletics

The set of sections covering athletics is numerous. This is running, walking, javelin throwing, and jumping.

Age "start" of athletes - 5-6 years. Classes in the sports section guarantee the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, increasing the agility, speed, strength and endurance of the child.

Contraindications for athletics diseases cover:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Kidney.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Progressive myopia.

It is interesting! A world-famous athlete Sergey Bubka joined the sports section at the age of 11 and up to 40 years old he took victories one after another.

Option number 6. Team sports

Team sports are different - these are volleyball, football, basketball, hockey, etc. It is better to start training at 5-6 years old, counting on:

  • development of endurance, speed and reaction;
  • strengthening of the visual and respiratory organs, normalization of the heart;
  • obtaining teamwork skills, peaceful conflict resolution.

Sports contraindications: asthma, flat feet, ulcers, instability of the cervical vertebrae.

Option number 7. Martial arts

The best martial arts for girls are karate, sambo, judo, aikido. Different sections put forward their age requirements. On average, training begins at 5-6 years of age.

Martial arts:

  • form endurance, good reaction, accuracy of movements;
  • teach self-defense skills;
  • have a healing effect.

Contraindications to sports are quite extensive, including chronic diseases of the spine and the cardiac system, as well as diseases in an acute form.

It is interesting! Jean-Claude Van Damme left ballet at the age of 11 and moved to the karate section, later taking a worthy place among the actors of Hollywood action films.

Option number 8. Horseback riding

Horseback riding training is required no earlier than at the age of 10. The advantages of such an aristocratic sport are described:

  • receiving vivid emotions;
  • the possibility of treating mental disorders in cerebral palsy.
  • Equestrian sport is suitable for closed, insecure girls, as well as children who love animals.

    Horse riding contraindications include asthma, scoliosis, cervical instability, horse hair allergy.

    It is interesting! The world-famous rider Rodrigo Pessoa has won fifty grand prix victories throughout his career and won more than 6 million euros.

    Be careful when choosing a sports section. You don't need to give a girl to figure skating just because it's your unfulfilled childhood dream. Observe the baby, study her preferences. In extreme cases, take the child to several sections at once, and then give the girl an independent choice of training.

    When a child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to send him to the sports section. They are faced with a difficult choice, in which they are often guided either by their taste preferences or by the degree of remoteness of the section from home. What should you pay attention to when choosing a sport for your child?

    Young children have an incredible amount of energy and it must be directed in a positive direction. This will make you calm, and the baby - cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sports. But here the question immediately arises of choosing the right sport.

    First you need to carefully look at your child. Sports should correspond to his inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

    At what age is it better to send a child to sports?

    When is it worth giving your son or daughter to sports? - It is best to start teaching children to sports from preschool age, but this is not always possible - not all sports sections accept small children.

    If parents plan to subsequently make sports for a child a significant part of his life, you need to teach children to sports even from the “diaper”. How to do it? Equip a small sports corner at home with a Swedish wall, a rope and other devices. Being engaged from early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, master the available equipment, feel the pleasure and joy of training.

    • 2-3 years. Children at this age are full of energy, active and mobile. That is why at this time it is recommended to do gymnastics with children daily. Kids get tired quickly, so classes should not be long, it is enough to do a few simple exercises (clapping, swinging arms, tilting, jumping) for 5-10 minutes;
    • 4-5 years. This age is especially remarkable in that the baby's body type is already formed (as well as his character), and talents are just beginning to appear. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports club for your child. This age is good for the development of coordination. Offer your child a choice of acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumping or figure skating. From the age of five, you can start classes at a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
    • 6-7 years old. An excellent time for the development of flexibility and plasticity. In a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can give your child to any kind of gymnastics, swimming, start practicing martial arts or football;
    • 8-11 years old. This age period is best suited for the development of speed, agility and dexterity in a child. A great idea is to give it to rowing, fencing or cycling;
    • From 11 years old focus on endurance. Children after 11 years of age are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and hone them. Choose any sports with a ball, consider athletics, boxing, shooting as an option;
    • After 12-13 years there comes an age when the optimal solution will be training aimed at developing strength and endurance.

    So at what age can a child be given to a particular sport? There is no single answer here, since each person is individual. There are children who at the age of three can ride a skateboard or ski. Others are completely unprepared for most sports even by the age of nine.

    There are general recommendations that you should listen to when choosing a sports section. For example, classes for the development of flexibility should be started from an early age, since at this time the child's body is more pliable for stretching. Flexibility decreases with age. But as for endurance, in general, it develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

    If you decide to send a three-year-old child to a sports club, then take into account that the bones and muscles of the child will finally form only by the age of five. Excessive loads before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to scoliosis. Children under 5 years old are actually quite light loads and active games.

    Which sections accept children at different ages?

    • 5-6 years. Accepted for various types of gymnastics and figure skating;
    • 7 years. Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dancing, martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
    • 8 years. At this age, children are taken to badminton, football, basketball and golf. There is an opportunity to learn skiing;
    • 9 years. From that time on, there is a chance to become a speed skater, master sailing, go in for rugby and biathlon, start doing athletics;
    • 10 years. Upon reaching the age of 10, children are admitted to boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, and judo. You can send children to classes with weights, billiards and cycling;
    • From 11 years of age, children are taken to sections for various types of shooting;
    • From 12 years old child will be accepted for bobsleigh.

    Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section one year younger.

    Choosing a sport, taking into account the physique of the child

    Having decided to give your child to sports, you should pay attention to his body type. This is important because different sports take into account different features of the body structure. For basketball, high growth is preferred, while this feature is not appreciated in gymnastics. If the child is inclined to be overweight, parents should pay even more attention to the choice of direction in sports, because the results of training will depend on this, and hence the level of children's self-esteem. Being overweight, the child is unlikely to become a good striker in football, but he will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

    There are several types of body structure, according to the scheme of Stefko and Ostrovsky used in medical practice. Let's look at them in detail:

    1. Asthenoid type- This type of physique is characterized by pronounced leanness, the legs are usually long and thin, and the chest and shoulders are narrow. Muscles are poorly developed. Often, people with an asthenoid body type have a stoop along with protruding shoulder blades. These children tend to feel awkward. Given these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be psychologically comfortable. Here it is important not only the direction in sports, but also the right team. It is easy for such children to do gymnastics, basketball, as well as any kind of sports that emphasize speed, strength and endurance - skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
    2. Thoracic type body composition is characterized by an equal width of the shoulder girdle and hips, the chest is often wide. The indicator of the development of muscle mass is average. These children are highly active, they are suitable for sports related to speed and developing endurance. Mobile children are suitable for various races, motor sports, skiing, they will make excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and figure skaters. You can give a child with this type of physique to ballet, capoeira, jumping, captivate them with kayaking.
    3. muscle type addition is typical for children with a massive skeleton and developed muscle mass. They are hardy and strong, which means you should choose a sport aimed at developing strength and speed. Such children can prove themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, water polo and hockey, as well as achieve good results in weightlifting and Workout.
    4. Digestive type- Digestive body type is characterized by short stature, wide chest, the presence of a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys are not mobile, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill in them an interest in activities, choose weightlifting, shooting, hockey, athletic gymnastics, consider martial arts or motorcycling, throwing and WorkOut as options.

    How to choose a sport, given the children's temperament?

    Character also matters when choosing sports. It depends on him what success the child can achieve. For example, highly active children are unlikely to excel in sports where training is an endless series of repetitive exercises that require the ability to concentrate. They need to choose activities where the child can throw out excess energy, it is best that it be a team sport.

    1. Sports for sanguines. Children with this type of temperament are leaders by nature, they are not inclined to succumb to fear, they like extreme sports, sports are suitable for them, where they can show all these qualities, show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in fencing, mountaineering, karate classes. Sanguine people will enjoy hang gliding, skiing, kayaking.
    2. Cholerics- people are emotional, but they are able to share a victory with someone, so it is better for children with this temperament to find themselves in team sports. Wrestling or boxing is a good option for them.
    3. Phlegmatic children tend to achieve good results in everything, including sports, because their natural qualities are perseverance and calmness. Invite a child with this temperament to go to chess, to figure skating, to do gymnastics, or to become an athlete.
    4. Melancholy- very vulnerable children, they can be hurt by the excessive severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports for them or give them to dances. A great option is equestrianism, it is suitable for everyone, but shooting or sailing is also worth considering.

    In which section to send children, given their state of health?

    If you have chosen a direction in sports for your children, taking into account all the factors - their preferences, body type, character, then now you should pay attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child's body. The doctor will tell you which sports are contraindicated in each case, and which ones will benefit. The pediatrician will determine what level of exercise is right for your children. Consider recommendations regarding the choice of a sport for various diseases.

    • Volleyball, basketball and football contraindicated in myopic children, as well as those who suffer from asthma or flat feet. But these sports will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
    • Rhythmic gymnastics save the child from flat feet and help strengthen the back muscles, form a beautiful posture;
    • Swimming- suitable for all children without exception. Classes in the pool have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body, including the back, strengthen the nervous system;
    • Hockey contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases, but he develops the respiratory system well;
    • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, skiing and figure skating shown with a poorly developed vestibular apparatus;
    • With a weak nervous system, classes are suitable children's yoga, swimming and horse riding;
    • tennis it is worth doing for the development of fine motor skills and attention, but this sport is not suitable for short-sighted children and those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
    • Horse riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
    • You can strengthen your heart and respiratory system by doing speed skating, athletics or diving;
    • Figure skating contraindicated in severe myopia and diseases of the pleura.

    If you want to introduce children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, there will be failures. However, never write off the failures of a child in sports to different circumstances, because they are the result of the efforts made. Having achieved success with their efforts, children will again strive for victories, faced with failure, they will begin to make more efforts.

    Any sport is useful and important, because it develops a strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child is engaged in it with pleasure!

    At what age should a child go in for sports and what sport to choose for a child?

    How to help your child choose a sport

    Which sports section to send the girl to, and how not to make a mistake with the choice of sport? As the daughter grows older, and sometimes before birth, parents think about her future. It is worth choosing a sports section in advance, noting the characteristics of the character and development of the child. Now children are inactive, gaining excess weight faster and suffer from insufficient physical activity. The sports section needs to fix this.

    At what age should a child start playing sports?

    In order not to injure the delicate body of the child, we must remember that everything has its time. You can even work with babies. Children under 2 years old are allowed to swim, special gymnastics for kids, fitball classes. All classes - only with the permission of a doctor and under the supervision of an experienced trainer. At home, you can do the simplest gymnastics.

    What to choose as you grow up:

    • At 2-3 years old, the child is active and mobile, but the body is not yet prepared for serious stress. It is worth choosing swimming: it is much easier to train in the water. Because of the different pressures, water activities are considered the safest. At home, it is worth doing physical education on your own, making a “children's corner” with simple simulators and a Swedish wall. For walks, be sure to take a bicycle or scooter with you, arrange outdoor games, go to children's sports grounds.
    • At 4 years of all physical qualities, it is best to develop flexibility. For this, classes in sports or rhythmic gymnastics, sports dancing, wushu are suitable. These activities will also increase stamina and strengthen the respiratory system. Don't forget about swimming. And if a girl has developed good coordination in the water over the course of a year, she can be offered synchronized swimming.
    • 5 years old is a great age for activities that develop coordination. If the child was engaged in gymnastics, then there will be no problems with acrobatics, skiing or figure skating. At the same age, you can try martial arts: karate, aikido, taekwondo, judo.
    • At the age of 6, it is also not too late to send your daughter to the martial arts section. These workouts develop all physical qualities: flexibility, coordination, endurance, speed, strength. Classes develop discipline, so they are suitable for restless kids. Athletics develops speed, agility, strength. Table tennis strengthens the back and arms, develops endurance, speed and agility.
    • 7 years is the best time for team training: volleyball, handball, football. It is worth remembering that these classes will not work if the girl is used to getting all the glory for herself after the victory. Workouts will appeal to sociable children who know how to interact with other people. The body is quite ready for badminton and basketball.
    • 8-9 years - time for tennis, wrestling, cycling, orienteering, kickboxing. At this time, the body is already quite strong. Swimmers can try water polo. If you are tired of figure skating, you should pay attention to speed skating.
    • At the age of 10-11, many choose fencing, horseback riding, cycling. Bullet shooting is popular, but this type requires determination and calmness. Rowing is suitable, as well as kayaking and canoeing. Training strengthens the back and arms. At this age, you should pay attention to boxing. This is a rather traumatic sport and is not suitable for children under 10 years old. You can try triathlon, climbing, mountaineering.
    • From the age of 12 you can try weightlifting. This sport stops growth, so you need to start slowly and gradually, without rushing to achieve high results. At this age, it is not too late to take up rowing, chess, and wrestling. You can choose a section of any dance, if before that the girl was engaged in gymnastics or acrobatics. Or find a place where beginners of this age are recruited.

    Age is important when choosing classes, but depending on the development of the body and physical qualities, the coach will advise you to wait a year or two, or vice versa, will accept you into the section earlier.

    Sports for girls: pros and cons. Girls, I really need advice about the sports section for a 3.5 year old boy. I understand that you just need general physical training, but I find it only in combination with the main sport, aikido, football, hockey. What sport should a child do?

    Tell me, in which sport to give a girl 4 years old. Needs physical activity, sleeps very badly from birth. What sport should a child do? Over the past few years, the topic of a healthy lifestyle has become one of the options for boys (and sometimes for girls ...

    Give ideas on what kind of sport a teenager should do to improve health and well-being. Introductory: - A 15-year-old girl, - Not an athlete, has not been regularly involved in any sports for the last 4 years, - Scoliosis, weak back muscles, complains of pain in ...

    But we have another main sport. And so for OFP you can give it to tennis. A plus in terms of ability. Very useful and recommended by experts for development and health. Then, after a couple of years of practicing any of these sports, you can make a good ...

    Sport for a tall girl. Hello! If there was a topic, poke your nose, please (I don’t come here often). I have a daughter, 11 years old (almost 12). do what you like and want without being tied to growth. I was such a tall girl, how the constants pissed me off ...

    Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Upbringing and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school Girls, advise this moment: the son (13 years old) is basically not athletic (both in health and at will), tried to go to the pool and aikido ...

    Strength sports, for example, weightlifting, should be excluded at early school age, as the child continues to grow, his bones and joints are not yet What to choose and at what age? Parents who are going to send their child to a particular sport ...

    There are a lot of such aunts and even girls in Russia without a water floor around us. My friends have a thin-voiced, asthenic build, CMS in swimming at the age of 13. I think one of the disadvantages is that this is a team sport, and not an individual one, like swimming.

    There were many girls of the same age. Now girls and women, the figure is fit and feminine. My opinion is that I did judo in my teens. I wonder why they write that this is a tough sport, when even the name is translated as ...

    A 10-year-old girl wants to do some kind of wrestling. Nearby there are: judo, karate, aikido, sambo. They used to swim and dance. Both of my girls do karate. This is really a shock sport - that is, they are in helmets in sparring and in defense on ...

    Ideally, I would like her to dance and have a good posture, but apparently all this does not suit her at all. What sport should a child do? In sports sections, children are accepted from 5-7 years old, or even older. There are no sports sections for kids.

    Advise, please, sports for the girl. What are yours doing? It is clear that now you can practice in such sports only for yourself at her age. In which section to give a 7-year-old boy. Watch out, sports!

    ZPR and sports. Girls, has anyone grown into sports? So they did and do a lot of sports. My goal at the same time is to improve the "brains". My blood daughter did not speak at all at the age of 3 and she was given a ZPR up to 6 years old, smart ...

    Of the minuses - they lived only in sports, constant training, there was not enough time for anything, studying at zero professional sports give children mainly from the periphery, where life is hard and you can’t count on. Do you want a sports future for a girl? If not, then why do we need a sports school.

    What do you think? What are the pros and cons of this sport (well, if you walk around for a year or two, without fanaticism, just for health). I also really wanted to send my children to this section. But the doctor categorically forbade us, because. this greatly affects hearing loss.

    Sports for "bespectacled". Girls, my son has been wearing glasses for a year now, and the doctor decided to continue wearing them, and all the time! And so I thought. In general, you can do any sport, just take off your glasses for training. Does he see people? He doesn’t need to thread a needle on ...

    In connection with this, the question is, what are the pros and cons of this sport? Sports for hardworking and not pampered girls. Static exercises are done in cold water for an hour and a half. Hard stretches in the gym. Good coordination is needed. What a gymnast does on ...

    Which sport? Where to give a 9 year old girl? Have you also seen girls gymnasts who are 12-13 years old? How can you captivate a boy of 13 years old? That's the reason why mothers take their kids by the hand to sports sections. What sport should a child do?

    girl and swimming. My friends have been taking the girl to a swimming sports school for two years. Pros Swimming is the healthiest and least traumatic sport up to a certain level, and I'm going to send my daughter to swim, so any information is very important.

    Natalya Govorova

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    Perhaps you dreamed of giving him to martial arts, but if the child is small and not ready for such physical exertion, you can start with swimming - it will strengthen muscles, develop ligaments and harden him for other sections.

    Anyway, you have to listen to the interests of the child showing him a wide range of possibilities.

    Which sport to send the child to - we select the sports section according to the individual characteristics of the child

    • If you notice that your child is an extrovert, simply open and sociable, then you can try to take place in speed-strength sports. For example, running and swimming for short distances, skiing, tennis and tennis. It is also worth trying gymnastics, snowboarding or acrobatics.
    • If your child is an introvert, i.e. closed, analytical, thoughtful, try cyclical sports - for example, triathlon, skiing, athletics. The advantage of your child is that he tolerates monotonous activities well, is enduring, disciplined and, therefore, will be able to take prizes over long distances.
    • Children with a closed character not interested in team sports. They are unlikely to enjoy football or team relay. But they can be fascinated by shaping, swimming or bodybuilding. Usually they have a low level of anxiety, so they achieve better results in serious competitions.
    • Unlike the previous type impressionable children of a sensitive psychotype group games are suitable. They play well because they are not interested in their own independence. What kind of sports to take your child to is your own business, but it is important to check that the child likes these activities and is comfortable in a real team.

    • Compliant dependent children- the so-called conformal, quickly "grab" the rules of the game and "stretch" for the recognized leaders. They are suitable for collective games in a large team.
    • Proud children of hysterical psychotype love to be the center of attention. However, they are not comfortable in those sports that involve a long clarification of victory over the course of an entire competition.

    • If your child is prone to apathy and often shows irritability, it is necessary to take into account its cycloid type and change sports hobbies more often.
    • For psychoasthenic type sports are not attractive at all. But their especially long legs make it possible to realize themselves in cross-country skiing or athletics.
    • Asthenoneurotics and epileptoids get tired quickly and need more rehabilitation, for example, swimming.

    When to send a child to sports so as not to miss the moment - a useful sign for parents

    • What kind of sport to choose a child 4 - 6 years. At this time, babies still cannot concentrate their attention, so the exercises may not be performed accurately enough. They learn to coordinate their movements and have a good stretch. Classes can be held in the form of a game, but it is not uncommon for children to like the serious “adult” approach of the coach, which teaches self-discipline and responsibility.

    • What kind of sports to do for a child of 7 - 10 years. During this period, physical tone and coordination improve, but stretching worsens. Therefore, the acquired skills at the age of 4-6 years must be constantly maintained. After all, a good stretch is needed in many sports - for example, in combat. With a power load, you should wait a little, because you need to develop strength gradually, as you grow older.
    • In what sport to give a child 10-12 years old. Good coordination, precise understanding of exercises, good reaction are the advantages of this age. However, the reaction rate can be increased.

    • What kind of sport to do for a child of 13 - 15 years old. That's when tactical thinking comes in, which, along with natural coordination, can give good results in any sport. It remains only to improve physical fitness so that it does not limit strategies.
    • What sport to choose for a child 16-18 years old. This age is suitable for a good athletic load, because the skeleton is strong and ready for serious stress.

    A brief table when to send a child to sports:

    • Swimming- 6-8 years. Strengthens muscles and promotes healthy posture.
    • Figure skating- 4 years. Develops body plasticity, coordination and artistry.
    • Hood. gymnastics- 4 years. Forms a flexible body and self-confidence.

    • Play sports- 5-7 years. Increases communication and collaboration skills.
    • Combat sports- 4-8 years. Develops reaction, improves self-esteem.

    In this article, we will consider at what age to send boys to a particular sport, how to take into account the temperament, physique, and also the physiological predisposition of the child when choosing a section. We will also touch on the financial side of visiting sections. After reading this article, you will decide which sports section to send the boy to.

    The best boys' sports section by age

    There are no unambiguous rules according to which a boy should be taken to specific classes at a certain age. But there are recommendations when it is worth giving up a child, taking into account the specifics of the sport itself and the readiness of children for the level of physical and psychological stress:

    In parallel, many boys can even study in two or three sections. But parents should be vigilant so that the child does not experience overload and stress.

    What to consider when choosing a sports club

    Many adults choose a sport for their son solely for their own reasons, not taking into account either the opinion of the child himself, or his inclinations, or objective physical data. It even happens that children are sent to study in the sports club that is closest to the place of residence. And this is fundamentally wrong, because when choosing a section, it is simply necessary to take into account all the key points:

    • The most important thing is the age of the boy, because for different disciplines there is a minimum restrictive threshold and the most suitable years for starting classes;
    • Health restrictions and the presence of diseases;
    • Physiological predisposition to a particular sport, when height, weight, muscle development and even the structure of the child's skeleton are taken into account;
    • The desire of the boy himself to engage in a specific sports section, because “under duress” classes will not bring high results and will be abandoned sooner or later;
    • The financial capabilities of the parents are also taken into account, since almost always the provision of the boy with a sports uniform and equipment falls on the shoulders of relatives;
    • The recommendations of specialists should also be taken into account - some of the children should try to learn how to communicate in a team, others should become more focused and improve their reactions, etc.

    The convenience of visiting the place of employment also plays a certain role in the choice, because one of the adults must accompany a small child. This requires free time and means of transportation if you have to get to remote areas from home.

    In which sports section to give the boy, given the physique and temperament

    In order for a child not only to go in for sports exclusively for his own and "mother's" pleasure, but to be able to show good results, his physical and psycho-emotional characteristics must be taken into account.

    Body type:

    • Asthenic boys have a lean build with long limbs and weakly expressed muscles. Therefore, when choosing a section, one should pay attention to those where mobility, endurance, and flexibility are trained. For example, it is swimming or ballet.
    • With thoracic type children are physically strong, active, with good muscle mass. Football, hockey and figure skating would suit them perfectly.
    • "Fortress" with a large skeleton are to muscle type. Parents should give them to the type of martial arts that the child likes.
    • Not very active boys, as a rule, overweight are digestive body type. They do not like sports a priori, but they especially need it. Therefore, we must start with simpler disciplines that help to liberate ourselves, for example, swimming, gymnastics, running, cycling.

    Growth is also taken into account, because a short boy is more comfortable wrestling than playing basketball.

    Temperament future men also play an important role. Hyperactive children who have a lot of energy should go to mobile sports. Quiet and shy boys can be recommended team games, where they will not be leaders, but excellent members of a single whole team.

    Features of the boy's health when choosing a section

    In any sports section for children, before enrollment, parents must be required to provide a certificate of their son's health. A special load during sports training always falls on the cardiovascular system, so an ECG is necessary. If not everything is in order with this aspect of the boy's health, then sports such as swimming, figure skating, tennis, football, hockey may simply not be allowed.

    With scoliosis and flat feet, it is better to choose sections that will help strengthen the muscular frame and correct these problems. For example, swimming and horseback riding. But all jumping and running, as well as with lifting weights, types of physical activity should be excluded.

    The financial side of classes in the section

    When giving a precious child to sports sections, relatives must be prepared not only to pay for direct training, but also to additional costs. This includes the cost of purchasing sports uniforms and shoes, special equipment, financial sponsorship fees for holding competitions, and so on.

    Such disciplines as hockey are considered especially expensive - all equipment is about 100 thousand rubles, and dancing - each costume can cost several thousand. In this case, you can save money by buying sports equipment from your hands, because children grow up quickly, and uniforms and equipment that are in good condition can be sold.

    Which sports section to give the boy to is a question that needs to be decided together with the child. Then the classes will be productive, and the child will spend time not only with benefit, but also with pleasure.

    What sport should a child do? When choosing a sport, parents are often guided by such considerations as the proximity to the home of the sports section, the number of broadcasts on television, or the attention paid to a particular sport on the Web. What do you really need to think about if you decide what kind of sport a girl should do? Alina Volkova, manager of the Gracia&Sport rhythmic gymnastics store, and Galina Kandaeva, coach of the Constellation Sport sports development center, tell the story.

    The first thing to keep in mind is the age of the girl. In some sports, it just doesn't make sense to start too early: training will not be effective, and the results will not be serious and noticeable. Of course, most sports sections organize the recruitment of the smallest ones, but let's be honest: this is often done out of a banal desire to make money. Here are some examples.

    If a girl has a mischievous character, and you see that she will be interested in martial arts, do not rush to enroll her in karate, sambo or other martial arts. In these sports, it makes sense to start training after 10 years. Early classes, of course, are not forbidden, but money spent without much effect is a reason to think.

    If, in your understanding, aerobics is something that is better to do from an early age, then you are not entirely right: 7 years is the minimum bar, as, for example, for tennis. But you can send a girl to rhythmic or artistic gymnastics earlier - at 5-6 years old. However, many schools and clubs accept even earlier, this is not forbidden. The reason is simple - accustoming the body to stretching and flexibility is generally good to start not too late, so it will be easier for the girl to train in the future.

    Pay attention to those physical characteristics of the child that are necessary in the chosen sport - it will be easier for the child to get comfortable and show his inclinations.

    For example, in rhythmic gymnastics, the coach often pays attention to the girl's external data, primary flexibility, and also a predisposition to fullness. With cycling, everything is much easier, although they are also recommended to start at an early age. Here, the endurance of the body is more important, but serious stretching - the main torment of beginner gymnasts - is not required at all. The same can be said about swimming or the already mentioned martial arts.

    It is worth noting that not all sports can be used as an interesting variant of the OFP for a child, because parents often send a girl to a sports section for this very purpose. The same gymnastics is an acceptable, but not a very good option for "health" classes. Of course, flexibility and endurance are good, but the necessary frequency of training, loads, achieving results with many years of work make this wonderful sport "long-term".

    There are myths among parents that this or that sport will not require significant investments from them. Indeed, volleyball, basketball and other team games (with the exception of football and hockey) do not involve huge costs: you will need uniforms and shoes for classes recommended by the coach, and almost everything else will be available in the gym. Skiing or skating is no longer only skis and skates of certain brands, but also more complex equipment and an ever-growing child.

    And here is what the costs in rhythmic gymnastics look like. For training, a gymnast needs certain clothes - this is inexpensive: the cost of a costume will not exceed 1000 rubles. The half-toes that the little athlete trains in are also cheap, but they will change more often than you expect!

    However, in this sport there are still objects that gymnasts work with: hoops, maces, ribbons, balls. The cost of a gymnastic ball, for example, varies from 300 rubles to 6,000 rubles and more, depending on the age of the gymnast, the manufacturer and the quality of the object. Approximately the same situation with maces: from 300 rubles to 6,000 and more. Add to this special covers, mini-pumps, bags. At the same time, a change in the object is inevitable: the girl is growing, and she needs a different model.

    Now let's imagine that the gymnast has grown up to perform, and she needs a special swimsuit to work in front of the judges. Prices for good leotards start from 8,000-10,000 rubles and can easily reach 30,000. True, many mothers, when a girl grows up, sell a leotard to the mothers of younger gymnasts. This "circulation of things" is a normal practice in almost any sport, but the initial costs are inevitable.

    Child health

    Some coaches, depending on the sport, may ask their parents for permission from the doctor, and rightly so. Suppose you want to enroll your daughter in a section where her ligaments will be stretched without fail during training: in this case, an examination and consultation with a doctor are simply necessary.

    Wish baby

    Finally, talk to your daughter herself. Of course, parental ideas about sports are much broader than children's, but children have more developed intuition. Be sure to find out what the girl likes, what she has her soul for. At the same time, explain that it will be necessary to work at any training session - and motivate so that the child does not give up due to the inevitable minor failures. But this is the task of the coach too.


    I would not mind taking my daughter to the pool for a swim. From an early age, she will engage in proper sports and will be in good physical shape and waste on this is small.

    Marika, you are absolutely right about Sasaki and performances: leotards for performances are not cheap. Yes, updates are always required.

    However, in the part of the article that you are writing about, we are talking about basic training clothes when entering classes - naturally, additional sets (and later on - a sea of ​​​​half-toes) are not taken into account: otherwise we will not talk about a set of clothes for training - but about the whole training period :)

    [link-1] - such a leotard, for example, is suitable for training a little gymnast. It costs 470 rubles. But with a long sleeve - it costs 700 rubles: [link-2]. Add socks to the leotard - and the mini-gymnast can train))

    However, globally, you are right: this is not a cheap sport for parents, unfortunately ...

    In the topic of rhythmic gymnastics, very strange prices. This is where you can equip a girl for 1000 rubles? One long-sleeved T-shirt - 850 rubles, plus leggings, plus a short-sleeved T-shirt, plus shorts. Leggings are wiped on the knees with space speed. White socks - at least 10 pairs. Plus gaiters. If you buy everything branded (from Sasaki, for example), then the prices are even higher.
    A decent swimsuit for 10 thousand can be bought from the hands. The new one will be in the region of 15-20 thousand km.
    And the items of the acting girl should definitely be branded.

    Comment on the article "What sport to send a girl to? Sports for girls: pros and cons"

    Sports for girls: pros and cons. Sports for a girl: rhythmic gymnastics or tennis, cycling or combat Sports during pregnancy are beneficial for both mother and child. A special review of the 7 best Moscow pools where...

    Sports for girls: pros and cons. Girls, I really need advice about the sports section for a 3.5 year old boy. I understand that you just need general physical training, but I find it only in combination with the main sport, aikido, football, hockey. What sport should a child do?


    Oh what a nightmare. Advised here, dear mother. We heard a ringing ... So. In order.

    Between karate and taekwondo is not just a difference, but a huge one. Taekwondo uses practically only the legs. And all the kicks are high. You can't hit the hip. Hence the whole specificity of training. Emphasis on stretching, coordination, jumping kicks. The trauma is not big. Defense is used and kicks to the head are rarely missed.

    Karate is in the sense of the clarity of the concept as an engineer or a programmer. They say, for example, an engineer. What he can do, what he is strong in - it is not clear. If you take karate, it is important to understand the style. The differences are huge. In short, you must immediately remember two styles - Kyokushin and Ashihara (stands out from Kyokushin). These are the hardest styles in which punches to the head are prohibited. But at the same time, defense is not used, the fight goes on until the opponent has a knockout (if there is none, then the judges decide) and when surrendering to the belts, tough sparring conditions (from 30 minutes to several hours of continuous fighting with changing opponents and also tamashiwari - breaking the boards with three different frequent bodies). All videos where powerful uncles break concrete blocks, break bats with their bare feet, knock down bulls with fist strikes - this is Kyokushin. Google Masutatsu Oyama and take a look if you're interested. On the other side of karate are non-contact types with strike marks. At the head of these styles is Shotokan (Shotokan). There is an emphasis on sharpness, technique, correct stances, combinations, etc. This is fencing with hands and feet. Those. you need to understand what type of karate style you have, what style belt the coach has.

    Aikido is traumatic at a high level. Definitely more than non-contact karate. It has a lot of falls into uncomfortable positions. I, having a black belt in Kyokushin karate, had no injuries at all, although I was a winner of the Russian Cup in kumite. And in aikido she received a serious injury to the cervical vertebrae in the first six months.

    I know wrestling better. I was in training, a lot of specifics for pumping up the neck, a lot of pushing. Less complex warm-up and OFP. But then again, judo is more like karate in terms of training. But Greco-Roman wrestling is very specific. This is the work of the upper body. On it and the emphasis in preparation.

    At the same time, at 6 years old, all types of martial arts are the same. This is a very good physical training and discipline training. I would choose contact style karate for a boy. There is stronger physical training more "practical emphasis". But from the age of 10, when sparring specialization begins, maybe I would transfer it to non-contact. Although if the boy is strong and stubborn, contact styles will suit him. There are few injuries. But there is a specificity - stuffed knuckles, shin, forearms.

    The advice to look at the coach is wonderful. That is what is important in martial arts. But if there is an idea to train for a long time, then you need to look at whether the coach is related to the federation, whether he can take on belts, whether he puts athletes up for competitions, etc. Yes, federations are different. Kyokushin and Shotokan are strong. Surrender to black belts often happens even in Japan, Poland, etc. Competitions at the level of the World Championship are held in decent large halls. Lots of spectators. Shows, demonstrations, etc. Interesting to everyone.

    In general, it’s better to do anything than lie at home with a tablet on the couch. Especially at 6 years old.

    01/12/2018 10:58:42 AM, Well, well

    Thank you all for the responses, I'm sitting studying. What are your opinions about sambo-judo-Greco-Roman wrestling?

    Tell me, in which sport to give a girl 4 years old. Needs physical activity, sleeps very badly from birth. The neurologist said to try the load. We went to cheerleading, sleep became better. But now we have no opportunity to go there. I want to give to sports, but ...


    How much I didn’t drive mine, it develops where it’s not far from home)) so that it doesn’t rain or snow, don’t interfere with enthusiasm)
    And most importantly, where the section itself (well, according to the premises, the team) and, most importantly, the coach, will be good. Very often this is the decisive factor.
    So I went to figure skating as a child, I highly recommend it for health, just like I went, I stopped getting sick at all. But I don’t take my daughter, we don’t have one nearby, but I need her to be able to walk like a son when she is older. He went swimming by himself, now basketball.
    By the way, he loves basketball more, but before there was no section nearby, they only take him there, and we also work ... And two years ago they opened it, and now he walks.
    My daughter is still at the dance, also near the house, but we'll see.

    Not only sports are possible, if there is time and to whom to drive, I have been doing this for two years already. Three types of circles:
    dancing, choir and drawing, at first I thought that we were a little like and we’ll choose what we like more ... and she doesn’t quit, everything turned out to be sooooo interesting to her :))
    according to the results, of course, dancing is better, and drawing is bad, but it is there that we develop perseverance and attentiveness to the school.

    Sports for girls: pros and cons. Skiing or skating is no longer only skis and skates of certain brands, but also more complex equipment and an ever-growing child. And here is what the costs in rhythmic gymnastics look like.

    Give ideas on what kind of sport a teenager should do to improve health and well-being. Introductory: - A 15-year-old girl, - Not an athlete, has not been regularly involved in any sports for the last 4 years, - Scoliosis, weak back muscles, complains of pain in ...


    I remember that some professor came to our pioneer camp, checked, incl. spine, many were diagnosed with scoliosis. He said that sports with high jumps such as basketball are harmful in this case, but table tennis recommended. We were then a couple of years younger than your daughter, no one complained of back pain. The camp was ordinary, a comrade, as it seemed to me, was collecting material for some kind of work. Exercise therapy and swimming, of course, he also advised. But neither one nor the other pinned me, and for a couple of years I then played table tennis. On the one hand, I’m not sure that this is a suitable activity if my back hurts, on the other hand, I think that you can try and understand from your own feelings.

    Having three already grown children who have been playing tennis almost from birth and still go in for years riding, swimming and dancing, now, 15 years later, it seems to me that group sports are very, very important for teenagers.
    Whether it's volleyball or hockey, it doesn't matter, as long as it's with a group of like-minded people. So that there is an incentive to go to zhanyaty when it's dark, cold outside, and you want to sit in front of TV at home.

    And also - if she doesn’t want to just swim - look for a water polo group, or diving in the pool - they not only dive there with balloons, but first they “warm up” at 500 meters - they swim, do all kinds of exercises in the water - very intense fitness is obtained - under the guise of diving :) We have trained much more in intensive, difficult swimming (with weight, with tasks, exercises) in six months of classes than before in regular swimming lessons :)

    What sport should a child do? Sports for kids. How to get your child involved in sports. Although many children start playing sports around the preschool age. Children are admitted to the sports sections from the age of 5-7, or even older.


    In gymnastics, for a girl, that's it

    I got a boy. From the age of 6 they tried karate, at first it seemed like nothing, and then categorically refused. He said that while they are running and jumping, he likes it, but all sorts of tricks - no. I had to take him to where they run and jump)) - to athletics. This was his job. He is also very energetic, but at the same time he speaks for himself, team sports are not for him. Although, by and large, in the thematic age, there are open-ended games and outdoor games. And then perishing on abilities.

    Sport for a tall girl. Hello! If there was a topic, poke your nose, please (I don’t come here often). I have a daughter, 11 years old (almost 12). do what you like and want without being tied to growth. I was such a tall girl, how the constants pissed me off ...


    Olymp Dussh volleyball on Udaltsova

    do what you like and want without being tied to growth. I was such a tall girl, how I was infuriated by the constant offers to play volleyball / basketball!
    and I chose mountaineering myself, it was really interesting - the team, camps, DISCIPLINE.

    Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Upbringing and relationships with teenage children Girls, advise this moment: the son (13 years old) is, in principle, not athletic (both in health and in terms of health. He used to go in for judo - he was not enthusiastic. Now he plays tennis in volume ...


    Let him try different types, something and like it. Rock climbing is quite popular. Our pool is just for general swimming, not for competitive swimming. So, stretch the muscles. Before that, an hour session in the gym in a small group under the guidance of a trainer + some non-strength exercises (children under 14 years old are the only way in this sports club). I like kayaking very much. Kayak, paddle and vest are rented at the club. Wants to try cycling. I used to do judo - I was not happy. Now he plays tennis in the volume of the school club. He wins interschool competitions, but neither we nor he has a goal to make a champion. Like it and good. But we have a lot of sports in our school as part of the program. Athletics all year round, and depending on the trimester, football (ok), rugby (most boys at school don't like it) and cricket or golf to choose from (going with a bang) + additional clubs. Until the 7th grade, the school drove to the city swimming pool, now they will build their own.

    athletics, fencing, wushu.

    Strength sports, for example, weightlifting, should be excluded at early school age, as the child continues to grow, his bones and joints are not yet What to choose and at what age? Parents who are going to send their child to a particular sport ...


    I highly recommend water polo, my son was engaged, and it was the guys of your son's physique who achieved very good results by the age of 14.
    They usually take them there from the age of 7, before that it is better for the child to be a swimmer.

    judo, sambo, wrestling in general. The child will be torn off with arms and legs, because weights are always in short supply, they are groomed and cherished.

    There are a lot of such aunts and even girls in Russia without a water floor around us. My friends have a thin-voiced, asthenic build, CMS in swimming at the age of 13. I think one of the disadvantages is that this is a team sport, and not an individual one, like swimming.


    See photos of water polo girls at this link. They are not that big. Of course, bigger than synchronized swimmers, but quite normal. I see them every day
    And then, if after training pizza and rolls are hamstered, then the synchronized swimmer will be blown)))

    As a mother of a waterfowl child, I would consider water polo as a last resort. There are such hefty girls, just horses. They are broad-shouldered, healthy legs, I personally do not like. Here are the water polo men, yes:)) Beautiful:) But the aunts are almost the same.
    It’s unlikely to lose weight there, but it’s even very pumped up like a man.

    There were many girls of the same age. Now girls and women, the figure is fit and feminine. My opinion is that I did judo in my teens. I wonder why they write that this is a tough sport, when even the name is translated as ...


    Good time. My name is Dmitry. I want to add a comment. Having started doing judo at the age of 10 and until I left for the army, having reached the CMS, I knew and understood that I had chosen the right type of martial arts. Yes, it was hard and painful, abrasions and tears, bruises and fractures. But after the first year, I could not help but go to training, I was drawn. There were many girls of the same age. Now girls and women, the figure is fit and feminine. My opinion is that both boys and girls should do judo, there is nothing terrible. I also gave my daughter to judo only when she turned 10. Having learned about this at school, relations immediately improved, they stopped touching and offending. They knew that if they caught, they would not let go and answer for their grievances. It also helped me in the army.

    I did judo as a teenager.
    I wonder why they write that this is a hard sport, when even the name is translated as "flexible path"? Throws, grabs, holds, chokes and painful holds… There are no punches. Just a fight. In which flexibility and the correct calculation of one's own forces and those of the enemy are very important. Learn to fall. A lot of attention is paid to this. The coach will not allow you to fight if you do not know how to insure yourself during a fall. You will practice until you learn. They put in pairs, as a rule, with their own weight, and beginners will not succeed in throwing the enemy very far, no matter how hard you try. At first it's just a fuss on the tatami. Quite a useful trick. It has little to do with self-defense (although it came in handy a couple of times, but this is rather an exception). To protect yourself, you need to be able to hit, and in sports judo, hits are strictly prohibited. But stretching and agility will appear after classes, and self-confidence too. All our guys and girls were calm, because a person who knows how to fight tries to avoid fights in ordinary life. Great activity for a teenage girl.

    P.S. As the daughter of my acquaintance coach said when he suggested that she go to the dance: “Dad, if someone attacks me, will I dance with him?”

    A 10-year-old girl wants to do some kind of wrestling. Nearby there are: judo, karate, aikido, sambo. They used to swim and dance. Both of my girls do karate. This is really a shock sport - that is, they are in helmets in sparring and in defense on ...


    I would recommend aikido. My daughter has been attending for two years now and she loves it. All other types of wrestling require strong physical training. And aikido is a more plastic and peaceful type of struggle, which emphasizes the human spirit. I think your daughter will like it.

    Where to give a 9 year old girl? My daughter is almost 9 years old. We tried ballet, figure skating. Ideally, I would like her to dance and have a good posture, but apparently all this does not suit her at all.

    Advise, please, sports for the girl. What are yours doing? My daughter went to the pool for two years and a little, she doesn’t want to anymore, she’s tired. Maybe someone will praise their section / sports school (Dynamo-Polezhaevskaya district) from those where they will take them at the age of 8.

    ZPR and sports. Girls, has anyone grown into sports? So they did and do a lot of sports. My goal at the same time is to improve the "brains". My blood daughter did not speak at all at the age of 3 and she was given a ZPR up to 6 years old, smart ...


    My son is 8 years old, diagnosed with mental retardation, they sent him to skiing, he likes it, of course the movement correction is broken, but the coach says it's fixable

    09/27/2017 20:10:27, Ilgizar

    I also have a 5.5-year-old son, ZPR, and, as the doctors say, he is also somatically weakened.
    I tried for 2-3 years in a row to accustom him to the pool, which seems to be the most useful and strengthening sport, first by myself periodically for 1.5 years, then in a group with a coach. But the pool did not go: my son is afraid of splashes in the face and watering on the head. Perhaps it would be more successful to try it individually with a coach, but I decided to leave swimming for a while for now. Two winters in a row I went to the skating rink with him, again not very much: he is afraid to fall, so he doesn’t like it yet.
    Now they began to take him to exercise therapy in a children's correctional center, he likes it and I think this is the most optimal now.

    Of the minuses - they lived only in sports, constant training, there was not enough time for anything, studying at zero professional sports give children mainly from the periphery, where life is hard and you can’t count on. Do you want a sports future for a girl? If not, then why do we need a sports school.


    Thanks everyone for the opinions. Generally. I took the path of removing responsibility from myself - I gave my daughter a choice)
    She confirmed that she wants to transfer to another school for 2 training sessions. She described all the disadvantages in terms of loads, gaps, etc., she also said about girls who do not go .. the answer is - well, mom, you already heard the answer, why then did you ask me at all.
    We talked to the teacher in the music room, she was upset because she already announced it for some competition, she picked up the program for this year .. but in general we decided that for now we will do it as standard and put gymnastics as a priority. The teacher agrees) The school also warned the teacher, she asked if it was possible to formally leave the child to be enrolled in the school - without attending classes. But I don't know if this will work in practice. In general, we will try, and then how it goes.

    I agree with your husband. Now you can still try. If he doesn’t go, he will quit and have time to fill in the gaps (if they suddenly appear) both in general education and in music, i.e. over the next 2 years, both you and the child will understand 100% of yours or not.
    My colleague transferred his daughter from grade 3 to external studies, because. they have serious tennis lessons.
    The neighbor's girl suffered - figure skating and a comprehensive school :(. Training in the morning at CSKA (Moscow), running to school for the second lesson (I never had time for the first), and after the sixth lesson with a bullet to train in Belyaevo (on rented ice). And Hard is not the right word, but she liked the fucking skating and she would never leave it.
    And you have wonderful conditions. And training, and study, and feed, and under supervision until 18 pm. Transfer and try, and then decide whether you will go professional or not. Your daughter will always be accepted to a comprehensive school.

    girl and swimming. My friends have been taking the girl to a swimming sports school for two years. Pros Swimming is the healthiest and least traumatic sport up to a certain level, and I'm going to send my daughter to swim, so any information is very important.


    IMHO, it's not worth it in sports. Shoulders will break.
    I was taken away because of this, in the third grade after 5 years of classes. So then, after 5 years, I saw my former classmates. ALL girls have terrible figures.

    Firstly, look at the figure of the mother and the girl :)) If she is “light” and thin and not very tall, then the girl will be easy in synchronous, if she is inclined to be overweight, then most likely she will not work out for a long time.
    If the arms and legs are long, the predisposition to high growth, is physically strong enough, then swimming is better. If the joints are flexible - swimming, if the back is also swimming, if the girl is just light as a feather - synchronous. You also need to watch how the girl behaves in the water. Perhaps it’s better for her not to choose too much, but to learn how to swim well and then do something else.
    Advantages of synchronous - the choreography is strong, a good figure (by the way, their shoulders are also not small, like their backs, but their chest develops amazingly beautifully).
    If a girl had problems with ICP in her childhood, it is categorically impossible to deal with her synchronously.
    Cons - it is very harmful to stay under water for a long time, there are frequent cases, girls lose consciousness. And a completely creepy atmosphere among the parents :)) The same as in FC or HG.
    Pros of swimming - the healthiest and most non-traumatic form
    sports to a certain level, and then the opportunity to go into water polo, modern pentathlon, water skiing, etc.
    Cons - approximately at the level of CMS, you need to finish, then problems begin. It's about 12-14 years old.
    As for the terrible masculine figure - if a girl has a slender good figure, swimming will not spoil her, just if she does not have flexible long arms and legs, good height and wide shoulders, then she will not swim at the MS level. And there will be just those who, by nature, have broad shoulders and long arms.
    True, there are coaches who simply start pumping undersized girls so that they swim due to physics, but swimming itself has nothing to do with it.
    By the way, the Hungarian Egershegi is a famous fashion model, our Stasya Komarova became Miss KP :))
    Whereas the figure of Olya Brusnikina oh as an amateur.
    So don't be guided by "what the figure will be".
    A certain sport only develops what is given by nature, but they will not make a thin rock, just as a gymnast will never succeed from a donut.

    10.03.2004 22:23:08, crab stick

    Young children carry an incredible amount of energy, which is very important to direct in the right direction in a timely manner. Therefore, many parents of grown-up kids think about sports activities of various kinds. It begs the question of a difficult choice. What to be guided by when choosing a sport? What sport to choose if a daughter is growing in the family?

    What age is ideal for sports?

    It is believed that it is necessary to teach a child to sports from preschool age. But, unfortunately, our desires and possibilities do not always coincide. Not all sections and sports accept girls, and even such small ones. If you want sports to become the occupation of your child's whole life in the future, then accustoming to sports begins from birth. How do they do it? The house organizes a sports corner, which contains various sports equipment. A child from birth will see all these things and get used to it. If the kid gives preference to sports activities from a very early age, then he will be able to overcome any fears, strengthen his health, gain new skills, and just have fun doing what he loves. What are the benefits of playing sports at a certain age?

    Age groups

    • 2-3 years. Babies belonging to this age category are quite energetic, active, and in some cases hyperactive. They are great for daily exercise. Since, due to their age, kids get tired quite quickly, such an activity should not last more than 5-10 minutes.
    • 4-5 years. Girls at this age are already gradually beginning to show their own talents. The body type is considered to be already fully formed, and the character has already manifested itself. Classes for the development of coordination of movement are perfect for this age group. For example, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, trampolining or figure skating are perfect.
    • 6-7 years old. At this age, it's time to engage in the development of plasticity and flexibility. As a sport, gymnastics, swimming are suitable.
    • 8-11 years old. For this age group, classes that develop speed qualities, as well as agility and dexterity, are suitable. Such sports include rowing, cycling or fencing.
    • from the age of 11, focus on the development of such a quality as endurance. After the age of eleven, children become more enduring, able to withstand prolonged loads and perform complex movements. You can do any sport that involves ball, athletics or shooting.
    • After the age of 13, it is worth mastering training that develops the strength and endurance of the child.

    If you decide to give your child to sports at an early age, for example, starting at the age of three, then it is important to remember that a child, and especially a girl at that age, cannot be heavily loaded. Excessive loads and exhausting workouts are useless. For such a baby, sports in an easy form, as a circle, are suitable. Get your child interested in sports first. Do not force or force him there. After all, there is nothing worse than an unloved occupation.

    Sports sections by age

    For each age group, certain sports activities are suitable. For example, kids at the age of three will never be taken to boxing or football. Find out which section is right for your baby?


    Girls are invited to swimming lessons from the age of three or four. Everything will depend on the health of your child. This will be determined by the pediatrician. Sports are perfect for both girls and boys. But, all the same, doctors tend to recommend this sport from the age of five. Since it was at the age of five that the child's skeleton was fully formed and the bones were strengthened. Why is swimming so beneficial?

    • Promotes a sharp strengthening of the immune system. The child begins to get sick noticeably less often, unlike his peers.
    • Helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Corrects posture, removes stoop and scoliosis, which is very important for the girl's figure, especially in the mature period.
    • There is a hardening of the whole organism, endurance increases, coordination develops.
    • Improves the functioning of the respiratory apparatus. The child learns the skill of deep breathing. The lungs begin to work better.
    • Helps in the complex treatment of obesity, myopia.

    There are a number of contraindications: girls with asthma and other pulmonary diseases, with heart disease of various etiologies, diseases of the mucous membranes and other skin diseases should not go swimming. For classes, you must purchase a rubber cap, swimsuit, rubber slippers and a towel.



    Girls are recruited for skiing at the age of five or six. The main useful properties of this sport:

    • Skiing helps in the formation of proper breathing, as well as in strengthening the pulmonary system.
    • Hardens the entire body of the child and strengthens the immune system as a whole.
    • Improves the musculoskeletal system, as well as the muscles of the legs and the vestibular apparatus.
    • Trains the heart muscle. Due to this, endurance and overall performance of the whole organism increase.

    There are some contraindications: children with myopia, asthma, lung diseases and problems of the musculoskeletal system are not allowed to ski. For classes, parents should purchase the skis themselves and ski poles, boot bindings and special waterproof boots.


    Figure skating

    This sport includes both rhythmic gymnastics and ice skating. In figure skating they take babies from the age of four. What is the benefit of this sport?

    • Figure skating helps in developing agility as well as a sense of balance.
    • It can improve metabolism and improve the functioning of many circulatory organs.
    • Due to such exercises, immunity is increased and the muscles of the legs are strengthened.
    • All trainings are held to the music, which contributes to the development of musical ear and artistry in the child.

    There are a number of prohibitions on admission to classes: figure skating training for girls with myopia, musculoskeletal problems, lung diseases, asthma, brain injuries and kidney problems is prohibited. For classes, buy high-quality figure skates, best of all made of genuine leather. You will also need thermal underwear, a light and comfortable tracksuit, knee pads and protective shorts from falls.

    ballroom dancing

    This sport is perfect for girls. Ballroom dancing is a very beautiful activity, one might say "airy". Kids from 3.5 years old are accepted for training. Dance classes charge with positive and positive energy for the whole day. What are the positive aspects of ballroom dancing?

    • The child develops a sense of rhythm, hearing, as well as artistry.
    • During classes, almost all muscle groups are involved.
    • The kid becomes more self-confident. He manages to perform in front of a large audience.
    • The correct posture is corrected and formed.
    • The work of the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

    There are no contraindications to this sport. Ballroom dancing is considered an absolutely non-traumatic activity. To attend training sessions, you must purchase Czech shoes, a knee-length skirt, a knitted swimsuit that is worn under a skirt.


    For tennis lessons, children are recruited from the age of five or six years. Tennis training is very interesting and exciting. This sport has a lot of positive aspects.

    • Tennis helps develop agility and observation in a child.
    • All muscles of the body are trained.
    • The reaction speed develops and the tone of the body increases.
    • The work of the eye muscles is strengthened.
    • Excellent prevention of osteochondrosis.

    There are a number of different contraindications for this sport: it is forbidden to engage in girls with sore joints and spine, with inflammatory processes, heart disease, with flat feet, and peptic ulcer. For practice, it is important to have a high-quality tennis racket, several balls, sportswear and comfortable sneakers.


    The Art of Dance

    Dance classes are held for girls from the age of three or four. Choreography is beauty. What matters here is the will to do it. If your child is striving to acquire choreographic skills, then this sport will bring him a lot of benefits.

    • Correct posture will be formed for the rest of your life.
    • An ear for music and a sense of rhythm will develop.
    • There will be a formation of coordination of movements, artistry and plasticity.
    • Unnecessary fears and complexes will pass. The child will become more liberated.

    Of course, as in many other sports, there are some health restrictions: children with flat feet, problems with the musculoskeletal system, a low percentage of vision, are not allowed to practice. For training, you should purchase Czech shoes or pointe shoes, a leotard, a ballet tutu and a ribbon. For boys - a suit, Czechs.


    Capoeira is the national Brazilian martial art with dance elements. Girls from the age of four are allowed to participate. But, it is better to introduce the child to this sport no earlier than at the age of six. This sport is considered exclusively male. This is an erroneous judgment. For girls, this sport is suitable as self-knowledge of oneself and one's own capabilities. After all, sometimes it is extremely necessary for the weaker sex to be “strong”. This type of martial arts has its positive aspects.

    • In training, several types of sports activities are combined at once.
    • Loads are dosed, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the whole organism.
    • Hardening, plasticity develops.
    • The child receives a lot of positive emotions.

    Contraindications here include: heart disease and blood vessels, injuries of various etiologies and eye diseases. For classes, purchase a special uniform and comfortable shoes with thin soles. Oddly enough, this type of sport is perfect for a girl.

    Personal characteristics of the child

    If a child has poor health, this can only mean one thing - sport is not intended for him. But, do not despair, because you can always find another activity that your baby will like. In what cases are they not allowed to play sports? First, you must have an EKG. In the event that the cardiogram of the cardiovascular system is with some shortcomings, then the doctor is unlikely to approve your idea. If a child has congenital bronchial asthma, as well as problems with pressure and blood vessels, then you should refrain from swimming, volleyball and skiing. It is important to know the measure. Don't overload your kids. Any load should be applied moderately and gradually. Only then will there be truly amazing results.

    Remember that health is something that cannot be bought. So take care of your children. Do not force them to do what only you like. Listen to their opinion. Then your baby will reach great heights. We wish you sporting success.

    When a child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to send him to the sports section. They are faced with a difficult choice, in which they are often guided either by their taste preferences or by the degree of remoteness of the section from home. What should you pay attention to when choosing a sport for your child?

    Young children have an incredible amount of energy and it must be directed in a positive direction. This will make you calm, and the baby - cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sports. But here the question immediately arises of choosing the right sport.

    First you need to carefully look at your child. Sports should correspond to his inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

    At what age is it better to send a child to sports?

    When is it worth giving your son or daughter to sports? - It is best to start accustoming children to sports from preschool age, but this is not always possible - not all sports sections accept small children.

    If parents plan to subsequently make sports for a child a significant part of his life, you need to teach children to sports even from the “diaper”. How to do it? Equip a small sports corner at home with a Swedish wall, a rope and other devices. Being engaged from early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, master the available equipment, feel the pleasure and joy of training.

    • 2-3 years. Children at this age are full of energy, active and mobile. That is why at this time it is recommended to do gymnastics with children daily. Kids get tired quickly, so classes should not be long, it is enough to do a few simple exercises (clapping, swinging arms, tilting, jumping) for 5-10 minutes;
    • 4-5 years. This age is especially remarkable in that the baby's body type is already formed (as well as his character), and talents are just beginning to appear. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports club for your child. This age is good for the development of coordination. Offer your child a choice of acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumping or figure skating. From the age of five, you can start classes at a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
    • 6-7 years old. An excellent time for the development of flexibility and plasticity. In a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can give your child to any kind of gymnastics, swimming, start practicing martial arts or football;
    • 8-11 years old. This age period is best suited for the development of speed, agility and dexterity in a child. A great idea is to give it to rowing, fencing or cycling;
    • From 11 years old focus on endurance. Children after 11 years of age are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and hone them. Choose any sports with a ball, consider athletics, boxing, shooting as an option;
    • After 12-13 years there comes an age when the optimal solution will be training aimed at developing strength and endurance.

    So at what age can a child be given to a particular sport? There is no single answer here, since each person is individual. There are children who at the age of three can ride a skateboard or ski. Others, even by the age of nine, are completely unprepared for most sports.

    There are general recommendations that you should listen to when choosing a sports section. For example, classes for the development of flexibility should be started from an early age, since at this time the child's body is more pliable for stretching. Flexibility decreases with age. But as for endurance, in general, it develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

    If you decide to send a three-year-old child to a sports club, then take into account that the bones and muscles of the child will finally form only by the age of five. Excessive loads before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to scoliosis. Children under 5 years old are actually quite light loads and active games.

    Which sections accept children at different ages?

    • 5-6 years. Accepted for various types of gymnastics and figure skating;
    • 7 years. Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dancing, martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
    • 8 years. At this age, children are taken to badminton, football, basketball and golf. There is an opportunity to learn skiing;
    • 9 years. From that time on, there is a chance to become a speed skater, master sailing, go in for rugby and biathlon, start doing athletics;
    • 10 years. Upon reaching the age of 10, children are admitted to boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, and judo. You can send children to classes with weights, billiards and cycling;
    • From 11 years of age, children are taken to sections for various types of shooting;
    • From 12 years old child will be accepted for bobsleigh.

    Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section one year younger.

    Choosing a sport, taking into account the physique of the child

    Having decided to give your child to sports, you should pay attention to his body type. This is important because different sports take into account different features of the body structure. For basketball, high growth is preferred, while this feature is not appreciated in gymnastics. If the child is inclined to be overweight, parents should pay even more attention to the choice of direction in sports, because the results of training will depend on this, and hence the level of children's self-esteem. Being overweight, the child is unlikely to become a good striker in football, but he will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

    There are several types of body structure, according to the scheme of Stefko and Ostrovsky used in medical practice. Let's look at them in detail:

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    1. Asthenoid type- This type of physique is characterized by pronounced leanness, the legs are usually long and thin, and the chest and shoulders are narrow. Muscles are poorly developed. Often, people with an asthenoid body type have a stoop along with protruding shoulder blades. These children tend to feel awkward. Given these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be psychologically comfortable. Here it is important not only the direction in sports, but also the right team. It is easy for such children to do gymnastics, basketball, as well as any kind of sports that emphasize speed, strength and endurance - skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
    2. Thoracic type body composition is characterized by an equal width of the shoulder girdle and hips, the chest is often wide. The indicator of the development of muscle mass is average. These children are highly active, they are suitable for sports related to speed and developing endurance. Mobile children are suitable for various races, motor sports, skiing, they will make excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and figure skaters. You can give a child with this type of physique to ballet, capoeira, jumping, captivate them with kayaking.
    3. muscle type addition is typical for children with a massive skeleton and developed muscle mass. They are hardy and strong, which means you should choose a sport aimed at developing strength and speed. Such children can prove themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, water polo and hockey, as well as achieve good results in weightlifting and Workout.
    4. Digestive type- Digestive body type is characterized by short stature, broad chest, a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys are not mobile, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill in them an interest in activities, choose weightlifting, shooting, hockey, athletic gymnastics, consider martial arts or motorcycling, throwing and WorkOut as options.

    How to choose a sport, given the children's temperament?

    Character also matters when choosing sports. It depends on him what success the child can achieve. For example, highly active children are unlikely to excel in sports where training is an endless series of repetitive exercises that require the ability to concentrate. They need to choose activities where the child can throw out excess energy, it is best that it be a team sport.

    1. Sports for sanguines. Children with this type of temperament are leaders by nature, they are not inclined to succumb to fear, they like extreme sports, sports are suitable for them, where they can show all these qualities, show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in fencing, mountaineering, karate classes. Sanguine people will enjoy hang gliding, skiing, kayaking.
    2. Cholerics- people are emotional, but they are able to share a victory with someone, so it is better for children with this temperament to find themselves in team sports. Wrestling or boxing is a good option for them.
    3. Phlegmatic children tend to achieve good results in everything, including sports, because their natural qualities are perseverance and calmness. Invite a child with this temperament to go to chess, to figure skating, to do gymnastics, or to become an athlete.
    4. Melancholy- very vulnerable children, they can be hurt by the excessive severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports for them or give them to dances. A great option is equestrianism, it is suitable for everyone, but shooting or sailing is also worth considering.

    In which section to send children, given their state of health?

    If you have chosen a direction in sports for your children, taking into account all the factors - their preferences, body type, character, then now you should pay attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child's body. The doctor will tell you which sports are contraindicated in each case, and which ones will benefit. The pediatrician will determine what level of exercise is right for your children. Consider recommendations regarding the choice of a sport for various diseases.

    • Volleyball, basketball and football contraindicated in myopic children, as well as those who suffer from asthma or flat feet. But these sports will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
    • Rhythmic gymnastics save the child from flat feet and help strengthen the back muscles, form a beautiful posture;
    • Swimming- suitable for all children without exception. Classes in the pool have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body, including the back, strengthen the nervous system;
    • Hockey contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases, but he develops the respiratory system well;
    • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, skiing and figure skating shown with a poorly developed vestibular apparatus;
    • With a weak nervous system, classes are suitable children's yoga, swimming and horse riding;
    • tennis it is worth doing for the development of fine motor skills and attention, but this sport is not suitable for short-sighted children and those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
    • Horse riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
    • You can strengthen your heart and respiratory system by doing speed skating, athletics or diving;
    • Figure skating contraindicated in severe myopia and diseases of the pleura.

    If you want to introduce children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, there will be failures. However, never write off the failures of a child in sports to different circumstances, because they are the result of the efforts made. Having achieved success with their efforts, children will again strive for victories, faced with failure, they will begin to make more efforts.

    Any sport is useful and important, because it develops a strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child is engaged in it with pleasure!

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