Simple quantitative examples. "Simple, Compound, and Compound Numbers


1. The numeral as a part of speech.

2. Groups of numerals by composition and structure.

3. Discharges of numerals by meaning and grammatical properties.

4. The paradigm of the name of the numeral.

1. A wide and narrow understanding of the numeral as a part of speech is known. In a broad sense, numerals are words denoting the number and order of objects when counting: two, two, second. In a narrow sense, only cardinal numbers are classified as numerals, while ordinal numbers are included in adjectives.

Numeral- this is a significant part of speech, which expresses a certain counting system with the whole set of words included in it, arranged in strict sequence, while individual words name the elements of this system - separate numerical concepts (number, number of objects, their order in counting - place in counting row).

From point of view morphological the numeral is characterized by only one category inherent in all numerals - this is the category of case. The formation of the numeral as a part of speech is associated with the loss of the grammatical category of number, the semantics of which has become the part-speech meaning of the numeral as a special lexical and grammatical class of words: most numerals do not change in numbers and genders.

Syntactic signs. There is no unity in the syntactic features of numerals.

So, in I.-V. cases quantitative numeral (except for the numeral one) governs a noun, being the main member of the phrase, and the phrase is not free, acting as one member of the sentence. In other cases, the numeral consistent with a noun, while the noun is the main member of the free phrase. For example: three studentsthree students.

Ordinal numbers in all cases agree with nouns, acting as a dependent component, i.e. behave like adjectives, for example: second examsecond exam.

In a sentence, a quantitative numeral can perform any syntactic function (most often they act as a subject and object): flocked seven owls, admire the massacre from seven large trees, night owls laugh (N.); Seven do not wait for one; Two and three is five.

For ordinal numbers and cardinal one the functions of the definition or the predicate are characteristic: Maxim Maksimych took out one notebook and threw it with contempt on the ground, then another, third and tenth had the same fate (Lerm.).

Derivational signs.

Among the numerals there are non-derivative lexemes ( five, hundred), suffix formations ( twenty, two, five), Difficult words ( fifty), and all derivative lexemes are formed from numerals (numerals are not formed from words of other parts of speech).

2 . By structure, numerals are divided into simple, complex and compound.

TO simple include words consisting of one root, non-derivative lexemes stand out among them: five, ten and derivatives: eleven, twenty, formed with the help of a derivational suffix -twenty (-twelve) (the former numeral ten, so sometimes words with this suffix are included in the group of complex numbers).

Ordinal numbers of type fifth, tenth, formed from quantitative ones by adding a special morpheme - a zero suffix, also belong to simple derivatives.

Compound numbers are words that have more than one root: sixty, sixty.

TO composite numerals traditionally include word complexes consisting of two or more words: twenty five one hundred forty nine and etc.

3. Cardinal numbers denote abstract numbers and the number of homogeneous objects in whole units. They are formed on the basis of a small number of words: from one before ten.

Morphological features:

All change in cases;

Numbers change by gender one: one, one; two - two;

Plural form alone numeral one does not express the meaning of plurality, is used as a purely formal means of expressing agreement, devoid of grammatical content (for example: one watch, one hand);

Syntactic features(see 1st question).


numeral one declined like possessive adjectives 3 declensions: one is uncle;

Numerals two three four have irregular case endings: two, two, two…);

Numerals from five before twenty And thirty are declined as nouns 3 declensions (for example: fiveoven);

Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, have 2 repeating case forms: in I.p.-V.p. null ending or -o ( one hundred, forty, ninety), in oblique cases -a ( forty, ninety, one hundred);

Numerals 50, 60, 70, 80 decline in the same way as nouns of the 3rd declension, but both parts are declined (for example: eighty);

Name of full hundreds in numerals from 200 to 900: both parts are declined (for example: two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred);

numeral one thousand inflected as a noun 1 declension of nouns;

- million, billion, trillion– as nouns of 2 declensions;

For compound numbers, all components change: twenty seventwenty seven, twenty seven

Collective numbers denote the number of items as an integral set. Collectives are a closed group of nine words, they are formed from cardinal numbers of the first ten - from two before ten- using suffixes -Oh- (two) And –ep- (five).

Collective numerals change only in cases, their syntactic connections are the same as for quantitative ones.

declination: in indirect cases, collective numbers are declined as plural adjectives: two, three- as adjectives of the soft variety, the rest - as adjectives of the hard variety.

Collective numerals are characterized by rigid compatibility only with certain groups of words ( On one's own).

The word is considered differently by scientists both (both):

Quantitative numeral (A.N. Gvozdev);

Collective numeral (D.E. Rosenthal, school textbooks);

Pronominal-quantitative word (A.N. Tikhonov, L.L. Bulanin, RG-80): is not so much a designation of quantity. How many pointing to him (both that and that - both).

Fractional numbers indicate the amount in fractional units.

They are a combination of numerical designations, i.e. are composite: in the numerator of the fraction - a cardinal number, in the denominator - ordinal: one fifth, seven eighths. The second component can also be nouns third, quarter: two-thirds, three quarters. According to some researchers (for example, a textbook edited by E.I. Dibrova), such combinations are not fractional, they are a combination of a quantitative numeral and a noun.

Fractional numbers always govern the genitive case of a noun, which can be either singular or plural depending on the meaning: two third books - two third books.

Fractional numerals do not have categories of gender and number. They change only in cases. When declining fractional numbers, all their components change (nouns combined with them do not decline).

Fractional words also include one and a half And a hundred and fifty , which are fractional in semantics but not in form.

Numerals one and a half, one and a half have only two repeated case forms: one and a half, one and a half for I. and V. cases and one and a half, one and a half for everyone else . In addition, the word one and a half has two generic forms: one and a half used when combined with masculine and neuter nouns, one and a half- when combined with feminine nouns: one and a half lemons, one and a half melons.

The forms one and a half / one and a half historically arose by merging the phrase “half a second, half a second”, i.e. half a second, half a second. In modern Russian, they are considered words with a non-derivative basis.

Ordinals- These are numerals denoting the order of objects when counting. Their status is viewed differently. In the works of L.V. Shcherba, in RG-80 they are classified as adjectives, V.V. Vinogradov considers them as numerals, N.M. Shansky includes them in the class of adjectives (relative).

As researcher L.D. Chesnokova, the inclusion of ordinal words in the composition of numerals (in a broad sense) is due to their semantic specificity: they express “an ordinal counting system, form an associative series of words in the aggregate, interconnected by a constant, strictly defined quantitative value ( first, second, the third etc.). Each word in this system has a permanent place and differs in meaning from adjacent elements by a constant value. In this system, it is impossible to put words (elements of the system) in a free sequence.

Grammatical and syntactic features bring numerals closer to adjectives (but: in combination with most nouns, the plural form is impossible: fifth houses, eighteenth books). They are formed from quantitative numbers; declined like adjectives. When declining compound numbers, only the last component is declined: ninety-third.

Adjoining numerals are indefinitely quantitative words type a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot, a few, a lot. Their signs: combined with nouns ( many books, few people), where are the main components (as well as numerals: a lot of work); denote an indefinite number of items (it can change to a certain number). They should be distinguished from homonymous adverbs. Signs of homonymous adverbs: combined with verbs ( talk too much, sleep too little), combined with adverbs of degree ( so many, too little), have comparative degree forms ( say more); form a form of subjective evaluation ( too much, a little); they do not have a case category. The initial part of speech in this case, according to a number of researchers, is the adverb, and the numeral is in the process of formation.

Words like How many, so many change in cases, in words many, a little, few only homonymous forms of I.-V. cases.

4 . The inflectional paradigm of cardinal numbers consists of the case declension paradigm (6); at the word two– from the paradigm of declension by gender and case (12); at the word one– by gender, numbers and cases (24). The usual full declension paradigm of a cardinal number is six terms.

Fractional numbers are six members of the paradigm.

Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, have a paradigm equal to 24 members.

Numbers play an important role in everyday life, with their help people determine the number of objects, count time, determine mass, cost and order in counting. Words that can be marked on a letter by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition sounds like this: numerals are words denoting the serial number of an object or quantity.

Grammatical signs of the numeral

All lexemes denoting whole and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

The concept of a number as such: five, ten, fifteen, and so on;

Number of certain items: two cars, six houses;

The combined value of several items that have been counted.

Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the number? which the? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question to which the numeral answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenished group of words. All forms used in oral and written speech are formed exclusively from the name of the numbers. In the syntactic construction, the numeral as a part of speech can be both in the composition of the main and part of the secondary member of the sentence.

Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming lessons start at 5:00. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

Next, you should highlight the initial form of the word being parsed, to which category it belongs (ordinal or cardinal number), structure (simple or compound) and the features of its declension in cases.

The next step is the definition of non-permanent features. These are case, gender and number, if any can be recognized.

In conclusion, the analysis describes the syntactic function of the word in the sentence, with which part of speech it is associated and whether it agrees with it. And although such an analysis of the name of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except perhaps for future philologists), but for the correct use of words in speech and writing, it is simply necessary to be able to produce it.

The spelling of numerals is one of the most difficult topics in spelling. Problems often arise with case endings, as well as with the definition of the discharge of a given part of speech. Therefore, before talking about spelling norms, it is worth giving the concept of a numeral name.

noun as a part of speech

Spelling of compound numbers

Now let's analyze complex numbers in Russian. Their spelling is subject to the following rules:

  • Eleven is written with a double "n", also do not forget about the soft sign at the end.
  • Compound numbers from eleven to twenty, like thirty, should be written with a soft sign at the end: twenty people, fifteen sweets.

  • However, a soft sign is not needed in the middle of the numerals fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.
  • Numerals from 50 to 80, as well as from 500 to 900, are written with a soft sign in the middle: fifty workers, seventy apartments; six hundred kilograms, nine hundred years.
  • Ordinal numbers, the second part of which are the words "thousandth, millionth, billionth", should be written together: twenty thousandth run, fifty millionth inhabitant, two billionth molecule.

Spelling of compound and fractional numbers

The spelling of compound numerals consisting of several words is easy to remember. They are written separately. However, they can include both simple and complex numerals.

For example: one hundred and sixty six (one hundred is simple, sixty is complex, written with a soft sign in the middle, six is ​​simple, a soft sign is required at the end). One thousand eleven (a thousand is simple, eleven is complex, double "n" should be used in the middle).

The spelling of fractional numerals is reduced to the following rule: they are written separately, as well as composite ones: zero point fifteen hundredths, three second, one point five ninths.

Number endings

Grammatical norms and spelling of numerals are inextricably linked. The rule is separate for each category. So, quantitative numbers 5-20, 30 have the same endings as nouns of the first declension (for example, bone): six, about six; twenty, about twenty. But the words denoting the number 40, 90, 100 have only two grammatical forms: in the nominative and accusative cases forty, ninety, one hundred, in all the rest - forty, ninety, one hundred.

Attention should be paid to the spelling of the endings of numerals of quantitative components: it is necessary to change each word. Let's look at an example: 645 + 128 = 773. Adding one hundred and twenty-eight to six hundred and forty-five makes seven hundred and seventy-three.

Let's decline the answer as an example:

  • Seven hundred seventy-three is the nominative case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy three is the genitive case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-three is the dative case.
  • Seven hundred seventy-three is the accusative case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-three is the instrumental case.
  • About seven hundred and seventy three is a prepositional case.

The declension of numerals denoting the order in counting is much simpler: it is necessary to change only the last word, moreover, as an adjective:

  • Seven hundred and seventy-third is the nominative case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-third is the genitive case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-third is the dative case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-third (-his - for animate) - accusative case.
  • Seven hundred and seventy-third is the instrumental case.
  • About seven hundred and seventy-third - prepositional case.

In Russian, the part of speech denoting the number of objects, quantity or order is called the numeral. This article describes in detail the features of numerals, their structure, case declension, meaning and main problems. For better assimilation of the material, illustrative examples are given.

Numerals in Russian

An independent part of speech that answers questions which the? How many? and denotes the number of items, the order or quantity is called numeral

Examples: fifth, eighth, seventeen, twenty five.

Different parts of speech can indicate the number, but only this part of speech can be written using numbers. (Five horses - five (5) horses).

The history of the emergence of the numeral system goes back to the distant past of the formation of the Proto-Indo-European language, where the tithe system was used.

Problems of numerals

In the modern Russian language, according to linguists, there is no clear concept of what verbal forms to refer to this part of speech. The fact is that by their origin they all belong to different foundations. Conventionally, all points of view can be divided into two main groups - the study of forms in a broad or narrow sense.

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With a narrow consideration and study of this part of speech, fractional and ordinal digits are excluded as a separate type. In a broad study, the types of numerals include:

  • three groups denoting quantity (fractional, collective, whole);
  • ordinal;
  • words of indefinite quantity (few, many, how many).

There is no unequivocal opinion about the forms that indicate the order in the count. A number of scientists (Vinogradov, Tikhonov, Peshkovsky and others) classify them as relative adjectives, since they have the same categories. In a sentence, they act as a definition. Other scientists (Gvozdev, Chess and others) classify such words as a separate category of numerals.

There is a problem with word forms as well. million, thousand, billion etc., they have signs, not only of numerals, but also of nouns.

The structure of this part of speech

According to the composition, the following types are distinguished:

  • Simple numbers consist of one base and describe only one digit (four, eight, one).
  • Complex - describe two numbers that are combined into one word (twelve, fifteen, sixty).
  • Compounds - consist of several words that are written separately (one thousand eighty eight).

What are numbers for?

    To designate (name) numbers - ten, forty-five, nineteen;

    To indicate the subject quantity - five kittens, four apples;

    To determine the counting order - seventh, second, twenty-first.

In the proposal, they can act as any member.

Case declension

The numeral as a part of speech has the category of case, and the words denoting the counting order change according to numbers and gender. The case declension has different types depending on the type of numeral. "Russian Grammar" from 1990 indicates the existence of two varieties - substantive and adjective.


  • five to ten and -twenty, -ten (six, seventeen, fifty);
  • numerals in -one hundred (two hundred, six hundred, etc.);
  • forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half hundred, one and a half.

Adjective are declined as adjectives and have two varieties:

  • Words two three four;
  • Words both, both and indefinitely quantitative (few, many, few, etc.).

When changing case endings, difficulties arise in the formation of word forms and their use in oral speech. The norm of the literary language is the change of all parts of complex and compound forms (five hundred seventy-two rubles). For ordinal numbers of the compound form, there is a rule that provides for the change in such words of only the last part according to the principle of the adjective (one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one - in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one.)

Denoting the quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of the subject when counting, answers the questions “which?”, “How much?”.

The numeral is an independent part of speech denoting a quantity and expressing this value in the morphological categories of case (consistently) and gender (inconsistently) (for numerals that have a morphological meaning of gender, see below). Numerals are divided into two lexical and grammatical categories: quantitative ( two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective ( both, two, five). Cardinal numbers include definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, many, a little, as well as pronominal numerals several, How many, any, some, so many, so much.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question "how much?", "how much?" etc.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical value, represented by two particular values ​​-
    • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five heads, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
    • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two, three times ten is thirty; several is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, generally a little; oral speech).
  2. Only definite quantitative numbers have a counting ordinal value: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three); wagon eight, place thirty five(place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling of cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: eighteen (18), eighty (80), eight hundred (800).
  • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: eighty eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight (88888).

Declension of cardinal numbers in Russian

In compound numerals denoting tens and hundreds, both parts decline:

  • 80 - eighty, genus. eighty, tv. eighty And eighty.
  • 800 - eight hundred, genus. eight hundred, date eight hundred, tv. eight hundred And eight hundred, etc. about eight hundred.

Other types of numerals

Declension of nouns



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  • , Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...
  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language. In 4 parts. Part 3. General participle. Numeral. Adverb. Grif of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zikeev A.G. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...