Do dreams about the swamp prophesy green melancholy? Dream Interpretation: the swamp dreamed. The most complete collection of dream books about the swamp

If in a dream you happened to drown in a swamp, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult and almost hopeless situation, and it can lead to very tragic consequences. However, the dream book does not advise to lose heart, because this is not all that such a vision dreams of.

Need a rest!

To get a true interpretation of sleep, the dream book recommends considering the main image. The swamp is a symbolic warning that you have become inert and inactive.

But making your way through the quagmire means that you are threatened with illnesses caused by emotional experiences and overwork. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to at least have a good rest.

depression sign

Why else do you dream that you had to drown in a swamp in a night adventure? There is a high probability of "plunging into" a bad company, from which it will be extremely difficult to escape.

This is also a symbol of loss of life orientation and depression. At the same time, the dream book advises to recall minor details, because the final decoding depends on this.

  • A rotten swamp can dream of wealth.
  • Peaty means an extinct feeling.
  • Appeared in the middle of the field, symbolizes the loss of a relative and bad times.
  • A quagmire is a danger posed by people.
  • Swamp grass - a love affair.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure that drowning in a swamp is for difficult times. Issues that you thought were resolved will become relevant again. The inheritance will go straight out of the hands, and disappointment awaits in love.

Act immediately!

Why dream of completely drowning in a swamp? This is a clear indication of a serious illness that will take away all strength and resources.

Did you dream that you happened to drown in a swampy area? In reality, your usual work and chores depress you. However, the dream book believes that the decadent mood will certainly pass and better times are coming.

If in a dream you happened to drown in a terrible quagmire, then consider that there is no time left to think. You need to act right now!

Positive interpretations

Why dream of drowning in a swamp and being saved? If in a dream you manage to get out of the pool, then in real life you can avoid a major danger. Drowning and being saved literally means that you will find the right solution to the problem.

Did you dream that in a dream you had a chance to practically drown and escape almost miraculously? You will find the same magical improvement in living conditions.

If in a dream it happened to drown in a swamp, then the dream book advises you to remember exactly how you dived. If this is slow but sure, then in real life you will have to spend a lot of money, arranging a magnificent celebration.

View from the outside

Sometimes in a dream you don’t have to drown in a swamp yourself, but only see this action from the side. So watching a car sink means that the project that you will soon take on will be extremely slow and difficult, but in the end it will bring profit and success.

I dreamed that I was walking through some kind of swamp with a stick in my hand, not walking alone, but with one of my relatives. The swamp is dirty and seething in some places. My legs sink into thick viscous mud up to the knee, I'm afraid to sink completely and drown in this swamp. Then I check with a stick, the one that was in my hands in front of me, whether there is a bottom there, sticking it into the swamp. When I take out a stick from the bottom of the swamp, a dead baby floats up. I am horrified, and one of my relatives behind me explains to me that the bottom of this swamp is everything and that if I touch the bottom with a stick even once, more than one dead baby will pop up. I make a firm decision, I'd rather drown in this swamp, but I won't touch its bottom with a stick, so once again I don't want to see a dead baby. When I woke up, I was just on fire, I was very scared.


The problem raised by the dream concerns your understanding of the conflict situation called "I'm having a miscarriage." The dream shows that you are prone to repressing the conflict, rather than working through it. The displacement of the conflict is the drowning of the baby to the bottom of the swamp. It is clear that once repressed, the conflict will return in nightmares.

Repression tends to come from people who have been advised not to overreact by their caregivers, or who believe that the best way to deal with conflict is to bite the bullet or be deadpan like an Indian. And you need to do the opposite - to react, somehow express emotions and admit that in fact the situation has affected much more strongly.


It all started with the fact that we (my best friend and I) were standing at a crossroads at a traffic light, waiting for a green one, and for some reason I drove a red one. I turn around and where I just stood there was a huge traffic jam. the traffic controller comes up to me and I started yelling at him like that, and he (which is the most interesting thing is justified) I yelled at him for a very long time, then I went, turned somewhere in front of me there was some kind of bridge (and for some reason I ended up in a snow-white dress ) I step on and fall into the swamp, and I’m not scared, the only thought is that I’m wearing a white dress and my mother will kill me, my legs got stuck and then I was really scared ... I started screaming, and everyone looked at me so indifferently ( even my best friend whom we have known for 11 years) And then I woke up and thought, I was frightened by this green, vile swamp.


The crossroads symbolizes uncertainty and indecision. This image signals to a person that he is on the verge of a possible mistake, since the soul has one path of its development and is not fixed on alternative choices. What is the situation, what are the elections? Perhaps it was formed under the influence of a friend: I was waiting for a friend for a very long time, then the traffic controller appeared. To argue with the traffic controller is to waste energy in vain. Bridge - the need to resolve a life contradiction, the disappearance of the bridge under your feet - a regressive situation. A white dress denotes a foreign cultural-behavioral model. Clothing can also personify a person. A swamp is a disadvantageous situation from which it will not be so easy to get out. Knowing your own life, you can clarify the projection of symbols on reality.




I keep having almost the same dream over and over. That it’s as if I’m traveling with some people (strangers) and find myself in a swamp, but I’m not scared, but pleasant, everything is green, green there. Lots of rocks and grass. I am very calm. I have a backpack on my shoulders and it's not hard for me. I calmly step from stone to stone. And the only feeling I have is that I was here, and I seem to know about this place. I remember the feeling of surprise very well. And moreover, there are no events, I just dream of this place, or rather, I find myself in it. I am 21 years old, female. I associate this dream, when I get up in the morning, I think about a dream when I was little (3-4 years old). That's when I had the same dream (every day). As if I go to my closet (large, wooden), open the door, go inside, and there is another door, I go there and find myself in the room. In the middle, an uncle in marine clothes sits on a chair with a pipe in his mouth, and he sleeps. Near him on the floor, there is a package of milk, and I sneak around slowly wanting to take the milk. But I know I'm not allowed to wake this uncle. Still, how would I understand that this is not a room, but a cabin. I remember the edge of the stairs there), the steering wheel and, moreover, everything is bright and wooden from light wood. And when I am there, I feel calm somehow. But I'm still afraid of this uncle, the main thing for me is not to wake him up. I don’t know why, but I associate my dream with a child’s dream (with the second), what is most surprising is how many years have passed, and I remember it very well (child’s dream). He dreamed every night. And it seems like a lifetime. These two dreams stuck in my memory for the rest of my life.


First of all, let us recall how animals become dangerous in a dream. In the dreamer's life there are ideas (desires, fantasies, impulses) that he suppresses for various reasons. According to the law of the psychic, not a single impulse disappears without a trace - it can only be modified (changed). Therefore, the appearance of evil (dangerous) animals in a dream signals the process of suppressing some kind of desire. The active attack of such animals on the dreamer (with touches / bites) indicates a high activity of suppressed structures. The general outline of the dream of this dream is intertwined with the sexual sphere - the symbol of a woman, snakes underfoot, water.

Swimming in a swamp in a dream literally means getting bogged down in everyday affairs and worries. The plot reflects the routine, boredom and monotony. In order to clearly define what the aforementioned vision is dreaming of, the dream book advises to take into account the most vivid details and your own feelings.

What does Miller think?

Did you happen to swim in the swamp at night? In reality, you will find yourself in a very unenviable position. Seeing other characters in a similar plot means that a loved one will fall ill or commit an unseemly act with consequences.


Why dream at all if you had to swim in a swamp? Dream Interpretation believes that you have lost your life orientation. In a dream, in such an unusual way, the attachment to existing stereotypes, habits or connections is reflected.

Had a dream that you were floundering in a dirty slurry? In reality, lose the trust of others and fall into a long depression without the desire to change anything.


Did you happen to see the swampy area around? The dream calls to do an interesting thing and find a new goal, otherwise life will really turn into a continuous swamp.

What does it mean if you swam in the purest lake, and it suddenly turned into a dirty swamp in a dream? The dream book advises you to prepare for the fateful trials that will test your mental stamina.


Had a dream about how you had a chance to swim in a swamp? The dream interpretation is sure: it is necessary to immediately change the demeanor and even character.

Why dream if swimming in such a strange place gave you discomfort? In real life, you will find yourself in a bad company or an unpleasant situation, and do not immediately figure out how to get out of it.

Take a chance!

Did you happen to see yourself floating in swamp water in a dream? This is a symbol of unloved and tedious work that you cannot quit for various reasons. Perhaps it is worth taking a risk and radically changing everything?

Did you dream that you helped someone get out of the quagmire? The dream interpretation is sure: you are not using the talents and abilities given by God to their full potential.

What are you afraid of?

Why dream if you had a chance to swim in a swamp yet? Sometimes such a plot very eloquently describes the dreamer's personal life.

Simply put, you are in a relationship with a person who is pulling you back and not allowing you to develop. The dream interpretation suspects that you are simply afraid of loneliness, and therefore endure.

Did you dream that the swamp was sucking you in a dream? It literally means immersing yourself in relationships or work.


In addition, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the water in the swamp and other nuances.

  • Muddy - emotional stagnation.
  • Pure - illusion, fantasy, deception.
  • Overgrown with duckweed, mud - despondency, loss of strength.
  • Fog - uncertainty, uncertainty, lack of control.
  • Sunny weather - good luck, good prospects.
  • Rain is a disease, painful experiences.
  • Storm - stupid actions, internal protest.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you had to swim in a swamp? People around you expect more from you than you are willing to offer them. If in a dream you managed to get stuck in a quagmire, then make a fatal mistake or get sick.

Dream interpretation swamp, interpretation of sleep swamp. Seeing a swamp in a dream is a bad sign: trouble awaits you in the near future. This does not necessarily mean some financial loss or conflicts with loved ones. A swamp can dream of overwork, emotional overload, and even nervous shocks and breakdowns. If a woman dreams of a swamp, then this means stability in her life, for a man to see a swamp in a dream, on the contrary, means that his life is oversaturated with events and it's time to take a time out for a break. Some dream books interpret the swamp as a good sign. For example, a swamp in a dream, covered with thick mud, portends financial success. Drowning in a swamp in a dream suggests that you urgently need to change your life. It has become a routine that draws you in. It's time to change the situation: fly on a trip or at least make repairs at home, or perhaps you should change your job or social circle. Falling into a swamp in a dream means illness or betrayal from your loved ones. If you were able to get out of the swamp, then you will be able to solve the problems that have arisen and joyful events await you ahead. For other meanings of swamp sleep, see our dream books.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you walked through a swamp or swampy places, then in the near future you will find yourself in a very unfavorable position. The expected inheritance will turn out to be an illusion, you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart. Walking through the swamp, you saw clean puddles and bumps with greenery - a dream means that you will be able to keep your luck: having reached it, you will become more careful and attentive to potential dangers and intrigues. If you find yourself in the middle of a swamp, in life you will not be able to fulfill yours. Other people dreamed in the swamp - loved ones will soon upset; you can get sick.

To dream of a swamp

Freud's dream book

The swamp that appeared in a dream indicates that the wrong person is next to you, and you are increasingly drawn into a relationship with him. You do not have enough strength to resist his perseverance and pressure. In addition, you are frightened by the thought that you will no longer be able to find anyone, and you cling to these relationships, believing that there is no fish and.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To dream of yourself walking through a swamp - when solving personal problems, you will stumble upon an unexpected obstacle. Seeing yourself drowning in a swamp is a dream that predicts that your own friends will treacherously betray you, and you will simply be shocked by this. The dream where you help someone get out speaks of your untapped opportunities. You saw a swamp covered with ice - this is a symbol of the fragility of the world around us, as well as its defenselessness in the face of an impending civilization.

A swamp in a dream - what is it for?

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Bad sign. Wandering through the swamp - to a reservation; to see a rotten swamp - to wealth.

Why is Swamp dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

To damage and disorder in business. To see a rotten swamp - you will be rich, fell into it - a bad omen; walking on it - you will be slandered; rake - to useless labor.

Dreamed Swamp

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Walking in the swamp predicts uncertainty, precariousness of the situation in business and family. If in a dream you were drowning in a swamp, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult life situation. Feeling hopeless can lead you to alcoholism or suicide. Someone is drowning in a swamp - your loved ones will be in the same danger. It can be avoided if the cause is found and eliminated.

Swamp in a dream

English Dream Interpretation

If you made your way through the swampy area, life will be filled with anxieties and worries. It is hard, falling through every now and then, to go - to sorrows and difficulties, and easy overcoming of the swamp predicts that you will spend the rest of the days in modest prosperity.

Why Swamp is dreaming, interpretation of sleep

French Dream Interpretation

The swamp dreams of a decline in business, poverty. The dream warns that you need to become a more industrious person.

To dream of a swamp

Modern Dream Interpretation

The swamp is dreaming of the fact that you need to shake yourself up and begin to actively act, otherwise now you are like dry grass, which the wind drives across an empty field. Your life must be filled with action, since fate will not do anything for you by itself: it loves active and purposeful people.

Swamp dreamed, what does it mean

Women's dream book

Walking in a dream through wetlands means that you will become a victim of circumstances. Your inheritance plans will be uncertain, and you will be deeply disappointed in matters of the heart.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • You feel that you are being sucked into the swamp and you are not able to get out of it. You feel like you are being sucked into work.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • Do you feel that you are being sucked into the swamp and you are unable to get out of it? Do you feel like you're being sucked into work? Relax, breathe deeply, change the pace. Do something completely unexpected to break the inner stereotypes that you play out in your life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • good value
    A tree grows in the center of the swamp - now is the best time to start a business or gain independence. You are full of strength and energy! And to attract success, draw a tree symbol on your hand with charcoal, and do not wash it off until it smears.
  • bad value
    The entire shore of the swamp is covered with reeds - your strength is leaving you! Your immune system is weakened, you can get sick and fall out of life for a very long time. Be vigilant and attentive! Take your vitamins and try to get as much sleep as possible. Find swamp water and wash your face with it daily before bed for a week. And don't cut your nails for the next week.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • Dreaming of failure;
  • walking in a swamp - to frustration in business;
  • get bogged down in a swamp - to big losses, losses

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

See Swamp in a dream

  • Swamp - a false path / delusion / mental stagnation.
  • To get into the swamp is a mess in business / a warning against a false road from which it will be impossible to return.
  • Get bogged down in a swamp - harm, loss.
  • Walking the swamp path is sadness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • Walking through the swamp - to bad events, slander, obstacles in financial affairs, but to see a rotten swamp - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • Walking in a swamp in a dream means that you will soon have unfavorable circumstances: the expected inheritance will turn out to be illusory, and disappointment will befall in matters of the heart.
  • If you find yourself in the middle of a swamp - know that you will not be able to fulfill your promises. We saw other people in the swamp - close people will soon upset you. This dream can also portend illness.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • A swamp in a dream portends a decline in business, poverty. this is a dream warning: You should show more diligence in life.

Dream Interpretation: Old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • To dream that you are making your way through a swampy area is a dream that means a life full of anxieties and worries.
  • If you walk through the swamp with difficulty, then sorrows and difficulties await you. But if you easily overcome the swamp and quickly reach solid ground, it means that you will spend the rest of the days in modest prosperity.
  • For a lover, this dream portends many troubles and trials, but in the end he will triumph over all enemies and obstacles.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • Bad sign. Wade through the quagmire - to diseases caused by overwork and frustration. You may suffer because of the unreasonable behavior of someone close to you. If you dream that you are walking through wetlands, you risk becoming a victim of circumstances. If in the middle of the swamp you saw clear water and green bumps, prosperity awaits you, but on the way to it you have to overcome many dangers and expose someone's intrigues.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Aesop

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • When a person goes headlong into everyday affairs and worries, they say about him: “His swamp sucked”, so the swamp in a dream means routine, monotony, boredom. According to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives in the swamps, which lures random passers-by at night with wandering lights and drowns them in a quagmire. Therefore, all unfavorable circumstances in your dream can be hidden behind the image of a swamp.
  • If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp, it means that in reality you are not satisfied and tired of work, it seems to you that time has stopped, that each subsequent day is an exact copy of the previous one, that no events are happening, but this mood will soon pass, and you you will again perceive life in all its colors.
  • A dream in which you safely pass through a swamp predicts that some unusual event awaits you soon, perhaps you will go on an exciting journey or a business trip that will bring many new experiences.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • Go along the swamp path - obstacles in business, the precariousness of the situation. Swamp - damage and confusion in business, bad prospects for the future. Wandering through the swamp - a sick bed, personal troubles. Pull someone out of the swamp - help someone in a difficult situation, help out with money, work

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See Swamp in a dream

  • Walking in a dream through a swamp or swampy places means that you will soon find yourself in unfavorable circumstances. The legacy you expect will be illusory, and you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.
  • If, walking through the swamp. You will meet clean puddles and green bumps - this means that you will be able to keep your luck and, having reached it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.
  • To be in the middle of a swamp is a sign that you are unable to fulfill your duty. Seeing other people in the swamp means that people close to you will soon upset you. This dream may portend illness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

See Swamp in a dream

  • wander - slander;
  • to see a rotten swamp - to wealth;
  • to walk through a rotten swamp, through a liquid quagmire - an obstacle in arranging money affairs;
  • in bumps with water - beware of other people's squabbles;
  • the bumps are green, but water comes through - grief, troubles associated with a possible marriage, cohabitation.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • If you dreamed of a swamp, this indicates that in real life you are being drawn into a relationship with a completely wrong person. You do not have the strength to resist his perseverance and pressure. In addition, you are scared by the thought that you will no longer be able to find anyone, and without fish, as they say, and cancer is a fish.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See Swamp in a dream

  • Seeing a swamp in a dream is an unkind sign. Wade through the quagmire - to diseases caused by overwork and frustration. You may suffer because of the unreasonable behavior of your loved one. If you dream that you are walking through wetlands, then you risk becoming a victim of circumstances. The inheritance that you so counted on may not go to you, and your beloved will prefer another. If in the middle of the swamp you saw clear water and green bumps, then prosperity awaits you, but on the way to it you have to cope with some dangers and intrigues.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

See Swamp in a dream

  • Swamp to go - danger, dishonor.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • Walking through the swamp - uncertainty, a precarious position in business and family.
  • Drowning in a swamp is a difficult situation, a hopelessness that can pull you towards suicide or unrestrained drunkenness.
  • Someone is drowning in a swamp - your loved ones are in the same danger. Danger can be prevented if its cause is found.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • To dream about how you are walking through a swamp is to meet an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.
  • If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp, it means that in reality you will experience a strong shock caused by the treachery and betrayal of your friends.
  • A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire indicates your untapped opportunities. If in a dream you saw a swamp covered with ice, this means the fragility of the world around us and its defenselessness against the impending civilization.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation Swamp

  • Bad prospects for the future; wander through the swamp - danger awaits; climb out of the swamp - an improvement in everyday affairs. To see a rotten swamp - you will be rich; fall into it - expect bad things for yourself; walking on it - you will be slandered; shoveling dirt is useless work.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

See Swamp in a dream

  • If you wander through the swamp, danger awaits you, stinginess will bring a lot of trouble. Get bogged down in a swamp - contact an unworthy woman and fall into her network

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Why is Swamp dreaming

  • A swamp in a dream means the burden of an unsuccessful relationship or marriage, under the weight of which you feel that any attempts to escape are useless. You may be oppressed by depression or sexual dissatisfaction.

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: a lunar dream book, an Italian dream book of Meneghetti, a folk dream book of beliefs and signs (folklore), a dream book for women, a dream book of Nostradamus, an Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), a dream interpreter (1829), male dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, Tarot symbol dream book, Daniel's medieval dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), Otavalos Indian dream book, Aesop's dream book, Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book, Loff's dream book, symbols dream book (symbolic), esoteric dream book, Chaldean dream book, the dream book of lovers, the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi, the Slavic dream book, the dream book of catchphrases, and others.
