The location of the beds on the summer cottage. Garden planning - getting ready to plant vegetables in the beds

Growing plants in the country is not an easy task that requires knowledge and a responsible approach. To improve the site and provide favorable conditions for the development of vegetable and other crops, beds are used. Find out their types and features of the organization with your own hands.

If you plan to organize beds in the country with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the features of the process. First, understand the concept: the bed is a partially isolated small one, on which, under suitable conditions, you can grow different crops, providing the right individual care.

When organizing beds, several points are taken into account:

  1. The location depends on the specific crop being grown. Some plants require good lighting, while others feel better in shading. When choosing a location, you need to take into account the relief of the site. If the place is located in a lowland, moisture will accumulate in it, which is unacceptable for some cultures. When placing, ensure free access for convenient and unhindered care. To do this, do not place the beds far from water sources and do not arrange them at short distances from each other, otherwise it will be problematic to walk between them.
  2. The form is determined by the preferences of the owner of the cottage. It can be standard rectangular or square, but it is possible to organize beds with unusual shapes in the form of figures. The territory also affects the shape, because the beds should organically fit into it.
  3. What plants will be grown? They need individual care, taking into account the characteristics of a particular species, so the characteristics of the culture affect the choice of location in the country, the size of the beds. And some vegetables do not get along, so they need to be planted separately at a considerable distance.
  4. Skills. If you are planning to organize beds on the site for the first time and do not have the knowledge, choose unpretentious crops and beds that are easy to arrange. If you decide to create complex designs, you risk making mistakes and reducing or spoiling the crop.

There are several types of beds, and they should be considered in detail and separately.


A box-bed is a convenient and popular method of arranging a garden that allows you to create a separate isolated area for a particular crop, giving the area a neat, aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.

You can make a bed-box by preparing the place and fencing it with shields. To mark the boundaries and arrange the walls, sheets of polycarbonate or plastic, boards, slate (wave, flat) are used. It is advisable to choose a material that is practical and resistant to moisture, able to serve one season and maintain strength.

Do-it-yourself organization includes several stages:

  1. Border designation. Draw them or arrange the pegs, taking into account the shape and size of the beds.
  2. Wall installation. They are placed in the ground, in which furrows are preliminarily prepared. The soil must be compacted to ensure the stability and strength of the structure.
  3. Fill in the earth and organic matter, alternating layers.
  4. Plant your plants.

Note! Preparing for the winter of beds-boxes involves their collection. In the spring, the structure is erected, the soil is loosened and planted with the selected crop.

Garden beds with drainage

Drainage beds are relevant and necessary if the garden is located in a lowland, and clay or swampy. Excess and stagnant water are detrimental and provoke decay of the root system, so it is necessary to ensure timely constant drainage and optimal gas exchange.

To organize drainage with your own hands, follow the instructions:

  1. Designate a landing site.
  2. Remove a layer of soil with a thickness of 50 to 60 cm.
  3. Sand is laid at the bottom of the formed pit, the thickness of the layer of which will be at least 20-25 cm.
  4. Lay sawdust, humus and a layer of soil suitable for growing the selected plant on top of the sand.


High beds should be made in a low-lying or heavily swampy area: raising the soil will prevent stagnation of moisture and ensure timely drainage. Suitable option for gourds, potatoes, zucchini. The height can be from 30-35 cm to 70-80.

Step-by-step device of a high bed in the garden:

  1. Prepare the box. It is possible to build it from plastic, boards, bricks, metal.
  2. A metal mesh is installed at the bottom of the structure, providing protection against rodents. A geotextile is laid on top of it, preventing the germination of weeds.
  3. Lay drainage, including expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles. The thickness of the layer is not less than ten centimeters.
  4. Prepare the soil by disinfecting it and treating it from pests. Fill the box with soil, filling most of it and leaving sides about 5 cm high.

Good to know! High beds can be organized without boxes using bulk trapezoids or ridges. A compost layer is laid on the soil, which ensures the rise of the soil. Next, the earth is poured, landing is carried out. But the beds will last only one season, because during the winter they will sag under the weight of snow and get wet when it melts. If bear insects are common in the region, it is better not to use compost: pests quickly populate it and multiply, destroying the crop. The rise is provided by an embankment of soil.


A vertical garden bed will save space in the garden and will be an excellent solution if the site has a small area. But the option is suitable for crops with a not very developed root system: strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes.

For organization, it is allowed to use boxes, special racks or containers. You can arrange a vertical bed from improvised materials by making containers from plastic bottles and placing them on a homemade frame assembled from boards or a metal profile.


In 2018, beautiful and aesthetic French beds are relevant. Distinctive features are laconic geometric shapes, strict planted rows and paths between plantings. Fences can be made of finishing materials (decking boards, paving slabs), bricks. You can do it by planting leaf lettuce around the perimeter of the beds, a low-growing type of greenery. Elevate zones if the ground is waterlogged or the site is frequently flooded.


Fans of original ideas will appreciate the English beds, which allow a mixture of cultures. , a garden area with trees and a vegetable garden do not have strict boundaries and form a single landscape design. One site may include flower beds, fruit crops, vegetable plantings.

Spaces are left between the beds for free movement and comfortable care. The territory should not look neglected and abandoned, so carefully look after the garden, make sure that the land is free of weeds and fence the beds around the perimeter, for example, with stones or bricks (it can be irregular).


Lazy beds are suitable for beginners or busy gardeners, as they do not require complex organization and time-consuming preparation. No need to prepare recesses and dig the soil to a great depth. It is enough to weed the ground, freeing it from weeds, slightly loosen it, then land. The spaces between the bushes are filled with mulch, which ensures the preservation of moisture and the prevention of its rapid evaporation, as well as protection from weeds. This greatly simplifies care and helps to collect good crops.

Advice! Lazy beds are ground and devoid of fences or raised and surrounded by borders.


Smart beds are not only original and beautiful, but also practical and productive. This method of organization will create optimal growing conditions and increase yields.

It is not easy to make smart beds on the site, since you need to raise them and fill them not with ordinary soil, but with special mixtures suitable for specific crops, consisting of compost, fertilizers, clean nutrient soil, organic matter. Landings are protected by reinforced high sides. It is advisable to raise the site itself in order to protect it from stagnant water and pest attacks.


Warm beds will allow you to get an early harvest and will be a good alternative to greenhouses. Planting heat will be provided by organic matter, which releases energy in the process of decomposition.

Arrangement is carried out at the end of autumn and includes several steps:

  1. Remove a layer of soil about 50 centimeters thick. You can also make a box and install it in the prepared recess. A metal mesh can be laid at the bottom of a pit or container to protect against moles.
  2. Lay sawdust preliminarily scalded and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate on the bottom. This layer should have a thickness of at least 15-17 cm.
  3. Lay organic matter consisting of fallen leaves, turf, bird droppings or manure. Compact this layer to a thickness of 15 centimeters.
  4. Lay organic matter that rots quickly, such as prepared compost. This layer is approximately 10 cm thick.
  5. Lay a nutrient mixture that includes six parts of peat and a part of sand and sawdust. Add here a tablespoon of ash and superphosphate, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea, zinc sulfate. The fertile substrate has a thickness of 20 cm.

With the first rays of the spring sun, organic matter will release heat, warming the soil up to 40-45 degrees, which will allow crops to be planted much earlier. So you can grow plants with a small root system: cucumbers, strawberries, herbs, radishes.

garden fences

Fencing will help to equip beautiful and neat beds and zone the summer cottage. Try to organically fit them into the landscape design and do it correctly in order to protect the plants from negative influences and create an aesthetic appearance of the garden.

Different materials are used for fencing: polycarbonate, slate, metal, wood (boards or logs), stone, rods and pegs. Fans of interesting ideas use improvised means: plastic and glass bottles, car tires, old hoses.

Below are the characteristics of the main types of materials used for the organization of fences.


Metal fences are quite durable, but they can be exposed to moisture for a long time and become covered with rust, which will not only worsen the appearance of the sides, but also negatively affect the composition of the soil. Thin metal is subject to deformation after mechanical stress. Metal also heats up in the sun.


Galvanized fences have good characteristics: they do not corrode, serve for a long time, retain their properties, are highly durable and resistant to attacks by pests and fungi. The beds will be reliably protected from wind and other natural phenomena, pests. Ready-made fences made of galvanized steel are light, easy to assemble, and have different shades.

A big minus is the high cost of structures. They also quickly warm up and transfer heat to the surrounding soil, raising the temperature of the soil and negatively affecting the root system.


Plastic fencing is a modern solution. They are light in weight, are not attacked by pests and exposed to high humidity, serve for a long time and have an affordable price. Light plastic will not get very hot in the sun. But the fences are subject to mechanical stress.

Approaching responsibly to the organization of beds in the country, you will equip the garden, ennoble the territory and get an excellent harvest. Good luck to all gardeners!

Spring is the time to take a fresh look at your summer cottages.

Now it is very important to correctly plan the location of future beds and landings on them. This is one of the main components of summer success.

Change orientation

It is believed that the beds should be arranged according to the compass - from north to south. But this general recommendation is not for everyone.

It is much more important that the morning and evening rays of the sun could illuminate the rows of plants, so that high plantings do not obscure low ones in the morning. After all, it is not hot morning and partly evening sun rays that are most favorable for the best photosynthesis, for the development and fruiting of plants. If the plants are tall, then the optimal location of the ridges in the direction from west to east, so that the low morning rays of the sun can freely "slide" along the rows of plants, illuminating each of them.

Here is what is important to know when choosing a place and preparing beds:

1 Ridges stretching from north to south are good only for low plants and a horizontal area where water during irrigation (or rain) does not stagnate and does not roll faster than it should.

2 If the site has a slight slope, then it is more important to place the landings horizontally, that is, across the slope. So the plants will receive the same amount of moisture. Small irregularities should be leveled by pouring earth.

3 Make the beds the same length and width. For experienced gardeners, they are nine, four and a half or three meters long. And the optimal, and the most "fashionable" width among specialists today, which makes it possible to cultivate the land with convenience, is 45 centimeters for all crops. This standardization helps in calculating planted plants and fertilizer consumption.

4 With an uneven plot, the south side is considered ideal for growing vegetables - due to more intense solar activity, the crop ripens much faster there.

5 For one family (with a properly planned plot), it is enough to allocate one hundred square meters of land for vegetables. With proper care, it will provide a harvest of plums.

friend onion

Plants have a special relationship with each other. Plant a beet next to a cucumber and you will get an excellent harvest. But it’s better not to plant tomatoes next to cucumbers - they have different views on life: one loves constant humidity, and the other gets sick from it.

Properly planted nearby crops even help each other get rid of pests.

For example, experienced summer residents practice such an unusual neighborhood: onions and garlic are planted among garden strawberries. This is a reliable remedy for gray rot and strawberry weevil. And if you plant parsley along the edges of the beds, then the number of slugs will noticeably decrease. What else do you need to know about the neighborhood of plants?

Garlic- beneficial effect on many plants. Plant it between rows of different crops and the strong smell of garlic will drive pests away. It is especially effective for fighting aphids; from such a neighborhood, it disappears after a few days.

Beet- stimulates the growth of spinach, beans, tomatoes, potatoes. One of the interesting features of this crop is that the secretions of its root crops have antibiotic properties, therefore planting it next to some vegetables, in particular carrots, has a healing effect.

Bush beans- significantly reduces the number of Colorado potato beetle on the ridges with potatoes. Beans are also "friends" with carrots, beets, eggplant, pumpkin, feel comfortable next to corn. If you plant radishes next to bush beans, the root crops will turn out to be especially tender. Favorably affects beans and tomatoes.

Tomatoes- grow well next to celery, radish, radish, lettuce, corn, cabbage, onion, garlic, spinach, parsley. The neighborhood of white cabbage and tomatoes is favorable, cabbage butterflies do not like the smell of tomato tops.

Cabbage- grows well next to most crops, but ideal neighbors for her are potatoes and onions, as well as celery and lettuce (protect cabbage from earthen fleas), dill (the plant fights aphids and improves the taste of heads of cabbage).

Dill- growing on the same bed with cucumbers, it prolongs their fruiting period. And the neighborhood with garlic and onions save cucumbers from many diseases.

cucumbers- favorable to beans: they grow faster from living together. Plant beans along the edge of your cucumber patch and you won't be disappointed.

But cucumbers have many rivals - potatoes, corn, radishes, radishes, spinach, basil are no less hungry for neighbors with beans. The basil is even ready to help the coveted neighbor - it reduces the defeat of the beans by the caryopsis.

Pepper- a wonderful "partner" for basil and thyme. Eggplant can be safely planted next to beans, onions, thyme, herbs.

Carrot- Feels good next to peas, beets, onions, tomatoes, radishes, parsley, spinach, lettuce, marjoram, sage.

Onion- best friend and carrots. Planted side by side, they are successfully protected from pests. Each of them has its own pest - the fly, respectively, carrot and onion. But the onion fly does not tolerate the smell of carrots, and the carrot fly disappears if onions grow nearby.

Onions also relieve many other pests, and also help cabbage, carrots, beets, parsley, celery, radishes, spinach, and chicory salad in nitrogen nutrition.

To hate - one step

Sometimes the plant neighborhood, on the contrary, turns out to be unfavorable. So, all legumes do not grow well next to onions and garlic. Grapes do not tolerate the neighborhood with cabbage. Garlic develops slowly if beets are planted nearby.

Cucumber does not tolerate cohabitation with essential oil crops. He doesn't like tomatoes either. It is only in a salad that tomato and cucumber go well together. And in the garden, their relationship is close to hostile.

For successful growth, tomatoes need dry hot air, rare but plentiful watering. Excessive soil moisture provokes late blight in tomatoes.

Cucumbers prefer warm dampness. But planting tomatoes on those beds on which cucumbers grew last year, and vice versa, is possible.

Many gardeners in early spring scatter the ashes over snow-covered beds, as soon as the sun warms up. At the same time, the earth is freed from snow and melt water two weeks earlier and warms up faster.

Melting snow is very helpful. Melt water contains a large number of various microelements that are easily assimilated by plants. Therefore, try to retain this moisture, make furrows and rolls across the slopes. Arrange drainage grooves in the lowlands.

Do not repeat the common mistake: do not delay the melting of snow under the crowns of trees with manure, sawdust and other things. You will not get any benefit from this technique, and the harm can be significant. Under the influence of positive air temperatures, the aerial part of plants awakens and requires nutrition and moisture. The roots at this time are in frozen soil and are not able to "work". As a result, the so-called physiological drying of the crown may occur.

You can quickly and easily dry the cellar from spring dampness with a mini-fan installed on the suction ventilation pipe.

For growing seedlings, a box with a removable bottom is well suited. When transplanted into the ground, the plants are not damaged at all.

A convenient watering can for seedlings is obtained from a plastic bottle. To do this, make a hole in the lid with a hot nail and insert a cocktail tube with a bent tip.

Two polyethylene strips laid crosswise on the bottom of the container with seedling soil will help to extract the plant quickly, easily and without damaging the root when planting it in the garden.

So that the seedlings do not stretch too much, they should be transferred to a cooler place at night. For example, from the window near the heating battery - to the floor or to the balcony doors.

If every morning you several times (5, 10 or 20) pass over the seedlings on the windowsill or in the greenhouse with a cardboard or hand, then your plants will grow more squat and strong.

Despite the gradual decline in interest in growing various vegetable crops on their country plots and arranging dachas instead of vegetable gardens, nevertheless, there are people who continue to plant different agricultural crops on their plots.

And if you approach this process creatively and use different ideas for the garden, you can significantly reduce the work of garden owners.

Creating lazy beds

The creation of such beds allows you to reduce weeding, increase productivity, and also such beds will allow you to increase the time for rest.

To create such beds, you need to make a box or rectangle from boards tightly knocked together. Instead of wood, you can use building materials such as slate, metal sheets, and even capital beds lined with bricks.

The sizes of such ridges can be almost any, the main thing is that the plants in such beds should not be crowded and should be positioned so that they are maximally illuminated by the sun's rays during the day.

From the inside of the knocked together frame, PVC pipe trims are attached, in the corners of the structure, as well as in several places along the long side of such ridges. The ends of such pipes should slightly protrude beyond the top edge of the boards. Subsequently, these trimmings will serve to insert arcs on which, if necessary, covering material will be stretched.

The boxes are installed on the site in a pre-selected place, it is recommended to lay a fine-mesh metal mesh on the bottom of such beds, which in some cases is able to protect plantings from rodents. Soil is poured inside such beds of boxes, and after filling the boxes, plants are planted.

In the summer, such beds must be watered almost every day in the morning or evening, especially in the heat. To facilitate this task, you can always lay a drip irrigation system, which will allow you to water the plants not very often, but quite plentifully. Such watering the garden is easy to do with your own hands

To plant plants, such beds are dug up in the spring, seeds or seedlings are planted, after which the soil is covered with mulch to eliminate weeds.

Such beds quickly pay for themselves, and when growing cultivated plants, such beds are able to give a good harvest.

Landscape design in the garden

Even when growing vegetables, each bed, as well as trees and shrubs, can become elements of landscape design. So, for example, when growing any climbing plants, trellises should be used, along which the plant rises. And if you cut it and give it a beautiful appearance, then such plants will decorate the garden plot.

It is recommended to install any small architectural forms on the site, fill the paths with multi-colored gravel, plant plants not only strictly in straight lines, but also in spirals, in waves. The beds themselves around the perimeter from the outside can be decorated with natural or artificial stone.

If you plan to make the walls of the beds from boards, then they should be sanded and covered in several layers with drying oil so that they retain their natural color as long as possible.

To scare away birds that like to feast on almost any crop in the garden, it is recommended to install one or two scarecrows, which can also be beautifully and originally decorated and periodically rearranged from place to place to scare away birds and change the general appearance of the garden plot.

To choose the most optimal arrangement of the garden, suitable in all respects to the tastes of the owners, it is recommended to look at numerous photos of the garden made by oneself. And then choose the most optimal option for designing a garden.

Creating a beautiful garden

Enough effort should be made to create a beautiful garden, especially if the site is on uneven terrain or at an angle. Ideally, if the garden is on a flat area.

But do not despair if the site is located on a slope or on a hill, in such areas you can place beds in the form of terraces.

And if you systematize the beds, bushes, trees in a certain order, taking into account outbuildings, you can make a beautiful site.

Well, then it remains only to maintain the entire site in proper condition so that it does not lose its beauty. To do this, it is first recommended to draw up a plan diagram of the site indicating its dimensions and, if possible (if any), the elevation difference should be indicated on the plan diagram.

This is necessary not only for the competent distribution of ridges and other plantings on the site, but also so that certain cultures do not oppress each other.

It is possible, to create a certain effect, to grow different plants that are combined with each other in certain areas, especially for flowers and flowering plants. With their proper distribution, you can get a stylish, well-groomed and beautiful view of the entire garden.

Maintaining a vegetable garden without much effort

In the modern world, people are forced to work long hours during the week, and they do not always have the opportunity to take care of the garden in a timely manner.

In order for the plants to grow and develop successfully, it is necessary to cultivate the beds. To facilitate this process, an automatic or semi-automatic irrigation system for cultivated plants should be installed.

If greenhouses are installed on the site, then they can also be equipped with similar irrigation systems and automatic greenhouse ventilation systems can be installed. All this will greatly facilitate the work of an amateur gardener and grow a good harvest.

It is advisable to make the beds in such a garden universal so that different plants can be planted every year. This will avoid the impoverishment of the soil, and the periodic planting of different plants in the same beds will avoid the impoverishment of the soil.

Decorate your garden to your liking

Making a garden with your own hands, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties, but it all depends on the size of the site, its area, relief, etc. The issue of designing a garden should be approached not only thoughtfully and carefully, but also creatively.

Before the formation of ridges, and planting of cultivated plants, taking into account already growing ones (shrubs, fruit trees), it is necessary to display the entire site plan schematically, taking into account all plantations and outbuildings. The plan should show the adjacent territory, as well as the territory of auxiliary buildings.

The plan should also display a place to relax, a place for a barbecue, you can also provide a place to create a small pool.

When planting all the plants and arranging all the necessary zones, it is worthwhile to be guided by common sense, you should plant the plants so that they do not oppress each other, and you should also take into account the distance between them (they are specific for each crop) in order not to turn the garden into thickets of tropical impenetrable forests.

So creating this or that garden design with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing when creating a beautiful garden design is to adhere to the opinions of those people who have already used different methods of creating this type of garden and cottage.

DIY garden photo

Most often, a dacha is not only flowers and rest, it is also a harvest. These are seedlings in the spring, shoots, transplanting into the ground and other concerns. If you are a gardener who cares not only about the harvest, but also about a neat, well-groomed plot with fences, then you probably wondered more than once how to arrange beautiful garden beds in the country with your own hands?

Beautiful garden in the country with their own hands

If you started a dacha not only for the sake of flowers and fruit trees, then you definitely have beds. And usually the most difficult work is their improvement. Because you need to provide so many important nuances in order to fully enjoy the harvest afterwards. That is why we want to figure out together with you what kind of beautiful and correct beds they are?

Vertical beds - how to create, what are the features, pros and cons

If you have a small plot, but you want to use it to the maximum advantage, then you should think about creating vertical beds. Thanks to them, with small areas, you can get an excellent harvest, only once making enough effort for this.

These beds are great if you want:

  • save space,
  • grow more in a limited area,
  • grow in open ground
  • simplify your care and reduce the number of likely weeds,
  • facilitate watering and harvesting.

Thanks to their simple design and mobility, these beds are easy to assemble and move. And at the same time, you yourself can choose how many bushes or seeds you need for seedlings.

Varieties of vertical beds

There are several types of vertical beds:

ladder type- are created from boxes of different sizes, stacked on top of each other according to the principle of a ladder,

tubular- are plastic pipes of a selected diameter, filled with soil, with holes for seedlings,

suspended- where the beds are located one above the other, being suspended or installed on a structure similar to a stepladder,

pyramids- are created according to the principle of stairs, but each new tier is smaller than the previous one on all sides and is located in the center, eventually creating the appearance of a pyramid.

Clear instructions for creating different types of vertical beds

Creating a vertical bed is not difficult, but it all depends on your skills, the tools in your arsenal, and the materials you have at your disposal.

Most often they are made from boards in order to extend the life of their structure and get the maximum benefit. After all, wooden beds last longer, are more stable and harmless to future seedlings. But their arrangement requires more knowledge and experience in using tools such as a drill, screwdriver and jigsaw (if you need to cut the boards to the intended size).

In general, the basic set of materials for creating a wooden vertical garden bed is the same:

  • boards,
  • beam,
  • nails,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • priming,
  • seedlings or seeds.

First, decide on the size of the largest and smallest beds. Saw the boards into the cuts you need, and then assemble boxes from them, which you stack on top of each other and fill with soil.

Do not forget that even experienced craftsmen use a pencil and a tape measure so as not to be mistaken with the size. Wear thick gloves to protect your hands.

Take advantage of a very clear, step-by-step master class by Ekaterina Komkova, who talks about how to build a very neat pyramid for your seedlings.

And if you liked a place near a fence or a wall of a country house, then it’s more suitable for you, as in the relena75 master class:

They take up little space and, which fit perfectly into small areas, and due to their design are also very mobile. After all, they are so easy to carry from place to place or put away for storage at the end of the season. Yes, and they are made no more difficult than their more massive girlfriends. See for yourself by following the instructions from the video lesson of the Country Expert:

However, a pallet can also become a bookcase.

Tubular beds do not require much effort to manufacture. And they take up much less space compared to the previous ones. And the harvest will give a worthy full-fledged garden.

To create it, it is enough to cut pipes of a suitable diameter, make holes on them with a special nozzle for a drill, dig into the selected place, fill with soil and your garden is ready!

They are great for growing strawberries or cucumbers.

If you want to understand the intricacies of creating such compact beds, then you should pay attention to the master class of a country craftsman with the nickname Adek.

Disadvantages of vertical beds

But, like everything else related to the dacha, vertical beds are not a panacea. Indeed, due to all the same design features, they also have disadvantages.

  • the soil in them is quickly depleted,
  • the soil often has to be watered due to drying with a small volume of the bed itself,
  • if your region has severe winters, then the ground will freeze, which is bad for perennial crops,
  • you will need to make an effort and stock up on patience, as well as the tools to create them.

In addition, due to limited space, not every crop will take root on a vertical garden - plants with a powerful root system will not be able to fully develop.

Therefore, it is best to grow in such beds:

  • salad,
  • basil,
  • cucumbers,
  • strawberry,
  • dill.

Warm and high beds - basic requirements, pros and cons

As you can see, vertical beds are not suitable for pumpkin, corn and potatoes. Therefore, it is worth considering other options for growing garden crops. For example, if you have enough space but the ground is cold, then you might like the option of tall, warm beds, great for tender, heat-loving crops.

In fact, a high bed is a mound of fertile soil, bounded on four sides by a fence. She is:

  • easy to assemble and disassemble
  • does not require much care and attention,
  • well suited even for rocky terrain,
  • gives an excellent harvest.

In addition, due to the closed nature of the ecosystem, there are many times less weeds in such a bed, which means that weeding will require less effort.

They are divided into permanent and temporary. And, as the name implies, some can be used for several years in a row, while others are more often collected for growing seedlings. But both of them, in their essence, remain ordinary garden beds.

And most importantly, if the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a warm garden bed for a summer cottage with your own hands visited you, then you do not need to put in a lot of effort.

Very efficient and comfortable...

... and can be made from improvised materials!

General rules for the design and assembly of high beds

The optimal height is considered to be 15-50 cm from the ground (depending on the root system of the crop you want to grow.

The width varies from 90 to 120 cm.

The mandatory composition of each bed includes soil, drainage and biofuel (which will become humus, giving the main fertilizer of the root system).

But the materials for fencing can be completely diverse:

  • boards,
  • plastic boxes,
  • pallets,
  • metal profile,
  • wooden boxes.

Everything will depend only on your idea and what is now at hand.

The most common and stable are the beds of the boards. If you lay them with roofing material before falling asleep with earth, then they will last a very long time, since they will be isolated from moisture and decay.

Boarding fencing…


... and again with boards

And creating them is quite simple if you follow the detailed instructions of Evgeny Afanasyev given in the master class.

If you are not friends with tools or do not have enough time to organize a permanent garden, then you can solve the issue differently. After all, such beds are good because they only require a high fence. Plastic vegetable crates or pallets stacked upright and hastily hammered together to form a square, and even concrete blocks can be a better solution.

Pallet fence...

...and concrete blocks.

Yes, you do not need to have a carpentry education to organize a garden bed. It can be made even in an old barrel.

And even weave!

If you want to plant a couple of seedlings as an experiment, then you can get by with pocket beds.

Here you do not need to be able to saw and plan, but the skill of sewing and sewing is useful. After all, such a homemade product for a summer residence and a garden, created by oneself, will appeal to every needlewoman.

Take an old organizer for small things, combs or other household items, put film, soil and fertilizer into the pockets, sew on strong loops so that it can be hung on any wall or fence, and that's it - your miniature bed is ready!

As you can see, do-it-yourself beds for summer cottages and gardens are created from a variety of materials and varying complexity. For some, you will need an impressive set of tools, but the result will give a good harvest or, for others, only a few boxes and a couple of barrels will be enough, although the result will also be joyful and very pleasant. The main thing you should know at the beginning of the season is that any idea for a summer residence can be brought to life with your own hands - from a garden bed to a personal garden with the most exotic flowers.

Do not want to invest in the country the old fashioned way? Then why not turn the beds into a work of art. Let's see how the landscape design of a modern garden can actually look like, how to organize beautiful beds, what exactly to plant there, and other subtleties of gardening.

Modern garden and its design

A well-designed garden can be a real decoration of the entire site. Such a garden will be able to please everyone not only with a good harvest, but also with its appearance. In order for the site to look unusual and stylish, it is necessary to think over the design of the garden and garden, where ordinary vegetable beds will look no worse than bright flower beds.

The term landscape design implies the original design of not only the garden or recreation area on the site. There are a few simple rules with which even a novice gardener will be able to plan and design the design of a modern garden.

The location of the economic, ceremonial zones and recreation areas must be provided for at the design stage of the site, when there are no outbuildings on it yet. At the same time, the area for vegetable crops must be well lit. For the most part, cultivated plants are demanding on soils and lighting. Therefore, placing the beds in a sunny area with fertile soil can facilitate crop rotation.

If the primary task of the owners is not to produce a large number of blanks for the winter, then it is better to limit the number and size of the beds. A few neat, well-groomed, small beds will bring much more benefit to the owners of the site and their guests than a few dozen ordinary beds. When decorating decorative vegetable beds on the site, one should take into account not only the appearance of the plants planted in the neighborhood, but also their requirements for growth conditions. Slightly raised beds in the form of geometric shapes or waves are not always suitable for planting moisture-loving plants. The fact is that the moisture in such beds dries out quickly enough, which can lead to slow growth and drying of crops.

As a rule, standard beds have a width of approximately 1-1.2 m. Farmers across Europe are of the opinion that the width of vegetable beds should not exceed 70cm. Narrow beds are easier to care for and have a neat appearance, which also results in higher yields and quality.

Examples of a modern ornamental garden

Here are some ideas for landscaping your vegetable garden and making your beds and whatever you plant there look attractive.

Framing beds

Every gardener wants his site to have a beautiful appearance, not only during the growing season, when the beds are decorated with an abundance of greenery and flowering plants, but also when the beds are completely bare. Small brick walls framing the beds will help lift them up a little. In addition, such decor of the site always looks neat and beautiful.

Many in the decor of the site use various curves, patterns and smooth lines. For decorating beds in a similar area, you can use ready-made modules. If you show a little imagination, then you can decorate a modern garden with plastic bottles, small-diameter stumps or other improvised materials. Decorated paths between the beds will also give a finished look to the site. It is better to cover the paths with a small layer of rubble or lay out saw cuts of trees.

Modern city in containers

Vegetable beds planted in containers will not only give the site an aesthetic appearance, they are mobile. If necessary, such decorative beds can be easily rearranged to another place, creating interesting compositions. To decorate a terrace or a barbecue area, decorative beds in containers with herbs or various herbs will help.

It is not necessary to buy special containers. As beds, you can use various flower pots, old dishes, large barrels, baskets. You can use everything that fantasy tells for planting, the main thing is that the selected containers are in harmony with other decor elements on the site.

For planting in small containers, Ornamental Eggplant, Pepper or Cherry Tomato varieties are perfect. Even several varieties of plants can be planted in large containers, thereby creating interesting compositions.

Rich green lettuce leaves will look interesting in combination with chard leaves that have a burgundy red color. You can decorate such vegetable beds by planting some annual plants along with vegetable crops. It can be marigold, marigold or calendula.

Mixed flower and vegetable beds in a modern vegetable garden

The main trend of the modern garden is the creation of mixed beds. To decorate the correct flower and vegetable beds, various variegated plants are used, which form peculiar multi-level compositions. Using various plants, combining them correctly, you can create real works of art. It is better to plant such compositions in small islands. Greens are used as the lower tier, peppers and tomatoes are the middle tier plants. The background of mixed beds can be corn or sunflowers. Next to the sunflower, it is recommended to plant asparagus beans, which will wrap around stable stems, thereby creating additional decor in the beds. Such mixed flower and vegetable beds can be turned into real decorative flower beds.

Designing a modern garden in English and French styles

As a rule, a modern garden is decorated in French or English style. A feature of the French style is that all the green spaces on the site form a well-thought-out, complex pattern consisting of various geometric shapes. All the beauty of such a garden opens from the highest point on the site. For the design of beds in the French style, only undersized plants are used. Such plants do not grow, thereby not violating the strict geometry of the composition. Low plants are also planted along the paths, which are lined with decorative bricks or garden tiles.

The design of a modern garden in the English style is more natural. The choice of plants for such a site, the choice of plants is much wider. For planting in such a garden, you can use any vegetable crops, complementing them with various flowers and herbs. In the summer, during flowering, a well-decorated English-style garden resembles a miniature park with an abundance of flowers, the role of which is played by zucchini, ornamental cabbage and lettuce.

If there is very little space for organizing a garden, you can make several non-standard small beds in almost any part of the site.

Rules for choosing plants for a modern garden

Choosing plants for planting in the garden, it is necessary based on the composition of the soil and the climatic zone in which the site is located. However, there are a few general rules, following which you can choose plants suitable for the garden.

First of all, when planting plants, it is necessary to take into account the degree of illumination of the site. Tall plants should be planted so that they do not cover the lower plants from sunlight. Also, the same crop should not be planted in the same place 2 years in a row. This can make the soil infertile, thus reducing the yield. Watering is also very important for plants. When designing a garden, you need to take into account the mode of watering each of the crops.

And of course, you can’t just plant the plants you like together, because not all cultures tolerate neighborhood with each other well. Properly selected plants can repel insect pests and protect their neighbors from infection with various diseases.

The design of a modern garden is a close interaction of man with nature. In order for the garden to become a real decoration of the site, it is necessary to experiment. The result depends on the desire and imagination of the person. A decorative, well-groomed vegetable garden, where vegetables grow in combination with useful herbs and ornamental plants, can be a delight and a highlight of any site.

Modern garden - photo
