Intimate exercises for women at home. Intimate gymnastics is a delicate sport

On one of the most taboo topics in a modest Belarusian society, the journalist spoke with an instructor in intimate gymnastics Oksana Basalai.

Intimate gymnastics instructor Oksana Basalai

- What is intimate gymnastics?

It is customary to call it intimate. But this word has another meaning - "personal, intimate." Intimate gymnastics is a set of exercises and meditations aimed at restoring and strengthening women's health, developing sensuality and achieving harmony in personal life.

The technique was developed by the Guinness record holder Tatyana Kozhevnikova and, along with Kegel exercises, wumbling, imbuilding, oriental practices teaches training of the most female muscles.

Intimate muscles are needed not only for sex, but also for pregnancy, childbirth and women's health in general. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this, and therefore a topic that contains the word “intimacy” is sometimes perceived ambiguously.

Tatyana Kozhevnikova - author of the "intimate gymnastics" technique (right)and Oksana Basalai - intimate gymnastics instructor (left)

- How mentally prepared are Belarusians for such gymnastics?

When the question is whether to do an operation or do exercises, everyone is ready to do it, but it is difficult for us with prevention.

During pregnancy, 60% of women have situational urinary incontinence.. Laughed, sneezed, coughed - spilled a couple of drops. The reason is that the load on the pelvic floor has increased - and weak muscles "sag". With those who have an excellent tone before pregnancy, such troubles do not happen.

Muscles of the pelvic floor

Throughout pregnancy, the load on the pelvic floor muscles increases - and after childbirth, natural recovery is sometimes not enough. If this process is left to chance, more serious problems may arise in adulthood, for example, uterine prolapse.

Prolapse of the uterus

And in such situations, women enthusiastically run to training. The sooner a woman begins to engage in muscle recovery, the more likely she is to do without diagnoses and complications. In advanced cases, even operations cannot restore the former health.

- At what age is it better to start intimate gymnastics?

Ideally, a girl who has begun menstruation should already be told that there are special muscles in the intimate area that she can control consciously. And there are special exercises that will allow her to improve her well-being during her period and prepare for adulthood, which should not be rushed.

Virgins should do the exercises without simulators, and those who have begun sexual activity should already be with them.

I think that such things should be explained to the girl by the mother. But in the post-Soviet space, conversations between parents and children about the intimate details of life are not accepted. Young people learn about sex from conversations on a bench or the Internet. Therefore, the new generation falls into extremes: either total constriction, or complete debauchery.

Intimate muscle trainers

And one more annoying fact: not all mothers remember the school anatomy course. Sometimes older women ask funny questions, such as: “Will the simulator get lost in the vagina if it is inserted too deep? What if it goes up the intestines?

- Do you need to do intimate gymnastics all your life?

When exercise becomes a habit, exercising intimate muscles is as natural as brushing your teeth. There are 3 special periods when paying extra attention to the intimate area is not only desirable, but even necessary.

First It's preparation for pregnancy. In addition to the prevention of incontinence and prolapse, which I spoke about earlier, hypertonicity is a common problem - too tight muscles. Athletes are well aware that with excessive load, the muscles "clog" - they become short and stiff.

If the vagina has lost its elasticity, tissue rupture occurs during childbirth. Therefore, when you are just planning to conceive, undergo an examination and drink vitamins, do at least a month or two of intimate gymnastics. This will facilitate both the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth.

But if you did not do intimate gymnastics before pregnancy, then you should not start during it either. If you connect the press during the training of intimate muscles (almost all beginners do this), intra-abdominal pressure will increase, and this can cause discomfort to mother and baby. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to do yoga or complex gymnastics for the whole body, and wait a little with the training of intimate muscles.

Intra-abdominal pressure

Second phase- at least 2 months after childbirth (if there are no complications and the doctor allows you to have sex). Intimate gymnastics will help restore the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina to normal.

Third stage This is menopause when hormonal changes occur. During the study of the intimate zone, the blood supply to all organs of the small pelvis improves, due to which the hormonal glands that are “next door” (ovaries, adrenal glands and pancreas) are actively included in the work. The level of hormones levels off, and the effects of menopause are “softened”.

In general, a normal hormonal background is important for a woman at any age - the condition of the skin, hair, mood depends on it. Those who do intimate gymnastics have forgotten about PMS - no mood swings.

Hormonal background

- What about the psychological aspect?

An even hormonal background in itself contributes to softness, femininity, and calmness. When you feel like a woman, you want to take care of yourself even more - and appearance. And this cannot go unnoticed by men. In addition, self-esteem grows.

When you realize that you own techniques that are unknown to most women, you feel out of competition.

- What stereotypes do you most often encounter?

- First stereotype: intimate gymnastics is needed only for. Of course, it contributes to this, but, in my opinion, the emphasis should be on something else.

Many girls consider intimate practices as one of the ways to bind a man to themselves through sex. This desire seems unhealthy to me. In my opinion, everyone should take care of themselves first of all: strengthen the mind and body, improve, learn new things. And only after reaching a certain level of personal development to unite with the same mature partner to create a new one: a new family, a new life.

“To fall in love”, “to bind” are crutches that allow you to build only immature relationships. Perhaps that is why there are so many divorces in our country.

Happy female body harmony group after class

Second stereotype: pay attention to yourself - ashamed. If a girl says that she came to study for herself, part of the group looks at her with condemnation: “Egoist!”. For a man to try is another matter, and even more so for the health of the unborn child.

I am proud of women who strive to work on themselves, and gently help others to overcome their sacrifice.

Third stereotype: intimate muscle training in Belarus is a dead topic. Fortunately, this is not the case. Almost every woman has heard about Kegel exercises. Medicine does not support this experience as well as, for example, in Israel, where pelvic floor rehabilitation (recovery of the pelvic floor) is the same “normal” specialization as, for example, a chiropractor.

But even our gynecologists do not immediately put a woman into surgery if there is an opportunity to solve the problem with the help of exercises. In recent years, doctors are increasingly sending patients to a sex shop for exercise equipment. By the way, Belarusians have learned how to make simulators. In Vitebsk, the production of ColpoTrain vaginal cones has been established, which can be bought at a regular pharmacy.

Belorussian vaginal trainers ColpoTrain

- Is it necessary to use simulators?

No, not necessarily. But with them, the efficiency is much higher. This is the same as pumping biceps with and without dumbbells. There are a huge number of simulators now: jade eggs, vaginal balls, pneumatic simulators, laser pointers.

The most common simulator is vaginal balls with a displaced center of gravity. However, it cannot be used for omissions. Each device has its own nuances, and it is important to understand them.

Sometimes advertising convinces you to buy absolutely useless simulators. Have you heard of wumbling? This technique was developed by Muravinsky. At the beginning of its formation, he claimed that there are 4 muscular rings in the vagina that can be controlled (VUMs). In order to learn how to do this, he offered to purchase an expensive "priestess flute" simulator.

Later, he admitted that the smooth muscles of the vagina are uncontrollable and converted the simulator into a single-chamber. But there are still those who are trying to pump non-existent muscles.

The fruit of the misconception about female anatomy - Muravinsky's "Flute of the Priestess" simulator

What mistakes do beginners make?

- First error: lack of balance between tension and relaxation. Squeeze - squeezed, but forgot to relax. Muscles train not when they are constantly clamped, but when they work with the greatest amplitude.: from maximum tension to maximum relaxation.

Second error: inappropriate exercises and improper execution.
A huge number of practices are described on the Internet, but they are not suitable for everyone. Some ladies need to pump up their back or buttocks before training intimate muscles - the muscles in the body are closely interconnected, and without a strong “framework”, it is difficult to get close to weak muscles.

In addition, it is impossible to convey all the nuances in text and video. That's why start exercising with a trainer, which will not only tell and show, but also control the correctness of the training.

Third error: women want everything at once. Starting to train intimate muscles, many expect improvements to go in all directions at once: blood circulation will improve, tone will return to normal, elasticity will appear and orgasms will become brighter, and the man will be delighted with their sexual superpowers.

To train all these qualities, you need different exercises, which should be mastered gradually. At the initial stage, I give 3, maximum 5 exercises in order to learn how to feel your body and relax. And only after all of them are mastered, you should move to a new level.

As a rule, those who grab at everything and in life do not know how to relax, balance the load and quickly burn out. I recommend them to breathe more in the tummy - it relaxes. It is very important to form the habit of exercising a little, but regularly.

Is it possible to combine intimate gymnastics with sports? I went to the gym - and you pump all the muscles together ...

Personally, I am against such training. Thus, the muscles will be pumped up and blood circulation in the pelvic floor will improve. But for sensuality, such activities are only a minus. In order to feel your body, you need a calm environment and minimal stress.

Oksana Basalai on the territory of Amor sexual health store

- Are there any contraindications?

Yes, there are: infectious diseases (both the genitourinary system and the body as a whole), postpartum and postoperative periods - 2 months. Relative contraindications are cysts, endometriosis, polyps, erosion and a number of other diseases.

If you have any gynecological problems, you should always consult with a gynecologist about the possibility of classes. But speaking very roughly, when you can have sex, and intimate gymnastics is also allowed.

And a contraindication can be called a bad mood and any physical discomfort. If you perform exercises with a negative, an unconscious anchor may form: "impact on the intimate zone is bad."

Remember Pavlov's dogs? In order to develop only positive reflexes in yourself, first please yourself with something pleasant: your favorite fruit or a new dress. And after that, in an excellent mood, you can proceed to intimate practices.

VELVET: Yulia Vasilyuk

Alena Al-As, wumbling coach (intimate muscle gymnastics), author of the course “Increasing Sexual Magnetism. Multiorgasm ":

- You are right - it is believed that a woman who has learned to control her intimate muscles can not only give her beloved incomparable pleasure, but also experience a vivid vaginal orgasm. In addition, it has been proven that the tone of intimate muscles, as an inexhaustible source of vital and sexual energy, keeps a woman young and attractive for a long time, makes her confident, radiates joy and attracts love.

I will say right away that you do not need to wait for a quick result. Many girls generally manage to feel their vaginal muscles only after two weeks of classes. You need to exercise every day for at least 30-40 minutes.

What do regular training of intimate muscles give?

  • increased sensitivity;
  • improvement of intimate life;
  • childbirth without breaks;
  • painless periods;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the pelvis (useful if you have a sedentary job);
  • prevention of prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls (becomes a problem after 60 years);
  • solution to the problem of involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing.

5 wumbling exercises

1. Organization of breathing and p-building of muscles

You need to lie on your back and relax. Start breathing with your belly. From the side it should be visible how the stomach rises and falls. Repeat the same while standing. After you get used to breathing in a new way, try to learn how to draw in the muscles of the anus without straining the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. Concentrate on the sensations. In the future, mastering new exercises and achieving results, fix it. The fact is that your brain, along with you, learns to control those muscles with which it has never interacted before. He must get used to it.

2. Arnold Kegel's Techniques

People call them "Kegel exercises". They are quite popular, but do not always give an effect. The difficulty is that almost always, when it seems to us that we are tensing the vaginal muscles, in reality, stronger and better muscles are working - the gluteal, femoral, diaphragm, abs.

A simple experiment - tighten your vaginal muscles with all your might, and now tighten your stomach. Then try to relax the stomach, while leaving the vaginal muscles tense. Happened? Most likely, you felt that, along with the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, more than 70% of the tension in the muscles of the bottom went away. This shows that most often, when it seems to us that we are training them, completely different muscles are working. The most important point - while doing it, you need not to push!

3. Lifting the pelvis

You need to lie on your back, bend your legs and firmly press your feet to the floor. Gently raise and lower the pelvis without changing speed. Further we complicate - when lifting the pelvis, we simultaneously compress the sphincter and the vagina.

4. Exercise with fingers

Having thoroughly washed and washed your hands, insert 2 fingers into the vagina and contract the muscles, pulling in. This gives the best feedback - you clearly understand how strong your muscles are. Squeeze the muscles, trying to hold the girth of the fingers for at least 30 seconds. Slightly increase the compression time. You will get the best result if you make contractions for a long time - 30-40 seconds. Since short ones only increase blood circulation, but do not strengthen the muscle frame.

5. Training with simulators

This is the next step. It can be started with vaginal balls. We lubricate them with a lubricant, gently insert them into the vagina in a prone position, and try to keep them. After this exercise is mastered, we try to complicate it. Holding the balls inside, we try to stand, walk, bounce slightly. Then it will be possible to start working with loads, but this is definitely worth doing only under the supervision of a coach.

The quality of sexual life and the health of the genital organs depends on many factors. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the condition of this zone in order to avoid many problems. One of the best options would be intimate gymnastics, the exercises of which are an effective way to prevent many diseases in both women and men.

Also, a set of exercises helps muscle tissue to always remain in good shape, which contributes to more pleasure during sexual intercourse. There are many programs that you can practice at home.

What is intimate gymnastics and why is it needed

Beauty and health depend on the coordinated work of the whole organism. The genitals in this process play a significant role, since they have many important functions. Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. The main objective of such training is to prevent age-related diseases and improve sexual life for both partners.

For women

Intimate muscle training has a number of positive factors for the female body. Such gymnastics is recommended for women over 40 to prevent early menopause, as well as for young girls who are just about to become mothers.

Thanks to intimate training, women achieve the following positive effects:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth are easier, not so painful.
  2. There is a delay in climax.
  3. After childbirth, muscle tissue quickly returns to shape.
  4. A stable menstrual cycle is established, menstruation proceeds painlessly.
  5. The general condition of the body improves.
  6. Intimate gymnastics for women helps to quickly get rid of excess weight, gets in shape.

Also trained pelvic floor muscles have an aesthetic criterion. Elastic toned buttocks emphasize the slimness of the figure, betray her more femininity. It has been experimentally proven that girls with a strong athletic pelvis are more likely to win male attention.

For men

For men, Arnold Kegel also developed a special exercise that helps maintain the function of procreation. With the help of such exercises, the following results are obtained:

  1. The muscles of the abdomen, intimate places are strengthened, which contributes to their greater endurance.
  2. The period of reproductive function is extended.
  3. Spermatozoa become more dexterous, which increases the chance of fertilization.
  4. Gymnastics helps prevent prostate adenoma and other diseases of the male genital organs.

For shy men, there are also video lessons that you can practice without leaving your home.

Kegel exercises for both genders

Such gymnastics is equally useful for both the female and the male body. It helps to stay in good physical shape and also feel great. Partners will be able to give each other an unforgettable sexual pleasure.

The main advantage of Kegel gymnastics is that it does not require long training. It can be done almost anywhere: at work, driving a car, at the table during dinner, in the supermarket. But for beginners, it is recommended to allocate a few minutes of free time, find a quiet place and master the technology correctly.

The very first task before gymnastics is to learn how to feel your intimate muscles. To do this, it is recommended to delay the process of releasing urine from the urethra several times for 2-3 seconds, and then resume it again. After satisfying the physical need, the exercise must be repeated in the normal state several more times. After the vaginal muscles are ready, you can start training.

To achieve the result, training should be carried out regularly for 60-90 days, devoting them daily for 20-30 minutes.

The simplest and most recommended exercise for beginners is to contract and relax the intimate muscles. At a fast pace, you need to do such manipulations for 15 seconds, then rest the same amount and repeat again. And so three more times. It is necessary to perform 10 approaches 3 times a day.

Basic Kegel Trainers

For greater efficiency during charging, it is recommended to use special devices. They are needed in order to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Consider a few popular simulators that are considered the most effective. Such devices include:

  1. Pneumatic - controls pressure in the lower abdomen, and also massages the walls of the vagina. This tones the muscles. Before use, read the description of the course of action on the package.
  2. Laser - helps to properly perform training. It also "reports" the work performed using special sensors.
  3. Egg - has a lot in common with classic vaginal balls. This name was given due to the oval shape, which facilitates easy insertion into the vagina. The simulator is worn inside the genitals for a certain period of time. This helps to learn to feel the intimate muscles and control their tension.

Each of these devices is aimed at improving the state of the intimate environment. To select the appropriate option, you need to consult with your doctor.

Vumbilding - a set of exercises

Before starting training intimate muscles at home, you need to learn how to feel them correctly. To do this, use the Kegel technique for their tension and relaxation. After learning control, you can move on to wumbling. Such activities help to keep the female organs in shape without much effort. Gymnastics is convenient to perform independently at home. You don't have to spend a lot of time exercising.

To master them, you do not need to study for a long time. You just need to read the description on the forums or watch videos with instructions. The main trainers include:

  1. "Blink" or "Swing". This type of training got its name due to technology. It is performed as follows: first you need to feel the extreme vaginal muscles and strain them. Hold in a compressed state for 10-15 seconds, and let them gradually relax. After a ten-second rest, repeat the manipulation. Continue the lesson for 5 minutes. It is recommended to do 3 sessions per day with breaks. In this mode, the average number of flashes reaches 500 per day.
  2. The next exercise is called "winking". In contrast to the "swing", the manipulation of intimate organs must be performed quickly and dynamically. The interval between contractions and relaxation of the muscles is about 2-3 seconds. The training is also continued for 5 minutes and repeated three times a day.
  3. "Castle". It consists in the gradual tension of the muscles and their gradual relaxation. First, the muscle tissue should be slightly tensed for a few seconds. Then do the same, but with more force. The third time the compression is carried out as tightly as possible. Relaxation is carried out in the reverse order. It is recommended to repeat daily 20 times.
  4. "Tower" Exercise is called so because its main task is to pull the muscles as high as possible. At the same time, you need to direct the intimate organs and the lower abdomen so that the muscle tissue rushes up. Repeat 10-15 times.
  5. "Udiyana". A difficult but effective exercise that allows you to train not only the intimate area, but the entire body. It is necessary to put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale as much as possible and put your hands on your hips. Breathing should be held for 20 seconds. Perform 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

During menstruation, classes are not recommended. There is a separate charge for pregnant women. Before performing it, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Vumbilding simulators

To train intimate muscles, vaginal balls or a simulator called an “egg” are most often used. When buying a device, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. Medical silicone or natural hypoallergenic materials are best.

The size and weight is determined individually. For the first lessons, larger and lighter balls are suitable, which can be reduced and weighted as the muscles adapt. Also, do not forget about the regularity of training. Strict adherence to the regime allows you to accustom the body to discipline and set up biorhythms for self-healing.


The intimate environment is an important part of both the female and male body. The genitals are entrusted with many important tasks, the main of which is the reproductive function. For normal operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition and maintain it in good condition. Intimate gymnastics helps in this as well as possible.

Exercises vary widely in difficulty. Anyone who wants to maintain health for many years is recommended to master at least the simplest of them. With the help of special simulators, it is much easier to achieve the desired result. But their choice must be taken seriously. . Also, to prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor of the appropriate profile. Such a precautionary measure is necessary for everyone, without exception, regardless of gender and age.

Lydia Ratnikova about what intimate gymnastics is and why it is needed

Our experts:

Valeria Aginskaya

psychologist-sexologist, family and intimate relationship consultant, imbuilding trainer and founder of the Perfection Studio training center (Moscow)

psychotherapist, imbuilding instructor, host of women's trainings (St. Petersburg)

Nelly Gavrilenko

gynecologist-endocrinologist of the sanatorium "Rodnik Altai" (Belokurikha, Altai Territory)

Today, in the schedule of many women's clubs and even gyms, you can find the mysterious words “imbuilding” or “wumbling”. In brackets next to it is "intimate gymnastics", and this is the rare case when decoding only adds to the secrets. How can gymnastics be intimate, and if so, what kind of intimacy are we talking about in a group lesson?

In general, there are many questions, but even more fans of this direction of training appear. Still: imbuilding promises not only to improve women's health, but also to turn the most modest girl into a skilled lover at all possible levels. At the same time, it has a minimum of contraindications and is even approved by gynecologists. What is intimate gymnastics - a medical procedure or a way to unlock the incredible female potential?

In its current form, intimate gymnastics became widespread in the middle of the 20th century thanks to the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel. “He offered his incontinent patients a series of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and after a while was surprised to find that a significant proportion of patients noted an increase in sensitivity during intercourse, and some previously anorgasmic women began to receive discharge,” says psychologist-sexologist Valeria Aginskaya.

Good for the body

One of the main reasons to do intimate gymnastics is to improve your own health. “As a result of training, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated - the cells are supplied with oxygen, breathing and renewing, peristalsis increases (which solves the problem of constipation), congestion and their undesirable consequences, such as erosion, benign formations, hemorrhoids, are eliminated,” lists sexologist Valeria Aginskaya.

According to gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelli Gavrilenko, Soviet women also practiced gynecological gymnastics - special instructors worked with them, helping to restore intimate muscles after childbirth and improve the health of the pelvic organs: “Such gymnastics, in combination with other therapeutic measures, is one of the effective means of prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. It is effective in chronic inflammatory processes, abnormal position of the uterus, in case of pelvic floor insufficiency in women who have given birth (especially if childbirth was accompanied by ruptures), after laparotomy and vaginal operations, says the doctor. “In addition, gynecological gymnastics will help prepare for childbirth, is one of the ways to prevent vaginal ruptures during childbirth, and also contributes to a faster recovery of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic organs after the birth of a child.”

As for the intimate skills acquired as a result of performing special exercises and new sensations from sexual intercourse, gynecologists see this as a pleasant bonus, but not as an initial goal, gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelli Gavrilenko clarifies: “When you smile, the tension of the facial muscles contributes to the release of the hormone of joy — endorphin. The same principle works with intimate muscles: their tension causes the release of sex hormones, hence an increase in libido, a sense of self-attractiveness, and an improvement in sex life.

Since ancient times, strong intimate muscles have served as a “measure” of a woman’s physical health: “Thus, the leaders of some African tribes, choosing a wife for themselves, arranged peculiar competitions: the girls were given a fruit resembling a green plum, which they had to crush with the power of their intimate muscles. The “champion” became the leader’s wife, because it was she who could give birth to healthy children for him, ”the psychotherapist and imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva gives an example.

What do women want

As you can see, even if everything is in order with your health, you can do intimate gymnastics just like that, “for yourself” - and get good results. After all, regular training increases the quality of sensations from sex: “With regular training, muscle sensitivity increases and develops, sexual sensations become brighter,” says Elena Dokuchaeva, an imbuilding coach. “The ability to control your arousal and orgasm appears, it becomes natural, new forms of pleasure open up.”

Intimate gymnastics will allow:

- help in solving a number of gynecological problems;

- improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the pelvic organs;

- make future childbirth less painful, avoid ruptures during childbirth and recover faster after them;

- postpone or soften the course of the menopause;

- relieve premenstrual syndrome, as well as get rid of painful menstruation;

- get rid of anorgasmia and achieve a bright vaginal orgasm;

- expand your sexual capabilities and become the one and only for your man.

But neither health nor personal pleasure motivates Russian women to accomplish as much as the desire to become a skilled lover and give their man special pleasure: start training your muscles,” says psychotherapist, imbuilding instructor Valeria Aginskaya. - Already after 1-3 months of training, the vaginal volume decreases sharply, the elasticity of the internal tissues increases. A man, of course, immediately feels it, his sensations become much brighter and stronger. If the muscles are in good shape, the woman is excited much faster, natural erection stimulants are intensely released, which in the process lead the man to the strongest discharge. And, of course, if a woman has special techniques, she can drive her man crazy.

Stop signal

Of course, before you start training, you should consult your gynecologist. Because, despite all its advantages, intimate gymnastics has a number of contraindications. “General contraindications are acute inflammatory processes that occur with elevated temperature and with signs of increasing changes in the blood picture, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the small pelvis and lower extremities, septic conditions, uterine and postoperative bleeding, acute pain, aggravated after movement, as well as other manifestations complicated postoperative period,” warns gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelli Gavrilenko.

Imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva notes that classes are contraindicated during pregnancy and the first months after childbirth: “They start exercising three to four months after childbirth naturally or six months after childbirth with surgical intervention. Also, exercises with a simulator are prohibited if the gynecologist has banned vaginal sex in connection with the treatment of any diseases.

If there are no contraindications, and there is a desire to become a healthy, happy goddess of love and sex, you can start training.

The beginning of time

There are many options for the development of intimate muscles, but the main means of gynecological gymnastics are special exercises aimed at training and strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. “The process can take place individually or in a group. If you train individually with an instructor, you will need about two or three consultations, after which a woman can safely train herself at home, says sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya. “I would not recommend doing it on your own right away, if only because it will not always be clear to a non-professional what he is doing right, it is important not to harm himself.” There are also options for group trainings, with or without a practical part, but further online consultation.

It all starts with the definition of the muscles of the pelvic floor - the very ones that have to be trained to the delight of yourself and your lover. Imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva recommends finding them in your home as follows: “Imagine that you want to stop urination - the muscles that are used for this are the muscles of the pelvic floor. Try to tense and relax them. To test yourself, place your finger inside the vagina: the desired muscles should be compressed around the finger, while the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks or back should not be involved. All other muscles at this moment should be relaxed, breathing should remain deep and even.

For the development of intimate muscles, special simulators are usually used: vaginal balls, a pneumatic simulator and a laser pointer, simulators with myostimulation or vibration. With their help, you can not only feel and develop intimate muscles, but also master special techniques with the seductive names "Vacuum", "Kiss of the Rose", "Wave", the meaning of which you can only guess, blush and guess again. But not all at once - these skills are mastered only when the pelvic floor muscles are already strong enough, and this is done under the guidance of experienced trainers.

The most it

And now the most interesting: how can you train intimate muscles at home?

“It is very effective to do “kegels” - special exercises for developing muscles, use vaginal balls of various diameters and loads for training, holding them inside with muscle strength, and also, if possible, use simulators,” says sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya. - Together, these strengthening methods can give a very good result, although it will take several months to obtain it. In addition, they are very affordable and can be done at any time of the day, anywhere.”

According to gynecologist Nelly Gavrilenko, there are a number of common physical exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles: “bicycle” in the supine position with bent legs, alternately straightening and pulling back straight legs from the knee-elbow position, squatting on toes with extended hands forward and many others. In general, regular exercise, strengthening the muscles of the press and back contribute to the development of intimate muscles.

Strong muscles are good, no matter where they are located. In fact, imbuilding differs from ordinary gymnastics only in name. Otherwise, this is still the same training, for which regularity, motivation, correct technique and, of course, pleasure from the process are important. And, perhaps, it is pleasure during intimate exercises that is almost guaranteed.

If it is not yet possible to master simulators with an instructor, sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya recommends the following simple exercises:

  1. For 10 seconds, quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles, then rest for 10 seconds. Complete a set (three sets of 10 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest), rest for 30 seconds. Do 5-10 sets.
  2. Start by simply squeezing and relaxing the muscles, gradually increasing the exercise time from 2 to 20 minutes. This exercise must be performed at least 3 times a day.

Intimate gymnastics is an excellent solution for normalizing hormonal levels and maintaining a woman's health. This is a whole complex of exercises, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and the whole body, restoring blood flow and the functioning of internal organs.

In yoga, tantra and many other areas, there are branches that specialize specifically in working out the muscles of the perineum. In the East, their performance was considered a real tradition and the best way to prolong the youth and sexuality of the female body. And today, intimate gymnastics exercises for women after a serious transformation remain relevant and no less effective.

Any woman must master at least a few exercises to work out the muscles of the pelvic floor. The benefits are enormous and tangible in a week:

  • Prevention of many gynecological diseases.
  • Preparation for a successful pregnancy with a mild, painless course.
  • Safe childbirth without injuries, ruptures and sprains. The ability to easily give birth naturally.
  • Fast, effective muscle recovery after pregnancy.
  • Improving the quality of intimate life with a partner.
  • Postponing the onset of menopause, preventing changes in the body due to menopause.
  • Improving blood circulation is an obstacle to the occurrence of stagnation, which contribute to the development of tumors and unpleasant neoplasms.

Note. Intimate gymnastics brings not only benefits, but also harm. The organs of the human body are an interconnected system, therefore, along with the study of the muscles of the perineum, it is necessary to remember other muscles. You will never get rid of the prolapse of the pelvis, if not the legs, the hips will not act as a reliable frame for the organ ligaments.

The best simulators for intimate gymnastics

The most popular system in the world, which most modern women implement, is. The scientist, after whom the program was named, also developed special simulators, devices for training the “muscles of pleasure”.

They are in any sex shops. For example, it would not be superfluous to purchase vaginal balls, imitators, a Kegel rod. It is easy to master them at home, but it is important to observe one condition - hygiene.

There are two types of training:

  • Vumbilding - exercises for working out vaginal-controlled muscles.
  • Imbuilding is a system for the development and strengthening of intimate muscles.

It doesn't matter which system you choose. You need to really enjoy your workout. You can additionally combine it with exercises, which also have the desired effect on the pelvic floor area.

All existing complexes and training programs are classified according to the level of complexity. Agree, it will be irrational for a beginner to immediately move on to complex exercises:

  • First level. Items in this category are relevant for women with gynecological diseases or weak muscles after childbirth. Being engaged every day, in just a few weeks you can return the former tone. As soon as you start to feel the result, fix it - we reduce training to 2 times a week.
  • Average level. Such exercises are suitable for owners of already strengthened muscles of the perineum. At this stage, they are already performed with pleasure and can be used during sex. Performing at an average level of complexity no longer accepts stiffness of movements and tightness.
  • Advanced level. These are exercises using various devices, simulators. The complexity of the implementation lies in the fact that you need to feel your body, be able to control your own desires, which will allow you to more effectively perform gymnastics and indulge in erotic games with partners.

Basic exercises for working out the muscles of the pelvic floor

  • "Jim". We lie down on our back, bend our legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. We place the palms in the navel. In this position, we squeeze the muscles of the vagina, and lift the sphincter a little up. We linger in this position, then relax. We repeat again.

Note. It is effective to do 100 "presses" in one approach.

  • "Bench press with tightening." This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but it is necessary to linger in the accepted position not for one second, but for a whole minute. Rest 30 seconds, then repeat again.
  • "Alternation". The exercise is performed in any position. Involves frequent and rapid contraction/relaxation of the vagina.
  • "Elevator". Assumes a gradual reduction of the perineum from the bottom up. It is important to do this in stages, fixing each “floor” for a couple of seconds.

