Born in the year of the dog 1982. Which zodiac signs will be compatible in love? Signs of the elements of a man Dog

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1982 is the year of the blue Dog, the element of the year is Water.

The beginning of the year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar is January 25, 1982, the end of the year is February 12, 1983. A person born before January 25, 1982 belongs to the sign of the Rooster (the previous sign in the horoscope).

The character of 1982 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1982 is Water, and the element of the Dog (patron of the year) is Earth. The interaction of these two elements, Water and Earth, largely determines the nature of the year, as well as the nature of people born in 1982.

The combination of Earth-Water in the Chinese horoscope is considered unfavorable, because water is easily destroyed (can be covered) with earth. Nevertheless, with reasonable and mutually respectful interaction, these two elements coexist perfectly together, influencing the character of 1982.

A person born in 1982, the element of Water endows with wisdom, flexibility, insight, sociability and developed intuition. The influence of the Earth in the Chinese horoscope is manifested by such qualities as reliability, honesty, specificity, diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal. With a combination of these two elements, a person is able to independently achieve material well-being and universal recognition. Thanks to the ability to analyze and calculate all the options for possible events in advance, he clearly knows how to succeed.

The nature of a person born in the year of the Dog

People born in the year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope are honest and uncompromising: the injustices happening around cannot leave them indifferent. They are always ready to defend the weak, which brings them in life not only a lot of conflicts and inconveniences, but also the well-deserved respect and love of others. The positive qualities of a Dog are endless. She is smart, honest, loyal and brave. This is a devoted friend you can always rely on. In addition, the Dog is responsible, noble and will never leave you in trouble.

Blue Water Dog Years:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are "heavenly twins", that is, they have largely similar character traits and outlook on life).

Celebrities born in 1982:

- Vasily Berezutsky, Russian football player, player of the Russian national team (June 20, 1982).

- Evgeni Plushenko, Russian figure skater, 2-time Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion (November 3, 1982).

"Years of the Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

This is the year of the most faithful and devoted animal in the entire eastern horoscope. Year of the Black Water Dog. Representatives of this year are constantly looking for improvements to what is already there and even trying to improve what they themselves have done well.
The symbol of the year is an example of reliability, loyalty and decency. Also, people of this sign are distinguished by their determination, they always have a ready plan for the future and methods for its implementation.

1982 according to the Eastern calendar: the year of the Water Dog

In this article you will learn:

1981 what year according to the eastern calendar

Usually the year of the dog is characterized by wealth and prosperity, it is very positive in many aspects. This is the year of the Black Water Dog. People born under this sign are not particularly sociable. The circle of friends is chosen meticulously and carefully, but if you are among the lucky ones that the dog let himself in, then you can be sure that you will not find a more reliable and devoted friend.

Dogs are distinguished by nobility and generosity, which impresses others and inspires their confidence. They are also very generous and will give everything they have without a shadow of a doubt if it will benefit another.

Water dogs are very observant, and also do not deviate from their principles. In disputes, the dog will dig the ground with his nose and not always to prove his case, but in order to get to the bottom of the truth, they find fault with the smallest details, find any clue that can lead to a solution to the controversial situation.
Despite the good disposition and open character, dogs are very self-critical, all their lives they delve into themselves, trying to fix what is not necessary to fix.

Features of the Water Dog sign according to the Chinese calendar

The element of water gives the dog some features that are not characteristic of representatives of this sign of other elements. Water dogs are very frivolous, they do not care too much about their future life, they often live for today, which they often regret later.
Dogs are eternal seekers of justice, they want everything around to be honest, they themselves fully reflect the essence of what they promote.

Water dogs are true guards, they always protect relatives and friends, often without taking care of themselves, for them the well-being of the people around them is more important.

The eastern horoscope Dog rewarded his wards with friendliness and sociability, as well as courage and a good sense of humor.
It should also be said that most dogs are gifted, but due to self-doubt they may not begin to develop their gift, becoming passive and constrained, if this happens, then the dog will go with the flow all his life and suffer from it.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Dog

  • One of the advantages of the dog, she has an unmistakable instinct, almost from the first minutes she can make an accurate portrait of her interlocutor.
  • The disadvantages include the inconstancy of the dog, it interferes both in the work area and in personal relationships. Her mood often changes, from a kind and cheerful she instantly turns into a cynical and uncompromising personality.
  • People born in the years of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope are often pessimistic, but this is more often due to the injustice of the world in which they live, and they cannot understand and accept this until the end of their lives.
  • The dog is a pure idealist and dreamer.
  • It is best for representatives of the Water Dog to work in the field of law and order or Charity, where they can realize themselves one hundred percent, they are incorruptible and extremely honest people, which do not exist in the eastern calendar.
Published: 2016-08-10 , Modified: 2016-11-23 ,

    1982 year refers to the year Water Dogs. A person born in the year of the Water Dog is distinguished by special courage and a good sense of humor. He easily goes through life and almost effortlessly overcomes all difficulties in his path. Due to his innate quality, such as sociability, he always has many friends.

    1982 is the year of the black water dog, following the Eastern calendar, and it began on January 21, 1982 and ended on February 12, 1983. Here is how people born this year are characterized:

    And also a horoscope, separately for male dogs:

    And a horoscope, separately for female dogs:

    1982 is the Year of the Dog. The color of the year is black, the element is water.

    People who were born in the year of the Dog have a habit of always being on guard, guarding everything and everyone and having very little rest. They are ardent fighters for justice. They themselves are fair, loyal and honest. But sometimes selfishness, stubbornness and obstinacy manifest themselves in them. In emotions, they are restrained, cold and do not really like to communicate. But they like to discuss someone and criticize. These people are good organizers and leaders.

  • Year 1982 year of the water dog

    1982 year of the dog, element water, color blue (black)

    People born in 1982 are very friendly and sociable, have an excellent sense of humor. The soul of the company is about them. The generosity of the water dog knows no bounds: they are ready to give the last shirt to a friend.

    These people are very honest and always speak openly.

  • According to Eastern calendar, 1982, was the year of the Black Water Dog.

    In almost all nations, including China, a dog is a symbol of devotion and fidelity. In addition, in accordance with Feng Shui, it symbolizes wealth, prosperity and protection. However, the element of water, says chinese horoscope, contributes to the fact that people born in 1982 are rather frivolous for their sign. The Black Water Dog lives only for today, practically not even thinking about the near future. Nevertheless, due to the openness of their character, representatives of this zodiac sign have many good acquaintances and a sufficient number of friends who are always ready to help her. In turn, she is distinguished by immeasurable nobility and generosity - capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

    Therefore, the most suitable activities for the Black Water Dog will be, first of all, church and teaching, where she will be able to fully reveal all the facets of her rare, in our time, but we all need talent - love for others.

    Year 1982 - black dog.

    People who are born this year are quite simple and understandable to many. They easily find a common language with all people. They constantly strive to please relatives and friends, while they themselves can lose a lot. A family man from a dog is a good one. He will never leave his loved ones in trouble.

    This is the year of the water dog. These people are: reliable, decent, loyal. Astrologers prophesy to this sign that 2014 (the year of the horse) will be the most successful, and they advise you to take advantage of all the good fortune.

    1982 was ruled by the Black Water Dog. People born this year are constantly looking for the use of their abilities and talents. Such people are very friendly, sociable, easily and naturally converge with people. Society of people, for them the most favorite environment. People born in the year of the Black Water Dog try to help as many people as possible, often to their own detriment. When choosing a future profession, one can take into account their inclinations towards the social sciences. In love, such people are devoted and deep.

    1982 is the year of the dog, my son is 2006 - the year of the dog minus 12 minus 12 (frequency of repetition) we get 1982, everything converges.

  • Year of the Water Dog

    1982 is the year of the dog. The element is water.

    People born in the year of the dog are usually good and devoted friends, excellent spouses and faithful family men. They have a big soul and an open heart.

    Dark-blue colour.

  • 1982 according to the Eastern calendar was the year of the Black Water Dog.

    The element of Water made the people of this year frivolous, which, in principle, is not typical for a dog. They do not think about the future, do not think about tomorrow, and later regret it.

    The dog of this year gets along easily with any person, so she has many friends and acquaintances. They give themselves entirely to friendship and are ready for anything for the sake of their friends.

    I was born this year. I am engaged in charity, I am ready to give the last and I really give to the detriment of my interests. I want to make the world a better place. like this)

According to the Eastern calendar, 1982 was dominated by the Black Water Dog. The Chinese year is not calculated from January 1, but in accordance with the lunar phases, in 1982 the period of the Dog sign was counted from January 21, and ended only on February 12, 1983, therefore those born in early 1983 are also patronized by the Dog.

Eastern sages claim that those who were born under the sign of the Dog throughout their lives are looking for their place in the world, trying to realize themselves and never stop there. This eternal self-improvement does not give peace and inner harmony, therefore, people of this sign are distinguished by the unsteadiness of the nervous system, and with it, increased emotionality.

1 General characteristics

The expression "like a dog in the manger" is great for describing the behavior of people of this sign. When everything is fine with them, and it seems to others that they need to calmly enjoy life, those born under the rule of the Dog cannot calm down in any way, they are looking for ways to organize everything even better. Often they really succeed, but they take away the time spent on achieving their cherished goal from relatives and friends who are offended by the Dogs who are always busy with something.

Those born under this sign set quite realistic goals for themselves, but being very critical, they are never satisfied with the achieved result, therefore they are in constant dissatisfaction. In order not to show this trait to others, they prefer to behave closed and reserved. A mean display of emotions often leads people to believe that Dogs are very cold and incapable of love, but this is not the case. Inside, the representatives of this sign hide very warm and strong feelings for loved ones, they just show them extremely rarely and sparingly.

The stubbornness of these people can only be envied, since childhood, this character trait is clearly manifested in all their actions. A baby born under this sign chooses the time to go to bed, the diet, toys and undertakings in which he is ready to participate, if strict parents impose their rules on the child, they immediately encounter a stubborn disposition, and in attempts to pacify him, fail . But, having given the baby freedom of action, parents quickly understand the seriousness and childish prudence of the Dog child.

Representatives of this sign are not very sociable, they prefer to spend their leisure time reading books and watching movies. They love nature trips very much, quiet walks in the forest give them incomparable pleasure. Due to this detachment, they are often addicted to:

  • fishing;
  • chess;
  • the study of the history of the world;
  • collecting and collecting.

Despite the passion for measured and calm activities, it is necessary that someone is always near the Dog. Oddly enough, but these people require strict control from loved ones, otherwise this sign can become deeply withdrawn in its inner world, and as a result, become addicted to addictions. Very often, the patronage of a sign leads wards to alcoholism and drug abuse. This is explained by the fact that only under the influence of third-party drugs, Dogs are able to relax and forget for a while about the pressing matters that haunt them.

The life of Dogs is excellent if they find like-minded people. People who get to know the representatives of the sign better have every chance of finding true friends in their person. The characteristic of the wards of the Dog notes in these people increased friendliness, but in order to take the place of the best friend, you must first prove your loyalty. The representative of the sign is unlikely to let a fickle, windy person approach him. Dogs equal everyone in themselves, therefore, only people who are close in spirit and behavior are chosen as friends.

1.1 Work

According to the horoscope, representatives of this animal are distinguished by special loyalty and devotion. This is expressed not only in relations with people, but also in the cases for which they undertake. If a representative of this sign works in one organization, it is not so easy to lure him to another, of course, they are attracted by offers of higher earnings, but it is very difficult for Dogs to leave their familiar place. Devotion to their work often prevents them from growing and developing, they firmly believe that it is necessary to achieve excellence in the project being implemented, and only after that you can take the next step up the career ladder.

The dog will never undertake the performance of short-term work on a seasonal or rotational basis. The representative of this sign needs constancy, a change of work activity frightens them and unbalances them, since another place involves changing habits and meeting people in a new team. Dogs are distinguished by pronounced suspicion and alertness, so it is very difficult for them to get used to innovations. They can join a new team for years, if they succeed, it is unlikely that they will be able to move them from their homes.

Employers value these employees very much, trust them with the secrets of the company and entrust them with the most responsible tasks. With their dedication, restraint and diligence, Dogs deserve not only respect at work, but also rapid promotion to leadership positions.

The Head-Dog is a favorite in a hardworking team, he tries to be fair not only in relationships, but also in financial incentives for employees. Under the leadership of such a leader, departments show the highest results, an observant representative of the sign does not allow you to sit back, and diligent employees are always sure that their work will be duly rewarded.

Very often, Dogs choose an occupation associated with the judicial, executive or law enforcement systems. In these areas, they are indispensable employees, always achieving excellent results. The Investigator-Dog is always distinguished by true professionalism, is able to get to the bottom of the smallest details of the case, and as a judge, this sign shows its justice and incorruptibility.

1.2 Family and love

Family relationships of men and women born under the auspices of the Dog are excellent only with those who do not seek emotional contact. Representatives of the sign always manage to keep a distance with their chosen ones. Dogs need a certain amount of freedom in a relationship, allowing them to go into long reflections on their own.

If household members haunt the Dog in the family, the representative of the sign will look for secluded places where no one will touch him. This can be expressed in long absences from home in an unknown direction. The jealous and suspicious wife of the Dog runs the risk of living in constant tension and thoughts about the whereabouts of her husband if she does not provide him with free space in the family nest. If a man connects his fate with a female Dog, he needs to be prepared for her detachment, not to count on the constant manifestation of tender feelings.

The isolation and external coldness of the representatives of this sign often pushes their spouses to look for emotions on the side, but this leads to a rapid breakdown of family relationships, since the Dogs not only remain faithful themselves, but also demand this from partners. They “sniff out” treason instantly, the spouses cannot deceive the representatives of the sign, even in small things. Despite the external detachment, Dogs are very observant and always keep their loved ones under vigilant control, noticing the slightest changes in the partner's behavior, they invariably start looking for reasons, and when they find evidence of infidelity, they immediately break off the relationship.

A man and a woman born in the year of the Dog are capable of being very tough in making decisions, violation of fidelity by a spouse is unacceptable for them, therefore their heartlessness is manifested very clearly in such situations. Nothing can keep the Dog next to a betraying partner. Even if there are children in the family, the representative of the sign will not take into account this fact when parting.

Surprisingly, the Dog is very kind to his child, in these respects the representative of the sign is able to show all his hidden tenderness and sensuality, but the severity in education is expressed very clearly. The parent of this sign is unlikely to be persuaded by tears to buy a new toy, but the child will always be fully provided with the necessary things and food. The same applies to the elderly parents of the Dog, the father, mother and all close relatives can be sure of reliable support from the representative of the sign.

Dogs show their love by actions, not by sensual outpourings.

It is very difficult for men of this sign to pronounce words of love to their partner, but “a million scarlet roses” under the window of the chosen one is quite capable of convincing her of the sincerity of feelings. Women-Dogs are also not inclined to love confessions, they show their attitude towards their beloved by taking care of him. They love to cook gourmet dishes, putting their feelings for a partner into this business.

Cosiness and comfort always reign in the house of the Dog Woman, these ladies are prone to maintaining perfect cleanliness in the apartment, therefore they do not tolerate sloppy men next to them. They believe that disrespect for their work is a manifestation of the dislike of a partner. The men of this sign are responsible family men; leaking water taps and other breakdowns are never allowed in their house. Things that require a male hand, these husbands perform immediately and most often on their own, because they love to make crafts and really know how to do it.

If the partner accepts the Dog with all the flaws inherent in the sign and does not violate the established rules, the family boat of this couple is kept very firmly afloat. Dog families are quite strong, because, as in other matters, representatives of the sign are not inclined to change in their personal lives, unless reasons beyond their control force them to break off relations.

2 Compatibility of Dogs with other signs of the eastern horoscope

Representatives of this sign are able to get along with everyone if the partner respects the conditions of devotion and the provision of personal space for them. When entering into marriage, Dogs expect that the union is forever, so they are very careful in choosing a life partner. In friendly relations, they are also constant, usually they find only one or two true friends with whom they communicate all their lives.

Compatibility in marriage, love and friendship with other representatives of the horoscope can be determined from the following table:

Sign by year of birth friendship Love and marriage Relationship characteristics
60% 50% In this pair, it is difficult for the Rat to give up her habits, she cannot spend time aimlessly and walk as she pleases, because vigilant control constantly forces her to act in accordance with the expectations of her partner. The representative of the sign of the Dog prefers to perform actions in detail and thoughtfully, therefore the causeless throwing of the Rat is always subject to critical evaluation, which is necessarily directly expressed to the Rat in the face. At first, these relationships seem boring and insipid to the Rat, but over time, the pedantry of her nature forces the naughty woman to agree with her partner's arguments. Despite the inherent coldness of the Dog, next to the sensual Rat, she reincarnates and is able to behave gently and affectionately. In these relationships, there is always mutual understanding at the level of intuition, these partners do not have to say many words to convey their thoughts to each other. In the marriage relationship of this couple, honesty and trust reign, both partners value this very highly, therefore they stick together quite tightly. Especially brightly, these signs show their feelings in the sexual sphere, a stormy passion reigns in their bed, filled with mutual tenderness and concern for the satisfaction of a partner. This alliance has great chances for longevity, but partners should pay attention to the transfer of the dominant role. If the Dog entrusts the Rat with power in a relationship, will consult in making decisions and rely on her opinion, the partnership can come closer to the cherished ideal.
80% 70% The mutual sympathy of these signs is immediately obvious. The Ox, like the Dog, is conservative in relation to love and marriage. From the outside, this union may seem boring, but the partners in it are very convenient and comfortable. Despite the lack of romance inherent in love relationships, in family manifestations, representatives of these signs are very tender with each other. These signs have a lot in common in characters, both partners are extremely honest with each other, they never seek to seek comfort on the side. If the relationship is friendly, then both can fully rely on the strong shoulder of a friend in solving problems. This partnership is not distinguished by emotional intensity, but if the Ox goes beyond what is permitted and tries to put pressure on the Dog, somehow limit its freedom, it becomes very active and vicious, it will certainly break out from under oppression. For family life, partners are perfect for each other, their marriage is based on fidelity, respect and housekeeping of both signs. The love boat of this couple always moves smoothly and swiftly towards a single goal.
60% 80% The love of this couple is manifested in a tender, spiritual relationship, but there are many contradictions between these signs. The Tiger denies the Dog's conservative approaches to solving modern affairs, and she is not ready to change her views for the sake of compromise. Despite disagreements, these partners are reliably held together by passion in bed relationships. A restrained Dog in this union is able to liberate itself, and having relaxed, it is already afraid of losing this feeling when changing a partner. However, passion fades over time, so the Tiger begins to look to the left, and the Dog does not tolerate such behavior, in such a situation, partners often splash out their dissatisfaction with each other in quarrels. If the spouses manage to pacify their temper and agree on the observance of certain rules of behavior in the family, the union promises to be strong and lasting, otherwise the couple breaks up, leaving an unflattering impression of each other. The friendly tandem of representatives of these signs does not develop very well, the cocky Tiger does not like boring pastime, and the thorough Dogs do not understand rash acts, therefore they are removed from such friends.
70% 80% The curious union of this couple can give both those qualities that are so lacking in a partner. The Rabbit is particularly sensitive, therefore it is able to withstand the discontented moods of the Dog, finding reasonable excuses for them. The dog appreciates such a reverent attitude towards itself, therefore, in response, it always tries to please the Rabbit. The family ties of this couple are distinguished by a careful and caring expression of mutual feelings. Quarrels and disagreements rarely shake the cozy world of these animals, but even if this happens, the Rabbit always finds the right words to calm his other half. Friendly relations in this tandem are expressed in the patronizing behavior of the Dog towards the Rabbit. Usually the Rabbit is happy to maintain such a friendship, being confident in the reliability of the partner, and the Dog is not able to drive away a weak friend, therefore he maintains communication and finds in this some kind of satisfaction with his own hospitality.
40% 40% The connection of these partners cannot be called successful. The Dragon cannot stand the realistic view of the Dog on the world and relationships. People born in the year of the Dragon are endowed with exorbitant pride, which prevents them from accepting criticism, so they are often offended by the straightforwardness of their partner. These relationships are doomed to constant conflicts, because the realism of one fundamentally contradicts the penchant for fantasies of the other. In this couple, both partners are unhappy, even if they manage to come to family ties, most often the marriage falls apart after a few years. Friendship between signs also does not add up, these people cannot find common ground that allows them to develop even friendship. The quiet interests of the Dog surprise the eccentric Dragon, it is difficult for these partners to meet in order to strike up a friendship: when one peacefully walks through the forest, the other jumps with a parachute or goes down a mountain river in a kayak
70% 60% From the first minutes of acquaintance, the Snake falls under the spell of a faithful and honest Dog. The romance of this couple develops very rapidly and rather rapidly, they are invisibly drawn to each other like a magnet. Thanks to the elegant and graceful behavior of the Snake in all areas of activity, on the love front, she manages to imbue everything with the spirit of romanticism. Any date of this couple turns into an unforgettable adventure filled with sensuality and passion. The ability of the Snake to win over people does not leave indifferent and restrained Dogs. The meetings of these partners are filled with sweet chatter and serious conversations about everything in the world. The erudition and erudition of the Snake does not go unnoticed by the Dog brought up on classic books. These partners immediately evoke not only sympathy from each other, but also mutual respect, on which they are able to build strong family relationships or duty and true friendship.
70% 70% A harmonious union with the Horse promises to be very productive. Both partners in this tandem strive to put all their strength into work, but if the Horse is sometimes prone to distraction from business, it is able to lure the workaholic Dog into it. The stormy energy of the Horse is enough for two, representatives of this sign are easy-going, so they often break into an unexpected journey. Seeing the partner’s enthusiasm, the Dog cannot remain indifferent and involuntarily connects to all undertakings. Disagreements in this pair are quite rare, but they do occur. Serious conflicts occur when the Horse forgets about fidelity. In this case, the union breaks up, but partners often maintain friendly relations, because together they are very cozy and comfortable.
50% 30% The demonstrative Goat constantly requires support and consolation, and the partner in this union is hardly capable of such artistry. Dogs see the Goats' game very well, so they never join this spectacle. The Goat hovering in the clouds is one of the worst options for family relationships. If in friendship these partners are also able to somehow find common interests, then for love they are categorically not suitable for each other. The dog will constantly scold the stupid Goat for irresponsibility and a ridiculous display of emotions, and the Goat can withdraw into itself and forever isolate itself from a strict partner. For this union to take place, the Goat needs to make great efforts to change its behavior, but usually this does not happen and the couple breaks up
50% 30% The sly Monkey is not the best match for a trusting Dog. The relationship of these signs develops perfectly only at the first stages, but subsequently the Monkey begins to brazenly use the partner for his own purposes. Although the union is strong, it lasts exactly until the Dog realizes that the Monkey is constantly deceiving her. The extravagance of the Monkey also leaves a negative imprint on family relationships, reasonable and thrifty partners cannot stand an irresponsible attitude towards money, so major quarrels often occur in a couple. But friendships can become quite successful, if common interests unite representatives of these signs, then both of them are very good and fun together. The Monkey Friend really appreciates the kindness and devotion of the Dog, therefore he does not allow himself liberties in friendly relations, so as not to lose a reliable shoulder
40% 40% The boastful and pompous Rooster is unlikely to attract the interest of the Dog, which sees through him. In the relationship of this couple, trust never arises, because the Rooster constantly lies even in small things. The bright rooster temperament does not allow people of these signs to get close, at the slightest suspicion of a lie, the Rooster vehemently defends his position, screams and swears, although he does not convince his partner that he is right. The representative of the sign of the Dog is not able to give the Rooster the attention that the latter constantly requires for his person. The love, friendship and family relationships of this couple sometimes end before they even start properly. If fate brings them together, then both are very painfully experiencing these relationships, constantly striving to break them forever.
70% 80% The union of two representatives of this sign always begins with friendly relations. Passionate love does not flare up between them in the future, but it manifests itself in all the deeds and aspirations of these partners. Romance is not important to them, but they appreciate all the qualities inherent in both of them in each other. A smooth and calm family life firmly unites these spouses, they can quarrel only because of financial problems, if one of the partners temporarily loses his job, but such situations happen quite rarely, so the marriage union of this couple can be maintained throughout life. If the representatives of this sign make friends - this is for a long time, they have nothing to share, but all their interests are identical, both partners can always and in everything rely on each other without further ado
80% 80% The Boar is very similar in character to the Dog, both signs are distinguished by love of truth, devotion and gullibility. In any relationship, they experience increased sympathy for each other. Complete mutual understanding reigns in the love of this couple, therefore they are very often in long-term relationships, but they are in no hurry to enter into a marriage union, because both consider their relationship to be somewhat boring and temporary. When hopes of meeting a brighter partner disappear, one of the couple persistently invites the other into the family whirlpool. The established marriage of these partners is almost always successful for both, the only disadvantage of such a relationship is the lack of active behavior in bed, but over the years both get used to this rhythm, so they don’t think about looking for hobbies on the side. If the representatives of these signs have found friendship, it is hardly possible to destroy it, a decent attitude towards each other, mutual assistance and common interests do not allow them to part, even having gone to permanent residence in different cities, the Boar and the Dog will maintain relations and meet periodically.

1982 is the year of which animal? This question is of interest to many who believe and always follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article specifically to this astrological topic.

According to the Chinese calendar, 1982 was dominated by the Black Water Dog. However, in the East, her arrival was celebrated not on January 1, but on January 21. Moreover, they said goodbye to this symbol only on February 12, 1983.

In this article, we will talk in detail about 1982 - the year of which animal. The horoscope of those born this year, their character, compatibility with other signs will also be described.

Dog Character

Representatives of the Year of the Dog have been searching all their lives, and this is very depressing for them. From early youth to old age, it seems to such people that they did not use all the chances given to them and could not realize their potential. Even when the Dogs are doing well, they think about whether it could have been done even better.

Having found out, 1982 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that the symbol of this period brings with it reliability, loyalty and decency. Specifically, such people are representatives of this sign.

Dog Features

Those born in the year of the Dog accurately and clearly set themselves goals and plans for the near future. Very often they achieve what they have planned, but often at the same time their relations with relatives and friends deteriorate quite badly. This is partly because such people are often reserved, withdrawn, stubborn and stingy in the manifestation of any feelings and emotions.

Dogs in conversation

Whose year is 1982 according to the horoscope? Water Black Dog. It should be especially noted that representatives of this sign are not very sociable. But if you get to know such people more closely, then they can become your most faithful and reliable friends.

As you know, Dogs are principled and observant. If a controversial issue arises between you and such a person, then he will stand his ground to the last. At the same time, the Dog will always get to the bottom of the smallest details, which from time to time will border on heartlessness and even cynicism. But such a negative trait is smoothed out by devotion, poise, diligence and a heightened sense of duty of the representatives of this sign.

Why are there so many who are fascinated by the Chinese horoscope? 1982 - during this period, a huge number of popular and completely ordinary people were born. And any of them wants to know what awaits him in the future, and what to watch out for. In this regard, astronomers decided to give practical advice to the representatives of this sign.

Dogs born in 1982 should not find problems where they do not and cannot be. In addition, they are highly discouraged from taking on an irresistible and quite often someone else's burden. In order for the life of the Dogs to be more than successful, they need to rejoice in their own achievements, successes and attention from the people around them.

Weak spots

If your partner is a Dog, then for sure you are also interested in his eastern horoscope. The year 1982 gave the world a huge number of amazingly strong people. But every person has their weak points. We will talk about them specifically in this section.

Throughout their lives, representatives of this sign are dissatisfied with something. In this regard, they may develop a self-critical, uncompromising and straightforward character. If the Dog is overtaken by obvious failures or problems, then it often shows rudeness, ruthlessness and even ruthlessness.

It is far from always that such people can do without outside help, realize their potential and correctly determine their current priorities. That's why those born in 1982 need a smart and reliable friend.

If the Dog can designate for itself the main goal in life, then it will achieve it with great stubbornness.

Personal life

Now you understand, 1982 is the year of the Dog. The compatibility of this sign with others, we will consider in detail below. In the same section, we will talk about how such people specifically behave in relationships with the opposite sex.

In personal life, Dogs always find a situation (often unconsciously) when affection first breeds friendship, and only then deeper feelings appear. In the presence of reciprocity and a successful combination of circumstances, such representatives are able to love wholeheartedly and be devoted to their partner. If necessary, they can even sacrifice themselves for their soul mate.

1982 is the year of which animal? We talked about this a little higher. Now I would like to note that people born under the eastern sign of the Dog tend to constantly protect their partner and even possess him alone. Sometimes this behavior puts pressure on their soulmate. However, this does not lead to quarrels, because they are trusting and always open with their lovers.

By nature, the personality of Dogs is quite simple to understand. A person born this year will never complain about anything or compare his partner with anyone. According to Dogs, their spouse will never do anything wrong. If your significant other was born this year, then you must know that all she wants is to be always there, no matter if times are good or bad.

General Information about the Water Dog

Which sign year is 1982, 1922 and 2042? According to the eastern calendar, it was specifically over these periods that the Water Dog ruled or will rule. People born this year are freedom-loving, lead a comfortable life for them and never bother to follow the established rules.

One cannot ignore the fact that such representatives of the sign always try to please their relatives and friends, also just good people (if, in their opinion, they are). In addition, they are ready to lend any money, just to make a gift to their loved one or just a loved one.

The Water Dog is considered quite economical and reasonable. Thanks to such qualities, she can without much effort provide herself and her family with a good income.

Male horoscope

1982 is the year of birth of such popular people as Paul Wesley, Adam Lambert, Evgeni Plushenko, Eddie Redmayne and many others.

It should be noted that representatives of the Year of the Dog are very gifted. However, they are not always self-confident, passive and constrained. If such properties have taken possession of a person from early youth, then in life he will go with the flow and will not reach professional heights. That is why, from their youth, Dogs should be involved in things that they like and correspond to their abilities. Only in this case in the future they will show excellent results.

It is good to have a Dog Man as a friend. After all, he is able to protect the interests of all his loved ones, without demanding anything in return. Such representatives of the stronger sex are easy to love and can have several affairs at the same time. However, family and kids remain the main value in life for them.

If a Dog-man fails in his personal life, then he will easily and without much regret go to the break, considering only himself guilty.

Ladies' horoscope

1982 is the year of whom? We gave an exhaustive answer to this question at the very beginning of the article. It should be noted that such eminent representatives of the fair sex as Vera Brezhneva, Kate Middleton, Ira Dubtsova, Natalia Vodianova, Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Podolskaya, Sati Kazanova, Anna Sedokova and many others were born this year.

Girls born under this sign have a huge number of amazing properties. Together with an unusual appearance and natural charm, they manage to achieve great heights in life. Strong intuition, a developed mind, good logic, perseverance, hard work, perseverance and patience - this is not the whole list of the advantages of a Dog Woman. However, increased demands on themselves, inertia and unreasonable doubts about their own abilities quite often do not allow them to realize their leadership potential.

Such representatives take the chosen case seriously and to some extent even scrupulously. Thanks to this, they always achieve their intended goals. The Dog Girl is faithful to her friends, but tries in every possible way to limit their number. In society, such people want to remain invisible, although they have organizational skills.

Children and family for female Dogs are the most important and fundamental in life. However, in love they are fickle, especially if there is a weak man nearby or who does not meet their standards.

Compatibility of Dogs with other signs

Now you understand, 1982 is the Year of the Dog. The compatibility of this sign with other oriental symbols is also fascinating to fans of horoscopes. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • With the Rat. Such an alliance is possible. The Dog likes the practicality and intelligence of the Rat. As for the latter, in her soul she will enjoy the devotion and loyalty of her partner.
  • With Bull. This union has no future either in love, or in marriage, or in partnerships, or in friendships. The conservative Ox will not be able to accept the Dog's desire for justice. Such an unresolvable contradiction does not bode well for them.
  • With the tiger. Pretty good alliance. Both characters have a lot in common. The Tiger is an endless warrior, and the Dog will rebel against injustice and constantly support his partner. If a marriage takes place, then friendship, mutual respect and children will forever bind them.
  • With Hare. An excellent union can develop, in which both representatives will find happiness and spiritual peace. The Hare will highly appreciate an honest and faithful Dog. But at the same time, he is unlikely to be able to endure for a long time if the partner is carried away by a generous deed to the detriment of his own family.
  • With Dragon. The dog always really looks at the world, but the Dragon often hovers in the clouds. Such an alliance can be long-term only with mutual respect.
  • With a snake. The dog is trusting and always allows his partner to do whatever he pleases. The snake is completely satisfied with this, since she herself rarely interferes in the life of her second half. Thanks to this, the marriage of such people can be quite strong.
  • With a horse. Good union. Both signs are honest and can rely on each other in everything. They will always remain associates, like-minded people and passionate lovers.
  • With a goat. Such a marriage is doomed to fail. The dog will be busy with serious matters, and the Goat will demand a wealthy life.
  • With Monkey. Such representatives understand and know each other well, and therefore they never build any illusions about the future together. An honest and principled Dog will often suffer from the tricks and tricks of the Monkey.
  • With Rooster. Pretty good union. However, in it all responsible issues will have to be decided by the Dog. At the same time, the Rooster will always be ready for heroic deeds.
  • With dog. An impeccable couple who will have not only love, but also friendship.
  • With a Pig. These are two noble natures who understand each other well. They are able to create an impeccable marital union, looking at which, everyone will only envy. At the same time, the cheerfulness of the Pig well balances the pessimism of the Dog partner.
