An original project for individual housing construction and a cottage. Round house - ball

A small house in a glass ball. You have to assemble the house yourself from the many parts included in the kit and place it in the Glass Ball.
This house with various details is designed to develop children's imagination.
Will bring a lot of pleasure from the assembly process.
Playing house in a glass ball will be a wonderful gift for a child.
When assembling the house and making its contents, the child develops perseverance, accuracy, and patience. A child will be more careful with a handmade toy.
All the houses are so interesting that they don’t need to be put away in a box. You can set aside a permanent place for the house on a bookshelf or in another place where it will be clearly visible. It will become not only a toy for your child, but also a decoration for your home, a highlight of your interior.

The kit includes step-by-step instructions with pictures (in Chinese), all printed materials (wallpaper, prints for boxes, etc.), all wooden and metal parts for making a house, furniture and other items, everything for making interior accessories (including lighting fixtures, paintings, sculptures and food products).
Features: the house has lighting. It turns on using a special switch.
Material: wood + glass.

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As is known, the shape of a ball compares favorably with other shapes in that it has the best (minimum) ratio of surface area to internal volume. This circumstance periodically awakens the interest of individual developers in the construction of buildings, houses and cottages in the shape of a ball. In fact, the consumption of building material will be significantly less than for a “rectangular” house. This will make construction cheaper. Accordingly, heat loss from such a house is significantly reduced, which is also important in the context of geometrically rising energy prices. Modern materials and technologies make it easy to implement such projects, both by frame construction and by casting monolithic concrete walls using double-sided formwork or single-sided formwork and spraying concrete onto it. But will it be comfortable to live in such a house?

The house itself, the ball, is a concrete ball with a diameter of about 9 meters. According to the inventor, the actual spraying of concrete using a unique special installation took only one day. And the consumption of concrete (mortar) with a cement to sand ratio of 1:3 was 8 cubic meters. The thickness of the concrete screed is 5-7 cm. Again, according to the inventor, the strength of sprayed concrete is approximately 500 units (50 MP). How long it took to install the fittings is unknown. And an inflatable ball served as the internal formwork, which occupied the entire internal space. Naturally, concrete was not sprayed in the areas where the windows were supposed to be. After the concrete set, the ball was deflated and removed.

The internal space of the house - a ball is divided by horizontal and vertical planes and divides the ball into spherical segments. The level between the first and second floors falls exactly on the equator of the ball. The ball is somewhat truncated at the bottom (to form a flat floor of the first floor with an area of ​​approximately 40 sq.m.), and the height of the flow on the first floor is approximately 2.5 meters. The ceiling height of the second floor is more than 4 meters. Yes, in fact, there is no ceiling - just the walls converge at the zenith.

Thus, the walls of the first floor have a negative angle of inclination and diverge. The ceiling (floor) area is larger than the floor area. On the contrary, the walls of the second floor converge, as in the attic floor. Just not in a straight line, but in an arc. Which is actually much better. The fact is that at a height of up to 2 meters (and this is a person’s height), the convergence is practically not felt and the entire plane of the wall is accessible. And above a person’s height, toe-in doesn’t affect anything. Rather, it even creates the feeling of a larger space than it actually is. On the ground floor, the divergence of the walls is also not “straining”, since the living space is shifted towards the equator. The underground space is planned to be used, obviously, as a cellar or a regular underground. The design of the foundation is unknown to me.

Thus, for 8 cubic meters of mortar, approximately 200 meters of reinforcing mesh and 2-3 hundred meters of thicker reinforcement (12-16 mm), the cottage builder received approximately 100 square meters. meters (40 + 60) of total area. The “cooling” area of ​​the house will be about 200 sq.m. (Area of ​​the ball = 12.5 x R*2) minus the lower truncated part. For comparison, the cooling area of ​​such a house is a parallelepiped (50 square meters per floor, building area 7x8 m), i.e. the same area will be 230-250 meters. This reduction in area will allow you to save a little on insulation and heating.

There is also no need for a roof or roof. And this is also a significant saving. After all, a ball is a shape that works well for compression.

But that’s it, the positive aspects of this project, In my opinion and end. Let's start with organizing the internal space.

All rooms are, in general, spherical segments. The only flat wall is the internal bulkhead. And all furniture designed to “lean” against the wall can only be located against this wall. Of course, you can place the closet against a slanted wall, but this is not a very good idea... Internal doors are also located in this wall. But this “evil is not of such a big hand.”

The ball works well in compression, but very poorly in tension. Therefore, the floors between floors cannot rest on the walls of the ball. Moreover, they are so thin. If in a rectangular house the beams rest on the main walls of the cottage, then instead of walls there are “egg shells” of 5 cm. And the vertical partitions of at least the first floor must be solid, load-bearing. Those. It was not possible to escape from the powerful walls, although their volume and weight were significantly reduced (only 2 walls instead of 4-5). And the floor beams of the second floor are already being laid on them. There is basically no attic floor, rafters, etc.

The next problem is the windows. There is not a single vertical window in the house. They can be positioned vertically only at the equator, and there are ceilings between floors. Therefore, the windows of the first floor are inclined outward, and those of the second floor are inclined inward. I have little idea how to use them in gravity conditions. The window sash tends either to open all the time or, conversely, to slam shut. And handling a heavy double-glazed window will be very problematic. Is it possible to adapt some kind of shock absorbers, counterweights and closers?

A radical way to solve the problem would be to install skylights. It makes virtually no difference to them at what angle it is installed. But the builder preferred standard windows with hinged sashes.

The situation is even worse with the front door. Either it will have to be made in the form of a curved element in the shape of the ball itself, or some kind of hatch will have to be made, or some kind of porch of a traditional shape will have to be built and a normal door installed. That's what's done. Attached to the side of the ball is a standard house - a parallelepiped. And the entrance door, as well as the interfloor staircase, are placed in it. There is also a heating system there. Apparently the cottage builder, faced with these problems, decided to eliminate them radically, leaving the house to play the role of an original extension.

Now let's move on to insulating the house. Now the house is basically just an “egg” made of concrete 5 cm thick. Durable, but very cold. According to the canons of construction, constantly heated houses must be insulated from the outside. And all facade insulation materials (both mini-ply and expanded polystyrene) are produced in the form of flat slabs. Therefore, the insulation will have to be cut into small tiles and glued to the outer side of the ball. With further sealing or foaming of wedge-shaped gaps between the tiles. And you can’t cover the ball with siding, and you can’t cover it with brick... All that remains is plaster. This is where a concrete spraying machine can come in handy a second time - to apply plaster to an insulated house in one day. Moreover, you will have to use very moisture-resistant plaster, since there is no roof. And there is no system of drains and downpipes. And the rains will lash over the entire surface of the house and flow down it. And here only expensive pool glue will do.

The project, in my opinion, is very, very crude and controversial. And its author and implementer agrees with this. In particular, it would be better to build the first floor in the form of a cylinder. This would give vertical walls, the opportunity to arrange normal ceilings, normal windows and doors. It would allow you to “play” with the height of the ceilings on the levels. And prolonging the idea further, you can abandon the cylinder and make the walls in the form of a 6- or 8-square. Then it will be possible to use “linear” building materials, abandoning curved formwork. And such a house can already be made frame, which will further reduce the cost of construction. True, from a distance it will look like a silo, water pump, or observatory. Or maybe to the castle tower.

But what's done is done...

Konstantin Timoshenko

Only desperate originalists can build a house in the shape of a ball. And they build, no matter what. Why a ball? There are no corners in nature. In nature, everything smoothes out. Our planet, our common home, is also a ball. People imitate nature.

Our common house in the shape of a ball

The earth, our common home, also has the shape of a sphere. A drop of water has an oval shape. Pointed mountains eventually turn into gentle, rounded hills. In nature, everything strives for smoothing and leveling.

So why are most of them angular and not round? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Our traditions and habits
  2. Difficult to apply rectangular doors and windows
  3. There are no straight or vertical walls except internal ones
  4. Lack of necessary materials and technologies

Our traditions determine both our way of life and the appearance of our traditional home. We are used to living in square and rectangular houses and apartments. We are used to seeing vertical and straight walls.

Furniture is placed along the walls. In a round house where to put it? Beds are placed against the wall. How to hang a shelf on a round wall?

What are houses made of? Made from oblong and straight materials. We're so used to it. That's why the houses look rectangular. Recently, technologies for monolithic housing construction have appeared. It would seem that you can build a round house.

But the forms into which concrete is poured are also straight! You can also make an oval shape, but it is more difficult. Yes, and all this is unusual. How to insulate these oval walls? We don't yet have round insulation. In addition, it must also withstand moisture. After all, you will have to insulate from the outside.

So is the game worth the candle? Are the advantages of a round ball house really that great? Great or not, everyone decides for themselves. But undoubtedly they exist:

  1. No need to build a roof
  2. The volume of the house is fully used
  3. Less material consumption
  4. Less heat loss

A house in the shape of a ball does not have a roof as such. But this is a significant cost item during construction. The walls blend smoothly into the ceiling. Actually, there is neither one nor the other here. Is not it?

The round house has neither an attic nor a basement. Therefore, the entire volume of the house is used more rationally.

For the same reasons, the consumption of materials is significantly less. It actually produces more waste. After all, construction materials are oblong, not round.

Heat losses are less than those of a traditionally built house because the surface of the walls of the sphere is smaller than the surface of the walls of a conventional dwelling with the same internal volume.

Ball-shaped house

Despite the difficulties in construction, round houses are built even on an industrial scale. For example, in the Netherlands they built an entire block of round houses. Each such ball house is a separate dwelling for one or two people.

On the ground floor there are auxiliary rooms such as a bathroom or shower, and an entrance hall. On the second floor there is a living room. The windows in these houses resemble airplane windows. The walls of the ball are made of concrete.

And some eccentrics don’t build houses from anything. They use wood, plastic, concrete. And they turn out to be original houses. Quite beautiful.

Ball-shaped buildings

Not only houses are built in the shape of a ball. Various auxiliary structures sometimes have a similar shape. Like this gazebo for example. Very original. And transparent walls create a feeling of closeness to nature.

But this incomprehensible structure in the shape of a ball, the height of a five-story building, is located in the forest in the vicinity of the city of Dubna. Apparently, it was built for some scientific or military purpose, but today it is abandoned and no one needs it.
