Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs. Compatibility astrology step by step

When sexual compatibility is considered according to the horoscope in the synastric chart, then the analysis must be carried out, considering three levels - the lowest (sex), the middle (eros) and the highest (spirituality).

Sexual Horoscope Compatibility: Pluto and Moon

The lower level is sex, which is determined by the pair Pluto and the Moon. It is desirable that Pluto belongs to a man, and the Moon to a woman. In matters of sex, it is important to consider the position of these planets, and not just the traditionally considered aspects between Mars and Venus. Pluto is the open expression of our instincts, our subconscious, or more accurately, our unconscious libido. The moon is a direct expression of the emotional nature, unconscious feelings.

To analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, first of all, we will analyze each of the partners to the question - how does each of them individually relate to sex? We look at what prevails in the cosmogram - Yang or Yin, or possibly Dan.

Yang: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Yin: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

With a YIN cosmogram, you will have a very, very negative attitude towards sex. For the YANG cosmogram, sex will be high. DEN - the attitude will be indifferent.

Let's assume, in your chart of the man there is a quadrature between the Moon and Pluto. The quadrature is the YANG aspect, which means that he will treat sex very, very positively.

If a man’s Pluto is quite strong and positive in terms of karmic status, the Moon is medium and slightly negative in status, then the YANG aspect and the YANG cosmogram are also between them. Then we can say with confidence that he has a moderately positive attitude towards sex, that is, "with coolness." Squeezed - good, no - also good, I'll sleep. But still, during certain transits of the Moon to the natal Moon, a spermatosaurus can wake up in it for a while. And then in contact he will be furious and tireless.

Some negativity of the Moon in the cosmogram of a man with an intelligent woman will only contribute to the development of self-confidence in him. Self-confidence not only in the field of sex, but also in many other equally important areas of his activity. If he feels himself to be a sexually normal enough person, his self-esteem rises, and this is always good.

If a man has a YIN cosmogram with the data described above, then he will not persistently seek sexual contact. He will not seek contact intrusively and boringly, explaining its necessity, but will simply wait for the partner to “fall on his head” herself.

Suppose a man has a slightly evil Pluto, the Moon is strong and kind. The aspect between them is YAN and the cosmogram is YAN. Such a man treats all women very well, he is both kind and courteous, and even somewhere a knight, but having “broken off” on one or two partners, for the third time he will come into contact with a woman only in two cases: the YANG aspect of transit Mars to natal Pluto or under a strong lunar influence of a woman - this usually leads to very long sexual relationships in which the man is not quite a man, and the woman is not quite a woman. There is no struggle for leadership, here everyone takes his place, everything is fine here, everything is in order here.

And the last option: the same man, but with a YIN cosmogram. This is already an obvious impotence. Pluto is weak, the Moon is strong and kind. He has no concept of the psychological and physical difference between a man and a woman, and he treats both sexes almost equally. This is a truly kind, cultured person, ready to help everyone and in everything, except for the issue of sex, of course ...

Sexual compatibility according to the horoscope: Mars and Venus

The second level of sexual compatibility is a pair of Mars and Venus. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is necessary to mention two types of love: passion and spiritual love. Consider male Mars and female Venus. Again, the same question - am I capable of earthly love, of passion? We look, if there is no aspect between the planets, then it means that it is not capable.

Analyze your cosmogram and start comparing with your partner's cosmogram. If Mars and Venus interact in the cosmograms of partners, then a connection of an emotional nature arises, i.e. satisfaction or dissatisfaction, harmony or disharmony of relationships.

Mars carries the active principle, Venus, naturally, perceives. Let's suppose that the cosmograms of the partners have the same beginning, let's say - YANG, Mars and Venus are also connected by the YANG aspect, let's say the opposition. Great, in the normal version, this is a mutual complement. Venus has no mind, Mars has no mind, what is marriage based on?

If Mars is "lower", then this is an instinct, a passion for possession, and in this case love will be a violent passion. Venus is ready to accept everything, like a Yin planet, and Mars is ready to give all his instincts, all his strength, all his rage. If Mars is so “low”, animal, instinctive, then this marriage will be based on what Mars gives, and Venus takes, saves.

If only there is an imbalance in terms of level, i.e. Venus is not only perception, but also the beginnings of love, and love is always bestowal, and Mars will remain at the same level. There will be an imbalance.

Or vice versa: Mars rose "up" - controlled will, Venus sits and waits, and he sits, draws a cosmogram. She will wait, wait and go to bed. That's it, the union is over, the levels have diverged.

But such an option is also very possible: Mars of a man in YANG aspect to Venus of a woman, and Venus of a man in YIN or creative aspect to Mars of a lady, and in this case, love turns out to be not quite love. Unusual love. There are elements that are not characteristic of her. For example, slavery, dependence, despotism and more. Love does not allow this. Well, how compatible are love and slavery?

In order to analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, it is important to look at the nature of the planets: it is bad for Mars in Taurus, because Mars is a violent planet, and in Taurus it is in exile, i.e. inside. And in this case, a person always has to control himself.

Mars fallen - this is the same problem, but multiplied by N times, it's all inside. Fallen Venus in Scorpio is somewhat different - it is also inner love, but in Scorpio it is an aggressive love, a subjugating love, a love that does not disdain any means to enslave that same Mars.

Sexual compatibility according to the horoscope: Sun, Moon and Neptune

The next level of sexual compatibility is the highest, in which the Sun of a man and Neptune of a woman participate, the Moon of a woman is Neptune of a man, and this is one of the highest forms of love, ideal love. The highest form of love has no real object and refers to some transcendental levels of feelings for which Neptune is responsible. Here, in general, the object is not so important, but what is important is what a person thinks about the object.

Summing up the above levels of sexual compatibility, it should be noted that one must first analyze how a person perceives sex in general, and then consider sexual compatibility.

A complete analysis can help each couple understand each other, avoid disappointments and betrayals in the future. In order to analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, it is important to add that the relative position of the Moon nodes, Lilith and Selena also play a huge role. And these points can fundamentally change both the quality of compatibility and its direction.

Elena Isaeva, astrologer

Knowing the dates, places and times of birth (at least approximate) of two people, you can build a compatibility horoscope by date of birth. This joint horoscope (called Synastry in astrology) will as individual as possible. It allows you to identify all the problematic moments in a relationship and show all the positive that is and / or can be between partners.

Deciphering such a horoscope (its textual interpretation) gives specific practical advice(including from the point of view of astropsychology) to smooth out the negative aspects of relationships and maximize the disclosure of positive ones.

3 compatibility options by date of birth:

    1. There are no negative aspects at all or they are much less than positive ones.. In this case, there are practically no problems in the relationship, at least at first: everything is easy and pleasant. BUT! In such a relationship, there is no what is called "light". And unfortunately, despite all their ease and problem-free, after some time they will exhaust themselves, people will become like strangers to each other. Strange as it may seem, but in such cases it is recommended to emphasize the negative aspects of the relationship, possibly causing conflicts, disputes and even scandals, but definitely adding "light". Especially if the relationship has been going on for a long time. This will keep the relationship alive and longer.

  1. There are many negative aspects, but less than positive ones. These are the most promising relationships. Negative aspects will give energy for the constant renewal of relations, bring in the very “light”, which is sometimes so lacking with only positive aspects. BUT! Negative aspects sometimes require a rather long and difficult so-called. working out, when you and your partner, as they say, get used to each other, learn to understand and accept each other as they are. And in this case, knowing exactly what your relationship problems are can help a lot. And after working out , after some time, the negative aspects ALWAYS become positive, and even with great potential and energy. People begin to live, as they say, soul to soul.
  2. There are many negative aspects, more than positive ones. This is perhaps the most difficult relationship option. Both you and your partner will have to work very hard, working through the negative aspects of the relationship. You will most likely have a lot of disagreements and disputes, reaching a scandal. In this case, it is simply necessary that each partner clearly realizes and understands the roots of all conflicts and actively acts to smooth and mitigate them. After some fairly long time, this will certainly bear fruit and the relationship will become even more harmonious than in the second option. Unless, of course, the partners do not part after another quarrel for good.

In any case, building relationships is incomparably easier when you know that difficulties with a partner are not caused by his intentionally negative attitude, but only by aspects of your compatibility horoscope. Especially if the partner also seeks to work out all the negative aspects together with you, achieving real harmony. Perhaps this is the real happiness! 🙂

Synastry is built automatically IS FREE. It stores in coded form all the information about the past, present and future of your relationship.

If you do not know the exact time of birth of one or both partners, indicate 12:00 and then look at all aspects in the interpretation, except for those in which one of the aspected planets is the Moon and Mercury. According to them, most likely, the advice will be inaccurate. For all other planets, the correspondence will still be quite high.

To calculate and build your compatibility horoscope by date, please fill in the details of both partners in the form below.

Date of Birth of the year
Time of birth min.
City of birth
Latin letters
Date of Birth January February March April May June July August September October November December of the year
Time of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 h. min.
City of birth
Latin letters

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At birth, each person develops an individual cosmogram. This is a map of heaven exactly at the moment when the newborn took his first breath. This card, as it were, imprints on a person the energy of the signs and planets that are at that time in the vastness of the universe. Everyone has their own cosmogram, personal, special. Synastry (compatibility) helps to determine the most suitable partner.

What is synastry?

Synastry is a complex analysis, a whole art. An astrologer, comparing the horoscopes of two completely different people, evaluates the potential for their interaction, compatibility. Often this concerns emotional relationships, but the study of synastry plays an important role in business (the interaction of partners) and in relationships between parents and children. For example, if a businessman hired a knowledgeable professional, but he and he are tuned to a different mental frequency, things will not go well. There will be constant nit-picking, reproaches, irritation. This is where synastry (compatibility) will help: it will allow you to draw objective conclusions, figure out what is not working out in relationships, whether it is worth continuing cooperation at all. Of course, sexual, emotional compatibility plays a significant role, but it is much more important to see if people match each other spiritually.

Synastry. Methods

There are two groups of synastry methods. The first includes those where compatibility by date of birth is studied, the synastry of derivatives (progression maps). In this case, the card of one partner is taken and combined with the data of the other, then the synastry that forms between these cards is analyzed. The second method creates a kind of integral map - an indicator of the arithmetic mean. This method examines in great detail all aspects of the synastry, analyzes and draws certain conclusions about relationships. The aspects that form the planets of partners play an important role. Marriage aspects allow you to analyze the synastry of the conjunction of the Moon in one with the Sun in another partner. Further in importance, personal planets stand out - from Mercury to Pluto.

The aspects of the Moons are important, they indicate the possibility of long-term cohabitation when subconscious reactions are important. Business relations are analyzed by another synastry - compatibility by the Sun. Sexual, sensual components characterize aspects to Mars and Venus. Intellectual analyzes the synastry to Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn can talk about when the partner is ready to agree with certain arguments. You might get the impression that people born at the same time can be perfect for each other. But often, if they have the same luminaries, similar problems can arise. For analysis (compatibility synastry), a competent astrologer will be able to draw up a grid. The planets of one partner are painted vertically, and the other planets horizontally. Column and row intersections will help determine the synastry connection.

Aspects of compatibility in the synastry

Powerful interactions are connections between fictitious points and conjunctions of planets in the synastry. Strong feelings of similarity, recognition depend on the interaction of the planets involved. The opposition represents the polarity and the force of mutual attraction of opposites. It can reveal not only a sense of complementarity with each other, but also reveal insecurity and competition. It happens that there is a tendency to "swing" or "ping-pong", when on the one hand the partner shows the energy of his planet, and on the other equalizes it. There may be an effect of confrontation, opposition, and even obstruction. Trines and textiles are fluid aspects, they help to more easily mix the two energies of points or planets. With them, mutual understanding and warm interaction often occur. These aspects, unlike connection, do not necessarily cause attraction, but they are very good for relationships. If synastry (compatibility) has aspects such as trines, then this indicates that the energies are perfectly combined, sextiles indicate the interaction of energies. If quadratures are observed in the synastry, then this indicates the presence of energies that need to be worked on. Growth-oriented people consider these aspects and think about the next steps.

Ascendant in synastry

Each person has his own "body ego", which is expressed through individual mannerisms. Body language is the ascendant. It also indicates how we are able to manage everyday problems, determines our behavioral responses and the ability to start new projects. Naturally, when the synastry indicates that the ascendant of one in the cosmogram is aspected by the planet of the other, the reaction becomes very noticeable. Often there is simply an attraction of the physical body, but the whole "body ego" reacts, and this manifests itself not only in manners, but even in the gait and clothes of the ascendant.

Goddess of love Venus

Many people know what role it plays in mythology. In astrology, it provides valuable information about how the ascendant manifests itself in matters of the heart. Venus is not only the ruler of romantic falling in love, but in general she indicates our choice of pleasures in general. Many have faced the fact that they are drawn to those people whom they do not understand spiritually. Why does a person fall in love? Sometimes this can be easily explained, and sometimes the attraction is simply irrational. How is compatibility in love? Synastry can provide an answer to this question. Venus governs attraction. There are certainly other factors involved, but this planet is the bearer of romance, pleasure, and union. In the synastry, she is one of the most important. And if we consider aspects in strong, long-standing marriages, then they will definitely have the presence of Venus. In the cosmogram of any person, having found Venus, you can decipher how he relates to love, manifests itself in relationships. Comparing the cosmograms of two people, you can determine the differences and similarities. Synastry will show whether the common fictitious points of the luminaries of the aspects of one partner with another.

Venus in synastry

Aspects Sun - Venus. Such aspects are useful for any relationship. Harmony is being created, there are common interests. The Sun Man always becomes more beautiful and loving in the presence of the Venus Man. To the Venus-man, the Sun-man seems intriguing and charming. Such a combination is characterized by satisfaction with each other.

Aspects Moon - Venus. Such aspects smooth out some of the difficulties in the relationship. Although they are not immune to ups and downs, various disagreements. In the first place here, perhaps, friendship, not sexuality. These people always feel the need to see each other, to be in the same company, to show care and tenderness in a couple. The integrity of a relationship can be undermined by silence on issues.

Aspects Mercury - Venus. Often there are common interests among partners. Relationships are full of all sorts of conversations. If there are aspects such as quincunx, quadrature, opposition, then some misunderstandings often break the relationship. Sometimes partners talk too much to each other, even waiting in line to speak out as soon as possible.

Aspects of Venus - Venus. Trine, sextile, connection speak of the compatibility of relationships. Ease and comfort are created in the union of partners. The expression of affection and love is quite different for everyone, but together they give harmony. Quickons stimulate attraction. Square and opposition indicate attraction, although sometimes it can be frustrating.

Aspects Mars - Venus. A classic aspect for many relationships. But often they can cause anxiety. If you are considering compatibility by date of birth, the synastry indicates any aspects between these planets, know that both romantic attraction and sexuality will be present here. But if it goes beyond control, then the synastry can become a destructive force.

Jupiter in synastry

If the Jupiter of the cosmogram of one partner forms at least some aspects with the ascendant of the other, then special relationships may arise. The Jupiter man always gives his partner the benefit of the doubt. In the energy of the planets of partners, he always sees positive energy, seeks and finds good sides. It is not attached to the negative. Jupiter in a relationship is characterized by the role of a “father”, who sees the positive in his child and seeks to develop it. This is not the kind of "fatherhood" when a parent simply closes his eyes to the bad and idealizes his child. It’s just that he always wants to cheer up, help and is sincerely glad for the partner’s success. In the connection of Jupiter with Venus, he will constantly encourage her and even forget some misconduct. In such a relationship, Venus will always be free to express her romantic desires, preferences. If you are interested in synastry (compatibility), experienced astrologers will help you calculate it. The presence of aspects of Jupiter will indicate that the relationship can be very beneficial. Other conflicting aspects may fade into the background. Even if the couple breaks up, she will do it quite amicably, in a good way.

Mars - god of war

Mars in astrology is the planet of sexual expressions. Aspects of Mars are more likely to indicate animal desires. If Venus governs romantic relationships, then Mars - animal needs for sex, satisfaction of desires. It is important to note that the presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate that he has a need to stay with a partner forever. If zero compatibility is indicated in the synastry, there will be no relationship at all, and do not expect further connections from such an ascendant. If there are still some love aspects, then strong Mars will manifest itself mainly in the bedroom. The presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate sexuality as much as the aspects of Venus, the relationship will not be as rich and delightful, but at a basic level they can be considered quite satisfactory.

Aspects of the Sun and Mars are more indicative of the presence in the relationship of physical attraction and some kind of action. If there are tense moments, then the relationship is filled with conflicts. Aspects of the Moon - Mars are very sexual, but excessively conflicting, domestic quarrels are often present here. The Mercury-Mars connection indicates exciting, passionate conversations. At the slightest tension, they immediately develop into quarrels. Aspects of Neptune-Mars are sexual attraction, but when stressed, it can be destructive in a relationship. The most difficult is Saturn-Mars. If partners cannot constantly work on their relationship, then frustrations, tensions and obstacles will become simply insurmountable.

Compatibility horoscope - synastry by date of birth

Synastry by date of birth analyzes partners, looking for their compatibility according to the aspects of the planets. "Sin" is translated as compatibility, "astro" - stars. Two astrological charts are combined in one drawing, and this makes it possible to study various synastric aspects, which were mentioned above. (synastry) with decoding is interpreted by astrologers as the most accurate forecast of the relationship between couples. Throughout life, we encounter hundreds, thousands of people, and only a few of them can harmonize with us in spiritual or sexual relations.

The horoscope "Synastry by date of birth" will help to reveal a partner and find out the hidden features that are characteristic of this particular person. It's easy to figure out if it's just physical attraction that connects the partners, or if there are other aspects to the relationship. An analysis of the maps will show in which areas cooperation is possible, and in which it is completely unacceptable. Synastry will make it possible to figure out if you are inclined to self-deception and delusions in a relationship, and in general, whether marriage is possible with a partner. The more synastric aspects you have, the more promising the development of your relationship. Aspects will tell which connection dominates - flirting, love relationships, business partnerships or the possibility of marriage.

Sex in synastry

In the synastric map, considering sexual relations, it is necessary to distinguish three levels: sex (lower), eros (middle), spirituality (highest).

Lower level. Traditionally, sexual compatibility in the synastry is considered through such aspects as Venus, Mars. But it is worth noting that the Moon-Pluto pair also plays an important role in these relations. It is important when a man is Pluto and a woman is the Moon. Pluto is a pronounced aspect of our unconscious subconscious, libido. The moon is an expression of nature, unaccountable feelings.

Average level. Venus and Mars rule here. See the synastry: if there are no aspects, then the couple does not have the ability for earthly love, passions.

Highest level. Here the Sun is a man and Neptune is a woman or the Moon is a woman and Neptune is a man. Ideal love, its highest form. Love has no real objects, feelings are outrageous, and Neptune is responsible for this. In this case, the object itself is not so important as the thoughts and attitude of the lover towards him.

How to determine Venus in the sign of the zodiac? How does this planet affect people's lives? We will answer these and many other questions in this article. Women and men get to know each other, lose their heads and begin to build relationships. The duration of their romance depends on the signs of the zodiac. The placement of stars in the sky has always attracted the attention of people. As soon as the science of astrology appeared, scientists were able to unravel some of the secrets of the universe.


It is known that the position of the planets and stars affects our being, character and ability to love. Venus has a very strong effect on our sensual life. There is an opinion that the signs of the zodiac can be determined with the help of this planet.

If you know the month of your partner's birth, you can easily find out everything about his secret desires, preferences, dreams. With the help of this information, you will be able to maintain passionate love for many years. Astrology provides us with an exceptional tool for understanding how to find the real way to the heart of a beloved or lawful spouse.

Planet placement

Most people do not know what properties Venus has in the signs of the zodiac. It is known that the year consists of 12 months, each of which is assigned to one of the constellations. If you still don't know your zodiac sign, look up your birthday in the table. As a result, you will find a lot of useful information about yourself, your compatibility with colleagues and acquaintances in work, love, business, friendship and, of course, in sex.

Sign validity period




Each sign of a person endows with special qualities. That is why some people cannot get along - their compatibility is small, perhaps it does not exist at all. It is often said that people are different. Unfortunately, the source of the differences lies much deeper than we think. After all, the stars determine the path of each person and choose the best companion for him.

How do women and men find each other through distance and time? Yes, it's just that some kind of pull is formed between the signs. Not only constellations influence our life and destiny. Important is the placement of other celestial bodies - Mars, Venus, the Sun, the Moon.

Of course, the action of all the planets of the solar system is taken into account, but it is these planets that have the most powerful impact on the life of every person, his talent to create connections with other people.

At the time of the birth of the baby, the planets and stars line up in a certain order. In this case, it is customary to use the concept of "zodiacal energy". This is a scientific and philosophical phrase that actually existed. In fact, all the conditions in the complex endow a person with a charge of energy that accompanies him all his life.

Venus, Mars, Moon, Sun

Are you curious to know how Venus in the signs of the zodiac affects the fate of a person? It is known that Mars and the Sun own male energy, and the Moon and Venus - female. The morning star affects the sexual and love compatibility of a person, his sensual sphere of life. In astrology, this planet is always considered in position relative to the constellation of the zodiac. Despite the fact that Venus has a feminine essence, she influences men with the same force.

What is Mars? This luminary specifies the level of aggression, independence, propensity to fight. This is a very masculine planet, but it also affects women. Examining the horoscope of Jeanne D'Arc (warrior woman), astrologers found that at the time of her birth, Mars was in a peak position. As a result, she received qualities that were not characteristic of women at that time. If her date of birth had fallen the next day, the historical books would most likely not have mentioned her: Jeanne would have lived an ordinary life.

The moon influences the spiritual life of people. If it is present in a zodiac sign, a person is born thoughtful, impractical. Nevertheless, such features are necessary for everyone. We all have the ability to fantasize, to dream. Some even make good money on this - writers, screenwriters, poets. painters. The moon is a symbol of creativity.

The sun has the strongest influence on a person. This star has a colossal size and an incredibly powerful force of attraction. The sun is able to mimic the energy waves that affect each of us. Activity, the desire for self-realization, character - this is what this heavenly body gives us at the moment of our birth.

The totality of the influence of planets and stars affects the compatibility of signs. These nuances are an integral part of people's lives. No one can explain why we are the way we are - it's impossible. Our individuality depends on the hour, day and month of our birth. The stars have blessed the people. All women and men acquire their destiny spontaneously. By the way, fate depends only on us, on our qualities.

Influence of Venus

Venus compatibility is of interest to many. This planet affects each sign of the zodiac in its own way. With it, you can determine the attachment to one partner, the tendency to acquire random relationships. erotic temper. A couple can learn a lot of exciting things about themselves, because sex is an integral part of our being. It is usually said to characterize such a connection: “Venus is in Capricorn (in Leo or Aries).”


Venus in the signs of the zodiac shows its most amazing qualities. When it is in Aries, its effect is negligible. This does not mean that sensuality is reduced for this zodiac sign or love is impossible. There is just a small amount of excitatory rays available. It increases dramatically when a person finds his soul mate, exuding powerful sexual energy.

Venus affects a person born under the sign of Aries, so that he may never experience strong feelings. It is important here that Aries on his way meet a person who knows how to love without any “buts”. It is then that new qualities are acquired, the influence is enhanced. A person simply swings open, daily gaining sexual energy.

Compatibility in such pairs is very high, but for Aries it is rare. In a person born under this sign, mind and feelings are combined, although practicality prevails. This situation is not the best for women, as they are not very sensitive.

In general, in order to cause a storm of emotions in Aries, the ultimate male energy is needed.


When Venus appears in the signs of the zodiac, miracles begin to happen. In Taurus, everything is in order with the sensual component of the personality. He has the ability to love, a lot of sexual energy. These people know how to share their power: they give it to other signs. Taurus in each person ignites the flame of passion. Many say that their sexual compatibility has tremendous power. placed in almost the same way, so this sign is compatible with Taurus in all respects.

For Taurus, it is important to choose an impeccable partner who not only borrows energy, but also gives it back. Such an alliance is considered successful. Due to their active nature, Virgo may like Taurus, but nothing will come of them. When Venus is in Virgo, she deprives her of eroticism, and for Taurus this is tantamount to death.

If the lover has Venus in Aries or Cancer, this union is doomed to failure. In this case, after the first night spent together, Taurus will look at the partner with regret. After all, he expected more from him.


The sign of the zodiac in Venus, determined by the date of birth, can tell amazing things about a person. Gemini in sex and love are very curious. They do not always adhere to the boundaries of what is permitted. Such people live by the motto "you need to try everything, even if others think it's strange." They can easily find a sex partner, but they cannot afford to establish a long-term relationship. These people suffer from the same problem that is present in the case of Venus in Aries - they find it difficult to find someone who is ready to make acquaintance with them.

Those Gemini who were born in the first half of their cycle have a very powerful ability to love. This helps them set up relationships, increases their compatibility. Such people are identical to the heroes of novels, as they can vividly show their sensuality. This should not be afraid, because they are quite sincere with you.

Gemini dreams of Leo, although they know that he has a violent temper. If Leo appeared in their environment, he is the first candidate for a whirlwind romance.


The sign of the zodiac in Venus by date of birth is completely easy to calculate. You can use the special astrological tables "Ephemeris", which contain the coordinates of this planet for each day in the signs of the zodiac. Women and men born under the sign of Cancer suffer from the specific placement of Venus. Their love is not passionate - it is rather maternal. They do not have the degree of sensuality and sexuality that most partners need, since Venus in Cancer has negative qualities.

With these people it is cozy and good, like in your own home. They have a complex attitude towards sex - they believe that it is necessary mainly in marriage, nothing more. For other zodiac signs, this approach may seem humiliating, because they want real intimacy. When located in Cancer, she endows her wards with all sensual positive qualities, except for sexuality.

If Cancers are associated with a sign that has identical energy (for example, with Aries or Libra), then it becomes easier for them. By the way, in such couples, attraction may be completely absent. Venus in Cancer is unfortunate for marriage, but it has a positive effect on friendships in which there is no sex.

a lion

The sign of the zodiac in Venus takes on a stunning character. This planet in Leo is able to create a fairy tale. By itself, this sign is proud, strong, despising failure. In sex and love, he becomes even more demanding. Weaker signs are afraid of him and do not want to create a relationship with him. The strong admire, discovering the unexpected ardor with which Leo tries to prove his superiority.

That Leo who was born in the second half of his cycle has a big heart. Sometimes even very much. This nuance encourages him to betray. If Venus in Aries or Cancer limits her ward from sexual aggression, then in Leo she turns into an unreliable patron.

People born under this sign can make a great connection with Gemini, who is always experimenting. Leo's Venus modifies into a collector of victories over the opposite sex, so be careful getting carried away with such a well-mannered but persistent partner.


When the sign of the zodiac is in Venus, its properties change. This planet turns Virgo into a special emblem with a disappointing prognosis. These people don't know how to love. They appreciate the partner, his strength, qualities. Virgo needs to be loved, because then she becomes prettier. This condition is not quite typical, because it is completely directed to the contemplation of love. It is important for a Virgo to receive compliments. Only then can she say: "Ah, I'm a little in love."

Venus has practically no effect on the sexual world of Virgo. Under the influence of the first impression received from a partner, these people may be active for a while, but in the future they let go of the situation. Of course, gifts, prayers, confessions can revive this passion. As you can see, the relationship of Virgo with other zodiac signs is very confusing.

She can easily fall in love because of the first impression, but she is unlikely to have a life together. Virgo wants to criticize everything. This quality of hers in love can still be forgiven, but in bed it is fatal. Many signs reject it due to incessant remarks.


How to calculate the zodiac sign in Venus? This question is asked by almost everyone. But consider now Libra. This is a powerful sign. To some, Libra may seem icy, not passionate. This is not true. Women and men who were born under this sign know how to bewitch their partner with their charms. If you can pass their tests, you can be sure that this connection will bring a lot of joy, courtship and love. Libra knows how to show their feelings. Naturally, this zodiac sign will not be friendly and open for everyone.

Venus in Leo is considered sexually aggressive, but the union of this sign with Libra will be friendly. Libra will be able to guide Leo along the right path, and his passion will be supported for years. These people have good compatibility with other signs, especially in their youth.


Few people know how to calculate the zodiac sign in Venus. In fact, this calculation is not difficult. And what is Scorpio when Venus is in it? These people know how to love selflessly. For them, the desires of a partner are of great importance. Scorpio always wants a sincere relationship, ready for endless courtship. In general, the situation is very harmonious. If you are pursuing selfish goals, it is better for you not to get involved with representatives of this sign. They are great at detecting lies.

Scorpions in sex prefer active partners who are ready for experiments. In Leo, they can sometimes be disappointed. It all depends on how Leo is sexually liberated. They immediately reject those who are too passive, because they consider sex a means of communication, and they are not interested in talking with a dull interlocutor.


Many people are concerned about the question of how to find out what sign of the zodiac Venus is in. But not everyone can find the answer to it. What is a Sagittarius? The situation with this sign is similar to the placement of Venus in Aries. Sagittarius differs only in that he knows how to manipulate his love, sex. This does not mean that these people do not know how to love, are not able to experience the pleasure of intimacy with a partner. They have no problems with full compatibility. Sagittarius knows his own worth, he is very self-confident.

Venus in the signs of the zodiac in women shows special properties. For example, Sagittarius ladies believe that they are a gift of fate for every man. They need to be beautifully looked after, achieved. They do not care whether the partner will be pleased with the result or not.

Sagittarius sometimes show passion, but maintain a sober mind. This zodiac sign has a clear understanding of what their love is worth. It's risky to get involved with them for a little fling. To conquer the heart of these people is possible only by straightforwardness.


Venus at the time of birth of a person radiates extraordinary energy. If this planet is in Capricorn, it enhances the sign's sense of the partner's importance. Capricorns are not frivolous. If your couple did not work out, this is only because these people have a clear opinion - the union is doomed to failure. They carefully consider all the pros and cons and draw a conclusion. For those with whom Capricorn fell in love, fortune smiled. He is honest and open, never goes to treason.

Capricorn combines passion and tenderness. They will not experiment in sex if they consider the test unworthy. These are wise people who are able to foresee the behavior of a partner several steps ahead.

Women always enthusiastically talk about their Capricorn lover. After all, he knows exactly what she wants. Of course, Capricorn can sometimes take a connection lightly. Don't worry if he doesn't call you. You can dial his phone number yourself.


In the planet Venus (zodiac sign), compatibility has been laid down from time immemorial. So, what are Aquarius in tandem with this heavenly body? It is hard for them in life, as few understand them. The compatibility of this sign with others is not as strong as the rest. They are temperamental in their own way, they do not like words. Aquarius can talk either a good friend or partner. It is hard for him with his beloved, because he does not like to communicate. It's hard to get to know him.

In sex, Aquarians take the initiative until they get tired of it. And they get bored with sex quickly. Venus in the signs of the zodiac in men determines the many qualities of his ward. Aquarius men are popular among those women for whom sexual ardor does not matter. Venus in Cancer or Virgo recognizes Aquarius. They feel good together in the emotional sphere, when unnecessary words are not needed, because everything is clear in the eyes.

For Aquarius, Venus in Leo is dangerous. With such a partner, life turns into torment. Leo men may think that there are devils in this "still pool", but they will miss. Such a lady is almost impossible to persuade to a stormy romance.


Many people want to know the future. They find Venus in the sign of the zodiac and follow her instructions. And what are Pisces when they fall under the influence of this planet? They are jealous in love. These people value their partner, but the fear of losing him, losing his spiritual connection, scares them more than anything. That is why they are ready to fulfill all his whims. Pisces are liberated in sex, do not tolerate betrayal. They think they are wonderful. They are ready for anything and believe that partners do not need to cheat on them.

Pisces men have a subtle spiritual organization that allows them to please everyone, even the Virgo woman. Of course, they have a dubious future, because they do not tolerate criticism and reproaches in bed.

Otherwise, Pisces are romantic natures. These people cannot be called cold. They have an amazingly coordinated sphere of sex and love according to Venus. They sometimes dream of Leo as a faithful and passionate partner, they take his ardor at their own expense.

In general, Pisces and Leo have excellent compatibility, but the pressure of the second can distort everything. Pisces are dreamy, their hearts are ready to accept everyone. This talent to love can play a cruel joke with the young owners of this sign, because the world is cruel.

love horoscope

In what sign of the zodiac is Venus at the time of the birth of a person, it is quite simple to determine. Most often, the compatibility horoscope arouses people's interest because they want to understand whether there is passion and love between them. The position of Mars and Venus influences the emergence of intimate relationships and romance. If the Venus of a man is connected to the Mars of a woman, in 90% of cases a strong romantic feeling appears between them. The same point is true for other exact aspects. The contact between these planets is important for the emergence of romance, but it plays a secondary role. A powerful connection can appear only when the nodes of Lilith, or the Lunar orbit, are affected.

In general, an analysis of the placement of different points and planets in a compatibility horoscope allows you to answer many questions. You can get not only information about romantic feelings, but also about the consistency of partners, the social success of the couple. Experts do not recommend people to analyze their relationships on their own, as many factors need to be compared here. They say that it is better to contact an astrologer to build a compatibility horoscope (synastry). They claim that in this way you can save a lot of time, nerves and avoid many disappointments.


Venus is the ruler of which zodiac sign? This planet is the guardian of the sunset - this is the sign of Air, and Taurus is the sign of the Earth.

In the physical universe, Venus corresponds to magnetism. How does this planet appear in the horoscope? It represents our sensual emotions, shows our ability to love another person, the ability to express our feelings in poetry, art, literature. In general, this heavenly body is responsible for the feeling of love and beauty.

Finding Venus in the sign of the zodiac shows how a person expresses his passion in intimate relationships, how he relates to money, to personal property, whether he recognizes ethical and aesthetic values.

In the houses of the horoscope, this planet shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, what attracts him, what he likes, what are his artistic (for men - erotic) aspirations.

Venus defies logic. It shows the style of our personal relationships. For a man in the map, she shows the type of lady who attracts him, and for a woman, what kind of woman she feels like. According to Venus, we do what we like and what we want.

This section of our site is devoted to the topic of compatibility, important and relevant at all times. This astrological project offers you not only to evaluate compatibility with a partner - good or bad - but also gives a description of various aspects of the relationship. Therefore, here you will find answers to all your questions on the topic of relationships and compatibility: about the quality of communication, about love, about sex, about mutual understanding ... Just please don’t be scared or upset if you find any shortcomings in the analysis of your relationship. Nothing is perfect in this world. We all dream of a beautiful, strong, carefree love. But in reality, you always have to face some difficulties. But this is what makes life more interesting, it develops us and makes us stronger and wiser. Harmony in relationships is most often not a gift of fate, but the result of work on oneself. We all learn to love, learn to give in and understand each other. Our horoscope is not a reason for excessive criticism or rejection of "not ideal" candidates. Our compatibility horoscope is an interesting tool with which you can find weaknesses and problem areas in a relationship in order to take matters into your own hands and change everything for the better with a little work on yourself. You may be interested to know: the experience of many astrologers who closely study the topic of love and relationships shows that the complete absence of conflict and tension in a couple is not a very good factor for the duration of a relationship. When everything is always good and calm - it's too boring! And quarrels and the danger of parting sometimes remind us so well of how dear our partner is to us. Moreover, it is always so nice to put up! Therefore, appreciate love - this is a great gift - appreciate those who are close to you. And if you have not yet met your soulmate, then our compatibility horoscope, we really hope, will help you with this. We wish you love and harmonious relationships!
