Find out exactly what your sister dreamed about! Dream interpretation. Dream Interpretation: what is the sister dreaming of

Very often in a dream you can see relatives and friends. Why is my sister dreaming: the dream book says that this dream is difficult in terms of interpretation. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is favorable or not. Pay attention to the details of your dream, they will help you understand exactly what to expect in the future. The dream book will tell you what events to expect, what you should pay special attention to, as well as about good and bad omens.

If you dreamed of a sister, a dream can indicate both bad and good events, it all depends on the interpretation of the details of the plot from the dream book.

If you dreamed of a sister with whom you live together or often communicate, you can not look for deep meaning in this dream. Most likely, your subconscious mind shows you pictures based on real life events. It is quite another thing to see in a dream a sister with whom you have not communicated for a long time, or who has died in reality. You should also pay attention to dreams with an unusual plot - in which your sister becomes pregnant, marries or cries in a dream.

Your degree of relationship with the seen sister

Why your sister is dreaming - this means that annoying obstacles will arise on the way to the implementation of your plans. Most likely, you are burdened by the need to take care of loved ones. Moreover, if the sister was the eldest, you lack friendly revelations and participation in your destiny, and the younger sister portends troubles, vanity and anxiety.

What was the plot of your dream?

If in a dream you and your sister communicated and understood each other, you will have peace and prosperity in your family. Swearing with your sister in a dream means that you risk making an enemy for yourself because of your rudeness and inattention. In order to avoid this unpleasant incident, try to be gentler with the people around you. If your sister, even in a dream, said that she was offended by you, in reality you will offend a person, he will hold a grudge against us and will take revenge in the future.

Why is your sister dreaming? If in real life your sister is already married, your wishes will come true. If you don’t or in reality you don’t have a sister at all, your health will deteriorate.

If, then, someone plans to shift the burden of their responsibility onto you, in no case do not agree to such an offer. Seeing a sister in a dream - soon what bothered you very much will disappear.

If your sister fell ill in your dream, reproaches of adultery or debauchery will soon fall upon you if you are not married. But do not be afraid, after a while, the people who reproached you will realize that they were wrong and apologize. The dreamer says that you do not quite correctly assess the surrounding reality and “walk in rose-colored glasses”, try to look at the world more soberly.

If you dreamed that your sister had died, in real life, for some reason, the feelings that bind you will weaken, and the relationship will cool. While you still can, pay attention to your sister. If in your dream the long-dead sister looked alive, some events from the past still haunt you. The dream book advises you to still try to let go of old experiences and think more about the future.

If you had a disturbing dream involving a sister or cousin, call her and make sure everything is in order.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

If a man had a dream about his sister, it means that soon family life will begin to burden him, and he will want a divorce. But the dream book advises you not to make hasty actions, very little time will pass, and you will change your mind. If a woman has a dream about her sister, the number of her household chores will soon increase. A dreaming sister for a child, if in a dream he got along well with her, promises a carefree life, but if there was a discord in relations with his sister in a dream, there is a possibility that his parents will quarrel.

Interpretation by days of the week

  • If your sister dreamed of you on the night from Sunday to Monday, you have a rival;
  • If from Monday to Tuesday - you can get the support and sympathy of others when you need it.
  • A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday promises success and family well-being;
  • A dream from Thursday to Friday portends you a meeting with a person who will make you sympathetic;
  • Sleeping on the night from Friday to Saturday is a sign that you should communicate more often with your family members;
  • A dream from Saturday to Sunday tells you that a lot of small troubles await you, but don't worry, they will be your joy.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books

The dream in which the sister appeared to you can be interpreted differently in the dream books of popular authors, its decoding is highly dependent on the details and the general atmosphere of the dream. Let's turn to time-tested sources to learn more about the meaning of your dream. For comparison, let's take the most popular dream books today, the predictions of the compilers of which are considered the most truthful.

Miller's dream book - to receive news from her

According to this dream book, a sister is a harbinger of receiving some kind of news related specifically to her in reality. If the sister was a half sister, then soon a person will appear in your environment who will try to take care of you, but this guardianship will be unpleasant for you. If you dreamed about your cousin, you are tired of the guardianship of your relatives, who interfere with your development. Try to talk to them heart to heart and explain the situation.

According to Vanga's dream book, if you dreamed of a sister, in reality you can turn to her for help.

Wangi's dream book - you can trust her

The dream in which your sister appeared to you is a favorable sign, but only if you have a good relationship in real life.

In the near future you will need help in a difficult matter, and the sister will be able to support you, so do not hesitate to ask her for help. If in real life your relationship is bad, the dream portends quarrels and troubles.

If in a dream you quarreled with your sister, soon in reality you will have problems with relatives. If in your dream some unknown woman called herself your own sister, in the near future a man will appear in your life who will make you feel in love.

Freud's dream book - a third will appear in a relationship

If a woman dreamed of her own sister, in reality she already has or will soon have a competitor in sexual matters. If a man had a dream, this indicates his desire to find a new sexual partner and cheat on his wife or his girlfriend if he is not married.

Modern dream book - a new romance is possible

According to the modern dream book, if you dreamed of a sister, it doesn’t matter if it’s your own, half-cousin or second cousin, you have problems in real life, but it makes sense to wait for help from females and also trust them. If your sister died in your dream or moved to live in another house, expect happy changes in your life in reality - you will meet a new man and leave your former place of residence.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - you do not have enough attention

The appearance of a sister in your dream portends news related to her. It is also possible that a person will appear in your life who will obsessively interfere in your affairs. A sister in a dream portends sad thoughts and disappointment in her actions. If the sister in your dream was just sitting on a chair, the dream portends a quick wedding, but not for you, but for her. According to this dream book, a cousin means that you do not have enough attention from females or that you are offended by one of the women.

Jung's dream book - harmony and peace in the house

If you dreamed about your own sister, this is a sign of good, even relations in the family. If you were talking in a dream, in real life you have a protracted conflict with someone, it will soon be resolved in your favor. If the sister was beautifully dressed, the dream means harmony and peace in your family.

I dreamed of a cousin - you lack emotional support and warmth in reality. If a sister dreamed of a young girl, this is a warning that she may soon have a rival. If you dreamed of a long-dead sister who was alive in a dream, anxiety settled in your soul. Try not to take too close to heart the hurtful words of other people in the near future.


Why is my sister dreaming? Having studied many interpretations in various dream books, we can conclude that this is a rather ambiguous image. It is necessary to pay attention to the details of sleep, all these little things can tell a lot about your future and help with interpretation. But whatever the meaning of your dream, calling your sister will not be superfluous.

Video "What is the dream of Sister"

Seeing a sister in a dream can often mean nothing at all and be simply the result of a day lived through. This is if the dreamer really has a sister.

If there is none in reality, then the decoding takes on a completely different turn. Details that are best written down right after sleep will help to deal with the interpretation.

dream older sister

If a dream of older sister which means that in the future the dreamer will face troubles and difficulties. Unpleasant changes are possible due to the fault of the person who sees the dream. This can affect the quality of life: demotion, trouble with a partner's job, sudden debts or the need for large expenses. If in a dream the older sister scolds for something, then the dreamer will have to make excuses for failures in life.

sister crying

A dream in which a sister, promises new opportunities for her.

A dream warns that a relative needs careful preparation for and possible meetings. You should count on a positive outcome, and at the same time be fully armed with the best solution in such situations.

If unmarried native, then she expects. Whether the marriage will be happy or unhappy depends on what emotions the dreamer experienced in a dream: if positive, then everything will be fine and vice versa. If a pregnant woman dreams of a married sister, then changes in her marriage related to her husband, good or bad, are coming, it should be judged by emotions after waking up.

In a wedding dress

The dream in which sister in or - to separation from her. If a groom is present in a dream and a celebration takes place, then the separation will be short-lived and planned. If the sister is in a wedding dress without an appropriate entourage, then the separation will be long and will last an indefinite amount of time. Also, such dreams portend a new love affair with one of the sisters.

Sister gave birth

If a sister in a dream, then in real life the dreamer or dreamer will face great difficulties and problems. Permission will fall only on the shoulders of the one who saw the dream. The dream warns that you will have to work hard and when the difficult issue is resolved, the person will receive a worthy reward. If sister, this is to amazing pleasant events - small obstacles on the way to the goal.

sick sister

See sick sister in a dream- a sign of imminent losses. Unplanned expenses can lead to debts of a person who had a dream. If in a dream a sister recovers after an illness, then everything is not so sad. If the disease is incurable, then you will have to tighten your belts, the losses will hit the budget hard and lead to tremendous losses not only financially, but also in life in general.


If a sister in a dream, then such a dream can only promise peace and prosperity in the family. If he is happy and satisfied with his appearance, then soon the dreamer or dreamer will receive an unscheduled reward at work or an increase in the career ladder. Dissatisfied and sad, but beautiful sister - favorable changes in personal life.

If a dream sister, which means that the person who had the dream should expect an easy affair. If a lonely woman sees a dream, then soon diversity will appear in her personal life. For a single man, such a dream speaks of a connection that can develop into a serious relationship. When such dreams come to married people, you should try to control yourself and not succumb to temptations.

got sick

If the dreamer sees the patient's sister, then soon quarrels and troubles await him. To be at the bedside of a sick sister is to take part in solving other people's problems. Coming to your own sister - to problems in the service and in relations with colleagues. Taking care of the patient is an unexpected big expense.

If in a dream a sick sister is on the mend, then the person who saw such a dream will soon receive a gift or make a necessary and pleasant purchase that he has long planned.

To worry in a dream because of the illness of a sister is a sign that on the way to the cherished goal a person will face overwhelming obstacles that he can overcome only by asking for help from loved ones.

See her in a coffin

See native sister in a dream means that in fact she will live a long and happy life. Do not worry after such dreams, they guarantee joy and prosperity. In the near future, the life of a sister will undergo positive changes. They will relate to career, study, personal life, interpersonal relationships.

If a in a dream, then in real life she needs support and support from the dreamer. A person who had a similar dream should take an interest in the affairs of a relative and offer help. The more sudden in a dream, the more acute the problem is for the sister in reality. The dreamer needs to think about how to be delicate and not put pressure on his sister when helping.

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

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Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sister in a dream- Moreover, your best friend or girlfriend will betray you in order to annoy you.
If in real life you have good sisterly relations, then you will receive support in full and in the shortest possible time.
Your close friend or work colleague dreamed about your sister. This may mean that your relationship with her is strong, the spiritual connection is strong.
You can see a sister or brother in your dreams quite often, and this dream will not always be prophetic. The thing is that life events are often associated with our relatives, we worry about them, experience resentment, quarrel, so such a dream can be a simple expression of feelings.
A cousin usually dreams of a quarrel or problems at work.
For a woman, it can even be her future husband.
If in real life you do not have a sister, but in dreams she appears to you. It happens that some people close to you appear in a dream in the form of relatives.
If you dreamed of your friend's sister, then he is in danger.
If you dreamed that your sister was giving you instructions, then in reality you will be pleased with someone's support.
If you dreamed that an unfamiliar woman calls herself your sister, it means that soon a new person will appear in your environment.
If you dream about your sister, then such a dream means that you are in dire need of support from loved ones.
If in a dream your sister gets married, then in reality you may lose something valuable.
If in a dream you saw a quarrel with your sister, but do not know the cause of the conflict, then it is very likely that you will soon doubt making an important decision. In the near future, it is advisable to abstract from others and listen to your own inner voice if in a dream you saw off your sister on a long trip.
If in a dream you see a sister who lives somewhere far away, then there is a high probability of her soon unexpected arrival. You need to warn yourself against rash acts when in a dream you quarreled with your sister.
If you see your sister on the road, say goodbye to her, know that in reality, when solving your problems, you will have to rely only on your own strength. A dying sister dreams of poverty, poverty and debt.
If in reality you have a strained relationship, then most likely you will have to do everything yourself without waiting for the support of others.
If you quarrel with your sister in a dream, then your ill-wishers envy you and dream of overthrowing you from your current position.
If the dream has a favorable color, then in real life your friendship will continue, a profitable partnership will be established.
Sometimes in a dream you can see a sister who doesn’t really exist, in which case a person will suddenly appear on your way to help solve all problems.
When a step-sister is present in your dream, then, despite all the machinations of ill-wishers, everything will end happily.
The younger sister dreams of lack of independence. Such a dream is a dream of insecure people who need someone's support.
However, such a dream promises a lot of trouble and paperwork. Perhaps this is even a trial that will cost you a lot of health.
Quarrel with your sister in a dream- to the failure of your plans.
Saying goodbye to my sister in a dream- to loneliness or to big problems that you have to deal with alone.
Talk to your sister in a dream- to family well-being.
A sister dreams of health.
Swearing, quarreling with your sister indicates that you will break your promise to someone. This can result in loss of trust, resentment and disrespect.
A half-sister dreams that strangers will soon interfere in your affairs.
Sister usually dreams of good luck.
Sisters appear in dreams as often as the rest of your family. And this is normal.
A dream in which you are experiencing the loss of a sister, her death or disappearance, promises you unforeseen expenses and a deterioration in your financial situation.
Kill sister in a dream- to monetary losses.
Seeing a sick or dead sister in a dream- to losses.
Seeing a sister who exists in reality in a dream promises you troubles, minor troubles, difficulties and obstacles.

Dreams in which sisters appear are a reflection of real-life family ties and relationships. Interpretation can be resorted to only when sisters appear in a dream that do not exist in real life - a sister's dream book.

A good relationship with a sister in a dream is a symbol of help and support in reality from some person - what a sister is dreaming of.

A quarrel with a sister in a dream is a sign of tension in a relationship with someone you trust.

The more negative emotions a sister evokes in a dream, the more likely are the negative emotions that usually arise in a conflict situation. A fight with a sister in a dream may portend deceit, betrayal or betrayal.

Why is my sister dreaming? Such a dream comes to us if problems arise within the family, and you often think about them. Most likely, this dream is not prophetic. But there are nuances that need to be focused on.

Be sure to pay attention to the dream if you dreamed of a drunk sister. Someone close to her may become seriously ill, but it will not be you, as the warning is transmitted through you.

It’s bad if you dreamed of a naked sister, or a sister in a wedding dress. Either way, she's in danger. Let him pay attention to his health, but, especially, be careful while driving. Unless, of course, she drives a vehicle. Having seen such a dream, pay attention to the emotional sensations with which you woke up. If the general coloring of emotions is pleasant and juicy, everything will work out. With painful gray tones, the message will have negative consequences that can be corrected by timely intervention. If you are really preparing for the wedding of your sister, or another relative, there is no reason to worry at all. Consciousness reflects the approaching reality.

If you dreamed of a non-existent sister, expect an unexpected way out of the current housing situation. Perhaps you are waiting for either an expansion or a move to a new location. It will not necessarily be your living space, but for some time you will have to live there.

Also for changes, but not in the housing, but in the personal sphere, that's what the cousin dreams about. Soon there will be a meeting in your life, but it will be secondary, and will not bring anything good. Therefore, do not rush to rush into the pool with your head and place high hopes on the person you met.

Hugging your sister in a dream means accepting some new conditions that you did not dare to accept. Heaven, therefore, gives a sign that everything will contribute to the successful resolution of the situation. Therefore, even a risky project should be implemented with maximum financial benefits.

The older sister is a reminder of a broken promise. Perhaps it doesn't seem very important, which is why you put it on the "back shelf" of your mind. But much will depend on its implementation later.

If you have a younger sister, try to have a good rest and recharge with positive emotions. The dream is interpreted as follows, at the moment, you are as vulnerable as possible to any external influences. It can be both banal rudeness in transport, and the influence of dark forces. Concentrate on your spiritual state, go to church, meet with loved ones. The dream in which your little sister appeared to you has approximately the same meaning. Only, it is necessary for her to take care of protection from various kinds of influences. Especially if in reality it has grown a long time ago.

Often people are tormented by the question, why dream of a sister's wedding? To the hassle and rush at work in reality. Pay attention to the situations that develop in your dream.

If a sister is getting married, and you are looking for something and cannot find it, then in real life, you are in a professional search. If a dream is filled with songs, fun, music, but it depresses you, you want to run away, such a dream symbolizes an escape from an internal crisis that you are afraid to admit to yourself. A dream book can give many interpretations.

The husband's sister, who appeared to you, is unlikely to be a warning or some kind of symbol. Rather, it is a reminder that you still have to maintain family ties, even if you don’t really want to.

A very good harbinger if a sister was born in a dream. An amazing and unpredictable event is expected in your family, which will be a complete, but very pleasant surprise for everyone.

The half-sister will dream of some kind of find. It is unlikely to be valuable, but it can come in handy under very strange circumstances.

And the answer to the question of why a pregnant sister is dreaming gives several interpretations. This is the financial profit in your sister's family, and the emergence of complex problems that will soon arise and will require urgent resolution. In any case, do not be nervous, everything will end well. People often unreasonably distrust the dream book.

Swearing with your sister in a dream means that within a few days, you will have a pleasant and good time in a new company, which you will fall into unexpectedly and by accident. A quarrel with a sister in a dream world promises that a new acquaintance will bring you a lot of benefits in the future.

But what is the dream of the death of a sister? This means that the whole coming year will be very favorable in all her endeavors. It can be both a business and a creative side of life. If, at the same time, your sister cries in a dream before her death, a road awaits her that will bring new impressions and opportunities.

Beating your sister in a dream means looking for new ways and opportunities for realization in real life.

It’s true to the dream book, your sister died in a dream, and you woke up with a heavy feeling - don’t worry. This is a good sign in which providence reports that you, or your close relatives, have crossed a very important and dangerous milestone. At the same time, difficulties and dangers are behind. There is a white stripe ahead, especially for your sister.

You forgot to do a very important thing that you have been putting off for a long time or do not dare to confess something to someone - this is what the late sister dreams of.

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