The most prestigious universities in the UK. Medical education in the best universities in the UK

For several hundred years, London has been and remains a recognized world center that trains the best specialists in the field of medicine. The most experienced professors and teachers with permanent clinical practice are trained here. The medical schools of the capital are known for their most important discoveries and scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery of DNA and penicillin. In the Imperial College alone, more than a thousand scientists are engaged in research activities in the medical faculty.

Medicine is one of the most in-demand courses in England, so be prepared for high competition. To get into medical school, you need not only to have good grades, but also to show the admissions committee that you are determined to study seriously, and medicine is exactly what you want to study. Please note that the required level of language proficiency for foreigners entering the first year is quite high (ILTES academic is not lower than 7.0 in all components).

If you are going to enter medicine, look for a school that has strong links with major hospitals and local clinics. London is the best suited for this purpose. Millions of patients of different nationalities pass through the hospitals of the capital. The practical study of various diseases, including rare ones, gives students the opportunity to gain invaluable experience. There are five medical schools in London, in each of which training takes place on the basis of the best hospitals in the capital. Students work with patients from the first year of study.

We list the top 5 medical schools in London:

This university is one of the most elite institutions of higher education in the UK. Every year it is ranked in the top 10 best universities in the world: 8th according to the QS World University Rankings for 2015/16. The Faculty of Medicine of the Imperial College is considered one of the largest schools in Europe, where more than 2,000 students are studying. In 2015, there was a competition of 8 people per place. The faculty ranks 4th in the world in the ranking of educational institutions teaching clinical medicine (Times Higher Education World University rankings (2014-15). Teaching is conducted on the basis of the largest clinics in London, in particular St Mary's Hospital, where in In 1928, Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin, and where the method of mechanical laparoscopy is now jointly developed.The faculty combines the latest teaching methods with traditional ones.Students have the opportunity to observe patients from the first semester.

Europe's leading research center in the field of medicine. From year to year, it occupies the top lines of world rankings: 7th in the world (QS World University Rankings for 2015/16), 9th in the world in teaching medicine (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016). Among the honorary graduates are 33 Nobel laureates, the awards were received in particular for merits in medicine. Known for his scientific discoveries in the field of neurology (the study of the activity of brain cells). The Faculty of Medicine works in partnership with the best hospitals in the capital, as well as with research institutions such as the Institute of Child Health, the Institute of Neurology, the Institute of Otoringology and the Institute of Ophthalmology. The University College School of Medicine is located in the center of London and has 3 campuses, each of which is fully equipped with modern laboratories, lecture halls and libraries.

Queen Mary University's Barts School of Medicine and Dentistry is considered the first medical school in England (founded in 1785), and is now recognized as one of the best in the country. It bears the unofficial name of the "Medical University of London" due to the fact that medicine is taught here at the highest level. The faculty is ranked 5th in teaching medicine and 6th in teaching dentistry in the UK (Complete University Guide 2016).

The Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine at King's College is one of the largest and most successful in the UK. The faculty has 4 campuses based on four hospitals in the center of London and offers students more than 80 courses in the field of medicine. The university is known for excellent teaching and leading scientific activities. Among the scientific achievements of the Royal College School of Medicine is the discovery of the structure of DNA.

St. George's, University of London (St George's Hospital Medical School)

The famous school of medicine based at St. George's Hospital, is a college within the University of London. Students have the opportunity to get good clinical practice. The hospital, founded in 1733 in south London, is now one of the largest in the country.

The cost of higher education in England

The cost of higher education in England, educational institutions and their faculties, living expenses, admission rules - these aspects are considered by all applicants from abroad who wish to apply for admission to educational institutions in the United Kingdom.

To date, the system of higher education in the UK is recognized as a reference, which is why British diplomas are accepted in 180 different countries around the world. Getting higher education in the United Kingdom makes it possible to find a job in any corporation, enterprise, scientific and medical centers around the world. That is why the number of foreign students in the country's universities is constantly growing.

However, most applicants from abroad take into account the cost factor of higher education in England, look for opportunities to reduce costs for the period of study, seek to be eligible for grants or scholarships, etc. The main pricing factor that determines the amount of tuition costs is not the prestige or status of the university, but the choice of a specific faculty and a specific training program. Hepatitis treatment in Germany makes sense, but English medical schools also provide excellent knowledge.

So, in 2015, the average cost of education varies from £10,000 to £15,000 for one academic year. However, when enrolling in a number of specialties, you can significantly reduce costs. We are talking about the humanities faculties, it is admission to them that will require the least financial investment. The cost of admission to the Faculty of Literature, Languages, History, Geography and other Humanities will require payment of up to £9,800.

The average cost differs in the specialties of design and engineering and technical areas. Entry into this profile will cost between £10,000 and £14,000, with design and engineering faculties usually costing more than technologist specializations, etc. The most costly higher education in England considers the business direction. Economics, finance, management, political science, management, law, etc. are taught at business faculties. The average cost of a year's education in this case can reach up to £20,000 in individual educational institutions, for example, in Cambridge or Oxford.

Also, admission to medical faculties is distinguished by high cost. Firstly, medical education is one of the most prestigious in the UK and Europe, and secondly, it requires the maximum preparation of students, which can take 5-8 years. In view of this, medical higher education in England costs about £17,000-£22,000. The maximum price is charged for the specialties of a neurosurgeon, cardiologist, therapist, etc.

Another pricing factor will be the duration of the training. The terms of study in the UK directly depend on whether the student receives the first higher education (bachelor's degree) or enters the master's program. When receiving a bachelor's degree, a student must be prepared for the fact that he will need 3-4 years of study, for medical specialties this period is even longer, which will accordingly affect the increase in spending on education.

Master's higher education in England has a lower cost already in view of the fact that the student completes the course in just one academic year. That is why many Russian-speaking students strive to get into the UK master's program, since in the CIS countries they will need to spend 2 years on education, which will be equivalent in price to a one-year course in England. However, all those who enter medical education will again have to incur large financial costs, as the duration of training is increased to 2 years.

In addition, even before receiving higher education, students are forced to bear such expenses as: obtaining a visa, in addition, the cost of higher education in England includes the cost of air tickets when flying to the country for an interview before entering, etc.

However, the cost of higher education in England can be reduced thanks to scholarship programs and grants. To date, the official website of the UCAS Admissions Committee, to which applications are submitted, contains information about all scholarships operating in the UK. For example, only in Oxford there are two grants provided for students from Russia and the CIS, which are able to completely cover the cost of education for the entire educational course. The University of Cambridge has 5 scholarship programs for postgraduate education, which either partially or completely reduce the cost. All this speaks in favor of the fact that the British education system is international, loyal and focused on foreign students.

The cost of living in England at the time of higher education

The cost of higher education in England is also largely determined by the living conditions of the student. According to statistics, the most costly form of residence is settling directly in London. In this case, students are required to pay £980 for rent only, plus ongoing expenses for meals, travel, tuition, etc. must be taken into account.

Much more economical is a settlement in the suburbs with a rent of one room. As a rule, students reduce the cost of living by sharing a room with other students. Another economical option that will reduce the cost of higher education in England is accommodation in student hostels. These are special budget hotels, which can accommodate from 4 to 8 students in one room.

It is important to remember that almost all higher education institutions in the UK: colleges, academies or universities provide places in hostels only in the first year. Then students will be forced to look for housing on their own. Experts recommend settling in the suburbs even for those students who study directly in London, since every year the rent in the capital increases more rapidly than in interregional cities.

In addition, employment will help to maintain a balance between the cost of higher education in England and income. To do this, you can directly contact the committees organized in universities and ask for assistance in finding employment, since social assistance in Britain is very developed.

Assistance in obtaining higher education in England at any cost

Our company is an expert in organizing admission to any educational institution in London or Britain in general. We have been active in London for more than ten years, so we communicate directly with all the prestigious educational institutions. In view of this, our customers receive extended offers for services:

  • Assistance in obtaining postgraduate, secondary and higher education in England, taking into account the cost and goals pursued by the client;
  • Selection of a wide range of educational institutions suitable for the criteria specified by the customer;
  • Organization of participation in language courses to improve knowledge of the English language;
  • Informing clients about prices, existing faculties, programs, accommodation, scholarships, etc.;
  • Assistance in obtaining a visa, in applying for admission, in the settlement.

Medical education in England, the conditions for admission to a bachelor's or master's degree, terms of study, prestigious educational institutions, the cost of education - these are the aspects that are studied by all potential applicants who decide to link themselves in the future with a medical career in the UK.

Obtaining medical education in England: organization of training

To date, medicine in the United Kingdom is one of the most high-tech, innovative, loyal and affordable. The country has many social programs for the recovery and treatment of the British, however, modern technical equipment and the best pharmacological agents are used. In 2000, according to the ratings, medicine in England received such wide recognition that it reached the 15th position in the world. In view of this, about 8% of students from the total number of students receive medical education in England in 2015, while a fairly high percentage of foreign students, especially from Europe, the Middle East and the CIS.

To date, there is a whole range of preparatory programs for higher medical education, as well as undergraduate or graduate programs. In view of this, students can independently choose the most convenient, effective and optimal programs for their own learning. At the same time, medical education in England can be obtained at 10 different universities in the UK and specialized schools (about 30 educational institutions).

It is characteristic that the training in medicine is one of the longest. On average, a student will have to spend about 7-8 years for a bachelor's degree and an internship. The conditions for admission put forward by students are also quite rigid. All applicants for undergraduate studies must provide AAA grades for GCSE exams, especially in these final exams a lot of attention is paid to the natural sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.). Therefore, attestation scores in these disciplines are checked first.

Also, to obtain the first medical education in England, it is required to successfully pass the TOEFL or IELTS language exams. At the same time, the most prestigious institutions of higher education, such as Cambridge or Oxford, will consider applicants with scores of 8.0 in the IELTS exam, in a number of medical schools it is permissible to have a language test mark of 6.5 points.

It is characteristic that university students study real medicine only on an internship called “Foundation” and lasts for a period of two years. The diploma issued at the end of the bachelor's degree will have the nomenclature of either - MB, which is identical with the bachelor of medicine, or - ChB, which is issued to bachelor of surgeons.

Medical education in England when preparing students for a bachelor's degree, it may have a different content of the program, the content of which will completely depend on the chosen university. However, each university provides an opportunity for in-depth study of a particular discipline, for example, pediatrics or neurosurgery, in which case another BSc will be added to the MB diploma.

In some cases, you can enroll in a reduced educational program of the first higher education - GEP express courses, the completion of which will also allow you to get an MB or ChB diploma, but at the same time spending about 4 years on education. Such medical education in England has a shorter timeframe due to a more intensive course, teaching more academic hours per week. Accordingly, when applying for the GEP program, it is necessary to calculate your own capabilities, since high requirements are put forward for applicants in passing exams and directly in training.

Characteristically, obtaining a bachelor's degree is only one step on the way to a medical career in the UK. Each graduate must receive a specialized certificate, which will subsequently allow the student to an internship. The presence of such a certificate will be evidence that the student has mastered not only theoretical skills, but also practical ones.

Medical education in England in an internship can be obtained after certification received from the General Medical Council - GMC. Such a committee issues special instructions - these are brochures that contain recommendations to increase the chances of obtaining a certificate, such brochures can be found on their official resource.

Education in medical universities in England - conditions for admission

For admission to medical educational institutions, an applicant is required to collect a number of documents that confirm the student's level of knowledge in a particular area. All applications are left in the UCAS selection committee, which considers applicants. The documents required for medical education in England include:

  • Attestation points obtained under the IB program (International Baccalaureate) or under the Foundation program;
  • Attestation points for the A-level program (if secondary education was obtained in the UK);
  • TOEFL or IELTS language test scores;
  • Motivational letter of 500-1000 words, which reveals the aspirations of the student, the reasons why the student chooses medicine, as well as his main career aspirations;

In addition to the above documents, it is the admission to medical education in English universities that will require the passing of a mandatory entrance exam - BMAT. This is the Biomedical Admission Test used by the most prestigious universities including Cambridge and Oxford. Characteristically, admission is hampered by a large competition for one place, since many foreigners apply specifically for medical diplomas. On average, each UK university is ready to give from 6 to 16 places for foreign students.

In the event that the UCAS admissions committee rejected the student's admission application, he can go to a one-year preparation program - Access to Medicine. Similar preparatory education in medicine in England is provided in the following educational institutions: College of West Anglia, City College, Ling's Lynn and Sussex Downs College.

Assistance in admission to medical education in England

The specialists of our company deal with the problems of clients from the CIS who seek to study in educational institutions in London or Britain. We are ready to offer comprehensive practical and information services in the following areas:

  • Assistance in admission to universities and colleges for higher and postgraduate education (medical education in England, humanitarian, natural sciences, business, etc.);
  • Assistance in enrolling in British schools for secondary education;
  • Organization of participation in language programs for children, adults with any level of language proficiency;
  • Advice on admission, expenses, current programs or faculties, scholarships, etc.;
  • Practical support in the preparation of admission documents, visas, taking plane tickets, settling.

Our experts are able to help you get not only a medical education in English universities, but also make it possible to obtain a diploma of any other format and sample.

UK higher education in English, documents required for admission, prestigious educational institutions and their programs, last minute tours- these questions are considered by all foreign students who wish to receive their first higher education or postgraduate education in England.

Higher education in the UK: requirements for language exams

In the UK, all higher education institutions present theoretical information in English, so even foreign students are required to have a high attestation score in this discipline. Higher education in the UK in English involves passing one of several language exams, it can be TOEFL or IELTS, as well as the Cambridge exam. Therefore, every foreign student is faced with the question: which English exam is the most profitable to take. With what scores will it be possible to enter the university of the country?

First of all, the TOEFL exam is administered by the American division. The structure of the exam includes reading, listening, and writing. The IELTS language exam is administered by the University of Cambridge and also by the British Consulate. In view of this, all IELTS tests test knowledge of orthodox, classical English, while TOEFL takes into account the nuances of the American dialect. Therefore, when applying for higher education in the UK, it is better to take English on the IELTS exam.

Most higher education institutions in England, such as colleges or academies, are ready to accept students with an IELTS score of about 6.5 in the certificate. However, for more prestigious universities, such as Cambridge or Oxford, these points will not be enough. So, you will need to score from 7.0 points for each of the subjects taken, often among the applicants there are foreigners who have 8.0 points in the certificate, which is why they are more willing to be accepted as students.

Higher education in the UK in English can also be obtained with language exam marks of 6.0 points if you enter specialized schools for special programs. However, as a rule, a low score in English is quoted in institutions if you want to get advanced training in a particular profession or when entering the Foundation educational program, etc.

The only advantage that foreigners have when passing language exams is the ability to use the English-Russian dictionary on individual subjects, as well as an increase in the time for passing exams. However, subsequently, when entering higher education in the UK in English, foreign students no longer receive any benefits in the educational process.

  • Advanced English language training program. Such programs aim to maximize the student's vocabulary so that he ultimately perceives and understands more than 90% of the information that comes to him;
  • After completing this language program, for higher education in the UK in English, it is recommended to attend TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge test preparation courses. Why is it necessary to first reach the Advanced level and only then study in the preparatory program? Because the exam preparation courses do not delve into the study of the language, but teach students strategies that will lead to successful passing of tests and the opportunity to enter an English university.

How can I get a higher education in the UK, knowing English

Higher education in the UK in English requires knowledge of the language, but this is still not enough for enrollment in students in the country's universities. In addition, the student must standardize the diploma of secondary education to the requirements of the British system. So, for example, if a student lives in the CIS, then he completed 11 years of school, while British students completed 13 years of schooling. In view of this, a Russian-speaking student is required to enter a domestic university and study 2 courses there. At the end of the first year, you must apply to the desired UK university.

Also, a student from the CIS needs to go through programs on the basis of which enrollment will take place. For admission to higher education in the UK, you will need to provide points for the Foundation or IB program. These two programs are pre-university training courses adapted for foreign students.

Most prestigious universities still prefer the IB program - the international baccalaureate. With grades for the exam of this program, you can even enter Oxford or Cambridge, the Foundation program is considered less prestigious, since the terms of study for it are only 1 academic year, while two academic years are required to complete the IB. In addition, higher education in the UK in English requires a higher language proficiency than can be given in the Foundation program, as it often enrolls participants with an initial language proficiency level of 4.5 points.

The Foundation program has several specializations, including:

  • Business direction;
  • Engineering and technical direction;
  • Legal direction and jurisprudence;
  • Natural science direction;
  • Humanitarian.

Diplomas under the International Baccalaureate Program - IB are quoted not only in every university in Britain, but also in 50 other countries of the world, so this program is preferable for Russian-speaking students. Before applying for admission to higher education in the UK, you must complete the IB program by passing about 6 subjects, as well as writing an essay of 80 A4 pages. The issuance of diplomas is allowed to those students who scored from 24 points. However, such a score is insufficient for the most elite universities. So, for admission to Oxford, for example, you need to score about 40 points in IB.

Thus, for a Russian-speaking student, when submitting documents, a demonstration of three main documents is required:

  • Language exam marks - TOEFL or IELTS;
  • Certificate of education received in the home state;
  • Granting a certificate from the Foundation or IB program.

Assistance in obtaining higher education in the UK

The experts of our company have been operating in London for more than 10 years and are helping Russian-speaking clients to enter British educational institutions. At the same time, we are ready to provide support in obtaining secondary, higher, postgraduate education, as well as to deal with the issue of organizing language courses for those who wish.

Our range of tasks includes:

  • Selection of universities and colleges for higher education in the UK in English, assistance in finding private schools, language centers that fully meet the requested goals of the customer;
  • Assistance in collecting documents, obtaining a visa, buying tickets for the implementation of training, accommodation;
  • Information support in the form of voicing the cost of education, living expenses, available programs and ways of guaranteed income.

It will be easy to complete a higher education course in the UK in English with the help of consulting and practical support from our experts.

Getting higher education in England, the procedure for admission of students from the CIS, the estimated course prices, the choice of an educational institution - these are topical issues that are subject to study by absolutely all applicants from the CIS who wish to be enrolled in a prestigious university in the United Kingdom.

Admission to higher education institutions for education in England

To date, education in the UK is the standard, since it has been formed over the centuries, overgrown with orthodox traditions, which is why the student body of the country's prestigious universities is so international. However, how realistic are the chances for students from the CIS to enter and receive a prestigious British diploma? What difficulties may arise in obtaining higher education in England? To do this, it is necessary to analyze the specifics of the procedure for enrolling students.

In England, there is a special admissions committee that deals with the consideration of admission forms - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). To date, their official website has published a list of possible universities that invite students from abroad. All interested Russian-speaking applicants study this price list, and then fill out the questionnaire. The main items on the questionnaire are:

  • An indication of the attestation scores that the student can demonstrate. In the event that the A-level, Foundation or IB program has been completed, the points are announced;
  • Also, a student who wants to get a higher education in England is required to indicate their own ambitions, plans, expectations regarding studying in a particular institution, as well as career plans.

Further, the procedure may involve either an instant refusal, or an invitation to a student for a personal interview - an interview. It is easy to assess your own chances of entry using the standardized requirements that are placed in the rankings of English universities. These ratings indicate the passing score for language exams, as well as for secondary education exams. The highest standards for admission to the university are in Cambridge and Oxford, the applicant will have to have in the certificate the maximum possible scores for the A-level program - AAA. Whereas in other individual universities, higher education in England can also be obtained on the basis of ABB, BBB grades.

Accordingly, the passing scores for language exams in different universities will also differ. So, in Cambridge and Oxford they accept with IELTS marks of 8.8 points. However, most universities create loyal conditions for foreign students, so they enroll with marks of 6.5 points.

In addition to providing attestation points, the applicant must be aware of the need to standardize the Russian diploma to the English educational system. The fact is that higher education in England is possible only if the student has completed 13 years of training at school, while in the CIS countries admission to universities is carried out after finishing 11 classes. The easiest way to standardize a diploma is to enroll in a university in your home country, take 2 courses there, and then apply for admission to a British university with the opportunity to try your hand at entry. However, there are other methods to make a Russian-style diploma equivalent to a British one.

Pre-university study is an effective way to get higher education in England

To date, there are two popular programs, attestation scores for which greatly simplify admission to a British university. The first of these is the Foundation training program. It is its passage that allows about 80% of foreigners to receive a higher English education, since the courses are designed specifically for students from abroad. Enrollment in it is possible from the age of 17, while the applicant is required to present a minimum IELTS passing score of 5.5. As a rule, the Foundation starts twice a year: in September and in June.

The key tasks that education carries are teaching English with the subsequent passing of exams, preparation in English for specialized subjects. At the end of the course, the control of successful assimilation is expected. It is characteristic that the passage of this program allows you to enter the most prestigious educational institutions, for example, University College London or the London School of Economics, as well as the University of Manchester, Nottingham University, but Oxford and Cambridge do not accept certificates from such training courses.

For higher education in England, students can prepare under the Foundation program in different profiles:

  • Business Program - business training (finance, marketing, management, economics);
  • Engineering Program - training at engineering and technical faculties;
  • Law Program - training of lawyers, lawyers, political scientists or sociologists;
  • Life Sciences - Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Another type of preparatory program can be the International Baccalaureate (IB) course. For those students from the CIS who aspire to be enrolled in Oxford or Cambridge, this program will open up endless opportunities, since it is considered more prestigious than the Foundation, and certificates from IB exams have more weight in the eyes of the admissions committee of British universities.

Enrollment in IB occurs upon reaching the age of 16 years. At the same time, students must demonstrate scores in the TOEFL language exam that exceed the mark of 250 points. The general terms of study for the International Baccalaureate program are longer than for the Foundation program and involve two years of study. To prepare for higher education in England, students are taught 6 different subjects:

  • Learning the native language;
  • Learning English language;
  • Mathematics;
  • Study of the humanities, arts, etc.;
  • Courses in natural science;
  • And the study of an additional core subject.

Each student who scores at least 24 points in the IB exams receives a certificate of completion. To get higher education in England in the most prestigious universities, you will need to score at least 36 points in IB.

Assistance in admission and obtaining higher education in any English university

Higher education in England with the help of the experts of our company is a real opportunity to receive, as we are specialists in this segment of services, and have been providing our support to students from the CIS for more than 10 years.

We are ready to offer our clients the following types of services:

  • Assistance in learning English (selection of English-speaking schools, courses, programs);
  • Assistance in admission to higher education in England and postgraduate education (informing about all universities in the country, available programs, admission conditions, tuition fees, etc.);
  • Assistance in preparing a visa, collecting a package of documents that must be provided;
  • Assistance in adapting to the territory of Britain, employment, settlement;
  • Help in search cheap apartments for a day.

Our experts will provide full informational and practical assistance at each stage of cooperation, up to the organization of the student's life at the time of study. Thanks to this, higher education in England will become not just a dream, but an accessible reality.

Quality education in England in English, pricing policy, necessary lists of documents, as well as a whole range of information regarding the content of educational programs, costs and necessary preparation activities - this is what a person who has chosen English education, and even in English, should study. It is worth saying that among all the possible types of education in England, this one is the most prestigious, because after entering an educational institution, no obstacles face teachers in the process of transferring their innermost knowledge to a student.

Why is it useful to study in English in England?

Undoubtedly, education in England in English is currently the most prestigious type of education in the world. This is due to the fact that this country has developed its own traditions of preserving, increasing and transferring knowledge, which are not characteristic of any other country in the world. It all started centuries ago, when monasteries began to be created on the territory of modern cities and suburbs, to which pilgrims, scientists of those times, were sent from all over the world to conduct their activities under protection and in complete peace. The monks provided them with food, a place to live, and also helped to preserve scientific works through the creation of book printing presses. Even the rulers of other countries, like England itself, did not have 100% access to archives and scientists, which gave the latter almost complete freedom of action, thinking and sayings.

Today, education in England in English has retained its policy of strict filtering of incoming data, as well as the selection of students, since no higher educational institution intentionally distributes rare developments to everyone in a row, while the very value of such knowledge is lost. This is the reason for the first property of education in England in English - it is not free. Even for the inhabitants of the country themselves, the government does not provide for the concept of the budget, which is familiar to everyone from the practice of the CIS countries. However, there are dozens of funds for foreign citizens that give out several grants per year that cover the cost of education. You can get such a grant by filling out an application for admission, confirming it and submitting an application to the fund. All the red tape with documents and the time spent on it are fully justified - after receiving a grant, not only study, but also accommodation, food, and sometimes pocket expenses of a happy student will be paid from the amount received. In addition, today there are companies that can help with obtaining such a grant with their established channels and connections, which can make education in England in English even more enjoyable and accessible.

Getting an English education in England is associated with a whole host of prospects that open up almost immediately after a student sets foot on the land of a foreign country for him. First of all, it is worth noting the special role of the symbiosis of companies - employers and the management of educational institutions, which is supported by the government of England. Due to this symbiosis, student centers are created on campuses, in which the most successful students who show interest in subjects are registered. Such institutions are regulated by companies that look after students from the first day of their studies, thus staffing only the most promising employees. At the same time, these companies sometimes pay for education in England in English for those students who are most interested in them, and also give them a summer part-time job that significantly offloads the student's budget. You can also practice your English by buying a tour abroad.

The second factor that characterizes English education in England is the role of the government of the country and the leadership of educational institutions in the formation of interest in learning and control of the competence of each employee of a higher educational institution. Several times a year, each teacher undergoes a series of checks on how competent he is in teaching students. In order to avoid staff losses and support their teachers, educational institutions, in turn, provide their scientific activities in every possible way, finance research, pay for the construction of new scientific laboratories and multimedia classrooms so that the teacher can express his opinion as clearly as possible in front of students and provide them with 100% understanding of the subject. All this brought education in England in English not only to the first positions among world education, but also created a certain effect of practice and a scientific approach, without which it is very difficult to form a specialist from a student.

The prestige of English education in England is difficult to overestimate, every employer in other countries will be happy to consider a resume and give preference to a specialist who received his education in England in English. This is due, as mentioned earlier, to the fact that in almost 100% of cases students spend tens of hours at operating enterprises or in scientific laboratories, directly doing what they should do in the field of their specialty, and even under the control of the luminaries of world science. The practice of international analysts in the field of education indicates an increase in the productivity of a particular link in companies when replaced by a student - a graduate of English educational institutions by 20% or more, which practically guarantees the student a job in his specialty.

Where can I go for more information about English education in England?

Due to the fact that the management bodies of higher educational institutions carefully filter the flow of students, and a trip to England, education in English in it and staying there for several years is costly even for a wealthy resident of the CIS countries, companies have arisen that help their clients get in touch with the reception commission of a higher educational institution, find out and prepare the correct package of documents, submit your claim for a grant to pay for your studies, and also calculate the necessary funds for it.

For more than 10 years of work in the field of English education in England, our company has analyzed the opinions of not only analysts in this field, but also the students themselves, who receive education in England in English. This invaluable data allowed us to reach a new level of providing information services, assistance in moving, as well as preparing all documents and establishing communication with representatives of higher educational institutions. Today we offer a lot of educational products that are not only productive and justified, but also convenient, safe and have support that starts after the first call or application on our website and ends already during the employment of our clients. Productive, convenient and safe education in England in English for our clients is our credo!

Teaching children in the UK, getting secondary education, passing language programs, the cost of studying in England, effective schools - these aspects are analyzed by all parents who intend to send their child to study abroad.

Teaching children in primary and secondary schools in the UK

The educational process that children in England can go through is divided into two types - obtaining compulsory secondary school education, as well as additional language courses. Secondary education precedes primary. All foreigners have the right to receive primary education exclusively in private schools, only British children have the opportunity to receive school education in public institutions.

Education of children in the UK in primary school begins at the age of 5. At the same time, such training involves the easiest and fastest adaptation of the child to the educational process and systematic classes. To do this, children are taught mainly in a playful way with the inclusion of elements of drawing, music, sports, and interactive communication. But at the same time, children are also taught writing, grammar, reading, mastering elementary sciences. From 5 to 7 years old, there is an intensive preparation of children for secondary school, at an older age (about 9 years old), knowledge control is introduced in elementary school, with the help of which they monitor the success of mastering the material.

Education for children in the UK from the age of 11 involves the transition to secondary school. The certificate of secondary school education is a prerequisite for admission to the country's universities. One of the key exams that students must pass in high school is the GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education. His delivery occurs at the age of 16. At the same time, it is necessary to pass up to 10 school disciplines, English and mathematics are compulsory subjects, while the rest of the subjects are chosen by the student independently.

After successfully passing the GCSE, the education of children in the UK in secondary school continues until the age of 18. For two years of study, the child must choose any preparatory program for entering the university, the choice is given: the A-level program, the Foundation program and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.

It is characteristic that the Foundation and IB programs are aimed at foreigners. However, the Foundation certificate is considered less prestigious and the certification scores for it are not considered at the most prestigious universities, for example, Oxford or Cambridge. Therefore, teaching children in the UK under the IB program is considered optimal, especially if the student comes from abroad. The essence of the program is to pass 6 subjects, as well as language and mathematics. The training period is 2 years. A certificate from the Foundation can be obtained faster - in just one year of study. Characteristically, both IB and Foundation are preparatory programs that are most often offered in private schools, while the A-level program is more typical for public schools.

The need to obtain certificates in one of these programs is a prerequisite for admission to a university, but it is not sufficient, in addition to it, scores in language exams must be presented. It was for this that they provided the opportunity to teach children in the UK in language courses.

Language courses for children in the UK

Passage of language preparatory programs for students aged 16 to 18 years is a popular form of education. To date, only in London, such training services are offered by 50 different language centers. The goal of the course is to teach children how to successfully pass the Cambridge exam, TOEFL or IELTS - these are the main exams, the scores from which are taken into account when entering a university. Teaching children in the UK on such programs allows you to improve your English proficiency to the intermediate level "Intermediate" or to advanced - "Advanced". It is characteristic that most universities have set a minimum IELTS passing score of 6.5, passing language training courses will allow you to score 7.0 points, which will allow you to enter Oxford or Cambridge.

Also, for children aged 16 to 18, academic English is taught in specialized courses. On such programs, the main disciplines are read: mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, etc. Universities assess the degree of academic language proficiency, so such courses are recommended for applicants, they increase the chances of entering the university.

Teaching young children in the UK in language courses This is an opportunity to prepare a child in primary and secondary school. Such courses are taught to students aged 7-9 to 13 years. The most common English program in this case is the "general course". At the same time, the degree of load can be moderate - up to 20 lessons per week, as well as increased - up to 35 academic lessons per week. The average terms of study reach 1 month, in many cases it is possible to choose a longer general English course (for 3 months, for a semester or for an academic year).

As a rule, the education of young children in the UK in English courses takes place during the summer holidays. Children are taught grammar, reading, loaded with practical (individual or group) tasks. At the same time, the theoretical block is not the main one in the learning process, it is practice with individual master classes that makes it possible to learn English more efficiently and quickly, expand vocabulary and improve communication skills.

In addition to summer courses, parents can also choose winter language programs: New Year's or Christmas. However, regardless of the type of course, children will have well-organized leisure time with the opportunity to enroll in sports clubs, attend art, dance, music, needlework and cooking classes. Also, an obligatory moment in the process of teaching children in the UK is the organization of excursions. All this allows students to comprehend the language with passion and interest.

Admission of children to educational institutions in the UK

Our firm has been doing business in London for 10 years and specializes in supporting clients applying to schools and universities in the UK. We cooperate with clients from the CIS, as well as Russia, who receive comprehensive information and practical support at the time of admission to study in England. We provide the following services:

  • Assistance in obtaining school education, postgraduate and higher education in educational institutions in London and Britain in general;
  • Providing a choice of schools, colleges and universities that meet the requirements set by the client;
  • Assistance in the selection of language schools for teaching children in the UK, as well as adults;
  • Advice on admission, required documents, tuition fees, etc.;
  • Assistance in obtaining a visa, collecting documents, compiling an applicant's questionnaire.
  • Entertainment and excursion programs. It is also possible to buy Comedy Club tickets.

Our competence and many years of practice will allow you to quickly and cost-effectively educate children in the UK, as well as get an education for students and adults.

The education system in England, the specifics of the device, the terms of study, the effectiveness of the educational process - this information is studied by applicants who apply for entry into the country's educational institutions to avoid unforeseen situations at the time of study.

Features of the education system in England: primary school and secondary education

The educational system of England was formed over many centuries, while it was subject to modernization and reformation, which is why it is recognized by now as the best in the world. Indeed, many students from 150 countries of the world aspire to study in England, since British diplomas are quoted in all the leading countries of the globe, which allows them to successfully start their careers. Here you can study and relax. Ski resort Zolotaya Dolina will help with this.

The education system in England is formed by several stages, the main of which are:

  • Pre-school education - involves the delivery of children to a nursery at the age of 3-4 years.
  • Preparatory education - involves the enrollment of children in preparatory classes from the age of 5 years.
  • Primary education - attendance by children of public and private schools between the ages of 5 and 11 years.
  • Secondary education - the stage of such training begins at the age of 11 and ends at the age of 16-18.
  • Higher education.

The education system in England involves the delivery of children to public and private schools with the onset of the 5th age. In some cases, this age limit may increase if the child is sent to a private school. In elementary school, the main educational aspect is the development of communication skills in children, increasing knowledge of the English language, familiarity with basic, fundamental subjects.

At the end of training (at the age of 11), children are subjected to examination testing, while in some counties of the UK, testing is offered according to the “11+” system with an extended list of questions and tasks. After successful passing, the child goes to secondary school.

The education system in England involves education in secondary school until the age of 16 or until the age of 18. If a child leaves school after passing the exam at the age of 16, then he goes to college and is engaged in obtaining a vocational education. At the end of the training, each student takes the state final exams - the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). The certificate will indicate the total scores for all core and basic subjects, as well as scores for the TOEFL or IELTS language exams.

As a rule, at the Secondary School stage (secondary school education), children are taught English in depth, while the emphasis is on spoken language and directly profiled, in basic school disciplines. The prospect of entering the country's prestigious universities depends on the successful passing of IELTS, since the education system in England requires a minimum passing score in language proficiency, which should not be lower than 6.5. To enter the most prestigious universities, such as Cambridge or Oxford, you will need to have an IELTS mark of at least 8 points in your certificate.

It is characteristic that in the secondary school there are preparatory programs that prepare students for entering the university. These programs are Foundation and International Baccalaureate. The Foundation program is completed in one academic year, however, certificates with points from it are not taken into account in all universities, for example, King's College accepts graduates with a certificate from the Foundation, and to enter Cambridge or Oxford, you will need a document from the international baccalaureate.

Features of professional and higher education in the education system of England

Further, the English educational system provides for the possibility of obtaining vocational education (after 16 years) and higher education (after 18 years). In the UK, you can get a diploma of vocational education in schools, as well as Tertiary Colleges. A diploma from Tertiary Colleges offers direct labor activity upon completion of the program, the main ones are:

  • National Vocational Qualification- the program graduates workers in the business sector, management in production. At the same time, the emphasis in training is placed directly on the practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained.
  • General National Vocational Qualification- This is a multi-level qualification, the diploma of which allows you to either enter universities or find a job in the future. It is characteristic that in the English educational system a special attitude has been formed towards diplomas received from the City and Guilds of London, the Royal Society of Arts or Business and Technical Education. Students with diplomas from these institutions are more likely to be employed or enrolled in prestigious universities.

At the end of 18 years, students will receive a certificate of completed secondary education in the GCSE exam and aspire to higher education (Higher Education). To date, higher education is divided into several degrees: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral and postgraduate education.

Primary higher education This is a three-year undergraduate course. Characteristically, the English education system provides for about 5 years of study for a bachelor's degree upon admission to medical faculties. In some cases, obtaining a bachelor's degree will be impossible without passing the practical training. Such a program is called Sandwich courses. Especially often, practice is arranged in hospitals and in production, so medical specialties, economic, technical or business faculties are built according to the Sandwich courses program. The educational English system makes it possible to obtain a diploma in one of four degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts - involves the study of art, design, painting, literature, etc.;
  • Bachelor of Science - the study of natural science subjects;
  • Bachelor of Engineering - training in engineering;
  • Bachelor of Law - training in the legal field.

The education system in England after receiving a bachelor's degree makes it possible to enroll in a master's program. The advantage of a master's degree in Britain over other countries is the need to study for one academic year. Characteristically, the Master Degree degree has two different profiles of programs, one is related to research activities and the possibility of further enrolling in postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the second is the improvement of professional skills.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the MBA program is a postgraduate study program that is very popular among businessmen, financiers, and economists of the CIS countries. The English education system provides for the issuance of an MBA diploma after 2 years of study, after which the student can be accepted into any large company or corporation.

Assistance in getting an education in England: information support and a system of practical assistance

Our experts are engaged in assisting in admission to any educational institution in the UK for all clients who have the goal of improving their language skills, obtaining a diploma of higher education or enrolling in postgraduate courses.

We are ready to provide the following services to achieve these goals:

  • Selection of any educational institution: language centers, schools, colleges, universities according to the needs and goals of the client;
  • Information support on the education system in England, tuition fees, guaranteed admission, etc.;
  • Assistance in collecting the necessary documents for admission, assistance in obtaining a visa;
  • Organization of clients' stay in the UK, assistance in finding employment and general adaptation.

We will provide a set of practical and informational measures that will allow the client to complete training in the country as quickly and guaranteed as possible.

Every year, the number of students choosing medical education in England and , continues to increase: this is true for Russian students and other foreigners. Indeed, the prestigious diploma of higher medical education in England offers the widest opportunities for successful international employment, continuing education and research activities, for stable and high incomes.

The most important about enrolling in medical faculties in the UK

  • It "s almost impossible to go directly to the University of the UK after the Russian school to the medical school
  • In order to start studying at the universities of Great Britain in the specialty "Medicine" in the majority Cases, you must complete a minimum of 2 years in
  • There are one-year preparatory programs for admission to medicine at UK universities for graduates of Russian schools, for example: and
  • There are and another.

Medical education in the UK for international students

The British system of medicine has its history for many centuries: according to the statistical data of the World Health Organization (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European states in terms of Medical care and 18th place around the world for the same parameter. The United Kingdom is one of the top 10 world leaders in terms of the level of development of medicine, the use of innovative innovative technologies, the pace of development and scientific research; In Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties of profile areas ( , and many others). Medical education in England is prestigious.

Such a high demand for and prestige of medical schools leads to the highest competition among entrants: according to statistics, only about 8% among foreign students.

Is also chosen because the medical degree allows you to receive a fairly high salary. Yes, the price of education in England is quite big, but the costs will pay off soon after the release: according to statistics, the average district therapist gets about 44,000 euros a year, and given the higher cost of services in private clinics, the earnings may be even greater.

The structure of higher medical education in Great Britain

The duration of medical education in England is approximately 7-8 years: the undergraduate program is studying a wide range of basic disciplines and directions, from which the main and priority in the internship Foundation), during which an active practice and internship begins. The first professional degrees received by students who have chosen medical education in England and the UK are the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (similar and equivalent). After receiving a bachelor's degree, a student can continue studying in a chosen or related specialty, going on an internship.

Internship (Foundation) in turn is divided into two years - F1 and F2; The termination of training is marked by the receipt of the MB diploma (for the specialists of the direction "Surgery" ChB diploma is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is mandatory for all practicing qualified physicians in the UK: in 2005, she replaced the Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. Degrees are also taught to work in a team, acquire time management skills and IT.

  • F1 - 3-4 different specialties are studied; The General Medical Council defines the mandatory set of knowledge that a student must possess after each trimester
  • F2 - focuses on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases; Also teamwork and personnel management, necessary IT skills, ability to distribute time and rank assigned tasks are mastered.

In the United States, an intern is referred to as a specialist who received medical education, but does not yet have a license for independent medical practice; In Britain there is a similar in meaning term Foundation House Officer. Interns are practiced only under the guidance of a doctor with a license in an accredited clinic or hospital

Profession can be obtained by completing the GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only those who have completed biological and medical faculties can apply for accelerated training. There are exceptions to this rule, but they need to be learned separately in each university - for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanitarian diplomas at the GEP.

The Special General Medical Council - GMC - is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, alumni and applicants.

The most prestigious and ranking universities in medicine in England

Great Britain can be proud of a whole pleiad of scientists and doctors of the world renown who have been educated in England in one of 30 specialized medical schools or one of 10 universities. Among the most popular, prestigious and rating educational institutions are the following:

  • King's College of Medicine
  • University of Wales

How do I enroll in a medical college in England?

Unlike most other universities and higher schools, the requirements for applicants are not limited to a certificate with good marks and the results of a language test in English. The certificate of the A-level program will be required (the course should have studied core disciplines - for example, chemistry or biology), a language testing certificate that confirms the advanced level of the English language, and the mandatory passing of the BMAT exam (introductory testing in biochemical sciences).

Please note that most profile universities provide a very small quota for Russian students and foreigners from non-EU countries, which further complicates the competition for each place as mentioned, medical education in England is very in demand among the subjects countries.

Pre-university training programs in medicine

  • Foundation or (1 academic year). This course, with a successful completion, makes it possible to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreigners. This program is provided by large educational centers (such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO together with will organize a six-year program of study in one of the best specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internship in US clinics. At the end of the course the student gets the right to work in his specialty in America, and if he passes the GMC certification, and in the UK.

The education system in England

Speaking about medical education in England, it is impossible not to illuminate the educational system of Britain as a whole: a gradual, gradual development of the national educational standard will help to succeed even in such a complicated field as medicine. The educational system of Great Britain is deservedly considered to be one of the best in the world, and it is with the United Kingdom that many countries are taking the example. In many respects, national standards are regulated by the Education Act, adopted back in 1944, which regulates the entire educational system as a whole.

Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens from 5 to 16 years. Up to 5 years, parents can give the child to a day nursery or kindergarten (3-4 years), where the kids will learn to read, read and write on fun and boring occupations. After 16 years, the student can receive a professional qualification (GNVQ), start working or go to the Sixth Form programs and prepare for higher education at the university. In general, the entire educational system is divided into 4 levels:

  • Elementary School - 5-11 years
  • Secondary School - 11-16 years old
  • Post-secondary education (Further Education) -16-18 years
  • higher education.

You can choose a public school for free or a private school (the latter mainly work as boarding schools, providing students with accommodation on campus for the duration of their studies). There are schools offering a full educational cycle (3-5 to 18 years), you can switch from a junior to a middle or high school, changing educational institutions: for example, in Britain there are many high schools and colleges specializing in the preparation of students aged 15-18 To enroll in universities. It is also possible to choose a separate school of study (separately for boys or separately for girls) or a joint education institution - as a rule, the former are distinguished by more strict discipline and fidelity to traditions.

Secondary education in the UK, educational system

Secondary education of children in England usually begins at 5 years from preparatory preschool classes - at 6-7 years of age already Waiting for primary classes in public and private schools, and at 11 years of age students go to middle classes, where they study until 15-16 years.

  • Elementary classes usually include training in an already defined, standard program with a specific set of subjects: English, math, science, history, music, physical education and sports, art.
  • In the middle classes, the depth of the study gradually increases year by year, the child has the opportunity to choose a part of the subjects on his own - a "core" of disciplines is required, and the rest can be chosen as electives to their own taste and interests.
  • Sixth Form is a full-fledged directed preparation for enrolling in a university. This can be a course of A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U, Foundation (annual) - the choice depends on the future country and the university chosen for higher education.

A-level provides for a deep, thorough study of 3-5 selected disciplines for 2 academic years and the subsequent passing of the exam, which are counted as both introductory to the chosen institution. Foreign students often choose a one-year Foundation: in addition to studying basic academic subjects, it is distinguished by an intensive language course, which will help to significantly increase the level of English in a year. But pay attention: top, most elite and selective universities do not take the Foundation as an academic high-grade and require a certificate of at least A-level or IB.

At 16 years of age the student can go on to receive a professional education (Further education): this is vocational training or preparation for the bachelor's degree. This qualification can be obtained in colleges, institutes and special schools.

The academic year in the UK lasts 38 weeks and is divided into-trimester:

  • Autumn (Michaelmas) - from September to December
  • Spring (Lent ) - January to March
  • Summer (Summer ) - from April to the beginning of June.

The exact dates of each trimester each school can establish independently. Do not forget about the holidays: short weekly intervals in the middle of each trimester and long Christmas, Easter (2-3 weeks) and summer (6 weeks) vacation.

Students are engaged on weekdays - Monday to Friday: usually lessons are from 9:00 to 15:00 (breaks for lunch and lunch are provided). Saturday is a traditional day for excursions, major events, sports and matches, classes in creative studios and elective courses. Sunday is usually reserved for the rest.

Higher education in England

Higher education in the UK can provide universities, institutes, higher schools and polytechnic colleges - more than 700 institutions in all. You can get a bachelor's and master's degree (including MBA), pass short-term programs (diploma and advanced training), doctoral degree. Universities are divided into two large groups:

  • Unitary: include departments and faculties
  • Collegial (including Oxford and Cambridge): consists of several colleges, sometimes even from a few dozen.

Education in higher education starts in October and lasts until June, each trimester (one-third of the school year) for 8-10 weeks. There are big summer holidays - usually from June 1 to September 30.

The Bachelor's degree can be obtained for 3-4 years (in the field of medicine and architecture - up to 6 years), the master - after an additional year and creating personal research work. A doctorate can be obtained for a voluminous outstanding work, for an invaluable contribution to science, inventions with the possibility of practical application or important scientific research.

The main forms of work in universities are seminars and lectures, laboratory work, tutorials in mini groups of 2-10 people, master classes: in general, practical work in English universities is much more than in Russia.

All higher education in the country is paid, and for foreigners the fee is usually higher. British nationals have the opportunity to study in debt, and the government has the right to collect a debt only if the graduate has got a job with a salary of at least 21,000 pounds sterling a year.

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One of the best schools in the US with training in medicine and biomedicine.

To clarify the details of medical admission to the UK, please contact the representative:

For foreign students (including Russian students), the attractiveness of medical education in England and the UK has only increased over the years. Indeed, a medical diploma obtained in the United Kingdom is very prestigious: it opens up the widest opportunities for international employment, further education (doctoral and advanced training programs), for scientific and research activities, practically serves as a guarantor of a prestigious and highly paid position.

Benefits of Medical Education in the UK

Higher education in the field of medicine, like other educational programs in the UK, is several hundred years old. The World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked the United Kingdom 18th in the world in terms of medical care (in Europe, the country ranks 15th). Britain is in the TOP-10 worldwide in terms of the level of development of medicine and the use of innovative specialized technologies, in terms of the volume of scientific research and the pace of development of medical science. It is on the territory of the UK that such world-famous universities as the University of Newcastle, Oxford, Cambridge are located, the medical faculties of which are incredibly prestigious and in demand. Of course, this inevitably affects the competition for each place: according to statistics, only 8% of foreigners manage to overcome all entrance tests and study at the coveted faculty.

It is worth noting the fact that the profession of a doctor abroad, including in the UK, is very respected and prestigious, highly paid. Of course, education is not cheap at all, but all investments begin to pay off almost immediately after graduation. According to statistics, a district physician in a public clinic receives more than 40,000 euros per year, while in private clinics the salary is expectedly higher.

The structure of higher medical education

To get a higher medical education in England, you will have to spend 7-8 years. First, students master the undergraduate program (general fundamental knowledge and skills), then continue to study priority areas in the internship (Foundation) - the internship is inextricably linked with internships and real practice. The first degree that a student can get is a bachelor of medicine or surgery (they are considered similar), and then they can continue their studies in the chosen specialty or choose a narrower specialization.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, students are waiting for an internship (Foundaion), which is designed for 2 years (F1 and F2). After completing the internship, the student receives a prestigious MB or ChB diploma (the latter is issued to students of surgical specialties). To practice in the UK, a student must obtain a Foundation Doctor degree (until 2005, the corresponding stage was called Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer). The internship program includes not only classes in specialized disciplines, but also a course in IT, teamwork, and time management. The internship provides for 2 stages (each lasting 1 year):

Students study 3-4 chosen specialties. But a general standard of knowledge is also established (by the General Medical Council): after each trimester, each student must acquire a certain set of knowledge and possess certain skills

Profile study of diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases. It is at this stage that students attend classes on IT, teamwork and personnel management, human resources, and master key time management skills.

For example, let's take the United States: here an intern is a student who has already received a starting medical education, but does not yet have the right to independent medical practice - in the UK, such a specialist has the title of Foundation House Officer. Abroad, interns can practice only under the guidance of a licensed doctor and only in officially accredited clinics.

There is also the possibility of an accelerated course of medical education - the GEP express program (4 academic years). True, only students of biological and medical faculties who have successfully completed the main course are accepted for this course. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule (for example, Cambridge accepts even graduates of purely humanitarian specialties for the GEP program), but such details need to be found out every year specifically at the chosen institution.

The most prestigious and ranking universities

In the UK, there is a whole list of prestigious and elite specialized educational institutions - more than 10 universities and more than 30 medical schools, which have produced a huge number of world-famous professionals: medical practitioners, scientists and researchers. Let's take a look at the following schools:

  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • Queen Mary, University of London
  • King's College School of Medicine
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Wales
  • University of Birmingham
  • St. George's, University of London
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Warwick.

Requirements for applicants

Medical universities justify their prestige and selectivity, including unusually high requirements for applicants. Here, a good level of English and high marks in the school certificate will no longer be enough - you will need an A-level certificate (note that it must include such specialized subjects as biology or chemistry), an excellent certificate of the international English language exam (IELTS or TOEFL), as well as the mandatory medical exam BMAT (level of knowledge in biochemical sciences).

At the same time, most universities provide foreigners from outside the European Union (including Russian students) with a very small quota of places, which further increases the competition for each vacant place.

Pre-university training programs

If you want to maximize your successful admission, deepen your language and academic knowledge, pay attention to the following special preparation programs for medical universities and faculties:

  • Foundation

The usual course for Russian students is 1 academic year. Upon successful completion, a student can enter a bachelor's program even without exams, and after completing the course at a university, he can work in the USA, and, having additionally passed the GMC certification, in the UK. Look for similar programs in large educational centers - for example, INTO and Study Group. We highly recommend the INTO course at St. George's University of London: The medical degree program takes 6 years (4 years of study and 2 years of internships and practices in the best US clinics) and is considered one of the most effective.

  • Access to Medicine

As the name implies, a specialized course that gives some advantage when enrolling in specialized universities due to its depth, the complexity of the study (however, remember that even Access to Medicine will not be a guarantee of admission!). This program is provided, for example, at City College (Norwich) and Manchester College of Arts and Technology.

The UK is a leader in the quality of medical education. It is also among the top ten countries in terms of the level of development of medicine, the introduction of innovations and the application of scientific research. Medical education in England can be obtained both in specialized and general universities.

Education lasts 7-8 years, while general disciplines are studied at the bachelor's degree, and during the internship (Foundation) students practice in the chosen field. The internship in the UK lasts two years (F1 and F2), and upon completion, the student is awarded an MB or ChB diploma (if the student specialized in surgery).

Basic requirements for applicants

  • The level of knowledge of the language is IELTS not lower than 7.5 (or its equivalent).
  • A Level Diploma.
  • Flawless academic history. During the student's studies before A-levels: either excellent GCSE results (2 years before A-levels), or high marks in the certificate of secondary education, obtained, for example, in CIS schools.
  • Qualities necessary for practice: compassion, tact, politeness. In addition, practical experience in the relevant field is required (work or internship in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and so on).

Required for admission
Pass a special medical examination UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) or BMAT (Biomedical Admission Test) with a high score.

To do so, you need

  • Pass the Foundation pre-university training program (lasts 1 year). This makes it possible to enter the university without exams. Such programs are carried out by educational centers INTO St. George's University of London, Study Group, St. Andrew's and Cardiff University.
  • Complete the Access to Medicine preparatory program at City College, Norwich; Manchester College of Arts and Technology and other colleges.

Top Universities by Level of Medical Education

  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • Queen Mary, University of London
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Southampton
  • St. George's, University of London
  • University of Wales, Swansea
  • University of Warwick
  • King's College School of Medicine (London)
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Liverpool

British universities do not accept students who are studying or have already graduated from a medical specialty. This is due to the belief that people have already used their chance to get into prestigious medical programs in other countries.
