Passage of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Storyline - Seductive Whispers (Path of the Mages) Mages in dragon age inquisition helpful quests

Hello to all Dragon Age fans! In this guide I want to talk about the specialization of the mage "Battle Mage" or how to make a tanker or tanker squad. Why I chose this particular specialization, now I will explain. When I was pumping my magician and the question arose about choosing a specialization for him, I began to try in order.

Having taken the Werewolf specialization, I tested all the animals (wolf, bear, and spider), it was well conceived, of course, but none of the forms shines with any special damage, armor, or other parameters, there are very few spells in the forms and it’s not very interesting to play. To be honest, forms are a lifesaver for the most part when you're out of mana, as many have said.

“Spiritual Healer” is a very useful specialization, no doubt, but Winn already has it, and even more so, it’s not very interesting, I think, when your main character is just a healer :) As for the “blood mage”, it’s also a very good specialization, but it’s better to fully consider it separate guide.

So, having taken the specialization "Battle Mage" in the ruins of the Brecilian Forest, at first I was disappointed. Well, just think, magic replaces strength, it doesn't matter what kind of magician a warrior can be ... But, having finished the branch of the combat magician to the end, I realized that I was greatly mistaken. Only the 3rd skill in this branch can tell what a combat mage is! In fact, this is the same warrior, only without combat skills, but with hellish stability, armor and damage, which the warrior did not even dream of here! A kind of paladin who can survive in a bunch of mobs, and not just survive, but deal with hordes of enemies, uniques and bosses without any problems!

Having an armor of about 60! And the maximum stability of 75% of all magic, as well as almost 100 physical and mental stability (and this despite the gear) and damage with crits over 100! What other warrior can boast of such parameters? ;)

Pay attention to the number of "buffs"

So, having all this beauty on my Persian, I suddenly thought - but there are 2 more magicians here!

These are Wynn "Spiritual Healer" and Morrigan "Werewolf".

And what if they take the second specialization "Battle Mage", two more tankers with their own obcasts (buffs)! So, from theory to business. If you decide to really make a squad of super-tankers, then this guide is especially for you!

Firstly, I must say that playing with 3 mages is very pleasant and interesting at all stages of the game. At first, before the appearance of the “Battle Mage” specialization for all mages, and for Wynn and Morrigan, it will already be the second, i.e. up to level 14, you can fully enjoy the game of pure casters, taking only one tank, warrior or robber into the company. I took Leliana, because of her special skills to pick locks and steal cabbages and all sorts of useful things :)

Of course, you can leave the magicians in the camp up to level 14 and play only with your Persian with Alistair, Stan and someone else, this is not so important, but it was very pleasant for me to play with casters, try all sorts of effects from spells and combos;)

Well, after level 14, the game will go much faster, you won’t even need to save frequently, pause.

So where does the miracle begin? When choosing a race, we are offered two options (for a magician) elf or man. I opted for an elf, because. it's more suitable for a mage (race bonus: +2magic, +2willpower) and magic will be our main stat! After all, the damage from spells, the duration of effects, as well as the damage of the future battle mage directly depend on it. And also the number of lives replenished by healing poultices, which is also very important!

Now directly about pumping


Force- we will not download, because the strength of the ability of the battle mage is replaced by magic, and we will get a good attack due to bonuses and skills later.

Agility- the same thing, not a single point, because the only significant thing that it gives for a battle mage is protection, which we will already have decent due to bonuses and skills later.

Strength of will– definitely not 1 point! This parameter is generally useless, because mana will always be enough. At first, just put on clothes for magicians, which does not add fatigue, and therefore does not increase the cost of casting spells and carry more mana bottles.

Magic- our main and almost the only parameter! I advise you to maximize it to the fullest, because it affects the most expensive thing a magician has! Spells! And also when magic replaces the strength of the “combat magician”, it will determine his physical damage, magic is also important for accessing spells of the last levels and, as I already wrote, magic for treating poultices is very important, the bonus is not weak!

Cunning- this parameter is needed only at the beginning to pump the skill "influence" the last level requires 16 cunning. More cunning is not needed in principle if your Persian will breed any NPC for money, additional rewards or quests.

Body type- it all depends on your decisions. 1 point gives 5 to life. But to be honest, I almost didn’t invest here, because lives are added with gear and with a level, and taking into account all the armor and stability, damage to your tanks will be negligible, unless of course you play on the “nightmare”. And pumped magic will allow you to quickly restore life even with the weakest seasonings. The only ones who sometimes cause significant damage are the mages, so they need to be killed during the battle in the first place, not paying attention to the tanks. Also, you may not have enough health on such bosses that use special skills, for example, the "High Dragon" on top of the frosty mountains, sometimes he grabs a Persian in his mouth and chews for a while, at this moment you can not drink bottles, the only thing that remains is to cure healing spell by one of the allies or have a health reserve to survive this chewing attack, as well as the "Spiritual Healer" can cast a charm, and in case of death you will immediately resurrect. So, apart from the top dragon with a health reserve, I didn’t have any problems anywhere at all. And I put almost all my points into magic! This, in my opinion, is the most important parameter and everything above is justified.


Now, with regard to skills, ie. professions, so to speak. The main Persian is given the “Herbal” first

and combat tactics

I didn’t download the battle tactics for the simple reason that almost all the time I controlled the main Persian myself, and in which case you can always pause, so the tactics cells received with the level were enough for me. And I developed the herbalist at Morrigan. For myself, I immediately took the skill "Influence"

It can only be downloaded from the main Persian. And I consider it the most important, because. the rest can be downloaded from the allies, and the personal skills that are so necessary are no longer there. "Influence" gives very extensive opportunities in the game world! You can always make peace or beg for a big reward or get an additional quest, and this is a big bonus !! So no doubt you need to max! After "Influence" I downloaded "Survival"

gives a bonus to the detection of mobs, as well as a bonus to resistance, especially since it requires cunning, and since it is already pumped, it’s a sin not to use it :) Morrigan I was a herbalist and “combat training”

although it is not particularly important for magicians, especially for combat ones, Wynn's traps, tactics (since Wynn is originally a healer, it is very useful to set up tactics for her to heal allies until she stops casting and turns into a battle mage)


(very useful from all NCPs you can cut down additional loot or gear), poisons

(even arrows can be dipped in poison, very useful for a robber), and combat training

(for a rogue, it is necessary to unlock skills). But first of all, Leliana, I downloaded theft, so as not to miss a single useful theft;)


So, the development of skills is the most interesting. At first, magicians can take everything at your discretion, for the effective removal of mobs, BUT! Be sure to upgrade each mage's skill line for a bonus to the entire squad! For future paladins, this is indispensable! The main Persian specialization "battle mage" will be available after level 7, but he will be able to take only 1 skill, because the rest will open at 12, 14 and 16 damage. After level 7, having received specialization and 1 skill, your main character will not become a tank, be patient and wait for level 14, believe me it's worth it! At the same time, prepare 3 sets of armor with maximum armor.

Now about the skills themselves directly.

Here is a list of mandatory buffs (group buffs, for the whole squad) that must be upgraded before the Battle Mage specialization appears:

In the "creation" section in the 2nd branch, the last skill "Acceleration"

I downloaded it from Wynn, because. she already had 2 skills taken in this branch.

In the "Spirit" section, the last branch, 3rd skill "Telekinetic weapon"

I downloaded it from Morrigan, because. the first skill has already been taken in this branch.

In the "Entropy" section, 1 branch, 3 skill "Poisonous fumes"

I downloaded it from the main Persian.

Also for Wynn there is an aura in the "spiritual guardian" branch - the treatment of the entire squad!

She, too, can be shaken, only she is naughty, turns off. Well, after the cooldown, we turn it on again.

In short, for ideal development, you should have 1 group buff pumped up to level 14 for each magician, and you can already pump 2 buffs of your own (magic shield and stone armor). And it is desirable to have Wynn and Morrigan sing 2 in reserve by level 14, so that having received specialization for 14, immediately drive 3 sang into the “combat magic” branch, then you will already get killing machines.

At the same time, in the pumped branches, he also took the last skills, Morrigan has a “crushing dungeon”

have "mass paralysis"

Battle mages do not need them, but casters are very useful and the combinations are good with others, and we will be casters up to lvl 14.

"Telekinetic weapon", "Poisonous fumes", "Acceleration" are three skills that complement each other, each for one of the magicians, but affects the entire squad. They turn on and work like an aura! Therefore, you can not download all three of one magician, he will not pull on mana and fatigue. Thanks to these three auras, we get significant bonuses, which, by the way, depend on the pumping of the character's magic, which is why it should be maxed out!

Battle mages immediately get a huge advantage over all mobs, thanks to the "Poisonous Vapors" aura, which slows down all mobs in a large radius that have not passed the stability check, and also reduces the defense and attack of mobs, which means it already gives us bonuses to the attack of the whole group, those. increases the chances of hitting in proportion to the pumped magic parameter of the Persian who uses this aura! "Telekinetic weapon" gives a big bonus to penetration of armored mobs, again in proportion to the magic of the Persian, so even well-armored targets are not afraid of our paladins now! "Acceleration" gives the entire squad increased running speed and increases damage per second, damage per second increases greatly, a very useful aura, but it slightly penalizes the attack, but it's worth it!

And now a list of our buffs that enhance each of the combat magicians separately, they are also mandatory: for each magician, we pump the first two spells in the “magician” branch, the first “magic arrow”

useful at low levels, and the second spell "magic shield"

aura that increases protection, the value of the bonus is commensurate with magic. After the 2nd spell in this branch, the last 2 spells do not need to be taken, because they only affect the damage from staves. Next, we take for all combat magicians in the branch of elemental magic the spell "stone armor"

the same as the "magic shield" only a bonus to armor! In general, everything is with bonuses. Even when I was developing elemental magic at early levels, I developed a branch of fire from the main Persian, and when I became a combat magician, I turned on the spell “fire weapon” (optional)

gives a good bonus to fire damage at high levels! It must be borne in mind that for some reason some buffs did not want to work together. So, for example, when Morrigan turns on the “Ice Weapon” aura, the “Telekinetic Weapon” aura turns off, it’s a pity, but you can do without the ice bonus, “Telekinetic Weapon” is much more important! Especially if your chief already has a fire weapon.

A little about pumping skills in combat magic itself.

The first skill "combat magic"

available immediately after opening a specialization, it is the most basic, does not require mana, turns your magic into power, so you can wear all armor and weapons! In addition, the spell (attention!) changes increased fatigue for a bonus to attack !! And this is just super for our heavyweights! The harder the armor to put on, the steeper the attack! What warrior can boast such a bonus? ;) In addition, when we turn on the "combat magic" spell, it immediately adds 50% to fatigue! Already a bonus! And each aura that is turned on does the same, which means that we will get a not weak bonus to the attack, which is why you shouldn’t pump strength or dexterity, the bonus was enough for me. But increased fatigue imposes large penalties on our tankers to cast spells, so when we are in heavy armor under auras, we can forget about casting attackers and other spells except for auras (maintenance spells). Yes, we do not need them at all! Palychs will clear faster than any fireballs with snowstorms. Well, if suddenly someone can’t wait to conjure - you are always welcome, turn off the auras, take off the armor, you can hide the staff in the second hand and go ahead, we are magicians again :) You just have to carry clothes for magicians with you in your backpack .. Well, or cast , as they say, in what the mother gave birth. Which, too, taking into account our strength of magic, is not very weak! But in this case, a couple of blows from mobs can be fatal for our naked casters.

Second spell

Battle Mage passive, very useful, gives bonuses to attack, damage and defense during the action of "battle magic".

The third spell - well, just hellish cheating, the most important spell in the branch, not counting the first :) "Flickering Shield"

absorbs damage, gives resistance bonuses + 75% to everyone and about +80 to physical and psycho resistance! But it quickly consumes mana, well, figs with it, our mana with the included buffs will be at zero, we are not casters .. well, at least when in armor. It is after receiving this spell that you can safely put on heavy armor, a sword and a shield and go into battle! Well, the last skill is passive, “shroud of shadow”

gives evasion from attacks, i.e. dodge and mana regeneration. Moreover, when you take it, the Persian will look cool translucent and leave behind a trail of white matter.

Now a little about the redhead.

More precisely, why do we need Leliana. It may seem to some that she gave up, it’s better to take a warrior, a tanker ... Of course, you can, but I don’t advise. Now I'll justify. Firstly, she's pretty;) Secondly, her "stealing" and "lockpicking" skills are priceless. And thirdly, she's a bard! And this is not a drawback, she is unlikely to endure someone strongly, but she has such a skill in the bard branch, “song of courage”

Gives the entire squad a bonus to damage, attack and crit! Moreover, the bonus depends on Lilka's cunning. It is great! Our bastards will be even stronger! And since the ability to "pick locks" and the skill "theft" need cunning, then Lilya has a big reason to download it and not spare points there !! At the initial levels, she will buff with the "song of valor" (passing and very useful at the beginning of the game for casters)

a bonus to mana and stamina regeneration, so we need it for our initial casters! As if by notes;) "Charming Song" (you can not download at all)

I do not advise you to take it because the charm radius is very small (immobilizes the target). It’s a pity that she doesn’t sing one big song at the same time .. As for Leliana’s other skills, it’s not worth pumping her attack (melee) for miles, because compared to the sticks, she is quickly hewn, the armor is not the same. And if she is lying around wounded, magicians lose very useful bonuses from the song! So I advise you to download her bows, dexterity for skills, the rest is all a trick !! From clothes you can put on excellent Wade armor after he makes them for you from the skin of dragons. Leliana's specialization I personally chose "Pathfinder"

since she is an archer with me and she doesn’t need close combat (and this is the “Killer and Duelist”), then it’s better to call a little animal, all the same spider, bear and wolf, good little animals, sometimes they help a lot! But they are far from our paladins :)


Everything is simple here, since we will never have problems with resists, dress purely on armor! The more armor, the less damage to us! It is desirable of course and stats, but not necessarily, armor is the main thing! I went in heavy armor from Wade, the juggernaut is also good, but at medium levels, otherwise look for something heavier, because heaviness = bonus to attack! By the way, the attack is not displayed anywhere, it is the rating of the combat magicians. It sucks, but I had enough of all the bonuses, they hit almost without a miss! Rings for magic, for stats. Yes, armor is desirable from one set, plus ++ bonuses.


It's easy here too. Don't take doubles! I checked that the damage of the battle mage is the same as on one-handed weapons, and sometimes less, but it swings for a long time, and without a shield we lose bonuses to protection and reflection / stats. The best sword is the Spellweaver, with two holes, it drops from the battlemage in the frosty mountains when you go for the ashes of Adraste. Adds +5 magic! And that means damage! It is better to insert runes for everyone to paralysis and slowdown or to elemental damage.


It’s better to start from the tower of magicians in order to take Wynn right away, then go to the Brisilian forest for the “combat mage” specialization, then go to Redcliffe and rather for the ashes of Andraste, there will be a sword and dragon skin for armor, they are made in Denerim. There is also juggernaut armor in the forest. Defeating the ghosts and the undead at early levels is not easy, it is better to take tanks (warriors). In the future, these mobs will not cause any problems for the pals.


It is better to fill in the cells for battle mages like this: any action of your own = turning on the mode = the name of the aura, and so list all the auras. Some for some reason were not included in tactics. I had to turn it on manually, for example, Wynn's "acceleration" was often even turned off during the battle. I do not know what it is connected with. In one of the cells we set the condition = your health

And I don’t advise the main character to take the “blood magician” as a 2nd specialization, this is a completely different area with a different level, it’s better to take the “spiritual healer” because of the bonuses to restore health and spells and the aura of treatment.

The first story quest is a fork, after completing which you forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to enter into an alliance with the templars.

You can complete the initial part of this quest even if you are planning an alliance with the templars. Until this mission appears on your table at the command headquarters, you have not reached the point of no return.

You receive this quest after meeting Fiona on your first visit to Val Royeaux. She invites you to negotiate with the rebellious mages at Redcliffe Castle. You may have already discovered the gate to the village of Redcliffe during your exploration of the Hinterlands, but until Fiona's invitation, you won't be allowed in anyway.

Go to the village of Redcliffe in the northern part of the map, and a frightened guard will run out towards you. It turns out that another Gap has formed at the very gate. Close it and you will finally be given access to the village. One of the agents of the Inquisition will inform you that for some unclear reason, Fiona is acting as if she does not know about any invitation. After that, one of the magicians adds to the confusion by announcing that some kind of master Alexius runs everything here, and not Fiona at all. To understand all this, go to the tavern. You will have a long conversation, first with Fiona, and then with Alexius himself. It will clear things up a bit.

Whether you wish to form an alliance with Alexius or not, your negotiations will be interrupted and the Magister will retire on his own business. You can also read the note that was slipped to you.

Go to the Church, where you will see a magician fighting the demons that are pouring out of the next Rupture. Help him and close the Rift - he will introduce himself and explain what is going on. From now on, the mission "Whisper of Seduction" will appear on your table in the command headquarters, and if you choose it, you will no longer be able to form an alliance with the templars.

When you're ready, go to the headquarters and activate the mission. (I recommend having some extra mage gear in your inventory, as a new companion will be joining you on this mission.)

Listen to your advisors debate and the plan they eventually came up with. Dorian, who appeared, will also contribute to it.

After the end of the conversation, you will automatically find yourself in Redcliffe Castle. Talk to Alexius. During the conversation, he will state that your mark is "stolen", and also mention a certain Elder. You will also discover Alexius' primary motivation for allying with this enigmatic Elder. At the end of the conversation, Alexius uses magic - with unexpected consequences, thanks to the intervention of Dorian - and you will find yourself in a completely different place and without your companions. Only Dorian will remain with you. Don't forget to equip him and scatter his skill points when you deal with the two hostile Venatori guards.

After the fight, Dorian will come up with his theory about what exactly happened to you and what you need to do about it. Pick up the key to the cell, which will be dropped by one of the guards. If you haven't brought anything extra for the mage with you, then one of the chests nearby contains armor that is slightly better than Dorian's armor.

Open the cell door with the found key and look for a way out, on the way appreciating the very ... frightening scenery of the castle. Pass through the lower and upper chambers - and you will find yourself in a kind of crossroads with three possible roads. He is protected by several Venatori guards.

Your companions sit in cells at the end of the corridors of this intersection. From them you will learn exactly where - and most importantly - when exactly - you are. After that, they will join you. In one of the cells you will come across Fiona. She will inform you that Leliana is somewhere here and you should find her before you meet Alexius.

Already with a full group, go up the stairs for the quest marker until you reach a crossroads where you will have to fight with several guards. In the guard barracks nearby you will find a cache for replenishing supplies. Behind a locked door that only a rogue can open, you will find random loot.

Leliana... or rather, a very unexpected version of Leliana for this future, is located above, in the torture chambers. After a short cutscene, she will join you - although not as a member of the group. Move on. At the grate, behind which the pier is located, there is a gap hanging. After closing it, open the grate with the lifting wheel and go on.

There is another cache for replenishing potions if you need it. There are also a couple of Shadows walking around. Pass through the courtyard, where you will need to close the next two Breaks, into the living quarters. If Connor is alive in your state of the world, then in one of the rooms you will see what would become of him in this version of the future.

The potion vault is located near the stairs from the upper level of this wing to the lower one. In the first hall of the lower level, a big battle awaits you with numerous shadows and venatori. The entrance to the throne room is also located here, but at the moment it is locked with magic, and you need five shards of red lyrium to open the door. Lyrium shards are in the possession of the Venatori, who patrol the upper and lower levels of this part of the castle in quite large groups (usually at least half a dozen). All of them are marked on the map.

In one of the side rooms is another potion cache.

After you collect all five lyrium shards, go back and open the throne room. Regardless of how you behave in a conversation with Alexius, you will have to fight him. Alexius Barriers himself endlessly, and after you've taken a certain number of hit points to him, he opens a Rift to make you even more fun. After you repeat this cycle a few times, you will finally be able to finish it off.

While Dorian opens the way to the past for you, watch as your companions heroically hold off the attackers, buying you time. After that, you will jump into the gap and find yourself back in that place, and most importantly - time - from which you were so unceremoniously torn out.

Alexius will surrender without a fight, and you will be faced with a very angry face - or faces - depending on which state of the world you have chosen in Kip. During the conversation, you can choose whether you enter into a full-fledged alliance with the magicians or make them part of the Inquisition under your complete control. As you might expect, an alliance of equals will not please those who do not trust free mages (Cassandra, Vivien), but Blackwall, Solas and Sera will approve of it. Varric's reaction depends on which side Hawk fought on at the end of DA 2. If he fought on the side of the mages, then Varric will approve of a full-fledged alliance with the mages - and vice versa.

After that, you will automatically be transported back to the Vault, and this will complete this quest.

is a very big game. Only the passage of the main quest can take from 40 to 60 hours, and if you take into account the secondary tasks, it becomes completely scary. On the way to the final goal, difficulties may arise, which our passage will help to resolve. Just to start, let's clarify something.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a non-linear game. This means that depending on your decisions, as well as on the gender and race of the Inquisitor, a lot depends. BioWare's new project has enough forks in it that will make your story different from ours.

. We only talk about the main quest. Yes, there are a lot of interesting tasks in Inquisition, but the description of each of them would take an obscene amount of time. Therefore, only missions from the Path of the Inquisitor group.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition is not a "quick run". In order to progress through the story, you need to earn Power points. The fastest way to do this is to complete a few secondary tasks. So even if you are not interested in the personal affairs of your party members and quests to collect herbs and metals, sometimes you still have to do this.

. The text below contains spoilers. We will try to do without unnecessary plot details, but ... THE KILLER IS THE BUTLER!

Heavenly Wrath / The Wrath of Heaven

The prologue of Dragon Age: Inquisition is completely linear - even if you want to, you still can't get lost. Follow Cassandra, carefully read the hints and fight weak opponents. There shouldn't be any problems with this. Soon the path will lead to the elf Solas and the dwarf Varrik, your new companions.

After that, you will be taught how to use the tactical pause. In the future, this mode will come in handy more than once, especially at a high level of difficulty, so try to master it as early as possible.

Soon you will come to a gap - a place from where demons from the Shadow penetrate into the real world. To close the gap between the dimensions, you must first destroy all the enemies around. After defeating the demons, you need to touch the gap and wait a few seconds, after which it will close. During the passage of the game, you will have to close such portals quite often.

After returning to the fortress, you will be presented with a choice: go straight to the biggest gap or take a detour. In the first case, you will get to the next location faster, in the second case, you will be able to save the missing soldiers.

Regardless of the chosen path, you will soon find yourself at the ruins of a huge castle. After going down to the gap, you will start the battle with the first boss - Demon of Pride.

There should not be any particular difficulties: not only party members, but also the soldiers of the Inquisition will help you. In the first phase, the boss is invulnerable - note that his health bar looks different than previously encountered monsters. To make the demon vulnerable, you need to use a gap. Let the boss be distracted by the allies, and you press the action button next to the portal. After a couple of seconds, an explosion will thunder and the demon will fall to its knees - that's when you hit. After some time, it will become impenetrable again - you already know how to fix it. When lesser demons start to appear on the battlefield, deal with them first, and then interact with the gap.

The danger is not over / The Threat Remains

After resting after the battle, go outside. Head towards the church following the sign. Enter the command headquarters and complete the prologue of the game.

After that, you will have time to get used to the headquarters. Use it to learn blacksmithing, talk to companions, remember the location of key NPCs. When finished, return to the church. From here you can go to the next location - Hinterlands, in the kingdom of Ferelden. To do this, you can use the headquarters of the command or the world map.

There are a huge number of quests waiting in the Hinterlands - you can spend up to 12 hours here! Therefore, if you do not want to get confused, mark the priority quests for you in the journal - then a special beacon will tell you where to go. If you plan to advance on the main quest ("The Path of the Inquisitor") as soon as possible, then mark it in the list of quests.

Follow the sign. Soon you will stumble upon a detachment of the Inquisition, which is fighting off rebellious magicians and templars. They will need your help. After that, you will be invited to a large camp - the main stronghold of the Inquisition in the Hinterlands. Here you need to talk with Giselle's mother, who will direct the heroes to a new location.

You can stay in the Hinterlands and do the quests, enough to earn a few levels. Otherwise, return to the command headquarters and go to Val Royeaux.

Here the pointer will help you again - follow the beacon. There is very little to do in this location: having reached the indicated place, watch the video, meet the templars and then head towards the exit. Before leaving for the headquarters, the spellcaster, the head of the magicians, will speak to you.

Very soon you will have to choose between templars and mages. Two quests will be available at the command headquarters: In Hushed Whispers (“In Secret”) and Champions of The Just (“Defenders of Justice”). Selecting one of them disables the execution of the second. To convince the templars to join the Inquisition, complete Champions of The Just, or if you value the help of mages more, In Hushed Whispers. In our walkthrough, we chose to support wizards, but you are free to do otherwise.

In secret / In Hushed Whispers

Travel to the Hinterlands. Here you need to get to the city of Redcliff, located in the north of the location. There will be another gap in front of the city gates - deal with it and you will be allowed outside the walls. In Radcliffe, find a tavern, talk to the sorceress and proceed to a new meeting point - it's not far away.

Here you will meet Dorian, one of the potential companions. Close the gap, listen to the magician and go to the command headquarters. Here you have to talk with the advisers and finally decide who will be more useful allies - mages or templars. This is your last chance to change your mind.

If you still plan to be friends with wizards, then return to Radcliffe using the command table. Dorian will definitely be in the party, and you can allocate the remaining two slots to other heroes.

What happens next, we will not tell - this is a spoiler. Let's just say that after the cutscenes, you and Dorian will find yourself in a dungeon. As soon as control is returned to you, upgrade the abilities of the magician so that he will help you with spells in battle.

Since you are alone, move through the dungeon with caution. There are few enemies here, but they deal decent damage. It will be easiest if you play as a "tank" warrior. More difficult - if for a melee rogue. Be especially careful if you play as an archer or mage.

Following the markers, you will soon reach a fork. Three points will be marked on the map: two of them indicate the party members who need to be released from imprisonment, and the third will lead you to the sorceress Fiona. First of all, get to the lost allies - the four of you will be much easier. After talking with Fiona, the next part of the task will open - follow the new marker.

To replenish your health potions, look for special vaults (they look like boxes with different bottles). New markers will appear on the map that need to be examined. You can move freely within the location and visit targets in random order. Please note that this zone has several levels, so some places can only be reached using stairs.

Soon you will come across a locked door. To open it, you need to collect five pieces of red lyrium. Their location is marked on the map. Once you've collected all five, replenish your potions and get ready for the boss fight, Alexius.

Alexius uses offensive spells, casts a shield on himself and teleports around the room. In general, the fight with him is simple: let the warrior divert the attention of the boss to himself while the rest of the party deals maximum damage. When he has half his health left, Alexius will disappear, but a gap will appear in the room - you already know what to do with him. As soon as you close the gap, the boss will return to the battlefield. He will repeat the disappearing trick at a quarter of his health.

Will burn in our hearts ... / In Your Heart Shall Burn

After returning to the base, you will be able to chat with allies, get or even complete a few tasks and so on - use this time to complete things in the Vault (Heaven). Please note that you will not be returning here.

After activating the next story mission, you will see several cutscenes. Shortly after you regain control of the character, you will meet Cole, another potential party member. It will appear only if you have chosen the help of magicians. Otherwise, Dorian will replace him, and you will meet Cole during the mission for the templars. Depending on the choice of the side, the opponents also change: either magicians or templars will attack you.

In this case, the tasks will be the same. Follow the markers, destroying opponents. You will need to protect one trebuchet and capture the other. After that, you will be asked to return to the Vault. Along the way, you can save a few characters, which will bring additional experience. When you get to the church, watch the cutscene and return to the battlefield.

Now you need to aim the trebuchet. At the same time, opponents will interfere with the heroes - we advise you to first kill them all and only then take up guidance. At some point, the boss will appear - a knight Danam.

First, deal with his retinue - a gang of demons. After that, order your “tank” to distract the boss towards you: the monster has quite powerful attacks that leave no chance for the mages of the squad. Keep vulnerable allies behind the boss to minimize damage to them. At 75, 50, and 25 percent health, Danam will remove all negative effects from himself and set up a powerful barrier. The battle can be long, but as long as the "tank" holds the line, distracts the enemy and drinks potions, there is nothing to worry about.

After defeating Danam, a long cut-scene will be shown. When you can control your hero again, follow the signs - the path is absolutely linear. Soon you will be taught how to use a new ability, and then the hero will find himself in a snowy desert during a storm. Just go forward and slightly to the right.

From the Ashes

This part of the main quest is quite short. You will be offered to walk around the new fortress, explore its main premises and chat with allies. Some sections of Skyhold will be locked down and you can visit them the next time you visit the castle.

After talking with Josephine and Varrick, two main quests will open: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts ("Evil eyes and evil hearts") and Here Lies the Abyss ("There lies the Abyss"). They can be performed in any order. Before going to one of them, we strongly recommend talking with all party members - you will see and learn a lot of interesting things.

There Lies the Abyss / Here Lies the Abyss

After talking with Varrick's friend, you will gain access to a new location - Crestwood. Go to a meeting with an informant. Go along the coast until you come across a cave - go there.

After the conversation, your path lies in another location, the Western Limit (Western Approach). Follow the marker directions. On the spot, you will be shown a cut-scene, followed by a battle with a horde of demons. Due to the relatively small size of the battle arena, it will be useful to use the Mark of the Rift spell here. After finishing the fight, return to Skyhold.

From the command headquarters, go to Orlais to continue the mission. Before that, we strongly recommend that you sort out the equipment of the party and free up space in your inventory, since you will not be returning to Skyhold anytime soon.

The marker will guide you through the battlefield. Soon you will receive an optional task - to help the troops of the Inquisition in the battle. It is necessary to destroy three groups of Gray guards, who are assisted by demons. For completing this objective, you will gain access to a chest with valuable loot.

Soon you will face a large concentration of enemies led by the Demon of Pride. First deal with small opponents, and then take on the mini-boss. Keep vulnerable heroes away from his electric whips. The fight is made more difficult by a huge dragon that periodically unleashes spells on your party. Try to disperse allies around the arena to minimize damage.

The marker will not let you get lost here. We advise you to carefully monitor the radar: its glow means that somewhere nearby there is an item needed to complete the Fears of the Dreamers quest. In the northern part of the first zone, try to find a human skeleton and go into search mode - this will initiate an additional task. The remaining four items are located in other areas of the location. It can only be completed until the end of this section of the game.

To restore your memories, kill the demons and press the action button next to their bodies. To advance in this location, you have to repeat this trick several times. The episode as a whole is linear - move forward until you encounter a boss, Nightmare.

Get ready for an intense fight. Nightmare has a lot of health and powerful attacks. From time to time, he will call on spiders, which must be quickly destroyed - otherwise they will be crushed by numbers. Let the "tank" keep the attention of the boss while the rest of them deal with his minions. As soon as there is a breather from small enemies, use the most powerful abilities on Nightmare. At 25% health, the boss will call for strong demons to help - this is the best time to use the Mark of the Rift ability. After the victory, return to Skyhold.

Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

In this mission, two things are more important than ever before: the composition of the party and the choice of the right lines in the dialogues. We advise you to take at least one mage with the ability "Barrier" (Barrier) in the group, as health potions will be in short supply. When communicating with the nobility, try not to say anything harsh or rude - flatter and agree. And, yes: before starting the mission, save the game in a separate slot.

The specifics of this task is that you will need to turn into a secular lion for a while. Good behavior, courtesy, and small favors for guests increase the rating of the Inquisitor. A long absence or dubious statements lower him. When it drops to zero, you will be kicked out of the ball and the mission will fail. So do not miss the opportunity to increase the rating.

The location has something to do, except for the main mission. You can collect figurines that open access to loot chests, look for compromising information on the nobility, and much more. At the very beginning of the location, you can help the lady at the gate, who has lost something. Lost is located at the fountain - use the search mode. By returning it, you will increase your rating - for a start, this will be enough.

The marker will indicate the path and the characters to talk to. After the official presentation, there will be an opportunity to communicate with allies and study the situation. When finished, head to the lobby and proceed to the guest rooms. Find the Hall of Heroes, go through it and exit on the west side. Walk down the corridor until you reach the fountain. Here you need to climb to the second floor using the grid on the wall.

Once you're out of the public eye, your rating will slowly decrease, so act quickly. The marker will mark the area to be searched. When finished, go down the stairs to the library and go into search mode. After finding the evidence, return to the ball. Don't miss the opportunity to boost your rankings a bit: only go to the ballroom after the second bell has rung - it's always a little late to know, right?

You will receive the servant's wing key. You can get there through the lower floor of the Hall of Heroes. Companions will join you at the entrance - don't forget to change their dress clothes for battle gear. You must have at least 10 rating points: every minute you will be deducted one point, so do not hesitate and deal with opponents quickly. Follow the trail of blood and corpses, and soon you will encounter a killer. After the battle and the cut-scene, return to the ball.

The Duchess will invite you to dance. Be as polite as possible - we advise you to always choose the rightmost answer option. After talking with the duchess, you will have the last opportunity to hand over the dirt to Leliana.

Soon you will come to another rift, open in the courtyard of the castle. Destroy the human enemies first, then deal with the demons. The second wave of opponents will be much stronger than the first, so get ready. After that, you will be shown several cut-scenes, will be allowed to make one important decision, and then sent to battle with the final boss of the location, the same duchess.

First, get rid of her minions. Let the magicians at the first opportunity impose a shield on the party members. The boss will teleport around the arena - try not to lose sight of her. When the Duchess's health drops to 50%, she will call for assistants - deal with them as quickly as possible. Other than that, this is a fight without surprises.

What Pride Had Wrought

As always, go on a mission through the headquarters of the command. In the first part of the task, you only need to follow the markers and fight off enemy units. Soon you will reach an ancient temple.

When you reach a large locked door, you will receive a task to conduct a ritual. This can be done at the statue on the lower level of the hall. You need to walk on special stoves in such a way as to light them all. Already activated tiles cannot be stepped on again. There shouldn't be any problems with the first puzzle - it's quite simple. After opening the door, proceed deep into the temple.

After the cutscene, you will have a choice: go straight after the enemies or follow the traditions of the elves and perform four rituals. In the first case, you will have to fight not only with the villain's minions, but also with the guards of the temple. In the second case, four puzzles with plates will be offered: by solving them, you will receive the support of the elves and fight with an alternative location boss.

Having made your choice, follow the marks on the mini-map. If you have completed the rituals, you will be able to team up with the guards against the invaders. In this case, you will be allocated a guide who will show you the way through the location to the boss. If you decide to ignore the traditions, then get ready to fight with the elves and the templars. The path through the labyrinth will need to be laid on your own - follow the radar and use the search mode.

Soon you will meet with the boss. Depending on the past choice, this will be either Samson(if you chose mages as allies), or Calperia(if you preferred templars).

Samson attacks only in melee. He is helped by minions, which should be disposed of immediately. When the boss starts spinning, take the fighters away. Spread your allies across the battlefield to prevent Samson's attacks from hitting multiple heroes at once. Take advantage of tactical pause - party members do not always choose targets well, especially at the beginning of the battle.

Calperia often places fire runes on the floor - you need to run away from them and take allies away from there. She likes to teleport, is immune to stun, paralysis, and fear, and has high resistance to fire. Lightning and cold are your best friends in this fight.

The Last Act / The Final Piece

Very short mission. Go to the altar through the headquarters of the command. If in the last task you allowed your companion to drink from the Well of Sorrows, then you just have to talk to someone. Otherwise, you will face a dragon boss fight.

If the "tank" distracts the monster's attention to itself, and the ranged fighters do not climb under the monster's paws and tail, the battle will pass without any problems. It is recommended to refuse fire attacks, because they cause very little damage to the creature. Cold, on the other hand, is very effective. You need to reduce the dragon's health to half, after which a cut-scene will begin.

Marvel at Perfection / Doom Upon All the World

It's time for the final battle. We recommend making a separate save before starting the final mission. You will be able to complete some of the remaining quests after it, but some of the content will not be available. So if you are planning to explore Inquisition inside and out, this is your last chance.

Take at least one mage with Barrier to the battle with Corypheus, and preferably two at once. The boss deals a lot of damage, is immune to status effects and has a huge amount of health, so get ready for a long fight. In the first phase, the villain will summon demons, move around the arena and attack with powerful spells. "Barrier" and health potions will help keep the party on its feet.

After some time, Corypheus will move to a new arena - follow him. Don't forget to replenish your potions along the way. The second phase is almost the same as the first. Except the situation is different.

When the boss has half health left, he will be replaced by a huge lyrium dragon. As always, let the shield warrior distract the boss while the ranged heroes deal damage to him. Focus the fire on the monster's paws - this will slow it down. Focus on healing and protecting heroes with melee weapons: do not spare potions and apply Barrier on them. Have the party spread out around the arena so that the dragon's fiery breath isn't as dangerous. Don't forget the tactical pause.

After finishing with the dragon, switch back to Corypheus. In the final stage of the battle, he will teleport much more often. Spells will appear in his arsenal that cause damage to the entire squad. "Barrier" and healing potions to help you.

Actually, this is where the main campaign of Dragon Age: Inquisition ends, congratulations! Final tip: Don't miss the post-credits scene!

Unusual and definitely strange people, they are able to fight demonic influence and use the pure energy of the Shadow. Mages have a really extensive arsenal, these are spells of the elements of fire, and ice spears, and a recovery school. Such an opponent on the battlefield poses a very high danger, in addition to crushing damage, the magician can magically make the enemy more vulnerable and distracted.


sorcerer knight- a very narrow specialization, indeed few wizards possess the corresponding abilities, at least because it requires titanic willpower. A magician of this class during a battle is always a spectacle. You can learn the basics of sorcery in Skyhold when completing the quest Way of the Witch Knight.

Necromancer- yes, these guys raise the dead by subjugating them. The freezing spirit, the unpleasant appearance of such magicians leaves a strong impression even before a possible skirmish or conversation with the latter. The arsenal of magic here is very extensive and is not limited to only zombies, you can weaken enemies and even undermine them alive.

Break Mage- A very powerful class that plunges opponents with the power of the Shadow. It should be trained in Skyhold when completing the quest Path of the Mage of Rifts.


Spirit- followers of this school have spells that allow you to raise the army of spirits and even the essence of the Shadow, in addition, they are excellent healers and have the ability to create anti-magic protection.

Storm- the main tool of this school is nothing more than thunder and lightning, with its help you inflict injuries on enemies and paralyze them in battle.

underworld- Based on the name, it is clear that fire is used here, a lot of fire and it is very dangerous. Skillful representatives of such a school burn almost any opponent to the ground, instantly or gradually.

Winter- ice and cold, this is the main weapon of adherents of such magic. Make enemies vegetate from the cold, or simply pierce them with a powerful ice spear.
