Assemble a hydrogen generator for heating a private house. Hydrogen generator for heating a private house

In connection with the constant rise in the cost of utilities, people are beginning to be interested in alternative sources of heat. A modern way of heating a home is heating with hydrogen using a special generator. Experts often suggest installing such a heating system, and some craftsmen even tell you how to assemble it yourself.

Characteristics of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a substance with unique properties. A colorless and invisible gas, it has absolutely no mass in its solid and liquid state. Hydrogen is the most abundant substance on the planet, and it does not contain any toxins. If you mix it with the surrounding air, then the properties of the resulting mixture will be preserved for a very long time, and ignition will occur from contact with fire.

Scientists and engineers classify hydrogen as an explosive gas because of its flammability. That is why it is stored in special sealed cylinders made of alloy steel. Despite the increased explosiveness, Hydrogen is actively used in various spheres of human life:

The use of hydrogen instead of natural gas, coal and oil has become increasingly popular in recent times. This is due to the fact that the extraction of such fuel is much cheaper, because only water and electricity are needed to obtain it.

The principle of operation of the generator

A hydrogen generator for heating a private house is a great way to save money, but you will have to invest a lot in the installation. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made design. The average price has a cost of about 50 thousand rubles. But it is not uncommon for owners to simply adapt their old hydrogen fuel processing equipment.

To create an efficient hydrogen plant for heating a house with your own hands, you need to understand what fuel is created from and on what principle the device works. There are several methods for hydrogen extraction:

  • with the help of oil refining (cracking);
  • by passing steam over coal coke;
  • extraction from methane.

All these technologies are most often used on an industrial scale, and to provide a home with heat, they choose the simplest and most affordable way - electrolysis.

Hydrogen in home heating

Electrolysis is a technique in which a constant electric current is passed through an aqueous solution saturated with salt. As a result, a chemical reaction occurs, consisting in the splitting of the substance. This reaction can be more accurately described using the equation 2NaCl + 2H 2 O→2NaOH + Cl 2 + H 2 .

The heat released during the combustion of hydrogen is the so-called electrolyzer, that is, hydrogen fuel for heating.

The design of the NNO apparatus

If the equipment is assembled by hand, then in addition to the heat exchanger, you will need catalysts to optimize the chemical reaction, a burner for burning hydrogen, and a pipeline.

The burner is located in the furnace and is responsible for heating the system. With the help of pipes, the recommended diameter of which is from 25 to 32 mm, the boiler is connected to the water supply. Also, for work, it is required to connect the boiler to the mains, because this is the only way to carry out electrolysis. Of course, building a boiler for heating with hydrogen with your own hands will be much more pleasant financially, but you need to consider that a home-made HNO generator is less compact than a factory one.

Household generators have a simpler design than industrial ones. That is why they do not produce pure hydrogen, but the so-called Brown's gas - a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This is more practical, besides, the resulting gas is burned immediately. It's even better, because storing it somewhere is quite problematic.

Hydrogen generator (WITHOUT ELECTRICITY) how to do it yourself


Before you start converting an existing heating system into a water boiler with your own hands, you should create a test sample. This model will give an understanding of the operation of the system as a whole, and will also help to understand whether it is worth making a hydrogen generator for heating a residential building on your own. To create an experimental model of the electrolytic cell, the following components are needed:

  • reactor - a container made of glass or plastic with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes that will be lowered into the water and connected to a power source;
  • water solution tank;
  • gas outlet tube.

Voltage is supplied to the electrodes, which are immersed in water, from an adjustable source. At home, to improve the reaction, a little salt is added to the water.

As a result of the reaction, hydrogen will be released from the cathode, and oxygen from the anode. The gases then enter the water seal, in which the separation of water vapor occurs. The explosive gas is supplied from the second tank, where it is burned to form water.

At home, the design of a hydrogen stove can be recreated using improvised materials. To do this, you need only two plastic containers, a dozen screws and a medical dropper. It will not be difficult to make such a design, moreover, this process is described in detail on any profile site dedicated to hydrogen heating. This is the most primitive model, so its performance will be extremely low.

But the generator also has significant drawbacks. To install it, you will have to significantly alter the existing heating system or dismantle the stove. In addition, factory devices have a very high cost, which makes homeowners create a hydrogen generator with their own hands. There are other important details, namely:

  • the gas intended for heating belongs to the category of explosive, it is highly flammable, and the leak cannot be determined;
  • the combustion temperature is very high, so all equipment must be carefully checked;
  • to improve the performance of the HHO generator, an annual replacement of the catalyst is necessary.

Heating with hydrogen! Small stand.

Before installation, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons well, and only then dismantle the existing equipment. It is best to seek help from specialists, because the installation of hydrogen generators for heating residential buildings is not an easy task, and the device must be made with high quality and technically correct.

Previously, country houses could be heated in only one way - they melted the stove with wood or coal. Today, a variety of fuels are used to heat a private house: diesel, fuel oil, natural gas, electricity. However, with rising fuel prices, many homeowners are looking for a cheaper way to heat. One of them is ordinary water, which is used by a hydrogen generator to form a fuel such as hydrogen. Hydrogen is an inexhaustible source of energy. It can be used not only for space heating, but also for the car.

Hydrogen generator: device and its principle of operation

It is very beneficial to use hydrogen for heating residential buildings, since it has a high calorific value and does not emit harmful substances. However, it is impossible to extract hydrogen in its pure form, its large content is found in rivers, seas and oceans. The human body even consists of 63% hydrogen.

Pure hydrogen can be obtained from many different chemical compounds, such as hydrogen and oxygen. The most famous way to produce hydrogen is the electrolysis of water.

To obtain pure hydrogen, water must be split into two hydrogen atoms (HH) and an oxygen atom (O). This is the principle of operation of a water generator: the production of hydrogen by electrolysis. The gas that is released is named after the great physicist Brown and has the formula HHO. Such gas does not form harmful substances during combustion and is an environmentally friendly product. However, the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen eventually forms a combustible gas, which is explosive. Therefore, using an electrolyzer at home, additional safety measures must be observed.

The water engine has such a device:

  • Hydrogen type generator, where electrolysis takes place;
  • Burner, it is installed in the firebox itself;
  • The boiler acts as a heat exchanger.

The production of a gas such as brown uses four times less energy than is released when it is burned. At the same time, electricity is consumed very economically, and the fuel that it needs is ordinary water.

Hydrogen generator: its advantages and disadvantages

Today, the electrolyser is as familiar a device as, for example, a plasma cutter or an acetylene generator. Such a water-powered electrolysis plant (stove) has become quite popular, it is used to heat private houses, and is also installed on a motorcycle or car to save fuel.

The hydrogen generator is an environmentally friendly fuel, the only waste it produces is water. It is released in a gaseous state and is known to us as water vapor. And he, in turn, does not have any negative impact on the environment.

Such a device has other positive advantages, but also disadvantages. The most important drawback is its explosiveness. However, by observing all the precautions and safety rules, you can avoid negative consequences.

The hydrogen reactor has its advantages:

  • Works on water;
  • Saves electricity;
  • Is environmentally friendly;
  • High efficiency;
  • Ease of maintenance.

Such an HHO device can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store, it will cost, of course, not at all cheap. However, you can make it yourself from the available parts, while saving a decent amount. However, he needs protection from water and a separate house for storage.

Homemade hydrogen generator: step by step instructions

The manufacture of a hydrogen generator can be done at home, but this will require drawings and step-by-step instructions for the entire process. The scheme of the electrolyzer is very simple (you can watch it on the Internet), so there is practically no need for any specific materials.

To create a homemade hydrogen generator, we need some tools and materials: a plastic container or a polyethylene canister with a lid, a transparent tube 1 m long, with a diameter of 8 mm, bolts, nuts, silicone sealant, a stainless steel sheet, 3 fittings, a check valve, a filter, a hacksaw metal, wrenches and a knife.

Having collected all this, you can begin to manufacture it. The assembly is carried out according to the drawings, which can be found on the Internet or ordered from a specialist.

Manufacturing instruction:

  • Cut out 16 identical plates from a stainless steel sheet.
  • Drill a hole in one of the corners. The angle should be the same for all 16.
  • Be sure to cut the opposite corner.
  • We install the plates alternately on the prepared bolts, isolating them with washers and polyethylene tubes. They must not contact each other.
  • We tighten the entire structure with nuts, we get a battery.
  • We fix this design in a plastic container, grease the holes with sealant.
  • We drill holes in the lid, process them with silicone in the same way, then insert the fitting.

Homemade oxygen hydrolyzer is ready. Now it only needs to be checked for performance. To do this, fill the container with water up to the mounting bolts and close it with a lid. We put a polyethylene hose on one of the three fittings, and lower its second horses into a separate container, also filled with water. Electricity must be connected to the bolts, if bubbles appear on the surface, then the generator is working and emitting hydrogen. After such a connection and verification, we drain the water, and then pour the finished alkaline electrolyte into the container in order to get more gas released.

Electrolyzer for a car: types of catalysts

A hydrogen generator, when installed, is able to reduce the fuel consumption of cars or trucks, motorcycles, as well as reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Today, such a generator for a car is gaining popularity. The process of electrolysis in a car occurs due to the use of a special catalyst. The end result is hydrogen oxyhydrogen (HNO), which is mixed with fuel, which contributes to its complete combustion.

Thanks to this installation, you can save fuel by 50%. And also, by installing this design in your car, you will not only reduce toxic emissions, but also: increase the operational life of the engine, reduce the temperature of the motor itself and at the same time increase the power of the entire power unit.

All processes that occur in a hydrogen generator occur automatically according to a special program. This program is sewn into the computer, which controls the entire car. The machine simply won't work without it.

There are several types of catalysts:

  • Cylindrical;
  • With open plates or they are also called dry;
  • with separate cells.

You can make a hydrogen generator yourself, but experts do not recommend doing this, since this device is very complex in design and is not yet safe. If you still decide to make it yourself, then a battery that has failed is best suited for this purpose.

In the Middle Ages, the famous scientist Paracelsus during the experiments noticed such a process as the release of air bubbles during the interaction of iron and sulfuric acid. However, it was not air, but hydrogen. It is a light gas that is colorless and odorless. And if it mixes with oxygen, then the gas is explosive. Today, do-it-yourself hydrogen heating is a common phenomenon. After all, hydrogen can be obtained in any quantity, where there is water and electricity.

Under the action of electrolysis, water molecules are divided into oxygen and hydrogen. The latter has a lot of unique properties. In the liquid state at a temperature of -250 degrees Celsius, it is the lightest liquid, and in the solid state it is the lightest substance. Hydrogen atoms are the smallest. And when mixed with atmospheric air, hydrogen turns into a mixture that can explode from even the smallest spark.

The use of hydrogen in heating

In the age of technology, there are many options for heating your home. However, those who like to create various technical devices on their own can make home heating with hydrogen with their own hands. This is an environmentally friendly, at the same time, a very powerful source of heat, thanks to which you can heat a large room.

Hydrogen home heating was developed by a company in Italy. When such a plant is in operation, it does not produce any harmful emissions. Thus, it is an environmentally friendly, efficient, silent heating of the house.

Scientists have developed a way to burn hydrogen to heat a home at temperatures as high as 300 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this, it became possible to produce boilers for heating from traditional materials. Boilers of this type do not require a special system for the removal of combustion products into the atmosphere for operation, since there are no such products here. In this case, only steam is emitted that is not harmful to the environment. And getting hydrogen is an affordable process. All that will be spent on is only electricity. And if you, using a hydrogen generator for heating, also use solar panels, then the cost of electricity can be minimized.

Most often, a hydrogen boiler is used to heat floors. And such systems today can be found with a wide variety of capacities. They are installed by hand.

A hydrogen home heating plant consists of the following components: a boiler and pipes having a diameter of 25-32 mm (1-1.25 inches). Pipes of other sizes are rarely used. Pipes can be mounted independently, but one condition must be met here - after each branching, the diameter must be smaller. And the order of decreasing the diameter is the following - pipe D32, pipe D25. After branching - pipe D20, the last - pipe D16. When this rule is followed, the hydrogen burner for heating will work efficiently and efficiently.

Benefits of heating with hydrogen

Hydrogen heating has several important advantages that determine the prevalence of the system:

  • These are environmentally friendly systems. And here the only by-product emitted into the atmosphere during operation is water in a state of steam. This steam does not harm the environment in any way.
  • Hydrogen in the heating system functions without the use of a flame. Heat is created as a result of a catalytic reaction. When hydrogen combines with oxygen, water is obtained. This releases a lot of heat energy. The flow of heat at a temperature of about 40 degrees goes to the heat exchanger. For underfloor heating, this is the ideal temperature regime.
  • Very soon, do-it-yourself hydrogen heating will be able to replace traditional systems, thus freeing society from the extraction of various fuels - oil, gas, coal and firewood.
  • The efficiency of heating a private house with hydrogen can reach 96%.

Another option is to use Brown's gas

Another method, currently quite controversial, is the use of Brown's gas for heating. Brown gas for home heating is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The combustion of such gas creates almost 4 times more energy.

A special electrolyzer is used for heating the house. After all, the basis for obtaining such a gas is the principle of electrolysis of water. In order for this technology to be applied in heating, an ordinary boiler is being redone. At its base there will be an electrolyzer - an electrolyte is poured here, consisting of distilled water and a reaction accelerator. Alternating current with a given frequency is given to metal plates or tubes. Under its influence, the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen are separated, after which brown gas is obtained heating.

The time has long passed when the heating of a private country house was carried out only by burning wood or coal in a stove. Modern heating units use different types of fuel. But the constant rise in fuel prices forces us to look for cheaper heating options. But literally under our noses lies an inexhaustible source of energy - hydrogen. And in this article we will tell you how ordinary water can be used as a fuel by assembling a hydrogen heating boiler with your own hands.

The design and principle of operation of the hydrogen generator

The use of hydrogen as a fuel for heating a home is a rather tempting idea, because its calorific value is 33.2 kW / m3, while for natural gas it is only 9.3 kW / m3, which is more than 3 times. Theoretically, hydrogen can be extracted from water, in order to burn it later in a boiler, you can use a hydrogen generator to heat your house.

As an energy carrier, nothing can compare with hydrogen, and its reserves are practically endless. As mentioned above, when burned, hydrogen releases a lot of thermal energy, much more than any carbon-containing fuel. Instead of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which are released when using natural gas, hydrogen, when burned, forms ordinary water in the form of steam. There is only one problem, this element does not occur in nature in its pure form, but only in combination with other substances.

One such compound is ordinary water, which is oxidized hydrogen. In order to split it into its constituent elements, many scientists have spent more than one year. And not in vain, a technical solution for the separation of its components from the water was nevertheless found. This is the so-called chemical reaction of electrolysis, as a result of which water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen, the resulting mixture was called explosive gas or Brown's gas.

Below you can see a diagram of a hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) that runs on electricity:

The electrolyzers have been put into serial production and are used for gas-flame (welding) operations. A current of a certain frequency and strength is applied to groups of metal plates that are immersed in water. Due to the ongoing electrolysis reaction, oxygen and hydrogen are released mixed with water vapor.

In order to separate gases from steam, everything is passed through a separator, after which it is fed to the burner. To prevent a backlash and explosion, a valve is mounted on the supply, which allows fuel to pass only in one direction.

A home heating hydrogen plant includes the following components: a boiler and pipes with a diameter of 25-32 mm (1-1.25 inches). Pipes can be installed at home with your own hands, but one condition must be met - after each branching, the diameter must decrease.

The diameter is reduced according to the following principle - pipe D32, pipe D25. After branching - D20, and the last pipe D16 is mounted. If this condition is met, the hydrogen burner will work efficiently and efficiently.

In order to monitor the water level and feed the device in a timely manner, the design has a special sensor that gives a command at the right time and water is injected into the working space of the electrolyzer. In order for the pressure not to jump to a critical point inside the vessel, the unit is equipped with an emergency switch and a relief valve. To maintain the hydrogen generator, you only need to add water from time to time and that's it.

Advantages of hydrogen heating

Hydrogen heating has several serious advantages that affect the prevalence of the system:

  1. Environmentally friendly systems. The only by-product that is released into the atmosphere during operation is water in the vapor state. Which in no way harms the environment.
  2. Hydrogen in the heating system works without the use of fire. Heat is generated due to the catalytic reaction. When hydrogen combines with oxygen, water is formed. Because of this, there is a large release of heat. The heat flow itself, the temperature of which is about 40 ° C, goes to the heat exchanger. For a warm floor system, this is the ideal temperature regime.
  3. Pretty soon, do-it-yourself hydrogen heating will be able to replace traditional systems, thereby freeing humanity from the extraction of other types of fuel - oil, gas, coal and firewood.
  4. The minimum service life is 15 years.
  5. The efficiency of heating a private house with hydrogen can reach 96%.

Hydrogen extraction is a quite affordable process. All you need is electricity. And when using a heating generator, include a solar battery in the system, then spending on electricity can be minimized. Based on this, we can conclude that this system is the most environmentally friendly and efficient for home heating.

How to assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands?

Often, a hydrogen-powered boiler is used to heat floors. These systems in our time are found in a wide variety of capacities. The power of boilers is very different, ranging from 27W to infinity. You can take one very powerful boiler to heat the whole house at once, or you can take several small ones. They are installed on their own, but how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands?

Before you start building a fuel cell, you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • set of wrenches;
  • flat and slotted screwdrivers;
  • angle grinder ("grinder") with a set circle for cutting metal;
  • multimeter and flowmeter;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

Moreover, if you decide to build a PWM generator yourself, then you will need an oscilloscope and a frequency counter to set it up.

In order to manufacture a hydrogen generator for heating a private house, we consider an absolutely “dry” electrolyzer circuit using electrodes made of stainless steel plates.

The instruction below shows the process of constructing a hydrogen generator:

  1. Construction of the fuel cell body. The role of the side walls of the frame is played by hardboard or plexiglass plates, cut to the size of the future generator. It is worth noting that the size of the unit directly depends on its performance, but the cost of obtaining NHO will be much higher. For the construction of a fuel cell, the dimensions from 150×150 mm to 250×250 mm are optimal.
  2. Holes are drilled in each of the plates for the inlet and outlet fittings for water. In addition, it is necessary to drill in the side wall for gas outlet and four holes in the corners in order to connect the reactor elements to each other.
  3. Using a grinder, electrode plates are cut out of a 316L stainless steel sheet. They should be 10-20 mm smaller than the walls. Moreover, in the manufacture of each part, it is necessary to leave a small contact pad in one of the corners. This is necessary in order to connect the negative and positive electrodes in groups before connecting them to the power supply.
  4. To obtain the required amount of HHO, the stainless steel must be treated with fine sandpaper on both sides.
  5. Two holes are drilled in each plate: with a drill whose diameter should be 6-7 mm - for supplying water into the space between the electrodes and with a diameter of 8-10 mm - for removing Brown's gas. Drilling points are calculated taking into account the installation locations of the respective inlet and outlet pipes.
  6. Start assembling the generator. To do this, fittings are installed in the hardboard walls that serve to supply water and take gas. The places of their connections are carefully sealed with automotive or plumbing sealant.
  7. After that, one of the transparent body parts is installed on the studs, after which the electrodes are laid. The laying of the electrodes must begin with the O-ring. Please note: the plane of the electrodes must be absolutely flat, otherwise the elements with opposite charges will touch, which will cause a short circuit!
  8. Stainless steel plates are separated from the side surfaces of the reactor using sealing rings made of silicone, paronite or other materials. It is important that it is not thicker than 1 mm. Similar parts are used as spacers between the plates. In the process of laying, make sure that the contact pads of opposite electrodes are grouped on opposite sides of the generator.
  9. After the last plate is laid, an o-ring is installed, after which the generator is closed with a second hardboard wall, and the structure itself is connected using nuts and washers. When doing this work, carefully monitor the uniformity of tightening and the absence of distortions between the plates.
  10. Using polyethylene hoses, the generator is connected to a water tank and a bubbler.
  11. The contact pads of the electrodes are interconnected by any method, after which the power wires are connected to them.
  12. The fuel cell is energized by a PWM generator, after which they begin to set up and adjust the apparatus for the maximum HHO gas output.

In order to obtain Brown's gas in the required amount, which will be sufficient for cooking and heating, several hydrogen generators are installed that operate in parallel.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to upgrade such equipment on your own, even if you have a detailed and professional engineering drawing. This can contribute to the likelihood of leakage of the hydrogen mixture from the generator into open space, which is quite dangerous.
  2. It is recommended to mount special temperature sensors inside the heat exchanger, this will make it possible to monitor the probable excess of the water heating temperature level.
  3. Shut-off valves can be included in the burner design itself, which will be connected directly to the temperature sensor itself. It is also necessary to provide normalized cooling of the boiler.
  4. And finally, what needs to be emphasized is safety. It must be remembered that the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is not in vain called explosive. HHO is a dangerous chemical compound that, if handled carelessly, can cause an explosion. Follow the safety rules and be extremely careful when experimenting with hydrogen.

With proper handling, a hydrogen boiler can last not 15 years, as is usually expected, but 20 or even 30. However, remember that the greater the boiler power, the greater the power consumption!

A hydrogen boiler is a home heating device that uses hydrogen gas as fuel. Since this gas does not occur in its pure form in nature, hydrogen boilers are equipped with a special device for generating hydrogen from distilled water.

A hydrogen boiler for heating a private house is one of those solutions that attracts a lot of attention today. On the “fields” of the Internet, you can find many offers that promise huge benefits to the owners of such equipment, for example, a radical reduction in “heating bills”. Is this really so, and what a modern household hydrogen boiler can and cannot do, read in our review.

The myth that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical way to heat a house

You can often hear that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical way to heat a private house. Usually, to justify this thesis, references are made to the high calorific value of hydrogen - more than 3 times higher than that of natural gas. A simple conclusion is drawn from this - it is more profitable to heat a house with hydrogen than with gas.

Sometimes, as an argument for the effectiveness of a hydrogen boiler, the so-called “Brown gas” or a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (HHO) is given, which releases even more heat during combustion, and on which “advanced boilers” operate. After this, the justifications for efficiency simply end, leaving the opportunity for the imagination of the layman to draw beautiful pictures under the general name "heating for almost nothing." Just think - hydrogen burns "warmer" and is obtained from practically free water, a real benefit!

Imagination is also fueled by the news of the ever-growing hydrogen-fueled alternative to traditional ones. Say, if cars “drive” on hydrogen, then a hydrogen boiler is a really worthwhile thing.

But in reality, things are a little more complicated. If pure hydrogen were an element readily available in nature, everything would be so, or almost so, it would be. But the fact is that pure hydrogen does not occur on Earth - only in a bound form, for example, in the form of water. Therefore, in practice, hydrogen must first be obtained from somewhere, moreover, with the help of energy-consuming chemical reactions.

Where does pure hydrogen come from?

Note to the owner

"To draw attention to their products, some manufacturers of hydrogen boilers make references to some kind of "secret catalyst" or to the use of "Brown's gas" in their devices."

For example, you can extract hydrogen from methane gas, where there are as many as 4 hydrogen atoms! Only here, why? Methane itself is a combustible gas, why waste additional energy on the production of pure hydrogen? Where is the energy efficiency? Therefore, most often hydrogen is extracted from water, which, as everyone knows, cannot burn, using the electrolysis method for this. In its most general form, this method can be described as the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen under the action of electricity.

Electrolysis has long been known and widely used to produce pure hydrogen. In practice, not a single industrial hydrogen boiler, so far in any case, can do without an electrolysis plant or an electrolyzer. Everything would be fine, but this installation requires electricity. So, a hydrogen boiler must necessarily consume energy. The question is, what are these energy costs?

All talk about the "calorific value" of hydrogen leads us a little away from this issue, but meanwhile, it is the most important. So, a hydrogen boiler can be profitable in the only case - the thermal energy produced by it must be higher than the energy consumed by the boiler.

Energy efficiency of a hydrogen boiler

To understand whether we get more energy “at the output” of the boiler than what was spent, just take a closer look at the water molecule - it has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, which are tightly connected to each other. To break this connection, it is necessary to "attach" quite a lot of energy, and this is what the electrolyzer does at the expense of electricity. The result is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, which have potential (literally, dissolved in them) energy, and which can be released as a result of the combustion process and provide heat to the house. To understand how much energy will be obtained from combustion, it is worth taking a closer look at what will be obtained as a result of combustion. And we will get ... the same water that we split into atoms.

In fact, after all these manipulations, at best, we will get exactly as much energy as was spent on the separation of the original water molecule. Since, we left the water, and we came to the water. But this is in the ideal case, where there are no inevitable losses in reality. Those. even in the ideal case, how much electricity we spend, how much heat we get.

The manufacturer indicates the presence of a "secret" catalyst

There is also nowhere to take additional water molecules for splitting - how many were first divided, so many later we will combine when burning a hydrogen-oxygen mixture. Again, minus losses. In addition, we must not forget that the hydrogen boiler is powered by distilled water, the production of which also consumes energy. As can be seen with the naked eye, the efficiency of a hydrogen boiler cannot be high.

Then a logical question arises - why all these difficulties with splitting, if there are devices that directly convert electricity into heat and are called? If you simply heat water using electrical energy, all this energy will be spent on heating water with virtually no losses - it turns out to be more profitable than through electrolysis decomposition and the subsequent “recovery” of water by burning a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen with associated losses.

Comparison of a hydrogen boiler with other heating devices

As you know, an electric boiler is considered the most inefficient heating device, in other words, the cost of heat produced by this device will be the most expensive.

Comparison of heating with a heat pump with other methods.

Heating type

Energy efficiency, %

electric boiler

Hydrogen boiler

As we have already found out, heating due to a hydrogen boiler is inferior in efficiency even to an electric one. True, the world does not stand still. It is quite possible that the day will come when the use of modern technologies will make it possible to reduce the cost of hundreds of household processes, and heating using a hydrogen boiler or its analogues will become really profitable.

Prospects for the use of hydrogen boilers

Why is it generally worth talking about hydrogen boilers as a promising way to heat a private house? It's all about the global trend towards the transition to "green" technologies and the growing demand for such technologies. The hydrogen boiler is undeniably "number one" in the list of the most environmentally friendly solutions in the field.

Firstly, during its operation, carbon dioxide is not formed - the “main scourge” of equipment operating on hydrocarbon fuels: gas, liquid and solid fuels.

Secondly, because The product of combustion in a hydrogen boiler is pure water; it does not require ventilation or devices for removing combustion products for its operation. Which, in turn, may require additional energy to ensure their work. And they just need more space inside the house. That is, by installing a hydrogen boiler, you can save on the area of ​​​​the boiler room.

Note to the owner

“Today, either very rich people or inveterate optimists risk installing a hydrogen boiler for heating their homes.”

Thirdly, the water vapor released as a result of the combustion of hydrogen humidifies the premises of the house.

But most importantly, a hydrogen boiler is well combined with electricity generators powered by renewable energy sources (RES) and having a pronounced periodic nature of work. For example, with wind turbines, and devices powered by bio-gas. In this case - during peak modes - renewable energy generators can produce hydrogen using electrolysis, which will later be used as fuel for the boiler. Connecting these generators to the network directly will require the use of additional expensive devices.

One of the videos where the "advantages" of a hydrogen boiler are described

With the development of technology, cheap energy from renewable energy sources can be "converted" into hydrogen, as is already happening in industrial plants. But for the time being, either very rich people or inveterate optimists risk installing a hydrogen boiler for heating their homes.
