Dream interpretation bear dead. Why do bears dream of a woman: basic interpretations of sleep

Bear- means a powerful and evil enemy. This is especially true in the business world.

Kill a bear in a dream- in reality you will be the winner.

In some dream books, the figure of a bear- interpreted as a future groom.

Seeing a bear in a dream- means that one must be wary of the enemy of the rich, powerful, brave, cruel, but not dexterous enough.

If in a dream a bear attacked you- this means that you will be persecuted, from which you will leave, contrary to any expectation.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hunt a bear in a dream- you seek the location of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave too aggressively and persistently, moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.

run away from bear- you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although not safe.

Fight in a dream with a bear- you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners.

Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream- you experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which you find it difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and who can dispel your fears.

Ukrainian dream book

see a bear- win; fall into his clutches- high costs, loss of property; see the bear dancing- get the desired loan; hunt a bear- beware of danger; bear skin- wealth .

Dream of a white polar bear- you are loved.

eat bear meat- wedding in the family.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bear- you will see an important person, health, the husband will return, wait for the matchmakers, overcome the enemy, the gain / illness is serious, the network will catch on a snag, a cunning enemy; dancing- get money; black- disease; grabs and knocks down a person- disease in different stages of development, large losses; chased but did not catch up- the disease only threatens; strikes and looks away- it will be a miracle / the death of a relative; hunt him- danger; eat his meat- property of the enemy to receive, wedding in relatives; skin- wealth; drink bear milk- fear .

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See a bear for a girl- to marriage / friendship with a rude and ignorant person.

Falling bear- a clear and strong enemy.

Lair to see him- trouble.

Kill the bear- damage to the enemy.

His meat is- take advantage of the property of the enemy.

Drink bear milk- trouble / humiliating mercy from the enemy / you will be reproached with bread.

Run from the bear- get married / be pursued by enemies.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Bear- a huge hidden power.

If you kill a bear- you will triumph over insurmountable circumstances.

If a bear grabs you- you will have problems in business and you will have to deal with unpleasant people.

If a bear gets caught in your trap or you kill him- You will gain honor and respect.

Modern universal dream book

Seeing a bear in a dream- a sign that you should slow down, reflect, wait until the right time for action comes. In today's world, it's hard to sit idly by. There is always a danger that we will miss a good opportunity.

Is the bear in your dream aggressive or playful? If he is aggressive- perhaps he personifies some threat you perceive: for example, perhaps you have a feeling that someone is encroaching on your territory or the territory of people close to you?

If the bear is playful and calm- this suggests that at the present moment of life you are the full master of the situation and keep everything under control.

Bear in hibernation Associated with expectation and patience.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bear- new friend, friendship; groom; profitable proposition .

Bear- maternal feelings in a difficult situation; help .

White bear- happy marriage; polar bear- good help in a repeated situation.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Bear- profit; kill him- victory over the enemy.

Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Bear- a symbol of evil, cruelty and rudeness; also the phrase "sharing the skin of the unkilled ...". Pretend to be dead in a dream so that the bear does not eat you, a sign of danger from which there is a way out.

Mythological dream book

Bear (as a fabulous, wonderful creature)- helper, friend, friendship, support; wedding, win.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The bear may also- personify the feminine, maternal aspect of strength and power. Few animals can symbolize such aggressive power as a mother bear when her cubs are in danger. Is there something in your life that you should defend so fiercely?

Many Indians consider the bear- the totem (or sign) of the healer. We all have healing abilities.

The bear may be a sign- it's time to use them to the fullest.

In Western cultures, the bear- associated with the image of a plush toy, soft and cute. This may be a sign to become kind, gentle and return to the simple joys of life.

General dream book

The bear you dreamed about- means that all your rivals have become more active and dream of depriving you of the palm.

Kill a bear in a dream- heralds a brilliant way out of all their indigestible and predicaments.

If you saw in a dream that someone close to you killed a bear- this means that in the very near future he will be freed from some extremely burdensome problems.

A young woman who dreamed of a bear- a dangerous rival may appear or some kind of failure may occur in a relationship with a young man of interest to her.

Women's dream book

Bear- is a sign of insurmountable rivalry in a variety of cases.

If a young woman sees a bear in a dream- this portends her failure or the appearance of a dangerous rival.

Kill the bear

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Bear in a dream- means that you will get close to a person who will soon show himself of the worst side. Meet in the forest one on one with a bear- repent of a stupid act committed out of a sense of revenge.

See a bear performing in a circus- portends a win in a game or lottery. Bear in a menagerie cage- means that you will incur large losses from an unsuccessful financial transaction.

See a polar bear at the zoo- portends the matchmaking of a worthy and rich person, but outwardly unattractive and unpleasant to you. Seeing a Himalayan bear in a dream- is a sign of irresistible rivalry. plush toy bear- to deceit, to which you succumb with haste unusual for you.

Hunt a bear in a dream- a warning about the danger awaiting you. Kill the bear- portends a way out of a predicament. See a bear tied on a chain- says that you will have a rival in love, because of which your plans will be destroyed.

There is a bear in a dream- means that you will soon be invited to a wedding to good friends. Drink bear milk- portends an extreme danger that will be difficult to avoid. bear fat- to unexpected money.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dreaming polar bear- prediction of deceit. You are threatened with failure, crept under the guise of apparent well-being. Your sworn enemies will hide behind a mask of sincere friendliness. Opponents will try to push you back.

Seeing the skin of a polar bear in a dream- a sign that you will successfully defeat all your enemies.

New family dream book

Bear dreams- to irresistible rivalry in a variety of cases.

The one who killed the bear in a dream- find a way out of a difficult situation.

A young woman who saw a bear in her dream- a dangerous rival will appear.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Bear- you have strong opponents.

If a bear (or bears) attacked a woman- she dreams of a sexual relationship with a temperamental man.

If the bear(s) attacked the man- he may have various complications due to his many love affairs: from impotence to massacre.

If you met a bear in a raspberry bush- you have your eye on someone else's sexual partner.

If you meet a she-bear with cubs- a new sexual contact can bring you big trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Bear- symbolizes the winning power of female nature, as well as impulsive aspirations.

Fight the bear, run away from him- meeting with a rude, ignorant person.

caress the bear- girls to marriage or dangerous relationships.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Even if you don’t know why a woman dreams of a bear, it’s easy to guess that he is the personification of power, protection and is often compared with a man. However, not all interpretations are so unambiguous. The dream in which this beast appears has many meanings for women:

  • for a married woman, a dream with a bear portends the appearance of quarrels and disagreements in the family;
  • for an unmarried girl, this strong beast promises the appearance of a rival who can bring discord and lead to separation from the current young man (sometimes such a dream portends an imminent marriage);
  • if a pregnant woman dreams of a bear, you need to take care of your health;
  • if in a dream the bear behaves friendly, danger can be avoided;
  • to see a bear in the window, but not to approach it - new impressions and positive emotions are prepared;
  • if the animal looks out the window, in reality this means the appearance of dirty gossip and intrigues around the dreamer;
  • when in a dream a bear tries to break into a house, in real life the dreamer will experience fear or face major troubles;
  • meet a brown bear in the forest - the emergence of obstacles on the path of life;
  • a polar bear in a dream symbolizes a protector in reality;
  • stroking a brown bear - to make peace with a person with whom she had a quarrel for a long time, a black one - to get a lot of problems;
  • feed the clubfoot from your hand - get a lucrative contract or offer from partners that will bring additional profit;
  • if a woman dreams that she wants to feed a bear, and he refuses to eat, in real life she will face problems associated with people from her inner circle;
  • to see a circus bear in a dream - difficulties in personal life, someone will play with the dreamer's feelings.

Why does a woman dream of a bear according to Freud's dream book

According to the dream book, for a woman, a brown bear dreams of a lack of attention from a man, and a white one personifies calmness and care. But is everything so clear?

If a woman dreams that a bear is hugging her, in real life she lacks an affectionate relationship. She doesn't feel loved enough. If a woman is married, such a dream means for her a cooling in relations between spouses. And when a dream is seen by unmarried girls, it means that they are lonely and have difficulty finding a soulmate.

Seeing a polar bear in a dream for a woman means joy, pure relationships, genuine joyful emotions. The black beast promises trouble, illness. It is necessary to pay special attention to such a sign in order to avoid health problems.

Seeing a dead bear in a dream for a girl and a woman means trouble in her personal life. It is likely that there really was love before, but faded over time. If this is the case, it is better to leave immediately and start life from scratch, rather than trying to restore what is irretrievably destroyed. When you dream that a dead bear is black, the cause of discord in personal relationships is the squabbles and intrigues of enemies.

If a woman who is expecting a baby sees an evil and big bear in a dream, you need to prepare yourself for the upcoming troubles. There is no point in being very nervous, you just need to be able to adequately survive them. After the black stripe, the white one will surely come.

If a small fluffy bear cub appeared in a dream, this is a good sign. The dreamer was very lucky. Luck will manifest itself in receiving a large sum of money, promotion or meeting the prince of your dreams.

The meaning of sleep with a bear according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop is of the opinion that a bear in a woman's dream indicates a lack of self-preservation. As a result, she is vulnerable to problems and troubles, needs the support of loved ones, including her beloved man. If she does not receive it, she will look for it on the side. This will cause betrayal and, as a result, the destruction of the family will occur.

Other interpretations of the dream according to Aesop's dream book:

  • hunting a bear in a dream is considered a good omen, which means that following your instincts and fulfilling your cherished dream;
  • killing a bear in a dream means quickly overcoming troubles and failures, achieving a goal without harming oneself;
  • to see a trapped bear means that the path will not be as easy as we would like, especially if the beast cannot find a way to free itself;
  • meeting with a bear in a dream - trials on the path of life;
  • a bear attacks in a dream when the dreamer is angry with someone in real life;
  • fight a bear - you need to remain vigilant in real life, as there is a secret threat that can call into question personal happiness.

If a bear is chasing you in a dream and you still manage to escape from it, this means that the woman is destined for a pleasant romantic meeting. If the beast runs away from the girl, this reflects her own unwillingness to confront real life problems.

Seeing a bear in a dream for a woman according to Miller's dream book

Miller points out that a dream with a bear for a woman reflects leadership qualities. The wild beast is a symbol of endurance, stamina and confidence. If you dream of fighting a bear, then in real life a woman also strives to take the palm. Such a dream may also portend a serious fight with a rival for one man.

If in a dream a woman runs away from the beast, but he still catches up with him, this indicates the appearance of dirty rumors, which appear more and more. Were you able to escape? This means that in reality it will be possible to get rid of slander.

When a woman dreams that a bear is maiming her, she needs to take a closer look at her immediate surroundings. Probably, among them there are enemies who are waiting for the right moment to strike.

Interpretation of a dream according to Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga, the bear is a dangerous and aggressive animal, so it is considered a bad sign in women's dreams. If you dreamed that a wild beast unexpectedly attacks a girl or woman, she is destined for conflicts in real life. They will last long enough, will bring you out of balance and can even lead to emotional disorders. To prevent this from happening, you need to exclude suspicious personalities from your life in advance and stop all communication with them. This will only benefit.

If a woman managed to kill a bear in a dream, in reality someone planned revenge. But she will successfully cope with the offender, coming out dry from the water.

When a woman dreams of a bear making a malicious roar, in reality this means a serious danger. She's close, so we can't wait even a minute. To avoid it, it is better to flatly abandon dubious activities and possible risks in the near future.

Seeing a bear in a woman's dream according to Loff's dream book

If a woman dreamed of an adult animal, in reality she neglects people close to her. And it would be worth listening to their opinion. In addition, their developed personal qualities make it possible to give valuable advice.

When cubs dream, such a dream symbolizes confusion and disorder of thoughts. It is difficult for a woman to make a decision, because she does not know which one will turn out to be right.

Why does a woman dream of a bear according to the dream book of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, a bear in a dream for a woman symbolizes a soul mate. If you dreamed that the beast would attack, you should be wary of ill-wishers. When the bear is in a favorable mood in a dream, there will be complete order in personal relationships. If a bear runs away in a dream, this promises minor troubles.

The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness. The image of a bear that arose in a dream can be caused by the following folk expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.”

The first expression always comes to mind when in real life we ​​meet a thrifty to greed person, we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a negligent person.

When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, one should not forget such folk wisdom: "A disservice" and "Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear." Sometimes it is these well-known expressions that serve as the key to deciphering a dream.

Pretending to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.

If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend. From the situation that happened, you need to draw a conclusion, following one simple folk wisdom: a friend is known in trouble.

Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you.

If you managed to defeat the bear, then thanks to your skill and ingenuity you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear has gained the upper hand over you, then in real life you will not be able to interfere with the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.

Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential opponent who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.

Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.

Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.

Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.

To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.

Sharing the skin of a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon become a participant in a dispute that will arise from scratch.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Seeing a bear in a dream

To hunt a bear in a dream - you achieve the location of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.

Run away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although not safe.

Fight in a dream with a bear - you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners.

Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream - you experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which you find difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and who can dispel your fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

What does the Bear dream mean?

For a girl - to a rich groom. For a woman, an influential admirer will appear. For a man - to rivalry with a strong opponent.

Imagine that the bear becomes tame, he carries out any of your commands.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a bear in a dream

New friend, friendship; groom; profitable proposition. Bear maternal feelings in a difficult situation; help.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What do Bear dreams mean?

If a bear is dreaming, you have a strong opponent, decisive and influential.

Another meaning of such a dream.

You will make friends with a rude and cruel person.

For a woman, a bear is a groom.

Pursues - to matchmaking, wedding.

A polar bear is a man in love with you.

To see a dancing bear is to get a big loan.

Sometimes a bear dreams of failures in love.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Dream about the Bear

Means a rich, strong, bold and cruel, but unskillful enemy.

To fall into the clutches of a bear means the persecution and pursuit of the enemy, from which, against all expectations, you will happily get rid of.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless dream book

The meaning of dreams Bear

You are definitely a strong person.

If you killed a bear, everything that happens will be under your control.

If you were caught by a bear - most likely, your business will not go very smoothly.

If you dream of a bear in a trap, expect a reward.

The bear is a huge hidden power.

If you kill a bear, you will defeat insurmountable circumstances.

If a bear grabs you, you will have problems in business and you will have to communicate with unpleasant people.

If a bear falls into your trap or you kill him, you will gain honor and respect.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

What does Bear mean in a dream

To see a bear (to a girl) - to marriage / friendship with a rude and ignorant person.

The attacking bear is a clear and strong enemy.

To see a lair is a nuisance.

To kill a bear is the destruction of the enemy.

To eat his meat - to take advantage of the property of the enemy.

Drinking bear milk is a nuisance / humiliating mercy from the enemy / you will be reproached with bread.

Run from a bear - get married / be pursued by enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

The meaning of sleep Bear

His image is only a call to self-criticism.

The appearance of a bear in a dream suggests that your power ambitions are too great. Are you doing a disservice to someone you are trying to impose your will on?

However, the forecast of your relationship with someone also depends on the behavior of the bear in your dream.

A ferocious, aggressive bear indicates an upcoming quarrel and enmity with someone.

A friendly, intelligent bear and friendship with him portends a good completion of affairs, although he “advises” to make more balanced decisions.

Historically, for Russians, the bear is a symbol of the national character.

A similar mixture of wildness and courage personifies the appearance in a dream of a lion or a tiger.

The difference is that the bear is a harbinger of simple rude proceedings with someone.

The bear symbolizes the winning power of female nature, as well as impulsive aspirations.

Fighting a bear, running away from him is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person.

Caressing a bear - girls for marriage or dangerous relationships.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Bear

To see a bear in a dream is a rivalry with someone.

The most interesting dream about a bear was dreamed by Tatyana Larina. Re-read "Eugene Onegin" a. S. Pushkin.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Girls

Bear - Strengthening the economy. Aggressive, attacked - you are too carried away by everyday issues, "rowing for yourself." A bear with cubs is an addition to the household, prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of the dream Bear

Weak, far from understanding fear, a threat from within more often than from the outside world.

The impact of someone else's semantic field on a.

Monegetgi, causing damage and causing impotence.

Obstruction symbol.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

Seeing a bear in a dream

You will see an important person, health, the husband will return, wait for the matchmakers, overcome the enemy, win // a serious illness, the net will catch on a snag, a cunning enemy;

Dancing - get money;

Black is a disease;

Grabs and brings down a person - a disease in different degrees of development, big losses;

Chased and did not catch up - the disease only threatens;

He strikes and looks at a distance - it will be a marvel // the death of a relative;

To hunt him is a danger;

There is his meat - to receive the property of the enemy, a wedding in relatives;

The skin is wealth;

Drinking bear milk is fear.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Sleep Prediction Bear

The bear means that one must be wary of the enemy of the rich, powerful, brave, cruel, but not dexterous enough. If in a dream a bear attacked you, this means that you will be persecuted, from which you will leave, contrary to any expectation.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Why is the Bear dreaming

The bear is a symbol of big enemies.

In a dream, a bear jumps on you - while reconciliation with enemies is impossible.

The bear bites you - unfortunately in life.

Seeing a bear running downhill is a long trial in court, and a bear climbing a mountain is the end of your problems and troubles.

A dancing polar bear is a symbol of friendship with superiors, expect a promotion.

The sailor sees the corpse of a polar bear in the water - to danger at sea.

Seeing the corpse of a brown bear floating in the water is a big downpour.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Seeing a bear in a dream

The bear is a symbol of evil, cruelty and rudeness; also the phrase "to share the skin of the unkilled ...". Pretend to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you, a sign of danger from which there is a way out.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does the Bear dream mean?

If you dream of a bear hunt in which you are participating, this means that you are trying to win the love of a person who is completely indifferent to you.

You are characterized by aggressive behavior, you often go too far.

It is better to choose a less intrusive style of behavior, otherwise there is a great risk of causing dislike in this person.

A dream in which you run away from a bear means that you will have sex in a non-standard place.

You will enjoy it, although it will be risky.

If you dream that you are fighting a bear, it means that you are choosing a partner that looks like a parent of the opposite sex.

A wounded or killed bear symbolizes the difficulties that you experience when communicating with the opposite sex.

You are looking for someone who can understand you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Seeing a bear in a dream

The bear dreams of an irresistible rivalry in a variety of cases.

A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival.

If in a dream you were hunting a bear, then in reality you are seeking the favor of some person. He does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare away the one you like so much.

You fought with a bear in a dream - in real life you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners.

They killed a bear - you will find a way out of a predicament.

In general, if you saw a wounded or killed bear in a dream, then in reality you will probably experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. It is very difficult to cope with these complexes on your own.

D. Loff's dream book says: “The appearance of bears in a dream is a clear example of the fact that dreams are due to the peculiarities of culture and national traditions.

Most Americans perceive bears as far from being the best companions - for them, these animals personify a bad character. But this does not apply to the traditions of the American Indians. Among the Navajo and Crow Indians (crows), the bear is considered a symbol of a father or grandfather, possessing the wisdom and knowledge of the initiates.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What do Bear dreams mean?

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters.

To kill a bear - portends a way out of a predicament.

A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival or some kind of failure.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about the Bear

"clumsy as a bear", "a bear in a china shop". "Bearcub" robber, safecracker. "Bear service" help out of place and to the detriment.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Dream Interpretation Bear

See a bear: this is a warning that due to your inattention, rudeness or tactless behavior, you risk making yourself a dangerous enemy. After such a dream, try to be more careful and not respond with rudeness to rudeness.

Bear hunting: means that you have a chance to use some kind of controversial situation to your advantage.

A beautiful bearskin under your feet is a sign that your situation can improve markedly with the help of some strong person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does the Bear predict in a dream

See a bear in a dream - expect big trouble. Some powerful enemy can greatly harm you. You may be overtaken by severe trials along the way, but the goal of your journey will, fortunately, be safely achieved. If in a dream you shoot at a bear and kill it, this is a happy sign of victory over a formidable and dangerous opponent.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does it mean to see a bear in a dream

If a girl sees a bear in a dream, this may be a warning about the appearance of a dangerous rival who can destroy her happiness and take away her loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Bear

Bear - see a bear - win;

Fall into his clutches - high costs, loss of property;

See how the bear is dancing - get the desired loan;

Hunt a bear - beware of danger;

Bearskin - wealth.

Dream of a white polar bear - they love you.

There is bear meat - a wedding in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a bear in a dream

Bear - see him - win the game - fall into his clutches - incur big losses - see a dancer - get a big loan - eat bear meat - wedding in the family - bear hunting - avoid danger - polar bear - You are loved

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Sleep Prediction Bear

To win.

To fall into the paws of a bear - to high costs, loss of property.

The bear is dancing - to receive the desired loan.

Hunting a bear is in danger.

Bear skin - to wealth.

If you hit a bear or see it from afar - a dream portends some kind of miracle or the death of a relative.

To overcome a bear - portends in reality a victory in a fight with a stingy, greedy and dishonorable person.

Seeing a lair is a nuisance.

Kill a bear - defeat the enemy.

To eat bear meat - to take advantage of the property of the enemy or portends a wedding.

Drinking bear milk - to trouble, humiliating mercy from the enemy.

Run from a bear - to be pursued by enemies.

Make friends with a bear in a dream - to repentance.

The polar bear is dreaming of a wedding.

The bear is dreaming - for a girl: to marriage.

An angry bear dreams - for a young woman: she will have a happy, dangerous rival or the temptation to go to her secret friend.

Trained bear - you will meet a compliant, calm person, life with whom will be cloudless.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does the Bear dream mean?

It symbolizes a positive desire or attraction, which, however, due to their ignorance, arouses fear and doubt.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Seeing a bear in a dream

If you dreamed that the bear was sleeping, your enemies will not do anything to you in the near future. To make this safe time last longer, eat every morning on an empty stomach for a week, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey.

If you dreamed that the bear was eating, in the near future you will begin to gain weight. To prevent this from happening, drink 0.3 cups of salt water every morning and evening.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream about the Bear

Seeing him is a win in the game; fall into his clutches - you will incur big losses; to see a dancer - you will get a big loan; eat bear meat - a wedding in the family; bear hunting - avoid danger; polar bear - you are loved

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does Bear mean in a dream

Attacking bear - a strong enemy wants to destroy you.

But if your actions are wise and prudent, you can avoid danger.

A fleeing bear - a dream portends minor troubles that you can easily handle.

The bear, which calls you to follow, leads somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., you will probably change your team, and they will try to "poach" you to another job.

You can agree only if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other will not suit you.

Interpretation of dreams from
If you dream that you are eating with bears, then you will have the strength to overcome any obstacles, and your enemies will be powerless to harm you.

Eating bear meat in a dream means that you can deal with your enemy and get great benefits from it. Sometimes they say that such a dream is a dream for a wedding.

To see a bear performing tricks in a dream is a sign of deceit, pretense, cunning.

To see a bear dancing in front of you in a dream means that someone will look after you or give you special signs of attention. Sometimes a dream about such an ingratiating bear means a groom or a good patron.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Bear

Seeing a bear in a dream portends a powerful enemy. If you enter into a fight with him and he is defeated, then you can easily deal with him in real life.

Few animals can symbolize such aggressive power as a mother bear when her cubs are in danger.

Is there something in your life that you should defend so fiercely? Many Indians regard the bear as a totem (or sign) of the healer.

We all have healing abilities.

The bear can be a sign that it's time to use them to the fullest.

In Western cultures, the bear is associated with the image of a plush toy, soft and cute.

This may be a sign to become kind, gentle and return to the simple joys of life.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What does the Bear dream predict?

A bear in a dream means that you will get close to a person who will soon show himself from the worst side. To meet in the forest one on one with a bear - you will repent of a stupid act committed out of a sense of revenge.

Seeing a bear performing in a circus portends winning a game or lottery. A bear in a cage of a menagerie means that you will incur heavy losses from an unsuccessful financial transaction.

Seeing a polar bear in the zoo portends the matchmaking of a worthy and rich person, but outwardly unattractive and unpleasant to you. Seeing a Himalayan bear in a dream is a sign of irresistible rivalry. A plush toy bear - to a deception that you succumb to with unusual haste.

Hunting a bear in a dream is a warning about the danger that awaits you. Killing a bear portends a way out of a predicament. Seeing a bear tied on a chain indicates that you will have a rival in love, because of which your plans will be ruined.

Eating bear meat in a dream means that you will soon be invited to a wedding with good friends. Drinking bear milk portends an extreme danger that will be difficult to avoid. Bear fat - to unforeseen money.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The meaning of the dream Bear

See Wild Animals. Severe trials.

Fight - a meeting with a rude, ignorant person.

Caress is a dangerous adversary.

To kill is the death of a loved one.

The polar bear is a warning about deception.

Brown bear - you will encounter strength and power that will manipulate you.

The skin of a bear is a secret enemy.

He burst into your house - behind the good-natured disposition of a new friend lies an insidious nature.

Hunt - to the disease.

Run away - find a way out of an impasse.

Dancing - the loss of a large sum of money through the fault of your business partner.

To fall into his clutches is the loss of property.

A bear in a den - soon you will encounter the cruelty of a person close to you.

Imagine that a bear has been tamed and forced to perform on stage with a juggler (see Juggler).

Interpretation of dreams from

If a bear is dreaming, the decoding of its designation directly depends on how the owner of the forest behaved. If he was friendly, quiet and calm - a positive sign. If he showed aggression, instilled fear - this is a symbol of competition and problems.

Why did this predator actually appear in a dream?

The dream in which the bear had a dream can be deciphered by the general impression and atmosphere. Much also depends on what color the animal turned out to be in the dream.

In some interpretations, the clubfoot symbolizes a patron, a reliable friend. In others - a groom, self-confident, worthy of a man. Most often, if the animal is white.

If the beast showed aggression, then this is the very embodiment of the enemy, a strong opponent, ready to act.

Interpretation of sleep according to various dream books

This animal is a strong symbol. It is definitely important what exactly it represents in your nightly dream. To understand this will help the study of interpretation options proposed by the most famous and authoritative dream books.

According to Freud

How does the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud propose to treat dreams with the presence of a clubfoot in it. The interpretation of this symbol is increased sexuality.

  1. Had a chance to shoot, kill an animal - your success with the opposite sex will be grandiose.
  2. The beast rubs against the bark of a tree - you will meet an interesting person who you will be carried away with your head.
  3. It turned out to see only a certain part of the forest dweller, this is a dream as advice. Take a break in love adventures, gain strength.
  4. To hunt for a fleeing clubfoot - you want love joys with a person who is indifferent to you.
  5. If the sleeper is allowed to run away, this indicates a person who is ready for adventures, for example, for sex in a public place.

The dream book interprets a she-bear with cubs as a success, unless she is aggressive.

According to Tsvetkov

What is the dream of a polar bear on an ice floe? This is a harbinger of the emergence of passionate feelings.

We saw the animal and its children, expect surprises and troubles. Most likely it will be pleasant household chores. But if you hear her angry roar, all your free time will turn into a fuss aimed at resolving issues related to children.

Why dream of a bear attack, is it chasing a sleeping person? Do not be afraid, most likely a matchmaking or a wedding is coming.

According to Miller

This dream book bear, deciphers as a symbol of rivalry.

I dreamed of a polar bear, which means the struggle will be on the love front.

Seeing a bear in a dream for a woman portends a dangerous surgical intervention due to a state of health or a sudden injury.

According to Hasse

But the polar bear in a dream, according to the interpretations of Miss Hasse, is a sign of fidelity in love or an early profit.

To see in a dream a bear who is trying to catch up with a sleeping woman, she will soon have to marry. But if you still caught up - it's at a loss.

Why is the brown bear dreaming? People around will agitate to start a relationship with a person who is not cute.

Esoteric dream book

Why does a polar bear dream of a man? This characterizes him as a practical and active person. If cubs also dreamed of him, get ready for the gifts of fate.

Feeding a bear in a dream means getting a true friend in the face of a former enemy. Expect the necessary help and support from him.

A bear bites a caught fish in a dream - an increase in family wealth, the acquisition of real estate, a move.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of an angry bear? If you clearly remember that you heard him roar, this is a clear warning that a big trouble is coming. It is best not to take part in risky undertakings in the near future and take care of yourself, protecting yourself as much as possible. And if a bear with cubs visited a dream, this indicates the danger of your activities.

Why is the big bear dreaming? The seer recommends that the dreamer try to get rid of the anger and hatred that has accumulated in the soul. Most likely, the current situation was misunderstood, which is why hostility arose.

According to Loff

Hiding from the beast warns that treason can destroy a family. If the dreamer does not yet have an official couple, the engagement will take place soon.

To kill a bear in a dream is to be unsure of your attractiveness.

What is the dream of an angry bear? The enemy is ready for aggression and cruelty.

Why dream of a bear hunt? The sleeper feels superiority in a conflict situation behind him.

Who dreamed of a bear

For men and women, this symbol comes as an omen of completely different things. Much also depends on their marital status and age.


Why does a living bear dream of a widow? The period of seclusion and impenetrable grief should be left behind, it's time to resume meetings of friends. At some point in the company you will meet a reliable partner who will return joy to everyday life and console you in sorrow.

Why does a married woman dream of a bear? Most likely, she has an annoying rival who is not going to reduce pressure in the near future. If a woman dreams of a clubfoot with a black coat color, it indicates the existence of a false friend who is waiting for the moment to inflict the most painful blow on the sly.

For a pregnant woman, this symbol tells the gender of the child. She will have a boy.

Stroking and caressing an animal portends a shameful end to a love affair for a young lady. She may lose her good name and honor.

The presence of an angry beast speaks of the girl's desire to find a way to leave home for a secret gentleman.

To see a clubfoot, whose hair is thick and shiny, predicts that the girl will soon be called to marry.

The white coat indicates that she has a secret admirer among her closest friends.

If there is baldness on the skin, it is shabby, then an elderly relative needs care due to deteriorating health.

A dream interpretation of a teddy bear on a bed is interpreted as a sign of an imminent onset of an unexpected pregnancy. Are you holding a toy? This suggests that you are tormenting yourself in vain worries.


For a man, an animal that speaks a human language indicates that a solution will be found and it will be possible to get out of a difficult situation.

The guy dreams of the attack of the beast as a warning about the appearance of a strong opponent. To win while sleeping means to be able to win in reality.

What is the dream of a huge bear chasing a dreamer? This indicates that stressful situations have not gone unnoticed by the state of health. It is necessary to undergo an examination or just go on vacation to relieve stress.

The hibernating animal tells you to stay vigilant while the enemy has turned away, but soon it will be your turn.

A clubfoot, showing friendliness, promises to receive an offer to change jobs.

Actions in a dream

What did the beast do in a dream, did you suffer from it, or was the contact friendly. The details of the actions performed by the animal and you will tell you how to more accurately decipher the night dream.

Running away from a bear in a dream - a creative project will remain unrealized due to fear of painstaking work.

Dreaming of a bear chasing? Most likely, the dreamer is simply exhausted by stressful situations at work, and this symbol suggests that it is time to escape from the hustle and bustle and problems, even for a short rest.

In a dream, a bear chases and catches up - an early entry into a happy marriage. If you dream that the animal is chasing a white one, then this is encouraging that the future spouse will be economic and enterprising.

They ran away in a dream and fell - the rivalry is likely to end in your defeat.

To hit and run away - death is possible in the circle of relatives. To see the muzzle close to your own face is to feel remorse.

A beast wandering into a residential building promises a quick climb up the career ladder. A slowly walking clubfoot around the apartment indicates the lack of initiative and the heavy character of the sleeping person. Teasing an animal is inventing problems for yourself. Relax, it's not as bad as it looks at first glance.

Hiding from a bear in a dream - a period of failure is approaching.

Fight with a bear

I dreamed that a bear attacked and could not escape from its paws. This portends many problems - a black streak in life.

What does it mean if the dreamer managed to defeat such an opponent? Wits and resourcefulness will help to achieve some kind of victory in real life.

A bear attacks another in a dream - this personifies the struggle of business competitors, which is why profits and business reputation are falling.

The interpretation of dreams in which a clubfoot bites a sleeping person is that others will show injustice.

Do you hear the menacing growl of the forest king? You are in danger. Betrayal will come from a loved one.

Brown, white or black bear

A large brown bear personifies a rival with more influential connections and opportunities. It is important for the dreamer not to succumb to his manipulations.

A brown bear in a dream for a young person means a meeting with a new admirer. Although others will want to see them together, however, the most sleeping cavalier will not be to their liking.

The appearance of a black beast in a night dream portends a defeat in a confrontation with colleagues. It can also be a sign of future health troubles or the loss of something material, possibly winter supplies.

White - personifies a secret admirer who passionately loves the sleeping woman. Look for him in the circle of your closest friends. Running away from a polar bear in a dream - the groom will send a pleasant touching message.

Why do many bears dream? Often this means pleasant household chores, preparation for a family holiday.

To see a lot of bears in a dream, the sleeping man says that there will be a need for significant financial expenses for the needs of the family.

If you dreamed of a bear with cubs, you should consider whether your children have enough manifestations of such feelings as love and understanding. Perhaps you are too strict and demanding, often go too far.

This beast is a very strong and multifaceted symbol. If he came in a dream, you need to be grateful either for a good omen, or for the opportunity to change future events for the better. Being aware, the sleeper will be able to use the appearance of a dangerous predator to his advantage.

Dreams in which a girl dreams of a bear are interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, such a dream can be regarded as sign of power and absolute power, on the other hand, as a manifestation of rigidity and aggressive attitude. To interpret the more accurate meaning of a dream with a predatory beast, you need to remember the sensations and emotions that you experienced in a dream, and remember as many details as possible.

What did the bear do in a dream?

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Important! A bear in a dream promises a collision with unknown forces and power, but it is rather difficult and problematic to understand who in reality will have these qualities. Your enemies can be such people, just like your friends, so be sure to try to remember the interaction with the animal, in case you got into a fight with him, remember who was the winner.

Miller's dream book

If you believe the interpretation of a dream with a bear according to Miller's dream book, then this dream is a symbol of a person's inner strength, his stamina and steadfastness in any life situations and extraordinary endurance. The appearance of such a predatory animal in a dream speaks of a person’s desire to enter into rivalry, to be a leader and a winner.

Kill a bear in a dream- a sign that you will soon solve a problem whose solution seemed unrealistic for a long time.

If in a dream a predator attacks you and you take flight, this portends the appearance of a third character in a love relationship. If you were injured during an attack on you, expect a conflict with someone who is much higher than you in terms of physical strength.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If you interpret the image of a bear according to Vanga's dream book, soon on your life path you will meet unfriendly people, whom you will treat with all your heart and do a lot of good, to which they will answer you with meanness or outright evil and aggression.

If in a dream you killed a predator in a fight, in real life you will face God's judgment because of the perfect revenge on someone.

Important! Hearing a loud bear roar in a dream - you need to be careful about difficult life situations, as at this stage they can harm your health and even life.

Dream Interpretation Islamic

Interpreting a predator according to the Islamic dream book - a bear in a dream portends good in all areas. But, if the beast was angry and aggressive, bit you or you were forced to run away from it, the meaning of sleep is unfavorable. The general meaning of dreams with this beast is absolute power, power, patronage, success in making deals and a series of good events.

Other meanings from the dream book:

  • The presence of a bear in a dream promises enrichment, financial stability and respect in the face of others;
  • If you feed a predator with honey in a dream. Such a dream is interpreted as a flattering attitude towards a person in a high official rank, as well as dependence on who has such a dream;
  • Go hunting with people close to you - your secret desire to get rich quickly and easily, excitement;
  • If in a dream you got the head of a beast and brought it to your house as a trophy, or put its skin on the floor - soon you will have a victory over your competitors or a big victory;
  • A dead bear dreams of losing a job or a good position;
  • If in a dream you treated a predator with a piece of meat. Soon you will receive a large number of profitable offers for a joint project or work;
  • If you were able to saddle a bear, such a dream portends a respectful attitude in the circle of friends and honor;
  • The beautiful skin of the beast, soft to the touch - success in financial affairs;
  • Good bear - the presence of a strong patron or protector;
  • If in a dream you embraced the bear, soon expect the appearance of the long-awaited chosen one on the horizon;
  • The bear quickly runs to meet you and then hugs you - an annoying and shameless admirer will appear;
  • If you hugged a wild predator and felt good at the same time, a strong union of love awaits you with a decent and gentle man;
  • To see how the beast eats raspberries - for an imminent wedding celebration in the house;
  • If a bear eats raw meat - be vigilant, you are in danger;
  • If you cook the meat of a predator and eat it - also, for a wedding celebration with familiar people;
  • If such a trophy as the head of a beast appeared in your house, soon you will have the opportunity to get what you have been dreaming about for a long time;

Bear in a woman's dream

If you see a white bear in a dream, be on the alert, soon you will be deceived or betrayed by a loved one or family member, after such a situation you will not be able to come to terms with this for a long time and reconsider your views in relation to this person. For a long time, you will pretend that you do not notice unworthy acts on the part of loved ones and will justify them in every possible way, regardless of the situation.

Remember, someday you still have to pull yourself together, take off your rose-colored glasses and look at everything that happens more realistically.

If you dream of a brown predator, this is an ambiguous dream. In order to get as close as possible to the correct interpretation of the dream, you need to remember in detail the dream and the behavioral reactions of the bear.

If calmness and kindness were observed in the behavior of the bear - the girl will soon meet a new lover, if the predator was furious and aggressive - the girl will have to meet closely with the worst enemy.

If in your dream there were little cubs next to a bear, your family union will be strong, housing will be good, and prosperity will be stable.

Other interpretations of bear dreams:

  • Fleeing and seeking refuge from a predator - fear and avoidance of strong and powerful people or competitors who are much stronger than you;
  • If a bear regales itself on prey in a dream, a very turbulent and difficult period is coming in your life, during which you will have to make every effort to stay in your place in life;
  • A predator suddenly crept up and attacked you - a very unfavorable dream, which suggests that you made a mistake in the work area, thereby giving competitors the opportunity to strike you with a crushing blow in the back;
  • A bear bite on the hands - to fall from the career ladder;
  • The bite of the beast on the legs is a competitor, with some act it will “knock out” the ground from under your feet;
  • If the bear gnawed its neck, your competitors will have a brilliant victory over you;
  • A dream in which bears fight and bite - a scene will unfold in front of you with a long and difficult struggle between two competitors, which will give you a great advantage over them. Because they will be busy with themselves, not work.

Who had a dream? Married, unmarried, pregnant

If the beast comes to a dream of a married woman, this indicates the presence of a rival.

The brown or black color of a wild animal indicates an imminent deterioration in health, do not wait for an opportunity, if the first signs of illness appear, immediately contact a medical facility. Such a dream has another interpretation, also unfavorable - in your life there is a loved one who has entered the circle of trust, who is actually waiting for an opportunity to hurt or do meanness towards you.

Reference. If you interpret a dream with a bear according to Nastradamus, it means that you can be confident in your chosen one, he will be protection and support for you and your family, the degree of well-being and stability in family life depends on the size of the wild beast. The larger the size, the more favorable the value.

If a widowed woman had a dream with a wild beast, she needs to stop withdrawing into herself and begin to maintain warm relations with family and friends again. It is in spiritual digging that she will be able to meet a potential life partner who will be reliable in all important matters, and will help solve life's difficulties and distract you from everything negative.

If a girl dreams of a predatory beast in a rage- all her thoughts are directed to finding a reason to leave home for the person she loves. If at the same time she tries to calm the wild beast and hug her, her relationship with this person will bring pain and disappointment and end in shame.

A predator who came into the dream of an unmarried girl speaks of the imminent completion of a wedding celebration. To find the correct meaning of such a dream, you need to remember what the skin of the beast looked like. If she had a shine and a healthy appearance, this symbolizes the appearance of a future husband who is in good health. If the coat was faded and shabby, this symbolizes the imminent deterioration in the health of a loved one who will need your support and care.

Reference. According to Freud, a dream with a bear does not pose any threat to a pregnant girl. He talks about her concerns about the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the condition of the baby. Also, according to some interpretations, to see a bear in a dream during pregnancy - to the birth of a boy.

If you dreamed of a teddy bear, you will soon find out that you are in a position. If the toy is in your hands, stop torturing yourself with what you cannot change, and return to the simple joys of life.
