Top 10 healthiest fruits in the world. Which fruit is the most beneficial for the human body and why

Despite the fact that scientists do not deny the benefits of fruits, they cannot agree on a common opinion which fruit is the most useful. In different ratings, completely different fruits or berries are in the first place.

By what criteria is the most useful fruit determined?
Before talking about all kinds of ratings and studies, it is necessary to determine what they are based on. How is the healthiest fruit determined? What requirements should it meet?
1. Contain the largest number of vitamins and minerals.
2. Positively influence the appearance of a person.
3. Positively affect the mental abilities of a person.
4. Fight as many specific diseases as possible.
5. Provide the body with energy.
Since several fruits correspond to such criteria at once, it is impossible to make the only correct rating. It remains only to trust the professionals in the field of researching the properties of fruits.

What comes first?

The most useful fruit in the world: top ten

What are the healthiest fruits and vegetables that can truly fight disease?

Not only the most healthy fruits can help in the fight against diseases, and vegetables can do this to no lesser extent. Which of them can be used as medicines or as an aid in the fight against disease?
The most common group of diseases today is cardiovascular disease. Doctors unanimously recommend their patients to pay attention to:

Regular consumption of these products in a reasonable amount will improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure, which in itself will reduce the risk of developing a heart attack.
Diseases of the digestive system are also a very common group. In these cases, one must be very careful when choosing food. From vegetables it is recommended:
As for fruits and berries, it is advisable to use them in the form of mousses, jelly and compotes, because it is necessary to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
In the age of high technology, eye diseases are widespread. You can fight them by eating carrots, apricots, broccoli, grapes.

Cancer and diabetes
Unfortunately, dangerous diseases like diabetes or cancer are quite common today. It is possible that it will not be possible to completely recover from them with the help of the correct selection of products, but vegetables and fruits can try to stop the development of the disease.
If there is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes (burdened heredity), then the diet should include:
Diabetics definitely benefit from many vegetables, but with fruits, doctors advise to be careful and, just in case, consult a specialist before eating them.
Oncological diseases, according to scientists, are caused by the accumulation of free radicals in the body. Therefore, products are shown that can rid the body of them:
Red pepper,
lime, etc.
Of course, when drawing up a diet, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance and observe proportions.

Just as there is no one cure for all diseases, so there can be no absolutely useful fruit or vegetable from all points of view. To decide for yourself which product is truly useful, you need to undergo an examination, and on its basis, a nutritionist will make a balanced diet, where useful fruits will certainly be present.

The most useful fruit in the world from those that grow in South Asia and America, Taiwanese scientists, after lengthy research, called pitahaya (in Russia, this exotic fruit is better known as dragon fruit).

Pitahaya is a tropical fruit from the cactus family, the fruit of which has a delicate and aromatic taste. Outwardly, the dragon fruit looks like a huge raspberry cone, inside of which is hidden a creamy white pulp (sometimes pink) with small seeds like in kiwi (by the way, it was kiwi that was once recognized as the most useful fruit in the world).

Specialists from Taiwan say that pitahaya contains so many useful substances that it is almost a panacea for all diseases. It contains substances that help normalize blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. Dragon fruit is literally crammed with vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins C and B, omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, calcium, phosphorus, iron ...

Pitahaya is a low-calorie product (100 grams contains less than 50 calories) and is useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases that are accompanied by high acidity. Experts also advise those who have problems with vision and the endocrine system to use the most useful fruit in the world.

America is considered the birthplace of dragon fruit, but today this plant is cultivated in many countries of Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Malaysia and several other countries. Pitahaya is also grown in Mexico, Japan, Israel and the Hawaiian Islands. This fruit is very prolific, in one season from one hectare you can get up to thirty tons.

Pitahaya is eaten raw, after peeling and cuts with slices, or with a spoon like kiwi. The only thing to consider is the possible consequences for people with allergies. So if you decide to include this fruit in your daily diet, start eating it in small amounts at first.


This fruit is exotic for our country, but more and more often it begins to appear on store shelves. One mango contains a daily requirement of vitamin C, and in addition, mangoes help prevent arthritis, heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.


Persimmon is rich in vitamin C, iron, potassium. Due to the low content of fat and carbohydrates, persimmon satisfies hunger well. And its diuretic and mild laxative effects help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and urinary system. Dried persimmon is an excellent delicacy for people with diabetes.


This fruit in any form helps to support the strength of cancer patients, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is indispensable for a lack of vitamins, and helps to cope with anemia. Apricot for some time can become the basis of nutrition for obesity. Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus will ensure the normal functioning of the brain and heart, fiber will improve the functioning of the intestines, a small calorie content will help to lose weight.


Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of lemon - it is the number one fruit for colds and strengthening immunity. In addition, lemon is an excellent fat burner, which also helps reduce appetite. With strict control of body weight, a glass of water with a slice of lemon is the most necessary remedy.


This fruit improves digestion and promotes better absorption of food. Grapefruit also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, accelerating them. With a moderate diet, if you regularly eat grapefruit, you can lose 5-7 kilograms in a few months.


Pomegranate fruits are rich in sugars, tannins, vitamin C, contain fiber, minerals and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium. In the University of California rankings, pomegranate juice overtook red wine in the list of drinks in terms of antioxidants and took an honorable first place. Pomegranate should be included in the daily diet for men - the fruit improves erection.


Avocado contains a unique substance - glutathione, which blocks about 40 different carcinogens, relieving the burden on the liver. In addition, it normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves digestion, supplies tissues with oxygen, etc.


Kiwi is not without reason called a real storehouse of vitamins. This fruit helps cleanse the intestines and has a mild laxative effect. It is especially useful to eat kiwi for weight loss - it strengthens the immune system during weight loss and cleanses the body.


Banana quickly restores energy, gives vivacity, cheers up. Banana is the only fruit that can be included in human nutrition for diseases of gastritis and stomach ulcers, even in the acute phase. Another banana will help overcome the effect of nicotine deficiency, and it will be easier to quit smoking.


Honorable first place - apples! The most popular fruit in our country can rightfully carry the prefix "super". In particular, this applies to fruits of red and green color, containing a large amount of vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, manganese and potassium. There are plenty of benefits in the apple peel, rich in insoluble fiber, which removes excess cholesterol from the blood and helps protect you from heart disease. Scientists at the Medical University of St. George in London found that people who ate five or more apples a week had better lung function than those who didn't.

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Consuming fresh fruit on a regular basis is an integral part of a healthy diet and is also a great way to boost your immune system and prevent various diseases.

Loaded with vital fibers, vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients (nutrients), fruits act as powerful antioxidants that protect the human body from free radicals, highly reactive molecules that cause tissue damage. All fruits are good for health, but the following 5 fruits have specific benefits and are recommended to include in your daily diet.

Orange is a citrus fruit, which, in addition to vitamin C, contains a lot of fiber, thiamine, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The combination of these substances strengthens the human immune system. Eating one orange provides 130% of your daily vitamin C intake. and 250 mg potassium. This fruit is also loaded with the phytochemical hesperidin, which improves vascular health and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Orange juice contains citric acid, which prevents kidney stones. Orange is a rich source of iron, which is extremely helpful in stabilizing blood sugar levels and preventing anemia. The antioxidants "flavonoids" in oranges have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce arthritis pain. Oranges contain D-limonene, which is an effective anti-cancer agent. Vitamin C also helps the body fight cancer.

Bananas are a rich source of vital vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins B, C and potassium. These fruits are high in potassium, a mineral that promotes heart health and stabilizes blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension and stroke. One banana contains 15% vitamin C, 33% vitamin B, 12% potassium and 16% fiber of the recommended daily intake of these substances.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is advisable for an adult to eat 400–800 g of vegetables and fruits. Recent studies show that this reduces the risk of premature death from heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

It is best to eat fresh fruits, as in the process of freezing or preservation, they lose most of their valuable substances. Things are even worse with juices: they do not have fiber that improves intestinal motility, but they are full of calories and simple sugars. At the same time, whole fruits are rich in complex carbohydrates, pectins and antioxidants. They are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. But which fruit is the healthiest? There is no consensus on this matter, but there is an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the “magnificent seven” looks like.

An Apple

“An apple for dinner and you don’t need a doctor,” goes the old British proverb. Indeed, this fruit contains a lot of pectins, potassium, iron, calcium, boron and pyridoxine. The content of ascorbic acid in all apples, although high, varies greatly by variety. Green fruits are considered the most beneficial for the body: they have fewer carbohydrates and calories, but more vitamin C.

Given their low glycemic index, from time to time (but not more than once a week) you can arrange unloading "apple" days for weight loss. A diet of this kind will not hurt even pregnant women who are rapidly gaining excess weight. The only "but" - sour green apples in large quantities are contraindicated for people with ulcers, gastritis, high acidity of the stomach. How to get out of the situation? You can choose sweet and sour varieties and limit yourself to eating 1-2 fruits per day. Another option is to eat baked apples, sweetening them with honey.

The most useful fruit, according to many scientists, is the "Chinese gooseberry" or kiwi. He is a champion in the content of vitamin C. For comparison: ascorbic acid in 100 g of apples - 10 mg, lemons - 40 mg, kiwi - 80 mg. In addition, an exotic fruit helps burn fat that blocks arteries, which means it is indicated for increased blood clots. The benefits of kiwi for the body lies in the fact that it contains actinidin, an enzyme that stimulates the digestive system and breaks down proteins.

Low calorie content and the ability to burn fat makes the fruit suitable for weight loss. Nutritionists advise those who want to get rid of extra pounds to eat two kiwis a day. The presence of fruits in the diet will have a positive impact not only on well-being, but also on appearance. Being a diuretic product, kiwi will remove bags under the eyes, as well as swelling of the hands and feet. Fruits with a high concentration of vitamin C stimulate the production of collagen in the body, a protein responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.


Thick-skinned citrus with spicy bitterness helps to cope with mental and physical overwork. The characteristic aroma of the fruit cheers up, awakens the appetite. Grapefruits are antipyretic and bactericidal, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion. Citric acid, present in abundance in their pulp, promotes the absorption of iron, blood thinning.

Grapefruits are healthy fruits in terms of losing weight. The substances present in their composition remove toxins, excess fluid from the body, and accelerate the process of burning fat. The fruit can be included in the menu of fasting days, as the fiber it contains gives a feeling of satiety, and tonic compounds invigorate. Grapefruit peel is used to care for hands and feet: it is rubbed on the nail plates to make them stronger and lighter.

Scientists from Oxford say that the most useful fruits are pomegranates. Their grains are a valuable food source of manganese and iron. That is why it is recommended to regularly eat it for donors, pregnant and lactating women (if there is no allergy), people suffering from anemia or undergoing surgery. The potassium present in the pulp is essential for the normal functioning of the heart. Nicotinic acid in pomegranates prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the vascular walls.

Fruits contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body. Their peel is a remedy for colitis, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea. A decoction of membranes, seeds, pomegranate skins is drunk for insomnia, a shattered nervous system, menstrual pain and menopausal syndrome. At the same time, the drink should be taken with caution, since in case of an overdose, the head may feel dizzy, the pressure may increase. In addition, pomegranate contains a lot of organic acids, so it is contraindicated in gastritis and ulcers.


The opinion of nutritionists about bananas is ambiguous. On the one hand, these fruits are rich in simple, easily digestible carbohydrates, which means that eating them in large quantities is harmful to the figure. On the other hand, the sugars found in bananas quickly satisfy hunger, thereby preventing bouts of uncontrolled appetite.

What are the health benefits of fruits? First of all, they are rich in potassium, a mineral that strengthens the heart muscle and regulates the water-salt balance in the body.

  • improve digestion, eliminate heartburn;
  • increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • maintain the desired level of glucose;
  • increase the level of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness";
  • increase concentration;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.

A lemon slice in water or tea dramatically changes the taste of the drink. Citrus substances tone up and help to concentrate. The fruit owes its sourness to “ascorbic acid” - vitamin C, which saves from colds. It is also a strong antioxidant that prevents premature aging. Ascorbic acid strengthens capillaries, thereby stopping the development of rosacea. The flavonoids in the lemon peel also help to keep the walls of blood vessels in good shape.

What are the benefits of fruits in cosmetology?

  • Masks based on citric acid have a sebum-regulating effect, dry the skin of the face, and eliminate pigmentation (freckles, age spots).
  • Compositions for hair help to cope with dandruff and baldness. They are used as a natural lightening agent.
  • The tincture on the peel can be used as a lotion for oily, problematic and combination skin. The product cleanses the skin pores well, mattifies, disinfects.
  • Lemon juice is used to strengthen nails, whiten the skin of the hands.
  • Lemon oil is added to masks for hair and face care, oil compositions for cellulite wraps. In aromatherapy, it is used for headaches and apathy.

A pineapple

Exotic fruit has a pleasant sweetish taste. It contains saccharides, fiber, organic acids, provitamin A and a huge list of minerals. Thanks to this composition, pineapple has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, improves kidney function, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of fruit in food is necessary for the prevention of joint and muscle pain.

Recent studies have shown that pineapple extracts are effective as an adjuvant in the treatment of oncology. The beneficial properties of fruits are largely due to the presence of bromelain in their composition, an enzyme that has anti-cancer and immunostimulating effects.

Which fruit is the most valuable for each particular person, only he himself can decide. You can include in the diet all of the listed products or give preference to what you like - there will be benefits in both cases.
