Modern clairvoyants about the new woman prophet. Modern prophet

How will the Earth die - from internal wars or alien invasions? The prophets of the 21st century have revealed in detail the future of the planet.

Each epoch of the existence of mankind got its own predictors, who tried to convey to mankind God's providence and the meaning of His signs. The prophets of the XX-XXI centuries talk about the essential - fears and problems that are known to everyone today.

1. Giorgio Bongiovanni

In the middle of the 20th century, Giorgio Bongiovanni was born, whom even church leaders call the greatest soothsayer. On April 5, 1989, he met the beautiful maiden Mariam, who informed him that he had been chosen for a great purpose - to carry prophecies to the people. Since then, she periodically appears to him to tell about what cataclysms are prepared for humanity. Bongiovanni's last prediction was:

“I was shown that before the Mother of God pleads for God's help for mankind, one of the countries will use nuclear weapons. Millions and millions will perish, then cataclysms and diseases. And don't be surprised when He comes down not in the clouds, but on a ship that we call UFOs."

2. Matrona of Moscow

The seer, who died in 1952, is considered one of the most revered saints among the Orthodox. Born blind, she devoted her life to serving the faith, using her gift to see the future for the benefit of her followers. All her predictions have always concerned only events that will take place in Russia. She warned all people that terrible sorrows awaited them, in which only prayers would be salvation and consolation.

Matrona spoke about the future:

“I feel sorry for the people who will live to the last days. The time will be terrible and terrible. The day will come when a piece of bread and a cross will be placed in front of a person and forced to make a choice. But only people who believe with all their hearts will find a way out and choose their own special and third path.”

3. Nikolai Kondratiev

The prominent economist Nikolai Kondratiev, who fell under repression in 1932, created the “long economic wave theory”, proving that ups and downs in the economy repeat every 48-55 years. With its help, he could calculate the frequency of not only crises, but also wars, revolutions - so his predictions would have a scientific basis. For example, the Great Depression in the United States and the current aggravation of relations between this country and Russia fell under the laws he worked out. Nobody wanted to listen to the scientist: only now his theory has become in demand.

4. Wolf Messing

Messing was not only a talented hypnotist: he knew how to look into the future, naming the details of upcoming events during his sessions. Einstein himself worked on an attempt to explain the phenomenon of his capabilities, but he did not succeed. Wolf's most famous prophecy remains the promise of the success of the Soviet army and the death of Hitler:

"The tyrant will die if he attacks the Soviet Union and after his death, Russian tanks will drive around Berlin."

Before his death, Messing uttered his most mysterious prediction, he said:

"Humanity should not try to know the future, otherwise it will be destroyed."

5. Ray Bradbury

The science fiction classic lived from 1920 to 2012, but he foresaw the emergence of many modern gadgets in the last century. For example, the 1953 book Fahrenheit 451 describes the modern smart home, plasma TV, wireless headphones, satellite TV, and outdoor security cameras. Ray seemed to know in advance how they would look and function. Another forecast of the writer is waiting for its implementation - the colonization of Mars by people who are already preparing the ship for a trip to the red planet.

6. Wernher von Braun

The legendary "Doctor Evil" of the Third Reich and the creator of NASA was able to build the most daring assumptions about the future based on his own intuition and scientific data. He was neither a shaman nor a psychic, but a few years before World War II he said:

"There will be a war - first against communism, then the fight against terrorism."

Werner was sure that the political system of no major country could exist if there was no "image of an external enemy." When humanity reaches a high level of technology, that will be the fight against other civilizations and the invasion of aliens.

7. Paisius Svyatogorets

The Greek elder monk who died in 1994 predicted a conflict between Turkey and Russia 25 years ago. Paisios said:

“After this conflict, the Turks will carry a funeral kutya in their belt.”

This can only be interpreted as a mortal danger to the Ottoman people. When Russia nevertheless decides to go to war against the enemy, the Orthodox homeland of the Svyatogorets will help her. The outcome of the hostilities will be as follows:

“Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to her. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found.”

8. Kotamraju Narayana Rao

The 85-year-old astrologer from India is so popular that people from all over the world come to attend his training or a session of predictions about the future. Kotamraju Narayana Rao was able to see the American invasion of Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the collapse of the USSR. One of the most shocking predictions was the promise to see the Nepalese monarchy fall. In 2008, Nepal became a republic, and indeed there was no trace of the monarchy.

9. Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov

Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Lavrentiy Chernigovsky left predictions “about the last times”, telling what the last days of mankind will be like. Shortly before his death, the elder said:

“The time will come when they will fight and fight and a world war will begin. And in the midst of it they will say: let's elect ourselves one king for the whole universe. And they will choose! Antichrist will be elected as the world king and the main "peacemaker" on earth. We must listen carefully, we must be careful! As soon as they vote for one in the whole world, know that this is already him and that you can’t vote.”

10. Samuel Huntington

In 2008, the prophet who predicted US attempts to seize world domination and war in the Donbass died. Samuel said:

“Then there will be serious military conflicts in the Caucasus and Kashmir, which will be the first among the global disagreements of different civilizations.”

Due to the difficult situation in the world and the uncertainty of experts about the future, more and more people are beginning to be interested in the prophecies of famous psychics.

Not surprising, because many of them managed to predict large-scale events that no one could have predicted. was described in the prophecies of both modern psychics and those who lived a long time ago.

This suggests one thing: the coming year will be difficult and at the same time significant in the entire history of the world. Let's take a look at the predictions of the most famous psychics regarding this period.

Vanga's predictions for 2019

It is during these years that the fate of mankind must be decided. Perhaps the crisis that has befallen our world now is the starting point for great changes in the future.

After passing through this most difficult stage, the situation should even out. We will get a fundamentally new structure of the whole society, in which everyone will have the opportunity to live in peace and prosperity.

The collapse of outdated political systems is expected and the emergence of new ones, with the help of which an ideal society will be built.

2019 will be one of the decisive years in the current crisis. It is likely that the events that will take place at this time will be the basis for fundamental changes throughout the world.

In particular, Vanga predicted some shocks in the year of the Yellow Pig. This may mean that the crisis situation will reach its climax, and then begin to level off.

They testify that the risk of various cataclysms is high. According to her, this should be regarded as a negative reaction of the planet to the actions of mankind.

Nostradamus forecast for 2019

Michel Nostradamus prophesies a rather difficult and dangerous future for humanity. Based on his predictions, serious problems on a global scale are about to begin. Their beginning should be the birth of a child with an incredibly disgusting appearance.

After that, you should prepare for war - hundreds of thousands will die due to the conflict in the East of the planet. Starting with the Jews, the bloody war will affect everyone.

Researchers interpret this as a prediction of the start of World War III. In its course, chemical weapons can be used, which can destroy a third of the entire population of the Earth.

Nostradamus also warns of large-scale cataclysms all over the planet. The United States will be subject to the strongest hurricane, which will pass throughout the state. Russia will suffer from forest fires: it will take months to fight them.

Europe will be flooded with heavy rains that will trigger flooding. The flood will be of such force that it will bury several states under itself and destroy a huge number of people.

Michel Nostradamus also noted that it is likely that the beginning of the development of the ocean floor for life in 2019. Subsequently, entire cities will be built at the bottom. In light of the predictions of impending cataclysms, this may be the only shelter.

Predictions of other psychics

Soothsayer Juna gave a fairly positive forecast for 2019. The number of cataclysms will not increase. Russia will be able to fully recover from the economic crisis and move on to prosperity.

The prophecies of Vera Lyon are extremely negative. First, the number of cataclysms and the danger of global warming will increase many times over. Secondly, humanity may face new diseases. Massive attacks and murders will take place. Japan and the Philippines are at risk of being flooded.

Casey predicts major changes in the global climate. Due to the unpreparedness of mankind for such processes, numerous catastrophes will follow, which will be very difficult to overcome.

What awaits Russia in 2019?

The researchers found that Nostradamus sees Russia in 2019 as a state that will resolve world conflicts.

It is thanks to Russia that the fate of many large states will be decided. The prophet also points to the underestimation of Siberia by contemporaries: according to him, this region will become central to the whole world.

According to Vanga, Russia should expect the role of a country that will shelter refugees from all over the world. But people will not be saved from political repression. The ongoing catastrophes will cause the destruction of most of the land on the planet.

As a result, they become uninhabitable. The survivors will go to look for new housing in the vastness of Russia. Vanga also prophesied a new leader of the country, who would appear in 2019. With him, citizens can safely expect prosperity and well-being.

The predictions of the Matrona of Moscow are not at all rosy. For 2019, she predicts the actual impoverishment of the inhabitants of Russia. Such an outcome is quite likely, when the townspeople will abandon their homes and go to live in villages, where they will be able to feed themselves.

The prophet Abel is famous for his truthfulness: he predicted the death of tsars, the 1917 revolution and Soviet repressions. He died about two centuries ago, but left predictions for our time.

His prophecy for 2019 partially coincides with Vanga's forecast - Abel believed that this year the country would receive a strong leader who would lead the state to prosperity.

Psychics do not agree on what awaits the world community and Russia in particular in 2019. Many people predicted serious cataclysms, but still there is no unity even in this matter.

It is clear from the prophecies that a difficult year awaits us, but it is hardly worth preparing for the worst, because none of the psychics can give a 100% guarantee regarding their forecast.

Forecasts about the future of Russia are also radically different. All that remains for us is to believe in the best and do everything to ensure that it comes as soon as possible.

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Attempts to look into the future, to find out what awaits a person, a country, the world as a whole, were made by people at different times. Now it is impossible to call it simple curiosity. Thus, predictions for 2019 for Russians have become a justified necessity, a need that allows one to foresee the main impending dangers, possible risks, etc.

As you know, who is warned - he is armed. Of course, it will not work to avoid large-scale catastrophes, to foresee and prevent all possible dangers, financial crises and wars. But to prepare for such phenomena, to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, means minimizing the consequences. That is why, more and more Russians are eager to find out what awaits Russia in 2019. To this end, they turn to a variety of sources, use information from soothsayers, elders, famous religious and other figures.

Consider briefly information from various sources and try to analyze it.

Pavel Globa about Russia in 2019

A certain amount of optimism is inspired by the predictions of Pavel Globa. According to the psychic, next year there will be no negative events, the life of our compatriots will gradually improve. At the same time, the widening gap between the rich and the poor may become a ticking time bomb that can destroy all the achievements (and there are many) of recent years. The unpopular measures that the Government continues to take will lead to a decrease in the business activity of a certain part of the country's citizens, a decrease in income due to ongoing inflation, will increasingly affect the standard of living, especially of ordinary people.

You should pay attention to the predictions about Putin for 2019 made by a Russian astrologer. Most likely, the President may begin to show certain health problems. Deterioration of health, manifesting diseases and, as a result, a decrease in attention to domestic political and economic issues, will lead to an aggravation of the domestic political struggle for power. In 2019, this moment will only begin to gradually manifest itself.

In the foreign policy arena, the country will continue to pursue an active policy. At the same time, there are all prerequisites to minimize human and military losses in two conflicts (Syria and Ukraine), where the Russian Federation is directly or indirectly involved.

The general opinion of Pavel Globa about Russia 2019 is moderate optimism.

Vanga's predictions

This seer has long been gone, but her predictions and prophecies continue to come true with enviable constancy and a huge degree of accuracy. What awaits Russia in 2019, according to Baba Vanga? The seer advises to pay special attention to increasing natural disasters. Climate change is likely to affect crop yields in the country, which will immediately affect the economy, inflation and a decrease in the standard of living of citizens. Unfortunately, literally Vanga's predictions for Russia in 2019 are interpreted differently by various sources. There is even an opinion that a new war may be unleashed in the autumn, in which our country will be indirectly or directly involved. At the same time, if we manage to avoid the negative development of the scenario, we can count on normal, consistent economic development.

Russia in 2019 according to the strongest participants in the battle of psychics

The opinions of psychics on the successful development of the country were divided. Some predictions for 2019 for Russia look quite attractive, others are very pessimistic. One of the most authoritative participants in the project, Natalya Vortnikova, predicts a minor crisis in the country, but claims that especially serious consequences can be avoided. Other predictions from participants in the battle of psychics indicate the main directions where any negative consequences can be expected:

  • the ongoing war in Syria;
  • unlifted sanctions in the Russian Federation;
  • natural disasters;
  • man-made accidents are possible, etc.

Nevertheless, in general, psychics believe that an extremely negative scenario (rising prices, inflation, increasing unemployment, etc.) can be avoided.

Let's look deep into history

To complete the picture, it is important to know the predictions of the elders.

The opinion of one of the most authoritative predictors, Elder Paisius, unfortunately, does not inspire optimism. He predicts that another military conflict will be unleashed with the participation of Russia in 2019. Perhaps, thanks to the wisdom and pliability of politicians, it will be possible to delay it, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely prevent it. The predictions of other elders in this matter coincide - most likely a full-scale world war cannot be avoided. Only the year of its beginning will have to be specified.

Predictions of the Matrona of Moscow

This saint is considered the patroness of the common people, their protector and benefactor. That is why the overwhelming majority of our compatriots listen especially carefully to everything that the Matrona of Moscow says. The clairvoyant believed that with the emerging general economic recovery, it would not be possible to avoid difficult times in Russia in 2019. The authorities will finally turn their course towards the development of economically beneficial relations in the East, with China, India, and partially with Japan. Expectations of restoration of ties in the West will not be crowned with success.

The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce

The restored documents, which were compiled by the prophet in the 30s of the XIX century, indicate the approach of terrible man-made disasters. Most likely, according to Edgar Cayce, it will be a flood that can wipe out billions of people from the face of the earth. The predictor points to the disappearance of many countries in the depths of the sea, they will completely cease to exist, for example, the Maldives, the Netherlands, only a small island will remain of Australia. For Russia, the consequences will also be severe.

Nostradamus - time-tested predictions

The most optimistic for Russia are precisely the predictions of Nostradamus. The soothsayer believes that it is in 2019 that the world center will begin to shift towards Siberia. On the one hand, this will be due to the deterioration of living standards, climatic cataclysms in Eastern and Western Europe. Many professional scientists, specialists in various innovative industries will move to the very heart of Russia. With their help, the revival of the country will begin. On the other hand, the strengthening of economic ties with the East is a chance for Russia to prosper.

From astrologers

The predictions of astrologers for 2018 were that by 2019 the crisis cycle that began almost 40 years ago will approach. And the new cycle promises development and prosperity from 2019-2020. The prediction for Russia literally sounded like this: "Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way." The ongoing floods, volcanic eruptions, fires will have little effect on the Russian Federation and practically will not affect Siberia. The coming year is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This peaceful animal does not like conflicts and quarrels and, according to astrology, the enemies and enemies of the Russian Federation will reconsider their attitude towards Russia. It is written above that Vanga gave a similar prediction regarding Ukraine.

Russia is waiting for a bright future, strengthening its authority and power on the world stage, according to Svetlana Dragan's forecasts. The predictions are not limited to this. Many allies will appear around Russia, countries with which Russia will maintain good relations. There may also be a need to demonstrate their military might to other states. First of all, the USA.

Maria Duval

Many visionaries spoke about what awaits us in 2019 several decades ago. Maria Duval's prediction promised the development of Russia in economic terms, in contrast to impoverished Europe. Russia will become a superpower and will dictate its laws to other states. In addition to economic and political development, a cultural revolution is also predicted. Citizens of Russia will become more developed spiritually, their moral qualities will improve.


Paracelsus' prediction said that a tangible part of the Russian population was Hyperboreans, or Aryans. These are the representatives of the progenitors of all peoples that now exist. They were destined to go through trials of disasters and wars. However, this only hardened their character more and their spiritual revival will begin, which will help Russia begin its path to the title of supreme world power next year.

Predictions for Ukraine for 2019

Astrologer Pavel Globa predicts the entry of Ukraine in its changed borders into the Eastern European Union, which will be led by the Russian Federation. Ross prophesied the end of military conflicts in the country. The Crimean peninsula will return to Ukraine at the request of the Crimeans themselves. But it will happen in 15 years. The war in Donbass will not end this year.

The predictions of psychics do not have scientific justification, however, most of them come true. Believe it or not, it's up to each person. The coming year will make it clear who really made the right predictions and who was wrong.

Prophecy video:

In the middle of the 20th century, a broad anti-religious campaign was launched in the USSR, as a result of which shamanism was almost completely destroyed. Shamans were confiscated ritual accessories, forbidden to perform kamlat, exiled and imprisoned in camps, some were eliminated physically.

Only recently, shamanism began to revive, and quite successfully - according to the ethno-cultural festival "Erdyn Games", today more than a thousand shamans practice in Russia, which is many times more than in any other country.


Shamanism today is much younger, experts say.

If earlier “communicate with spirits” could mainly be long-lived old people who spent many years alone with nature, today the average age of shamans is 25-30 years, but this does not affect their trust in any way.

Moreover, if earlier shamans accepted far from everyone, often even those who came were turned away from the gate, today their activity is set on a commercial footing, they willingly call on spirits and beat a tambourine in order to cure illnesses for money, look into the past or into the future. And - as some experts assure - their predictions are surprisingly accurate, and therefore there are more and more people who want to communicate with shamans every day.

“During the summer of 2015, we sent almost 8 thousand people on excursion tours to shamans,” says Yevgeny Aigistov, a representative of the Pioneer Tour company. - Specially designed programs for different budgets. You can go to the "expensive" Khanty-Mansiysk shamans in Ugra, there are few of them, but each session is like a mini-performance; you can go to the republics of Buryatia or Tuva, where shamanism is recognized as a national religion, shamanic societies have been created there, public shamanic sessions are held, Every second person has the gift of communicating with spirits, and therefore the services are relatively cheap. Separate prices are for tours to shamans in Peru, Ecuador and Mexico, they are ready to guess “for food”, but the flight itself is expensive.”

What is the secret of the success of shamans? Why do they attract thousands of people so much and how accurate are their prophecies? Let's try to figure it out.


Shamanism researchers like to quote “grandfather Savey” – that was the name of Semyon Vasiliev, one of the most famous shamans of Yakutia, who died in 2013. “Less than a year after my death, a war will start in Ukraine, many civilians will die,” he said. —

In two - Europe will shudder from the invasion of refugees, so many of them will take to the streets that there will be nowhere for a car to pass. In 40 years there will be a strong earthquake in Europe, many people will die. And America will be flooded almost completely by 2050.

Shaman Savey

As we can see, the prophecies about Ukraine and Europe came true, and this is not a falsification - they were recorded on videotape many years ago. This suggests that other terrible prophecies may come true.

“Grandfather Savey” also spoke about other mysterious things.

“Aliens wanted to bomb Russia, but changed their minds, so nothing will happen to our country,” he said. - Aliens fly around us, fly every night, just not everyone sees them. Their invasion of Earth happened many years ago, the purpose of staying with us is to study and observe humanity. At the same time, only a select few can see representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, they are hidden from ordinary eyes.

After the death of Vasiliev, many of his students began to say that they had learned to get in touch with his soul and now he helps them predict the future. So, the shaman Fedot became a real star in Yakutia, when, on the eve of 2015, in a news release on local TV, he said that we were in for a difficult year.

"Before the end of winter, death will come for a well-known politician, he will not die a natural death, and the killers will not be found." - only after the murder of Boris Nemtsov in February 2015 did everyone understand who the shaman had in mind.

“Food will be buried in the ground, a lot of poisoned products will be sent from the West” - the prophecy accurately describes the scene of the destruction of tons of sanctioned products that were illegally imported into Russia, and then crushed by tractor tracks and buried in the ground.

And Fedot's predictions for 2016 just get scary. What he meant is still anyone's guess. And hope everything works out.

“People will be covered by a black cuttlefish, crushed, hundreds of victims”; “Water problems in Africa and Europe. In the first case, there is nowhere for moisture to come from, in the other case, poisoning, you can’t drink”; "In the summer - a global failure of technology, a step back in the development of civilization."


Shaman Karagay is the only official representative of the Supreme Shaman of Tuva, he is known for being active on the Internet, he has his own website, on the pages of which he posts prophecies from time to time.

Some time ago, Karagay warned that 2015 and 2016 would be a time of trials for Russia, but the country could easily withstand them. “Russia is a powerful country! No wonder it is kept by the spirit of the bear, and he is the most powerful and ancient spirit! Everything will be fine, but not immediately. There will be a series of layoffs in power, many heads will fly, someone will go to jail. The ruble will do indecency, causing tears in people. But all these are trifles compared to the fact that there will be no war, Russia will not be drawn in, despite the fact that many people want this.”

Shaman Karagay

By the way, recently Karagay was a guest of the editorial office of a well-known metropolitan newspaper. During the interview, the shaman was asked if he could disperse the clouds. He replied that it was very simple, went out to the roof of the editorial office - the rain stopped.

Speaking about this miracle, Karagay told reporters that a drought or very heavy rain is always "heavenly sanctions." If somewhere there has been no rain for a long time, God lets know that there is a drought in human souls, and wants us to shed tears and repent. If the rain, on the contrary, is strong, floods everything around, he wants to wash away someone's sins.

Shaman Akim Buyan from Kyzyl is famous for the fact that he subdues not rain, but lightning. According to legend, in childhood, Akim was struck by lightning, and he began to hear the voices of spirits, after which he became an apprentice to an elder shaman from the Black Wolves clan.

“Lightning never kills,” says the shaman. - She either endows a person with a gift, because of which many become clairvoyant or possess some kind of ability, or takes the soul to heaven in order to elevate it to the rank of saints. For those who were killed by lightning, you need to pray, address them like gods, they hear and will always help.

Akim Buyan's predictions about the future are also associated with lightning.

“In 2018, before the eyes of thousands of people, the Thunderer will take away a world-famous person,” he promises, explaining that a certain celebrity (politician or show business star) will be killed by a lightning strike right during a speech in public, in front of the crowd.

“In the next 10 years, NASA will discover the possibility of using lightning for space purposes, and Nikola Tesla’s secret developments that were previously considered lost will be published,” Buyan promises.


Another world-famous shaman is Elvil, a resident of the Kola Peninsula, who is also a researcher and author of books on the culture, history, and traditions of shamanism. In July 2002, he had a vision of a north-facing giant with one foot in Europe and the other in Asia.

The giant accepted the cup of water that he received from heaven. Water begins to pour out of this bowl, its streams connect with the rivers of Europe and Asia. The water starts to rise quickly. Soon the rivers burst their banks, the flood begins. Many people do not have time to escape. During the rescue of property, people miss the phrase coming from the sky: “The warning has come true!”

And here is what Elvil predicts for the near future.

“The formation of a union of Slavic states with its further disintegration. An epidemic of new deadly killer viruses obtained by mutation. The appearance of artificial man - until 2020. Finding new forms of life on Earth. A significant increase in life expectancy and a catastrophic decrease in the birth rate.

By the way, the last prophecy is confirmed by the Chukchi shaman Kochap Tykentekiev: “In the next decade, the secret of longevity will be discovered, and in the next quarter of a century, living up to a hundred years will become the norm. The fall in the birth rate - in all countries, people will not be able to give birth - they will really want children, but they will not be able, perhaps this is even a planned experiment of the special services, which we will not know about right away.


Krasnoyarsk enthusiast-researcher Stepan Markov, who has been collecting predictions of shamans of Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia for more than 20 years, compiled a chronological sequence of coinciding prophecies 15 years ago.

According to it, up to 2035, at least one and a half thousand natural disasters will occur on the Eurasian continent, as well as in the waters surrounding this vast territory. Of these, the most destructive will be earthquakes with an epicenter in Northern Mongolia, around 2015, in 2022 - at the southern tip of the Kuril ridge, in 2030 - in the Philippines.

Tremors will cause powerful tsunamis, which will hit the islands of Taiwan, Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Due to the underground impacts of the elements in Northern Mongolia, the relief of the Sayan Mountains and the outlines of Lake Baikal will change significantly. By the way, Baikal itself will become smaller, and by 2040 only memories will remain of the former legendary lake.

By the same year, we should expect a significant drop in temperature not only in Eurasia, but throughout the planet. During this period, the so-called ice age is most likely to come, from which the southwestern regions of Europe and Africa will suffer the most, where the population will die out almost completely. Globally, by 2050, the human population will decrease by 1.5 billion people.

However, after 2050, the temperature on the planet will begin to rise. But this will not bring the long-awaited prosperity. The perennial droughts that have begun will lead to mass starvation. The area of ​​deserts on the planet will more than quadruple.

The dry and hot period on Earth can drag on for more than a century and a half, which will also lead to a significant reduction in the number of people. And only starting from the year 2200, the human race, which has changed externally and internally, will enter into a long period of prosperity.

Local residents call those who work with tourists, participate in television programs, never contact them, and even more so do not believe their prophecies.

Consider the predictions for 2018 for Russia from the strongest psychics. The year is coming to an end, so we may well evaluate the reliability of the forecasts of clairvoyants, magicians and mediums.

Most of the predictions about what awaits us in 2018 relate to the economic situation in the country. Psychic Litvin prophesied the following:

  • Sanctions from America and the European Union will seriously affect the standard of living of Russian citizens. Many people will find themselves in a financial dead end. To solve the situation, the people need to unite and act together.
  • It is very important that people pay great attention to spiritual values. Only then will the country be able to get out of the crisis and overcome all hardships. Lytvyn believes that propaganda should be started in the media.
  • Lytvyn also prophesies a reshuffle in the government. Many politicians will lose their positions, wise and strong people will come to their place who will help the country restore a stable economic situation.

The psychic also predicts a decrease in the level of corruption. This will also affect the economic environment in a favorable way.

Alexander Sheps

The most prominent participant in the "Battle of Psychics" won authority among people. His predictions almost always came true, so you should listen to them.

The gloomy image of Sheps also affects his prophecies. He gave not the most favorable forecast for Russia:

  1. Sheps believes that the future of the country will not be easy. The crisis will continue for several more years. Prices will rise, the population will suffer from the increase in taxes. The average income will decrease, there is no need to talk about economic stability.
  2. Because of the plight, sooner or later people will rebel. A wave of rallies will take place across the country. Thus, citizens will desperately try to get the attention of the government. Even military conflicts are possible.
  3. The Russian ruble will continue to fall rapidly, because of this, people will prefer to keep their savings in foreign currency.
  4. It will be extremely difficult to recover from the economic crisis, so the favorable period for the country will not begin soon.
  5. But not everything is so sad: over time, the unemployment rate will decrease, Russian specialists will become in demand in international companies.
  6. Production will develop. Due to economic sanctions in Russia, they will create their own high-quality analogue products, which will provide the population with new jobs.
  7. This is a good time for small businesses.

It is hoped that the crisis will end quickly, you just need to be patient a little, and the economic situation will stabilize.

Fatima Khadueva

This clairvoyant sees the future of the country in pink. She predicts well-being and prosperity that will come after 2018. Russia will withstand the attacks of the West and enter the path of economic recovery.

Agriculture will develop, which will also have a good effect on the country's economy. Medicine will also rise, patient care in clinics will be of better quality.

Tamara Globa

According to the astrologer, a favorable period awaits Russia, which will replace the economic crisis. Globa believes that the current situation will stabilize and the country will take the first step towards prosperity.

Here are some more predictions:

  1. The year following 2018 is the beginning of a new era. People will begin to pay more attention to the development of morality and spirituality. At this time, a new religion will begin to emerge, which will be the main one in a few decades.
  2. There may be aggressive actions on the part of other states. Russian territories are very attractive and abundant, so they will try to win them back in every possible way. But Russia will stand and will not share.
  3. Globa's opinion is this: the citizens of the country must unite, because by common efforts we can turn Russia into a superpower, an abundant and prosperous state that the whole world respects.

Watch the prediction video:

Pavel Globa

Tamara's husband shares her views on the future of Russia in the near future. But there are some discrepancies in the forecasts:

  1. claims that Russia will help provoke the outbreak of the Third World War. But conflict can be avoided: it all depends on how wise the government will act.
  2. The state has every chance to become truly powerful, to reach the stage of incredible prosperity. The economic recovery will be especially noticeable against the backdrop of the problems of European countries.


Wolf Messing does not promise anything good. He believes that in the near future Russia will be covered by a wave of natural disasters, as a result of which many people will suffer.

Messing also believed that Siberia would suffer from a major flood in 2018. The population will have to save themselves by moving to cities in another part of the country.

Matrona of Moscow

The saint prophesies serious trials for Russia in 2018. What exactly will happen, the researchers failed to explain. There are opinions that Matrona spoke about the end of the world, the apocalypse.

Other sources indicate that it was about the loss of morality and the contempt of moral standards. People will become more angry, hardened, "brother will fight brother." All this can lead to the coming of the Antichrist to the earth.
