Compound sentences without a comma before the conjunction a. Summary of the lesson "punctuation marks in compound sentences"

Compound is called a sentence, which in its composition has independent parts related to each other. The components have, as a rule, equal semantic and grammatical meaning. They can be separated by a comma, semicolon, or dash. Punctuation in a compound sentence is one of the most difficult punctuation topics.

Connecting unions

Which are put in It depends on the context. And in order to answer this difficult question, first of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of structure such a unit of language has. If it consists of two or more simple sentences, then it is a compound sentence. At the same time, its parts have a semantic connection with each other, and punctuation marks separate them. In a compound sentence, in most cases these are commas. They are put in the presence of one of the connecting unions (and, yes). Examples:

  • The autumn foliage burned in the sun in shades of green, red and yellow, and in this bright multicolor, the deserted and dull river bank looked so strange.
  • Look around and you can see so many new and interesting things.
  • Elena spoke in a whisper, and her mother also tried not to make noise.

Opposing alliances

These service parts are necessary for the unification and connection of homogeneous members of the proposal. They create a semantic opposition between them, emphasize the difference or inconsistency. And there are always punctuation marks before such words. In a compound sentence - in the presence of opposing conjunctions - the constituent parts are separated by a comma. Examples:

  • Ivan Petrovich's whole body ached from fatigue, but it was so pleasant to be in an interesting company and listen to your favorite music.
  • We must finally take out all this old furniture in the trash, and other things do not leave time for household chores at all.
  • Colleagues treated the new history teacher with hostility, while the students loved her with all their hearts.
  • Material dependence on anyone is not in her principles, but work and a separate apartment create a feeling of freedom.
  • Parents will have to take action, otherwise he will one day be expelled from school for such academic performance.

In addition to such service parts of speech as but, but, but, yes, but not that, conjunctions are also adversative but, however, otherwise.

Divisive unions

Punctuation marks in a compound sentence are placed before such service parts of speech as or, or, then ... then, or ... or, whether ... or, not that ... not that. In the presence of a double separating union, a comma is always placed before its second component. Examples:

  • Calm down, or it will be bad.
  • He paused, then started talking again.
  • Something must be done or he will die!
  • Whether he had serious intentions, or whether he was playing again - it was not clear.

Dividing punctuation marks between parts of a compound sentence in the presence of a double union are placed before its second component.

Affiliating unions

These include unions yes, moreover, also, too. One of them must be preceded by a comma. Examples:

  • He liked her more and more, he, too, seemed to be indifferent to her.
  • The appearance of this man made a rather depressing impression, his voice was also unpleasant.

Explanatory conjunctions

As can be seen from the name, these words are intended to explain, clarify. Unions of this kind - namely, that is. They must always be preceded by a comma. Examples:

  • After this terrible event, the number of residents decreased, namely, only the gentleman remained with an indifferent expression on his face and two old women who could hardly hear anything.
  • The time was chosen for the conversation was suitable, that is, it was quiet, calm and there was no need to fear the arrival of uninvited guests.

When are punctuation marks not used?

In compound sentences, examples of which are given below, there is no comma. Each of them has a connecting union. But parts of the sentence are united by a minor member, and therefore a punctuation mark is not required. Examples:

  • Shortly after the arrival of the train, tourists flooded the town and idly wandered its streets until late in the evening.
  • His mother has huge, kind hazel eyes and soft flaxen hair.
  • By that time, the publishing house had published several children's books and two collections of poetry.

However, in the event that the members of the sentence are united by a minor member, but the union is repeated, a comma is placed. Examples:

  • On such a frosty winter night, the wolf does not wander, and the bear does not appear from his lair.
  • In sunny windless weather, you don’t feel like working, and the sandy beach beckons and distracts you from business.

as a common part

Not only a minor member can be common. In its role sometimes the subordinate clause also acts. And, of course, in this case, a comma is also not put. Examples:

  • It was already dawn and people were gathering at the bus stop when he was just returning home.
  • When the guest was escorted home, it was completely dark outside and only moonlight illuminated the path.
  • When he stepped onto the stage, his heart was beating strongly and his hands were visibly trembling.

Interrogative sentence

You should be aware that commas are not always placed before the connecting union. In some cases, punctuation marks are not required in compound sentences. Examples:

  • Who is he and why did he come without a preliminary call?
  • How did they get here and what do they need?
  • What time will the meeting take place and what exactly will be discussed at it?
  • Magomed will come to the mountain or should the mountain go to Magomed?

In each of the above examples, the sentence consists of two interrogative stems. The parts are united by interrogative intonation. Therefore, punctuation marks in a compound sentence of this type are not required.

Similar to the previous examples, punctuation marks between parts of a compound sentence are not required in the following phrases:

  • Fire all employees and hire new ones only after my approval!
  • How ridiculous he is and how absurd his antics! (Exclamatory sentence.)
  • They began to look for traces of the crime, but, as always, they did not find anything (vaguely personal sentence).

You should know that when repeating a connecting union, a comma is placed between the impersonal parts of the sentence. Example: And rain, and wind, and haze.


Separating punctuation marks between parts of a compound sentence are not always commas. If parts of a complex structure are common sentences and also have commas inside them, a semicolon separates them. Examples:

  • He invented all this himself, because he absolutely did not remember what he dreamed of last night; but when his mother, touched by this story, began to soothe and console him, he almost burst into tears.
  • She became unbearably sad the moment they saw each other for the last time; nevertheless, something like relief appeared in her soul.
  • He spoke to her affectionately, holding her hand, and happiness shone in his eyes; and she took everything for granted, because she was used to admiring glances and had long ceased to appreciate them.

A comma with a dot is often placed before conjunctions such as but, however, yes and, but. And only in rare cases - before a. Examples:

  • For five years these strange works were carried out on the erection of the building; but either the climate was unsuitable, or the material was of poor quality, but the matter did not advance above the foundation.
  • He studied well, although he was not particularly assiduous; he never seriously grieved about anything; however, from time to time a kind of wild, irrepressible obstinacy came over him.
  • Drunkenness and carelessness were common among the inhabitants of this village; but many necessary qualities were rare for the local inhabitants: diligence, honesty, friendliness.

Punctuation rules in compound sentences may allow the presence of a semicolon before conjunctions Yes And And. But only in those rare cases when this sign stands between two sentences, which without it would be separated by a period. Example:

  • Soon the whole park, warmed by the rays of the spring sun, came to life, and dewdrops sparkled like diamonds on the tulips; and the old, already somewhat neglected park seemed to be festively smart that day.


All of the above suggestions are examples of the application of rules that a high school student should know. One of the topics that is given special attention in Russian language lessons is "Punctuation marks in a compound sentence." Grade 9 is an important stage in the school curriculum, when previously acquired knowledge is generalized and consolidated. Dash in compound sentences is a deeper topic. It is worth giving at least a few examples of the use of this punctuation mark.

It is put in cases where there is a sharp opposition or addition in the second part of the sentence. Examples:

  • The hunter threw something into the blazing fire - and immediately everything around was lit up.
  • He hurried there, ran with all his might - and there was not a soul there.

In order to correctly place punctuation marks in a compound sentence, it is necessary to determine the composition of its parts. And if there are only two of them, and each of them is a one-part nominative, a dash should be put between them. Examples:

  • Another moment - and he will fall at her feet.
  • Ten years of such existence - and the human soul is broken.

Dividing a sentence into two semantic parts

Sometimes one long phrase contains a description of two phenomena or actions. In such cases, the sentence is divided into two semantic parts with a dash. Example:

  • In the mountains, if you push a small stone from a great height, it will hit another in flight, then a third, and they will entail dozens, and then hundreds - and now a terrible stone avalanche is rapidly collapsing down.

But a dash can also separate simple constructions: "One has only to say a kind word - and a person is saved."

Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences are topics that can only be mastered with the help of practical exercises. Rules are remembered faster if you use different schemes. And although spelling and punctuation are branches of the humanities, it is worth creating simple graphic images. Especially when it comes to such a topic as "Punctuation marks in compound sentences."

Table (conjunctions and punctuation marks in compound sentences)

Below is a table that contains the basic rules for using commas, semicolons and dashes between parts. Unions are also indicated that correspond to one or another punctuation mark.

Punctuation marks are not required Comma Semicolon Dash
Before unions and yes if the parts of the sentence have a common element (minor sentence member, subordinate clause, introductory word, particle) and yes also, also, also
Parts of the offer are distributedIn the second part there is an addition or opposition
The sentence consists of parts, each of which is an interrogative, motivating, exclamatory or indefinitely personal sentence.Between simple sentences, before conjunctions but, however, not that, moreover One or two parts are nominative sentences
The sentence consists of parts that include synonymous wordsBetween simple sentences, before conjunctions or, or The sentence is divided into semantic parts
Between simple sentences, before conjunctions namely, that is The offer consists of short constructions

From the foregoing, we can conclude: in order to correctly punctuate, it is necessary to determine the type of sentence, highlight its grammatical foundations, and then understand what type of unions the service parts of speech that link parts of this sentence belong to.

How important it is to correctly put a punctuation mark in the right place, you know and remember the well-known example: “You cannot be pardoned.”

In the lesson, we will learn how to put or not put a comma in a compound sentence. After completing the exercises, the test and working with the simulator, you will consolidate your skills and better remember what punctuation marks should be put in the SSP. You will learn that not only a comma, but also a dash can separate simple sentences in a compound sentence.

Topic: Compound sentences

Lesson: Punctuation in Compounds proposals

Compound sentences(SSP) have two or more stems (like every complex sentence), parts of the SSP are connected using intonation and coordinating conjunctions. These sentences must be distinguished from simple sentences complicated by homogeneous predicates. But not always simple sentences are separated by a comma, and they are not always separated by punctuation marks.

Two simple sentences connected with intonation and a coordinating conjunction.

The day fell warm, and here and there the mountain ash blossomed for the last time.

Offers have one common member, general subordinatingpart, general introductory word.

comma do not set before conjunctions and, yes (= and), or, or

An orchestra played in the city garden and a choir of songbooks sang.

Sentences whose parts are two exclamatory, interrogative or imperative sentences.

Do not put a comma

What time is it now and how long do we have to wait?

What a warm evening and what clean air!

Clean up the room and set the table!

The second part of the proposal contains sudden attachment or sharp opposition in relation to the first part.

Dadon fell from the chariot, groaned once - and he died. (A. Pushkin).



1. How to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from?

2. Are simple sentences always separated by a comma in SSP?

3. In what cases are simple sentences in SSP separated by a dash?

4. In what cases do we not put a comma in the SSP?

Exercise 1. Underline the grammatical foundations in the sentences.

(1) The sun peeped through the windows and washed the glass with dew. (2) The day fell out warm, and in some places the rowan blossomed for the last time. (3) An orchestra played in the city garden and a choir of songbooks sang. (4) What time is it now and how long do we have to wait? (5) What a warm evening and what clean air! (6) Clean up the room and set the table! (7) Dadon fell from the chariot, groaned once - and he died. (A. Pushkin).

Exercise 2. Explain the placement of signs or their absence in the sentences of exercise 1.

Exercise 3. Put punctuation marks.

1. A minute and verses will flow freely. (A. Pushkin.) 2. It was freezing at night and the stars dotted the sky. 3. Another second and his hand pulled the fishing rod towards itself. 4. The sun shone high in the sky, and the mountains breathed heat into the sky and the waves beat against the stone below. (M. Gorky)

1. Efremova T.F. New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory derivational. - M.: Russian language, 2000. ().

2. Reference and information Internet portal "Russian language" | Dictionaries... ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9 cells. educational institutions / S. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Cheshko. M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvov, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing M.: 2012.

Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. A demonstration version of the control measuring materials for the 2013 unified state exam in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS"

A demonstration version of control measuring materials for the state (final) certification (in a new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE in 2011, 2012, 2013 for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education was prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

1. COMMA in a compound sentence

In a compound sentence, its parts are connected by unions and yes(= and or but), but, but, however, but, otherwise, not that, or, either, also, also etc. Before them or between repeated unions ( no no; whether ... whether; then ... then; not that… not that and etc.) put comma . Beautiful is the wise path of the grain, and the eternal light of the sun is beautiful. Meadows stretched below the river, and a forest rose up the hillside. Now the door creaks, then the gate quietly opens.

No comma is included before the union And if it connects:

  • two interrogative sentences. Who are they And what do they need?
  • two incentives. May the hero's name be holy And His memory will live on forever!
  • two exclamatory sentences. How beautiful these places are And what a great place to relax!
  • two nominal proposals. Alien rocks And wet snow flying towards the car.

No comma is included before unions and yes(= and), or, or if simple sentences have:

  • general introduction. Apparently he was in great difficulty And there was some struggle going on in his canine soul.
  • common minor member. Wings goose were splayed And the beak is open. BUT: goose And wings spread out, And the beak is open. (recurring alliances)
  • general adjective. For many centuries dry winds have dried this land And the sun burned until she got so strong.
  • a general explanatory sentence connected by an allied connection with the rest of the complex sentence. Two events of equal importance took place: people have learned to fly And people have forgotten how to be surprised by this.

2. Semicolon in a compound sentence

A semicolon is placed before unions but, nevertheless, still, nonetheless(less frequently before and yes= and), if at least one part of the complex sentence is significantly common or has commas in its composition.

Tatyana, on the advice of the nanny
Gathering to tell fortunes at night,
Quietly ordered in the bath
Set the table for two appliances;
But Tatyana suddenly became afraid ...

3. DASH in a compound sentence

A dash is put (often before the union And, less often before ah, but), if it is necessary to show a quick change of events, a consequence or opposition. A little bit of happiness And a person immediately becomes better, kinder. As if I should have been happy but there was no joy.

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Difficult cases of punctuation. Comma before "and"

Union "and" can connect Firstly , homogeneous members of the sentence, Secondly , simple sentences as part of a complex one.

In order to correctly put a comma before the union “and”, it is necessary to distinguish the structure of a compound sentence from a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates or subjects. Therefore, first we recall the definitions of a simple and compound sentences.

For example: It seemed as if they are uprooting the whole forest at once and the earth is groaning in pain. (conjunction "and" single)

He remembered how the fascists attacked them suddenly , and how they ended up surrounded , and how the detachment nevertheless managed to break through to its own. (conjunction "and" repeats)

Unfortunately, the division of rules into punctuation with homogeneous members of a sentence, signs in a compound sentence and working with a complex sentence, including homogeneous clauses, leads to the inability of many graduates of the Russian language course to navigate how and when this or that rule is applied. In addition, theoretical knowledge often does not allow you to correctly figure out which of the rules needs to be applied, therefore, even if you know the rules, not all students are able to use them appropriately and adequately.

Therefore, we offer you another way to assimilate this punctogram, which was indicated by N.V. Nikolenkova: go from the "external" signs of the organization of the sentence, that is, from the number of used conjunctions "and". We believe this will make it a little easier to work on the correct punctuation.

Go to the second page on this topic

Subject: SSP: structure, meaning, punctuation Date: 1.10.15.

Grade:11 B

Target: generalize and systematize students' knowledge on the topic: “Repetition. Types of complex sentences. Complex sentences.


    repeat and consolidate the ability of students to determine the structure of the BSC and its parts,

    put punctuation marks, as well as spelling skills;

    help students in mastering the scope of the use of these structures;

    Activate students' vocabulary through complete answers to questions and

    making proposals on the topic of the lesson;

    develop the mental activity of students;

    cultivate love for the language, a sense of mutual assistance;

    test students' knowledge of the topic of the lesson.


1. Repetition of what has been learned

Otg..stole a grove of z..lotaya
Birch in .. with a village tongue
And the cranes p..
Already (not) well .. they pour more (about) than anything. (verse. “The golden grove dissuaded”)

I came to this earth
To sk..ray her p..throw. (verse. “Beloved land! The heart dreams of stacks of the sun in the waters of the bosoms ...”

Sweat .. the village in potholes
Honored.. Nile hut (verse. "Rus")

S. Yesenin

The task:

Explain the spelling, open the brackets, insert the missing punctuation marks. Are these sentences simple or complex, determine their type. (1st - BSP; 2nd - SPP; 3rd - SSP)

Questions to the class:

    Why is the first sentence complex?(Both parts of this sentence are connected with the help of intonation and the coordinating union And)

    Why is the second sentence a NGN?(Parts of the second sentence are unequal, they are connected using intonation and the subordinating conjunction CHTOB)

    Prove that the third sentence is a BSP.(Parts of it are connected only by intonation)

Let's draw up the schemes of these proposals.

2. Generalization of the material. Charting

Difficult sentence
Allied Unionless


    What sentences will we call compound sentences?(SSP these are sentences consisting of 2 or more equal parts, interconnected intonationally and with the help of coordinating unions. Coordinating unions are located between the parts of the SSP and are not included in any of them)

    How is SSP different from SSP?(NGN consists of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses that depend on each other and are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions and allied words)

    What about BSP?(These are complex sentences, the parts of which are equal and interconnected using intonation)

Teacher. Today we will focus on SSP. What can you say about punctuation marks in SSP? Let's turn to the board.

Example 1 :

Noisy in the yard bad weather,
And they have been sleeping in the house for a long time. (A. Tolstoy)

(NGN puts a comma between simple sentences connected by coordinating conjunctions)

Related question: what coordinating conjunctions do you know?

A) writing (and, yes, no, no, also, too)
B) adversative (a, but, yes (= but), however, but the same, otherwise, not that)
C) separating (or, or, this, not that - not that)

Example 2 : I only had blue paint; but, despite this, I started to draw a hunt. (L. Tolstoy)

(If parts of the SSP are significantly common or already have commas, then a semicolon is placed between them)

Example 3 : I'm in a hurry to go there, and the whole city is already there. (A.S. Pushkin)

(If the second part of the SSP contains an unexpected addition or a sharp opposition in relation to part 1, then between them instead of a comma put dash )

Example 4 : Heavy trucks were moving along the streets, and cars were racing, and pedestrians were hurriedly walking.

(A comma is placed in the SSP if both parts have a common minor member or a common clause and are connected by a repeating union)

A comma is not placed before the unions AND, YES (= AND), OR:

Example 5 : It seems that the leaf does not move and the twig does not creak.

(If parts of the BSC have a common minor member or introductory word)

Example 6 : When a thunderstorm began, the game stopped and the children rushed home.

(If parts of the SSP have a common subordinate clause)

Example 7 : Walk in the winter forest and sledding.

(Between two nominal sentences)

Example 8 : What time is it now and how much time do we still have to wait.

(Between two interrogative sentences)

Example 9 : Necessary write a paper andshould explain the errors in it.

(Between impersonal sentences that have SYNONYMS as part of the predicates).

5. Development of skills and abilities. Explanatory dictation

    The dry crackle of a rocket launcher - and two green lights flash in the sky.(A. Perventsev)

    A tablecloth was laid on the round table and there was a Chinese device.(L. Tolstoy)

    In the cold field the wind rustled, and the rain poured down, and the thunder rumbled.

    The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and the whitish mist was beginning to disperse as the bell rang.

6. Training exercise:

The task: Write down sentences, insert missing letters, punctuation marks. Determine the type of coordinating conjunctions.

    She looked (from) with all her heart and laughter gave a sparkling power to her. (N.V. Gogol)

    Ras..talismy but I keep your portrait on my chest. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

    At that time, in the village of Vichia, not only was the minister's pr.. been known, but also his appearance was described in detail. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Laid down on the canvas (not) careless strokes
And the sea wave ran (into) the distance.
And the trace caught a cold sadness and longing.
The soul fluttered over the waves catching up.
Water changes color, it burns
And hundreds of moons where (then) streams rush.
The sun is about to shine in the east
And the ocean will submissively be silent.

Task: write out the SSP poem from the text.

7. Designing proposals

The task: form an SSP from a simple sentence.

    Even though it was late, you could still hear the birds singing in the forest.(The time was later, however (but) in the forest one could still hear the birds singing.)

    Due to prolonged rains, the swamps became impassable.(Torrential rains fell, and the swamps became impassable.)

    Careful footsteps are heard. Someone's clatter is heard.(Cautious steps are heard, then someone's whisper is heard.)

8. Selective cheating

The task: (according to options) write out sentences and make diagrams (the teacher reads the text)

Option 1 - simple with homogeneous members
Option 2 - SSP

    Chelkash got angry and a sharp burning sensation in his chest made him shudder. (M. Gorky)

    Grandfather sipped tea from a glass and listened to the conversation. (V. Veresaev)

    The first hunting failure angered me, but did not extinguish my passion. (I.Turgenev)

    By dawn, the dog barked and there was a knock on the door.

    Falling snow covered all objects and a white veil enveloped everything around.

    Zakhar freed himself with difficulty from the door and immediately closed it behind him.

9. Test work (test) in order to test students' knowledge on the topic “Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in SSP "

10. Summing up the lesson


    What is the difference between a simple sentence and a complex one?

    What types of compound sentences do you know?

    What sentences are called SS?

    What is the difference between SSP and BSP and SPP?

    When is a comma not put between simple sentences in SSP?

11. Homework: write out from the texts of fiction 6 compound sentences with different types of coordinating conjunctions.

Verification work

1 option


A) In the pine thickets, birches were shivering from the cold, showered with dry coolness.
B) I assured myself that this autumn is the first and last in my life.
C) From the heat, the leaves shriveled from the fire, the trees were charred.
D) The dawn was shining in the east and the golden rows of clouds were waiting for the sun.

2. Specify SSPs in which a comma is placed

a) Who are they and what do they need?
B) At that moment, the hayloft door creaked and Anton's head popped out.
C) There is snow around and the trees are in a white dress.
D) Limes are blooming and smells of linden honey.

3. Determine the type of sentence by structure: Leikin's ancestors were serfs, but they went free earlier, made capital and were more successful than the Chekhovs.(M.Gromov)


4. Specify SSP

A) I gave him your order and he fulfilled it with great pleasure.
B) The origins of filial feelings for the homeland lie where we are born and live.
C) Everything passes and not everything is forgotten.
D) I returned home but the image of poor Akulina did not leave my head for a long time.

A) DADON fell from the chariot, groaned once and died.
B) A river flows through the fields like a cold wave, and my arbor is reflected by the smooth surface of the river.
C) Another second and his hand pulled the fishing rod towards itself.

A) Occasionally an exhausted sail will pop or a wave will splash under the stern.
B) either the doctors made a mistake or the wound itself overgrown.
C) After the thunderstorm, everything shone and it was easy to breathe.

A) My friend spoke little but very interestingly.
B) On the mowing, mosquitoes or midges are circling.
c) The weather is fine and there is no rain.

Option 2

1. Indicate the type of complex sentences (punctuation marks are missing )

A) The sun set and the night followed the day without a gap. (M. Lermontov)
B) It was heard how frogs were crying somewhere far away.
C) She is as fresh as a spring blossom cherished in the shade of an oak forest. (A.S. Pushkin)
D) We lived in a village under the window, we had a meadow all golden from dandelions. (M. Prishvin)

2. Specify SSPs that do not include a comma

A) For many centuries, dry winds dried this land and the sun burned until it became so strong.
B) He listened to me with a smile, but at times his eyes were insensitive.
C) After a thunderstorm, the air is clean and easy to breathe.
D) My legs were trembling and my head was spinning.

3. Determine the type of sentence by structure: By dawn, the dog suddenly started barking and then fell silent and whined happily. (Ch. Aitmatov)

B) simple, complicated by homogeneous members.

4. Specify SSP

A) A leaf falls dry at night, the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.
B) Somewhat away from the house, a miserable cherry garden grew dark and there were sleeping sunflowers. (A.Chekhov)
C) Chelkash was not in a good mood today and answered questions curtly and abruptly. (M. Gorky)
D) We will arrive in the evening because the performance will end late.

5. Specify SSP where you would put a dash.

A) One jump and the lion is already on the back of the buffalo. (A. Kuprin)
B) And it’s boring and sad and there is no one to give a hand to. (M. Lermontov)
C) Said and Petersburg arose from a wild swamp. (A. Pushkin)

6. Specify BSC with a common minor member.

A) At night it froze and the stars dotted the sky. (I. Bunin)
B) From dawn, the cuckoo cuckles loudly across the river in the distance and in the young birch forest it smells of mushrooms and foliage (I. Bunin)
C) In the lower floor of the balcony, a violin played and two gentle female voices sang. (A. Chekhov)

7. Indicate simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members.

A) His soul has become accustomed to storms and anxieties, and thrown ashore, he is bored and languishing. (M. Lermontov)
B) Anna stayed at home all day and did not receive anyone. (L. Tolstoy)
C) The saleswoman threw down the knife, nodded her head to Pavel and went across the hall to the side door.
