Dream Interpretation - why dream of losing an earring in a dream? Dream Interpretation - jewelry: earrings. Why dream in a dream to find, try on, dress, choose, consider, buy, lose, receive as a gift, steal gold earrings

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    Lose earring in dream very unpleasant, it seems as if such a loss happened in reality. However, do not worry, because if in dream you lost golden earring, but Then her found, then this is a very good sign. For a man dreamed, what is he lost earring, which means that soon a temptress will appear on the horizon, who can unceremoniously climb into his family idyll, especially if a female person dreamed in the same dream And found earring.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming lose earring in dream. Loss earrings in dream dream dreaming, what you lost earring, but Then found Read completely

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    To the question why dreaming lose earring it is forbidden to find one answer. A lot depends on the environment of the person who saw this dream, his gender, age, the presence of a family, romantic ties and affections. Summarizing the interpretations for many dreams on this topic, we can say about changes in the relationship between the sleeping person and his immediate environment. If in dream man had a chance lose earring, it is necessary to remember all dream to the smallest detail.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    When in dream succeed to find lost earring, which previously belonged to you, luck will come from where it was not expected at all. If lucky to find someone else's decoration, wait for the news. The more precious found earring, the more you will be pleased with the news. to me dreamed a bunch of silver earrings, And I looking for mine there and not found. Then find silver chain, but I see not mine. For what dream? To answer. Tatyana Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming lose And to find in dream. dreams associated with losses and finds are related to material well-being. And, as a rule, they are given reverse interpretations. So if dreamed, what you lost big, expensive thing but Then found her, then we can talk about imminent sadness, deceit, unjustified expectations. When a small and seemingly insignificant object became a loss and a find, it means that joy and success await you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    dreamed to me that it seems that blood is flowing from the ear (the blood itself I didn't see it, but in dream realized), Then I look as if at myself, but she is not there. I look closer and I somewhere lost my earring golden. On one ear earring , but on the other no. To quickly move from one found sleep to another, use on the page sleep wonderful arrows ← and →. Looking for in dream books dreamed symbol? So after all, for a long time there has been a special convenient search for all dream books!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    In the villages they used to say: lost earringfind Alyoshka! You can try to explain it from a rational point of view. How could you surely console the beauty upset by the loss? Let's see what the loss says about the sign earrings dream book? For Tsvetkov, this generally means a gift or the disclosure of a secret. Interestingly, in dreams signs often appear as if in a mirror image. What in reality promises a pleasant event, in dream often has the opposite meaning.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation earring to find dreamed, for what dreaming in dream earring to find".For what dreaming earring to find in dream on dream book? Dream about what you found earrings, speaks of stability and well-being in your life. Luck and luck are on your side in all endeavors. At work, a promotion and a big breakthrough are possible, and in your personal life, you are definitely ripe to take your relationship to a new, higher level. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    at me there are beautiful earrings, had a dream dream what one earring, I losing..but Then I find her she broke where the clasp. to me dreamed tonight (Wednesday to Thursday) what I wore on her ears earrings(both silver, without stones, in the form of leaves), Then one lost, thought in dream, what one earring it’s funny to walk (I just saw my ears from the side - one with earring, another without), took off the second, looked for the first, finally found and again put on both.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    to me dreamed what lost golden earring in dream, And found her in the snow! Dream dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday. dreamed, what I found earring which in life lost almost 5 years ago but Then I found a second one nearby, I was very glad.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Lose in dream golden earrings or one of them - to parting with a lover, tears, failures. if you dreamed, what gold is put on you earrings- beware of adventures and fleeting romances. We fought with him, Then someone called the police, and while he was arrested I found out that me no listened earrings. Why I them found under the sofa immediately, but alone Earring was a little broken found some more gold in dream she was mine too she was smashed in half half found half not found.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "redo.me"

    Dream Interpretation "sonnikus"

    However, if you dreaming, what you lost earring, but Then found her, then for a lonely person, a dream means that he / she will soon meet his fate. Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Earrings in dream in dream seen this symbol. dreamed, what lost earring and right there in dream I see, what I took them off and in fact could not lose.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "mega-sonnik"

    What you saw in dream definitely makes sense. Try to find it on our website. to me dreamed, what I I am in an office type room, I see in different places earrings one by one, I in real life recently lost golden earring And in dream I I take one look, then another, picking up, and none of them fit mine, moreover, I I see that those who I I picked them up - they are not gold, although they are yellow. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation lose earring dreamed, for what dreaming in dream lose earring".For what dreaming lose earring in dream on dream book? If in dream you lost one of earrings, expect a major quarrel with a person who cares about you. Perhaps the conflict that has flared up will put an end to your relationship with him. If at first you lost, but Then found earring, upcoming events will not overshadow your life, but rather, on the contrary, will bring a lot of positive emotions.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    saw in dream as if my husband stole from me and hid two earrings and a wedding ring and hid them a I went looking for and worried. dreamed, what I lost gold rings (but Then I saw them on my hand) and gold earrings, but Then remembered that they me in your pocket and found them.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    To find earrings in dream- to the news. Buy gold earrings in dream- pure love; new romantic acquaintance. dreamed unpaired earring, Lose or break one earring, One earring broke down Lose earrings in dream- the end of the relationship; treason. to me dreamed as if to me dressed woman earrings And Then scarf, well, how are we ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation dress Earrings dreamed, for what dreaming in dream dress Earrings». Found golden earring dressed her, but lost clasp. Then I beat someone up. Me sent to the police I somehow I left them, I come to the same place to look for a fastener, an unfamiliar woman comes up and says, what to me you need to go there again, after waking up.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello, dreamed what in a crowd of children (children rode down the hill) and parents lost daughter. Then searched and couldn't to find(wake up) but in dream I understood that she was not there, where she was looking for, she seemed to have disappeared. Today I saw dream, as while working indoors, I discovered that both gold earrings not in my ears and was so frightened, upset, they to me very expensive. I felt great grief, but after a while in the same dream found large ring made of faded crumpled gold.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Interpretation sleep Earrings. For what dreaming Earrings- good news and interesting work. Broken - rumors and gossip. Jewish dream book. What do they mean Earrings in dream: For what dreaming Earrings- put on earrings. For woman - Dream, dreamed in the spring - to joy; in summer, - for a gift; in autumn, it means that you will learn someone's secrets; and in winter, to a meeting with a person who should not be trusted. I woke up and found a loss, this is a silver earring with white stones but Then I found a couple and dressed. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    uncle to me gave a lot of silver earrings!!!and second dream found a lot of gold earrings, rings, chain ... .. and I went to the store to choose earrings and looked at the money. Liked not very big earrings with blue and red pebbles, and the stones were one blue on top but Then red. I watched a lot and different ones, I chose one, and put it in my ears with pebbles ... Then dreamed, what I going somewhere on the road.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.meximas"

    Loss earrings in dream- an unpleasant sign. It may portend the onset of a gray streak in life, when luck moves away from you. A person who has seen such dream, can expect a break with a loved one, loneliness, depression and financial difficulties. However, if you dreaming, what you lost earring, but Then found her, then for a lonely person, a dream means that he / she will soon meet his fate. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Gold earrings, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Gold earrings in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. I walked and found two earrings hosts were sitting next to earrings they asked you found our earrings but I did not give them before I said I lost their earrings and I hide them earrings and quickly leave.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    to me dreamed what I walked and found the ring must have been gold I rejoiced Then I I started to collect so many rings and earrings different ones are so beautiful that I collected so many a whole apron that it’s enough for a lifetime. And there was a price of 60 UAH. The other day I lost earring one that I saw in dream ,but Then found, well, only in a broken state .. And this earring to me dreamed. Why is this????Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "cruise tour"

    dreamed what I found golden chain but Then another one was wearing a gold kretik and a gold pendant in the shape of a heart but Then I saw in dream golden ringlet I I really want a child. dreamed what I lost golden earring - dream interpretation golden earrings for what dreaming golden earrings in dream. What does it mean for a married woman lose earring?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "yousonnik"

    Online interpretation sleep Earrings Earrings to find- happiness and profit; lose- fright; wear - you will find out the secret; to buy - you will disappoint relatives and friends; break - treason. Broken earrings- portend unpleasant rumors and gossip that can harm you if you do not show wisdom and prudence. dream interpretation modern woman. Earrings, dreamed See in dream earrings- to a joyful event. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming lose earring in dream. Dream in which you lose earring, may mean that in real life you are haunted by fear of loss and change. In our online dream book You can find out not only what lose earring in dream but also see the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking dream books Vanga and Nostradamus, download dream book Miller - perhaps you are in it find meaning sleep « lose earring».

A dream in which it happens to lose an earring is considered an unfavorable omen, promising trouble in love affairs. However, the loss of jewelry does not always portend negative events: in rare cases, an earring lost in a dream symbolizes success. To figure out why you dream of losing your earrings in night vision, you need to pay attention to the details.

Dream script

A dream in which a girl loses one of her earrings has a controversial meaning. When interpreting a dream, one should remember its details, because it is they who will help to understand why the loss of jewelry is dreamed of. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. 1. To lose one of the earrings in a dream is an unpleasant change. Difficulties will arise in business, and a break is possible in relations with a loved one. It is not recommended to do anything new in the near future.
  2. 2. If a lonely person dreams about how he loses an earring, and then suddenly finds it, he is destined to find a soul mate in the near future.
  3. 3. If the sleeper already has a couple, the dream promises him happiness in love and a transition to a more serious level in relationships. Perhaps a man will have to buy an engagement ring in reality.
  4. 4. Losing one earring at home portends news that will cause the sleeper to worry.
  5. 5. If you dream that one earring is lost on the street, then in the near future the dreamer will have disagreements with his family.
  6. 6. Lose jewelry - to changes in life. The dreamer will have to change his environment and get rid of the excess in life.
  7. 7. For a girl to dream that she has lost one of the pair of earrings she wears every day, means the appearance of a rival in love affairs.
  8. 8. For a man to dream that jewelry has disappeared from the ear of the chosen one, predicts a difficult period in relations with a loved one.
  9. 9. Sometimes losing one earring means that the sleeper is slow in making an important decision. The dream interpretation recommends the dreamer to decide on intentions.
  10. 10. If you dream of losing a broken earring, the machinations of enemies will not harm the reputation of the sleeper.
  11. 11. Giving someone jewelry from an ear in a dream is a serious nuisance.
  12. 12. To receive earrings as a gift and lose one of them in a dream promises deceit. They will try to mislead the sleeper.

If in a dream a person cannot find an earring in a jewelry box and is angry because of the loss, in reality he should be careful. Among the people surrounding the sleeping person, there are ill-wishers. The dream book advises to beware of slander and gossip, otherwise you can become a victim of envious people.

What ear was the earring from?

In interpretation, the details of the dream play a huge role. To find the correct meaning of the vision, it is necessary to take into account from which ear the earring was lost.

If the earring is lost from the right ear:

  1. 1. If you dreamed that a small earring was lost, this is a favorable sign for the sleeper. Despite the difficulties and obstacles, a dream promises success in business and profit.
  2. 2. The loss of one of the paired jewelry with a blue stone portends a betrayal on the part of a person whom the dreamer treats well.
  3. 3. If the earring that was lost was with a reddish stone, the dream symbolizes love experiences in the future.

If the lost earring was from the left ear:

  1. 1. If you dream of losing an earring from your left ear, then the dream portends a struggle for your reputation and interests. To defeat the enemy, you will have to make a lot of effort.
  2. 2. The loss of an earring with a stone in a dream means that the sleeper should not rely on a lucky chance on the path to success. Luck can change the dreamer. Dream Interpretation recommends relying only on one's own strength.

Earrings seen in a dream are directly related to the ears, and therefore are symbols of news, rumors, everything that can be heard. Depending on the context of the dream, you can determine what kind of news this will be - joyful or sad.

Let's figure out what the lost golden earring is dreaming of. Different dream books interpret a lost or found gold earring in different ways, especially since the interpretation largely depends on the circumstances of the dream and the dreamer himself.

Earrings in a dream

A gold earring is a sign of wealth, a happy marriage and moral and material well-being, but losing a gold earring means being in poverty, being the object of unpleasant rumors and gossip. Such a dream is especially dangerous for young people.

In ancient interpretations, earrings represent a daughter or an unmarried young girl and all the events that happen to her. In most cases, an earring predicts the loss or finding of love, a quick wedding. For family people, such a dream portends well-being, the birth of children, and the expansion of living space.

Seeing earrings from different pairs in a dream means taking the wrong steps in reality, act impulsively without thinking, thereby complicating the situation. A broken earring indicates conflicts, quarrels, problems at work.

Giving someone an earring predicts a quick walk, presence at any solemn event or holiday. The more luxurious the earrings look, the more magnificent the holiday will be. Giving earrings to a pregnant woman means either the birth of a daughter, or an early unexpected enrichment.

Purchasing an Accessory

  • If the dreamer dreamed that he was buying, then this portends new acquaintances, romantic relationship, flirting at work. It also indicates a stormy personal life, possibly a wedding or matchmaking.
  • If the dreamer is given earrings, then this indicates some kind of deception on the part of others, that someone wants to hide the truth from a person. The dream warns to be careful and not to trust anyone's word.
  • If the dreamer puts a donated earring into his ear, and it gives off with weight, this speaks of other people's secrets that a person has to keep. Also, such a plot speaks of conjectures and assumptions that torment the dreamer.
  • If this dreamer gave someone an earring found or bought (or gave his own), it speaks of imminent unexpected news, a surprise, as well as the disclosure of any secret that will cause astonishment. This event will have a huge impact on the dreamer's worldview.
  • Finding an earring on the floor or on the street in a dream portends good luck, the fulfillment of plans, the opportunity to express yourself. Trying on an earring found means trying something new, communicating with people, making friends. A person shows curiosity, behaves a little atypically, and is also drawn to new knowledge and hobbies, but because of his indecision, he rarely takes any actions leading to the desired.
  • For women, finding and trying on earrings promises pleasant acquaintances., a romantic relationship or an outbreak of romance in a marriage. If a woman finds several earrings in a dream and she has to choose from them, this means a series of admirers, from which you also need to choose only one and not delay your decision. Men are promised a long-awaited meeting, a promotion.
  • If you dream that the earring was first lost, and then found, this speaks of unintentional waste on a loved one who will not even appreciate it. This waste may not be material, but also moral.


Ate in a dream I saw an earring, which in reality is lost, it indicates material losses, as well as robbery, theft, intrigues of intruders.

In most cases, the loss of an earring indicates the dreamer's ignorance, a lack of information that prevents him from navigating the situation and avoiding problems. The dreamer can be deliberately misleading, hiding facts from him. For the most part, this applies to the social and professional sphere, but it often affects the personal.

Also, a lost earring is a warning that in real life, any relationship with a loved one can be ruined because of a ridiculous quarrel or reproach.

A stolen earring portends family disagreements, empty chores. Seeing how an earring literally crumbles in your hands speaks of disappointment in someone close, as well as ridiculous rumors and speculation. A broken earring indicates that the dreamer has fallen under someone else's negative influence, which has a powerful influence on his life.

Looking for a lost earring in a dream means being on a search in real life. A gold earring indicates a desire for luxury and material well-being, recognition in society, a silver one indicates a search for new emotions and impressions, a desire for pleasure and love.

Earrings with stones indicate that a person has several goals and cannot choose one single path. Earrings made of base metals with glass instead of natural stones indicate self-deception, vicious desires and unrealizable dreams.

Meaning according to different dream books

Whatever dream a person has, its meaning can always be neutralized upon awakening with the phrase - "Everything seen will go away with the night."

To the question of why one dreams of losing an earring, one cannot find one answer. A lot depends on the environment of the person who saw this dream, his gender, age, family, romantic ties and affections. Summarizing the interpretation for many dreams on this topic, we can say about the changes in the relationship between the sleeper and his immediate environment.

What if you dream of losing an earring?

If in a dream a person happened to lose an earring, it is necessary to remember the whole dream to the smallest detail. How many earrings did you have originally? How much has been lost? If a woman dreams that one of the two earrings is lost, she needs to pay attention to her relationship with her beloved.

If a divorced or unmarried woman has two children, it is recommended to pay attention to the health of each child. If a woman does not have children and a close man, she should visit her parents, perhaps one of them will need her help.

Earrings, as well as other paired accessories, symbolize relationships between people, family friendships or love relationships. Based on this, one can interpret dreams in which the sleeper happens to lose the earring in completely different ways.

Financial Interpretations of a dream about the loss of earrings

Sometimes, a dream of losing an earring can warn of careless handling of finances or expensive things. Such a dream warns of an imminent loss or robbery if the sleeper does not try to protect and hide valuables from envious eyes.

On the eve of a major purchase or sale, a dream about losing an earring portends possible problems during the transfer of money or the signing of an agreement. People working with money (cashiers, sellers, collectors, accountants) need to pay attention to their own safety at work.

What portends?

The loss of an earring may portend a deterioration in relations with a loved one. If at the end of a dream the sleeper finds a lost earring, then a short quarrel between lovers will end in reconciliation and improvement of past relationships.

For men, such dreams portend a slight flirtation or an affair on the side. If a man dreams that his woman has lost an earring, he should pay more attention to his beloved.

If a girl dreams that she has lost her earring, the child's parents need to pay attention to their own health.

Psychoanalysts interpret this dream in their own way. According to experts, dreams about the loss of personal belongings, in particular earrings, can speak of obsessive fears in real life, a difficult stressful situation that a person scrolls in his mind trying to fix what he did not have time to do.

No matter how pessimistic the dream about losing earrings may seem, it must be remembered that dreams come to people to relieve nervous tension. The most terrible dreams sometimes save the psyche of a person exhausted by stress and save them from an impending depression or a nervous breakdown.

Earrings are a symbol of connection with a loved one. They mean material wealth and strength of feelings. Losing an earring in a dream means spoiling your relationship with your loved one. A quarrel can occur due to the capricious nature of the woman and the material problems of the man. Initially, earrings were invented as a remedy for the evil eye, and the loss of even one of them means trouble, weakening health and failure. For married women, such jewelry is a love talisman that helps to maintain harmony in the family. If the girl is not married, the interpretation of the dream takes on a positive meaning and predicts the appearance of the groom in her life.

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Important points of a dream

The loss of one piece of jewelry means a change for the worse and separation from a loved one. Losing both earrings means confusion and fear for your personal life and future fate.

The interpretation of a dream depends on the material of the product, the presence of stones, it is also important whether it is jewelry or an old piece of jewelry. What does it mean to lose an earring in a dream:

  1. 1. Golden. The disappearance of such an earring from the ear means material problems for a loved one and separation from him.
  2. 2. Silver. Sign of deceit. The dream advises not to trust people who use flattery to get closer.
  3. 3. Gold plated. To troubles and obstacles that will seriously complicate life.
  4. 4. With a gem. With more - do not rely on luck, but be guided by reason and analysis. With a small one - to a missed opportunity.
  5. 5. Jewelry. Waking up to get rid of unnecessary society and communication with boring, uninteresting people.
  6. 6. Antique. Predicts a meeting with an influential person, his patronage and help.
  7. 7. Broken. No matter how hard the ill-wishers try, they will not be able to harm the dreamer's reputation.

For a man to dream that a piece of jewelry has disappeared from his beloved's ear means a difficult period in a relationship, which will begin with the girl's claims and jealousy.

Where the decoration was lost

Depending on where the dreamer lost the product, the accuracy of the interpretation depends:

  • On the street - disturbing thoughts and suspicions will disturb. There is a chance that a woman will hear unpleasant news about a loved one.
  • In the house - to conflicts, quarrels and resentment against a loved one.
  • At work - you should take a closer look at your male colleagues. Perhaps one of them secretly dreams of meeting alone.
  • On a trip - to meet an interesting guy on the road if the girl is single and to a fan if she is married.
  • At the threshold of the house - to the unpleasant news from relatives.

If the dreamer cannot remember where she lost the jewelry, then she is dissatisfied with her life, but takes a passive position and is afraid to change anything in it.

Interpretation depending on the details:

Where did the earring come from? The meaning of the dream
From the left earInterpretation has a personal and sensual meaning. The owner of the dream will have to defend her interests, despite resentment and an unfair decision. Dodgy, selfish rivals will appear, who will do their best to draw attention to themselves. If the earring was with a stone, you should not count on luck, but prepare for business carefully and responsibly. For a young girl, a dream means the loss of a wealthy fiancé, for a married girl, the waning interest of her husband. If the earring was made of base metal, the woman will experience relief from improving material problems and stopping the courtship of an obsessive gentleman.
From the right ear

Interpretation has to do with the practical side of things. Talks about problems in business and professional interactions:

  • The loss or theft of an expensive earring predicts material difficulties.
  • Jewelry - misunderstanding in the team.
  • Small earrings - a person will not even notice how troubles will pass by, and only after a while will he find out about the threat to his peace
From the casketIf you dreamed that one earring was missing from a box or box, you should be prepared for annoyance and vain experiences. The dreamer is surrounded by people who are not who they say they are. They envy her and want to be in her place

When an earring is lost in a dream, and the owner is not worried about the loss, she will adequately withstand the unpleasant surprise that her beloved has prepared for her. She can learn about his misbehavior from her friends, but a quarrel will not lead to separation, but will strengthen the relationship, rallying the couple.

Lost find

If you managed to find a missing earring, you should expect a gift, especially if it is made of precious metal or with a stone. And feel relieved if the product is jewelry. Lose and seek - to face a choice and be afraid to miss the chance. Finding an earring with a stone that has fallen out of it means hiding a secret if it is expensive or beautiful. Or recognize someone else's, if the decoration is not precious.

Search for a long time and cry because of the loss - in reality, you should not tempt fate and enter into dangerous relationships. It is worth avoiding communication with unfamiliar people and not being alone with a man who is drunk and aggressive.

To pick up a dropped earring is a stupid act that will change the dreamer's opinion not for the better.

If someone else found the lost jewelry, the dreamer will be in debt and will have to pay for the service rendered. To find an earring that is not yours - to accidentally help and acquire a good friend or patron. Antique with a red stone - means secret happiness and love languor.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book portends a worsening financial situation and the collapse of plans. Small losses and worries about quarrels or separation from a loved one are possible.

If the dreamer has lost:

  1. 1. An expensive earring - in reality, she behaves frivolously and repels people. It is possible that the financial situation may worsen due to too large requests from the owner of the jewelry.
  2. 2. Silver product - useful information will not reach at the right time, and there will be resentment against the person or people who did not inform or remind about an important event.
  3. 3. A donated earring - to quarrels, health problems and misunderstandings in the family. Relatives will be dissatisfied with an ungrateful attitude or will make comments about a frivolous attitude to life.
  4. 4. Jewelry - to resentment against friends and conflicts because of their envy.

Finding a lost piece of jewelry means dubious profit and false advice.

Interpretations of other dream books:

dream interpretation The meaning of sleep
TsvetkovaThe detected loss predicts spontaneous quarrels with dear people and a showdown. Find an earring on your own - get a well-deserved reward. Helped to discover - to receive unexpected help
FemaleTo separation from a loved one, illness, envy, tears and financial difficulties. Find - in time to get rid of problems. Crying because of the loss - to meet an unpleasant man
WangiPredicts separation from a loved one and problems with the opposite sex. If gold earrings are lost, the girl wants to get married by calculation. If the earring is made of simple metal, she does not like to listen to the advice and instructions of her relatives.
ModernHear disturbing and unpleasant news. Losing jewelry on the street - to the cooling of relations. In the house - to quarrels, tears and conflicts. An expensive product with a large stone is lost - it is worth waiting for material difficulties