DIY winter bird feeders. DIY bird feeder: a selection of ideas

Exhibition in kindergarten “Bird Feeder”.

Author: Bulanova Irina Vladislavovna, teacher of the 1st category, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 7 “Ogonyok”, Sverdlovsk region, Lesnoy city.
Purpose: The exhibition is useful for children, parents, teachers and in general everyone who loves to create.
Description of the exhibition: Winter will come soon and it will become difficult for the poor birds to find food. We invite you to do them with your children, because, you see, this is a great way for children to learn how to do good for others and show concern for their neighbors. It is especially good to make bird feeders if the child has no younger siblings or pets at home, and taking care of birds will be the first step towards becoming an unselfish person with a kind soul.
During the cold season, wintering birds face two vital questions: how to feed themselves and where to hide from the cold at night. The daylight hours are shortened, available food becomes significantly less, but the need for it increases: energy costs to withstand low temperatures increase. This is why our birds become so voracious in winter - almost all day they do nothing but look for food. And a good layer of fat under the skin also forms additional protection from frost. That's why it's especially important to help birds feed themselves! Winter hardships, of course, do not threaten the extinction of all birds. Many will be able to feed themselves in nature. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so some individuals cannot survive the winter on their own and die. How can we help our feathered friends survive the winter?
What can you make a bird feeder from?
You can make a bird feeder with your own hands from wood, plywood, plastic bottles, milk, juice and cereal cartons, pumpkins, empty coconuts, old car headlights and other scrap materials.
Feeding recommendations:
Feeding must be carried out constantly as the feed is consumed, since birds accustomed to feeding may die. Feed your birds correctly. The main food for birds in winter are the fruits of rowan, hawthorn, maple and ash seeds. This is the favorite food of bullfinches and waxwings. Woodpeckers and jays can be fed with cones, acorns, and nuts. Sunflower seeds are the most versatile food for wintering birds. It can be eaten by various granivorous birds, as well as tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers, etc. The large amount of vegetable fats inside sunflower seeds makes them an important source of energy in winter cold conditions. Decorate the feeders with pre-collected maple and ash lionfish; in the fall, most of them fly away from the trees and become inaccessible to birds. To feed small tits and nuthatches, use unsalted lard or meat. String small pieces of lard onto twine and hang them on the branches of trees and shrubs. Do not forget about cereals, because this is the favorite food of sparrows, goldfinches, greenfinches, and pigeons. To feed these birds, pour millet, oats, and wheat grains into the feeders.

"Bird feeders"
Timosha and I all day long,
We saw and pound
My fingers are already hurting
From such work.

We are making a feeding trough,
The cold has arrived
We need to feed the birds
So that you don't go hungry.

That's it, the work is finished,
Found the branch
We tied the feeder
Well, they didn’t take the food.

Timosha ran into the house,
I took millet and crumbs,
Just like that, and at the feeding trough,
The cat settled down.

On the clothesline,
The cat won't get it,
A sparrow from the feeder,
I've already eaten crumbs.

Purpose of the exhibition- involvement of parents in the educational process of kindergarten.
Objectives of the Bird Feeder exhibition:
fostering a caring and loving attitude towards nature;
development of cognitive interest, ecological knowledge about birds in winter;
development of competition participants' skills in making feeders, as well as artistic taste and creativity in the process of decorating them;
studying and observing bird life in the city;
encouragement for a creative union of teachers, children and their parents.
Requirements for the Bird Feeder exhibition:
Works can be presented in various techniques (painting, carving, burning, decoupage, painting with water-based or odorless paint) using accessories. A creative approach and original artistic design are encouraged.
Participants of the Bird Feeder exhibition:
Children, parents and teachers take part in the competition.
Each work must be provided with a sign (on the reverse side) indicating: the surname, first name of the author, his age, the group from which the work was provided, as well as any other information that the participant wishes to provide about himself.
The exhibition is held in the following categories:
- original feeder;
- functional feeder;
- ecological feeder.
Evaluation criteria for the Bird Feeder exhibition:
- strength;
- originality;
- aesthetic performance
The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas of winners.

Photo report on the exhibition “Bird Feeder”:

Bullfinches are sitting on a branch,
A canary sings in a cage.
Two tits flew in,
Yellow-sided sisters.
And white-sided magpies,
They never get tired of chirping.
At the window on the stump,
We set up a feeder
And in winter for the little birds,
There is feast and comfort here.

A bird came to visit.
- What is your name?
- Titmouse. Allow me a little
Here you can warm yourself by the window.
- Well, of course, warm yourself, bird!
What do you love, titmouse?
- Seeds, millet and crumbs,
I like lard a little...
- Come again, girlfriend!
We have a feeding trough for you.

“Tanya looks out the window”
Tanya looks out the window:
A cat is walking around the yard.
Birds hover over the houses -
Small sparrows.
Tanya quickly got dressed,
She wanted to go for a walk.
Bread crumbs, millet grains
I grabbed it and the girls
They immediately ran to Tanya,
Everyone started making the feeder.
The birds flew close
They sat around on the feeding trough.
They nodded their heads,
While the grains were pecked.
All the girlfriends were having fun,
Very kind girls!

The exhibition itself:

"Bird feeders"
Dad made a feeder
Hung it outside the window -
And here's some brave one
A pigeon eats millet in it!

Cheerful titmouses
They flew to visit us,
I will help these birds tomorrow
I'll give you a piece of lard.

The titmice sang loudly,
And then, at exactly three,
They flew from the forest
Handsome bullfinches!

I forgot my toys
Now I look out the window,
Like sparrows in a feeder
They've been pecking at grain all day...

Oh, cute little birds,
How pleasing your view is!..
What if to my feeding trough
Will the firebird fly?..

February 22nd, 2016

To make a bird feeder, you need to have a few simple things and tools. You can make a feeding trough with your children, but keep in mind that you need to watch every step, since during the construction process sharp things are used - scissors, knives, screwdrivers and even, sometimes, a saw. There are many options for feeders - made from plywood, plastic bottles, tin cans or cardboard.

Here are the most interesting, popular and original ideas for creating a feeder:

Feeder made from scrap materials: toilet paper rolls

You will need:

1 toilet paper roll

Peanut butter

Small bowl


A couple of branches

Strong thread or fishing line

Knife (dull or plastic).

1. Connect two branches or sticks together using hot glue or string. You can skip this point if you make 4 holes in the sleeve (see below).

2. Make holes in the toilet paper roll so that you can thread two branches or sticks through them. It is better to make 2 holes: a little higher and 2 slightly lower (see image). This item is not required, because The sleeve can be put on differently.

3. Place the peanut butter in a small bowl and use a plastic knife to spread the butter onto the surface of the cardboard toilet paper roll.

4. Sprinkle the food over the peanut butter sleeve.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 4 more bushings.

6. Tie a strong thread to the connected branches so that the structure can be hung.

7. Hang all the cardboard tubes on the branch structure, and then hang everything on the tree.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 1.

You will need:

Any plastic bottle

Ribbon, thread or fishing line

Awl or drill (for making holes in the bottle and plastic cap)

Bolt and nut

Stationery or simple knife (if necessary)

Deep plastic plate.

1. Prepare a plastic bottle. Remove the label from it, wash it well and dry it.

2. Make a hole in the middle of the lid and plastic plate.

3. Attach the lid to the plate using a bolt and nut.

4. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle (bottom).

5. Make several holes on the side (4-5), near the neck of the bottle, so that the food can spill out when you turn the bottle over. Holes can be made with a stationery knife if the bottle is not too thick.

6. Take the ribbon, fold it in half, and tie the ends in a knot. Thread the ribbon through the hole at the bottom of the bottle.

Now you can pour food into the bottle, screw on the cap and turn it over. The ribbon will allow you to hang the feeder on a branch.

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 2.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Plastic container

Strong thread or fishing line

Screwdriver or nail

Knife (simple or stationery).

1. Remove the cap from the bottle and the cap from the container.

2. Place the bottle cap on the container cap (in the center) and trace with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

3. Using a utility knife, cut a hole in the lid of the container. The hole can be made slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottle cap.

4. Make one hole along the edges of the container lid.

5. Make a hole in the center of the bottle cap. The hole should be large enough to allow bird food to spill out.

6. Place the cap on the bottle and then insert the bottle into the hole in the container cap.

7. Tie a strong thread to the bottle and put the cap on the container.

Now you can pour food into the bottle or pour water and hang the feeder on a tree.

How to make a feeder from a box (photo instructions)

Original polymer clay feeder

You will need:

Polymer clay


Thick wire or piece of aluminum

Baking bowl or any other utensil that can be placed in the oven

A small piece of fabric.

1. First roll out the clay on a flat surface until it is about 6mm thick.

2. Carefully place the rolled out clay inside the baking bowl. Trim off any excess pieces so that the clay lies flat. Make 3 large holes in the clay for the rope.

3. Place the bowl of clay in the oven. Read the clay instructions carefully to know how long it takes for the clay to harden in the oven.

4. When the clay has hardened, carefully remove it from the bowl, tie three pieces of rope to it - tie a knot at one end of each rope, and insert the other end into the hole of the clay plate.

5. Tie all ends of the rope and secure them with wire.

6. It is advisable to place a small piece of fabric inside the plate so that the birds do not accidentally peck the clay along with the food.

Original do-it-yourself pumpkin feeder

You will need:

Small pumpkin

Wooden crossbars (even branches can be used)

Thin wire.

1. You need to cut off the top of the pumpkin.

2. Using a knife or screwdriver, make 4 holes in the pumpkin to insert branches or wooden slats into. Make 2 opposite holes at the same height and two other opposite ones slightly lower - this way you will have one branch slightly higher than the other.

3. Take a thin wire and wrap it around each end of the branches so that the feeder can be hung on the tree. Connect all the ends of the wire so that the feeder can hang evenly. Twist them into a hook.

Original DIY bird feeder idea

This feeder is suitable for sub-zero temperatures.

You will need:

Large plastic bottle

Small plastic bottle or small plastic container


Coniferous branches

Berries (optional)


1. Cut off the bottom of a large and small plastic bottle. First you can make a hole with a knife and then cut with scissors. You will have the base of the feeder.

2. Place spruce branches, berries and seeds in a circle in the cut-out bottom of a large bottle.

3. Place the bottom of a small bottle or small plastic container in the center of the base.

4. Pour earth, sand or pebbles into a small container.

5. Tie strong threads or fishing line to the feeder so it can be hung.

6. If you put the feeder in the freezer overnight, and then take out and remove the plastic parts, you will get an ice feeder.

How to make a feeder with your own hands using a bottle

You will need:

Small glass or plastic bottle (preferably with a cap)

Small saucer or bottom of a plastic bottle


Saw (if necessary)

Screw half ring (hook).

1. Using screws, connect two small pieces of plywood. In this example, the dimensions of the plywood are 11 x 15 cm and 31 x 15 cm.

2. Using the bottle that you will later attach to the stand, mark the places where you will need to attach two pieces of wire - one at the neck, the other at the bottom of the bottle.

3. The neck of the bottle should be approximately 3-4 cm above the base.

4. Drill holes for the wire, insert your wire through the bottom, wrap it around the bottle and secure it to the back of the plywood (you can twist the wire or secure it with a stapler).

5. Fill the bottle with seeds, screw the lid on so as not to spill the seeds, turn it over and insert the bottle between the wires, place a saucer under it and remove the lid.

6. Screw a half-ring screw into the top of the plywood to hang the feeder.

Original DIY bird feeder

You will need:

Tin can (preferably with a lid)

Sisal rope (sisal rope) or thick rope

A piece of thin plywood, a branch, or any small metal piece

Hot glue.

1. If you have a jar with a lid, then the lid needs to be bent in half.

2. Take a small branch, piece of plywood, or other small piece that birds can perch on and glue it to the jar.

3. Insert the bent lid as shown in the image (slightly inside the jar and over the metal part) and secure it with glue.

4. Take a thick rope or rope about 80 cm long and start wrapping the can so that the long ends of this rope (30 cm) remain at the beginning and at the end. Use glue to secure the rope to the can.

5. Cut the rope, tie the ends in a knot and secure with glue.

You will need:

3/4 cup birdseed

1/4 cup water

1 packet of gelatin

Twine or strong thread

Cookie pans

Baking paper.

1. Mix gelatin with water (1/4 cup) and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved.

2. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. Add 3/4 cup birdseed. You can add more if it fits.

4. Place the cookie cutters on baking paper and fill them with the resulting food mixture.

5. Cut a piece of thread and tie its ends into a knot. Partially insert the thread into the mixture.

6. Leave the mixture to dry overnight, making sure to turn it occasionally when you have time.

7. Remove the molds and hang the food on the tree.

How to make your own bird feeder using tin cans

You will need:

3 cans of paint or cans

A piece of branch or wooden stick

Hot glue

Paints (if desired).

You can paint the jars, or you can leave them as is.

1. Glue a piece of branch to a jar for the birds to land and eat.

2. Wrap strong thread or ribbon around the jar and tie the ends in a knot. You can secure the tape with glue so that it sticks better to the jar.

3. Fill the jars with food and you're done!

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

You will need:

Plastic bottle (1.5 l or 5 l) or canister

Sharp scissors or utility knife

Winter is just around the corner, and it’s getting harder for the poor birds every day to find food for themselves. Let's help them, at the same time teach our children kindness and mercy, caring for our little brothers. In return, grateful birds will delight you with simple but cheerful songs, as well as sketches from their bird life. If you place a video camera next to the feeder, you can eventually get an exclusive story in the style of “In the Animal World” and show it at school during an environmental or biology lesson. In general, in this article we decided to talk about what a bird feeder you make yourself should be like. We will offer a description and photo.

Making a simple feeder with your own hands

First of all, inspect the proposed material from which you plan to make a feeder, and estimate your capabilities. Also consider some design requirements:

  • Remember, it should be convenient for the birds, as well as for pouring and removing food.
  • It must have protection from wind and precipitation; the wind can simply carry the food outside, and precipitation can cause the food to freeze or mold, which is also inconvenient for the birds.
  • The material from which the feeder is made must be moisture-resistant so that it does not have to be repaired or remade several times during the winter.
  • There should be no sharp edges or corners on it, so as not to injure the birds.
  • If you plan to feed small birds, then the feeder should be made small so that large and aggressive birds do not rob it and scare away small birds.
  • It is better to place your feeder on tree branches or attach it to the walls of a house or household. buildings, no lower than one and a half meters from the ground, so that cats do not get there, and it is convenient for you to replenish food supplies.

Plywood option.

Of course, you can buy it ready-made in a hypermarket. But to make it yourself, and even together with your children - what could be better if your sons help you, and your daughters look at such a handicraft father with different eyes! Moreover, there are no difficulties here. It can be made closed, open, with a gable roof. On the Internet you can easily find any drawings with ready-made sizes and patterns. Choose any!

For small birds, you need to take into account the size of the structure, so that large voracious crows wouldn’t even think of poking around there, it would simply be very uncomfortable for them there.

  1. So, prepare for work a jigsaw, a hammer, suitable nails, sandpaper, water-based glue, plywood, a 20x20 cm block. Let's start with the simplest option.
  2. We make the bottom 25X25 cm, and make the roof larger so that water flows past without getting inside. We mark the remaining parts according to the patterns on plywood.
  3. Be sure to use sandpaper to properly sand the sawn edges so that no burrs remain.
  4. We cut the block into 4 racks 25 - 30 cm long.
  5. If you plan to make the roof flat on a slope, then make 2 of the 4 bars shorter by a couple of cm, and on a slope.
  6. We first glue all connecting places with glue, and then fasten them with nails. We attach the racks to the bottom, and the sides to them.
  7. We fasten the roof on top of the racks with self-tapping screws.
  8. Now all that remains is to fix the feeder in the chosen place and pour treats there.

Options for a wooden feeder.

This is a more durable material. If you have the skills to work with wood and tools for processing it, feel free to get down to business. You will need a board 18 - 20 cm thick for work, in addition, prepare a block of 4.5x2 cm, a square piece of plywood 25x25 cm (bottom of the feeder), and for the roof 2 pieces of 35x22 cm, as well as self-tapping screws, glue and nails.

Homemade feeder made from a milk bag/box.

Here we are talking about how to make a bird feeder. The next option is the most basic. Even a child can handle it. We take:

  • Clean bag/box of juice or milk.
  • Wire or rope made of nylon for hanging.
  • Marker.
  • Band-Aid.
  • Stationery knife or scissors.

First, we mark and cut out holes for the birds on opposite sides. We protect the cut edges with adhesive tape so that the birds do not get hurt. We poke holes under the holes and insert scraps from bird holes rolled into tubes, and above the holes we make holes for wire or rope for hanging. We attach our feeder to a branch.

It can also be attached to a tree, but then you need to make holes not on opposite sides, but on close ones, to make it easier for birds to approach.

There is a version of the feeder made from two bags, it turns out to be triangular in shape. We cut off the first bag by 2/3 and cut out the front side at the bottom, this will be the bottom. And we cut the second bag from below along the narrow sides, but do not touch the top. Now we combine both parts and secure them with glue or tape.

1.5 - 2 liter bottles also make feeders.

Option 1. We cut holes of arbitrary shape on opposite sides of the bottle. When cutting holes in the shape of the letter P, you can bend the uncut part upward to create a rain shelter. Be sure to stick an adhesive plaster or tape on the bottom of the cuts to prevent damage to the bird's legs. You can make holes in the bottom and insert sticks, this will be a perch.

You can attach it to a tree or hang it on branches if you tie a rope in knots in the holes in the lid on the inside to make a loop that needs to be thrown over the branches.

Option 2. The feeder is a bunker. The best option if you visit there only on weekends. Then there will be no need to monitor the replenishment of food every day; it will gradually fill up on its own as it is eaten.

To do this, take a pair of identical bottles. Make a hole near the bottom of one bottle. Remove the top part. We cut a symmetrical pair of holes at the top for further hanging. We make several holes at the neck of the second bottle; the supply of food will pour in there. You should not make large holes right away, then expand them as necessary. Now we fill in the actual food and insert it into the first cut bottle.

Option 3. Feeder with spoons. We make holes in the lid and insert a rope in the form of a loop. Next we make symmetrical holes for the spoons. We make a larger hole on the side of the cup so that food can spill out. All that remains is to fill the feeder and hang it up.

It is advisable to make several small holes in the bottom of any bottle feeder with a hot needle or nail to drain moisture.

Bird feeder from a five-liter bottle.

Bird feeders can be made not only from wood. We offer you products that were created from other available materials. The feeder looks very interesting for birds from a plastic bottle. Spending one evening and feeding the birds all winter is not a useful activity for a stormy autumn evening! There is a five-liter container in every home, and a considerable number of birds can easily be fed from such a container. The main thing is to make more holes.

The whole family can take part in the manufacturing process; you need to prepare pruners, a bottle, a knife, wire or rope to attach to the tree.

First we decide how the feeder will be attached to the tree, then we mark the future holes.

If it is placed vertically, then we retreat 5 - 7 cm from the bottom and make several square or triangular holes.

If horizontally, then cut wide holes in the neck and bottom of the bottle.

Wire or twine will perfectly secure the feeder to the tree. To prevent the wind from rocking it, you can put a quarter of a brick on the bottom, and then pour food on top.

Such a large bottle can also be used as a bunker option. Then, in addition to the 5-liter bottle, you will need 2 1.5-liter bottles, a marker, a knife and a string.

  • We mark holes for birds on a 5-liter bottle, a couple, and one larger one for a one and a half liter bottle.
  • We make the hole for the bottle U-shaped, bend the visor up, and seal the cuts with adhesive tape.
  • For a one and a half liter bottle, we make holes at the points of contact with the bottom of the five liter bottle and a little higher, so that food can spill to the bottom as needed.
  • We cut a hole in the cap of a five-liter bottle so that the neck of a one and a half liter bottle can be seen from there.
  • From the second one and a half liters we cut off the neck in the form of a funnel, and put it on the protruding neck of the first 1.5 liters.
  • Everything is ready, all that remains is to attach the bird's canteen to the tree.

A shoebox would make an excellent feeder.

A shoe box or similar in size, maybe laminated, made of thick cardboard, is suitable for making a feeder. Everything is already there - roof, bottom, walls, only minimal work remains - cutting the necessary holes and attaching them to the tree. Here you need a stationery knife, a marker and tape with a cord. If there is no lamination, the tape will help protect the feeder from bad weather. The bottom must be weighted with sand or pebbles so that it does not sway in the wind, and after pouring food, hang it on a tree.

There is another option - we attach the lid with tape perpendicular to the inside of the box, the lid will actually be a table with food, and the box will be both a roof and a side. We make a hook from wire, and after piercing the top of the feeder, we hang it to the chosen place. All that remains is to pour in the food and arm yourself with a camera or video camera!

A DIY bird feeder is a great way to enjoy wildlife. If you live in an area where there are a lot of birds, a few well-placed bird feeders will allow you to get a pretty close look at the birds and enjoy their beauty. You don't necessarily need to buy an expensive feeder. You can easily make it yourself. In addition, feeders can be a lifesaver for birds. Winter is a difficult time for our feathered friends: under the thick snow it is difficult for them to find food. Most types of bird feeders are low cost and will take up very little of your time.

Outdoor bird feeder: getting to know the design

Bird feeders can be quite varied in design and choice of material. But a good feeder must meet several important requirements. The design must have:

  1. A roof to protect food from rain and snow. Food spoiled by precipitation is unsuitable for consumption.
  2. A convenient wide opening that will allow birds to easily get inside and also easily exit the feeder.
  3. Durable material, suitable for harsh winter conditions. Winter bird feeders must withstand temperature changes and high humidity.

It is also important to choose the right food for the birds and an acceptable place for the feeder.

Standard feeds for birds are:

  • millet;
  • white bread crumbs;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pieces of unsalted lard (lard attracts tits, nuthatches, and woodpeckers).
To attract different types of birds to the feeder, add oily, high-calorie seeds (millet, rapeseed, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, oats, white pumpkin seeds, rowan and viburnum berries, unsalted shelled nuts). This is a good treat for sparrows, siskins, goldfinches, greenfinches, and redpolls. Place feeders in open areas so that birds can easily see them.

The simplest options for making bird feeders

You should not limit yourself only to wooden building materials. Feeders for birds can be made from various simple materials at hand. Most feeders do not require complex drawings or special skills. Basically, anything can make a great outdoor feeder.

Feeder made from a tetra bag or box

A feeder made from a tetra bag (juice box) is a simple and cheap design that takes only 10 minutes to make. You will need two washed liter juice boxes, wire or twine, a utility knife and a stapler. The food in this feeder is reliably protected from wind and moisture, and the bright packaging attracts birds. However, there are also disadvantages: the presence of food in the container is not visible.

So, let's figure out how to make a feeder from a juice box. One box will serve as a container for food, the second is needed for the roof. Using a knife, cut a rectangular hole on the wide edge of one of the boxes. Let's move on to the second box: on two long and one short sides, draw a line exactly in the middle, along which we cut the box into two parts with a knife. The roof for the feeder is ready. Next, we connect the roof and the feed container using a stapler, wire or rope. Next, for hanging, we also make punctures in the upper part and insert twine or wire through them. The bird house is ready. Now you know how to make an original feeder out of cardboard.

Important! Don't forget to leave strips 6-8mm wide on the long side of the feed box. This is necessary so that the birds can cling comfortably with their paws.over the edges. To prevent water from accumulating in the feeder, be sure to make several holes on the inside of the bottom.

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

To empty plastic bottle got a second life, find out how to make a bird feeder out of it. A plastic bottle feeder is a spacious house where birds can freely enjoy food. It takes 15 minutes to make such a feeder. You can take a 1-2 liter bottle, but it is advisable to use a 5 liter bottle. Using scissors, carefully make large cutouts (exits) on each side of the bottle. The edges of the holes should be processed. Do not cut off the upper part of each exit all the way so that it can be folded at the top. This way you will have a canopy that protects the feeder from snow and rain.
Make two holes in the bottle cap for string or fishing line. That's the whole process of creating a feeder. This structure is the most common and simplest option for making a bird feeder with your own hands. However, such a feeder is quite light, and any movement of the wind can rock it, so it would be a good idea to put some kind of weight on its bottom.

Option for a tin can feeder

You can even make a bird feeder from a tin can. The jars are easy to work with and little birds love them. You need to use containers from coffee, cocoa, lemonade or paint. It is worth involving children in the process of creating this version of the feeder. Children can then take this bird feeder to kindergarten to teach their friends the secrets of making it. The work is performed in the following sequence:

Important!You need a tin canhang strictlyin a horizontal position. That's whyIt is advisable to glue the cords to the cans with glue.And then try to make sure that the feeder hangs level.

Designs made from round pumpkins will make unusually original bird feeders for wild birds. Make a wide hole in the pumpkin, which will be the future entrance for the birds. Remove the inside of the fruit. Next, make special holes for hanging. You can use strong rope, wire or chain. All that remains is to choose the right place to place our unusual feeder. For example, a pumpkin can be hung from a tree branch. A bright pumpkin will serve as a magnificent garden decoration. This feeder looks elegant and unusual.

Feeder "with reserve"

A feeder “with a reserve” is a so-called bird “dining room” with automatic feed supply. Let's take a look at the features of this design, its advantages and possible disadvantages.

How to make a feeder with a spoon

Another option for bird feeders made from plastic bottles are original compositions with spoons that you can make with your own hands. This design is not the most convenient option, but it is easy to build. You will need a regular plastic bottle (1 L or 2 L) and a wooden spoon. It is necessary to cut slots on both sides of the bottle that can accommodate two wooden spoons. The holes must be parallel. The bottle is then filled with food to the very top. The grains are automatically poured into the spoon in small portions. This ensures a constant feed supply. The birds really like the resulting product. Feathered travelers can sit quite comfortably on a spoon.

Bunker design

The bunker design is the most convenient, practical and efficient feeder in all respects. This design was borrowed from agriculture. As the bird eats the food, the next portion is automatically added from the hopper. This feeder will last for more than one winter. A homemade bunker feeder for birds can be created from completely different materials: from a cup and saucer, from a box, from the same plastic bottle, from boards, etc. Modern materials allow you to assemble a bunker feeder in just 5 minutes.

Did you know? One of the main advantages of a bunker feeder is that it helps solve the problem of “discrimination” of some bird species by others. Often a flock of the same species, e.g.tits orsparrows, takes an advantageous position in the feeder and tries to prevent other birds from getting to the grains. This is where homemade bunker feeders, also known as “anti-sparrow” feeders, can come in handy.

The bunker structure consists of two parts: a tray and a bunker. First, a drawing is prepared on which all the details are shown in detail. Dimensions of this bird feeder: 40 x 30 x 30 cm. All material must be carefully marked. The base is cut out of boards, the roof is made of plywood, and the racks (30 cm each) are made of 2 x 2 cm timber. The racks are attached to the bottom in a vertical position with a slight indentation inward. A roof made of a piece of plywood is mounted on top of the racks. Our bunker feeder is ready.

Beautiful bird feeder: how to make it from plywood

A classic wooden feeder is a beautiful and functional mini-house for feathered travelers. The version of the feeder presented below allows the feed to be supplied in portions to the bird’s “dining room”.

Drawings and preparation of materials

For construction you will need the following materials:

  • boards 20 cm wide;
  • moisture-resistant plywood (or plexiglass) 16 mm thick;
  • screws, self-tapping screws, wooden edges, glue;
  • furniture hinges;
  • milling machine;
  • grinding machine.
Below we present to your attention a detailed design drawing. The above drawing of a bird feeder, executed in precise proportions, makes it easier to assemble the side walls of the structure.

Birds in winter experience enormous difficulties in finding food. The ground is covered with snow and the tree branches are frozen, so the birds are desperately short of food. Because of this, most birds die. Everyone can help our little brothers and make a feeder that will be their salvation during the cold weather. Feeding birds in winter has been customary for a very long time and caring people do it every year.

Making your own feeder

Before you make a bird feeder with your own hands, you need to take into account that you will have to fill it regularly as the food runs out, since the birds will hope to be fed. You can use such a bird canteen not only in winter, especially if it is located in a garden plot. The food will attract birds, which, in turn, will partially rid the area around the house of midges and other harmful insects. This article outlines various methods for making a bird feeder.

Selecting location and material

Usually, when talking about bird feeders, many people imagine a wooden house with a hole. This is the most successful form, as it will reliably protect the birds inside from bad weather, and will not become unusable during precipitation and strong winds, since it is very reliable and strong. But still, it is not necessary to make a wooden feeder, since now there are a huge number of options that can be brought to life. It can be made from any material and any shape, the main thing is that the finished product meets the following requirements:

  • It was strong and durable enough to support the weight of several birds.
  • It was resistant to precipitation. You can often see small feeders made from juice bags or shoe boxes, but such a product will not last long, as rain or snow will soon render it unusable. If, however, there is no other material other than cardboard, you need to cover the constructed structure with tape, so it will be a little stronger and will withstand adverse weather conditions.
  • It was safe for birds. After cutting out the openings, especially for feeders made from bottles, very sharp edges remain, which, before hanging the feeder, need to be treated with electrical tape, polymer clay or other materials so that the birds cannot get hurt.

In order for the birds to see the dining room for them and constantly fly to it, you need to place it in a place convenient for them. This is usually a well-visited area. There is no need to place it where there are a lot of branches or where cats can reach.

Feeder options

Nowadays, a bird feeder with your own hands can be made as your imagination requires, but if it is difficult to come up with a convenient design yourself, then you can use the following step-by-step instructions for making it.

Plywood feeder

If you have several pieces of plywood at home left over after renovations, then why not make an excellent feeder out of them. They come in various types with a flat or gable roof. But in order to feed only small birds that cannot get food for themselves, you need to make holes for them of such a size that larger birds do not eat all the food. For such a feeder, you will definitely need to make a drawing in advance so that the finished structure is as originally intended, and you do not make a mistake with the dimensions.

After the drawing is ready, you need to prepare the tools necessary for the work:

  • Jigsaw
  • Sandpaper
  • Nails of the right size
  • Water based adhesive
  • Plywood
  • Small bars measuring 4.5 * 2 cm

The simplest plywood feeder is made according to the following algorithm:

The details of the future product are marked on plywood and cut out with a jigsaw. The roof should be slightly larger than the bottom so that moisture does not drain from it onto the food.

To prevent the occurrence of burrs and sharp edges, the cut areas must be treated with sandpaper.

Racks with a height of about 30 cm are cut out of 4.5 * 2 timber. If you plan to make a feeder with a flat roof on a slope, then 2 timbers are made a few centimeters lower.

We assemble the structure:

  1. We glue the racks to the bottom, and the sides to them.
  2. We drive nails or screw screws into the joints.
  3. We attach the roof on top.

The feeder is ready, now you can pour food inside and hang it in a convenient place. It is in no way inferior in quality to a wooden product.

Another simple plywood structure is shown in the video:

Wooden feeder

Products for birds made of wood are the most common and convenient, so let’s look at the process of making such feeders. To make a wooden feeder, you will need knowledge of the basics of carpentry, as well as material - boards no thicker than 2 cm.

To create the lightest model, you need to stock up on timber for racks measuring 4.5 * 2 cm, plywood 25 * 25 for the bottom and two sheets 35 * 22 for a gable roof, self-tapping screws, nails and wood glue.

The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. We connect 4.5 * 2 cm bars together to form a rectangle, and attach it to the bottom using glue and self-tapping screws.

    Advice! Two sides can be made a little longer. This will allow you to place the perches on them.

  2. We attach racks in the corners.
  3. We lay the rafters to the posts at right angles.
  4. We fasten the finished rafters to the racks with self-tapping screws.
  5. We attach two pieces of wood in the form of a triangle to the rafters - this will be the roof slope.
  6. You can make a ridge by attaching a window corner.
  7. If at the stage of manufacturing the sides, two of them were lengthened, then a perch was attached between them.

Advice ! To avoid splitting the wooden parts in the feeder, the tip of the nail must be made blunt, and special holes must be drilled for self-tapping screws.

It is installed permanently on a wooden rail or suspended from a branch using wire. Its design is such that up to 5 birds can feed at once, the food will not fly away from the wind, as it is protected by sides, and will not get wet, since the feeder has a roof.

If the local area has a gazebo, then inside it you can place a feeding trough without a roof. If desired, a wooden feeder can be coated with paint or varnish, but only water-based, to prevent poisoning of the birds.

Simple bottle feeder

A bird feeder made from a plastic bottle is made very quickly and you don’t need any special tools to make it. It is enough to take a five-liter bottle and cut holes in the form of a rectangle or arch on the parallel walls. If you cut out only three sides of the hole, and lift the cut out part up and fix it, you will get a beautiful visor.

All edges must be covered with adhesive tape or tape so that the birds do not injure their paws when eating the grains. You can make holes in the bottom of the bottle and thread a round stick through them to create a perch.

You can attach such a feeder using a thick rope to a tree branch.

Bottle feeders with food supply

The first option would be a bunker-type product. Its design is interesting in that the food will pour out on its own as the birds eat it.

To make such a feeder you need to take two bottles of the same volume. We mark one bottle with a marker before cutting. You need to cut holes near the bottom so that the birds can peck food. Mentally divide the bottle into three parts and cut off one upper part completely, and just below we make holes parallel to each other for the rope.

The second bottle, in the narrowest part near the neck, is equipped with several holes so that food can then spill out of them.

Important ! There is no need to make too large holes for the feed to pour out.

The final part of creating this feeder is pouring the food into bottle number 2, screwing on its cap and inserting this bottle into the first bottle with the neck cut off. The manufacturing technology is clearly presented in the video

A bottle feeder with spoons is also a great option for those who will not be able to add food regularly and who have several wooden spoons in the kitchen. You need to make a hole in the lid and thread a rope there for hanging. Then you need to make 2 symmetrical holes corresponding to the size of the spoon. Where the wide part of the spoon will be, the hole should be wider so that the birds can take the food. A spoon is inserted into the holes and food is poured in. You can make a bird table with one spoon, or you can use several so that two birds can eat at once.
