How many kcal in 100 grams of tomato. Calories in fresh and processed tomatoes

Tomato is a vegetable that has nothing to "blush" for. In addition to delicious taste, it has a "negative" calorie content, which makes it the main character of numerous diets. Due to its "shy" nature, it serves as a bright decoration of the festive table. And the rich vitamin content makes this gentleman a real superhero when it comes to protecting the immune system. How many calories are in a fresh tomato, what are its beneficial properties, in what form it is better to use it - everything is in order in our low-calorie review.

What is a vegetable? pros

The tomato is native to South America and Mexico. There it grows mainly in the wild. In our country, until the 18th century, it was believed that the vegetable was poisonous and extremely dangerous to health. Until one prisoner tried it, for which he received a pardon.

Everyone loves tomatoes these days. In summer, they are eaten fresh, including as part of a variety of dishes and vitamin salads. In winter, they are grown in greenhouses, which is why the vegetable somewhat loses its taste and useful properties, but this does not cease to be loved by millions around the world.

And there is a reason to love him. After all, it is enough to include a tomato in your daily diet, and you will achieve:

  • good prevention of anemia. Tomato contains an impressive dose of iron and copper! It promotes blood formation and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • improve mood and relieve stress. Tomato - an excellent antidepressant, contains serotonin - the "hormone of happiness."
  • anti-inflammatory effect. The vegetable contains phytoncides, which have an antibacterial effect and relieve inflammation.
  • activation of digestion and metabolic processes in the body.
  • support of beauty (skin condition) and the immune system, thanks to the content of vitamins A and C.
  • elimination of edema by removing stagnant fluid from the body.
  • weight loss effect. After all, the body spends more calories to digest tomatoes than it receives from eating them. And the tomato perfectly dulls the feeling of hunger, saving you from overeating!
  • improve the functioning of the heart, nervous system and intestines (prevents constipation).

Tomatoes are so different: boiled, green, red...

It is difficult to answer unambiguously the question: how many calories are in a tomato? After all, calorie content depends on many factors. For example:

  • The calorie content of tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions is about 17 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight. It is these tomatoes that most often end up on the table of the inhabitants.
  • The calorie content of green, unripe tomatoes is about 6 kilocalories per 100 grams. But it should be remembered: you can’t eat a lot of these tomatoes, they negatively affect health. Know the measure!
  • the calorie content of ripe juicy tomatoes grown in their own garden is approximately 23 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. This is easy to explain: natural growing conditions guarantee the maximum nutrient content of the vegetable.
  • How many calories are in boiled tomatoes? About 13 per 100 grams. They practically do not have useful components after heat treatment.
  • with pickled tomatoes, things are a little better. They retain a little more nutrients, and also allow you to enjoy your favorite vegetable 12 months a year. 100 grams of pickled product contains 15 kilocalories.
  • most supermarkets sell so-called sun-dried tomatoes. Due to the decent content of olive oil, such a product has a high calorie content: 258 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • Miniature cherry tomatoes are good because they do not have to be cut. And they are noticeably sweeter than their big relatives! How many calories are in a tomato? Only 15 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Vegetable partners of the tomato. Calorie Comparison

The so-called "mono diets", when a person consumes only, for example, tomatoes, are fraught with health problems due to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. It is important to draw up a balanced nutrition plan, which will include other products necessary for the body. And as for tomatoes: it is enough to replace them with just one meal, and you will notice the difference!

What vegetables can be combined with tomatoes?

  • A useful "colleague" of a tomato is a cucumber. This is an amazing vegetable that is almost 100% water! Cucumber juice improves the functioning of the stomach, contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as iodine necessary for the body. Calorie cucumber - 15 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. These two vegetables mix perfectly in various salads!
  • Tasty and healthy to combine tomatoes with zucchini and eggplant. For comparison, the calorie content of fresh zucchini is only 24 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • Not bad tomato "lives" in the company of cabbage, pepper and carrots. If you plan to develop a diet, then this combination of products will have a positive effect on the figure! From these components, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes that contribute to the loss of unwanted kilograms.

Let's summarize a little

Tomato is an excellent vegetable for a diet and just proper nutrition. It has a lot of healing properties, satisfies hunger for a long time and practically does not carry a calorie load. Ripe tomatoes have 4 times more nutrients than unripe ones. Red varieties are also more nutritious than tomatoes of other colors (yellow, black).

Now you know how many calories are in a tomato, and you can safely include it in your diet!

The ideal product for a dietary diet are tomatoes, they are tomatoes. On average, the weight of the fetus is about 140 g, and the calorie content of 1 tomato of this mass is only 30 kcal. In addition to its specific taste, a tomato boasts an incredible amount of acids, vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

Tomato is an annual or perennial plant in the nightshade family that has been cultivated as a popular vegetable crop for many centuries. The homeland of the tomato is South America, on the territory of which the wild forms of this plant still grow. The Aztec tribes called this culture - "shitomatl", it was from this name that the French "tomato" came from.

The familiar name of the tomato has Italian roots "pomo d" oro, which translates as a golden apple. The tomato came to Europe with the Spanish conquistadors in the middle of the 16th century, and it was imported to Russia only in the 18th century and was first cultivated as a garden ornamental plant The first tomato recipe dates back to 1693 and was published in a cookbook from Naples.

For quite a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and poisonous, and only thanks to the Russian agronomist A.T. Bolotov, this plant was recognized as a food vegetable crop. Today, tomato is one of the most popular crops due to its unique dietary and nutritional properties and a wide variety of varieties.

The calorie content of fresh tomatoes is only 23 kcal per 100 g of product, and the plant is cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouses, greenhouses, under film shelters, on loggias, balconies and even window sills in the room.

For people who follow a diet and strictly monitor their weight, the question often arises of how many calories are in a tomato, the answer to which depends entirely on which variety of tomato is meant. The fact is that the calorie content of fresh tomatoes directly depends on their maturity and variety. Sour tomato varieties contain slightly fewer calories than sweet varieties, and more mature fruits have more sugar, which accordingly slightly increases their calorie content. However, there is one exception to this pattern, although cherry tomatoes are sweet varieties of vegetables, the calorie content of cherry tomato is only 15 kcal per 100 g of product.

The calorie content of salted and pickled tomatoes is 15-18 kcal per 100 g, however, they are less suitable for dietary nutrition, since they contribute to a significant increase in appetite. Tomato juice is also low in calories, which contains about 20-22 kcal and can be widely used when following a diet or for fasting days.

It is especially useful to use cherry tomatoes in the diet. These small bright and sweet vegetables are unlike most of their counterparts. They are almost 90% water, and the calorie content of cherry tomatoes does not exceed 15 kcal. Another noteworthy factor regarding this variety is that these miniature tomatoes contain serotonin in their composition, which has the ability to improve mood.

The low calorie content of cherry tomato is a determining factor due to which this vegetable is included in many diets as a mandatory component.

Favorite of the public - Senor Tomato

The composition of the tomato includes pectin, easily digestible carbohydrates, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, calcium and a huge amount of organic acids - succinic, citric, malic, oxalic, tartaric. Tomatoes also contain a complex of vitamins of groups B, E and simply an incredible supply of vitamin C. Only 100 g of ripe vegetables cover a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult in vitamin C.

Knowing how many calories are in a tomato, these vegetables should be consumed by people who are obese and just those who are watching their weight. Tomatoes are rich in fiber and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

The lycopene contained in tomatoes, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, helps in the treatment of various diseases - anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer. Also, lycopene is extremely useful for strengthening vision, in particular, in old age. For prevention, it is useful to use not only fresh ripe fruits, but also thermally processed, for example, boiled ones, in which the lycopene content is even higher.

Tomatoes significantly improve the functioning of the digestive tract and have a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative effect. Considering how many calories are in a tomato, it is very useful to use them for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Due to their high content of thiamine and serotonin, tomatoes are considered an excellent, tasty and, most importantly, low-calorie remedy for depression.

Although the calorie content of 1 tomato is 20-22 kcal, chromium, which is part of tomatoes, prevents the occurrence of severe hunger and promotes rapid satiety. Many diets necessarily include tomatoes in their diet, and sometimes the entire diet consists only of bright, juicy red fruits.

Scientific medicine widely uses fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and puree in the clinical nutrition of debilitated patients, children and pregnant women, as an additional source of mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins.

In addition to the benefits and excellent taste, the use of tomatoes actively contributes to maintaining weight in shape. The low calorie content of fresh tomatoes allows you to use this beautiful juicy vegetable as the main ingredient in many snacks, light salads, hot and cold dishes, and tomato juice is a great addition to a fasting day. The calorie content of 1 fresh tomato is 20 kcal, in the process of stewing or boiling, the calorie content of the tomato decreases to 14 kcal, and when frying, to 15 kcal.

When choosing the optimal diet, do not forget that nutrition should be as healthy and varied as possible. Only in this case, you can get rid of excess weight without harming your health. Be sure to include fresh vegetables in your daily menu, because they are the basis for replenishing vitamins and other vital substances in the body. But are all the gifts of nature suitable for those who want to lose weight? Do you know how many calories are in a tomato or cucumber? Is it possible to enjoy them in the evening without any restrictions? We will try to find answers to all questions.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Before answering the question of how many calories are in a tomato, let's talk about its beneficial properties. So, include them in your daily diet for the following reasons:

What is a negative calorie?

So, the vegetable is definitely useful. How many calories are in a tomato and can those who want to lose weight eat it? Not only possible, but necessary, and in any form. For a change, both fresh and canned tomatoes are suitable. Their main advantage is the so-called "negative" calorie content. The thing is that the body spends about 38 calories to digest the tomatoes that entered the stomach, which is significantly more than the indicators obtained from their use.

Such different tomatoes

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how many calories are in a tomato. The thing is that their number may vary depending on some factors. What are the differences and what do they depend on?

  1. 100 grams of boiled tomatoes contain only 13 kilocalories, while they contain almost no nutrients and vitamins, as they disappear during the heat treatment.
  2. 100 grams of an unripe, green tomato contains only 6 kilocalories. However, when using such a vegetable, it is better to observe the measure, since in large quantities it can have a negative effect on your body.
  3. Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse contain no more than 17 kilocalories per 100 grams of their weight. Such vegetables most often end up on our table.
  4. Ripe tomatoes from their own garden are the most nutritious; 100 grams of their juicy pulp contains at least 23 kilocalories. This is explained quite simply: the natural environmental conditions in which the vegetable grows provide it with a maximum of useful substances.

What is the downside?

Now that you know what the nutritional value of a tomato is, you can begin to form a diet based on it. Many extreme people prefer to lose weight on the so-called mono-diets - in this mode, only one product is allowed to be consumed during the entire allotted period of time. At first glance, such a scheme is very effective, but in the end it can lead to a significant deterioration in health due to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins. It is enough to replace just one meal with tomatoes, and you will already see the difference.

Useful "colleagues" of the tomato

Are there alternatives for those who like to count calories? Lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes - all these vegetables can be included in the diet when losing weight. You can use them either separately or together. In addition, the preparation of gifts of nature for a couple is also allowed. Most preferred are eggplant, zucchini, cabbage of various varieties, onions, carrots and peppers. On the basis of all these components, you can cook a huge variety of dishes that help reduce hated kilograms and improve the overall health of the body. Cucumbers occupy a special place in the vegetable row.

Cucumbers and their calories

What are cucumbers? These amazing vegetables are almost entirely composed of water, the main feature of which is the ability to remove toxins from the body. Cucumber juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, in addition, it contains a whole range of useful substances, such as vitamins A, C, B, and even iodine. The main advantages of this vegetable include low calorie content. So, it not only helps to lose weight, but is also recommended for food with obesity. 100 grams of a green fruit contains about 15 kilocalories - this is one of the lowest rates among food products. By the way, salted, lightly salted, pickled cucumbers can come up for a diet.

We lose weight correctly

Calories in tomatoes and cucumbers are useful, they are not only not converted into fats, but also contribute to their breakdown, because our stomach spends quite a lot of energy on food processing. By the way, the effect of weight loss when eating vegetables depends not only on their calorie content, but also on the ability to have a positive effect on metabolism due to the natural acids that make up them.

You can see that the calories in fresh tomatoes really won't do any harm. Try to evaluate the short tomato diet, thanks to which you can lose up to 2 kilograms in 24 hours. During the specified period of time, it is allowed to eat only fresh tomatoes in an amount of up to 1.5 kilograms per day. Do not add salt, sugar or pepper to the fruits. Remember that weight change is explained not only by the low calorie content of tomatoes, but also by their ability to remove excess fluid from the body.

Homeland tomato (tomato) is Central and South America. In Mexico, wild forms of this plant are still found. The modern name of the tomato comes from Italian and French, where it means "apple of love" and "golden apple", respectively. Such beautiful metaphorical names speak of love for a tomato, the history of which has deep roots. The tomato was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards and the Portuguese in the 16th century and was originally spread across the continent as an ornamental plant. By the way, in addition to the tomato familiar to many, there are also miniature cherry tomatoes, which have recently been in high demand among culinary specialists all over the world.

Tomato came to Russia only in the 18th century. Initially, it was actively grown in the south of the country for decorative and medicinal purposes. It was believed that the tomato is able to heal from many ailments. Already in the middle of the 19th century, the tomato became one of the favorite vegetables of Russians. And now it is almost impossible to imagine a backyard or summer cottage, where this most beautiful plant would not grow. Our tables are decorated with tomatoes in the most diverse form: fresh, stewed, fried, in salads, in marinades, in the form of juice, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. The tomato is indeed a versatile product.

Useful properties of tomato

Tomatoes are a pantry of valuable substances. They are rich in fructose, glucose, magnesium, iodine, sodium, zinc, iron, manganese. As well as vitamins A, PP, E, K, group B. But that's not all: tomatoes are a source of important antioxidants rutin, kaempferol, naringenin, quercetin, which also bring undoubted benefits to the body. Thanks to these antioxidants, you can protect your body from cancer, slow down the aging process of cells.

Naturally prepared tomato paste is high in lycopene. Its use has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, cures atherosclerosis, prevents heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, it is absorbed better if tomatoes are consumed in a processed form, as well as in the presence of fats. Tomato juice is useful for those who suffer from intestinal and stomach ulcers.

Tomatoes, grated into gruel, help to disinfect and heal wounds, abscesses, skin inflammations. Very well, this tool helps in the treatment of varicose veins.

Eating tomatoes prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and tissues, lowers cholesterol levels. Thanks to these properties, nutritionists actively recommend adding tomatoes to dishes during any diet. Tomatoes also calm the nervous system.

For the purpose of recovery, not only tomatoes are used, but also the tops of the bushes. So, an infusion of tops relieves joint pain with gout. And if you rub your face with a piece of vegetable, acne and inflammation will disappear.

Drink daily tomato juice with a spoonful of honey - and you will be healthy and full of strength and energy. Stick to this “treatment” for about 8 weeks.

However, thoughtlessly eating tomatoes is not worth it: there are contraindications to them. So, tomatoes are not allowed without consulting a doctor for everyone who has problems with the liver, gallbladder, urolithiasis. With caution, tomato juice is taken by allergy sufferers. It is strictly forbidden to use tomatoes for arthritis - due to the high content of oxalic acid in the vegetable.

The word "tomato" comes from the Aztec tomatl, meaning "swollen fruit".

The name "tomato" given to the vegetable by the Italian biologist Pietro Andrea Mattioli means "golden apple" (pomo d'oro).

When tomatoes were considered poisonous, they tried to poison George Washington with a dish of them.

Calorie content of different varieties of tomatoes

How many calories are in a fresh tomato? is a question that interests many people. It will depend on the variety and size of the tomato. Here are the indicators for the most common varieties:

  • Bull's heart - 70 kcal.
  • Cherry tomatoes - calorie content 15 kcal.
  • Tomatoes on a branch - 22 kcal.

Well, a completely ideal tomato (a laboratory specimen with average parameters) will have a calorie content of 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Calorie content of various products from tomatoes

It's no secret that tomatoes can be eaten not only fresh. Salted and pickled tomatoes are common, as well as a delicious seasoning for many dishes - ketchup. For those who care about their figure, here are the calorie content of some "derivatives" from tomatoes:

  • Pickled tomatoes - calorie content 15 kcal;
  • Salted tomatoes - calorie content 13-14 kcal;
  • Ketchup - calorie content 112 kcal.

Knowing the calorie content of some tomato dishes, we can draw conclusions which of them are useful for the figure, and which are not very good. Nutritionists are quite okay with eating pickled and salted tomatoes, since their nutritional value is not high. But ketchup and dishes using tomato paste are recommended to be abandoned by those who are on a diet.

Tomato salad calories

  • Tomato salad without oil 20 kcal 0.6 g 0.2 g 4.2 g;
  • Tomato salad with olive oil and herbs 47.4 kcal 0.7 g 3 g 4.5 g;
  • Tomato salad with garlic dressing 70.9 kcal 3.9 g 1.9 g 10.1 g;
  • Tomato salad with sour cream 50 kcal 0.81 g 1.04 g 4.09 g;
  • Fried tomatoes 55.6 kcal 0.81 g 1.04 g 4.09 g

Tomato juice calories

Tomato juice is a strengthening and refreshing drink made from tomatoes.

Two glasses of tomato juice fill the daily requirement for vitamins C and A. It is recommended for hypertension. Suppresses the processes of putrefaction in the intestines.

Tomato juice should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals, as it increases the readiness of the stomach and intestines to digest food. Adding salt reduces the healing properties of the juice. Instead of salt, you can add chopped garlic and fresh herbs: dill or parsley.

Tomato juice improves metabolic processes, is rich in vitamins, salts and trace elements, protects cells from damage, stimulates the formation of connective tissue, enhances the synthesis of hormones, and restores the activity of the nervous system.

The calorie content of tomato juice is 21 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Sun-dried tomatoes calories

Dried tomatoes are prepared simply, if desired, every housewife can cook them. To get one kilogram of sun-dried tomatoes, you need to take 15 kg of fresh ones. It is better to take strong, not watery varieties of tomatoes. It is necessary to take several tomatoes, cut each into several parts.
Dried tomatoes in the sun, in the oven, or in a special dryer for vegetables. To cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven, you need to spread the chopped vegetables on a baking sheet, salt, add your favorite seasonings, set the oven temperature to 140 degrees, and place the tomatoes in it for several hours. Turn occasionally so that the tomatoes cook evenly. Store sun-dried tomatoes in jars filled with olive oil. If you do not want to cook this dish yourself, you can buy it in the store.

Sun-dried tomatoes perfectly saturate the human body, they are convenient to snack on. The calorie content of sun-dried tomatoes allows you to eat them periodically without harming the figure. However, we must not forget that there are more calories in sun-dried tomatoes than in chicken meat.

We give BJU of sun-dried tomatoes. For 100 grams of product

Proteins - 9 gr

Carbohydrates - 63 gr

Fats - 3 gr

The calorie content of sun-dried tomatoes will be more than 260 kcal.

Since sun-dried tomatoes retain a maximum of substances and useful properties of a fresh tomato, eating a vegetable in this form, we will diversify and enrich our diet with essential vitamins, microelements and acids. Tomato is rich in B vitamins, including folic acid, contains vitamins A, C, E, K, many trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine). Therefore, the benefits of sun-dried tomatoes are obvious. They are able to improve digestion, help people with cardiovascular diseases, improve visual acuity. The presence of fiber provides a quick feeling of satiety, so we eat less.

Tomatoes for weight loss

As already mentioned, the use of tomato fruits allows you to lose weight. This is possible not only due to their low calorie content. The fact is that this berry contains chromium, a chemical element that suppresses the feeling of hunger. That is why tomatoes have found such widespread use in nutrition.

Nutritionists recommend eating yellow and red tomato fruits in stewed or baked form. Why? The amount of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant contained in them, increases several times precisely after the fruit is treated with high temperature (fried tomatoes). Lycopene has a beneficial effect on the body - regulates metabolism, breaks down fats, lowers cholesterol.

To lose a few pounds, you can resort to a special diet based on the use of tomatoes, or you can simply eliminate fatty foods and muffins, and eat fresh or processed tomatoes instead of these harmful foods. Fresh fruits go well with boiled lean meat. This combination of products contributes to better protein absorption.

Harm tomato

With all its amazing qualities, a tomato can also bring harm:

  • It can cause allergies, as well as provoke the growth of kidney stones. Therefore, doctors do not recommend the product for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • Also with arthritis, gout and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • It is necessary to avoid tomato juice during exacerbations of peptic ulcers of the digestive tract, gastritis, and you can not drink tomato juice in case of poisoning;
  • It is undesirable to eat green tomatoes, which are often sold in stores. They are harvested unripe to increase their shelf life;
  • You should beware of fruits grown out of season, as they required growth stimulation with various chemicals that can accumulate in the body and thereby harm it;
  • Experts do not recommend eating tomatoes with bread, poultry and fish, eggs.

We used to call them vegetables, and botany believes that a tomato is a berry. And as many as 7,500 varieties of these berries are known to the world. Tomatoes contain tyramine - this is an organic substance that turns into serotonin in our body, and it is responsible for our good mood and successful fight against stress. What is the color of a tomato alone worth! Well, what other vegetable with such a rich color?

The red color of vegetables is responsible for the blood in our body, and this berry is no exception. It is very helpful:

  1. for blood;
  2. hearts;
  3. liver;
  4. reduces the risk of blood clots;
  5. normalizes pressure;
  6. lowers cholesterol and is simply necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Tomato contains a substance that prevents the formation of cancer cells. Accordingly, the chance of oncological diseases decreases, especially for cancer:

  • prostate;
  • lungs;
  • pancreas;
  • mammary glands.

These, as we used to call them, vegetables, are just a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. They have iron, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, rare vitamin K, folic acid, molybdenum, magnesium, and this is not a complete list.

In order for the vitamins contained in fresh tomatoes to be absorbed faster and better, they must be eaten with the addition of vegetable oil.

Tomatoes have the best effect on the condition of our skin, this is one of the reasons why women love it. After all, the beneficial substances of a tomato make our skin smooth and supple. Often, women consume these vegetables not only inside, but also make face masks out of them.

Such a wonderful berry still has a number of contraindications. Again, due to its bright color, it can cause allergies in individual cases. People with kidney disease also need to eat tomatoes very carefully. It is better not to eat canned or pickled tomatoes for people with an exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Calorie content of some types of tomatoes

Let's look at the calorie content of tomatoes. The tomato is useful in the issue of weight loss that concerns many. It contains an amazing chemical element - chromium, which controls our feeling of hunger. It's loaded with nutrients, tastes great, but is incredibly low in calories:

  • The calorie content of a fresh tomato per 100 grams is about 22 kcal.
  • Calorie content of pickled tomatoes. When pickled, a tomato loses most of its nutrients, but its caloric content also decreases - only 15 kcal per 100 grams. In 100 grams of lightly salted tomatoes, there are also not many calories - 18 kcal.
  • How many calories are in canned tomatoes? Canned tomato in terms of vitamin composition and calorie content is most similar to its fresh brother - 20 kcal per 100 grams.
  • How many calories are in cherry tomatoes? Small cute cherry tomatoes also contain 15 kcal per 100 grams of their cuteness.

  • Green tomatoes calories: calories per 100 grams - 22 kcal.
  • Yellow tomatoes calories. Yellow tomatoes are great if you're allergic to red tomatoes. In addition, there are even more useful substances in them than in the latter. But the calorie content of both is the same - about 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Green tomatoes are just unripe red ones. The unripe fruit contains protection against mold fungi - solanine, which can be dangerous to the human body and even lead to death. During pickling, canning, frying or stewing, this substance breaks down and the dish becomes harmless.

Storage conditions for tomatoes

The usual habit of storing these vegetables in the refrigerator does not always benefit them. Plastic tomatoes from a nearby store are hardly surprising. But tomatoes from the garden or bought at the local market can only be stored in the refrigerator when absolutely ripe. When it is already clear that a little more and the vegetable will overripe.

The fact is that when the tomato is in the cold:

  • Then it ceases to release substances that contribute to its maturation and taste properties.
  • If you are sure that your tomato does not need to be more aromatic and ripe, put it in the refrigerator.
  • And if you want a more ripe fruit, keep it warm, or rather, at room temperature.

Immediately pay attention to the convenient arrangement of vegetables in the bag so that they do not freeze in a lump. Make sure there is no excess air in the freezer bags.

The ideal option is to buy ripe juicy fruits, but you must be sure to eat them in a couple of days.

At the end of summer, closer to night frosts, in order not to lose the harvest, farmers pick brown and even green tomatoes:

  • In fact, this is a common practice and tomatoes ripen safely at room temperature to vibrant colors.
  • And at low temperatures, tomatoes cease to release their main coloring component - lycopene. H
  • you can’t dump tomatoes on top of each other, since in the place where they touch, most likely the fruits will not ripen, and even better they will be wrinkled or moldy.
  • They need to be laid in one layer. The ripening of green fruits can take from 3 weeks to 2 months.

Red tomatoes, like bananas, emit ethylene, which contributes to the faster ripening of neighboring vegetables and fruits.

Many are mistaken in thinking that canned fruits do not have an expiration date. But still, such vegetables need to be stored for no more than 12 months. You can store these tomatoes at room temperature, but away from light.

Even in an upright position, the acid used in canning vegetables can react with a metal lid, forming compounds that are harmful to the human body.

If you are a supporter of vegetables only from your garden, but in winter you still want to eat a real tomato, and not a plastic fake, there is a great solution for you - you can freeze the tomato for the winter:

  • Tomatoes should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • When frozen, their skin becomes rough and tough, so it is better to remove it in advance. You can do this by dropping the vegetables in boiling water for 5-6 seconds.
  • Cut the fruit in half and put on a tray.
  • Freeze vegetables by 70%.
  • When the tomatoes are almost frozen, you need to transfer them to special freezer bags.

Frozen tomatoes are best stored for no longer than 6-8 months, so that when using them, you can continue to enjoy the excellent taste of the fruit.

Do you think that if you freeze a tomato, it will become less caloric?


You can also watch a video where athletes will tell you about the use of tomatoes in the diet.

Tomatoes are wonderful, healthy vegetables rich in nutrients for our body. But, as always, you need to stick to the golden mean, you need to know and listen to your body in order to understand what exactly and in what quantities we need.
