Book Reviews "" Perlmutter, Loberg. "Food and the Brain" by David Perlmutter - a great review of the bestseller on proper nutrition Food and the Brain read full version

The author of this book is David Perlmutter, MD, practicing neurologist and nutritionist. His book caused a real sensation in the United States, it was at the top of the book ratings for a long time and was translated into many languages. All of us have been told by nutritionists for decades that a healthy diet involves avoiding fried and fatty foods, as well as moderate consumption of meat and dairy products. The author resolutely reverses these obsolete dogmas and advises to boldly eat ... fat. Agree, the statement that carbohydrates harm brain activity is simply stunning. We think our brain needs glucose!

The author refers to his extensive practical experience, which allowed him to draw conclusions regarding how the food eaten affects the functioning of our brain. He is trying to prove that memory loss, insomnia, depression and depression can be cured by eliminating certain foods from the diet. And for those who do not suffer from such diseases, a well-chosen diet will help maintain excellent health and wit.

Based on scientific research, Perlmutter argues that the main enemies of the brain are carbohydrates and the protein gluten, which are rich in bread, pasta, pastries and cereals. It is gluten and carbohydrates that damage the vessels of the brain, weaken memory, do not allow the body to burn excess fat and prematurely age the body. David Perlmutter lists a long list of diseases he believes excess gluten and carbohydrates are to blame. Topping the list is Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, followed by memory problems, migraines, chronic fatigue and insomnia, bowel disorders, depression, arthritis and obesity. That is a whole set of "diseases of civilization".

It is worth paying attention to the subtitle of the book: "What carbohydrates do for health, thinking and memory." Actually, it seems to me that these horror stories of the author are somewhat unfounded and not convincing enough. To make such claims, one must have more solid experimental data, and not just a father suffering from Alzheimer's disease. David Perlmutter's father is also a doctor - his son dedicated his book to him.

In my books on beer, I cite relatively recently obtained data from anthropologists who have reason to argue that the species Homosapiens for several hundred thousand years he hunted and gathered, moved a lot and ate poorly, and only recently, some 10-12 thousand years ago, he suddenly switched to a settled life, as he took up farming. This man was driven by the desire to drink, for the only sure way to get an alcoholic drink was to make beer. It was beer that made our ancient ancestors start cultivating the land, growing barley and wheat, and building their settlements. And when the cereals in the bins of the farmers became abundant, they were enough not only for beer, which was used, according to anthropologists, for cult purposes, and grain began to be used for food. This is how modern civilization was born, and the diet has changed radically. Along with agriculture, a trade exchange of surplus cereals was born, accounting, mathematics, writing and all the other delights of civilization arose ...

In this it is difficult to disagree with the conclusions of David Perlmutter: the onset of civilization has its downside, which negatively affects metabolism. The moderate diet recommended by him (2000 kcal per day for women and 2550 kcal for men) can return our bodies to a healthy primitive state, prolong life, strengthen memory, and enhance intelligence. The same effect gives physical activity, primarily aerobic. It is no coincidence that the fashion for a paleo diet is to eat like in the Stone Age, when a person has not yet switched to a sedentary lifestyle, as well as to a mobile lifestyle.

Perlmutter provides a balanced and simple seven-day menu with recipes in his book. Hearty mashed soups, fried and baked seasonal vegetables, salads with nuts and olives. The closer our way of eating to the prehistoric, the greater the benefit for the body, exhausted by supermarkets and refrigerators in every home. Moreover, modern agriculture allows us to grow grains containing forty times more gluten than those that were cultivated just a few decades ago.

Of course, unlike the public, David Perlmutter's book was greeted by experts ambiguously: too radically, his ideas break established stereotypes. But before you get interested in the criticisms and points of view of other nutritionists and doctors, you should carefully study this book.

David Perlmutter, Christine Loberg. Food and brain. What carbohydrates do with health, thinking and memory (Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, And Sugar - Your Brain's Silent Killers). / Translation: Galina Fedotova, Svetlana Chigrinets, Nadezhda Nikolskaya. - M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. - 240 pp. - Circulation 2000 copies - Paperback.

“You managed to rid me of guilt and shame about my extra pounds,” one reader wrote to us after the publication of the book “Brain Control over Weight”. Other readers in their letters thanked us for publishing and asked for even more advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. With our new book, we want to encourage you to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones - foods that keep our brains fully functional and sugar levels normal.

Today we have at our disposal all possible information about healthy and unhealthy food. TV shows, books, magazine articles feed us with the latest diets and fantastic weight loss stories. Blogs and chats on the Internet are full of posts with diet recipes and weight loss exercises. At the same time, the shelves in stores are filled with cheap goods that are high in calories, fats and sugars, which are excessive for the pleasure center that is located in our brain. These include sweets, cakes, bread, as well as beer and chips.

Most people are well aware that these products are not healthy. Many deliberately limit the consumption of such foods and do not buy them. The problem is that sugar or starch, which the body instantly converts into glucose, is contained not only in them, but also in other products that we consume, especially in processed foods. In addition, the more fast food we eat, the more we crave it.

Important information

To make your body crave salad instead of chips, you have to reset your brain, rewire it.

In this book, we offer you a strategy for success centered around a very modest menu that we have called the astronaut menu or the space diet. How long will your diet last?- a week, two or three - you decide. In any case, these days you will have to stop being interested in food and devote more time to activities such as sports and sleep. To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of products that are best to empty your refrigerator. In return, we will offer you to buy healthy products. After the “space diet”, your taste cells will wake up to life, and it will be possible to switch to healthy food.

In the part of the book called "Food for the brain" we will talk about how the most familiar foods affect your weight and health. We will also offer you recipes for delicious and healthy meals. Just do not follow them literally, because in your hands is not a cookbook, but a guide to a healthy lifestyle, which you can read in bed before going to bed or in a hammock on vacation.

We were curious how they manage to keep themselves in good shape, despite the fact that they are surrounded by delicious food every day. All of these dishes are easy to prepare, and they are fully consistent with our theory of healthy eating. We hope that this book will make it easier for you to lead a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Bon app?tit!1
Bon Appetit ( fr.) – Note. per.

Chapter 1

If you feel at home in your kitchen, then you probably know the ecstatic pleasure that you get from the magnificent dough rolled out by your hands, from the aromas of lamb and vegetables from the oven, from the sizzle of plum sauce on the stove ...

Your brain feeds on impressions, just as you feed on calories. He loves variety. He likes to be on the move. I like it when you try things by touch or taste. A healthy lifestyle means cooking at home. But this business requires special skill. Many mistakenly believe that cooking science is too tricky for them. But mastering it is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to learn to listen to yourself.

Of course, all these gourmet dishes on the pages of cookbooks look appetizing. But it's hard to believe that you yourself are able to cook something as exquisite. Their intricate recipes transform cooking from a pleasurable experience into an excruciating intellectual exercise. And we already live in constant stress. If you're one of those who can't cook a delicious dinner without reproducing the recipe thoroughly, then it's time to free yourself from the yoke of cookbooks. Stop kowtowing to other chefs. In your kitchen, you yourself are the hostess (or owner). All you need to succeed is to smell and taste. More creativity! With a few ingredients, you can easily move on to a slim figure and a healthy lifestyle. You no longer need to scour in search of exotic products, measure milliliters, keep track of hours and minutes, and count calories. Delicious and healthy food can be prepared very quickly.

This is interesting

The latest fashion trend in the culinary world is to not cook at all and eat everything raw. It is called rawfood, from English. - raw food. Many foods benefit from being eaten raw. Or lightly pickle, fry or stew to make it tastier.

Another fashion movement that has swept the world is called slow food Literally: slow food. Its supporters urge you to cook only from ingredients grown in your region of residence, and not to use semi-finished products. But this does not mean that you have to spend all the time at the stove. "Slow eating" also means that your body takes more time to digest food, and this is only good for your health and figure. The opposite of slow food is fast food- translated from English fast food. Such food is prepared from semi-finished products and contains more unhealthy fats and sugar. Very often, after eating such food, after a while you will feel that your mood has worsened and that you not only did not satisfy your hunger, but, on the contrary, teased you. Can fast food be healthy? In exceptional cases, yes.

Gourmet food - in a teapot

Who wants to come to dinner with an elderly professor of medicine who cooks food in plastic bags in an electric kettle? It is unlikely that there will be many applicants. But he is admired by the best chefs in France. JeanPhilippe Derenne cooks egg and sea urchin cocottes in such an unusual way, entrecote with onion oil 2
One of the onion oil recipes: mix vegetable oil with onions, salt and pepper, cool. - Note. per.

And ossobucco 3
Ossobucco (ossobucco) - veal legs. - Note. ed.

In a teapot. All he needs for this is two plastic bags and a plastic container with a lid. Cooking takes a few minutes. This method is completely hygienic and does not create odors. It can be used at the hotel, in the office and on a hike. But Jean-Philippe came up with it when his beloved wife fell ill. He wanted her to be able to eat well in the hospital. Such concern for a wife is commendable.

And you can do the same as the professor. And don't say you don't have time. The professor was also constantly busy. But he found time to prepare these simple and delicious dishes for his wife. No, we do not encourage you to cook food in a kettle. You can use a regular stove. Of course, you will have to wash the dishes later, but you can enjoy pleasant smells while you cook.

Fish by Jean-Philippe


500 g haddock fillet;

0.5 l of milk;

200 g of medium-fat cream (preferably no more than 30%);


Salt pepper.

Stew the haddock fillet in one saucepan by pouring milk over it. In another, bring the cream and salt to a boil. After five minutes, remove the fish and place on a warmed plate. Crumble the parsley into the cream and stir. Pour cream over fish and sprinkle with pepper.

Jean-Philippe's fish is served with green peas and warm cherry tomatoes as a side dish.

Green peas with cherry tomatoes


Green pea;

30 g butter;

6-8 cherry tomatoes;

garlic clove;

Olive oil;

Take as many cups of frozen peas as you would like to serve and pour into a bowl. Pour in boiling water, let thaw. After a couple of minutes, drain the water, put a little butter in the peas and mix. Saute with cherry tomatoes and a clove of garlic in olive oil in a skillet covered with a lid. Don't forget to add some water.

This gourmet dinner will take you no more than 12 minutes to prepare, and the recipe is so simple that it does not require constant peeping into the book.

Lazy duck with orange


800 g duck fillet (or chicken);

Juice of half an orange;

Zest of a whole orange;

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

A clove of garlic;

A glass of cointreau or drambouillet liqueur;

orange juice (to taste)

Salt, sugar (to taste).

One of the most delicious dishes invented by Professor Derenn is duck fillet in orange sauce. If desired, it can be done in just 15 minutes. You can make a similar dish with chicken as it is less oily. Place a whole duck (or chicken) in the oven at 70°C and go to work. When you return home after 9 hours, a pleasant surprise will await you.

For sauce: Drain the duck or chicken fat into a saucepan and add the juice of half an orange, crushed zest, oil, chopped garlic clove and a glass of liqueur. Add salt, sugar or more orange juice to taste. Cook sauce until desired consistency.

Aroma and taste evoke memory

Taste buds are special cells found on the tip of the tongue, in the mouth, and in the throat. Some of them react only to sour, salty, sweet or bitter, others are able to distinguish a wider range of tastes. Recently, scientists have studied the chemical reactions at the cellular level in the taste buds and found that the cells send signals to the brain. This is how the brain receives information about the taste properties of the food we consume.

This is interesting

Fifth taste - umami 4
Umami - the taste created by monosodium glutamate and amino acids, was discovered a hundred years ago by Japanese scientists. - Note. per.

- often used in Asian cuisine. It is he who gives Asian dishes a meat flavor. It occurs naturally in meat, seafood, and Parmesan and Roquefort cheeses. Glutamate (a salt of glutamic acid) is a flavoring agent often used in sausages.

And this is not surprising, because some fatty acids are vital to us. It is strange that scientists paid attention to them so late. More recently, we have received a scientific rationale for why people like fatty foods and thick, fatty sauces so much. The areas of the brain responsible for taste and aroma are located next to the hippocampus, the hard drive of our brain where memories are stored. That is why it is taste and smell that evoke memories of places, feelings and events. This is what Marcel Proust had in mind when he wrote that the taste of Madeleine cakes reminds him of his childhood. In people suffering from senility, food can activate nerve cells in the brain that have long since fallen asleep. Freshly picked blueberries with milk, cheese sandwiches like in childhood, strawberry jam with foam, fisherman's fish soup, fried potatoes with mushrooms, steak with onion sauce, mashed pork ...

Try and eat

The five tastes have played a huge role in human development. Thanks to the senses, a person has learned to distinguish healthy food from harmful and dangerous. Salt a person needs to maintain the balance of fluid in the body. bitter the taste suggests that the food may be poisonous. At fresh water there is a slight sour taste. But if we put something in our mouth sour as soon as saliva is released, so as not to damage, not burn the mucous membranes. Sweet taste means that the food contains carbohydrates - a source of fast energy. Meat umami taste means that the food contains proteins, which, in turn, are made up of amino acids - the building blocks for body cells. The brain responds to the taste of umami by activating sweet receptors (Zhang et al., 2008). After eating a MSG-rich meal at a Chinese restaurant, you crave sweet things like fried bananas.

The sense of touch and smell are necessary for a person to know what food can be eaten and what not. But our ability to recognize tastes and smells is not unlimited. If the body receives too many smells and tastes, the ability to recognize them becomes dull. The modern food industry, officials and businessmen have taken control of the freshness of food. In practice, labeling is often abused. As a result, we throw away fresh products and buy expired products without knowing it. But you can take control. Smell, feel, taste the food in the store. Remember, you are responsible for your own health. You are the one who pays for this food from your wallet. You put it in your mouth. You feed it to your children and grandchildren.

Important information

You already know that if you limit your salt and sugar intake for a while, your brain will get used to it and you will no longer need so many substances, which are not for nothing called the white death. And at the same time, you will continue to enjoy food.

Try this interesting experiment:

In the first weeks, do not put any salt or sugar in your food at all.

Avoid prepared foods and convenience foods.

Forget about bouillon cubes, bagged food, Chinese and Thai dishes (they contain glutamine).

Get rid of junk food

A healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition, exercise, good sleep and lack of stress. But for some reason, the most difficult thing is to eat right. And if you do not change your habits, you can forget about a slim figure. No coach will help you get rid of belly fat if you don't eat right. No, you will have to completely change your lifestyle. Take small steps and you will reach your goal. You will need willpower and patience. You can make your journey easier by consciously changing your environment. When the hunger strikes, it will be too late to decide what to eat, because you will eat everything that you find in the refrigerator. That is why it is so important that you have only healthy products at home. In your kitchen, you are the queen, and only you can decide what will be there. In the cafeteria at work, you will not have such freedom of choice.

Products that do not belong in your kitchen:

Sugar, cakes, cookies, biscuits, sweets, buns, chocolate, cocoa, sweet dairy products, such as fruit yoghurts and ready-made cereals, jelly, canned fruits, juices with added sugar;

Wheat flour and all wheat products - pasta, pasta, pies, white bread;

White rice, couscous, potatoes;

Frozen lasagna and pancakes.

Products that can be kept in the kitchen:

Whole grain flour, oatmeal, whole grain bread, durum wheat, nuts and seeds, canned and dried peas, beans - (need to soak overnight);

Berries (now that you've thrown away ice cream, pizza, pies, and fish sticks, there's room for them)

Frozen fish (fillet or pieces), caviar and herring;

Organic meat - instead of prepared meat products that contain a lot of salt, sugar, preservatives and flavors, keep lamb or turkey steak in the refrigerator and cut thin slices from it for sandwiches;

Onions, tomatoes, avocados and other seasonal vegetables;

Broths and soups;

Eggs, natural yogurt, mayonnaise;

Homemade sauces, unsweetened mustard.

"Healthy" food can be a scam

Now that you've got rid of the enemy, it's important to keep him out of the back door. We advise you to follow a simple rule - always read the description on the package before buying a product, especially if it is not included in your daily habitual diet. Do not forget that in the camp of the enemy there are real gurus of deceit. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has led to the fact that many products have appeared on the market that look healthy and natural. Light yogurt is a perfect example of this. Do you think it's the perfect breakfast food? Then you better read the information on the package. And if you eat yogurt along with cereal, then you consume as much sugar as if you drank two cans of Coca-Cola. Let's do the math: One 150 ml serving of low-fat yogurt contains 11 g of sugar. A 50g serving of cereal contains 38g of pure sugar plus starch for a total of 49g of sugar. 100 ml of Coca-Cola contains 10.6 g of sugar. This means that eating low-fat yogurt with cereal is like drinking half a liter of Coca-Cola. And we think you'll agree that Coke for breakfast is a bad idea. But these are still flowers. This amount of sugar is only one-third of what is in a candy bag.. And if you want to get better, then I can offer you a whole range of morning cereals to choose from: honey balls (one-third pure sugar), chocolate balls and pillows. And this is despite the fact that in advertising they are presented as healthy and natural products. Another product that is advertised as useful is muesli or energy bar. He is urged to use before and during training, so that there are strengths for sports. But where does the energy in a bar without calories come from? Energy is calories. And a product can't give you energy for the day if it's made up almost entirely of sugar.

Important information

Sugar gives energy only for a short time, leaving behind a feeling of fatigue and a craving for sweets. It cannot contribute to the increase in muscle mass if at the same time it impedes metabolism and fat burning due to the high sugar content. This product is simply useless.

That is, if you remove advertising, then there will be a harmful and expensive candy with not the best taste. If you are a professional athlete and train for several hours every day, you need special foods and drinks. If you belong to the 98% of the population, all you need is to eat right. If you ever need a fast source of energy, then buy grape or raisin- cheap and delicious.

Powder and tablets

There are many dietary products on the market today under different brand names. Often they are more expensive than usual, while they contain sugar or sweeteners. The advantage of these products is that you do not need to think about food yourself: others have chosen for you. But if you take into account their nutritional value, taste and price, then our simple menu (p. 38) is much better and tastier. Cook it and don't be tempted by all those supposedly dietary soups, cereals and broths. Today, there is scientific evidence that many pseudo-diet foods contain short carbohydrates - carbohydrates that quickly raise blood sugar levels and are extremely unhealthy. Unlike fat, by the way.

Peter lost a few pounds in a couple of months with the help of a weight loss program. It consisted of daily workouts with a personal trainer and soup diet- potato soup with leeks, carrot soup, chicken soup - very high-calorie soups. This is not the first time this has happened. Peter is losing weight quickly, but it is difficult for him to maintain a stable weight for a long period of time. Reducing calorie intake in combination with exercise leads to weight loss, but does not change the way a person thinks, quite the contrary. Short carbohydrates in soups only increase the need for sweets. In addition, 700 kilocalories is not enough for Peter, and he is forced to cheat: “This diet is killing me. They want me to eat soup seven days a week. But I can't do that. And on the weekend I break down! Needless to say, for lunch on the weekend he has a steak with fries and beer, which is why Peter quickly gains lost kilograms.

Important information

Most weight loss products are semi-finished products with unnecessary and even harmful food additives. They are not able to replace conventional foods such as fresh vegetables, berries, nuts, cereals and seeds.

A favorite product of nutritionists is protein powder. It is often sold in large cans similar to cow food. But this powder is absolutely useless. If you eat twice your daily dose of protein, the excess turns into short carbohydrates with the by-product ammonia, which is harmful to the kidneys. It is very difficult for them to process it. And for people with diseased kidneys, such products are simply life-threatening.

About appearance.
The book is in a soft, but quite flexible and dense cover, in a convenient format. Adhesive sewing binding is very high quality, after two readers the book looks like new. Offset paper, the font is perceived well.

About the author.
I love books about nutrition written by professionals. David Perlmutter is not just an author, he is an M.D., practicing neurologist, nutritionist, and member of the American College of Nutrition. Inspires some respect, doesn't it?

I was struck by David's dedication:
"To my father, who at 96 sees his patients every morning, even though he retired over a quarter of a century ago."

I guess I have never actually met people at that age who are in their right mind ... After reading the book, I believe that this is not just good genetics.

Very consistently, clearly and clearly, with supporting facts, the author gradually reveals to us how much the work of our brain depends on the food we eat. It's not a secret for all of us how in demand are neurologists today? Previously, their offices were visited for show, and after tapping with a hammer on the knees and elbows, most visitors came out with a diagnosis of “healthy”. Now there are queues for neurologists, complaints do not fit on a sheet, and doctors grab their heads.
The book's simple risk factor test will help you understand how likely you are to develop neurological disorders. David advises, regardless of the results of the test, to read the book and, if desired, try to follow the recommendations. He does not insist, he simply offers to check.

The very beginning of the book caused me some protest. No, it cannot be that a harmless grain can have such a detrimental effect on the state of the brain. Indeed, since ancient times, people baked bread, ate cereals and there were not so many people with diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc. What has changed?
In fact, little has changed in us. We are genetically almost no different from ancient people. However, our life has changed so dramatically that the necessary changes within us have not had time to occur. Our DNA still “thinks” that we are hunters and gatherers who get food with sweat and blood: rather coarse meat, berries and fruits as a seasonal delicacy, and fat, which makes up most of the daily calorie intake. The diet of our ancestors was low-carb, but fat was 75%. What now? I went to the store (by car), bought, cooked (not always in a useful way), ate, lay down ... Carbohydrates at that time began their destructive activity.
Let me remind you that David Perdmutter is a practicing neurologist who has already gained some experience in the treatment of various brain disorders. Therefore, one would like to listen to his statement that “gluten is a modern poison”, willy-nilly. Of course, this is especially true for those people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance (celiac disease). However, how do you explain that people feel better when they limit their gluten intake, even if they don't have health problems?
I've noticed that food forums usually have a section on gluten-free diets. And in stores there are entire departments of goods “Gluten-Free”. So the topic is relevant and the gluten-free diet is no longer something new?

I want to talk a lot about the book, but I risk missing something important and going too deep into scientific calculations. I will leave it to you to read the book yourself and draw your own conclusions to what extent it is acceptable to you. But the fact that you will take a different look at sugar, gluten and fat, that's for sure!
I definitely recommend it to anyone who cares about their nutrition and health.

At the beginning of the book, while the text abounded in many terms unfamiliar to me, there was not enough glossary. However, after several tens of pages, having returned a couple of times, everything settled down in my head by itself.
I also didn’t quite understand the publisher’s idea, when Ekaterina Mirimanova’s opinion about the book was printed on the cover at the very top of the page. Her "Minus 60" system is completely at odds with Perlmutter's recommendations, even contradictory. It would be much more pleasant to see on the cover the opinion of Viktor Timofeev, director of the Garnets company, with whose support the book was released.

David Perlmutter's book "Food and the Brain" is about the fact that many of us eat foods whose harm is greatly underestimated in modern society.

David Perlmutter, MD, is a practicing neurologist and nutritionist. The book "Food and the Brain" is an international bestseller according to such authoritative publications as The New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and many others.

The author urges readers to break free from two myths that have been established in society - a low-fat diet is healthy, and foods with cholesterol are harmful. Instead, David Perlmutter offers his nutrition methodology, the main message of which is that our main enemies in food are grains and carbohydrates.

Evolutionary prerequisites - people ate many times less carbohydrates

Relatively little time has passed since our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, and our brains and bodies have hardly changed. We are still the same cavemen, only with more options.

The diet of our ancestors was rather poor: occasionally fruits and berries, roots, meat. The ratio of carbohydrates to protein and fats in the foods consumed was quite low: carbohydrates made up only 5% of the total diet. Sweets were a real rarity and not everyone could afford them.

The level of carbohydrates and trans fats consumed with food in modern people is 60% and higher than even a few centuries ago. This is a huge cause for concern. Now let's get to know our food enemies better.

Gluten is a silent threat to our body

Gluten is a special type of protein found in wheat and many other grains. From Latin, the word "gluten" means "glue". And if you have met the ingredient “gluten” in the composition of the products, then this is gluten. We also recognize gluten by other names such as hydrolysate, maltodextrin, tocopherol, yeast extract, etc.
The danger of gluten lies in the fact that it can provoke various neurological disorders, block the immune system, provoke various internal inflammations.

Gluten - provokes inflammation in the brain and body

Inflammation is our body's response to various stimuli. Inflammations can be internal or external. Small inflammations can even be beneficial for our body, as they contribute to the destruction of irritants and speedy healing. But what if the inflammation in the body is growing, and we do not even know about it? These may be internal inflammation in the brain, one of the main causes of which is the consumption of gluten. We may not even know about it, because there are no nerve endings in the brain; inflammation inside will not be accompanied by any pain, but very unpleasant diseases can develop in the future: from depression to Parkinson's disease.

The author cites a case from his medical practice as an example. One day, he was approached by the mother of a boy who was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The boy's mother did not want her son to take heavy drugs with a lot of side effects, she wanted to first learn about alternative treatments. Dr. Perlmutter looked at the boy's medical history and everything became clear to him: not so long ago the boy suffered a serious infection, for the treatment of which he took a huge amount of antibiotics. In addition, the author noticed on visual inspection that the boy was prone to allergies, had inflammation of the nasal passages, and was in fact very active.

Taking into account all known factors, the author ordered the boy to undergo a gluten sensitivity test, which, according to some indicators, revealed an excess of 300% of the norm. Based on this information, Dr. Perlmutter suggested a course of a gluten-free diet, as well as probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. Literally two weeks later, the boy's health and behavior improved significantly.

Foods containing gluten

What foods with gluten should be avoided in order not to run into complications? In his book, the author provides an extensive list of what should be eaten with great care.

  1. Cereals and starches (wheat, rye, barley, semolina, etc.)
  2. Other products (malt, ready-made soups and broths, french fries, processed cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup, soy sauce and salad dressings).

In addition, it is important to know that gluten is also found in condiments, ice cream, and even cosmetics.

Signs of gluten sensitivity

Is it possible to know that you have a high level of gluten sensitivity and are at risk right now? Yes, the following symptoms may indicate this:

  1. Digestive disorders.
  2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  3. Malabsorption of food.
  4. Rash.
  5. Confusion of consciousness.
  6. Constant malaise and cravings for sweets.
  7. Anxiety, depression, ADHD.
  8. autoimmune disorders.

Also, to determine the sensitivity to gluten, the author recommends that you undergo a professional examination by doctors.

Harm of carbohydrates

After gluten, David Perlmutter considers carbohydrates to be our second main enemy in food. We have already written that, evolutionarily, man was not adapted to consume such a large amount of sugars and carbohydrates that make up the diet of modern Homo sapiens.

One of the main myths that the author dispels is that our brain feeds on glucose. The author writes that this is a common misconception and our brain can eat fat, which is actually its preferred type of “fuel”. Modern society is struggling with fats and cholesterol, completely unaware of the fact that it is causing enormous damage to itself.

Fast carbohydrates, which we mainly eat, such as bread, cereals, pasta, etc., provoke the rapid deposition of excess fat. Of particular danger is the mixture of glucose and fructose, which is found in many foods. Fructose, along with glucose, stimulates the release of insulin and alerts fat cells to stock up. These excesses very often cause fatty degeneration of the liver, as well as an equally dangerous accumulation of visceral fat, which envelops the internal organs like a veil. The worst thing is that we can not even guess about the presence of visceral fat for a long time.

It is important to know that the increased consumption of carbohydrates in food provokes not only the accumulation of excess fat, but also the occurrence of such serious and incurable diseases as diabetes.

The brain and obesity

According to studies conducted in 2005, it was found that the greater the waist-to-hip ratio, the smaller the brain memory center - the hippocampus, the correct operation of which directly depends on its size. In addition, scientists have also proven that the waist-to-hip ratio is also an indicator of the risk of micro-strokes, which directly affects cognitive abilities. It's amazing, but the more excess weight in a person's body, the smaller his brain will become.

In addition, in another study, scientists from the University of Philadelphia College of Medicine found that the most common cause of migraine among adults aged 20 to 55 is being overweight. In particular, obese women are 30% more likely to suffer from headaches than those who have a slim body. Another study in 2006 found that headaches were 28% more common in overweight people. In people who are morbidly obese, the risk of chronic headache was an incredible 74%.

As we have already learned from the text above, the cause of obesity is mainly the indefatigable consumption of carbohydrates in food. But what's most curious is how misguided many of us are about the role of fats in our diet. The author writes that the right fats should be contained in our diet in the first place. Is it possible to distinguish harmful fats from healthy ones, and what foods contain them? We will tell you about this now.

The role of cholesterol in the brain

Recent studies have shown that drugs that contain statins not only greatly lower cholesterol levels, but can also critically reduce brain function, as well as increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Why it happens? Many nutritionists have been telling us for many years that the cause of all our troubles and excess weight lies in cholesterol, which clogs the blood. However, this is absolutely not the case. Cholesterol is one of the most important nutrients for our neurons, it plays a huge role as a structural element of cell membranes. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant. Surprised?

That's not all. It turns out that people who have low cholesterol levels are more at risk of brain disorders and various neurological diseases.

The author recommends not to avoid eating cholesterol. People love fat for a reason, in fact, our brain requires such food. Making up just 2% of our total body weight, this important organ contains more than 25% of the total cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol forms membranes that surround cells, making them permeable. In the brain, cholesterol acts as an intermediary that helps cells work well. Cholesterol is also a powerful antioxidant and a precursor to important steroid hormones (estrogen and androgen), has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to get rid of harmful microorganisms.

Why, then, did society declare war on everything fat, if it is so useful? The fact is that in addition to healthy fats, there are many more harmful modifications that are often used in the food industry to reduce the cost of production. Unhealthy fats include, for example, many modified fats and highly refined vegetable oils. Margarine, confectionery and cooking oil, the oil on which french fries are fried, all these products are incredibly toxic to our body.

Important Fats

What fats should be eaten first? First of all - omega-3. This is a very useful group of fatty acids for the body. According to research, people who ate omega-3-rich vegetable oils had a 60% lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not.

In addition to the omega-3 group, there is also omega-6, which the author refers to the category of “bad fats”. A lot of omega-6 is found in sunflower and corn oils, and omega-3 - in rapeseed, linseed and olive oils, as well as in fish.

Causes of bad mood and depression

Many of us sometimes fall victim to a bad mood, which can be completely unreasonable. Have you ever wondered why this happens? You most likely have low cholesterol levels in your blood. Numerous studies show that depression occurs in people who have been found to have low cholesterol levels. When people start taking statins, depression gets even worse. In addition, according to studies, depression is diagnosed 52% more often in people with hypersensitivity to gluten.

In addition to cholesterol, the most important substances are vitamin D and zinc. Their lack provokes a bad mood and, in the worst case, depression.

Important Supplements for Brain Stimulation and Body Cleansing

We have already figured out how important the “right fats” are in our diet. For brain health and wellness, the author also recommends eating the following foods and supplements:

  1. Resveratrol is a component found in grapes. Slows down the aging process and increases blood flow to the brain.
  2. Turmeric is a spice found in Indian spicy curry powder. It is a powerful antioxidant.
  3. Probiotics are tribes of “good bacteria” that protect our intestines from the invasion of all kinds of toxins. Contained in dairy products (kefir, yogurt), as well as in specialized preparations that are sold in pharmacies. Probiotics also play an important role in the absorption and transport of dopamine and serotonin, which are vital for brain function.
  4. Coconut oil. Superfuel for the brain and an important component that reduces inflammation in the body.
  5. Vitamin D and alpha lipoic acid. They have a huge impact on well-being and brain function. Their deficiency can have negative consequences for the whole organism.

Rapid detoxification

Before starting a new life without gluten and carbohydrates, the author recommends going through the process of cleaning the body. A simple and effective way to do this is fasting.

Starvation reboots our body, cleanses it of harmful substances, and forces the brain to rebuild.

4 week action plan

After fasting, you will be ready to make positive changes in your diet and lifestyle. To make the transition process as painless as possible, Perlmutter offers a four-week action plan.

In the first week, you will include healthy supplements in your diet and clean the refrigerator and kitchen of unhealthy foods.

Secondly, plan your daily physical activity. Eating right is half the battle. It's important to move. The author recommends exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. It's not much, agree?

In the third week, you pay attention to sleep hygiene. That is, sleep at least 8-9 hours, do not eat at night, turn off all digital devices two hours before going to bed.

In the fourth, you will learn to control your habits and be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a long time.


David Perlmutter's book definitely makes you think about what and how much we eat. In the book you will find a simple test consisting of 25 questions, by answering which you will understand how highly sensitive you are to gluten and why it is important to refuse products that contain it right now.

The author is incredibly categorical that we should once and for all abandon gluten, most carbohydrates and switch to a diet high in "healthy fats", while not forgetting about physical activity and healthy sleep. In order to quickly adapt to a healthy and proper lifestyle, the author offers unique methods for cleansing the body, as well as a list of simple and tasty dishes that everyone can cook.

Everything David Perlmutter writes about is science-based information that you can trust. However, all people are unique and before using the author's recommendations, it is important to be examined by doctors and find out if there are any contraindications.

Anyone who is interested in health and nutrition.

Review of the book on food and the brain prepared

- a service of key ideas from best-selling literature on business, personal effectiveness, psychology and self-development. . 90+ audio versions. Key ideas of books that have not yet been published in Russian.

A new, revised and expanded edition of the bestseller "Food and the Brain". New research data, updated recommendations and recipes.

Many of us have heard about the dangers of fatty or fried foods, about the dangers of meat or dairy products. But the fact that carbohydrates (sugar, bread, cereals, pasta, rice) destroy our brains is unexpected news.

The author of the book, renowned neurologist and nutritionist David Perlmutter, over the years of practice has established a connection between what we eat and the work of our brain. David is sure that the most dangerous substance for the brain is gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and all derivatives of these products. This is the same gluten that helps bread to be fluffy and soft. Moreover, gluten can be addictive and addictive. That is why it is so hard for us to give up the use of starchy foods.

“Over the past 50 years, the food chain has changed a lot. Modern food production has allowed us to grow grains containing forty times more gluten than a few decades ago,” writes David.

The doctor proves that memory problems, stress, insomnia and bad mood are treated by giving up certain foods. For those who do not suffer from these problems, a proper diet will help maintain good health and sharpness of mind. Brain health is in our hands!

Who is this book for?

For those who pay attention to their health and would like to live a long, active, fulfilling life.

For those who think about the connection between nutrition and quality of life.

For those who would like to forget what a headache is, have a good memory and a sharp mind.


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