The origin of the name Alina and its meaning. The meaning of the name Alina

Has a European origin. It was very popular in Germany and France. Translated from Latin, it means foreigner, different, different. In the Scandinavian countries, it means - complacent, noble. The Slavic interpretation of the name is translated as - - scarlet, bright, noticeable.

There is no ecclesiastical form of the name. not listed in the names of the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of saints. But at baptism, the worldly name is replaced with Alevtina.

  • On July 29, the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, the patroness of all women with the names, is traditionally revered.

The fate of the name Alevtin in Christian history

Very little is known about the first Christian martyrs who preached faith in Jesus Christ among distrustful peasants and commoners.

Caesarean was originally from Egypt. Together with her associates Paul and her sister Chionia, she professed the Christian faith to ordinary people, for which she fell into the number of objectionable emperor Maximin II. He had a very negative attitude towards Christians.

The sisters were sent to work in the quarries, where even men could not stand the hard work under the scorching desert sun. The girls were asked to renounce their faith, promising to save their lives, but they were adamant. Then Maximin sent Alevtina and Chionia to the Palestinian Caesarea, where they were subjected to painful tortures. After much torture, the girls were burned, and the man was beheaded.

Caesarea was canonized as a saint and is deeply revered by believing women who pray before her icon for the health of their children, parents and close relatives.

It is not known exactly where the original icon of St. Alevtina of Caesarea is located. But copies of it can be seen in many temples. Believers often keep Saint Alevtina among home icons, having the opportunity to always turn to her for help.

General interpretation and characteristics of the name Alina

It is difficult to give an unambiguous interpretation of the name, since Arabic, German, Belarusian, French, Ukrainian and Scandinavian roots lie in its meaning. Perhaps that is why it has a very contradictory and difficult character.

In childhood, this baby can cause a lot of trouble to relatives, as she will not be an obedient child. It always lurks a little rebel who does not agree to obey the will of others. From an early age, she demands that her opinion be taken into account and listen to her desires.

This girl loves to concentrate on herself the attention of not only adults, but also her peers. Life seems banal and boring to her, if she does not look at herself closely, does not hear compliments and praises.

Kindness, attention and care for this talented and extraordinary girl can work wonders. This can influence the fact that she will fully reveal her potential and turn opportunities into real achievements.

In high school, she stands out among classmates not only with her bright appearance, but also with the ability to quickly adapt to a new environment for her, to conduct a casual conversation with unfamiliar people. She is always smiling, open and interesting to others.

The fate of adult Alina: choice of profession, personal life and health

In her mature years, Alina is a self-sufficient and successful lady. Whatever difficulties await her on her life path, she has strong self-control, will and faith in victory. Her life will consist of ups and downs, but this will not affect her spiritual qualities in any way. will still be friendly, responsive and ready to help.

Alina's strength lies in her belief in success. She is not prone to prolonged depression, although sometimes she can withdraw into herself. She has emotional intelligence, knows how to control her emotions and influence the behavior of others.

For Alina, her professional realization is very important. Already from childhood, she can decide on her future vocation, enthusiastically doing sports or visiting a theater studio.

This woman is very purposeful and proactive. She knows how to speak beautifully and competently, giving the impression of a skillful orator. can be successful in sports, social, political activities, can become the head of funds, social services or charitable organizations.

Alina strives to be public and recognizable, she is proud of her success, and this inspires her to new ideas. But in order for this beautiful and independent person not to lose faith in herself, she definitely needs the support of loved ones.

Love, family and health

Alina's personal life is very diverse. This sexy and rather temperamental person cannot find a worthy mate for a long time. Short romances, dates often end in disappointment.

But if she finds someone with whom she will feel like a queen, she is ready to keep this man faithful and devotion for many years. And if the spouse turns out to be weaker than her in character, she is able to strongly dominate, taking a leadership position in the family.

Alichka has a subtle intuition and innate diplomacy. She is well versed in people and can easily determine their motivation, intentions, goals. This quality helps her to gather around herself only those people whom she can really trust, listening to their opinion.

No matter how many wise advisers there are around Alina, she is used to always making an independent decision and being responsible for her actions. Perhaps that is why he easily feels himself in the role of a leader, managing even a large team of experienced employees.

The family for Alina is her support and support. She greatly appreciates the love of loved ones and is always ready to support her elderly parents or distant relatives. Marriage is not in a hurry. But if she ties herself in marriage, she will try to become a good wife and mother.

Alina's health may not always be stable. As a child, she is prone to colds, bronchitis and seasonal viruses. Alina has a weak immune system, and if she does not play sports throughout her life, she will definitely face chronic diseases in her old age.

The melodious female name Alina simply radiates tenderness and mystery. It is interesting that its meaning and origin really remain a mystery, because this name is considered both ancient Roman (supposedly means “other”, “alien”), and Romano-Germanic (means “noble”), Greek (means “sunny”) and even Slavic (supposedly accepted in Russia as an abbreviation of the name Akilin). Be that as it may, the name Alina in the last two decades has firmly become one of the most popular female names in Russia.

Characteristics of the name Alina

Parents who named their daughters this way can be understood: this name is beautiful, tender, conducive to a person. However, in reality, little gentle Alinas grow into real warriors who cannot be led, who can easily show aggression (especially in the matter of protecting an innocent person), and will certainly go through life following a clear plan.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Such a character cannot be called bad, however, those parents who are a little afraid of the possible assertiveness in Alina's aspirations should think about the possibility of correcting her difficult temper. For example, Alina is good to call a girl born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, that is, from January 21 to February 19. Alina is related to Aquarius by the fact that both of them have special insight, intuition. They are rebels and it can be difficult to get along with them, but Aquarius most often prefers dreaminess and measuredness, which can pacify Alina's restless disposition a little, make her character more docile, soft. Also, a very good option would be to call Alina a girl born under the sign of Libra, that is, from September 24 to October 23. Libra is similar to Alina's desire to be independent. Just like Alina, Libra does not like to be commanded, however, representatives of this sign can easily change their mood from aggressiveness to tenderness, most often, remaining friendly, open to communication, they love to entertain others with stories. The zodiac signs of Aries, Sagittarius and Cancer are not bad for Alina, but Pisces, Gemini and Scorpios should not be called this name.

Pros and cons of the name Alina

What strengths and weaknesses can be found in the decision to name the child Alina? Of course, the name Alina has almost no drawbacks: it is beautiful, simple, sonorous, has many diminutive forms (for example, Alinochka, Alinka, Alya, Alechka, Lina), and also goes well with most surnames and patronymics common in Russia. As for the disadvantages of this name, one of them is its absence in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of names, and the second is the rather difficult character that nature bestows on most of Alin.


The health of the owners of this name is average. In childhood, they often get sick, perceiving each illness as the end of the world. Especially Alina should take care of the stomach, and therefore you should eat rationally.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Alina is quite picky. They are generally difficult to get along with, so do not try to settle her under the same roof with her mother-in-law. As life partners, Alina chooses calm, strong and collected men who can put her wife in her place, thereby arousing her respect. But Alina, as a rule, adores her children, indulging them in everything and splashing out on them her need to take care of people.

Do you want to know the meaning and origin of the name Alina? Read the article, it contains a lot of interesting information about this name.

The history of the name Alina is very interesting. This name came to us in the 20th century. There are many versions of the origin of this name. This and much more, regarding the name of Alina, will be described in this article.

What does the name Alina mean according to the church calendar?

What does the name Alina mean according to the church calendar?

The church name-book does not know such a name as Alina. Therefore, at baptism, the girl Alina will be given a different name: Angelina, Alevtina, Alla or Elena.

Parents often choose names for their children that are not on the church calendar and baptize them under other names. It is believed that in this way the child cannot be jinxed or damaged, since a bad person will not know the real name of the child by whom he was baptized. Therefore, foreign or modern names have been so popular lately.

Patron saint named Alina

The patroness of all Alins is the Holy Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, who was burned because she was a Christian.

The secret of the name Alina

The secret of the name Alina

Alina quickly becomes attached to people, so she is truly friends and is always faithful to her friends. It can let a person of any warehouse close. She will find a common language with all men and women of her age. The secret of the name Alina lies in the fact that she will always be a leader and others will have to come to terms with this. Sometimes she will even be a despot, and will not miss a moment so as not to exploit or use someone for her own purposes.

What nationality is the name Alina?

This name is most often found in Slavic countries. In a Russian person, Alina is associated with the word "scarlet". When you hear this name, "Scarlet Sails" or "Scarlet Flower" immediately come to mind. This name is also common among Scandinavians and Tatars. But it is believed that this is a name of Slavic origin on behalf of Alexander, but in a feminine form or on behalf of Albina.

Name Alina: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name Alina has German and French roots. But many documents claim that the roots of this name are ancient and it is more correct to say that Alina is an ancient Germanic and ancient Greek name.

It means "noble", "blameless". Translated from Latin, it means "not like this" or "foreigner".

This name for girls and women is on the list of the 30 most popular names.

Alina - deciphering the name from Greek

Specialists in the field of anthroponymy decipher this name from Greek as "sunny". Therefore, the main features of Alina are energy, swiftness, positivity and radiance. In ancient Greece, girls were called that when they wanted them to grow up magnanimous, majestic and delight everyone around, like the sun.

Many parents, before naming a child, pay attention to how the name is read, heard and written in different languages. Suddenly the kid will grow up and want to go abroad, and with this name he will have to live in a new country, where he will be called in another language.

It is also often necessary to translate the name into Latin, for example, for some document. Therefore, it is important to know how the name Alina will be read and written in English, Latin and other different languages. Here is the translation:

Alina's name in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Alina spelled in the passport?

Of course, they will not let you go abroad without a passport. When drawing up this document, you need to know how the name Alina is written in the passport. It is also necessary for banks, for example, when issuing a plastic card or when buying an air ticket. In the passport Alina will be written as Alina.

When naming a girl, you always want to be called affectionately, so parents should know how Alina will sound in an abbreviated version or in a diminutive caress.

Alina: the meaning of the name, character and fate

The meaning of the name Alina was described above, but it is worth adding that it was the French who always considered Alina their name. In France, girls from noble families used to be called so and predicted a happy fate for them.

Alina's character:

  • Girl Alina always balanced, but never let her sit on her head. In certain situations, it can even become too aggressive. It is difficult for parents to educate Alina, as she grows up as an extrovert and it is impossible for her to lead. But, if she is surrounded by care, then the girl becomes obedient.
  • Girl Alina knows how to hide a storm of passions under external coldness. He does not tolerate when her aspirations are suppressed, it is impossible to dissuade her from something if she has already decided to act in a certain way. Alina always has a plan in her head according to which she lives. Everything around is spinning at a fast pace, which was set by her.
  • For woman Alina has no barriers. She will reveal any secret of a person - nothing can be hidden from her. Diplomacy, exactingness, strictness and consistency are the character traits of the woman Alina.

Alina at any age needs to monitor her health, especially the state of her stomach. Only in this case, her fate will be good. Regarding the choice of a life partner, Alina knows how to understand men, and will quickly find her only one when the time comes.

We all imagine how our child will grow up, become a respected person, and everyone will call him by his first name and patronymic. Accordingly, it is necessary to think in advance which middle name suits the girl to the name Alina and whether there is compatibility with the father's male name. One of these patronymics fits the name Alina:

What middle name suits the girl for the name Alina: compatibility with male names

Compatibility with male names in terms of creating a family:

  • Successful relations with Alina will develop with Boris, Evgeny, Mikhail, Alexander, Victor, Peter, Vladimir and Yakov.
  • You should not marry Anatoly, Vladlen, Dmitry, Nikolai, Igor, Alexei.

When is the name day, Alina's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

According to the Orthodox calendar, all Alina celebrate Angel Day on July 29. This is the day of veneration of the patroness of all Alin. Name days can also be celebrated on March 23, April 29, May 29, June 14, June 16, July 2, August 4 and September 29.

When you need to congratulate a person on his birthday or name day, you always want to do it in an original way. It is important that a person remembers the wishes and they fall on his soul, which means that the congratulation should be warm, sincere, beautiful and from the bottom of his heart.

Congratulations on Angel Alina's Day are short in verse and prose:

Congratulations on Angel Alina's Day short in verse and prose

Congratulations on Angel Alina's Day short in verse

Congratulations on Angel Alina's Day in verse

Congratulations on Angel Alina's Day in verse and prose

Song named Alina

Singing a song with the name of Alina during congratulations on Angel Day or Birthday is even more original and pleasant than congratulating in verse. The hero of the occasion will surely be surprised by such a congratulation, and he will remember it for a long time.

Video: Avet Markaryan - Alina (2014)

Video: Murat Nasyrov Alina(live)

Alina's name tattoo

Tattoo in the modern world is a way of self-expression. Often parents make a tattoo with the name of their child or a young man makes a body painting in the form of the name of his beloved. A tattoo with the name of Alina can be made by the owner of this name herself, parents, if their daughter is that name or a guy in honor of love for his girlfriend named Alina. Here are some thumbnails with this name:

Alina's name tattoo

Alina's name tattoo

Alina's name tattoo in Chinese

Alina's name tattoo - sketch

Tattoo with the name of Alina - original and beautiful Stylish tattoo with the name of Alina

Gold has been valued since ancient times. Gold pendant is a great memorable gift. You can buy jewelry with the full name or with its first letter. A young girl, woman or even a little girl will be crazy about such a surprise. Photo of pendants with the name of Alina made of gold:

Original pendant in white gold with a star.

Pendant with the name of Alina in gold: photo

Pendant with a crown and the name Alina in white gold with cubic zirkonia.

Pendant with the name of Alina in gold

Rose gold letter A embellishment with cubic zirkonia.

Pendant with the name of Alina made of gold with cubic zirkonia

The pendant made of yellow gold and placers of cubic zirkonia is beautiful and original. Attracts the attention of a large cubic zirconia on a curl in the middle.

Pendant with Alina's name in yellow gold

This yellow gold pendant is personalized and very stylish.

Stylish pendant with the name of Alina made of gold: photo

Name Alina: intuition, intelligence, morality

Girls named Alina have a well-developed intuition. They easily understand the hidden secrets of people around. Alina is impossible to deceive, she knows everything in advance. And it concerns the thoughts of the surrounding people or the heart.

Alina has a good intellect. If she becomes a diplomat, she will use her gift in all situations. A good memory and a huge interest in life help Alina achieve a lot.

Alina's morality is manifested in compliance and strictness towards herself. The actions of the people around will be judged strictly. But, if we talk about a whole nation or some event, then Alina is not so harsh and tough, and can make a small digression.

Alina's name: hobbies, activities, business

Alina are good businessmen. It seems that they are born with a ready-made plan for their activities. Alina likes to work only for herself and she sets the pace for others, that is, she will be a good business owner. But, if Alina loses faith in herself, she can lose everything - business, wealth.

Alina's hobbies are versatile. She loves everything related to creativity. She likes it when her work is admired, whether it be paintings, poems, novels written by her. He likes to learn everything new, so he easily takes on the study of a new creative sphere.

Name Alina: health and psyche

Alina easily adapts to the surrounding life. Psychologically, they feel the need to devote themselves to someone or some business. She takes good care of her loved ones and is excellent at any social activity.

Health is good, but you need to take care of the stomach. Proper nutrition is what should go along with Alina in life.

Name Alina: sexuality, marriage

Alina attracts men with her charm and sexuality, but her true libido is an underdeveloped sex drive. Her vanity amuses the constant attention of men, but Alina always plays, and does not understand the meaning of this game, since she herself does not feel desire. Women's charms help to perfectly manipulate the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Alina loves sex despite her weak attraction. She enjoys and always climaxes. The partner needs to be prepared for the fact that she may once again refuse intimacy for a banal reason - the fear of ruining her hair and the like.

She will not show concern for her partner and will not even try to understand him. But she herself will make big claims and express her dissatisfaction. In a few words, Alina perceives sex with her mind, and not with her body or heart. Creativity helps her stimulate sexual energy.

In marriage, Alina is an egoist. She thinks only of herself and does not care about her partner at all. With the help of intimacy, she achieves what she wants. Men mistake Alina for another woman, because she looks very sexy, but she is not. Many suffer disappointment, but continue to live with Alina until the end of their lives. Men accept Alina for who she is and enjoy her impulsiveness and sexual incontinence.

What zodiac sign is the name Alina suitable for?

A person's belonging to a certain zodiac sign affects his character. The name can strengthen or weaken such a manifestation. Therefore, many parents, when choosing a name for their unborn child, pay attention to the zodiac sign that the baby will have. The name Alina is suitable for such zodiac signs:

  • Aquarius;
  • Aries;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius.

Each of the planets or constellations corresponds not only to a specific figure in our Universe, but also to the name of a person. Therefore, it is so important to choose a name according to the constellation.

Talisman stone for the name Alina

In order for Alina to have everything smoothly and well in life, she needs to wear rose quartz or sapphire.

  • rose quartz will give a feeling of femininity, tenderness and sensuality. It will help restore mental balance and give a good mood.
  • Sapphire will remind you of light and warm relations between people. He will feed Alina's consciousness and protect from evil and intrigue. The plans of the enemies will be unrealized if she always carries this stone with her.

These stones will help Alina become reasonable, moderate her impulsiveness and temper.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Alina

Each name has its own flower, plant or tree that carries positive energy for people with this name. Therefore, people try to grow talisman flowers at home or carry a leaf of a dried plant with them, which protects them throughout life.

  • Flower- violet, jasmine;
  • Plant- mint, eucalyptus; lavender;
  • Wood- figs.

Accordingly, if you drink tea, then with mint, if you eat fruits, then figs, and violets should grow at Alina's house.

Totem animal named Alina

The totem animal named after Alina is the Praying Mantis. Animal mascots are elephant, ram, deer, dolphin and swallow.

Numerology Of The Name Alina

Numerology Of The Name Alina

In the modern world, numerology is of great importance. There are even specialists such as numerologists and astrologer-numerologist. They calculate the numbers of people, for example, their names. Numerology Of The Name Alina:

  • Soul number - 4. People of this number are inclined to the exact sciences. They are excellent designers, engineers and scientists. They are respected by their colleagues. Their day is scheduled by the minute and it is impossible to shift anything from a pre-planned plan. But the "four" are reliable people and you can rely on them.
  • The number of the hidden spirit is 3.
  • Body number - 1.

The Fours are very good people, but they need to find an approach, and those people who find it will be respected by Alina, whether it be a girlfriend or a soulmate.

Alias ​​for the name Alina

Alias ​​for the name Alina

To correctly choose a pseudonym by name, you just need to rearrange the letters and pronounce the resulting word aloud. If you like what you hear, then you can use it for yourself.

For example, for Alina, you can consider the following aliases:

  • Helen;
  • Ellie;
  • Lina;
  • Inna;
  • Rina;
  • Athena;
  • Elvina;
  • Eileen;
  • Lana;
  • Anila;
  • Lane;
  • Alincia.

You can come up with a thousand more pseudonyms for this name - beautiful and mysterious.

It's always interesting which celebrity has the same name as you. When parents choose a name for their future baby, they are also interested in whether any of the celebrities had this name? Suddenly, the child will repeat the fate of a star or an Olympic champion with the same name. Famous people, celebrities named Alina:

Famous people, celebrities named Alina

In the history of mankind, there were probably other famous people with the name Alina, but it is impossible to remember everyone. Alinas are singers, dancers, gymnasts, musicians, and even characters in stories.

Video: The meaning of the name. Alina

The history of the name Alina and its meaning is very interesting. This name came to us in Russian only in the 20th century. In the languages ​​of Western Europe, the name Alina is written like this: in English and French - Aline, and in German - Alina. It came to these languages ​​from France, and there from Germany. In ancient Germanic, it sounded like Adela. But this is not the end! In Old German, this name is short for Adelheid (Adelaide). This name is formed from two words: adal (noble) and heid (genus). Here is such a long and interesting history of the name. As you probably understood can be considered the meaning of the name Alina "noble family", although this is rather arbitrary.

Another version of the meaning of the name Alina is in the famous Oxford dictionary of personal names. There, a hypothesis is put forward that the name Alina came into English from Arabic and meant "noble". Another option was the meaning of "noble", because depending on the context, this word has several meanings in Arabic.

Which of these hypotheses is true is unknown and of course it is up to you to decide which meaning of the name to use.

The meaning of the name Alina for a girl

Little Alina has several characteristic features. Let's start with the good ones. She has an excellent memory and absorbs incoming information like a sponge. Here the task of parents is to ensure the quality of information and its intensity. If Alina is not given sufficient mental stress, then her natural talent will quickly come to naught.

Of the unpleasant characteristics, stubbornness can be called the most pronounced. In addition, showing stubbornness, the child becomes irritable and immune to any arguments. The most important thing for parents is not to bring her to such a state. Just like that, she rarely shows stubbornness and you need to look for the reasons for her behavior.

Little Alina's health is unfortunately weak and he will have to pay a lot of attention. Often girls suffer from weight problems. And this is both underweight and overweight. Proper nutrition and appropriate physical activity, although time-consuming, usually solve the problem. Be sure to consult with experts.

Abbreviated name Alina

Diminutive names

Alichka, Alchik, Alinchik, Linusik, Linochna.

Alina's name in English

In English, the name Alina is written as Aline. This name is very similar and slightly different in other Romano-Germanic languages.

Alina's name for a passport- ALINA.

Translation of the name Alina into other languages

in Belarusian - Alina
in Bulgarian - Alina
in Hungarian - Alina
in Italian - Alina
in Chinese - 阿琳娜
in German - Alina, Aline
in Polish - Alina
in Romanian - Alina
in Ukrainian - Alina
in French - Aline
in Finnish - Alina
in Czech - Alina
in Japanese there is no difference between Alina and Adeline - アリナ

Church name Alina(in the Orthodox faith) has no equivalent in the calendar. Therefore, in the church, Alina will have the name received at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Alina

As in childhood, Alina is capricious and often prone to conflicts. This affects her environment and often she has few or no friends. The most painful period can be called adolescence. Over time, Alina outgrows "childhood illnesses", becomes more restrained and calm. However, restraint does not mean the absence of inner experience. She may not say much, but it's better for you not to know what's on her mind.

Alina's success is fairly predictable in places where diplomacy is a weakness and out of place. A career as an actress, doctor or project manager for her can bring success in life. In the same place where you need to look for an approach and be able to adapt to others, there Alina has very few chances. Professions of psychologists or teachers are undesirable for her.

The secret of the name Alina

One of the secrets can be called the memory of Alina. Very often, her magnificent memory creates both pleasant moments for others, and minutes that are better not to remember. She will remember all the birthdays and memorable dates of all employees and friends. She will congratulate you on the day of the angel and the birthday of your beloved dog. But in a litter she can remember so much that her memory will immediately become not a joy to you.

Guardian angel named after Alina and his patron will depend on the name chosen at baptism. If you know this name, find it in the list of female names, and from there to the article "name patron".

There are several versions of the origin of the name Alina. For example, in Scandinavia they believe that it is a derivative of the name Adeline, which means "noble." At the same time, the name Adeline is French. Some believe that Alina came from the Latin name Albina, which translates as "white." The Scots convey the name Alina as "honest", and the Greeks designate her "sunbeam". The Slavs associate the name Alina with the word "scarlet" and such works as the Scarlet Sails or the Scarlet Flower, which symbolizes hope and expectation of a miracle.

The nature of the name Alina

One of the main factors influencing the meaning of a person's name is the time of year in which he was born. If Alina was born in winter, then she will be very attractive and sociable. At the same time, it is much easier for her to establish contact with men, and not with women. Also winter Alina loves to cook and does it wonderfully. She is very hospitable, knows how to make friends and support in difficult times. Alina, born in the spring, is a very creative person. She sings, dances, sews and never rests on her laurels, striving to develop. Her character is soft and vulnerable. Spring Alina is easy to offend even with one wrong word. Summer Alina is the exact opposite of winter. She is not confident in herself and therefore finds it difficult to find contact with others. Summer Alina is accommodating and compliant, because she does not like to offend people and is afraid of this. Some people use her softness for selfish purposes. Best of all, the name Alina is suitable for a girl born in the fall. She will be assertive, prudent and always striving for her goal. Due to his rigidity and uncompromisingness, he easily climbs the career ladder, but it is difficult to converge with men.

Alina will be a fragile and tender woman in need of love and care all her life. However, in certain situations, she can be assertive. She likes to stand out, she always dresses brightly and unusually. At the same time, all things must be beautiful and of high quality. Alina always thinks soberly and weighs all the arguments before making any decision. She is quite smart and knows how to laugh at herself. She has many friends, including among colleagues. Alina attracts them with her stress resistance, reliability and amazing sense of humor.

Thanks to her mind, Alina chooses for herself friends and buddies who are in harmony with her mental organization and do not interfere with her development as a person. Alina is very often offended and always remembers these insults. Most of all, she does not like vile, dishonorable and rude people who are capable of betrayal. Alina is very emotional, but does not like to show it, because she does not want to face the cruelty and slander of people. She is afraid of serious changes, so she plans her life in advance and follows this plan. Alina has a wonderful intuition and all her friends know this, so they don’t even try to deceive her. She often sees dreams, which then come true. There is only one significant minus in Alina's character. She is not at all confident in herself. For this reason, the girl often quits halfway through, afraid to hear criticism.

Alina's name for a girl

For a girl named Alina, a violent character is characteristic. She does not like to sit in one place and constantly indulges. Instead of playing with dolls, Alina will prefer to have fun on the street with the boys. But with age, she becomes more restrained, and her character is stronger and more stubborn. Since childhood, Alina has been trying to get as much new knowledge as possible. She is an excellent student, has a sharp mind, a wonderful memory and analyzes the information received well. But sometimes modesty and shyness prevent her from getting good grades. Alina is very often offended, angry and always takes revenge on her offenders. She is also very vain and tries to make the good deed she did visible to everyone. She cares about being appreciated by others. Alina is a creative person who can draw, sing and dance, and she also has a great imagination. Among friends, she tries to take a leading position, but sometimes her shyness interferes with her. Because of this, very often someone else becomes the leader.

Alina is kind and open, but she is easily offended. With each disorder, she becomes more and more withdrawn and bypasses her peers. Alina spends most of her free time with her family, because it is important for her to receive support that friends do not always give. With age, Alina retains her seriousness, independence, diplomacy and sense of tact. She is still very kind and vulnerable. Her craving for art is reflected in the arrangement of housing and its appearance. But she needs to strictly control her imagination in order to distinguish fantasy from reality. Alina is a real fighter, but because of her kindness and shyness, it is difficult for her to show this quality. However, thanks to perseverance and willpower, she will still achieve what she wants. Even in adulthood, Alina strives for development, explores new areas of activity for herself and expands her social circle. She used to analyze all her actions in order to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.

Marriage and compatibility named after Alina

Alina is very noble and always behaves with dignity. She has certain rules of conduct, beyond which she tries not to go. However, her imagination greatly prevents her from observing morality. Alina often thinks about the novels of the Middle Ages, the heroines of which are real coquettes. However, most often Alina does not allow herself anything more serious than a playful look, as she does not want to tarnish her reputation.

Alina is very demanding of her partner, so the chosen one must be very patient. To help her decide, try to praise her as often as possible. But this must be done sincerely, since she easily recognizes lies and does not forgive deceit. Alina also loves signs of attention and recognition of her talent. To win her over, compliment the arrangement of her apartment. If Alina finally fell in love, then feelings completely absorb her. She is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her beloved. However, if the man does not live up to expectations, then Alina will not sacrifice herself, but will continue to search for a suitable chosen one. Even the fact that Alina carefully selects the applicant for her husband does not always bring a positive result. The fate of her marriages is not always happy and often she marries several times. The reason for divorce is not life, but the lack of love and understanding between spouses. Due to her shyness, Alina prefers to relax with her family, and not with a group of friends, therefore she chooses a homebody as her wife. Family leisure will always be bright and joyful, because Alina easily comes up with interesting activities thanks to her well-developed imagination. The leader in the family is a man, since Alina does not have leadership qualities. Despite the fact that Alina is modest and shy, she will always stand up for her children and will not allow anyone to offend them. For her husband, she will become support and support, also a devoted friend and faithful wife. Alina will have the strongest alliance with Boris, Evgeny, Mikhail, Viktor, Alexander, Vladimir and Yakov.

Famous personalities

Alina Pokrovskaya is a famous Soviet-era actress. In 1973 she became a well-deserved, and in 1988 a People's Artist of the USSR.

Alina Tarkinskaya is a popular model of the Red Stars agency. She started modeling in 1990.

Alina Kabaeva is a Russian gymnast, two-time world champion and one-time Olympic champion. At the moment, she is actively engaged in social activities and is included in the list of the 10 most beautiful women in the Russian Federation.

Alina Grosu is a popular Ukrainian singer. Since 1999, she began to work at a professional level.

Alina Kukushkina is a well-known understudy who gained her popularity thanks to voicing Masha from the cartoon Masha and the Bear. She also sang many songs from this cartoon.

Alina Zagitova is a famous Russian figure skater. In 2017, she became the champion of Russia and the world champion in figure skating among juniors. In 2018, she won gold at the Pyeongchang Olympics.
