Slavic female names and their meaning (list). Beautiful female names of Slavic origin

Every name once invented by people carries a meaning. Old Russian female names are distinguished by their beauty and uniqueness, because they appeared in different periods of the long-suffering history of Ancient Russia. The wealth of female names was to the taste of modern parents, and many girls already have beautiful old names. Melodiousness and deep meaning attract not only Russians, but also other peoples.

It is impossible to find out the origin of absolutely all ancient names, but research does not stop. Names are a source of history and traditions, with their help you can learn about the life of your ancestors, their views, look at the world through their eyes. Names help contemporaries find out how their ancestors treated people.

It is even more difficult to study old Russian female names, because usually they had several meanings and interpretations. In different regions, one name could mean different phenomena and things. Therefore, today there are several versions for one name.

Names and traditions

In the old days, children were called names that characterized habits or appearance. It was an ancient tradition, because people have long believed that the name contains a fateful code. And so the names of the girls Krasava, Razumnitsa appeared.

It is worth noting that such a tradition was not only among the Slavs. The Indians and Chinese also named their children according to tradition. In India, they gave characteristic names, like Ayashi (small), Evoti (great). The Chinese tried to give the child a terrible name, because they believed that bad spirits could covet a beloved child, and if you call him almost insulting, the spirits will think that this child is not loved. This was more about boys, although girls were given strange names.

The Slavs attached great importance to the family and occupation, some names are even associated with the sequence of the birth of children. So Lydia would mean "first". The name Pervusha was popular.

The Slavs believed that the name is the key to the inner world and gave the girls two names. So there was a tradition to choose a name for people and for the family. The first was said to everyone, and the second was known only to the closest, and it kept a secret good meaning. The first was usually ugly and repulsive, but it allowed the truth to be protected from bad tongues.

The second name was given only at a certain age, when the teenager showed character. However, the tradition did not take root - usually the girl was the way her first name characterized her. The second name, due to not being used, lost its meaning.

Church calendars

After the adoption of Christianity, the names were entered into church calendars, and, as it were, they gave the child to the protection of the guardian angel. As you know, not all Slavs willingly accepted the customs of Christianity, therefore, for a long time, children, in parallel with Christian names, were given old pagan nicknames. Later, many of them became modern surnames.

However, the pressure of Christianity was great. Closer to the 17th century, many old Russian female names went out of use. They were replaced by the names of states that spread Christianity or were influential at that time - Byzantium, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Syria. Many names were transformed into the Russian manner, and, for example, instead of Avdotya, Evdokia turned out. Today, many would be surprised how their names sounded in the original.

Only the names of the saints remained unchanged. The ancient tradition of giving a child two names also took root in Russia, but the second name given at baptism was usually not used. The second name was often Greek.

The church list provides a large number of female names to choose from. Both believing Christians and atheists can choose names. Moreover, the calendar allows you to select a name by month and even birthday. To name a child according to the Saints means to give him protection from a saint revered on this day. There is another tradition, to choose a saint on the eighth day after birth. If there are no Saints on the birthday, then they choose the name of the saint honored on the fortieth day. It used to be on this day that a child was baptized.

It is also allowed to use a male name if there is no female name according to the Saints. Therefore, there are so many asexual names (Eugene, Alexandra, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav).

Types of Russian names

The Slavs definitely loved beautiful two-base names. For example, Svetozar, Miroslav, Lubomir, Dobrognev,. Often girls were called names that emphasized certain traits of their character. So the names Arina (calm), Dobrava (kind), Barbara (wild), Svetlana (bright), Arsenia (courageous) appeared. Since the Slavs revered the cult of animals and plants, many girls' names are taken from the world of flora and fauna. These are Azalea, Akulina, Pike.

There were names borrowed from the gods. The famous was considered the goddess of the morning dawn, Apollinaria - the goddess of the sun (about the ancient Greek god of the sun Apollo), the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Some native Russian names were modified participles (Bazhen). A separate group included names for princely children (Vyacheslav).

Today you can find Old Slavic names that actually had only a Slavic root. There were names that translated Greek and Roman.

It is impossible to compile a complete list of beautiful names of antiquity, but here are some of the most popular:

- summer.

- donating.

Agnes is chaste.

Vesta is the guardian of the hearth.

- the chosen one.

Bela is beautiful.

Ada is decorating.

- serene.

Bogdana - given by God.

Agnia is immaculate.

Dobrava is good.

- reigning.

Beatrice - blessing.

Eupraxia is a virtue.

Casimira - showing the world.

Ariadne is sleeping.

- protector.

Joy is joy.

Svetlana is bright.

Milana is cute.

Reward - Reward.

Dove is meek.

Mstislav - revenge and glory.

Lyubomila - love and peace.

- cold.

Ladoslava is fine.

Loving wisdom is loving wisdom.

The fire control is bright.

Arrow is an arrow.

Young is young.

Snow White - Snow White.

Milonega is sweet and gentle.

Diva is divine.

Domoslava - glorifying the house.

Chaslava - looking forward to glory.

Radmila is a sweet joy.

Slavunya - glorifying.

Lyubogneva - loving to be angry.

Rusana - blond.

Delight is sweet.

Beauty is beautiful.

Goodness - doing good.

Vesnyan - spring.

Zhdana - desired.

Jaromila is dear to Yarlu.

In the 19th century, many old Russian names were forgotten. Russian versions of foreign names came into use:

- someone else's.

- comforting.

Ursula is curious.

The Slavs are known for their magnificent multifaceted culture, customs and high morality. This is an ethnos covering a significant part of the planet’s lands in the past, which gradually settled over many centuries in different parts of Eurasia and thereby broke up into groups according to territorial and linguistic factors. This process entailed irreparable consequences - the disappearance of many original features and the emergence of special mental differences among people who are closest in spirit.

The closest for us, Russian-speaking and "Russian-minded" descendants of the Slavs, are three peoples that belong to the Eastern Slavs: Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian. Therefore, the Old Slavic names for girls and boys will be considered precisely these three peoples, which have primordially Slavic roots.

Slavs are distinguished by the depth of morality. It is typical for them to conduct internal introspection, they are not characterized by dependence on luxury, material goods and conveniences. It is not for nothing that the phrase “Russian soul” is so widespread all over the world, because the Slavic people are primarily distinguished by the fullness and depth of spiritual qualities, such as modesty, hospitality, sympathy, diligence, conscientiousness, generosity, courage, nobility. Despite the difficult physical conditions of life due to territorial features, such as in the north of Russia, for example, all these and many other qualities have been preserved in the Slavic spirit to this day. Also, some beautiful Old Slavic names for girls, passed down to us by our ancestors, have remained in demand and have been popularized in our time.

Old Slavic names for girls and their formation

One of the interesting facts is the minority of female Slavic names compared to male ones. This is explained by another difference between the ethnic group: in the old days, women did not strive to stand out from the background of others, mostly their names were modest, but had a deep spiritual meaning. Old Slavic names for girls by months and their meaning in character and behavior have something in common with each other. The name personified the peculiarity of the person named by him, was a visiting card with a personal characteristic. Also, many female names come from male ones, but this does not minimize their euphony. The main types of Slavic names:

  • derived from the names of animals;
  • arising from the names of the Gods;
  • ambiguous, having in a word two roots of words of different meanings, in a certain way interconnected.


This ancient Slavic name speaks of a girl as a sociable and purposeful nature. Old Slavic names for girls with "A" have come down to us in small numbers. Agnes has Polish roots. A woman with this name always chooses long-term relationships and commitments. The decisions made by Agnes are weighed and considered more than once. Over the years, it only expands the range of interests and concepts, but does not renounce its principles. The month for this name is autumn - October.


According to legend, this beautiful name came to us from the ancient Aryan community. Ariadne is considered the first of the Aryan women. Old Slavonic names for girls, the meaning of which has a deep meaning, beautiful and original. These include the name Ariadne. A girl named with such a wonderful divine name has the qualities of self-sacrifice, which causes the respect of society. Usually such an unusual name is called babies born in September or early October. Ariadne's favorite colors are green, blue and turquoise. We continue to consider Old Slavonic names for girls by months further.


They talk about her as similar to the stars, just as bright and incomprehensible. According to Slavic history, Asteria is the goddess of the stars of the Aryans. By nature, she is inherent in dominance over others, and with age, this desire to be better does not leave her, but only takes root. Girls with this name were famous for their beauty and impudent disposition. The Old Slavic names of girls and their meaning by months personify the depth of the Russian language. The name seems to merge with the person into a single whole and decorates him. Suitable birth months for Asteria are November and December. Favorite colors of the goddess of stars: red and black. This speaks of a strong willed nature.


Very beautiful and sonorous name. Translated from the Old Slavonic language, Bozena means “divine gift”. There is a similar kind of male name - Bazhen. The modern version of Bozena is Bogdan. Girls with this name are truly wise. They know where to give in and where to insist. Bozheny, Bogdan are distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. They are modest and majestic. To all the qualities described above, we add love for home comfort, thriftiness and a sober outlook on life. Although the old Slavonic names for modern girls are slightly different in consonance, the meaning is not distorted.


Feminine form of the male name Belozar. This name refers to the third type of classification presented above, which has two interrelated meanings. It carries a significant part of the culture and traditions of the Slavic ethnic group. If we focus on the direct meaning, then Belozara means "white dawn". The subsense is deeper in this beautiful old name - "enlightened, dedicated." This harmonious name in the modern world can be pronounced as Bela. Unfortunately, many old Slavic names for girls are unpopular at the present time.


The Old Slavonic name Zabava means "delight", "joy". Girls with this name are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, naivety and ambition. Fun has undeniable merit, and its name in no way means frivolity. On the contrary, her naivete seems to hold something sacred. The most famous Fun from the Slavic world lives in the epic "Dobrynya and the Serpent". This is the daughter of Putyata, who was an associate of Vladimir. Fun is affectionately called Zabavushka or Zabavka.


Old Slavic names for girls and boys often have the same root, respectively, and the meaning of these names is the same. This unusual name also takes place in the 21st century, but in a simplified form - Zlata. The advent of the name takes us to the distant Middle Ages, where they were called Belarusians and Poles. Zlata, Zlatana means "gold, golden". Girls with the name Zlatana are famous for such good qualities: truthfulness, responsibility, thoroughness, thrift, tact, curiosity. Scrupulously Zlatana refers to the choice of a life partner. Although there are plenty of admirers, she marries late. A long search and a deliberate decision lead to a happy marriage.


Feminine form of the Slavic male name Zoreslav. Old Slavic names for girls by months and their meanings combine several good qualities: euphony, deep meaning, unusualness. Zoreslava is translated as "beautiful", "glorious, like the dawn." Women with such a beautiful old Russian name are capable students and faithful spouses. Marked with beauty, the Zoreslavs have no equal virtues in their splendor.


Very rare and not at all popular - the glorious name of Istislav. The first part of the word comes from "truth", the second - from "glorifying". If we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes clear that the roots “glory” often used in names leave an imprint of Slavic customs and culture. Everyone heard the word "truth" and interpreted it in their own way. Well, people with such a sacred name are obliged to know the truth. Istislava is dreamy and timid by nature throughout her life. Old Slavic names for girls, the list of which is relatively small, are a reminder that we are the descendants of the Slavs.


Another beautiful female Slavic name, translated from Ukrainian it means "water lily". There is also a river called Kupava. Girls with the name Kupava are distinguished by tenderness, caring, grace, frugality and patience. Old Slavic names of girls by months contain a certain peculiarity, significance. Before choosing a name for a baby, it is worth finding out the sacred meaning of the preferred options. Almost all of them have a good meaning. Parents can affectionately call the girl Kupavushka, Kupavka and Pava. Such a glorious "singing" name will suit a sweet, modest girl.


In Slavic culture, Lada is the goddess of love and beauty. In other sources, Lada means "husband, wife", "engagement", "dowry agreement". The word itself is associated with the world, harmony, and its euphony caresses the ear. Lada has amazing positive energy, thanks to which it charges everything around with light and peace. The character of Lada is versatile. One side is perseverance, determination and sensuality, the other is vindictiveness, intractability and capriciousness. In love and hate, Lada knows no limits. If he loves, then to the end, the same with hatred. Many modern names contain this name, for example, such as Vlada, Vladlena, Milada, Hellas.


A female name of Slavic origin. There is also a male version. Luchesara - "sparkling, illuminating" - is associated with reliability and spiritual insight. The word comes from a combination of two others: "beam" and "dawn". People with this name are nice, responsible, and they also have an extraordinary outlook on life, which, of course, cannot but inspire. Luchesara lights the way for her loved ones and those around her. She is like a muse for her companion and a sage for children. Favorite colors: dark green and brown.


In the list of "the most beautiful old Slavic names for girls" you can safely include the old Russian name Lyubava. Lyubavushka is famous for generosity and sensuality. The name means "loving". Girls born in winter are called Lyubavas. They are very curious and live more with feelings and sensations than with the mind. Lubavas have many positive qualities, such as cheerfulness, playfulness, courage, tact, patience. By nature, they are kind and gentle, but if they find out about the betrayal, then there will be no mercy. Favorite colors: fiery red and scarlet.


Old Russian name, which was often called girls in the USSR. However, Lyudmila still wins the hearts of Slavic descendants. Translated from the old Russian language - "dear people." Lyudmila has a number of excellent virtues, including caring, condescension, morality, sanity, thriftiness and devotion to the chosen one. Favorite color: beige. The name stone is a yellow sapphire. The name also has a male version - Lyudmil. It is already forgotten in Russia, but still exists in Bulgaria. Affectionate nicknames of Lyudmila: Lusya, Lyudmilka, Milasha, Ludusya, Mila, Lyudasha and Lyulya.


Old Slavonic names for girls on "M" let's start with the Old Slavic version of Mechislav. Not every girl could be called this strong-willed and unusual name. Since in the days of the Slavs, signs related to appearance and character were a prerequisite for determining a name, only a truly brave, respectable girl could be called Mechislava. Translated from Old Russian - "glorified in battle." Young talents with the name of Mechislav are stubborn and distrustful from childhood. They have a strong will and desire to maintain health. Mieczyslavs are devoted to their family, and especially to their parents.


Old Slavic names for girls are mostly soft, non-cutting and attractive. One of such gentle options is the old Russian name Milomir. Means "sweet world" and "peaceful". Perhaps the most feminine name, because women really bring peace to life. Although many wars were provoked by ladies, our Slavic roots are the original bearers of peace and order. Milomir has positive qualities, such as modesty, ambition, cordiality, generosity, grace, and many others. Having given preference to this name, parents can affectionately call the girl Mila, Mira, Milomirushka.


A traditional Slavic name, not yet erased from the memory of descendants. It is more common in Western Ukraine. Mlada means "young, young". The girls, called by such a tender name, are as refined as wild flowers. Young people are gifted with bright talents, smiling and easy to communicate with. In general, these are very charming girls. Their character is docile and peaceful. Favorite colors: colorful, mixed.


This name in ancient times was worn by beautiful female representatives. “Glory to birth” or “born glory” - these two interpretations of the name Rodislav have different semantic meanings. In the first case - respect and reverence for the birth of mankind. And this is really a deep meaning for the name, perhaps even incomprehensible to many. The representatives of the weaker sex are not at all weak in the matter of giving birth to offspring. Childbirth is really hard work for the body, and the fact that a woman copes with it is worthy of respect.

Old Slavonic names for girls by months and their meaning in society now play a less significant role among the many rooted foreign names. Now, unfortunately, it is not very fashionable to wear a Slavic name.


Old Slavic name, which means "fair-faced." The girls, called Svetoliks, are distinguished by courage and independence. The manifestation of these qualities in youth is expressed in a certain willfulness and boundless curiosity. In adulthood, Svetolika becomes a leader, wherever she is, and acquires such qualities as restraint, determination, tact, self-confidence. Svetolika is sweet and beautiful, harmonious. This name combines both femininity and masculinity. Favorite colors: orange, yellow, light green.


Another beautiful name of unknown depth and beauty is Tvorimira. All the beautiful old Slavic names for girls emphasize the character and charm of the Slavs. Tvorimira means "to create the world". Old Russian traditions again and again affirm the importance of a well-chosen name for a woman with a meaning that suits her. Ladies with such a blessed name are wise beyond their years and are famous for their high morality. But, unfortunately, the name of Tvorimir is practically not found among the current Slavs. This is the reason for its rarity and non-proliferation.


Names ending in "world" are distinguished by a special meaning laid down many centuries ago. Slavs are known for their rituals and mastery of white magic skills. One Veles Book is worth something - an unknown and incomprehensible Slavic language on wooden planks worked and still works miracles. The Slavic people possessed such knowledge that to this day helps us in many areas of life. Hranimira is wisdom, femininity, courage and charm. All the best qualities of people are collected in this old Russian name.


The meaning of this name is "bewitching power". Charusha is a mysterious and difficult girl. It captivates others with some mysterious notes and exquisite taste. Usually these girls have no end to their fans. But their honor is above all. After all, the Slavic people are known for morality and loyalty. Charusha is a sweet-sounding, bewitching name that paints the Slavs. Moreover, the charms of these beautiful ladies extend not only to men, but also to children. Kids are delighted with Charusha. The old Slavic name Charusha is also now unpopular, but still occasionally found in Western Ukraine and Poland.


Feminine form of the male name Yaroslav. From the Old Slavonic language it is translated as "glory to spring". Despite the original male roots, the version of "Yaroslav" is very sonorous and feminine. Since childhood, Yaroslava is mobile and bold, she studies well. Differs in stubbornness, sociability and curiosity. Yaroslav cannot stand loneliness and conflicts with loved ones. She has a good sense of humor and is very independent, she achieves success only by herself, without anyone's help.

Old Slavic names for girls are not determined by months in the modern world, because most church names do not come from Slavic roots. The Slavic spirit, the depth of the soul and the extraordinary names of the past millennia have remained to this day. Old Slavic names for girls and their meaning occupy their own niche in culture. It is worth noting their sonority, ambiguity. Features of traditions in simple Old Slavonic names are pronounced. It is also encouraging that some names have come back into fashion and contribute to the active restoration of forgotten customs.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Forgotten Slavic names

Old Slavic female names and their meaning

Previously, there were a lot of names in the Slavic name book. At present, most Slavic names are completely forgotten.

Old Slavic names is not only a return to one's roots, to one's origins, but it is also an opportunity to improve one's family. After all, the vibrations of the name affect the character of a person, his fate, his future offspring.

The name plays a very important role not only in the life of an individual, but also in the life of all mankind, the whole Earth.

Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Forgotten Slavic names. Old Slavic female names and their meaning

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In any period of time there are more and less popular names. Moreover, the fashion for them is as changeable as the styles of clothing. The era of Soviet realities with Vladlens, Oktyabrins and Revolutions has long passed. Recently there was a peak in the popularity of foreign names. Now there is a craving for the original Slavic culture, and this is reflected in the fact that parents are increasingly naming their newborns in the same way as their ancestors a thousand years ago, choosing male and female Slavic names.

But most people have the wrong idea about this issue. If you ask an ordinary person what Slavic female names he knows, then most likely you can hear the answer: "Galina, Maria, Katerina, Anna." But this is not true. These onyms migrated to us from the Hebrew and Greek languages, but over the years they have become so merged into Slavic culture that they seem to be autochthonous.

Although the list of currently known ancient male names is wider, this article discusses precisely the female names of Slavic origin and their meaning. Linguists draw similar information from ancient chronicles, and men most often appeared there, therefore there is such a difference. But the way the girls were called can tell about the views and beliefs of our ancestors. And now a few words about how they gave a name to a newborn child.

Mystery of Choice

From ancient times in Russia there were many superstitions in connection with the birth of a child. It was believed that the name can both scare away and attract evil forces. Therefore, in order to protect the child, he was given an ugly name, which indicated imaginary flaws and was supposed to serve as a barrier to all evil spirits. For example, a beautiful girl could be called Potvora, Negoda (unfit), Nekras. Like, having heard such a name, evil forces will not covet the already nasty child. In any case, all female names of Slavic origin carried a hidden meaning.

Also, often the child was given two names. One was for general consumption, and the second was considered real, but it was kept secret and reported only to the closest. This was done so that no one could cause damage using a middle name.

Also, our ancestors believed that changing the name entails metamorphoses in a person's life. For example, when a child was sick, they carried him out into the yard, and then brought him back into the hut, saying that he was a foundling, and renamed him, they say, this is no longer Lyubim or Zhdana, but Nenash or Found (Naida). This was done in order to deceive the ailment: the evil forces would think that this was a completely different child, and the illness would recede.

Names from the surrounding natural world

The pagan Slavs believed that each person has his own totem from the world of animals or plants, therefore they sometimes named children after animals, birds, etc. Parents believed that thanks to this, the child would have his own amulet. Hence such female Slavic names as Squirrel, Birch, Crow, Jackdaw, Pear, Zozulya, Willow, Kalina, Maple, Swan, Lybed (that was the name of the famous sister of Kiya, Cheek and Khoriva), Raspberry, Otava (cut grass), Rowan, Magpie. Now these are already distant archaisms, except that the name Kalina is still found in the Carpathian region.

Names indicating the circumstances of the birth of a child or the attitude towards him in the family

Sometimes a girl was named simply after the day of the week, the time of year she was born, or even the weather. Hence the names Friday, Saturday, Winter, Zimova, Spring, Vesnyan, Storm, Thunderstorm. There are even such options: Road (as the circumstances of the resolution from the burden were designated), Dawn (which began life in the morning), Istoma (indicates a difficult birth), Zvezdana, Vechernitsa.

It was also customary to name children, indicating the order of their appearance in the family. Hence such female Slavic names as Pervusha, Vtorusha, Osmusha. But they have not survived to this day as full-fledged onyms, their echo is heard only in surnames. The name Malusha (short form - Mlada) comes from the male name Mal and indicates that the girl is younger than other children in the family.

The following Slavic onyms denote the attitude towards the daughter in the family: Lyubima, Milana, Zhelana, Joy, Delight, Desire, Nezhdana, Bratomila. Their semantics is quite transparent, and the meaning of Slavic female names of this kind does not need to be explained.

Names given by external characteristics

With these names, parents expressed their affection for their daughter and emphasized some distinctive feature of her appearance. Here are examples: Snezhana (white-haired), Zlata (on behalf of Zlatovlas), Rusava, Belava, Chernava, Vlasya (having long hair), Sineoka, Blush, Sukhota (thin), Vidana (slender, prominent), Vyshena (tall), Velioka (big eyes). Many names are formed from different synonyms for the word "beautiful": Vlada (okay), Krasa, Khoroshava, Nenaglyada, Prelesta, Prekrasa.

Names meaning human qualities

The good character traits of the child were mainly emphasized: Golub (meek), Veselina, Dobrava, Lyubov, Humble, Spark (sincere), Smeyana, Blaginya (kind), Boyana (fighting, courageous), Verna, Dushana (soulful), Zhilena (tenacious ), Fun (funny, comforter), Dream (dreamer), Much (capable), Domna (economic). Sometimes the name hinted at some shortcomings: Vetrana (windy), Vlasta (loving power), Vereshchaga (talker), Buyana (violent), Neulyba, Nesmeyana, Sonya, Crybaby. Such Slavic female names were often assigned not immediately after birth, but a little later, when the character was already noticeable.

Dual base names

This is the base group. Such names are formed from two stems that are connected by a vowel. For example, Bogomila comes from the phrase "dear to God." The following are female Slavic names formed in this way:

  • Bogdana - given by God.
  • Vedislava - glorifying knowledge (knowledge).
  • Vsemila - dear, beloved by all.
  • Vladimira - who owns the world.
  • Vojislava is truly glorious.
  • Gorislava - burning in glory.
  • Dobromila - kind and sweet.
  • Dragomira is more precious than the world.
  • Dobrovlada - possessing kindness.
  • Dobrolyuba - loving kindness.
  • Zvenislav - announcing glory.
  • Krasimira - coloring the world.
  • Lubomira - loving peace.
  • Mstislav - glorifying revenge.
  • Radislava - caring about the world.
  • Radoslava - caring about glory.
  • Svetlozara - illuminating everything with light.
  • Svyatoslav - holy glory.
  • Tikhomira is quiet and peaceful.
  • Yaroslav - glorifying the sun (Yarilo).

The most popular female Slavic names

Now, few people will call their daughter Pribyslava or Krasnomira. Many of those names already seem to be something very distant and out of date. But still there are those who have survived to this day, retaining their original form. They are widely used in the 21st century. If you need to name 5 female Slavic names that have not lost their relevance, then it is worth remembering the following: Svetlana, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Vera, Lyudmila. Their semantics are transparent, each of them is simple and understandable.

Perhaps the fashion for male and female Slavic names will return, and they will slowly replace borrowed foreign ones, or perhaps not. But be that as it may, if parents want to give their daughter a rare and unusual name, then they have a wide field of choice among the ancient names of our ancestors.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive influence on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are poetic interpretations in culture of what female names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each girl is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Attempts to use astrology are no longer applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Christmas calendars, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

Lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names - in fact, generalizations, and completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child.

Beautiful and modern Slavic names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features of the name, negative features of the name, choice of profession by name, the impact of the name on business, the impact of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of the character, energy structure, task for life and kind of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic(and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of the name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

Meaning of the name does not give a full effect, this is only a small part of the effect. For example, Lyubava (love), this does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and carriers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken her health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another girl to solve problems for love or family, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. But fates are different.

The most popular Slavic names for girls are also a delusion. 95% of girls are called names that do not make life easier. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again the experience of understanding what is happening.

The secret of the female name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of a name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below is a list of Slavic names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of female Slavic names alphabetically:

Arina - according to one version, Arina is a form of the Slavic name Yarin, on behalf of the god Yaril
Bazhena - desired, honored, dear, beloved
Berislava - taking glory
Blessing - blessing kindness
Bogdana - given by God
Bogumila - dear to God
Boleslav - more glorious
Bozhena - God's, blessed
Branislava - protecting glory
Bratislava - fraternal glory
Bronislava is a glorious defender
Wenceslas - more glorious
Velimira - big world
Veselina - cheerful
Vladimira - who owns the world
Vlad - short form from Vladislav
Vladislav - owning glory
Vseslav - all glory
Gordislava - proud glory
Gorislava - burn or grief + glory
Goritsa - forest
Gradislava - protecting the world
Gremislava - thundering glory
Darina - donated
Dobronega - good bliss
Dobromila - kind and sweet
Dobroslava - good glory
Dragomira - dear to the world
Zhdana - long-awaited
Zvenislav - ringing glory
Zlata - golden
Lada - dear, beloved
Love - beloved
Lyubomila - beloved, dear
Lubomira - loving peace
Lyudmila - dear to people
Malusha - small
Milana - dear
Milica - pretty
Miloslava - glorious in mercy
Miroslava - glorious in peace
young - young
Mstislava - avenging glory
Unexpected - unexpected
Pereslava - strive for glory
Prebyslav - to be in glory
Rada - joyful
Radimira - caring about the world
Radmila - caring, sweet
Radoslav - joyful glory
Rostislav - growing glory
Svetozara - illuminating with light
Svetoslava - glorifying the light
Svetlana - bright
Svyatoslav - holy glory
Snezhana - snowy, cold
Stanislav - asserting glory
Tikhomira - quiet, peaceful
Cheslava - honest glory
Yarina - possibly from the god Yaril
Yaroslav - ardent, strong glory.

Fate is character. Character is corrected, including through thoughts. The main idea is the name. The name lays changes in the character. Then character changes fate and future. Since all people are different, any generalizations that ignore the individuality of a person are incorrect.

How to choose an absolutely right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give a child a strong name that would improve the weak qualities of the child, support him in life, and protect him from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be better, more successful, more efficient and have fewer problematic situations in life.

Find out right now how the name will affect the fate, strength of character and life of the child.
I will make you a free analysis of the 1st name - write to whatsapp +7926 697 00 47
Or come to me in the center in Moscow, at the Red Gate.

Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life
