The deceased grandmother is dreaming of the dead. What is the dream of the dead angry grandmother: a sign that you need to pay attention to

A person who dreamed at night of one of the deceased relatives, for example, a grandmother, always wakes up with heavy feelings.

However, this may not always mean a bad omen.

Let's look at the interpretation of dream books regarding the question: what is the dream of a dead grandmother alive.

What portends?

Most people believe that the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is not a good sign. However, according to most dream books, the arrival of a grandmother in a dream to a person is a symbol of calmness and peace in life. For example, if a grandmother appeared in a dream to a single man or an unmarried girl, this is a sign of an imminent marriage, which will eventually turn into a strong and reliable union. Very often, grandmothers appear in a dream of people who have big changes in their lives in the near future. If you have some important question, the deceased can easily answer you in a dream.

1) a deceased grandmother, who appeared before the sleeper in a strange guise, can be a warning that you should be extremely careful and not get involved with dubious people, which in reality can turn out to be simple rogues and deceivers;

2) the deceased grandmother, who appeared alive in a dream, is a symbol of success, reaching new heights and the fulfillment of all secret desires;

3) the late grandmother in a dream can also symbolize future failures and unforgettable feelings that left an indelible residue on the soul;

4) if you hug your own grandmother in a dream, this is a sign that you are promised good health and long life;

5) get a kiss from a grandmother - problems in personal life and at work, to illness;

6) a kiss from you on the forehead of a deceased old woman - for a short parting with one of your relatives or close people;

7) the appearance of the deceased in the coffin - fear of betrayal of her soulmate and failure in plans will be confirmed;

8) to be during the funeral of the deceased grandmother - wait for the news. Everything here will depend on the weather during the ceremony: it’s clear on the street - things will go uphill, the news will be exceptionally good, bad weather - expect problems and bad news.

It also happens that in a dream an unfamiliar deceased old woman comes. This can be regarded as the emergence of early news that will simply stun the sleeper. There is another interpretation of such a dream - expect an unexpected situation.

Some of the dreams in which the deceased comes can be very unusual and strange. So, for example, the appearance of a pregnant deceased grandmother can promise success in absolutely all aspects of life, the implementation of all ideas and the achievement of a significant triumph.

What does the late grandmother regularly come to in a dream?

To interpret a dream, one must try to remember not only the appearance of the deceased herself, but also other details of such a dream. The thing is that often deceased relatives are eager to give you some important information for you. So, if a late grandmother began to come to you often, this could mean the following:

    she cries - this is a harbinger of a large number of quarrels and scandals;

    handing over photographs to your grandmother - a very bad sign that indicates the imminent death of the people depicted on them;

    the corpse of the deceased - to future serious illnesses.

A grandmother crying in a dream can also mean that she is very sad, and she asks you to visit her grave. Do not forget to go to her cemetery, and her soul will calm down.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Wangi's dream book

The famous clairvoyant interprets this dream in different ways. She claims that everything depends on how long ago the deceased departed to another world.

If 40 days have not yet passed from the day of death, and the deceased appeared in a dream to a person, this is a symbol of your bitterness from the loss, but this does not carry any bad news in the future.

If a large amount of time has already passed since the day of death, then it is not difficult to determine why such a dream occurred:

- young girls should expect imminent changes in their personal lives, most likely marriage;

- if you are talking and hugging with the deceased grandmother, clearly understanding that she is alive in a dream - this is a sign that she is trying to remind you of some promise given to you that you forgot about. Most likely it was given to the grandmother herself during her lifetime;

- the appearance of two deceased grandmothers at once in a dream means that they are trying to protect you from various troubles. In this case, it will not be superfluous to pray for the dead, visit the church and light candles for their repose;

- if a deceased old woman invites you to her place, this is a bad sign. If, moreover, in a dream you respond to a call and follow it, everything is very bad, a serious illness or even death awaits you;

- if you hug the deceased grandmother - this is a sign of your good health, if, on the contrary, she hugs you, then you made an unfortunate mistake, which is not too late to correct.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Hasse's dream book

According to Hasse's dream book, if a late grandmother came to you in a dream, then:

    the appearance of a living old woman in a dream, and you kissed her in a dream - this is a sign that the person to whom you have great feelings cannot answer you in the same way;

    a kiss from a grandmother who lies in a coffin is a sign that some circumstances will change, and the feeling will go away for a long time;

    if the deceased is alive in a dream, and another person kisses or hugs her - to future financial losses.

The appearance of the deceased alive in a dream according to Menegi's dream book

Menega states that:

- if the deceased grandmother came to her granddaughter in a dream and asks her for food or money - a sign that you do not have any outstanding debts to her in life;

- the appearance of a deceased grandmother, who eats sweets in a dream, may mean for her granddaughter that the groom does not love her and brazenly uses her.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Miller's dream book

Miller believes that:

    the appearance of a deceased old woman in a dream is a sign that there is a need to ask your relatives and friends about their state of health.

    to see a grandmother in her house means you need to reassess your life values ​​and priorities;

    the appearance of a grandmother in a coffin in a dream - there is a high probability of betrayal of your wife (spouse).

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Freud's dream book

Freud symbolizes the old woman in a dream as a symbol of the feminine, but with a certain color:

    for a girl, she is a symbol of her doubts about her own attractiveness, the fear of being left without a sexual partner;

    for a woman, it is a symbol of fear about the loss of her sexuality;

    for a young man - a symbol of his doubts about his own viability;

    for a man - sadness about unrealized opportunities.

Why does a dead grandmother dream alive according to Danilova's dream book

If you follow Danilova's dream book, then if you:

- were delighted to meet a grandmother in a dream - this is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult or even dangerous situation in the future, but you will be able to find the only right way out of it;

- they noticed in a dream an old woman who cries - this is a symbol of the fact that people close to you offend and reproach you absolutely undeservedly. In this case, you should carefully listen to the advice that the deceased granny will give you in a dream;

- you yourself walk around in a dream in the form of a grandmother - this means that very soon you will have to face supernatural forces. It may well be that you will see something unusual and amazing that cannot be explained by any logic or reality.

The deceased people, as a rule, can be an omen of any changes in life. But what they will be, good or bad - here everything will depend solely on you, as well as on the circumstances and details of the dream itself.

The appearance of a grandmother in a dream according to Rummel's dream book

Rummel believes that there are only three interpretations of the dream in which the deceased grandmother appeared alive, namely:

1) expect difficulties in life that will be very difficult to overcome, but good advice will come to your aid;

2) a feeling of physical and spiritual weakness, emptiness in the near future;

3) in a job for which you will initially be promised a certain amount of money, you will not receive some of the previously agreed salary.

Thus, the arrival of a dead grandmother alive in a dream can speak, first of all, that you need to wait for changes in life, and what they will be depends on the details of the dream and the person himself.

From dreams you can expect a lot - yes, anything, because this world is completely beyond our control.

In the world of dreams, you can meet relatives who have long passed away, but even living, healthy relatives in dreams can carry important messages.

Especially often they ask what the grandmother is dreaming of - alive or dead, unfamiliar or dear, beloved. In general, relatives never dream without a serious reason - especially if it is a grandmother or grandfather.

Old people dream either to convey an important message, or to warn about something, but no less often - as a symbol of future events or changes. How exactly and unmistakably to interpret what the deceased grandmother or the living one, grandfather or both old people dream of?

Grandmother is a symbol of female wisdom and secret knowledge. This is a powerful and ancient symbol, and it can often abstractly indicate the awakening of the feminine nature, as well as convey some kind of female sacred experience and knowledge.

Relatives on the female line are especially dreamed of by women and girls for a reason - and these are the most important dreams. If you dream of a deceased grandmother, this can not only portend some events in reality, but also be an occasion to think about your family, about your roots in the female line, and listen to the advice of older women.

Perhaps you pay little attention to this, or do not think at all about the experience of your own mother and grandmothers. In addition, grandparents dream of being alive to sometimes tell the dreamer about something extremely important, or point to the right path.

To understand unmistakably what the grandmother is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember the dream in detail - its details and scenario. For instance:

  • You just saw the grandmother from the side.
  • You dream of the late grandmother in dreams.
  • Dreaming of an unfamiliar old woman.
  • I dreamed about your grandmother, who is alive in reality.
  • You dream of a late grandmother who cries in her dreams.
  • On the contrary, she dreamed of being youthful and beautiful, she is happy and laughs.
  • Grandmother works in a dream, takes care of the house.
  • In dreams, a deceased grandmother or grandfather came to visit you.
  • You are dreaming of talking with your grandmother.
  • Talk to grandpa.
  • Do housework with your grandmother.
  • She scolds you, scolds you in a dream.
  • Gives you something in a dream, gives.
  • You gave something to your grandmother, gave it as a gift.

There are many options - and in each grandmother carries a special, important meaning. So do not miss the details and do not confuse - in order to find out accurately and correctly what the grandmother is dreaming of, and what awaits you in reality in the near future.

See her from the side

To begin with, let's figure out what the grandmother is dreaming of if you only saw her aside, like a vision - and didn’t even say a word. Such visions are deep and full of meaning, and every detail is important here.

1. As the dream book says, grandmother often dreams as a symbol of purely feminine, sacred wisdom. This is an important dream - perhaps you have received important hidden knowledge in this way, or you can wake up your nature.

2. It is also curious what the late grandmother is dreaming of - such a dream is dual. On the one hand, this is a reminder that you should pay more attention to relatives and not forget your own roots.

And, besides, this dream may portend some important family events that will occur along the line of the dreamed grandmother. Pay attention and time to the family in the female line, this can be important.

3. If you dreamed of some unfamiliar old woman, this indicates in reality a wise and adult (older than you) woman from your environment. You need to take the chance to communicate with her and gain experience - this will give you a lot.

4. Such a dream in which you dreamed of your living grandmother, who is alive in reality, is simply a call to give her time, not to forget about her. And in general, give more care and attention to your elderly.

These people will not be with you forever, remember this, and try to give them more love and gratitude. Call or visit your family!

5. If in your dreams you saw how your grandmother cries bitterly, grieves - this is an advice to you to be kinder, wiser and more affectionate with others in reality.

Probably, in everyday life you are too independent, firm and adamant, and your nature and essence clog very deeply, and this will negatively affect your fate and health. Remember to be natural, soft and caring, this is important.

6. Such a dream, in which your grandmother appeared before you young, healthy, beautiful and joyful, is a very happy sign. Undoubtedly, female happiness, tranquility and harmony await you - everything will be fine in the family, society and in love. Of course, your task is to protect happiness, and give your warmth to everyone who is connected with it.

7. And if you saw how a grandmother in your dreams works and takes care of the house - she bakes pies, or cleans - this portends troubles in reality for you, very pleasant and associated with a joyful event.

Perhaps a long-awaited visit or meeting awaits you, or just a big family holiday. Or maybe even buying new furniture or moving to a new, wonderful place.

Talk to grandma

Of course, such a dream, in which your (or unfamiliar) grandmother not only appeared as a vision, but also contacted you, has an even deeper meaning. Here, as in the first case, it is extremely important not to miss the details and take into account what happened in the dream.

1. If in a dream the deceased grandmother or grandfather (or the two of them) dreamed about you in your house, for example, they came to visit you, this promises significant changes in life, probably in family affairs.

Changes can be anything, be prepared and optimistic, because new is always an opportunity and it is always interesting.

2. As the dream book says, your grandmother, your own, with whom you talked in a dream, may portend small difficulties or some obstacles in family affairs, social life or in love.

However, such a dream gives advice - listen to the advice of older women, listen to their experience and apply it in your life. This will greatly help you improve your fortune and cope with any adversity.

3. And if you talked in your dreams with your grandfather, this indicates that you will soon have a lot of cases and obligations to deal with. You will need responsibility, diligence and optimism. And the labors will bring a rich harvest!

4. According to the dream book, the grandmother with whom you worked together in your dreams around the house - cooked something, baked, tidied up, sewed - this is a very auspicious dream.

He portends you great and stable family happiness, harmony and complete order in the family nest. Thanks to your work and love, there will be no grief and adversity in your family.

5. If your grandmother scolds you in a dream, scolds you, yells at you - pay attention to your life. In reality, you are probably doing rash acts, or harming someone.

This dream is an occasion to seriously reconsider your own behavior. And change to avoid unpleasant consequences.

6. If you gave or gave something to your grandmother in your dreams, be it money or certain things - be careful with spending money, you are wasteful. Allocate costs more wisely.

7. And if your granny gives you something, know that happiness awaits you in reality, which will literally fall on your head!

The dream visited by the grandmother, especially the deceased, is difficult to forget - it can leave a lot of emotions and even make you feel sad. But remember - the connection with relatives, especially the connection of a woman with relatives, is extremely strong, and even after death, our grandmothers are firmly connected with us, protect us and, in a sense, pass on their wisdom to us.

Do not refuse this connection, be attentive to relatives, and heed the wisdom of older generations - after all, this is a real treasure. And dream books will help interpret the dreams that your grandmothers visit - and your task is not only to read the interpretation, but also to think it over and apply it in the right way in life. Author: Vasilina Serova

People often perceive dreams with the dead as a nightmare, they see this as a sign of imminent death or a serious illness. But such dreams are not always dangerous and tragic, they can hide many good omens. What is the dream of a dead grandmother and other close relatives?

People often perceive dreams with the dead as a nightmare, they see this as a sign of imminent death or a serious illness.

Why do dead relatives dream - you should be more careful in family and business relationships

Deceased loved ones are the protection of the sleeping person from troubles, a harbinger of joyful events and changes in life. But one should be attentive to the actions and mood of the deceased, try to remember the dream in great detail.

What do relatives dream of:

  1. Dreams in which the deceased mother is present are a good warning, you need to pay more attention to family problems, spend time with children, your loved one.
  2. Dad in a dream symbolizes relationships with colleagues, work, finances. Such dreams can be a harbinger of ruin. If the father is alive and cheerful in a dream, then one should expect profit, an interesting business proposal.
  3. A sibling in dreams is a warning of impending misfortune, deceit, betrayal. After such dreams, it is better to take a vacation, change the situation and environment. For a pregnant woman, a brother in a dream can be a symbol of a miscarriage.
  4. Dreams with a sister are associated with loved ones. If she cries, then in reality quarrels and conflicts with relatives cannot be avoided. To see a sister in a wedding dress is a break in relations, prolonged loneliness.

Occultism is sensitive to dreams in which deceased relatives are present. It is believed that the spirit of the dead does not come just like that - its task is to warn the sleeping person, ask him for something, give advice.

From the point of view of psychology, deceased relatives often come in a dream if an unfinished conversation, dispute or conflict remains during life. Images of the deceased often flash in everyday life at the subconscious level, which leads to their appearance in dreams.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother: a general interpretation in different dream books

Grandmother is the progenitor of the family, appearing in dreams, she wants to protect, warn the sleeping person. But some dream books do not recommend taking such dreams seriously.

The deceased grandmother in a dream - what popular dream books say:

  1. Wangi's dream book. For an unmarried woman - a symbol of a successful marriage in the near future. If both grandmothers dreamed, then this is a sign that troubles bypassed the dreamer.
  2. Dream Interpretation Hosse. Kissing the deceased in a dream - a loved one does not reciprocate.
  3. Miller's dream book. The psychologist interprets dreams with the dead as a reassessment of values, a change in life priorities.
  4. According to Freud, a grandmother in a dream is a symbol of the feminine. Shows the presence of fear of loneliness, lack of confidence in their own attractiveness. For men - unrealized opportunities.

In Rummel's dream book, dreams with a deceased grandmother are interpreted as a symbol of unexpected advice that will help get out of a difficult situation. Such a dream can warn of deception - the employer will not pay the entire promised amount for the work.

If a grandmother dies in a dream, a favorable period begins in life, new offers and opportunities, useful acquaintances.

The late grandmother dreamed of her granddaughter - a conversation with the subconscious

Often a grandmother in dreams is a symbol of changes in marital status, imminent marriage, pregnancy

If the deceased grandmother calls in a dream for herself, this is a bad sign, portends a serious illness. But you can avoid it if you beware of dangerous places, be more attentive to your own health. Most often, the granddaughter talks with her grandmother or great-grandmother in a dream, such conversations are the voice of intuition, they should be treated with special attention.

Often a grandmother in dreams is a symbol of changes in marital status, imminent marriage, pregnancy. Such a dream is a symbol of the beginning of a new stage in life, it may portend a change in work, place of residence. The deceased eats sweets in a dream - you need to take a closer look at your chosen one, perhaps he is a gigolo, a swindler, a deceiver.

Playing cards with a deceased relative in a dream is a bad sign. If the dreamer wins, in reality everything will be fine. But if he loses, an accident or a fatal disease awaits him.

Seeing a dead grandmother alive in a dream - empty dreams or a warning from above

A living deceased grandmother in dreams is a symbol of protracted bad weather, less often such dreams mean changes in life

A living deceased grandmother in dreams is a symbol of protracted bad weather, less often such dreams mean changes in life.

If the grandmother smiles, then the dreamer should prepare for good events, positive changes in his career or personal relationships. The deceased is alive and well, she is hugged by strangers - you should prepare for significant expenses.

The deceased relative appeared in a dream in the guise of another person - you should not trust others, they have hidden motives, a desire to harm.

A deceased relative asks for money or clothes - in real life, profit is expected. If the deceased asks for food, the dreamer has a powerful guardian angel. But giving photographs to deceased relatives is a bad sign; sudden death awaits the one who is depicted on them.

Dreamed of relatives grandparents who have already died - big changes are coming

Joyful grandparents in a dream - a symbol of approval, an omen of imminent financial or any other help

  • if she gets up from the coffin, then you need to prepare for the arrival of uninvited guests;
  • according to Miller's dream book - a dead grandmother in a coffin means betrayal of the second half;
  • carry the coffin - you need to be more careful at work, there may be problems in business;
  • kissing the deceased in a coffin - an early release from a sense of duty, separation from loved ones is possible;
  • talking with the deceased - the lack of good news, a series of troubles.

If the coffin is in the sleeper's house, then a serious illness awaits him due to his own carelessness. Carrying a deceased relative in your arms in a dream is a bad sign that symbolizes the dreamer's death.

Why is grandma dreaming (video)

Grandma and Grandpa: Interpretation of Dreams (video)

Often dreams with deceased relatives are a reminder of family values, the strength of the family. After such dreams, you need to visit the grave or put a candle in the church, arrange a quiet family evening of memories.

Attention, only TODAY!

This dream has several different meanings. If a deceased grandmother is dreaming, this means that the connection with her granddaughter is not lost and in reality the girl needs the support, advice and love that she received before.

But often the deceased wants to warn about something in a dream, to say something, maybe he needs to be remembered in the temple. To understand what the late grandmother sees for her granddaughter, pay attention to when and how often such stories began to be dreamed of and what happened next.

Did the girl's dreams about the deceased frighten her, or was she glad to meet her dead relative. This is what most often dreams of seeing in a vision your deceased grandmother alive under different circumstances.

After the funeral

If the old woman died suddenly, although she could still live, then seeing her in a dream is a normal phenomenon. Especially if during her lifetime the granny was very active, took part in everything, she was loved by all family members.

Usually she dreams the same as in reality, and dreams reproduce events that occurred recently, not related to death.

If the granddaughter has such dreams for some time, there is nothing wrong with that. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts good health for you, but does not dream of fatal events, as it is associated with the dreamer's psyche.

If the grandmother died suddenly and took an active part in the life of the family, then dreams with her will come to all family members during the year.

If night pictures do not frighten you, do not cause negative emotions and there is no warning or danger in them, there is nothing to worry about.

The dream interpretation does not interpret dreams that reproduce events before the death of the grandmother. It’s just that the granddaughter’s psyche does not put up with the loss and wants the old woman to be still alive, to advise, accept and prompt.

Usually this kind of night scenes pass without a trace 40 days after the funeral or after the first six months.

If the grandmother was angry and aggressive, then the Islamic dream book writes that after her appearance in a dream, the relationship between family members predicts discord in the house and constant quarrels.

Possible litigation due to inheritance, trouble and scandals. If you dreamed that the grandmother came to life, began to rage, then you will soon quarrel with relatives.

If a little granddaughter saw her in a dream, talked to an old woman or was afraid to wake up, then in reality she will be able to overcome her own fears without outside help.

If you dreamed that the deceased was preventing you from working, not letting you into the house, some kind of trouble would soon happen.

Pay attention to how she behaved in a dream. If the grandmother scandalized, swore, shouted at someone, expect a skirmish with family members.

Kick her out of the house and not let her in - you can prevent a difficult situation.

If the granddaughter several times dreamed of the death of her grandmother as she really was, then this event negatively affected the child's psyche.

The girl needs time to come to terms with the loss, especially if she had good contact with her grandmother during her lifetime. When she dreamed that the granddaughter began to say goodbye to her grandmother, and after that she stopped dreaming about her, the child’s psyche would come to terms with the loss, and the girl would again be the same as before.

G talking with a deceased grandmother, getting advice and tips from her is a good sign. The dream interpretation writes that this dream predicts joy, happiness and good luck in various desires.

It is bad if the deceased took someone with her. When this dream occurred within forty days after death, then the person whom the grandmother took away is in mortal danger.

Seeing an empty coffin is a surprise. If the grandmother got up from it and left, and you don’t understand who was buried, this is a good sign.

The modern dream book writes that gradually your affairs will improve, and you will be able to complete all your ideas and undertakings.

Dreams of a little granddaughter

If the baby dreamed that she was talking in a dream with her late grandmother, then in reality everything will be fine with her. Especially if the conversation was pleasant, cheerful, bright and colorful, you are satisfied with life.

There is nothing terrible if the little granddaughter began to cuddle with her grandmother and play. But if the grandmother began to scold the child and even beat him, he is in danger of trouble or illness. Especially if redness or a wound remains at the site of the slap.

When I dreamed that my grandmother was sitting in the basement and calling her granddaughter to follow her, this is a sign of the girl's illness. If the baby did not go to the call, changed her mind or got scared, the illness or injury will not be fatal.

When the girl began to follow her grandmother or fell into the ground, she is in great danger. Try to keep the child from getting into trouble, it is better to save him for a while and not take him to school.

If a grandmother began to baptize a teenage girl, then in reality she can do some stupid thing that will turn into big trouble for her. For a child, such a dream is good and predicts unexpected joy and a favorable set of circumstances.

Running away from her grandmother means that the girl will not listen to her advice. If the old woman said something important and necessary, and the granddaughter did not want to listen to her, then in life she will commit an extravagant act and do a great stupidity, which she will regret more than once.

If a girl dreamed that her grandmother was on her bed, the baby was in danger or in danger. Especially if the little granddaughter began to lie next to the deceased.

In other situations, a date with a deceased grandmother, if the dream is not a nightmare, does not portend anything bad.

On the contrary, the meeting of a grandmother and a beloved granddaughter predicts happiness, good news for the child, and often warns against bad or stupid deeds, since children are more receptive to other people's advice.

Therefore, do not worry if the deceased grandmother began to dream of her granddaughter. When the girl wakes up in a cold sweat after nightmares, in which the old woman rises from the coffin, takes on a terrible look and begins to haunt, scandal, then you need to remember her in the temple.

Then nightmarish phenomena will not torment the child. If this measure does not help, then you need to bless the apartment or adults think well what they are doing wrong.

It is possible that the reason is related to a negative magical effect or damage done at a funeral or at the grave of the deceased.

Dreams of teenagers

For a girl to see her grandmother kind, cheerful and joyful is a sign of her spiritual support from above. If the hand of the late granny blessed you for an important event, then expect success in business.

Especially if in life a girl listens to the advice of her late grandmother and does not lose her spiritual connection with her.

Seeing her dead in a dream is an alarming event. You may lose the expected support from the outside. Watching the body decompose is a bad sign.

After such a dream, you yourself can suffer and get into trouble. Then be extra careful, avoid suspicious food.

If you dreamed that your grandmother was resurrected, wait for the inheritance. Sometimes this is a sign of spiritual help from above if you had a good relationship with her. When you dreamed that the deceased hit on the cheek, think about your actions.

This dream is seen not only in your illness, but also in trouble, which can generally lead to irreversible or unpredictable consequences.

Treat grandmother with delicious drinks, invite to sit at the table - for an unexpected holiday. This dream can be a dream for a girl to meet relatives.

But if the granny gets sick and won't eat anything, the reason for the meeting will be sad. To see that the old woman vomited after a meal - to difficult circumstances. Especially if the granny was sick, and then died again.

For a woman in a state of pregnancy, a dream predicts a slight malaise and complication. Try to avoid suspicious food, especially homemade food.

Seeing a pregnant grandmother is a surprise. Sometimes a dream for the granddaughter herself predicts the birth of a child who will look like a grandmother in appearance.

If you dreamed of a kind grandmother angry and angry, expect your affairs to worsen. When she was very beautiful and young in a dream, then expect good news. Perhaps you will learn something interesting about her youth and youth from the family archive.

Giving money to the deceased is a big loss. After such a dream, your business will decline. Seeing a grandmother crying - to grief in relatives, trouble and great trouble. Crying with her and seeing her off on her last journey again is a sign of relief.

Such a dream is a dream for joy and a favorable combination of circumstances. If your grandmother gave you a ring, this is for marriage. Try not to miss your happiness. Kissing the deceased and hugging is a good sign. You will be happy and satisfied.

Other dream meanings

Feed your grandmother with dishes, treat you with pleasant drinks - for a wake and a nice meeting with relatives. Giving the deceased her clothes is a futile effort. If the deceased grandmother accepted her, beware of illness.

To accept gifts from a dead woman dreams of success or surprise. If she decided to give you a valuable acquisition, then expect joy. When the deceased began to beg on the porch, commemorate her in the temple.

I dreamed that my grandmother was smiling - to her approval, support, even if during her lifetime she was a good person. When the deceased is silent - beware of misfortune.

Grandma decided to come to life, take on a frightening look or bite - be careful. After this dream, disaster is possible.

If the grandmother was resurrected, and then decided to die again, a person of the same age, position or with the same name may soon die. Sometimes a dream portends a change in the weather.

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It is believed that deceased relatives sometimes observe the actions and even thoughts of living people and warn of possible dangers. When wondering what the dead angry grandmother is dreaming of, it is advisable to analyze your behavior and understand why the old woman is angry.

What if the dead grandmother is dreaming of an evil one?

It should be understood that if the late grandmother had an evil dream, then the dreamer committed a bad deed, so the old woman is unhappy with her descendant. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider your own attitude to life and correct the evil that you managed to commit. It is advisable to strain your memory and remember what exactly the deceased said, perhaps she gave advice on how to get out of the unpleasant situation that the dreamer got into through his own fault.

Perhaps the person has not yet committed a bad deed, but is only going to do it, in which case the dream should be taken as a warning and change plans. Most grandmothers love their grandchildren very much and try to protect them from trouble, even because of the line between life and death, such dreams should not be taken lightly.

If a person had a dream about a deceased grandmother who cursed at her grandson, then she is unhappy with the actions or thoughts that the descendant has at the moment, and wants to help him return to the true path and not slide into the abyss of evil.

Astrologers say that an evil grandmother may dream of a change in the weather, especially if a storm or hurricane is approaching, and advise you to leave a dangerous place for a while. Sometimes the dreamer can remember her words warning of a catastrophe, there are cases when people, having listened to such a warning, left on time and, thereby, saved their lives. Another interpretation of such a dream says that the grandmother does not approve of the bride's grandson's choice and scolds him.

It is known that the choice of a life partner must be approached with all seriousness, therefore, you should check your feelings and marry only if you are sure of the love of your chosen one. The American Indians believed that the grandmother who came in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, you must definitely listen to her advice and do as the deceased relative advises.

What portends?

If a grandmother dreamed of a young girl who was about to get married, and by order forbade her to do this, then the chosen one is not worthy of the young lady. You can consider such a warning an empty and meaningless dream, and then be disappointed in family life. But a smart girl should take a closer look at the person with whom she is going to connect her fate, perhaps a rather unpleasant and cruel type is hiding under the external gloss.

A dream in which the grandmother calls the dreamer behind her is considered unfavorable, it portends a serious and protracted illness. In the best case, a person will be between life and death for a long time, and then he will be weakened for a long time, in the worst case, death awaits him. Some people can control the events that occur in dreams, experts recommend that they never follow a deceased relative in order not to endanger themselves.

Dreams in which dead relatives come to a person are interpreted as a warning about various changes in life, in order to find out whether such a vision promises good or evil, you need to remember all the details of the dream and the words that the grandmother said.
