Fiberglass where applicable. Painting fiberglass (cobweb): applications, cost, installation technique, practical advice for beginners

Progress does not stand still, and every time we hear about something new in various fields and industries. Relatively recently, a new type of wall covering has appeared on the market - fiberglass. This type of coating is usually called cobweb fiberglass, because of its appearance.

Painting fiberglass gossamer finds its application in the reinforcement of surfaces before finishing work. This material is not a finishing type coating, it is, so to speak, the basis for further wall and ceiling finishing. The web can be called an effective assistant in the fight against such serious problems as cracks on the surface of ceilings and walls.

Quite often, crack problems occur in new houses that were built relatively recently, because over time the house shrinks, the use of which is appropriate in this case, is the best assistant in this situation.

It should also be noted that this type of finishing wall covering today is gaining its popularity in the market of finishing materials, and with quite serious turnover. The type of "preparatory wallpaper" under consideration has similarities and differences. We will also compare the process of making paper and fiberglass.

Technical characteristics and scope of the material

The painting fiberglass consists of fiberglass filaments, like glass fiber, but the difference is that the cobweb is not made on machines. The manufacturing process of the “wallpaper” in question is as follows: fiberglass is put under a press, as in the process of manufacturing sheets of paper. The result of this pressing is even, thin sheets, the surface of which is very smooth. The density of pressed fiberglass is 25-50 g/m 2 .

Although the process of making fiberglass, cobwebs and paper are somewhat similar, the difference between them is colossal - unlike paper sheets, it does not accumulate electricity of a statistical type on its surface, nor are they afraid of water, mechanical damage, or chemical reagents. Dust is also not attracted to them and, in addition, they do not burn. It is difficult for some to imagine what such a finishing material looks like, therefore, you can watch a video that will show how to use fiberglass for painting in this article.

Similar characteristics of cobwebs and paper include their composition, namely, the ingredients that make up its composition are exclusively natural, as in paper, they are also a non-allergenic material, they pass air perfectly. The difference between fiberglass and glass fiber is the absence of a wicker pattern and relief on the surface of the former. But here, too, there are advantages, if there are no prominent elements on the surface, then they can be painted an unlimited number of times, there is no relief - no problem.

How to glue painting fiberglass

In order to stick the material on the walls or ceiling, you do not need to have any special skills and knowledge. You just need to learn how it's done and get to work. If you don’t want to pay a lot of money to craftsmen for a fairly simple finishing process, then just follow the recommendations that will help you do everything right and quickly.

How to glue fiberglass gossamer with putty on drywall video

  • To begin with, glue is applied to the surface of the ceiling or walls, it is not worth applying a lot, it will be enough to apply glue one strip wide. The substance is absorbed quickly enough, so you don’t have to expel it from under the finishing material.
  • There are no standards for the width of the strips, you can cut them as you wish, the main thing is that it is convenient to work with them. With wall decoration, everything will be simpler, so you can cut the strip to its full length, but a strip of one and a half to two meters will be enough for the ceiling. Before gluing, check where the front and back sides are. They look very similar, but there is a difference in them, so you will find all the necessary information about this on the label.
  • Painting fiberglass gossamer: the use of which is appropriate for all surfaces in the room, and even for plasterboard structures, after fitting to the wall, it is smoothed out gently with your hands. It is necessary to ensure that the corner of the room coincides with the edge of the cobweb. After that, it is necessary to draw a spatula over the surface so that no air remains under the coating.
  • When the sheet is firmly fixed on the wall, you can begin to cut off everything that is superfluous that sticks out or hangs. After that, grease the surface with glue again. To understand that the sheet is well impregnated, it must become dark from moisture.
  • The next sheet, the same size as the previous one, is glued to the wall, be sure to overlap. If the material is glued on the ceiling, then it is better to glue it along the room.

Glue consumption per 1m2

The question of the consumption of glue in the case of finishing walls or ceilings with masking fiberglass arises quite often, because it will take a lot of it for such a process. The thing is, there are no standards for this. It is impossible to accurately calculate the amount of glue that will go per square meter of the surface, because it will depend on who will apply this glue to the surface.

If there is little glue, you yourself will see it, a lot - it will also be difficult not to notice. In order to saturate the surface with plenty of glue, you must monitor the color of the gossamer fiberglass, as soon as it darkens from moisture, then there is a sufficient amount of glue on its surface.

  • After we glued the second sheet with an overlap, we impregnate it with a layer of glue and, without fail, press it well against the wall. In order for the seams between the sheets to be invisible, it is necessary to cut the strip through both pasted layers, even if your cut turns out to be uneven, there is nothing wrong with that, we strive to ensure that the surface is smooth, and these irregularities of the strip cut by you will not be visible on wall or ceiling.
  • After 24 hours, the glue on the surface will dry completely, and it will be possible to proceed to the next stage of finishing.

Painting fiberglass cobweb application: how to paint

If you decide to paint the canvas, then we recommend using a water-based paint for such a surface. Such paint retains the properties of the finishing material itself and, moreover, more than one layer of paint can lie on it in an even layer.

Using painting glass canvas, how to paint video correctly

For painting you will need the following tools:

  1. a bath where the paint will be poured;
  2. roller, (you can use a paint brush, but then the painting process will stretch for a long time).

It is necessary to paint the fiberglass cobweb twice, that is, apply two layers of paint. It is worth noting that the time between applying layers should be at least 12 hours. To roll the seam, you need to use the “wing”, if you do it with a roller, the result will not be optimal. In principle, this is all the features of painting such a finishing material.

Do I need to putty paint fiberglass before painting

The positive quality of the cobweb is that after sticking it to the wall, you can immediately begin to paint the surface of the walls or the ceiling. In this case, the word immediately - means. After the surface is completely dry, simply without preliminary and preparatory work.

Fiberglass gossamer application on the ceiling video

Puttying it is necessary only if you want to have a completely flat surface of the wall or ceiling, or if you want to hide the texture of the finishing material, in this case, cobwebs.

The best option for preparatory work before gluing is to prime with fiberglass glue, thereby reducing paint consumption. This is correct and beneficial, because glue is much cheaper than paint.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on fiberglass gossamer

First of all, I would like to say that painting fiberglass is a material that serves to reinforce surfaces, and it is glued in order to fix plaster, putty, and also to avoid cracks on the walls. This material is great for painting.

As for wallpaper, in the case of fiberglass, it is possible to glue them, but before that you have to process the surface of the wall or ceiling, and only then proceed to paste the wallpaper on the surface.

Since the gossamer masking fiberglass, the use of which is a protection against cracks, is not a topcoat, it can be both painted and glued on top of the wallpaper, but after pre-treating the surface.

If the gluing process seems difficult to you, and to some extent incomprehensible, then we recommend that you watch the video on our website, which describes in detail and shows how to properly glue the fiberglass gossamer on various surfaces.

Fiberglass for putty is a simple, fast and proven way to give strength to the interior decoration of walls and ceilings, and align them, at the same time making additional reinforcement. Gossamer, as builders call fiberglass, is made by pressing and is a translucent panel, usually rolled into large rolls.

The opinions of experts on the need to level the gossamer differ, some of them believe that gluing the canvas is enough, while most builders are convinced that puttying the fiberglass is essential.

The latest trend in modern finishing works is the gluing of fiberglass before the final stage of decorative wall decoration. The material gained popularity due to its useful qualities, but not everyone came to a consensus on how to use it and how to cover it after gluing, paint fiberglass immediately after gluing, or pre-apply a protective layer on it.

The need to use fiberglass when working with drywall was dictated by the occurrence of cracks in this building material, which mainly appeared at the joints, along the seams. Previously, a sickle mesh was used, but it turned out that it does not provide sufficient guarantees of strength and does not always prevent the formation of cracks, especially if they appear under the influence of building shrinkage or sudden temperature changes. The trend towards the use of fiberglass appeared in order to avoid such a nuisance.

By itself, the building material is torn quite easily, because it is made of thin strands of fiberglass, fastened together by an organic compound. However, on the wall, such a canvas acquires non-analogue reinforcing properties and helps to ensure the integrity of the coating of the finished walls for a long time.

The main advantages of the material

Gossamer or matting, as fiberglass is called in professional slang, has a lot of invaluable properties that led to its widespread use:

  • environmentally friendly, because it is made from natural materials;
  • has increased strength and exceptional wear resistance;
  • practically not subject to temperature and mechanical damage;
  • does not accumulate static electricity and therefore does not attract dust;
  • does not cause any allergic reactions in the inhabitants of the dwelling;
  • possesses exceptional fire resistance, does not ignite and is often used for finishing passages that provide evacuation of people in case of fire in large buildings;
  • in the role of a reinforcing frame, it absorbs the finishing material and gives it exceptional strength;
  • does not contain any nutrients for fungus and mold, is not exposed to their harmful effects.

There are no disagreements about the use of cobwebs in finishing work done with cutting-edge materials. The main subject of controversy is whether it is possible to immediately paint the reinforced surface or is the use of putty absolutely necessary?

How necessary is fiberglass putty?

People who do not have special knowledge, and especially those who move into a new room where interior decoration must be done on their own, often wonder whether it is necessary to putty already finished fiberglass or is it quite enough just to paint it. After cracks appear on the surface of the newly finished walls and ceiling, and gaps and bubbles appear on the pasted wallpaper, it becomes clear that this was necessary. Especially when, when trying to remove the warped wallpaper, the cobweb will follow them.

If painting or wallpapering was done directly on fiberglass, the fiberglass texture, seams, and joints, which in this version will remain uncovered, will definitely be noticeable. This will give a freshly finished room a not very neat look.

Fiberglass for putty should be purchased dense enough, this will simply further enhance its reinforcing properties. Such material is more expensive than thinner, but this is not the option on which you should look for a way to save money. Re-repair when the thin gossamer fails will be much more expensive than the small difference in price between denser and denser extruded material.

Material selection

Both the putty and the fiberglass adhesive must be of the highest quality, each layer must be completely dry, and only after that can the next one be applied. To solve the problem, than to putty, you can purchase two types of material or use a universal ready-made composition. It can be applied at any stage, so as not to think about whether I putty with the same composition.

The web, despite its slang name, should be acquired quite dense, and it is necessary to consult with a specialist what kind of density is optimal in order to stick it in specific conditions (private house, apartment in an apartment building, new building, secondary housing).

Glue on fiberglass takes more, because this building material is highly absorbent, and its consumption is much greater than that of glass.

Surface preparation

The main step in gluing fiberglass is cardinal surface preparation. Glue fiberglass should only be on the prepared wall and stock up on the necessary tools and materials.

The main part of the preparatory stage consists in applying a layer of putty on drywall and then sealing problem areas with putty. These include joints, chips, mechanical damage, corners and fasteners.

Compliance with technological standards is a rather complicated process, but still it does not constitute much wisdom and even a non-construction specialist can carry it out:

  • Before puttying, it is recommended to clean the application sites, especially if other work has been carried out in the room before.
  • Puttying the wall under the fiberglass should be done with the utmost care, trying to ensure that the places of sealing do not differ in convexity in relation to the rest of the wall.
  • Seams should be sealed especially carefully, using a spatula and additional grinding, creating the most even surface.

  • If, on the other hand, damage or joints require a significant layer, and the putty sticks out strongly, so that it can hardly be repaired by sanding, an additional layer is applied over the entire surface of the wall.
  • Before you start gluing the fiberglass, you must finally sand the dried layer of putty mixture and remove dust and plaster contamination from the rest of the surface. Experts recommend doing this with a damp sponge and a vacuum cleaner.

The application of a new leveling layer on it, as well as the quality and safety of the final finishing coating, depend on how evenly the surface is finished on which the reinforcing base will be glued.

Sticking fiberglass

For quick and accurate installation of fiberglass on the ceiling, mark the roll according to the required length, and cut the pieces in advance. Glue must also be prepared in advance, if, in order to save money, it was purchased not in finished form, but in the form of a concentrate.

When making the composition at home, you must follow all the instructions indicated by the manufacturer. Protective clothing must be worn to prevent fiberglass particles from getting on the skin, and be armed with a brush-brush for applying glue. It allows you to initially apply a thick layer, which is necessary, given that fiberglass absorbs glue in large quantities.

When everything is prepared in advance, the process moves quickly:

  • The first layer is glued from the corner, the surface is leveled by hand.
  • A smoothing spatula removes air and excess glue.
  • If necessary, excess fragments are removed with a construction knife.
  • Glue is applied to the wall, and after laying the cut fragment - on its surface.
  • The process is carried out continuously - pasted one sheet, followed by a second joint, and so on.
  • At the inner and outer corners, the material is slightly trimmed so that the tear line is not uneven.
  • It is important that the joints of fiberglass and drywall fall in different places, otherwise the seam will certainly crack.

The glued material dries for at least a day in a room where the possibility of drafts is eliminated. Before leaving the walls to dry, you should definitely inspect the reinforcing layer for flaws and eliminate them. On the finished wall, every bald spot and bulge will be visible.

On the video: we glue the fiberglass correctly.

Important nuances

If the finishing is not done by hand, but by craftsmen interested in finishing it as soon as possible, they may insist that the surface can already be painted. If you do not putty fiberglass, then paint on it will have to be applied 5-6 times more, because fiberglass has a high absorption capacity. For wallpapering, it is even more necessary to prime the fiberglass and apply a putty layer, because the entire texture of the glass fibers will be clearly visible, and the wallpaper paste will also go away.

In the future, a large amount of wallpaper glue can lead to damage to the wallpaper under the influence of external conditions. So the question of whether it is necessary to prime and putty is decided positively if the owner wants an excellent look and guaranteed durability of the result.

How to putty, even a non-specialist knows. The finished composition is applied with a spatula in the form of the first layer, it is allowed to dry, then the second is applied, which is polished after drying with a grinder, grater or sandpaper. And only then you can paint or glue the wallpaper.

How to putty on fiberglass (1 video)

Sometimes it is difficult to color. Sometimes this is a rather difficult task, which requires a certain level of skill of the master. However, even the skill of the workers is not always able to save the finished surface from the formation of various. The fact is that the new structure begins to shrink, it does not dry very evenly.

Quite noticeable gaps can appear on the surface, which can spoil the appearance. special material, painting fiberglass, greatly facilitates painting work. It simplifies the preparation of any planes for subsequent painting, in addition, it prevents the appearance of small and flaws.

The result of painting work from this significantly worsens, since the appearance of the surfaces inevitably deteriorates. It is to prevent their formation that a special painting interlining. With the help of this material, the finishing surface itself is strengthened, that is, reinforced.

What is this miracle tissue? It is a non-woven, rather thin material. It is made up of many glass fibers that differ in their thickness. Their chaotic connection with each other just ensures the impossibility of the formation of noticeable cracks.

Microscopic defects are, of course, possible, but they are not noticeable.

This ability determines the scope of use of fiberglass: a noticeable improvement in various types of final finishing of ceilings and walls.

Fiberglass painting gossamer

Its technology is as follows:

All procedures are quite simple, but the main thing in their implementation is thoroughness and accuracy. Then you will get the desired result.

When performing all work, certain conditions must be met:

  • the room should be completely free of drafts;
  • temperature indicators should be at least 15 degrees;
  • the humidity in the room should also be within the normal range;
  • and it is better to keep the doors closed until completely dry;
  • From bright sunlight it is desirable to curtain the windows.

Painting fiberglass: features and benefits

The material is made from organic resins and mineral fiberglass, and is considered environmentally friendly. Its continuous web has impressive tensile strength.

The fibers that make it up are not intertwined, as in similar ones, but are glued together in a rather chaotic manner. The material has a fairly affordable cost, and received a common name fiberglass.

People call him simply " gossamer”, which he somewhat resembles with his soft structure. By type, the material is divided into various classes, differing in density and thickness.

These indicators affect its cost: the more they are, the higher it is. Lighter and thinner articles are recommended for the ceiling. More dense species are able to withstand significant loads without damage.

The material has the following performance characteristics:

Fiberglass, or gossamer, is a thin non-woven sheets of pressed fiberglass filaments. It is produced in rolls 1 meter wide and 20 or 50 meters long. Unlike glass fiber, this material is not intended for fine finishing, but for protection against cracks on walls and ceilings.

Fiberglass differs in density: the thinnest (20-25g/sq.m) is best suited for painting, and the denser (50g/sq.m) is recommended for better reinforcement if there are visible cracks on the surface.

This material will hide the flaws and imperfections of the surfaces, prevent the formation of microcracks, while allowing the walls to breathe. It is absolutely natural and environmentally friendly, does not rot, prevents the appearance of fungus, is resistant to wear and fire, is not sensitive to many chemicals and is suitable even for rooms with high humidity.

Many, and especially happy owners of housing in new buildings, are familiar with the sad consequences of the inevitable shrinkage of walls - a network of small, and sometimes quite impressive cracks. To fix such a defect, it remains only to start the repair again.

Therefore, pasting walls and ceilings with fiberglass is the best way to save your time, nerves and budget, especially since this process does not require high qualifications of the performer. Remember that the pasted surface will not subsequently crack.


Fiberglass can be glued to almost any surface. This is necessary to increase the strength of putty and decorative plaster, if there are fears of cracking, then it is also used before painting the coating.

Note: the fiberglass canvas has a front and back side. The front is usually located on the inside of the roll, it is smoother to the touch. The wrong side, on the contrary, is more fleecy. Accordingly, it adheres better to the pasted surface.

True, as practice shows, non-compliance with this rule will not lead to sad consequences if the adhesive is applied in sufficient quantities, and the material adheres tightly to the surface over the entire area.

Tip 1: It is better to work with gloves and a respirator: small particles of fiberglass, although not toxic, are very irritating to the skin and respiratory tract.

Tip 2: It is not recommended to glue fiberglass under wallpaper. The drying process usually takes a long time and bubbles can form as a result.

Surface preparation for bonding

Puttying walls and ceilings

Before starting work, it is advisable to putty the walls and ceilings with a finishing putty (Vetonit LR + is ideal), since small irregularities can provoke the appearance of bubbles and voids, which will negatively affect the final result.

Immediately before gluing, the surface is treated with a primer. Do not forget to close all windows: there should be no drafts in the room, as with ordinary wallpaper.

Working with drywall

If fiberglass is glued to a drywall surface, all seams are pre-sealed with a strong putty, and the canvases are glued so that their joints do not end up at the joints of the drywall sheets.

On drywall, it is better to try to stick the canvases end-to-end and without trimming, as far as possible: the surface, upholstered with plasterboard, may crack at the cutting site, especially with frequent changes in humidity in the room.


Glue is better to use ready. It is sold in buckets. For example, you can choose KLEO Ultra. If you purchased dry glue, dilute it in the indicated proportion and add a little PVA glue at the end at a ratio of 1:6 for stronger and more durable bonding.

The most important thing is to choose a special glue for glass wallpaper. No other composition is suitable for such materials. The glue is thickly applied to the surface, the cut canvas is glued and leveled with a wallpaper spatula from the middle to the edges.

Docking fiberglass is much easier than ordinary wallpaper: the canvases can be overlapped and cut through both layers, removing the excess - the joint will turn out to be invisible. No need to press hard on the blade, the material is cut very easily.

If the glue is not thick enough on the surface, you can lubricate the glued canvas with it and rub it with a wallpaper spatula.

It is important to know that at inner and outer corners, especially if they are not perfect, it is better to cut the fiberglass to avoid voids. Cracks in the corners are pre-glued with a sickle or paper tape, and the corners are leveled. The same applies to the junction of the wall and ceiling, if the installation of the ceiling plinth is not planned in the future.


After complete drying, which takes about a day, the surface can be putty. For an ideal preparation for painting, we apply two layers of fine putty (for example, Sheetrock), while allowing each layer to dry completely, and grind the surface with a fine sandpaper. Immediately before painting, we process the material with a primer.

If putty is undesirable due to tight deadlines, and also from excess dust, which is inevitable during grinding, it is permissible to paint the surface pasted over with fiberglass without puttying.

The minimum necessary preparation in this case is the application of highly diluted glue to the glued surface. Such impregnation will reduce paint consumption, but will not get rid of the visible texture of the cobweb, even in the case of repeated staining. Therefore, if your goal is a smooth surface, you can not do without putty.

I recommend to see

In the process of finishing concrete ceilings, it is often necessary to deal with cracks and irregularities. In order for the screed to be strong and not crack, the base of such a surface is reinforced with a paint “cobweb”. To achieve a good quality of the procedure, before it is carried out, it is necessary to understand what it is for. In the previous publication, in the material about, the issue of working with fiberglass was not deliberately raised. This topic was planned for consideration in a separate article, which is now offered to your attention.

Main characteristics of the material

The basis of this material is glass: in the manufacturing process it is melted, stretched into threads and twisted into fibers: they serve as the basis for obtaining fiberglass by weaving. For glass threads, along with tensile strength, elasticity is characteristic, which protects the finished canvas from deformation. At the final stage of production, the "spider web" is treated with a special impregnation that increases its stability. The density of the finished material is in the range of 25-65 g/m 2 .

Fiberglass has a number of advantages:

  1. Environmental Safety. For the manufacture of the material, only natural components that do not cause allergic reactions are used.
  2. High strength and durability. Fiberglass copes well with both mechanical and thermal influences.
  3. Does not collect dust. Electrostatic inertness makes it possible to avoid attracting light debris to the surface of the finish.
  4. Fire safety. Exceptional resistance to fire makes it possible to use fiberglass for finishing the corridors of large buildings, through which people are evacuated in case of fire.
  5. High reinforcing ability. The gossamer-finished base provides strength for the finish coat.
  6. biological inertia. Fiberglass is not a breeding ground for microorganisms, including fungus and mold. This is facilitated by the fact that glass fibers are not afraid of water and do not rot in conditions of constant humidity.
  7. High vapor permeability. This makes it possible to avoid "clogging" of the reinforced bases.
  8. Excellent interaction with most building materials.

Despite the great similarity, reinforcing fiberglass and are two materials that are different in purpose.

As for the disadvantages of the "cobweb", the main one is some inconvenience due to small glass particles that occur when cutting the canvases. It is recommended to work in protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Where is the "cobweb" used

What is fiberglass for?

  1. Reinforcement of walls and ceilings. With it, you can strengthen concrete, brick and other bases in rooms for various purposes. This is especially true when the surface is being prepared for painting. Thanks to fiberglass reinforcement, the base is well leveled, without the threat of subsequent cracking.
  2. Corrosion protection. The presence of anti-corrosion characteristics of glass fibers allows them to be used to protect metal pipelines for various purposes.
  3. Manufacture of high quality building materials. Fiberglass is often reinforced and wall panels. In addition, it is included in the composition, indispensable in the arrangement of a soft roof.
  4. Arrangement of waterproofing protection and drainage.

What is fiberglass

The most commonly used types of "cobweb":

      1. 25 g/cm2. The best fiberglass for the ceiling for painting, which is facilitated by its light weight and strength. Ceiling "gossamer" has a small absorbent capacity, which saves paint material.
      1. 40 g/cm2. A versatile material that is twice as strong as the previous version. With its help, surfaces that are subject to increased operational loads (rooms with a high level of vibration) are reinforced. As for strengthening the ceiling surfaces with a universal "cobweb", this is justified only in the presence of dilapidated plaster and cracks.
      1. 50 g/cm2. This durable material is designed to reinforce large cracks. In addition, it is often used to reinforce building envelopes in workshops, workshops and garages to protect against mechanical damage. The increased cost of this type of work is due to the high cost of the material and the increased consumption of glue for fixing it.
      1. wellton. This Finnish material withstands numerous repaints very well.
      2. Oskar. Less expensive Russian analogue, which can be repainted several times, with a small consumption of material. Domestic fiberglass technonikol also has similar qualities. .
      3. Spectrum. This Dutch company offers high-quality fiberglass of various densities.
      4. nortex. A Chinese manufacturer offering a fairly high-quality "web". However, its choice is limited only by the universal variety (50 g/cm2).

How to glue fiberglass on a concrete ceiling yourself

To strengthen the ceiling of concrete, the so-called "ceiling cobweb" with a density of 25 g / cm2 is usually used. Optimal working conditions are of great importance, since it is recommended to use fiberglass at an air temperature of + 15-25º and a humidity of not more than 60%.

Surface preparation

  1. Before gluing fiberglass to the ceiling for painting, its surface must be completely cleaned of whitewash, wallpaper and old putty - a bare concrete slab should remain.
  2. If defects in the base are found, they must be eliminated. All protrusions are knocked down with a pick, and the depressions are sealed.
  3. If possible, it is better to lay a leveling layer of starting putty on the concrete surface.


  1. Primer. After the ceiling is completely dry, it is impregnated with a deep penetration primer. Acrylic compositions are very good in this regard. Due to this, the surface of the ceiling acquires the necessary adhesion for the subsequent application of the adhesive. The primer must be allowed to dry completely (usually 30-40 minutes).
  2. Glue preparation. For this, it is recommended to use special compositions, since it will not work correctly to glue fiberglass for painting with conventional wallpaper materials. As for PVA, it holds fiberglass well, but subsequently its surface may become covered with yellow spots. It is best to use a special glue for fiberglass and glass wallpaper, which is sold dry or ready-made (as a rule, good brands of painting canvas are equipped with mounting adhesive from the same manufacturer). A pack of dry composition is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of clean warm water: this volume is enough for gluing a "cobweb" with an area of ​​​​50 m 2.

Cutting and gluing

  1. Having measured the length and width of the room, then cut the required number of pieces of "cobwebs". It is not difficult to do this, since the material is sold in rolls for convenience. The length of the strips is taken with some margin (about 10 cm). The same applies to the width - here one should take into account the fact that the strips are glued with a slight overlap (up to 20 mm). When cutting, be sure to wear a respirator, goggles and gloves to avoid getting sharp particles on the skin of the hands, eyes and respiratory organs.
  2. The first strip is mounted from the edge of the ceiling, having previously smeared this area with a plentiful layer of glue (the canvas absorbs a lot of it). For convenience, it is recommended to beat off the line to the width of the strip along the entire length of the surface. Having applied the edge of the canvas along the line, it is necessary to smooth it from the center in all directions, expelling air bubbles and excess glue. This operation is most conveniently performed with a plastic wallpaper spatula. Excessive force when pressing the tool should not be applied so that the fiberglass does not break (at this stage it is very vulnerable).

How to glue fiberglass strips correctly

The next strip is glued next to the first with a slight overlap (it is immediately cut with a sharp knife, removing excess parts). For a better quality finish, the butt sections are recommended to be additionally coated with glue. In the course of gluing fiberglass, it is important to maintain the continuity of the process by gluing the sheets one by one.

On the painting canvas there is an inner and outer side - it is advisable not to confuse them. The outer side is usually twisted inside the roll (it is smoother to the touch).

After the entire ceiling is sealed, excess pieces of material are trimmed around its entire perimeter. Further, the entire area of ​​​​the laid canvas is covered with a layer of the same glue (it is usually slightly diluted). Fiberglass for putty should dry well (1-2 days).

Finishing features

The painting canvas creates a peculiar texture on the surface of the ceiling: therefore, it is advisable to putty the fiberglass "cobweb" under painting. Enough 1-2 layers of a soft solution of gypsum (Satengips) or ready-made (acrylic) mixture. Grinding such a ceiling should be very careful, without exposing the fiberglass. As for painting, for this you can use ordinary water-based, acrylic or latex paint, which is applied with a fabric roller in two layers.

Putty can be skipped, however, for high-quality painting in this case, you will have to use 5-6 layers, since fiberglass has significant absorbing characteristics.


Properly glued masking fiberglass guarantees excellent quality of the ceiling screed: cracks and chips will not appear on it even under conditions of strong vibration. It is allowed to paint such a surface many times. The decision to apply or not to use the "cobweb" is influenced by the initial state of the rough foundation.
