How to make a beaded bonsai step by step. Bonsai from beads: step by step master classes with photos

beaded bonsai

For everyone who is interested in how to make the unusual, Master Classwith step by step photos about creationbeaded bonsai.

In order to do-it-yourself beaded bonsaiYou will need the followingmaterials: beads N10green color (pre-mix several shades),wire, floral tapebrown, paintscotch, alabaster, glue"Moment" (colorless), coloredpebbles, glasses(or any other decorative elements),pot.
Ready? Then let's get toDIY wood bead making! Work on bonsaiquite long, but the result is stunning beauty and realism!
So, let's get straight to work.
1. Cut 200 pieceswire45 cm. String on each wirebeadsand make 7 loops of 8-9 beads in each. Twist the wire. Repeat steps 199 more times :)

2. Gradually startassembling a beaded bonsai with your own hands. From the bundles made, connect the smalltwigs1-2-3-4-5 bundles, wrap themfloral tape.

3. At the second stage of the smallsprigs of bonsai from beads and wire with their own handsyou need to collect averages. In each suchtwigthere will be 2 to 4 small onesbranches.

4. Now from the middlebranches will do branchesmore. They will again be from 2 to 4 of these (medium)branches.

5. Now let's make the big onesbranches. They consist of 2 - 3 previous ones.

6. To wire and bead treelooked believable, you need big onesbranchesthicken. To do this, usingadhesive tapewe will thicken them to the bottom. Top onscotch wind up floral tape.

7. It remains to finally assembleDIY beaded tree. Take the centralbranchand applying to itbranches, select the one you want. So take turns winding the restbranches. Don't forget to thickentrunk by using masking tape! beaded treeready! It remains to "plant" him inpot.

8. I plant mine beaded trees in potsin the following way:alabasterdilute with water, pour intopot. I bet bead treelet the alabaster dry. Then you can decorate the "ground" by gluing it to the driedalabastercolored pebbles or glass, using a transparent universalglue.


How to make the loops mentioned at the beginning of the article?
In the middle of a wire 45 cm long, type 8-9 beads. Twist two turns. At one end, dial another 8-9 beads. Twist another loop close to the first. At this end of the wire, make two more of the same loops. At the other end of the wire, make three loops according to the same principle. In total, you get 7 loops wound next to each other. Twist the two free ends of the wire together 5 turns. The bundle is ready.

What is floral tape and where can I get it?
Floral tape is a non-woven synthetic material in brown, green or (less commonly) white. In floristic salons, where bouquets of flowers are made. Sometimes sold as a related product in needlework stores (in the same place as beads and wire).

I can’t get the floral tape, what can I replace it with?

You can make thread wrapping. Such work is more laborious, but the result can be much more beautiful if the winding is done carefully. Use nylon or lavsan threads No. 30.

You can also make a trunk and branches from gypsum + PVA glue. This is advanced technology.

Some people replace the floral tape with newspaper strips with glue or even toilet paper.

In the manufacture of birches, some use the most common adhesive plaster for winding.

How many beads do you need for such a bonsai?
This bonsai takes about 200 grams of beads.

What kind of wire is needed and where can I get it?
The wire is needed bullish, it is easiest to work with 0.3 mm wire. You can take the wire in needlework stores (ideal), in the household. stores (you may have to remove the insulation from the wires), you can even unwind from a broken transformer.

A dwarf plant, which the inhabitants of Japan often decorate their homes with, is called bonsai, its distinctive features are a lush green crown and a thick, low trunk, but not every needlewoman has the opportunity to plant such a tree in a pot at home and provide it with decent care, so they create beaded bonsai. Such a craft can decorate any home, you can safely present it to your boss or work colleague on a professional holiday, make it with your children and give it to the class teacher, or maybe surprise your girlfriend.

Like other items in the Japanese interior, bonsai has its own symbolic meaning, it symbolizes harmony, family idyll and eternal happiness, and creating it with your own hands will lead to peace of mind. But, of course, when needlewomen plan to create a beaded tree, they are guided solely by the aesthetic component, imagining how harmoniously it will look in the interior.

Bonsai from beads: master class

It's not hard to create beaded bonsai for beginners, however, this will take a lot of time and patience, because first you need to complete each individual branch, then connect them into large branches and form a trunk from them. Separate work on the tree includes coating the wire stem with a special solution and further painting, as well as decorating a platform with a tree or a pot.

We hope that in the process of work you will not have any difficulties, but that you know exactly what steps the creation of beaded bonsai, step by step photo presented in the master class.

  • Green beads (mix) - 80-90 grams
  • Wire - 0.35 mm, 3 mm, 1 mm
  • Sewing threads - green, brown
  • Alabaster
  • Glue "Moment"
  • Decorative elements (stones, glass pieces)

First, you need to pay attention to the choice of beads, since the beauty and accuracy of the future crafts depend on its quality. For this work, it is not at all necessary to use high-quality Czech or expensive Japanese material, beads of Chinese or Russian production are suitable, which must be pre-calibrated. In the packaging with Chinese goods, you can find beads of different sizes and shapes, you need to select only those that are too out of the general mass. In general, small differences will not be noticeable in the finished work, and, therefore, will not spoil the appearance of the craft being created.

In order for the “crown” to effectively shimmer in the sun, you need to pick up several different shades of green. You should not take matte material for this creative task, it is better to choose transparent iridescent, mother-of-pearl, dilute it with metallized and cutting. Beautiful trees are obtained if you use the "satik" of green shades, such beads shimmer very beautifully in the sun's rays. In this master class, it is indicated that about 80 grams of material will be needed, but its amount is decided on an individual basis, since it depends on the size of the finished craft. Sometimes other decorative elements are added to the beads, for example, small pebbles or coins are interspersed, or you can even add coffee beans to make it fragrant.

Surely when you consider beaded bonsai photo, you are wondering how you can make such a neat trunk with a realistic texture, as in the work of experienced craftswomen. The stem is based on ordinary wire, you will need a thick wire of 3 mm at this stage, a thinner one - 1 mm will be used to form large branches, and to make each individual blank, you can use standard wire for beading - 0.3-0, 35 mm.

Bonsai from beads: photo

For one blank, cut 45 cm of 0.35 mm beading wire, then string the first 8 beads on it and twist the first loop, it should be located approximately in the middle of the specified segment. Then you need to string 8 more pieces on one end and roll the next loop. In total, on the blank for twigs, we should get eight such loops.

Then you need to twist both ends of the wire together, and you have the first blank with a "bud" of beaded loops at the end. It is not at all necessary to leave such a long wire end with our blanks, 10 centimeters will be enough, and the rest can be cut off with wire cutters. Now you know how one blank is made to form the branches of an ornamental tree. Take your time to enjoy the simplicity of the work done, because you have to spend a lot of time, in total for a small bonsai you will need about 150 of these blanks.

When all the blanks are ready to be made beaded bonsai, master class proceeds to the next stage: you need to take the three resulting “buds from the loops” blanks and twist one large bunch. After this stage of work, you should have 50 finished beams.

Although it is very simple to form branches, this process is painstaking, because the realism of your craft depends on how neat the branches turn out. The formation starts from the top: it is necessary to twist together the three prepared branches, and wrap the wire frame with sewing threads to make a base for a branch 2 cm long.

Next, we connect two blanks separately in two bundles, wrapping the frame with sewing threads by 1.5 cm, and after that we attach the resulting blanks to the central branch on the sides, shifting them 0.5-1 cm lower.

In the same way, it is necessary to form a second branch, and then attach both to a 1 mm wire base and wrap everything together with brown sewing threads. Having shifted 1 cm down, it is necessary to attach one more blank on both sides, each of which includes two beams.

The work of shaping the twigs and the tree is certainly painstaking, but even if you get confused in the stages of work, you can rely on your imagination and flair to correctly position the blanks and make the finished twig turn out to be with a lush crown. Approximately each branch should have five branches to make it look natural.

Finished twigs are formed on a 1 mm wire, and then the tree is “folded” together on a 3 mm wire, and the finished trunk should also be pre-wrapped with sewing thread. When beaded bonsai tree will be ready, you should pay attention to the design of the stand so that the craft is stable, and its decoration so that the dwarf plant gets the most realistic look.

beaded bonsai tree

First we need to choose a mold in which we can make an alabaster base for a tree beaded bonsai, step by step master class will even teach you how to work with this building mixture, which, along with gypsum, is often used by needlewomen in the final stages of creative work. You will definitely need this tutorial to finish your .

You can use a small plastic container as a form, even a nylon lid. First, it should be covered with polyethylene or film so that the alabaster does not stick to the container after solidification, and the frozen stand can be easily separated from the mold.

Alabaster should first be diluted with water to the desired consistency. You can read the instructions on how to breed alabaster on the packaging. The finished solution must be poured into the prepared mold, and when it “grabs” a little, insert the tree trunk into the still soft solution, after bending the bottom of the wire trunk at an angle of 90 degrees so that it is securely fixed. After that, we need to leave our craft alone so that the solution dries, only then you can proceed to the finishing decoration of the trunk and branches.

For finishing decoration, alabaster should be mixed with glue, and the prepared solution should be applied to the trunk, and then to the branches. In order not to stain the beaded bundles with alabaster during this stage of work, they can be covered with a film. And when the decoration stage is completed, you quickly remove the film, and the beads will remain sparkling and clean.

Bonsai from beads: a step-by-step master class

Thanks to the solution of glue and alabaster, you can easily finish decorating wood bonsai with beads, step by step the description will explain to you how to give the trunk the most realistic texture. Such a solution retains its plasticity for a long time, so even after partial drying, you can transform the texture of the coating. You will need a toothpick at this stage of the work, with the tip of which you can make shallow grooves on the surface of the trunk. The grooves should go along the trunk in a chaotic manner: some will be deep, others barely noticeable. Such decoration will allow you to achieve maximum realism of a bonsai.

After the solution has dried, you can remove the mold from the container, and proceed to the final stage, in which you will have to paint the stand and barrel with brown acrylic paint. To add elegance to the craft, you can apply a little bronze paint on the table with a sponge, and then wipe it with a stiff brush, so bronze blotches will remain on the trunk.

The stand itself must be painted with brown paint, and then it can be decorated with various decorative elements - glue small pebbles, sea glass to the stand. At this stage, you can use any decor, but you can’t get carried away so that you don’t get lost against the background of the decorated stand.

Working on a tree beaded bonsai, master class photo will definitely help inexperienced craftswomen to understand the key stages of the crafts. As you can see, there are no special tricks here, the main thing is to do the work slowly, thinking through each next step.

If you use several bead shades, then they must first be mixed in a plate, with which it will then be convenient for you to collect beads on the wire.

Bonsai from beads: video

Today, needlewomen can be found in the store in various colors and shapes. beads, bonsai master can perform not only with a green crown, but also using any fantasy colors. You can get a fabulous tree that will delight the eye and fulfill your desires.

If you are looking for possible design options for a finished one, you can pay attention to natural stones, for example, instead of a stand, you can use a piece of rock or a porous stone. To attach a wire stem to the stone, you can also use alabaster mortar, which is applied only to the top of the stone, leaving its natural texture untouched.

Bonsai with “bare” roots look attractive: in this case, the end of the trunk is not hidden in alabaster mortar, but the trunk is divided into several braided roots that wrap around the stone. With this design, the roots are also covered with a mixture of glue with alabaster, and then give them a realistic texture with a toothpick and brown paint.

You can also learn the process of making a decorative tree beaded bonsai video after watching the lesson on the Internet, where the master will not only show the stages of work, but also tell the key features of decoration.

Miniature bonsai trees are the creations of skillful hands of gardeners who have devoted decades to maintaining their ideal shape. Creating a beaded bonsai requires the same painstaking work, but the effect of such an interior decoration is no less!

Being quite small, a real bonsai replicates a tree or a whole forest area in nature. At the same time, maple, pine or sakura remain living plants that require constant attention and care. A tree woven from beads remains invariably beautiful day after day, striking with the play of light on tiny glass beads.

What is required for beaded bonsai?

Having chosen a tree to your liking, stocked up with patience and everything necessary for work, you can weave a bonsai from beads with your own hands. Although this kind of hobby cannot be called simple, with a detailed diagram and guidance, even with a little experience, you can cope with the work and decorate the house with an original thing.

For work you need to stock up:

  • beads of different shades;
  • thin wire for stringing beads;
  • thick wire in insulation for the frame of large branches and trunk;
  • a strong thread or a special tape for floristry, which is to be braided around the frame;
  • alabaster or gypsum mixture for casting the support and fixing the beaded bonsai trunk;
  • acrylic paint;
  • suitable pot;
  • all kinds of decorative elements that will give the decoration a naturalistic look.

Cellophane film will be required as an auxiliary material, and universal instant glue will help to fix the decor.

Tools included: wire cutters, brush and gloves to protect hands while working with plaster. An important help for the master is the scheme of weaving bonsai from beads.

Weaving bonsai branches from beads

The frame of a man-made bonsai consists of wire wrapped tightly with thread or adhesive tape. The tree is mounted on a heavy plaster stand.

Only the thinnest parts are woven from glass beads - leaves, as well as inflorescences, if you have to make a flowering bonsai from beads.

The palette of beads depends on the choice of the type of tree:

  1. Pine will require different shades of green.
  2. Maple foliage plays with red, orange and yellow colors.
  3. In the crown of cherry blossoms, pink tones predominate.
  4. On chestnuts, in addition to lush greenery, white-pink tassels should bloom from beads.
  5. Birch branches are fresh light greens and golden brown catkins.

Each type of bonsai leaf has its own bead weaving pattern, but the approach to assembling branches and the entire tree is common.

For beginners, it is easiest to use the looped method of creating branches, which is quite suitable for simulating a lush crown. Designed for those who first took up the assembly of beaded bonsai, the master class will help you master the basic techniques and master the general technique:

Depending on the tree chosen for the beaded bonsai, you will need to make from 50 to 200 small branches. Of these, twisting the wire parts with each other, create larger branches, shoots and branches.

When collecting branches, you need to remember that each of them has a top. Therefore, work begins with twisting three small blanks. Then other fragments are added to them.

Twisted wire frames with beaded bundles at the tops still bear little resemblance to real branches, so they are tightly wrapped with a strong thread or floral tape, which will additionally fasten the structure and smooth out the relief. In parallel, the desired shape is given to the branches, bends are made, “beaded leaves” are straightened. The work is repeated on all branches.

Assembly and installation of a beaded bonsai tree

How to weave bonsai from beads is already clear. But how do you piece together the individual branches and turn them into a miniature tree?

The assembly starts from the top, remembering that the trunk expands towards the base, becomes more powerful and stronger. Thicker wire is gradually added to the wire structure. She will not only make the beaded bonsai more reliable, but also strengthen it. Bonsai are wrapped over the wire with the same floral tape or narrow masking tape if the tape is not at hand.

When the tree is assembled, it is given the intended shape, it's time to install the trunk on a stand made of plaster or alabaster. At this stage, you will need the pot chosen for the beaded bonsai. The tree is covered with cellophane film and, having straightened the wire ends in different directions, the bonsai itself is placed in the bowl.

The composition is carefully poured with a solution of gypsum or alabaster. The same composition can process the trunk. This technique allows you to perfectly imitate the bark, create irregularities and traces of stumps on the surface.

The completed composition is left for about a day until the mixture is completely dry. The DIY beaded bonsai is completely dry, and it's time to start painting and decorating it.

When growing real live bonsai, stones are often used. You can imitate a piece of rock using foam or successively stacked pieces of drywall, glued together and treated with a thick gypsum-based paste. On such a layered "rock" it is convenient to lay out the roots of twisted wire, made in the same way as the branches.

The beaded bonsai trunk is covered with acrylic paint, which is also required to paint the gypsum base in the color of soil or grass. The stand is decorated with:

  • flowers woven from beads;
  • individual beads and small pebbles;
  • glass, perfectly reproducing the view of the reservoir;
  • figures of people, animals and birds;
  • decorative buildings.

So that the beaded bonsai is not afraid of time and sunlight, the composition is covered with a colorless acrylic varnish. Where the tree is painted, this treatment is carried out twice, after the initial layer has completely dried.

Beaded bonsai photo: an inexhaustible source of fantasy

Man-made trees are bright interior decorations, which, even when using the same beaded bonsai weaving pattern, always turn out to be unique. It is even more interesting to create copies of different tree species. Such a garden will not leave indifferent even a person far from gardening and needlework!

The pink beaded bonsai shown in the photo looks as touching and gentle as real cherry blossoms.

Bright play of autumn colors is a tree imitating Japanese maple.

The mountain pine, woven from green beads, even has tiny cones. Bonsai reproduces the appearance of a tree, against all the forces of nature that have grown on the edge of a cliff.

Blooming bonsai made of beads in the form of wisteria looks incredibly magnificent and decorative in the interior.

Caring for a beaded bonsai is not difficult at all. It is enough to regularly remove dust and, if the composition does not contain elements that are afraid of water, occasionally carry out gentle wet cleaning.

Beaded bonsai master class - video

Bonsai is a magnificent combination of nature created with human creativity. Dwarf trees, which differ from their forest and fruit relatives only in size, will be a great decoration for your home. However, such plants are very expensive, not everyone can afford a dwarf garden in their apartment. In the master class, we will try to copy this incredible creation - weave a bonsai tree from beads.

How to weave a beaded bonsai?

In order to weave a beaded bonsai tree, here's what we need:

  • 200 g of plain green beads, preferably dark;
  • 50 g of beads of other shades of green (darker or lighter - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is a beautiful combination);
  • copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • aluminum wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm;
  • floss threads - one skein of brown and green;
  • medical adhesive plaster - 2-3 skeins;
  • one package of ordinary gypsum (enough for several trees);
  • gouache paint brown and black;
  • colorless varnish;
  • tree pot.

Now we can start weaving a bonsai tree from beads.

Master class on weaving bonsai from beads:

  1. Next, we begin to plant beads. We do not cut the wire, we make a beaded ribbon 50-60 cm long.
  2. Now we make a leaf out of the ribbon: we count 7 beads from the edge, move them aside and twist them into a loop.
  3. So we make 8 leaves from our tape, we maintain the distance between them no more than 1 mm.
  4. Then we twist the ends of the wire, and bend the leaves to the top, and our first branch of beads for the bonsai tree is ready.
  5. We continue to weave exactly the same branches until all our beads run out, as a result, they should turn out to be about 250-300 pieces.
  6. Next, we take three branches, put them together, twist and grind with a layer of floss threads.
  7. After all the branches are collected in threes, we proceed to the manufacture of branches of the second, third and, finally, fourth order. Let's focus on the photo.
  8. Now we begin to collect our beaded bonsai. We take a thick wire and make a frame for a tree trunk. We get a structure with a height of 30-35 cm. We weave 4 thick branches into the frame (there should be no more than four, you can even take three).
  9. For reliability, we wrap the branches with adhesive tape.
  10. Next, we continue to attach the branches to the frame, wrapping them with a plaster, from the largest to the smallest. For convenience, we fix the tree in a pot with plaster.
  11. After the tree is fixed, we begin to process its trunk with gypsum - we apply it in a thin layer along all the branches of the tree. We work extremely carefully so as not to stain the beads - gypsum dries very quickly, and it will be very difficult to clean the beads.
  12. Now let's start painting. We paint the tree trunk and branches with brown gouache, paint over everything tightly - there should not be white spots.
  13. Then, using a thin brush, we apply subtle vertical strokes along the entire trunk of the beaded bonsai tree to give it a more realistic look.
  14. Let's start decorating the soil in a pot. Here you can give absolute freedom to fantasy: pebbles, decorative grass, flowers woven from beads - everything is perfect for decoration as well as possible.
  15. Now, for even greater shine of the tree and the reliability of the paint layer on the tree trunk, cover it with a layer of transparent varnish. Also, at the same time, we varnish the soil in the pot.

Our beaded bonsai tree is ready! Let's put it on the Saami a place of honor in the house and enjoy the result of painstaking work.

The traditional Japanese art of bonsai has firmly entered the world culture. Growing trees in miniature is troublesome and takes an incredible amount of time. Sometimes, to grow a miniature tree, gardeners spend more than a dozen years, and caring for the created dwarf is so complicated that it is better to leave it to professionals. We invite you to bypass a large number of difficulties and treat yourself to a beaded bonsai tree, a step-by-step instruction will help you create a miniature.

useful tree

According to an ancient Japanese legend, one of the emperors ordered his subjects to create a miniature copy of the state. In order to accurately reproduce the city streets on the layout, dwarf trees were invented. The advantage of beaded bonsai is hard to overestimate:

  • beauty;
  • lack of care requirements;
  • the ability to create almost any copy in a short time;
  • a wide range of shapes, sizes and design methods;
  • the opportunity to admire the miniature all year round (a real bonsai goes through a winter dormant period and loses its decorative effect);
  • composition is suitable even for beginners;
  • the opportunity to realize their ideas, for example, to make a flowering tree.

Maintenance of such a composition will be minimal, you just need to wipe the dust from time to time. But you can admire it all year round and the beaded tree will fit into any interior.

From the history of beads

Modern craftswomen can create miniatures from various materials, both natural and synthetic, but most often the choice is on beads. Why? The answer is quite simple - tiny beads are able to stand the test of time and not lose their decorative effect. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations.

Beads were invented by ancient Egyptian craftsmen. They were the first to discover the secret of glass making and created small beads. The ancestor differed from modern material in its turbidity, uneven surface, dull colors. Nevertheless, the green bead discovered by Egyptologists has not lost its appearance, although according to scientists, it is already more than 5.5 thousand years old! It was the Egyptians who contributed to the creation of handicrafts and the development of beadwork as an independent type of creativity. They invented the net lowering technique, which made it possible to decorate crafts without a base.

Modern material is produced everywhere, but the main centers specializing in the manufacture of high-quality glass are Czech Bohemia, Italy and Japan. When buying beads from these manufacturers, you can be sure of their quality. The Japanese not only perfectly mastered the creation of glass beads, but also beat their shape. It can be either simple or corrugated, or have complex geometric shapes - cubic, teardrop-shaped, triangular, curved (magatama).

When choosing a material, be aware that its number is greater, the smaller the bead itself. And for the work to be neat, the tool must be selected in accordance with the number.

Materials and technique

To make a miniature you will need:

  • beads of several shades of green;
  • wire of the right size;
  • a piece of strong wire for the barrel;
  • floral tape;
  • wire cutters;
  • gypsum (alabaster);
  • glue "Moment crystal";
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • decor (pebbles, small figures);
  • container for a tree (optional).

There are many techniques for making beaded crafts, but needlewomen often choose loop weaving for bonsai. It is characterized by simplicity and speed.

The technique is to create loops on a piece of wire. Work is carried out according to the following weaving pattern:

Put 8 beads on a piece of wire 40 cm long. Align the first and last and twist the ends under them a few turns. A neat loop is formed.

The birth of the bonsai

A detailed instruction with a step-by-step photo will help you create your own bonsai from beads. Before doing the work, select a suitable sketch or draw it yourself. Take a look at the variety of forms offered by traditional Japanese art:

Having decided on the style of the miniature, you can start working. First, form the branches according to the scheme described above. On the beaded wire, form a loop of 8 beads. Their number can be arbitrary, it depends solely on your imagination. Place the beads on the free end again and form the next loop. In total, 8 green loops should turn out at the top of the branch. Twist the ends of the wire and cut the length to 10 cm with wire cutters.

To create a bonsai, you will need at least 150 of these branches. Form larger branches from them by connecting bundles of three. Make branches according to the selected sketch.

After connecting the pieces of wire, wrap the surface with floral tape or yarn. You should get several large branches that should be tied to the trunk of a thick wire.

This is not the end of the miniature creation.

Assembly and decoration

Now you need to root the bonsai and add decor to it. A small master class with a photo will help you with this.

For planting, you can use both a traditional low rectangular pot, and create a small island of alabaster.

To make an island, choose a container of the right size and line the bottom with a plastic bag. Dilute the alabaster, place the base of the tree in a pot or mold and fill with mortar. Hold the bonsai until the plaster sets. Remove the thumbnail from the form.

Now it's time to tackle the trunk. To do this, mix alabaster with PVA glue and apply gruel to the trunk and branches. Using a wooden skewer, shape the bark by making small indentations.

Leave the barrel to dry completely. In the end, it should look like this:

To paint the barrel, use gouache or acrylic paints. Apply darker tones in the "cracks" and a lighter shade on top. Walk a slightly moistened cloth over the surface, as if erasing the paint. Paint the island in the desired shade, complete with decor and varnish. It will not only add durability and facilitate the care of the miniature, but also make the colors come to life and shine.

Bonsai from beads is ready! It will organically fit into the interior of your home, adding a touch of sophistication and sophistication to it, and can also be a great gift for a loved one.

You can see design ideas below:

Video on the topic of the article

The video tutorials provided in this section of the article will help you learn more about the nuances of making beaded bonsai.
