Sew pillow cloud pattern. Master class on how to sew, using patterns of pillow toys, with your own hands

The sofa can be decorated with bright and original pillows

No matter how fashionable and thoughtful the design of the room is, the brightness of colors and the novelty of sensations are lost over time. At this point, the owners begin to think about a possible update of the interior. There are many ways to freshen up your home decor.

The simplest and most original idea lies right on the surface: do-it-yourself sofa cushions and a master class on creating the essential attributes of a home. There are no strict rules or boundaries in creating original hand made accessories that will emphasize the luxury of the living room, the comfort of the bedroom or the immediate atmosphere in the nursery. Connect your imagination, choose the best creative ideas and create your own pillow paradise.

We sew textiles for the nursery

What is the most important thing in the design of a children's room? This is a cheerful rainbow mood, an atmosphere of immediacy, lightness, combined with serenity and a harmonious tint palette. It’s great if the title theme is initially present: the princess’s castle, the land of fairies, a pirate ship or an adventure island.

Baby pillows

Do not forget that the degree of environmental friendliness is important for a nursery. Choose natural fabrics, eco-friendly hypoallergenic fillers for sewing products.

A beautiful thematic attribute made by oneself is not only convenient and functional. Author's textiles will help enhance the effect, emphasize the theme, correctly placing the right accents.

Overview of baby pillow

Try to become a designer for your home, sew an author's collection of sofa cushions for a nursery.

Soft "cloud"

A toy pillow in the form of a cloud will add lightness and spaciousness to the interior. The unusual shape is universal, it will equally effectively dilute the decor of the room for both a boy and a girl. Soft and comfortable decor for a crib or sofa can be sewn in any color scheme, from any fabric.

Air cloud - the pillow will give the baby a calm and carefree sleep

We offer to sew a decorative pillow and a master class on sewing it using an old sweater.

We proceed to the preparatory stage:

  • Choose a sweater or sweatshirt made of cotton. You can similarly use an old T-shirt, as well as any other wardrobe item. Avoid clothes with a high content of acrylic, products with a high content of synthetics may be unsafe for children. As for the shade, for kids, as we remember, bright, positive colors are optimal. There is a strict ban on gloomy, acidic or "poisonous" shades!
  • Beautiful decorative pillows are recommended to be filled with sintepuh or holofiber. These are the safest, hypoallergenic fillers, they are easily erased, and when dried, they restore their original shape.
  • You will need a machine, a needle, threads to match. It is better to take acrylic threads, they are the most durable, pliable, smoothly glide under the foot of the sewing machine.
  • Pattern. For happy owners of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to draw a blank with your own hands. For the rest of the needlewomen, ready-made stencils are offered.

The pattern can be drawn on plain paper

The preparatory phase has been completed.Now, armed with an arsenal of necessary tools and materials, you can start making a textile masterpiece for the children's room:

  • We turn the sweater inside out, attach a pattern to it with pins, carefully circle it with chalk or a bar of soap. We cut out according to the pattern, making an allowance for seams about 1-2 centimeters wide.
  • We grind the seams along the contour, leaving a small hole for laying the filler.
  • We turn the workpiece inside out, fill it tightly with synthetic fluff or holofiber. To make the synthetic filler stuff more densely, you can use a sushi stick, gently moving it inside. Sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

Beautiful, soft, unusual shape and the idea is ready. You can decorate the cloud by adding an appliqué, multi-colored buttons, sparkling beads.

We sew a cloud with legs

soft letters

Decorative pillows in the form of letters are a new fashion trend in room decoration. From soft colored elements, you can write not only names, but also entire phrases right on the sofa. If two babies live in the nursery, you can use these accessories to personalize the crib or chair.

Such soft letters can serve as both a decoration for a holiday and a pillow for your baby.

Making a soft letter is easy:

  • Prepare a template on paper. You can draw a letter by hand or use a stencil by printing it on A4.
  • Let's transfer our pattern to the fabric. If you are sewing the same material for the front and back, then fold the fabric in half face down, and simply circle the pattern.

If different fabrics are used for the letter, we make sure that the blanks do not “mirror”. The front part is transferred to the front part, and the back part is wrong side up.

  • To make the product voluminous, we will prepare the sidewall separately. This is a strip of fabric in a contrasting shade, it is calculated by the formula: the length along the perimeter of the letter, plus a couple of centimeters - this is the allowance for the seams.
  • First we sew one blank with the sidewall, then we sew the rest. Don't forget to leave a small hole.
  • We fill it with sintepuh or holofiber, sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

In a similar way, you can make any soft letters, making up names and unusual inscriptions.

Master class on sewing pillow letters

We decorate the living room

It is difficult to imagine a cozy family living room without sofa cushions.

The stores offer textile products for every taste, but truly original, unusual and stylish products are those that are sewn by hand. Hand made home decorations are a special category of goods that are always valued more. The author's idea, high-quality materials, handmade - all this brings a special touch to the design, making the living room truly stylish and exclusive.

Interior in the living room: decorative pillows

We offer some interesting and simple ideas on how to sew a pillow on a sofa with your own hands.

Bulk flower on the sofa

Volumetric textiles in the interior give it a special character. Depending on a particular shape, color scheme and texture, you can emphasize the design style. A flower in the form of a bright pillow blooming on a sofa or sofa is not only fashionable, but also comfortable.

This pillow is very similar to a real rose.

Let's get to work:

  1. Prepare ten patches. Of these, five are fabrics of the same color, and five more are with a bright print.
  2. We cut out the petals from the patches, all of the same size and shape. For convenience, you can prepare a pattern on a sheet of cardboard and transfer it to the fabric.
  3. Sew the petals together. In this case, we take one piece of plain fabric, stitching it with a printed part. Leave a small hole at the bottom of each blank.
  4. Using a sushi stick, fill each petal with filler. It can be a synthetic winterizer, simple cotton wool or holofiber.
  5. We sew up the holes and sew together all the petals.
  6. Fill in the middle. From two blanks-circles, the diameter of which is greater than the center of the flower, we will make a pillow. Sew it to the center on one side.
  7. In order for the flower to have a neat and finished look, we sew a similar middle pillow on the reverse side.

Stylish, elegant and unusual cushion for the sofa is ready.

We sew a rose pillow

Experimenting with the shape and number of petals, colors and fabric texture. You can create whole bouquets of beautiful and delicate flowers to decorate the living room.

Cozy "patchwork"

They have heard about the patchwork style, but not everyone knows how original and comfortable such products are. Stylish, bright, a little provincial, but no less elegant, textile accessory will decorate not only the living room, but also make the bedroom more comfortable. As a rule, such textiles are used to decorate a country house or cottage.

Patchwork pillows

If you want to create an island of silence, tranquility, an atmosphere of light ease in your apartment, then a hand-made patchwork pillow is an indispensable part of the living room interior.

The algorithm of work is the following:

  • Let's prepare several shreds of fabric of different colors. It is best to combine printed and plain details. Also, for work you will need a sewing machine, a large button, strong matching threads and scissors.
  • We cut out several flaps from multi-colored fabric, in our case, the details should have a triangular shape.

When creating a patchwork canvas, it is necessary to fold individual patches before sewing, like a mosaic, so that together they form a single whole.

  • We sew the parts together, alternating plain parts with printed ones. We get two separate canvases - the bottom and top of the pillow.
  • We sew whole parts, leaving a hole for the filler.
  • We lay a synthetic winterizer or holofiber inside, sew up the hole with a hidden seam.
  • We cover the button with fabric to match. We sew with one stitch through the product and sew a button in the middle.

An original, bright and stylish do-it-yourself pillow for the living room or bedroom is ready.

Patchwork pillow

First you need to sew the basic blank:

  • We prepare a pattern on paper in the form of a square or rectangle.
  • Cut out two square pieces, sew three sides.
  • We lay the filler, pushing it tightly inside with a pencil or stick.
  • Sew up the hole with a hidden seam.
  • We sew a pillowcase in the same way; for convenience, you can sew a hidden zipper on the side.
  • cut out many small petals from felt or any dense bright fabric, then sew them in turn in a circle, closing the composition with a button or bead;
  • from dense fabric we cut out multi-colored circles of different diameters, sew or glue them on the front side of the product;
  • cut out a circle from felt and cut it in a spiral, fold it in the form of a rose, glue the edge, sew the decor randomly or in the form of a pattern on the front side of the pillow.

How to sew a patchwork pillow

There are many ideas for a simple but original decor. Feel free to use ready-made creative ideas, endowing them with special features and character.

Even a beginner can sew a beautiful decorative pillow. Having mastered unusual needlework, you will not only exclusively decorate your home, but you will always be “armed” with stylish and sincere gifts for relatives and friends.

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To update the interior of the children's room and make the baby's bed more comfortable, it is enough to decorate it with a couple of decorative pillows. We offer creative mothers to sew them with their own hands, because this is done quickly, simply and on a budget. The main thing here is to come up with an interesting design and choose the right materials.

In this article, we have collected 30 inspiring photo examples of baby pillows for beginners and experienced craftswomen, and also prepared 3 step-by-step DIY sewing workshops:

  1. Pillows-toys in the form of a cloud.
  2. Letter pillows.
  3. Patchwork pillows.
  • Combine different pillows with each other, so the interior will be more fun. The composition can be combined by the shape, color or print of products. When choosing fabrics, it is easiest to focus on the colors and patterns of the wallpaper, as well as on the rest of the textiles in the children's room. For example, pillows can echo curtains, sofa upholstery and, of course, a blanket.
  • Thinking about the style and decor of the future product, consider the style of the interior. If, say, bright toy pillows can be sewn for a modern interior, then products of soothing colors and traditional styles in the form of rollers and pillows with ruffles or tassels are more suitable for a modern interior, as in the photo below.

  • For sewing baby pillows, it is advisable to use natural and dense fabrics (linen, cotton), which are much easier to wash, say, felt, and look much more beautiful than synthetics like fleece.
  • Before sewing, the fabric should be washed and ironed, then you will sew already taking into account the shrinkage of the material.
  • It's clear that baby pillows need to be washed frequently, but how do you wash decorative pillows that don't have pillowcases and need to keep their shape at all times? As a filler for children's spy toys and soft sides, we recommend using:
  1. Sintepuh (not to be confused with synthetic winterizer);
  2. Holofiber.

These materials are hypoallergenic, keep their shape well after washing, and they can be washed in a washing machine at low temperature even with a spin cycle. Unfortunately, synthetic winterizer, natural fluff, buckwheat, batting, foam rubber and other fillers do not have such properties.

  • If you want to make a decorative and sleeping pillow at the same time, for example, a cushion or a side for a crib, then it is recommended to sew not just a pillow, but a pillowcase with a pillowcase. After all, removable pillowcases are much easier to wash, besides, by sewing one pillowcase and a pair of matching pillowcases, you can update the interior according to your mood.

Master class number 1: Sweater cloud pillow

As you know, the world of children's interiors has its own trends, and such pillows in the form of clouds are just at the peak of popularity. They are good because they are easy to sew, look cute and are suitable for decorating the room of both a boy and a girl. In this master class, we will tell you how to sew a soft cloud with your own hands from any sweater in a pleasant color.


  1. Sweater (preferably made of polyester, not acrylic. By the way, instead of a sweater, you can take an old cotton sweatshirt, T-shirt, etc.);
  2. Sintepukh;
  3. Sewing accessories;
  4. Sewing machine (if any);
  5. Paper for making patterns.

Step 1. We draw a pattern on paper in the form of a cloud or any other figure that you like.

Step 2. Turn the sweater inside out (!) and attach the resulting template (including the back layer of fabric) to it with pins as shown in the photo. Then we trace the contour of the cloud and begin to cut out blanks with an indent of about 0.7 mm (for allowances).

Step. 3. Now we begin to grind the two parts of the pillow along the previously drawn contour, but be sure to leave about 10 cm unsewn.

Step 4. In the places where the cloud is rounded and in the corners, we make cuts - this will make the shape of the pillow neater and more correct.

Step 5. Turn the pillow inside out and stuff it tightly with filler, helping yourself, for example, with a Chinese stick. Lastly, close the opening with a blind stitch.

Woo-ala! The baby pillow is ready!

Based on this master class, you will be able to sew pillows of various shapes and colors. For example, a cloud may have arms and legs, beady eyes and rosy felt cheeks.

Instead of a cloud, you can sew a star, a raindrop, a moon, a heart or candy. See examples of such pillows in the following selection of photos.

Master class number 2: Pillow-letter

And now we offer to sew another simple, but original letter pillow, which will help to personalize the nursery or bed, if, for example, there are more children.


  1. Textile;
  2. Sintepukh;
  3. Sewing accessories;
  4. Sewing machine.

By combining 3 types of fabric, you can use leftover leftovers and make the pillow design more fun.

Step 1. Select a letter, draw it (or print it in A4 format) and cut it out along the contour.

Step 2. Now we need to cut out two parts of the pillow - front and back.

  • To cut the front of the pillow, you need: on the fabric lying face up, put our template also face up, circle it and then cut out the blank.
  • To cut out the back side of the letter, you need to: do everything the same, but first turn the template upside down, that is, according to the principle of mirror reflection.

Step 3. Now you should prepare the sidewall of the pillow.

  • Its length should be equal to the perimeter of the letter + 2 cm for allowances. You determine the width of the sidewall yourself, for example, it can be 4 cm, then, taking into account the 2 cm allowance for the seams, the width of the workpiece will be 6 cm.

But since you probably won't be able to cut out a single strip of fabric, you will need to cut several strips of the same width and sew them together to end up with one strip of the desired length.

Step 4. Sew the sidewall to the first letter. To do this, we fold them facing each other and begin to grind around the entire perimeter of the workpiece.

  • For convenience, the side strip can be attached with pins.

We repeat the same procedure with the second half of the pillow, but leave a small segment unfinished.

Cute decorative pillow "Cloud" is another highlight of your interior. Also, the pillow can serve as a spectacular accessory for a photo shoot, a decorative element for a romantic evening, a bachelorette party, a children's holiday. Such a pillow can be used as a gift for a loved one or a child - the fact that it is made by hand will add value to it and make it even more beautiful.

To sew a pillow, you need quite a bit:
  • - Pattern in the form of a cloud of the required size;
  • - A piece of fabric of any kind and color;
  • - Filler (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, holofiber, spunbond);
  • - Threads of a suitable color;
  • - Needle;
  • - A set of safety pins for fixing the material;
  • - Fabric chalk or marker;
  • - Scissors.

The small size of the pillow makes it possible to sew it without using a sewing machine quickly and easily.
As a filler, you can use any of the materials listed above, which are most available to you. Even many small patches will do. I had a large piece of spunbond, I used it, cut it into strips. As for patterns, it is better to print a picture of a cloud on two sheets, cutting it in half in a text editor (each half of the picture is on a separate sheet).
So, let's start sewing pillows "Cloud".
1. Cut out all parts of the pattern, lay out on the wrong side of the fabric and circle. Attention! The fabric should be folded in such a way that the bottom of the cloud coincides with the fold line of the fabric: this way you will need to sew much less.

2. Fix the top and bottom layers of fabric with safety pins so that they do not come off so that two layers can be cut at the same time. Cut out the shape of the cloud.

3. Sew both layers from the wrong side, retreating slightly from the contour, leaving a little unsewn space on the edge for filling.

4. Remove the pins, turn the figure out.

5. Stuff the pillow tightly with filler. Sew up the opening for filling with a hidden seam.

Soft and cozy cloud is one of the most pleasant and popular toys for adults and children. Sewing it is very simple, and today we will tell you how to do it. We offer you a pattern, some useful tips and ideas for inspiration.

Such a cloud can be a great gift for parents of a newborn baby. Sew it in pink or blue depending on the gender of the child. You can embroider a name on a cloud, and then the gift will be the best sign of attention. However, adults will also like such a homemade cloud. It is so nice to hug him, and looking at such an accessory is a pleasure. Replacing the usual decorative pillows in the living room with a cozy flock of clouds is a great idea even for a home where there are no kids. Well, if they already exist, it’s definitely worth taking up sewing them.

What will we need?

  • a piece of dense fabric (preferably natural: linen or cotton)
  • pattern
  • stuffing material (if you are making a toy for a child, do not use feather stuffing - it can cause allergies)

How to sew a cloud

Let's do the pattern first. We offer you several options to choose from.

You can print any pattern, although it is not necessary to do this at all, because drawing a cloud is very simple. The size is not important here - choose for yourself. In our case, it is 35 * 27 (to the extreme points).

Cut out two identical pieces of fabric. It is very convenient to do several things at once. We sew on a typewriter from the wrong side, leaving an opening for the eversion.

If you don't have a typewriter, you can do it by hand as well.

Please note that the edge can be additionally worked out from the outside or even finished with a piping.

We just have to decorate our clouds. Eyes can be drawn with an indelible marker. You can attach an application.

Then we simply fill the craft with soft and fluffy fillers (synthetic winterizer, for example) and sew up the hole. You can add small pom-poms, eyelets so that the clouds can be hung up, or legs to seat the toy.

It is probably hard to find a person who does not like such a cute toy. Settle the clouds in your house and admire them. Sew a few pieces if you have children - they will definitely enjoy playing with them.

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Start sewing the pillow by selecting the fabric. She doesn't have to go to the store. Maybe your child has grown, but his coverlet is white or blue? It will fit perfectly. You can create a designer thing from an ordinary white sheet. If you have a piece of pink fur fabric with a small pile, velor, flannel, you will get a soft and pleasant to the touch product.

Take a piece of paper or a piece of cardboard measuring 50x30 cm. Draw a cloud on it with a pencil. Decorate the wavy edge with a cup, glass. Turn these kitchen utensils upside down. The bowl will help to make bulging waves, the glass - concave. In this process, full improvisation is allowed. You can draw the cloud the way you want. Lovers of regular shapes can fold the cardboard in half lengthwise, draw a wavy line on top and sides, cut along the outlined outline. Now the sheet unbends and a symmetrical cloud appears before the eyes.

Cutting, sewing

Fold the fabric in half with right sides facing each other. Attach the finished pattern to the wrong side. Pin it off with fabric pins. Without pressing hard on a simple soft pencil, outline the outlines. Remove the pins and pattern, cut along the pencil lines, leaving 1 cm on all sides for seam allowances.

Overcast the edges with a zigzag or overlock stitch. If the machine has such an operation when you can simultaneously create a seam and overcast it right there, use it. If you have nothing to process the edges with, you don’t want to do this on your hands, it’s okay, you can leave them natural, but you need to sew together 2 halves of the cloud pillow. Remember to leave an open space of 10-15 cm on one of the small sides.

Through it, turn the pillow blank to the front side. This hole will help in filling the product. Put a light synthetic winterizer. It must first be cut into small pieces. Distribute the filler evenly. Take a needle and thread to match, sew a hole in your hands. The cloud pillow is ready.


If you are sewing for a child, you want an appliqué on one side of the product, create it in advance. After you have cut, overcast the edges of the parts, proceed to decorating. The idea for the application will be prompted by a children's picture book. Transfer this design to the fabric.

Attach the appliqué pieces to the fabric of the appropriate color, cut out without seam allowances. Now place them on the right side of one of the parts of the cloud pillow and sew on with an overlock stitch. You can attach a piece of red braid, making a frame of a smiling mouth out of it, stitch it with a regular seam. The blue braid will become the eyes. The cheerful face of the cloud is ready.

If these decoration methods do not suit you, attach the glue application with an iron. Then sew the details of the pillow, leaving a gap, put a light filler through it.

The child will be delighted. On a pillow with his favorite characters, he will fall asleep faster. Yes, and adults will like a convenient thing.
