Textile wallpaper in a modern interior. Fabric wallpaper - advantages and disadvantages Features of textile wallpaper

Walls can be draped in different ways: in one situation, the fabric is pulled over a pre-made wooden frame, in another, it is simply glued to the wall, and in the third, modern textile wallpapers are used instead of fabric. They will be discussed in this article. We will study in detail this type of finishing material for walls - we will deal with the varieties of textile wallpaper, find out their advantages and disadvantages, and also study the technology of their gluing.

Textile wallpaper: varieties and their characteristics

Almost all types of textile wallpaper can be classified according to two main features - according to the base on which the fabric is applied, as well as according to the type of fabric itself, on which the appearance and design of this finishing material depends. First, let's take a closer look at the fabric. As a rule, four varieties of it are used for the manufacture of this type of wallpaper.

Linen textile wallpaper for walls. Excellent material, but for the manufacture of textile wallpaper in its pure form is not used. These are woven wallpapers, and their manufacturing technology provides for the application of individual fibers to the base, which are mixed with synthetic fibers to give the wallpaper the necessary qualities. There are also purely linen textile wallpapers, but they are very problematic in gluing. Due to the fact that this is a natural material, the wallpaper may differ in color even in one roll - this is not a marriage, but a feature of this material. If the joints are clearly adjusted, then after gluing a rather interesting seamless surface is obtained.

Felt wallpaper. There are two options for these wallpapers - they can be made either from foamed polypropylene or from natural felt fabric. Both the material is dense and perfectly hides the small irregularities of the walls. Felt polypropylene wallpaper can be washed even using household chemicals - the only thing that is not recommended to do with them is rubbing them hard with rags. As for natural felt, like linen, it can only be vacuumed.

Silk and its features. As a rule, such textile wallpapers are made from a mixture of natural silk and viscose fibers - this is also a woven wallpaper, in the manufacture of which it is the fibers that are applied to the base, and not the finished fabric. This wallpaper, like the previous ones, can be purchased in two varieties - designed for painting and with an already applied pattern. In work, this type of wallpaper is very fastidious - they are thin, do not fit together well, and under them even the smallest irregularities of the walls are visible.

Jute textile wallpaper. This material has excellent characteristics, among which one can note a high density, which makes it possible to hide fairly large damage to the walls; excellent wear resistance; the ability not to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and a relatively easy application technology.

Now, as for the base on which textile wallpapers are made - in most cases, three types of bases are used for this type of wallpaper.

Textile wallpaper on non-woven base. Such wallpapers can be characterized as follows - they are easily glued, but, unlike ordinary wallpapers of this class, they require impregnation with glue. In general, all textile wallpapers require such impregnation - without it, sticking them turns into a nightmare.

Textile wallpapers on paper basis- an environmentally friendly option, especially if only natural fibers were used in the manufacture of a woven fabric. It is a little more difficult to glue on the walls than wallpaper on non-woven, but in general there is nothing complicated.

Synthetic based textiles. This option is interesting in that thin foam rubber is used as the base - the walls are soft and have insulating and soundproofing properties. The thickness of such wallpaper can reach up to five millimeters, which greatly complicates the process of joining them - the canvases are tightly connected to each other. Without experience, it is not worth taking on gluing such wallpapers.

In principle, this is all the variety (not counting the color and texture solutions) that modern textile wallpapers can boast of.

Pros and cons of textile wallpaper

It is not difficult to understand the positive side of textile wallpapers - this is a unique look, and the naturalness of materials, and a respectable appearance, and a long service life, and other advantages of the fabric used for their manufacture. But, as they say, they are greeted by clothes, and they are escorted by the mind, it’s not enough to know the merits - in order to get the right impression about the material, you also need to familiarize yourself with the shortcomings, which textile wallpapers have a lot of. These include the following disadvantages.

Too high cost - a couple of orders of magnitude higher than the usual most expensive wallpaper.

They do not tolerate moisture. On some textile wallpapers, water stains remain indelible.

Strong susceptibility to dust. If ordinary wallpaper in this regard does not need to be looked after at all, then textiles will have to be vacuumed regularly. There are, of course, anti-static textile wallpapers, but they are even more expensive than the usual material of this type.

Sophisticated gluing technology - a drop of glue that has soaked into the fabric remains there almost forever in the form of an unsightly spot. Even the special glue recommended by the manufacturer does not help - care and caution are needed here!

In most cases, the disadvantages of these wallpapers outweigh their advantages, and people who have already encountered similar wallpapers in the future try not to use them. The maximum that they dare is small decorative inserts. Also, this type of wallpaper is preferred by wealthy people - they do not care how much they cost, and by and large, it is not they who take care of them, but hired workers. In general, you should think carefully about their use and communicate with people who have already dealt with these wallpapers.

Cons of textile wallpaper

Pasting textile wallpapers: technology features

There are not so many nuances that you need to know before you start solving the issue of how to glue textile wallpapers, but they are fraught with damaged canvases and, as a result, wasted money. In my opinion, it is not worth taking on their gluing without a corresponding large (!) experience - only professionals should deal with this matter. As for the nuances themselves, they are as follows.

Special adhesive for textile wallpapers and preferably recommended by the manufacturer of this decorative wall covering. Textile wallpapers are very heavy, and besides, stains remain on them - these are the factors that are taken into account primarily by manufacturers of adhesives for textile wallpapers.

An important point is the wetting of textile wallpaper - after applying glue to them, it must be absorbed into the base. The exposure should be ten minutes, no more.

Textile wallpaper can not be bent - even a little. The kink won't straighten out. This is one of the reasons why they are not folded for better and faster wetting of the foundation.

Glue on the front side is enemy #1. Water can also be attributed to the same enemies. It is necessary to ensure that the glue does not get on the front side, and the hands always remain dry. In this regard, a very important nuance is the amount of glue applied to the wall and the base of the wallpaper - extra glue is not needed here. Everything should be in moderation, and this measure, again, comes with experience.

A plastic spatula is contraindicated for gluing textile wallpapers - it drives the glue into the seam and as a result stains form on them. It is best to smooth such wallpapers with a roller, and this should be done exclusively from top to bottom.

Perhaps this is all that needs to be considered in the process of gluing textile wallpaper on the wall. It remains to add only one thing - textile wallpapers are somewhat different from all the others in terms of drying. Their drying takes longer - drafts should not be allowed for two, and preferably three days. The process should be carried out at normal room temperature for your apartment - during this time they seem to get used to the operating conditions.

Textile wallpapers are an unusual solution for wall decor in modern design.

By themselves, fabric wallpaper coverings are not an original material; on the contrary, fabric has been used for interior decoration for a very long time.

Pasting textile wallpapers involves a serious approach to the choice of finishing material: not only the appearance of the room depends on which coating is chosen, but also how the material will need to be looked after in the future.

Fabric upholstery characteristics

Textile finish is a fabric on vinyl or non-woven. The upper fabric layer can be made from natural or artificial materials.

The first option refers to premium materials and is very expensive, the second option is more affordable, but looks less advantageous.

Silk, linen, cotton, felt, jute, velor, various synthetic fibers can be used as the top layer of textile materials.

have advantages and disadvantages inherent in decorative fabric materials in principle.

The advantages of textile wallpaper can be safely attributed to their unusual and sophisticated appearance. But this is not the only plus of fabric coatings.

The advantage of using textile trim is its environmental friendliness: the fabric coating is harmless to humans, as it does not emit any toxic fumes.

In addition, fabric finishes have excellent noise-reducing and thermal insulation properties, again due to the fabric of the top layer.

Textile materials are resistant to temperature extremes and direct sunlight, which prevents their deformation and fading and allows such decorative finishes, with proper care, to maintain an excellent appearance for a long time, up to ten years.

A wide range of colors and textures allows you to choose the material for any type of interior, from classic to high-tech.

Textile wallpaper for walls has its drawbacks. Fabric decorative finishes are subject to the absorption of unpleasant odors, so such coatings are not recommended for use in kitchens and bathrooms.

The texture of the fabric tends to absorb dust into its structure, and therefore it is recommended to vacuum the decorative coating often and thoroughly, which greatly complicates maintenance.

The disadvantages of using textile finishes include their instability to mechanical stress: they are often overwritten in places of active contact, losing their attractive appearance.

The difficulty in caring for textile coatings is also manifested in the fact that this material should never be subjected to wet cleaning.

You can avoid these shortcomings by purchasing fabric decorative finishes with a special additional stable coating, but, unfortunately, such impregnation seriously increases the already high price of the material.

The last disadvantage that is worth noting is the special care in preparing the walls for applying the finish, since all surface defects of fabric decorative materials are only emphasized.

Varieties of paintings

Textile wallpaper finishes have a huge number of varieties that differ greatly in their properties, appearance and cost.

Silk coverings can be of two types: with natural silk and synthetic.

The first type is quite rare in the market of finishing materials, since the cost of this kind of finish is high, and the technical characteristics leave much to be desired.

Natural silk coatings look great, as they have a unique luster and mother-of-pearl, create an indescribable atmosphere and allow you to give the room a strict and classic look.

However, such fabric materials are very thin, emphasize all the imperfections of the walls, are highly susceptible to mechanical damage and stains.

Artificial silk coverings are much more stable in use and, despite the fact that they have a less refined sheen and play, look great in classic interiors.

Linen textile wallpaper in the interior allows you to emphasize modern design.

An interesting property of this type of coating is its antibacterial effect, due to which it is recommended to use it in the decoration of bedrooms and children's rooms.

At the same time, linen textile wallpaper on a non-woven base can hide minor wall defects.

Velor wallpaper for the bedroom is not recommended: the structure of this decorative coating is susceptible to dust absorption, which negatively affects the human body.

However, they are quite appropriate to use in general rooms, because they are easy to vacuum, they practically do not leave stains.

Felt fabric coverings can be either natural (made from wool and down) or synthetic polyester.

Applying such materials to walls is quite difficult, since they have an inelastic structure, but if fixed correctly, they are easier to care for than other types.

Felt decorative coatings can even endure mild wet cleaning without the use of strong cleaners.

Jute coverings are a special kind of textile wallpaper, as they are made from the natural fibers of the jute plant.

They have a pronounced structure, resistant to various kinds of mechanical stress and fading, they are durable and have a very interesting appearance, absolutely environmentally friendly and natural.

Due to their texture, they are able to hide wall defects. There are paintable jute coatings that fit perfectly into any interior, but such materials look best in eco-style.

Textile coverings on a synthetic basis have foam rubber as an inner layer.

Such material belongs to the most expensive type, they do not contain paper at all - these are real fabric wallpapers (photos of such decorative materials can be found in fashion interior design catalogs).

Applying fabric upholstery

Unlike textile-based fabric wallpapers, most other textile decorative coatings can be glued on their own, of course, given the characteristics of fabric materials.

To learn how to glue textile wallpapers, you should get acquainted with the main stages of this process.

Perhaps the main point when applying textile wallpaper materials to the walls is the preparation of the walls.

The surface should be perfectly flat, without protrusions and depressions, without cracks and bumps. The peculiarity of fabric materials is that almost all types of coatings are quite thin and emphasize the imperfections of the walls.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the walls of old decorative coatings, putty all cracks and irregularities.

If a very thin textile material is used, it is recommended to apply it only to walls sheathed, for example, with drywall.

Since fabric wallpapers are usually quite heavy material, priming is necessary to prevent the canvas from lagging behind the walls.

The process of gluing fabric coatings is different from conventional decorative materials.

Firstly, it is extremely important to use a special adhesive designed specifically for the type of textile material that has been chosen for a particular repair.

The instructions for its breeding are mandatory, otherwise unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Secondly, in no case should fabric webs be bent, otherwise creases will remain on the outer surface that will spoil the appearance of the coating. Therefore, after applying the adhesive composition, the strips are left for impregnation without folding.

And, thirdly, glue stains that can get on the front layer of the textile fabric can also ruin the entire repair.

Therefore, it is important to work with rolls only with clean hands, and to smooth the canvases not with a spatula from the middle to the seams, but with a rubber roller from top to bottom.

Compliance with all these rules for working with textile coatings will allow you to make repairs of high quality and beautiful, without damaging expensive material.

Textile wallpaper replaced the fabric that was used to decorate the walls in the Middle Ages.

Varieties of textile wallpaper

The classification of these types of wallpaper can be conditionally divided into two features - the fabric used and the base on which it is applied.

INides of textile wallpaper depending on the fabric:

  • Linen. In its pure form, this material, as a rule, is not used. Separate fibers are applied to the base, which are mixed with synthetic fibers that give the material certain desired qualities. You can find completely linen textile wallpapers, but firstly, it is difficult to work with them, and secondly, even in one roll a different shade is possible and this is considered the norm. With a clear fit of the joints, an original seamless surface is obtained.
  • Felt. Either natural felt fabric or foamed polypropylene is used. Both types are dense and easily cope with the masking of small wall irregularities. Polypropylene felt wallpaper can be washed using household chemicals, but it is not recommended to rub them hard with a rag. Wallpaper made of natural felt, like linen, does not tolerate water, pollution from their surface is removed only with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Silk. Fibers are applied to the basis of such textile wallpapers, and not the finished fabric. Typically, the mixture includes natural silk and viscose fibers. They may already have a pattern on them. You can also purchase silk wallpaper for painting. It is difficult to work with such wallpapers, they are thin, they are difficult to join, and they also require ideally, since even the smallest irregularities are visible under them.
  • Jute. This material has a characteristic high density, thanks to which it is possible to hide the damaged surface of the walls. This is a wear-resistant wallpaper that does not fade in the sun. It is easier to work with them than with other types of textile wallpaper.

interior with textile wallpaper

Types of bases for textile wallpapers

  • Interlining. On this basis, wallpaper is easier to glue, but pre-impregnation with glue is required.
  • Paper. Pre-impregnation with glue is also needed, but working with them is harder than with textile wallpaper on non-woven fabric. Provided that natural fibers are used, this type is environmentally friendly.
  • Synthetics. Thanks to the thin foam rubber, which is the basis, the walls are soft and improve the thermal and sound insulation of the room. The thickness of textile wallpaper on a synthetic basis reaches 5 mm, which complicates the joining of the strips. Without solid experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to successfully paste such wallpapers.

Advantages and disadvantages of textile wallpaper

All the advantages that high-quality textiles have are inherent in wallpaper made of this material. These are unique, they are durable and give the room a respectable look. Most species are made from natural, natural materials, which is now highly valued by many.

Due to their high density, such wallpapers absorb noise, improving the sound insulation of the room. Some types allow you to mask small irregularities on the walls.

Also, due to the density and composition, textile wallpapers provide additional sound insulation.

The downside is the high price.

Humidity for textile wallpaper is the enemy. On some species, it may leave spots that cannot be removed.

They are highly susceptible to dust. In addition to textile wallpaper made of artificial felt (polypropylene), which can be washed, all other types will have to be vacuumed regularly. As a way out, you can buy anti-static textile wallpapers, however, you will have to pay a tidy sum for them.

The gluing technology cannot be called simple. If a drop of glue is fed into the fabric, then an unsightly spot is formed on the surface, which is unlikely to get rid of. With such wallpaper should be handled carefully and carefully.

In principle, it is not necessary to glue the entire room with textile wallpaper, it is enough to use them as decorative inserts.

decorating the bedroom with textile wallpaper

Features of the technology of applying textile wallpaper

As mentioned above, without the appropriate experience, it is better not to take on textile wallpapers, otherwise it is easy to ruin the canvases.

The nuances of working with textile wallpaper:

  • This is a heavy type of wallpaper, in addition, there is a risk that stains will remain on them, and therefore only a special glue designed for such a decorative coating is used.
  • After applying glue to the canvases, wait 10 minutes for them to be absorbed into the base - this is a mandatory procedure.
  • They do not tolerate kinks, even the smallest ones. If you ignore this rule, then the inflection will remain forever. Therefore, they cannot be folded after applying glue, as they do with other types of wallpaper, so that the base gets wet faster.
  • The front side of this decorative coating should not come into contact with either water or glue. To avoid getting on the front of the glue, you need to accurately calculate the amount applied to the surface of the wall and the base - there should be no excess. Again, this requires a lot of experience.
  • When working with a textile decorative coating, do not use a plastic spatula, as it expels the adhesive into the seam, which leads to staining. To smooth the canvases, a roller is used, which should be moved from top to bottom.
  • Drying textile wallpaper takes more time. Therefore, for two, and preferably for three days, drafts should not be allowed in the room and the standard room temperature should be maintained at which they will then be operated.

Textile wallpaper, as a rule, is pasted over living rooms, bedrooms and offices. Due to the fact that the fabric perfectly absorbs odors, they are not recommended for use in kitchens. And low moisture resistance makes them unsuitable for decorating wet rooms - bathtubs and bathrooms.

Material for textile wallpaper

There are two types of such wallpapers. In one of them, threads are glued to the base base, in the other - textured fabric. Paper or interlining is used as the base layer. There are also sound-absorbing textile wallpapers - they are based on a special sound-absorbing material. For the manufacture of the upper (front layer), both synthetic fabrics (microfiber, polypropylene, polyester, acrylic) and natural ones (linen, cotton, jute) can be used.

Types of textile wallpaper

All textile wallpapers produced today have several varieties:

  • Synthetic. For their manufacture, a foam base is used, so these wallpapers have good sound and heat insulation characteristics. In addition, they do not require complex care (they can be vacuumed).
  • Silk. Their front layer is made of viscose with silk threads. They look very elegant, but are usually made to order.
  • Linen. This is a paper base with linen threads or composite materials applied to it. They are beautiful and pleasant to the touch, do not fade from the sun, but only tolerate dry cleaning.
  • Jute. Their front layer is jute fibers. Their pronounced texture and density make it possible to mask small wall defects. They practically do not fade, but they also tolerate only dry cleaning. You can buy jute wallpaper both in color and for painting.
  • Velor. This is a paper base with nylon pile. They look just gorgeous, but they collect a lot of dust.
  • Felt. For the manufacture of their front layer, both natural felt and its synthetic analogues are used. They look attractive, are characterized by good sound and heat insulation. Wet cleaning is also suitable for cleaning felt wallpaper, but without the use of aggressive detergents. But for pasting walls with such wallpaper, certain skills will be required, since it is not at all easy to glue them.

Advantages of textile wallpapers

The main distinguishing feature of textile wallpapers is high aesthetic properties. The walls pasted over with them look upholstered with fabric, because the joints of the wallpaper on them are practically invisible.

Textile wallpaper gives the walls volume, making the room uniquely beautiful and cozy. The variety of textures and materials of modern textile wallpaper allows you to create the most unique interiors, practically without limiting the designer's imagination.

In addition, they are distinguished by good sound and heat insulation characteristics, they are an environmentally friendly "breathing" finishing material that creates an optimal microclimate in the premises.

Disadvantages of textile wallpaper

As for the shortcomings of textile wallpaper, there are very few of them. First, they are not cheap. Secondly, they are not resistant to moisture and all sorts of pollution. Textile fights strongly absorb odors and accumulate dust on the surface.

Caring for textile wallpapers

Textile wallpapers require regular cleaning from accumulated dust. Most of their species tolerate dry cleaning perfectly (without the use of aggressive cleaning products). The main thing is to ensure that there are no spots on the wallpaper. Although fresh small spots can be tried to remove using a soapy solution. And areas of wallpaper with heavy pollution will have to be completely replaced.

Wall decoration with textile wallpaper is an option for those who love luxury and sophistication.

Textile wallpapers, which are also called fabric wallpapers, are quite an expensive finishing material, typical for interiors in a classic style. However, eclecticism is in fashion now, so fabric models can look interesting even with the modern furnishings of an apartment or house. The options for such wallpapers are extremely diverse, so you can choose any color and pattern.

Textile covering gives the design sophistication and completeness.

What it is?

Textile wallpapers have a special texture - their top layer usually consists of viscose, silk or linen. The fiber of the fabric gives the wallpaper a special relief and makes it pleasant to the touch. In addition, the texture of the patterns is not like any paper or vinyl wallpaper - textile options always look quite restrained, but at the same time unusual. Among the features, there is also a play of colors depending on the lighting. The stretched fibers of the fabric reflect the light, and the ornament shimmers with different shades.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any fashion trend, textile wallpapers for walls are perceived ambiguously. Many designers and buyers note the following advantages:

  • Practicality and durability of wall-paper guarantees their long service.
  • Wallpapers are made from natural materials, perfectly retain heat and provide sound insulation.
  • Due to their special texture, they are ideal for restoring walls with a poor quality rough finish - small irregularities will become invisible.
  • This is one of the few wallpaper options suitable for the interior of an apartment in a classic or baroque style.

At the same time, even adherents of the classics sometimes prefer painting instead of wallpaper. Fabric wallpapers also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Gradual fading of materials in the light.
  • The fabric absorbs the smells of tobacco or cooked food, it leaves grease and dust stains that are almost impossible to wipe off.
  • Usually textile options have a high cost, and their gluing requires great care.


Fabric-based wallpapers are now extremely diverse. They can differ fundamentally in the material from which they are made. Different textiles will look different and have their own characteristics. The most popular in modern interiors are the following options:

  • Velor wallpaper- This is one of the most expensive options. They have pleasant to the touch velvet ornaments, securely fixed on a paper base. These wallpapers require especially careful handling - you should not glue them in the kitchen, in the hallway or on the loggia in order to avoid contact with dust, grease, water vapor and sunlight.

Most often, such models with texture decorate the living room or bedroom.

  • jute models- This is one of the most unpretentious types of textile wallpaper. They can look both elegant and quite simple, depending on the ornament. They are used not only in classic interiors, but also in oriental and country style apartments. This natural material is not too expensive and does not require serious maintenance. Often, similar wallpapers with a simple ornament are also purchased for the ceiling.

  • Silk wallpaper look especially sophisticated due to the fact that the surface of the fiber plays in the light - a literally glossy pattern is created on the wall. This is one of the most common types of textile wallpaper. Often they are an imitation of a tapestry with texture.

  • linen wallpaper- This is a fairly simple and economical option that looks quite elegant and is actively used in a variety of interiors. This type of wallpaper rolls are sold in any specialized stores.

  • Jacquard patterns- This is a seamless stretch wallpaper that can be purchased according to the size of the wall. They will cost quite a lot, but the unusual surface and the absence of seams allow you to make the interior really perfect.

Colors and design

The nature of the ornament and the color palette of the walls are of decisive importance in the interior. It is very important to think over the design and furnishings of the room in advance, and only after that purchase textile wallpapers. The following design options are the most popular:

  • herbal or floral ornaments always look great in textiles and allow you to create a special entourage in a classic interior. Such models look very gentle, elegant and stylish. They are perfect for decorating the bedroom.

Sometimes they are also used for the living room or office.

  • Oriental ornaments- This is another fashion trend. Often these patterns also resemble floral prints, but they are more abstract. Depending on the material and color, such options are used in a variety of interiors.

  • Geometric abstract prints is an interesting design attempt at combining styles. With such a design, classic textile wallpapers will look very modern and fit into any interiors - from modern or eclectic to minimalism.

  • Many manufacturers create wallpaper collections that imitate tapestry. Such models can depict natural landscapes, birds, houses or ships. If you choose the right option and combine such wallpapers with discreet furniture, the atmosphere will turn out to be stylish and luxurious.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the color range of coatings:

  • Most often, pastel colors are chosen for classic interiors. White, beige, blue or pale pink textile wallpapers will require special care and cleanliness, but they will look the most elegant. Light colors combined with a special surface texture that reflects light will visually expand the space of the room.

  • For modern style, dark blue, burgundy and brown options are most often preferred. This is true only for spacious bright rooms, otherwise the interior will turn out to be uncomfortable. Best of all, these wallpaper colors are suitable for decorating a dining room or living room. On a dark surface, the spots will not be too noticeable, so caring for such wallpaper will be easier.

  • Red, yellow or green bright colors of textile patterns are extremely rare. Only one small wall in a spacious room can be finished with such wallpaper - this can help divide the room into several zones.

You should not get carried away with bright colors in the interior - fabric ornaments themselves look interesting and unusual, so rich shades on them can look too extravagant.


If you want to purchase a quality product, it is very important to pay attention to the country of origin and the specific brand. The following brands are especially popular among buyers in Russia:

  • Italian brand print offers a wide range of silk wallpapers in light colors. They mainly produce wallpapers in cream, gray and pink shades with floral patterns, but sometimes you can also find abstract prints or darker colors.

  • Products from Germany are also considered to be of high quality - a German company is recognized as one of the market leaders Rasch. Such wallpapers of the middle price category with complex unusual patterns can be found in repair hypermarkets and online stores. Exquisite ornate ornaments will not leave indifferent lovers of the classics.

  • Another of the leading manufacturers of fabric wallpapers can be considered the Belgian brand Pro Spero. The range features a wide variety of simple wallpapers with subtle abstract prints. Such wallpapers are much more versatile - they will fit into almost any interior. Jute and linen models look stylish, concise and have a relatively low price.

However, connoisseurs of traditional options will find more sophisticated wallpapers with floral ornaments in a large assortment.
