Country house: planning and design. Cottage plan with an attic Project and materials

With an attic houses with a full second floor. Houses with an attic have some important advantages; such buildings can be adapted for both year-round and seasonal use.

Advantages of a house with an attic

Why is a country house with an attic better than an ordinary two-story one?

  • An attic instead of a second floor significantly reduces heating costs in winter.
  • Building a second floor is more expensive than making an attic.
  • Above the second floor, it will be necessary to build an attic, which, as a rule, is little used, but this additional room also needs to be maintained.
  • The attic with sloping ceilings formed by the slopes of the roof allows you to create an interesting unique interior.
  • In the attic, you can make windows of an unusual shape (semicircular, triangular), additionally equip a balcony.

What to build from

For the construction of small private houses, you can now choose various materials. Most often used

  • prefabricated frame-panel blocks,
  • foam blocks,
  • wood: log or beam,
  • brick.

Each of these materials has its pros and cons.

Frame-panel panels

Such houses are assembled as a designer. All details are made to order on an individual project, there are also ready-made projects of typical country houses with an attic of different sizes: 6x6, 6x8, 9x9 and so on. Frame-panel blocks weigh a little, so heavy equipment is not needed to assemble the house, and the foundation can be made lightweight. Another important plus is smooth walls and no shrinkage. For decoration, you can use almost any material.


Wooden houses are built from sanded or rounded logs. The latter is more even, but does not have a natural protection against moisture. The disadvantage of this material is strong shrinkage. To reduce the time of work, chamber-drying logs are used. Wooden houses are environmentally friendly, a healthy microclimate is established in them. The tree looks beautiful, so you can get by with minimal decoration inside. Important! The thicker the log, the better its thermal insulation properties. For a house where they live all year round, the diameter of the logs should be at least 25 cm.

Also, profiled timber is used for construction. Compared to a log, it is easier to build from it, it has already been processed, dried, and therefore does not shrink. The beam retains the appearance and environmental friendliness of natural wood. You can build a beautiful house according to the project with an attic and a veranda.

Foam blocks

This material is relatively inexpensive, therefore it is often used for the construction of small country houses with an attic. Foam blocks weigh a little, and thanks to their large size, construction is fast. Due to the presence of air inside, they hold heat well. Various materials can be used to decorate walls made of foam blocks.

Attic roof structure

Regardless of the size of the cottage, the attic is arranged in approximately the same way. This room is located directly under the roof, through which heat is constantly exchanged, and more intensively than through the walls. Therefore, it is important to properly insulate and waterproof the roof. In winter, it is here that all the moist air rises when the lower floor is heated. It is better to use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second floor if you provide for the project not a gable, but the so-called sloping roof. For a more interesting appearance, you can make a roof of complex shape, for example, this one.

Usually, mineral wool is used as a heater, it is laid between the rafters, a crate of boards is made from below. In order for the insulation to perform its function, it must remain dry. Therefore, a vapor barrier film or foil isol is attached to the crate. Under the upper floor, on the contrary, there is a vapor-permeable film, which will help to remove moisture from the insulation. From above, a counter-lattice and a transverse crate are made, roofing material is mounted on them. Typically, the rafters are made from a 150 mm beam, and the lower crate from a 22 mm board. It is also important to insulate the gables and valleys (internal corners-gutters between the slopes), if any. All layers of thermal and waterproofing are shown in the figure.

What is important to know when planning

The first thing you should pay attention to when creating a 6x6 or 6x8 house project with an attic is whether it is intended for year-round or only seasonal use. The number of residents and the possibility of guests arriving are also important. In the latter case, the plan will need to include a guest bedroom and possibly a separate bathroom. Bathrooms are best done combined, and not in the form of separate bathrooms and toilets. In small houses it is better not to make a corridor, a small hallway is enough, and the rooms can communicate directly. The place under the roof slopes can be used for cabinets, pantries.

You can draw a cottage project with an attic both on paper and in modern computer programs. With their help, you can create a three-dimensional model of the house, as in the video.

House 6x6 meters

As a rule, country houses or garden houses are made of this size. A 6x6 house is not a very large structure, so it is important that it does not look cramped and cluttered from the inside.

Ground floor layout

Let's give an example of a 6x6 country house project with an attic. There are three main rooms on the ground floor: an entrance hall, a kitchen-dining room and a bathroom. The hallway is often made large enough and a staircase is placed in it. The average size of the rooms is 3x3 meters. You can place a living room on the ground floor, then the kitchen will become a separate room, you can also equip an office.

It is important to use the space under the stairs - it can be up to 2 m3, so you can equip a place to store things there. The ladder is made at least 1 m wide - this will allow two people to safely disperse on it. Under a large staircase, you can even make a library, as in the photo.

Second floor layout

In the attic, you need to plan the rooms in such a way that the stairs do not go into any of them, but into a small common hall. This will help create the privacy you need, especially if you are planning guest rooms. Below is a project of the second floor of a country house with an attic, in which there are three bedrooms. In this option, a bathroom is not provided in the attic.

House 6x8

The area of ​​this house is larger, which allows you to accommodate all the necessary premises. Its layout is not much different from the layout of a 6x6 house.

Ground floor layout

On the ground floor you can place a dining room, an entrance hall, a bathroom. This is the basic option, taking into account individual preferences, you can make an office, living room and other rooms here. In the project shown in the photo, part of the area is allocated for a terrace.

Second floor layout

In the project of a country house with a 6x8 attic shown below in the photo, the attic is not located above the entire first floor, part of which is occupied by an entrance hall and a veranda.

House price: 440,000 rubles.

Country house 6x6 from a bar- This is a small cozy house with a balcony in the attic. The walls of the country house are made of profiled timber and insulated with jute fiber. The gable roof is covered with ondulin. Isover is used to insulate the floor and attic (2nd floor). The term of construction of such a house: from 6 to 9 days. If you wish, the project of a 6x6 country house can be changed - this will also change it. A typical layout of a 6x6 country house includes a living room, a kitchen, a terrace and an entrance hall on the ground floor, as well as an attic that can be used as a bedroom or a nursery.

Complete set of a country house 6x6 on a turnkey basis (project D-11)

Foundation Columnar, on foundation blocks
Roof Ondulin (brown, burgundy or green)
Log house Beam profiled 95x145 mm
strapping Beam 100x150 mm per edge
Partitions timber
Height The height of the 1st floor is 240 cm, the height of the attic is 230 cm
Floor Draft floor from edged board (20 mm) + finishing: floor grooved board (27 mm)
Warming The floor and ceiling are insulated with ISOVER (50mm)
Ceiling Hemmed with coniferous eurolining
house corners Closed up with plinth
Between the beam jute fiber
rafters Edged board 40x100 mm, lathing is made of edged board 20 mm (through the board).
doors Paneled doors
Window Wooden, double glazing 1.0x1.2m
External corners Sewn up with clapboard
Assembly Included in the price
Additional options: — Replacing a beam 95x145 mm with a beam 145x145 mm — +33 000 rub.
- Increase the height of the house by one crown - +6000 rub.
— Replacing the floorboard with a 36mm thick sheet piling — 290 rub/m2
– Metal front door (China) – +10 000 rub.
— Exterior painting of the walls of the house — 600 rub/m2
- Pile foundation. (

Timber houses 6 by 6- one of the common options for suburban construction and certainly the most popular size among customers.

Country houses 6x6 allow you to realize all the wishes of the customer and at the same time build a country house at the most affordable price, without exceeding the estimate.

As a rule, projects with an attic include two living rooms, a small kitchen and a pantry, and an additional bonus room on the second floor. Naturally, the projects of such houses can change and be created according to the wishes of a particular customer. In any case, such a building will cost at an inexpensive price and will not ruin its owner.

Projects of houses from a bar 6 by 6 from the company SK Domostroy

In SK Domostroy you can choose one of two dozen projects of houses from a bar 6 by 6 with great layouts. Of course, each house has its own characteristics. Houses may differ in the number of rooms and utility rooms, in interior decoration and roofing materials.

But at the same time, there is no doubt that a house made of profiled timber will be made of the highest quality with love and respect for its customer. Our experts will accurately calculate how much timber is needed for such buildings so that there is no excess lumber left. You can choose from one-story and two-story projects of country houses 6 by 6.

The layout of a 6x6 house with an attic should be carried out not only taking into account building codes, but also in compliance with other requirements. Proper organization of design work will allow you to build a comfortable building. In addition, it will enable owners not to spend extra money when buying building materials.

Layout of all floors of a 6x6 house with an attic

But the main advantage of this type of construction is that much less construction and finishing materials will be spent during the construction of the facility. And so money from the family budget.

What to consider when planning

When starting work on the preparation of estimate documentation before starting construction work, the master needs to understand the following:

  • for what purposes is the future house 6x6 with an attic intended;
  • how many people will live in it permanently;
  • whether guests will stay in it.

An example of correct and incorrect attic layout

The first point implies the following: will such a building be intended for permanent residence of the whole family, or will they come to it only for a while (for the summer season, for example). If we are talking about, then the project must provide for the features inherent in this type of building. If this is a permanent home for the whole family, then this must be taken into account in the project documentation.

When it is important to know for how many residents it is being built. If this is a family of three, then the number of private and common rooms will be one. In the case when the family consists of four or more people, the arrangement of rooms and their number will be completely different. In addition, the layout of a 6 by 6 house should also take into account the possibility of accommodating potential guests.

Layout of the first floor and attic of the house 6 by 6

They will need a separate room and, most likely, with their own. This also needs to be considered when compiling the documentation.

Project and materials

In drawing up an estimate, accounting for the materials that the owner intends to use to build his 6 by 6 house with an attic plays an important role.
For this type of buildings use:

  • brick or cinder block;
  • foam concrete blocks;
  • concrete;
  • tree (logs or timber);
  • SIP panels.

Given that the attic combines a full-fledged residential floor and, its weight is much less than the mass of building materials that will be spent on the construction of a standard second floor. Therefore, for the construction of a country house, in which seasonal residence is supposed, the owners most often choose wood as the main building material. It should be noted that the purchase of solid beams and beams of this length is very problematic.

The project of a cottage 6x6 from a wooden beam

Read also

Projects and planning options for a village house

The stone building will be a reliable home for the inhabitants of a 6x6 house with an attic, who intend to stay there all the time, both in winter and in summer. However, the cost of building materials for the construction of an object will be an order of magnitude higher than for a wooden building.

House project 6 by 6 made of stone with an attic

The choice of material is made after the owner of the future wooden house decides on its purpose.

Arrangement of rooms in a two-story house measuring 6x6 m

Since the possibilities for building rooms with such a modest size are limited, the first thing to give up in such a house is the corridor. Without using it, you can free up a lot of space for building more popular rooms.

In addition, you can save on laying communications, as everyone will be closer to each other. To increase the space in a country house, it is worth thinking at the design stage about the presence of several levels in the building.

Layout of the first floor and attic of the house 6x6

Thanks to such a project, you will be able to effectively plan the entire dwelling into functional areas - rooms for relaxation or activity. The first floor is considered the most convenient for the location of such rooms as.

In addition, this level should have common areas, such as a lounge or stairs to the upper floor. For the second level, the best choice would be a recreation area, which includes a bedroom, as well as a second bathroom.

But the design of the floors directly depends on how many people will live in a small one. If there will be only two of you, then the second level is best left for the equipment of one spacious bedroom. For a building project for the settlement of a large family, it is best to use the classic housing organization, which includes the presence of several bedrooms with a more modest size.

Layout option for all floors of the house 6x6

The classic distribution of space into living areas includes a plan in which the ground floor is completely reserved for active rooms, such as a kitchen, dining room or entrance hall. In addition, rooms of different functionality can be combined into one room, which will help save space, but at the same time not lose all the buildings necessary for life.

Such a combined construction will help create a feeling of more space. In order for a spacious room, which was divided into several functional areas, to be properly decorated, it should be furnished in a special way.

Using these tips will help decorate your country house and make it more practical and convenient. It is worth thinking about the correct arrangement of rooms in relation to each other. For example, the kitchen in your home should be as close as possible to the place, as well as the toilet and hallway. This is especially true if you need to bring heavy packages of groceries into the house.

The location of the kitchen in the general plan of the house 6x6

A nearby bathroom will save on plumbing, as well as reduce the number of wet areas in the building.

Which leads to the second floor. In some cases, it moves to the dining room if it also functions as a living room.

3d layout of the first floor of a 6x6 house with an attic

It should be remembered that the minimum width allowed for stairs is 1 meter. This will allow you to normally go up and down the stairs, diverge, without fear of injury. The kitchen and dining room are separated by a small wall or have only a visual division into zones. This can be achieved with the help of lighting, in addition, finishing materials of different colors and textures.

In a number of projects, the kitchen and living room do not have a common passage, which implies the separation of the functions of the room. In this case, the last room can also be used to accommodate guests.

The dimensions of the kitchen in the project are 3 x 3 meters, and the living room - 3 x 6 meters. A bathroom in a building of this size is usually small. It includes a shower cabin and a toilet. In the event that one of the family members is engaged in work at home, the layout of the first floor may include an office. Then the dimensions of the premises can vary, remaining on the plan within the average size of 3 x 3 meters.

As a rule, personal plots are not pleasing with their large size, therefore, in order to save as much free space as possible, compact ones are erected on it. Houses of this size are not always able to provide comfortable and convenient living. When creating a project for the internal layout of 6x6 country houses, you need to carefully consider even the most insignificant nuances in order to ensure comfort and coziness for all residents.

Where to start planning

Planning a country house of small size is an activity in which you need to show patience, accuracy of calculations and balanced decisions. The most important thing is to clearly determine for yourself how much money you are willing to spend on the future design of the house, and whether you have enough strength and knowledge to properly plan the interior space.

It is very important to be able to see the situation in perspective. Indeed, in a few years the size of the family may change, children or grandchildren will appear, and in order not to subject the house to global alterations in the future, it is better to foresee possible planning options.

The layout of a 6x6 country house, as a rule, involves taking into account the following criteria:

  • the maximum possible area of ​​​​the future home;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • having small children.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether the country house will become a temporary haven for summer holidays, or life in it will flow all year round.

Choice of layout

When planning rooms in a private house, it is very important to clearly calculate each square meter so that all the space in the house is used and endowed with functional features.

The algorithm of actions for planning rooms in a private house can be represented as follows:

  1. We determine the number of floors of the future building.
  2. We select high-quality building materials that can help realize the planned project.
  3. We draw the layout of rooms inside the house.
  4. We choose the most convenient design of the porch.
  5. We determine the configuration of the roof and the type of roofing material for future construction.

Determining the layout of a one-story building is much easier. Traditionally, the interior space of such a dacha contains a central room combined with a kitchen, several bedrooms and a combined bathroom and toilet. If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the bathroom is made separate, and perhaps there is an opportunity for arranging a bath or sauna.

For a cottage that has an attic, there are much more options for internal planning. As a rule, the attic room is equipped as a full-fledged second floor and is used to locate guest bedrooms, a gym, a library, an office, game rooms and much more.

The interior layout of a small two-story cottage can be supplemented with spacious terraces. You can also plan additional rooms for a bathroom or wardrobe.

As practice shows, with proper planning, even a small building measuring 6 * 6 m can accommodate at least three rooms: a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet.

Living room - the central room in the house

Traditionally, a living room for a summer residence is not just a place to relax. It can serve as an additional bedroom for guests, a dining room, a playroom for children. Furniture for such a room is better to choose functional and compact, so that nothing clutters up the already small space of the room.

A convenient option would be transformer sofas, folding chairs and tables, built-in furniture. Each of these elements is designed to solve the problem of a small space, but at the same time, an attractive appearance makes the room cozy and stylish. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the design features of the building allow, a fireplace can become the central element for the living room.

We plan the location of the kitchen

In a country house, the entrance to the kitchen from the street will be very convenient. Thus, you can shorten the path that you have to overcome when setting the table on the street in the summer.

When calculating the required area for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the parameters of the household appliances used. A stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a desktop - all this should be located freely enough over the entire area so that the cooking process is convenient.

It is also worth considering the presence of sufficient natural and artificial lighting.

We plan the location of the bedroom

Bedrooms in a country house are best planned small. This approach will significantly save on heating in the winter. You don't need much for a good rest. It is enough to equip a full-fledged sleeping place, and arrange a small wardrobe.

If the layout of the cottage provides for the presence of an attic, then it is on its area that it is most convenient to have cozy bedrooms. Despite the fact that the ceiling in such a bedroom will have an inclined shape, the attic area allows you to place all the necessary furniture items.

We place a toilet and a bathroom

For comfortable placement of a bathtub, a toilet bowl and a washbasin, a room of 4m2 is enough. The walls of the bathroom are covered with tiles. It is hygienic, beautiful and easy to clean. The ceiling can be made stretch. As a cheaper option, they consider a ceiling sheathed with plastic clapboard.

To be able to sit comfortably in such a small bathroom, the door should open outward. In order to save space, instead of a standard bath, you can install a compact shower.

Using such simple secrets of the correct layout of a bathroom in a private house, even in a small area, you can equip a comfortable and convenient space. There may be room for a washing machine.

In the case when the area of ​​​​the bathroom is about 3 m2, most likely, you will have to abandon the shower of the washing machine, leaving only a washing tap and a toilet.

We plan the location of the stairs

For a compact country house, the stairs to the second floor are best placed from the outside. Thus, you can save the interior space of the house.

If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the flight of stairs is located in the central room, compactly placing places for rest around it.

The space under the stairs should also not be overlooked. Built-in wardrobes for a variety of clothes and household items will perfectly fit under it. Also, as an option, you can consider the location of the working corner under the flight of stairs.

Design features of a country house

The style in which the interior design is planned in a country house largely determines the taste of the owners. We advise you to abandon the habit of dragging to the dacha all unnecessary and obsolete pieces of furniture and interior. So you will never be able to achieve a harmonious and cozy design. The best option would be minimalism in the interior. Simple functional furniture made of natural wood, a lot of light, as well as bright ones were made in the form of textiles, paintings, carpets. It is they who create the mood and give comfort to the rooms.

Vintage things look harmonious in a retro interior. Choosing this style in the design of the cottage, focus on furniture and interior items, leaving the walls and ceiling white, and cover the floor with a simple wooden board.

A good decoration for the living room and bedrooms of the dacha will be fresh flowers, figurines dear to the heart, paintings, hand embroidery or knitted napkins. As a rule, such things become superfluous in stylish designer city apartments. In the country, by combining such decorative elements together, you can create a unique, cozy and very comfortable interior for relaxation.

Country house with stove

When planning a country house, special attention should be paid to the location of a stove or fireplace in it. Such an element in the layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove will not only decorate the room, but can also be used to heat the room and cook.

The oven is built from hardened red bricks. It is better to entrust the laying of the furnace to the masters - professionals.

If for some reason it is not possible to equip a brick oven, you can use ready-made structures made of metal, they are also suitable for planning a 7x7 country house with a stove.

How to properly position the oven

In small country houses with an area of ​​​​6x6 m, it is most practical to place stoves or fireplaces in the center of the living room, in this way several problems can be solved: zoning the room and achieving uniform heating of the entire room.

The classic location of the fireplace in the corner of the room or along one wall also takes place, but in this case, you need to remember that heating will occur only in one half of the room.

By placing the kitchen stove along one wall, you can heat not only the kitchen area, but also the adjacent room.


The small size of a country house is not a reason to turn it into a temporary shelter, depriving it of any comfort or coziness. By competently considering the layout of the interior space of the cottage, you can ensure that even in a small house you can have a good time with friends, relax and enjoy communicating with the surrounding nature.

After the layout of the house is chosen, you can prepare for the construction of the furnace. How to install a stove and a chimney in a country house, we will find out in the next video
