Fun and games for holiday teens. New Year's contests for children and adults: interesting, funny and fun, moving

If you are looking for interesting party games for teenagers, then our selection is exactly what you need!

Please note that we have previously published that you can use as contests for a teen party.

To begin, let's discuss games without certain rules and requirements:

  • Texas Rangers Water Pistol Fight.
  • "Who has more?" - a game of blowing a larger soap bubble.
  • Classic twister and darts.
  • and various kinds of logical party games for teenagers - a great opportunity to stimulate the brain activity of children :).
  • "Guess the melody" - a game of three levels of difficulty. The first level is favorite and popular tracks, the second level is songs from the youth of parents, the third level is children's songs.
  • Everyone knows
  • Board games of the most diverse format - from Monopoly to Guillotine (you can find the rules and cards for this game at the end of the article "").
  • If you have a camera, you can shoot a short film.

"Weren't you waiting?"

We announce a creative competition in which all those present are divided into teams of 3-5 people (depending on the number of guests). The host invites everyone to show their creativity - sing a song (you can chorus), dance, read a verse. After the release of all the numbers, the presenter counts the buttons on the clothes of the participants. The team with the most buttons on their clothes wins!

"Fat Men"

A balloon is tied to everyone's waist (so that it imitates the stomach) and a box of matches is scattered in front of them. The player's task is to collect all the matches and not burst his stomach.


Each player draws a card on which the characters of a well-known fairy tale are written (each fairy tale is different) + one “left” word .. For example, “Wolf, fox, hare, Kolobok, flying carpet”. The task of the players is to come up with an original old fairy tale with a new character.

"Through hardship to the stars"

It is better to play this game in the yard, but the house is often suitable. A rope is taken in advance and stretched across the entire clearing. It is worth noting that the more difficult the path of the rope, the more fun it will be to play. It can be wrapped around a tree, put under branches and chairs, tables and other objects.

We form a team of an unlimited number of people (the more, the better) and go along the path of the rope, overcoming obstacles. The best option is not to open your hands under any circumstances.


The game is very similar to the previous one. The difference is that all players are blindfolded and hold hands. Only the leader remains without a bandage, he leads the blind along the rope, which he himself twisted around various objects. The feature of entertainment is the opportunity for the presenter to lie “We cross the chair” and everyone tries to cross the non-existent chair as best they can :).

"Like in the army"

All those present blindfolded should line up in height. Further, the task becomes more complicated, and the first letter of the name, date of birth, eye color and other features go into circulation 🙂

"Pale Faces"

Great fun for teenagers! Of course, these kind of party games for teenagers are best played outdoors. Place cherries in a bowl with flour. The task is to pull out the cherry without the help of hands. A lot of positive photos are provided for you!

"My muse"

Those present are divided into pairs and pull out a card with the task of drawing something - an object, an animal, a person. After that, one player is given a pencil and blindfolded. The second has the right to only hints about where to point the pencil. The winners will be those whose drawing will be as close as possible to the truth.

We hope you and your guests enjoy our teen party contests!

Games at any holiday are divided into several types. Calm are usually held while waiting for guests who are very late or towards the end of the event. Dance competitions, relay races help to defuse the situation directly during the holiday.


Creating a good mood, developing a variety of qualities.

Quiet games

  • "To the touch"

Training. It is necessary to put objects that differ in shape into the bag in advance. You will also need a piece of paper and a pencil for everyone who wants to participate.

Exercise. Participants need to put their hand in the bag, feel all the items, and then make the most complete list of what is in the bag. The winner will be the one with the most complete and correct list.

  • "Dealer"

Training. Each participant receives 10 coins.

Exercise. The players put the coins in their pocket, leaving a few of them in their fist. After that, they approach other participants and they guess how many coins are clenched in the opponent's fist. If the player guesses correctly, then the opponent gives the coins to him. If he names the wrong number, he will have to give the opponent the difference between the named and the actual number of hidden coins. For example, the opponent hid 3 coins, and the player called the number "5". In this case, he must give 2 coins. The one who collects the most coins wins.

  • "Hands up!"

Training. Players are divided into 2 teams, each of which is seated on one side of the table.

Exercise. The captains sit on the edge. One of them has a coin that must be passed unnoticed by the opponents to the next players. Thus, the coin moves from hand to hand from one participant to another until the captain of the opponents shouts "Hands up!". The players of the first team raise their hands clenched into fists. After that, the captain of the opponents says "Hands down!". Participants put their hands on the table, turning their palms down, trying not to jingle the hidden coin. Any two members of the opposite team guess the location of the coin. If they determine correctly, then the coin is sent to them. If not, it remains with the first team.

  • "Guess"

Training. Participants are given a piece of plasticine or clay. A hat is placed in the center: there are pieces of paper with the names of various animals in it.

Exercise. Participants take turns pulling out a piece of paper, reading what is written on it, and then sculpting an animal from plasticine. After 2 minutes, they show what happened, and the rest of the players guess what was written on a piece of paper. Who guessed it gets a point. The participant with more points than the rest wins.

  • "Birthday cake"

Training. For the game you will need cardboard circles according to the number of participants, a cube, a pencil.

Exercise. Players get circles - it's a pie. Then they take turns rolling the die and drawing candles on their cake: their number is equal to the number rolled on the die. The player with the most candles on the pie wins.

Training. Participants are given an apple.

Exercise. Players, without the help of a knife, bite the apple so that any figure is obtained. The rest of the participants must guess what is shown on the apple.

  • "Slow motion"

Training. Those who wish take a card on which some action is written: sneezing, laughing, flirting, chasing a mosquito.

Exercise. Show movement as if in slow motion.

Dance competitions

  • "Hold the pen"

Feathers are required to play. - one for a team of 3-5 people. The task of the participants is to keep the pen in the air while the melody sounds. You can't touch it with your hands!

  • "Headball"

Football is played with the feet, handball is played with the hands, but headball is played with the head! Balloons are needed to play. Participants are divided into 2-3 groups. Their task is to throw the ball only with the head to the music, trying not to touch it with the rest of the body. Whoever completes the task is declared the winner.

  • "Do as I do"

A leader is selected from among the players. It is he who will show the movements that everyone else will repeat: run in various ways, somersault, put on socks, and so on.

All participants are divided into pairs, except for one, who will dance with a mop. While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. As soon as the music stops, the players switch partners. The one who danced with the mop also tries to "change" the partner. The one left without a pair will “pair” the mop for the next dance.

  • "Music has tied us"

Participants become in a circle. To the music, they quickly pass each other an object. The player who has this item in their hands when the melody stops is out. The game then continues until a winner is revealed.

Fun relay races

  • "Balloons". The task of the players is to transfer tennis balls from one dish to another using two straws or wooden sticks.
  • "Baby Feeding". The players in the team are divided into pairs, each of which receives a glass of milk and a teaspoon. The essence of the competition is that one of the partners must use a teaspoon to feed milk to another participant as quickly as possible.
  • "Baby". Children receive baby bottles filled with water equally. The task of the participants is to drink the contents as quickly as possible.
  • "Orange". Participants pass an orange to each other, holding it between their chin and neck. If an orange falls on the floor, then you can also pick it up only with the help of your chin!
  • "Gloves". The first player, at the signal of the host, puts gloves on the second. Then the second participant takes off the gloves and puts them on the third. The last player, having removed the gloves, puts them on the first participant.
  • "Pinocchio". Participants pass the top of the matchbox to the last player and back. The main difficulty is that you need to do this only with the help of the nose, on which the boxes are put on. The fallen box is picked up by hands.
  • "Mods". At a certain distance from each team, a suitcase with a variety of clothes is placed. At the signal of the leader, the players take turns running to the suitcase, randomly pulling out a thing, putting it on themselves, returning and passing the baton to the next one. The team with the most items will win.
  • "Apple Boom" The task of the participants is to run to the opposite end of the room and back without dropping the apple that is installed on their heads.
  • "Lemon Competition". The task of the participants is to draw a lemon with a pencil along the drawn line. At the same time, you need to try so that the fruit does not go beyond the line.
  • "One Rope" Each team receives a coil of rope. At the signal of the leader, the coil is passed to the last participant, while the end of the rope is at the captain. The rope is then passed behind the participant's back. Team tying continues until the rope runs out. After that, the rope goes on its return journey.


Players are given a bunch of keys, a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

Joke game

All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The leader says "duck" or "goose" in everyone's ear (in a scatter, say "duck" to a larger number of players). Then he explains the rules of the game: "If I now say:" Goose ", then all the players whom I called so, draw in one leg. And if it is "Duck", then the players whom I called "Duck" draw in both legs. A lot is guaranteed to you.


When you have gathered at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler - the better, ideal - "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", etc.). Choose a leader (he will be a reader). Write out all the heroes of the fairy tale from the book on separate sheets, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, buckets, etc. All guests pull pieces of paper with roles. The host begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters "come to life" ...


This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. Players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the firm (or directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last player remaining in the game receives a prize.

Festive makeup

The facilitator divides all participants into pairs. Preferably a guy-girl (if it doesn’t work out, it will be even more fun). Guys are blindfolded. After that, they must apply cosmetics to the face of the girl they have come across as a couple. The female half, for obvious reasons, is better to warn in advance. You can even not blindfold the guys, as it will still be fun. Then they remove the blindfold from their eyes and let them admire the results of their work. The winner is not the one who makes up better, but the one who has more fun.

Don't spill a drop

All guests sit at the table and pass a glass in a circle. Everyone pours some drink into a glass. The last one whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink.

Who lost?

All participants participate in the competition. One participant is selected to leave the room. After he comes out, all those present put one of their items in a bag (it can be a lighter, an earring, a hairpin). When all the participants put down their things, the host calls the person who left, let's call him the Player. Then the Player takes out one thing at a time and tries to guess who it belongs to. If the Player does not guess whose item it is, then he must complete the task that the owner of the item will give him. If the Player guesses who owns the item, then its owner completes the Player's task.

Holiday menu

This competition is table.
Held on the birthday of adults.
Participants are all guests who sit at the table and try all the festive dishes.
The host announces that as soon as he names one letter, each participant must name some dish from the festive table or what is on his plate.
Whoever is the most active in this competition wins. The winner gets a tasty prize, but what it will be, the birthday boy will decide.


This game is suitable for you if you have a large company of both parents and children, and you absolutely cannot think of what to do with everyone. This game can be played while sitting at a table. The driver is selected, for the first time it can be you. The driver asks everyone a variety of questions, and the task of the players is to give the same answer “Sausage” or related words: “sausage”, “sausage”, etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who fully copes with his emotions and does not succumb to the provocations of the host.


When it’s time for lyrical songs in your company, and everyone who gathered is playing some tune, you can play a trick on your friends. Someone, taking on the role of a conductor, warns in advance: “If I, waving my hand, clench my fingers into a fist, shut up right away.” It is curious, but it almost never happens that at this signal the song is completely cut off, someone, yes, continues to pull his voice at the top of his voice. From an inattentive singer, a penalty phantom!

If your child wants to spend New Year's Eve with his friends, you should not dissuade him, they say, at home it will be more fun and calmer. It is better to help him with the organization of the holiday, namely, the preparation of an entertainment program for teenage children. Such a masterful approach will bring all the guys together, like chicks, and provide them with the best mood. Cheerful music, dances, songs, various kinds of quizzes should be present in this event. Fervent communication, cheerful sonorous laughter and jokes should accompany your children throughout the solemn part of the evening. So, if you don't know how these funny programs are created, then read our article. She will provide you with 7 ideas of cool scenarios for the New Year 2019 for prepared teenagers. Our recommendations will certainly be interesting and useful to you, as we have selected them carefully and with love!

Features of the script for the New Year's holiday for teenagers

Of course, the guys are much more interested in celebrating the New Year 2019 in the company of their peers. In this case, adults, for a number of reasons, need to control certain things. With teenagers, the situation is a little more complicated and there are several reasons for this. This is the so-called difficult age, and the unwillingness to put up with parental control, and the craving for communication with peers. And here you need to remember a few important points:

  • Children in adolescence should not be left without adult supervision. I don't think I need to explain why.
  • New Year's menu should be not only tasty, but also healthy and healthy.
  • Everyone knows that guys at this age tend to experience adulthood and not always the best moments. Alcohol and early relationships are not conducive to healthy growing up.

The entertainment program of the scenario developed by you or someone else should be fun, funny, but not too childish or adult. An excellent solution could be a themed party in some popular style. And do not forget that they are still children who are still in school, which means they are waiting for their gifts!

Competitions for teenagers for the New Year 2019

  • "Who are you?". For this New Year 2019 competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance signs with various names (for example, the names of animals: dog, cat, crocodile) and attach them to the backs of the teenage participants (they should not see them). The task of the players is to guess what is written on his tablet by asking leading questions to the other players, for example: “Am I big? Am I green? Do I have big paws? As inscriptions, you can use characters from popular films.

  • "Sticks". This is a fun and funny competition that is popular among teenagers. To prepare, you need to write on different sheets of paper specific parts of the body (ear, nose, foot, hand, finger). Two participants are called for the game, who take turns taking out the sheets and sticking or freezing with those parts of the body that are indicated there. Next, the leader calls the next participant, and he must also take out a piece of paper and stick with some part of the body. And so on, the number of players is not limited. It turns out very interesting figures from the "frozen" guys. If you include such a game in your script, everyone will be just delighted.

  • "I'm going there, I don't know where." For this game, held on New Year's Eve 2019 with teenagers, you need to call at least 4 people who are seated on chairs with their backs to the audience. The bottom line is that there are signs (or paper sheets) on the backs of the chairs, which indicate the places (supermarket, nightclub, school). The facilitator then asks each participant in turn, “How often do you go to this place? Do you like visiting this place? Who do you prefer to go there with? The players answer them without knowing what place is written on the plate at the back. Fun is guaranteed. Such a competition can be freely used at a party at school.

  • "Shut up." For this game, you need to call in pairs of girls and boys. The girls have a ribbon wrapped around their waist. The task of the boys is to rewind the ribbon on their belt as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins. What a great idea for a script!
  • "Most Muscular" The host invites teenagers and divides them into two teams, each with two girls and one boy. The boy is wearing a big sweater. For a certain time, the girls must have time to put a lot of balloons into the sweater, creating the illusion of pumped up muscles. The team that manages to “pump up” as many balloons as possible wins. Such a competition for the New Year 2019 will provoke everyone!

  • "Guess the melody". For this modern game, the host chooses one member and several singers for the choir. Next, the first child must leave the room. The presenter, meanwhile, distributes the words of the line from the popular song to the singers, that is, each one word, after which he is returned to the hall. As soon as he entered, all the singers begin to sing a line of the song at the same time - each his own word. The player's task is to guess the song among this confusion!
  • "Alphabet". In order for your script to be rich and cool for the New Year 2019, you should include this competition in it. Its essence is as follows: Santa Claus, as an important character at the holiday of teenagers, tells everyone that he has prepared wonderful gifts for everyone, but they will go to the most intelligent and educated children. In order to find out which one of them is a super genius, it is important to play the Alphabet game. Santa Claus calls any letter, and the participants in turn must come up with a word that begins with this letter, but is somehow connected with the New Year holidays. Whoever succeeds gets the coveted prize.

Here is a video for you on the topic - how interesting it is to play a dance for young people!


So our article has come to an end, which has provided you with some ideas on how you can create a script for the New Year 2019 for teenagers with modern contests and quizzes, with dances, songs and other entertainment. Put all your strength and humor into this business so that the party is really a success! More laughter, surprises and gifts, because this is what children in this transitional age need. Happy holiday, dear friends! Laugh till you drop!

Not only kids play funny outdoor games, it will also be interesting for older students to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood!

And it doesn't matter what occasion made everyone gather together - Birthday, New Year's party or just a tea party - spend this evening having fun! Play party games! Such a pastime brings the whole company very close, it allows unfamiliar people to get to know each other better, relieves psychological stress, makes the atmosphere easy and relaxed, and also gives you the opportunity to show your ingenuity and imagination.

There are countless games and contests that teenagers can play, and here are just a few of them:

1. "Fanta"

Each participant must take off and give some object to the leader. The host puts all things in a box (hat, bag). The leader is chosen. The host behind the driver will take out items and ask what the owner of each item should do. The driver comes up with funny tasks. And then everyone does their job.

2. "Pass the apple"

Everyone who takes part in the game is offered to divide into two teams and stand in a row opposite each other. Participants in each team must first pass a round apple (ball, potato) to the end of the line, but the apple must not be touched by hands, it can only be passed with the shoulder or chin. If the apple falls to the floor, then the game starts again, with the first player.

3. "Who will burst the balloon faster?"

Two players go to the center of the room, a balloon is tied to one leg (left or right) of each. They turn on fun music, to the music, each player tries to step on the opponent's ball. Whoever bursts the ball faster, he lost!

4. "Find a shoe"

All participants take off their shoes and put them in one pile at some distance from themselves. Then they are divided into two teams. The members of each team take turns running to the pile of shoes, finding their own, putting it on and returning. Whose team puts on shoes faster (and rightly so!), she wins.

5. "Colors"

The players become in a circle. The facilitator stands to the side, he shows a card with a certain color, and the participants must quickly touch with their hand a piece of clothing of other participants of this color. Who did not have time, he leaves the game.

6. "Answering questions"

To all participants in turn, the host asks questions on different topics, you need to answer the question as detailed as possible, but you cannot use the words "yes" or "no" in your answer. Who says - out of the game.

7. "Fairy tale"

For this competition you need a book with children's fairy tales. The heroes of the fairy tale are written out on pieces of paper, the participants blindly pull these pieces of paper, thus distributing roles. Then the host begins to tell a fairy tale, and everyone else "shows" a fairy tale.

8. "Blind Draw"

Players are divided into groups of two or three people, each team together comes up with an animal that they will draw. They agree among themselves who draws the head, torso, and so on. All participants are blindfolded, the leader leads everyone in turn to a piece of paper and the participants draw a hidden animal! Then everyone chooses the winners together.

9. "Newspaper note"

Headlines are cut out in advance from newspapers and magazines, then all participants are invited to make a story from the headlines. Need brushes, glue, paper and ingenuity!

10. "Reel faster"

You need two coils (you can roll sheets of paper into a tube) and a long thread (strong), you need to mark the middle of the thread somehow (for example, tie a red bow). Two participants go to the middle of the room and stand opposite each other, on command they begin to wind the thread on the spool. Whoever gets to the middle first wins!

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Partner news


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