I dreamed of a swamp - the interpretation of sleep from dream books. Why dream of a swamp: walking in a swamp, getting bogged down in it

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

If in a dream you dream of a swamp, bog or swamp, then in real life you do not have to wait for anything good. This is, in general, one of the most unfavorable dreams. If you expect to receive a large profit or inheritance, then your plans are likely to fail. Seeing a swamp in a dream means that many difficulties, losses and confusion in business await you ahead. Sometimes such a dream predicts a love affair with a woman who has set traps for you and wants to lure you into her networks with cunning. Suddenly being in a swampy place in a dream is a harbinger that you will be drawn into a dirty and risky business, or a connection awaits you that will bring you a lot of trouble. If you have such a dream, then try to get out of this place as soon as possible. A good omen that gives hope for a favorable development of events can be a sunny day, green grass, bushes, green bumps, clear water that you will see in your dream. Wandering in a dream through a swamp or a marshy place and getting lost is a very unfavorable omen that warns you that your rash actions or addiction to adventurous affairs can have bad consequences and bring trouble to you and damage your reputation. A dream in which you are bogged down in a swamp predicts that you are in danger. Such a dream warns men that their relationship with a bad woman does not bode well for them. If you were scared in a dream, then you will miraculously avoid the blow of fate, and if you managed to get out of the swamp, then expect things to improve and change for the better. If in a dream you wander through the quagmire and cannot find a way out, then financial difficulties await you, or you will become a victim of slanderous rumors that your ill-wishers spread about you. However, if in a dream you successfully got out of a swampy place, then you will be able to successfully complete the business you have begun and make a profit. Often such a dream indicates that you can avoid a big scandal and shame. The dream in which you fell into a swamp promises you a lot of trouble. And if in a dream you scoop up swamp mud, then you should reconsider your own attitude to life and stop wasting precious time on useless activities.

Why dream of a swamp in a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

In a dream, a swamp is associated with an obstacle, problems and monotony.
If in a dream you fell into a swamp and can’t get out of the quagmire in any way, this means that in reality you will encounter very serious problems, the solution of which will require you to be careful and prudent.

Help someone get out of the quagmire in a dream:
A dream in which you help someone get out of a quagmire is a warning that at a difficult moment there will not be a person next to you who would support and help you.

Wandering through the swamp in a dream:
To dream about how you wander through a swamp, trying not to fall into a quagmire, is a sign that in the near future you will have to make every effort to complete an important, but difficult task for you.

Drain the swamp in a dream:
If in a dream you are trying to drain a swamp, this means that in reality you are tired of monotony and therefore want to change your lifestyle.

Why dream of a swamp in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a swamp, then illness, disappointment, losses await you. To see that you are surrounded on all sides by an impenetrable swamp from which you cannot get out - you will not be able to fulfill your obligations. Crawling through the swamp - you will lose the trust of people who had high hopes for you. Walking through the quagmire without disassembling the path - your wildest plans will meet temporary obstacles. Drowning in a quagmire, slowly plunging into it, is to make a serious mistake. Pulling someone out of the swamp is help at the last moment.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Swamp dream in a dream according to 48 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Swamp symbol from 48 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Small Velesov dream book

Swamp - you will cry, trouble will happen to you, poverty, a lot of work, trouble; rotten swamp- wealth; get bogged down - deceit; drowning is a failure, a big mistake, a dangerous business; walk the swamp path- obstacle in business, slander, gossip; a swamp will appear in place of the field- there will be hunger, a relative will die; walk in the swamp- expect illness, other people's troubles; fall - trouble.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Swamp dreaming?

Swamp - to an unexpected illness, and the longer you walk in the swamp the longer the illness will last.

New dream book 1918

Swamp - for the worse; to wander- slander; see the rotten swamp- to wealth; drowning in it - getting into an unforeseen dangerous business.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you saw other people in the swamp- this means that people close to you will soon upset you. This dream may portend illness.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The swamp is a reflection of the loss of a landmark in life. A reflection of the feeling of being "sucked" into something that is completely unnecessary. Reflection of the captivity of world and social conventions. Reflection of binding to stereotypes and / or old, unnecessary habits. A reminder of an unfulfilled obligation.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Swamp dream about in a dream?

The swamp you dreamed about- a bad dream is a sign of poverty and great work ahead. It symbolizes a false path, delusion, mental stagnation, often dreams of tears.

Fall into a swamp in a dream- you can expect a mess in business in reality, get bogged down - deceit or a carefree future, drown in it - get into an unpredictable and even dangerous business, go the swamp road- to obstacles in all matters.

Stand in the middle of the swamp- means that you cannot do what is expected of you.

Get into a swamp, with great difficulty make your way through it and eventually get out- means that in reality you will have a time of great work, a stubborn struggle for survival, for your position in society, but in the end you will achieve a solution to all problems and take your rightful place in society.

If you're trying to get out and you can't- your plan will remain unrealized, and the struggle with difficulties will not bring the desired results yet.

Jump over swamps- a way out of difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if the Swamp is dreaming in a dream?

Swamp - bad prospects for the future; wander through the swamp- danger awaits; get out of the swamp

Miller's dream book

Walk in a dream through a swamp or swampy places- means that soon you will find yourself in adverse circumstances. The legacy you expect will be illusory, and you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.

If, walking through the swamp, you meet clean puddles and green bumps- this means that you will be able to keep luck and, having achieved it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.

Be in the middle of a swamp is a sign that you are unable to fulfill your duty.

See other people in the swamp- means that people close to you will soon upset you. This dream may portend illness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To dream about how you walk through the swamp- meet an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.

If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp- it means that in reality you will experience a strong shock caused by the treachery and betrayal of your friends.

A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire- testifies to your unused opportunities.

If in a dream you saw a swamp covered with ice- this means the fragility of the world around us and its defenselessness before the impending civilization.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Swamp in a dream?

A dream in which you ended up in a swamp- portends unfavorable circumstances. Your hope to get rich quickly and easily will turn out to be illusory, unlucky in love, which together will plunge you into deep disappointment.

If, walking through a quagmire, you see transparent windows among the mossy hummocks and- it means that you will be able to keep your luck due to the fact that you will be even more careful and attentive to the machinations of your competitors.

To see that you are surrounded on all sides by a shaky impenetrable swamp in which you get lost and cannot get out- it means that in reality you cannot fulfill your obligations. If you see other people in such a situation- you will soon experience grief from relatives or friends, which may be caused by illness.

See many frogs in the swamp- means misfortune that you will overcome thanks to the timely help of friends.

Run into a snake in the swamp- you will live in constant fear of getting sick or getting pregnant.

crawl through the swamp- to the fact that you will become depressed and lose the trust of people who had high hopes for you. Your friends will have reason to accuse you of not keeping your word.

If you dream that you are walking through a quagmire without making out your way- your most ardent desires and bold plans will meet temporary obstacles. Unusual changes in circumstances will force you to reconsider some of your actions.

Drowning in a quagmire, slowly sinking into it- make a serious mistake.

See stuck in a quagmire Big efforts will bring small returns.

If you pull someone out of the swamp or pull you out The future will be filled with anxiety and fear.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Swamp - bad prospects for the future, damage in business; wander through the swamp- danger awaits, slander; rotten swamp - to wealth; fall into it - expecting trouble for yourself; walk on it- you will be slandered; raking dirt is useless work; get out of the swamp- improvement in everyday affairs.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you dreamed of a swamp- this indicates that in real life you are being drawn into a relationship with a complete stranger. You do not have the strength to resist his perseverance and pressure. In addition, you are afraid of the thought that you will not be able to find anyone else.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Swamp - damage, disorder in the house; to go through the swamp - the danger of dishonor.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Swamp according to the dream book?

Swamp - difficult times, problems, dead end of life, mental stagnation.

The quagmire is a danger; criminal circle.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you saw a swamp from afar- in the coming days, loved ones will surround you with care and attention.

In a dream you wandered through the swamp- beware, in the near future you can get seriously ill.

A dream in which you fell into a swamp or drown in a swamp- predicts inheritance.

Have you seen someone drown in a swamp- a big win awaits you.

You dreamed that you were draining a swamp or watching someone drain a swamp- in the near future you will be able to solve problems that have long worried you.

Freud's dream book

Swamp - symbolizes your established habits and unwillingness to change your lifestyle.

If you find yourself in a swamp in good weather- you lead your life serenely, enjoy your health, communicate with your partners and you don't need anything else. Oblomov is resting!

If you pick berries in the swamp (cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries)- you lead an active sex life with a large number of sexual partners, but the element of novelty has already disappeared from you. Each new contact is an open book even before the connection is made.

If you get lost in the swamp- you are entangled in your sexual problems and cannot find a way out of them.

If you find yourself in a swamp in bad weather- you are waiting for a breakdown and exhaustion.

If you fall through the swamp or drown- You have health problems. Don't put off your visit to the doctor!

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Swamp - for the worse; wander - slander; rotten swamp to see- to wealth; go through a rotten swamp, through a liquid quagmire- an obstacle in the arrangement of money affairs.

Walking through the swamp - to bad events, slander, obstacles in financial affairs, but see the rotten swamp- to wealth.

Aesop's dream book

When a person goes headlong into everyday affairs and worries, they say about him: “His swamp sucked”, therefore the swamp in a dream- denotes routine, monotony, boredom. According to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives in the swamps, which lures random passers-by at night with wandering lights and drowns them in a quagmire. Therefore, all unfavorable circumstances in your dream can be hidden behind the image of a swamp.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp- it means that in reality you are not satisfied and tired of work, it seems to you that time has stopped, that each subsequent day is an exact copy of the previous one, that no events occur, but this mood will soon pass, and you will again perceive life in all its colors.

A dream in which you pass safely through a swamp- predicts that some unusual event awaits you soon, perhaps you will go on an exciting journey or a business trip that will bring many new experiences.

French dream book

A swamp in a dream - portends a decline in business, poverty. This is a dream warning: you should show more diligence in life.

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Get into the swamp- mess in business; drowning in it - getting into an unforeseen dangerous business; going through a swamp is a joy.

Ukrainian dream book

Swamp - for bad; wander around it - slander, slander, rotten swamp to see- for wealth; if the swamp clung- some kind of disease, sore will cling.

Esoteric dream book

Walking through the swamp - uncertainty, a precarious position in business and family.

Drowning in a swamp is a difficult situation, a hopelessness that can pull you towards suicide or unrestrained drunkenness.

Someone is drowning in the swamp- Your loved ones are in the same danger. Danger can be prevented if its cause is found.

Erotic dream book

Dream swamp- means the burden of an unsuccessful relationship or marriage, under the weight of which you feel that any attempts to escape are useless. You may be oppressed by depression or sexual dissatisfaction.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Swamp according to the dream book?

Dream swamp- means according to the dream book that you are unsteady on your feet, you can be "sucked" into some kind of trouble. You are very much addicted to work if you dream that you are on swampy soil and cannot get out of it.

More interpretations

Walking through the swamp - a dream warns you of some kind of upcoming disease, as well as extraneous problems. If you stumble and fall- wait for some blow from the side.

In a dream, you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a swampy area- Promises given by you will not come true.

Trying to get out of the swamp in a dream, but you can’t- everything previously planned will collapse, and confrontation with some problems will not bring any sense.

A dream in which you try the ground under your feet with a wooden stick- is a good sign, the situation that has arisen will be resolved, all troubles will be defeated.

An unexpected meeting with a snake in a swampy area in a dream- promises the coming life in constant horror, which will be associated either with some kind of disease or with your pregnancy.

If you dream that you are crawling through a marshy swamp- soon you will suffer longing and loss of faith in you of people who really hoped for you.

Fall into a swamp - you will be overwhelmed by a feeling of anger due to the betrayal of friends or loved ones.

She dreams that someone is drowning in a marshy swamp- soon you will win a big prize.

Draining the swampy area in a dream by you or someone from the side- promises a quick resolution of all the questions that have been worrying you for a long time.

Successful passage of the swamp- means that soon you will become a participant in some special events.

According to the dream book, drown in a swamp- there will be a hopeless situation in which thoughts of suicide will come or will be drawn to alcohol. You will definitely cope with this situation if you pull yourself together.

Video: Why Swamp is dreaming

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Swamp dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Swamp is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello, I dreamed that I was standing in the middle of a swamp, only for some reason it was in the form of liquid shit. and in the middle of it is a stone, for some reason I am standing on this stone, and the swamp is getting higher towards me, but this did not bother me in a dream. My husband in rubber boots brushed this swamp away from me with a whisk, but he did not succeed well, I saw how this swamp in the form of liquid shit washed my legs a little, but did not suck in because I was standing on a stone. What is it for?

    We were traveling with a man in a car, he was driving. We fell into a swampy pit, in the pit there was dirty water, snakes. Man
    got out, and I remained standing in the car, jumping far to the shore. And I was afraid to jump into the water, it was deep and there were a lot of snakes. But in the end, the man saved me.

    i dreamed that I stumbled on the field, but it turned out not to be a field, but a swamp and it began to suck me in almost to the waist. I had a feeling that it was warm inside. I began to call for help and they pulled me out.

    I walked through the forest with my stepfather, all the colors of the dream were dark, gloomy. And suddenly I see a swamp, and at once I run into it and jump ... I fall into a very deep depression, and my stepfather starts screaming that I’m about to drown ... and I tried to get out of the swamp but it didn’t work .... Then I woke up with a wild fear.

    I saw a flood in the house where I live with my husband. But it's not water, but a swamp, a swamp in the house. I ran out into the street, someone told me that the floodgates were opened, from there the water came. I came and told him that there was a flood in our house and there was a swamp, and the water was about to flow out into the street. He went into the house. When he came in, there was no water in the house.

    hello, I had such a dream ... as if I saw my friends and acquaintances, in general there were a lot of people, as if they were swimming in a lake where there was green mud, well, it’s clear that soon it will all turn into a swamp, and friends seemed to swim in such water where green algae was not visible, then I wanted to swim, but I put on a swimsuit, but I didn’t swim for some unknown reason, in general, then in the same dream I dreamed of some people, as if they were standing in some kind of stagnant water , but I thought it was a swamp ... I have exams on my nose, I'm a student, I have a lot of debts, I hand everything over quietly, maybe it somehow affects what I'm going through because of my studies? Can you explain to me ... . Yes, three days later my brother comes from the army ...

    i had a dream as if I was with a former classmate, since I haven’t been studying for 8 years, I ran away from somewhere I vaguely remember, from someone.

    i dreamed that I gave birth to a girl, I fed her in my arms, she was very beautiful! green eyes and light hair color look like me, but for some reason she didn’t cry! then I had to go to the guy's parents and I left my girl to the guy I was not myself and I always wanted to return and his parents wouldn't let me, we sat down at the table and then it turned out that there was a swamp nearby and went through it to return home

    some kind of house, like a cottage, around the trees, I accidentally fell into a swamp, but they pulled me out. did not smell. was in the mud. a man and a woman were present in a dream, they are a married couple, I was, as it were, visiting them.

    i dreamed that they were driving me into a swamp, but I avoid getting into a swamp. then suddenly I find myself at home and hear how the parrots had babies, but when I looked in there I saw small tabby kittens

    I tried to get to a stick sticking out of the swamp, on which I had previously forgotten my jacket, in which my passport was left, but I did not reach a few meters and began to fall through. I felt that I was being sucked in. When it was sucked almost up to my chest, I tried to call my companions for help, but they were near a heavy car and did not hear my call. then woke up.

    I don't remember him well. It rained. The village came down. The sun came out sharply. As if snakes came with mudflow. I clearly saw two red bards of the same color on the log. Then he ran away from someone in a swamp (quagmire). Then suddenly in bed with another girl.

    I walked through the swamp, sometimes my legs got stuck and there were free steps. Then I dreamed of the same swamp, while helping a stranger to get out of the quagmire. I safely walked through the swamp freely.

    The swamp was dreaming, the nature around was beautiful, bright green grass, even the mud was bright green. I felt like I was being sucked in and I could not get out, and there was no one around. The water was not cold and I did not feel much fear.

    I remember the beginning permanently: with some company of people we were either by the river or by the sea. a little girl was lost, I volunteered to find her parents ... but with every step I got bogged down in the mud and mud more and more, it was absolutely impossible to get out, until heaps, some reptiles like snakes floated in the water. And the girl in front of me jumped all this almost unhindered

    driving a car, I drove into a swamp and quickly drove onto the road, and on the sides of the road there is a swamp in which there are 9-storey houses, a person drowned, and I’m going to something good, the feeling is good and I’m glad that the swamp didn’t suck in, but around is horror .

    I dreamed that I was sitting on a bench and dropped my phone into the lake. I reached for it, but I saw that it was not a lake, but a swamp, and I fell into it. I try to reach the bench, but the ground comes off and falls into the swamp. But I got out anyway.

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream, in it I saw a huge number of lilies of the valley, they were beautiful, and they all grew on the water, the swamp, the farther I went, the more lilies of the valley became and they were even more beautiful, I walked and collected these lilies of the valley and soaked in water

    I was walking with a friend along the pier, a cargo carrier swam up to us and I jumped on him suddenly he suddenly swam I found myself in the middle of the lake it was transparent, but very cluttered, I jumped from a very high length, but the distance was a meter, I began to be sucked in, and to the top not enough

    My son and I walked home late at night, the child is 6 years old. We crossed the bridge, I turned around to look at my cousin, he somehow ended up there, and then I see my son falls from this bridge, I grabbed his hand and held him, and on this I woke up (

    I ran across the swamp quickly, ran to the mountain, there at the top a woman called me, I didn’t want to go, fear seized me, and she sent her servants to bring me to her. I screamed in a dream and they woke me up.

    I dreamed that I was collecting something on the street with my sister and brother, there were trees, grass around, I was walking along the path, there was no swamp, an ordinary path, I went up to my sister, I saw puddles, I turned, I went to my brother, then we went with him to sister, and here the three of us just got bogged down like in a swamp, I felt like I was being drawn in, but the area around was not swampy, my face and head did not have time to go under water, since at that moment I woke up.

    Hello, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. In a dream, I saw a swamp, and in the middle of the swamp there was like an island, there was a sofa and a TV on this island, and my friend was sitting on the sofa, he died a year ago. I somehow got on this the island sat on the sofa with him and we talked, he was very pleased, stroked my hair and smiled. Then I began to leave him, began to step into this swamp to go ashore, stumbled and fell into this swamp, it began to suck me she turned her head and next to me some woman also gets stuck in this swamp (this woman is not familiar to me) I began to grab her head and got scared, I would drown her. looked at me ... I woke up. Please interpret this dream for me. Thank you.

    I walked with my daughter, she went to a beautiful, bright, green swamp. I follow her along another road. I tell her to come back and when we started to return, it became deep and I failed and began to call Vika and I understand that my voice was gone. My daughter was walking along another parallel road, I don’t know what’s wrong with her

    I stand in the kitchen, near the table, cutting vegetables. A man comes up to me and says that they are waiting for me. I leave the kitchen and go to the swamp, in which the people with whom I work and my sister are sitting in costumes of kikimar, turtles, mud. A loved one comes up to me from behind and asks me to tell about a loan for 500 thousand (I don’t remember the name of the bank). The feeling of betrayal and deceit. I'm looking with my eyes for someone who could slander me. I wake up.

    i dreamed that we were walking with a guy, he began to drown in a swamp, I jumped after him, helped him almost get out and started to drown, then he took my hand and pulled me towards him and some man pulled us out

    I dreamed about our family’s land plot. The whole family was there. Parents and my brother and I. The swamp was in the form of small square plots. My brother slipped and fell through his shoulders. After that, he was sucked before our eyes.

    I left the cafe, from my cousin's wedding, and went along the road, turning right, I saw green hills and went along them, but then I realized that the soil was wet, it was a swamp, I was barefoot, looked at my feet and got scared, long green snakes started wrapping around them, I jumped, but other snakes started wrapping around my arms, the snakes were slippery, I turned my head to the left and saw my cousins ​​below, I tried to cross the swamp, but wherever I jumped there was water with snakes everywhere, and then I woke up.

    I swam along the river on my back, at first just fooling around with my friend. It wasn’t even a river, but a large stream, shallow — my friend followed me while standing in the water. And I swam, making big waves with my hands. Then the river flowed through a small swamp, I had no choice but to swim further - I could not get up - there was a swamp under me. Then the river dived inside the rock, I kept swimming. Then I found myself in front of a lattice gate that separated the river from the shore. A man in fisherman's clothes turned some kind of wheel and the gate lifted, allowing me to pass. I went ashore and saw a group of tourists with a guide who were descending from the mountain to the river, as if to a tourist attraction. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed of a very dirty lake! We were going to swim. I didn’t like the place, I moved to another and swam! Someone abruptly pulled my left leg and pulled me to the bottom. The water was green, muddy.

    my classmate (deceased), some girl and I were walking around the area. suddenly they tell me that there is a swamp not far away where the girl drowned and they say they want to show me this place, when we approached the swamp, then suddenly I fell into it and began to drown, the water in the swamp was crystal clear. I began to cling to the grass to get out and call for help (I somehow called very quietly, as if my voice had disappeared), but no one helped (no one was around), I began to get out of the swamp myself, but woke up with fear.

    Hello, I dream of a swamp through which I am walking and snakes are falling on me and I am walking through this swamp to a tree without leaves and I see a girl in a white robe there and a current feeling that I have to do something, well, I can’t understand it.
    I have this dream very often.

    I dreamed that my sister and I approached a viscous swamp, she told me to wait, and she went ahead. After a moment, I hear a splash and a cry for help. I ran and see that my sister is heavy in this swamp. I pulled it out almost easily.

    A dream, whether it’s me walking barefoot in the snow and seeing a swamp puddle, and red berries (cranberries and raspberries) grow in it, I go into this puddle to taste the berries, pick and eat the berries and at the same time start to get stuck in this small swamp, then I try to get out of it and in the end I get out with bare feet.

    Autumn ... I'm walking along the forest belt with a child and my dog ​​.... after the rain .. mud ... more and more dirt .... and I can’t get out of it ... I’m to the side and there is water ... I eat to get out - drive more .... already on belt… I eat to get to the shore. breathe ... and then I see that they got me .... and I see my face ... I drowned

    Hello Tatiana. Lately, I've been dreaming of some kind of nonsense, skeletons, or something else. But today I dreamed that my former classmate and I were walking through a swamp, but the most important thing was that more than once we went there

    I am walking along a yard covered with green grass, behind a house that I have just bought, and suddenly I fall knee-deep into water. It turns out that part of the yard is something unsteady (ground with grass on top, and water below them). I leave with a feeling of annoyance that my husband bought this house.

    i dreamed that I was drunk .. somewhere visiting with my son, it was night on the street .., and then I was running somewhere along the street I knew ... I was constantly falling ... I understand everything, but I can’t get up. And I want to run to my son where he stayed (somewhere away), I worry, I reach out with my last strength ... and I can’t do anything ... Then I lie in a swamp (I get out) my ex-wife passes by ..

    I have this dream very often, I dreamed about 7 times for sure, I walk along the river bank and step on the swamp, it sucks me in, but I eat to get out, dry grass grows on the bank and I grab my hands on it, but nothing happens, I I'm suffocating, but every time someone helps me. I never see this person's face.

    my husband took me fishing in this swamp, there was nothing around except sticks sticking out in the ground, then tiger cubs began to come to me ONE AT ONE when I tried to pet them, they hissed at me

    The dream was that I was walking along a familiar road in the middle of a city where there had never been a swamp, when I suddenly tripped and rolled down the slope on the side of the road down to the swamp, trying to grab hold of the plants growing along the slope, but breaking them off. Having rolled down, I got bogged down in the swamp up to my neck and continued to sink rather quickly, but managed to call for help a girl passing by (because the swamp for some reason was in the center of the city, there were enough people around). As a result, two huge black dogs pulled me out of the swamp, which apparently were trained for this.

    I saw from a distance how friends (girls) were being killed, and I approached the guys (friends) after the cars left, looked out of the bridge (it’s not big) and saw how the bodies became white spots in the swamp! then the cars somehow appeared and I started to run along the road to the top and the road was long!

    In a dream, my husband and I ran away from persecution and ended up in a swamp, that is, I stepped into the swamp, my leg began to fall through, but my husband extended his hand to me and pulled me ashore. The swamp in the dream was dark, completely without plants, there was dark water between earthen hummocks.

    Good afternoon, this is not the first time I have had a dream with a swamp ...
    there was a dream that I was falling into a swamp and drowning, a man helped me get out (I didn’t know him). in that dream I was very cold, it was cold ...
    today I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was drowning in a swamp and I saved her and saved her (before the rescue the colors were dirty and black after everything became in colors). after the rescue she was cold and she seemed to be embarrassed that I helped her, refused to help and all that, but we ended up dating again. tell me what to do and why such dreams?

    good afternoon! in a dream we went for a walk, with whom I don’t remember exactly, but very vivid impressions: we have a swampy area in front of us, what was expensive looks like a swamp, and we had fun jumping into it and rolling like a hill, but on a flat surface, we swam a little , then jumping up again flopped into the swamp. but this is not water, but a swamp: earth, mud, some kind of brown, dry vegetation.

    stood near the trash can they said clean up the swamp, I started to clean it with my hands, then the boy rode on a moped, saying not to swear, I then sent a little fry with me, and we spoke for my curator on earth, it was more than a rich swamp, there was a river, then it was more rich water and muddy, I went I hit the road like a grandmother, she went off the bridge, and I went to the bridge and there I got fake 100 hryvnias, I took them later in the bushes, I knew more 10, 5, 20,1, 2 hryvnias, but the stench was right, the boy wanted to take the pennies, but I I didn’t see it later, I slapped the face of my fresh nanny for a long time in a pink long-term dress and said if I didn’t beat or beat (I don’t remember) it means it will

    Hello, Tatiana! sleep, water jets flowing from it with pressure meant the approach of a terrible hurricane and a downpour. We ran in the other direction from this cloud, it rained, I saw that the path was almost all swampy, but I thought that the maximum leg would get stuck, but everything completely leaked into it swamp, into a sucking swamp, stretched her arms to her friends, but they didn’t seem to notice me, and then abruptly, either one of them, or just some kind of force, pulled me out and I was able to grab onto a small fence and got out. Then we continued on our way as if nothing had happened, but in the morning I clearly remembered and decided to find out the meaning.

    I fell into the water like swamps and began to sink, I was drawn to the bottom. then a big current appeared and I was very quickly carried along the railroad, at the end I got caught up in the wires and got out

    Hello, my dream is quite strange and confusing .... initially I’m in a building, it’s huge, I’m somewhere on the 50th floor, and I’m anxious, then I found myself on the ground, there’s nothing around me, only this building, I want run away, but in the end I run around the building, and I can’t find a way out, on the one hand everything is closed with some kind of huge iron mesh, on the other hand I saw a car and got scared, and felt that they were running after me, although no one was around. I started run tired of running, I stopped and saw a man, he was close, it’s not clear a girl or a guy. I started running again, and then suddenly I had wings, I was able to fly away from there. Then I found myself with some people. who I am not I know, I went into their house and just went and looked at everything. There was a swamp in the yard, I went around it, then in the house I went around the rooms, I went into one she was the cutest, there was a bedroom and a book library. then I suddenly found myself on the street, there were 2 people with me, but I didn’t see them, they just walked nearby and said something. in real I don’t know them in life. We walked, and I realized that they were following us. They started to run and hide, the people who were following us, I actually know them, one of them is very important to me in real life, but he doesn’t know about it. They stopped near the place where we were hiding. And they said something, they seemed carefree in appearance. As if they had completely different things to do, they noticed a friend who was with me. And talked to him about what I don’t remember. Then I woke up ...

    I dreamed that they took my son from me, and I’m looking for food and I want to find it, but there are always some obstacles on my way, someone else is with me, I don’t remember anymore, and we run with him, first we cross the river, it is clean, I feel its water on my feet, not very cold, then we run to another river and jump only it is already near the shore, and there is ankle-deep water and mud, black straight slimy, I felt on my feet, we run out of and we run further, through the forest through some hills, and run out like on a road or a highway, I already thought in a dream that we got there, but only we see that the road is starting to crack, and we can hardly take our feet into some a high-rise abandoned building, and from there we look how the road has failed. I’m desperately worried about my son in a dream, how can I get to him now, in general, that’s all ...

    Not quite a swamp, rather snow, a lot of snow that starts to pull me like sand, one leg, then on the shoulders, there was a friend with me who helped me and helped me get out, and everything white turned into mountains of dust, clubs through which I made my way, swam, torn ... something like that)

    I dreamed of a lake without water, there was only one swamp left. My family and I wanted to swim. Some men said that the water would be poured in later. And then I see a herd of cows crossing this swamp, it’s unpleasant for me that we will then bathe after these cows. I go around the lake and see a crowd of people who are also allegedly resting there and also waiting for water to come. I listened to them and from this shore I watch where my children are, I worry so that they do not climb into the swamp. My husband put them on some kind of hill .

    well, I dreamed that I went behind the fence and saw a long swamp and a boat was floating there and only human legs sticking out of the boat heard the screams of rats and then out of nowhere a wave covered the swamp and that's it

    Well, it just happened that I was walking with someone and I said send a swim to swim, they say she is dirty, I say how dirty she is, then I went close to her and saw a swamp, Then we went back, and one of her friends ran swim there, we were waiting for her, everything!

    I dreamed that I was walking through a swamp, and I was looking for a sister who had failed, in the end I myself was failing, but I ended up deep underground and there was no water, then I felt panic and fear, but then, clutching at some roots, I got to the top, and pulled my sister out, and I also shaved into the swamp at the request of some granny, who in the end seemed to be the culprit of all this, as if she lived death for me ..

    I ran along a flat road, started to return, stumbled and fell into a swamp, started grabbing branches and calling for help, young people were resting nearby, I saw a flat wooden surface nearby, a bridge. helped me or not I don't remember

    I was walking around the city with my family, then he somehow ended up in a swamp, then she fell behind us, she didn’t respond, and we got on the bus and drove off, then he turned over and fell into the swamp with us, and then my sister ended up in this bus ... well, how something like that

    I don’t remember where I was going? I see people descending onto the path, why don’t I take a short cut? But I didn’t know yet that this is a swampy path. Halfway through, it dawns on me that this is a swamp! I had some kind of panic. people it was a lot, on the right side and on the left side, and I began to urge them on so that they would go faster. and I very quickly ran to the other side, but behind me I heard voices for help. A man and a woman were drowning, each had a child, for some reason they were all four naked. I was so terrified that they would drown! I began to ask passing men nearby for help, but there was no help. And I decided to help them myself, although I’m very afraid of all this, but at that moment I didn’t know about myself I thought, I thought about children for some reason! At first I pushed out a man with a child, they were closer to the edge of the path, and then a woman with a child, the water was very clean. At that moment I wasn’t even scared. But I woke up in a sweat. .

    ja exal z drugam na masine po bolotu i drug nacel bistro exat ocen, vitoge mi perevernulis i nas nacelo zasasivat, potom boloto stanovilas reze, moi drug sxvotilsja za krisu masini i mi uslisaali golosa ludei, on zakrical cto mozno daplit do nix no menja resko potenulo v niz i ja prosnulsja.

    i dreamed that I needed water, but not for drinking, but for my car with my husband (the car overheated). and we were looking for a body of water. I found a swamp. She went to scoop up water and fell down. I called for help. my husband was not around, but a man was walking and pulled me out. I didn't even see his face.

    I had a dream: I went to a grandmother I knew who had died, there were two large pits in the house instead of a floor, going in and falling into the first less deep one, it began to drag in like a swamp, it smelled of mud ... then a classmate of my daughter appeared (works with her husband on a shift), I shouted: “ help”, he pulled me for a very long time ... I was worried, but then pulled me out. This dream occurs repeatedly.

    Hello! I had a dream, I don’t remember the details clearly. But I even woke up from him, I saw how my own mother fell into a swamp and called for help, the whole family and I walked through the forest and rushed to save her, but she drowned before she had time. I'm really scared? What does it say? And the night before, I had a dream that I got into the elevator, it broke down and went up, jumped out of the shaft of the house and I ended up in the elevator cabin in the water (river) and drowned. Please provide an interpretation

    I sleep on the bed and feel that my legs are hot, I looked and saw that the multi-storey neighboring house caught fire from the inside, the flames increase and how in the wind tunnel they intensify soon all the people from my house run out and we see how from the burning house from the top floor along the rope a girl in a white dress comes down and sings some kind of motto on the theme of life .. I call the firemen, but for some reason the police appear .. and I try to leave this place, but the whole street is filled with some kind of dirt, more like a swamp, and I have to step barefoot into this muck ...

    in a dream I tried to jump over a puddle, but it didn’t work out and I got into the water with one foot, but then it turned out that it wasn’t a puddle but a swamp, I tried to find a stick nearby or something to get out, but it’s not clear where the ex-husband came from and helped me get out

    my husband left me this in life. in a dream, he also leaves me, I try to catch up with him, he walks calmly, and in front of me there is a swamp, someone screams at me so that I don’t go there, I still go and immediately leave waist-deep and it continues to drag me in, when my friend’s husband almost drowned me ( like, I don’t remember exactly who it was, I remember that it was a young man) and I begin to suffer that I had a child’s costume for graduation from the garden in my hands, there are 2 days left until graduation, the costume drowned and there is no money to buy a new one. I woke up with this pain.

    Hello! I walked along the great shore, descended down there, there was a bridge behind one round tree, I was already afraid to go there, but I was interested in the big fish, but I didn’t see that it was near the muddy swamp, like a namul, one lay and evaded the friend swam and itakevnya There was a feeling that she was amazing on me.

    I was walking along an earthen road to some huge house, a mansion, suddenly fell into a swamp, it began to suck in, I calmly began to try to get out, it was difficult to overcome the resistance of the swamp. I got out and went to the house

    I boiled fish soup in a swampy area, stirred it, heard its smell, but did not see the fish in the pan. Then I poured this fish soup into a swamp and fell into it up to my chest. The swamp water was clear. I quickly got out of the swamp, there was no dirt on me and tried to collect the remnants of fish soup from the surface of the water with a ladle. In my opinion, I even once tasted what I collected. There was no taste and I realized that this was all a useless exercise.

    I dreamed of some kind of meeting, I saw several dark girls with dark hair, I cursed with them very much, I saw one girl I knew walked away and pretended that she was not pleased to communicate with me, then she sat in some kind of chair, they performed in front of us and another friend sat next to me and didn’t leave like the rest sat next to me and I told her about some country or something like that, then she suggested that I go with me, but then she said that I would go first, I don’t remember how I ended up there, and on me little crocodiles were jumping, then I found myself in a swamp with difficulty, I went out onto a familiar road, I heard a voice that said here is your house or something like that, I went along this road and there is my house and my parents

    Please help interpret the dream
    The first half of the dream: a small bird flew in through the window and sat on my head, feeling not very pleasant, I don’t remember further, then
    the second half of the dream: I am sitting in a swamp or in a puddle or in a lake, but it is very dirty and I eat some kind of nasty things.

    I was in a movie where armed men held me and other people captive. I ran and hid from a pursuer with a weapon in a swamp. There was mud and many water lilies in it, but they floated in clear clear water. The episode with the swamp from this dream appeared to me before

    I walked along the edge of the swamp, along the banks I saw the corpses of geese and ducks. The husband was on a boat. Said, "Sit down." I reach for the boat, and it floats away. I start to sink, but I stay afloat. Then I see a ravine, deep, that the bottom is not visible. Embracing horror. Some people, I wander among them. They offer to stay, but I refuse. In general, scary, disgusting, creepy ...

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was walking with someone in the forest, with whom I don’t remember ... and got lost, went to a swamp, green with grass .... and we went through the swamp, I led someone by the hand (perhaps a child, and he walked in the water .... and I, as if through glass .... saw clear water below, green algae, and a big fish swam with a tail .... and we went ashore. It turned out we went to a city in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and we live in Moscow .... here is such a dream . What is it for?

    Hello. I dreamed that my sister and I were on some river (currently my sister does not communicate with me), and this river is solid mud. She and I sailed somewhere on a wooden boat, the boat tilted and my sister fell out of it and began to sink, I jumped to save her and pulled her out of this mud about the third time, we couldn’t sail further on the boats, then sailed on motorboat our late father said that it would be better for us to sail on it. We boarded it, and dad stayed on the shore, there was an anchor on the motor, which constantly clung to something, then snags, then something else, and I constantly pulled it out. Thanks.

    Hello! I’m a girl, I dreamed that my friend called me and we arranged a meeting with him, when I arrived at the meeting place I saw that he was drowning in a swamp, I ran to help him, and took his hands, but it was like something else I began to pull more into the swamp, I began to be pulled too, but in order to save me, he let go of my hands and I woke up ...

    i dreamed that I got 2 sisters from the swamp, a son-in-law and someone else I don’t remember who, I dreamed that a fan was chasing me and wanted to throw me into this swamp, I dreamed that damage was on me and on the child and I had 7 months to live

    a man is chasing me, I run away along the road, first paved then rural, he lags behind along the edge of the rural road the green river is like a swamp, something falls into this river and I try to get it myself, I fall into the swamp and start to get stuck

    I was driving with my father in a car and we drove to a place where it was impossible for a car to pass, and there was a slope down the path. I told my father that I'd better jump off it and we would go further, there was a swamp below. I thought that I wouldn’t fall into it, but I fell and began to be sucked in, my father tried to save me, but he couldn’t

    Hello, I dreamed that I was walking along the flooded shore of the river, where old trees were lying and there was a lot of green grass and moss. Then I found a site where I could swim, there were a lot of my friends, they swam there and I jumped once into the water, for some reason in clothes, and remembered that I had a phone in my pocket and I emerged from the water to my waist and somehow swam to the shore, holding the phone in my hand and rowing with one foot. Then this dream turned into another, where I tore off from a small, white rabbit, skin with fur, and then it grew right on his closets. He was alive all this time.

    i dreamed of a yellow-green swamp, I slid into it from the shore and began to slowly suck in, but I saw a coral reef, as if a hillock reached it and began to crawl on it, the reef was very slippery, but I climbed on it.

    I’m supposedly walking along the path and around the lake I go out to the cemetery, and along with the beetle and there was someone else, and who I don’t remember, I find 2 phones in the cemetery, one is like that of a beetle and the second one is somehow incomprehensible, I don’t remember leaving the cemetery, I see the stadium we we go there and there is a huge acoustic system at the stadium, I tried to pull it out, but it didn’t work out or it turned out, but I don’t remember then I went home, ate and went to the airport, got on a plane and flew to London there I went right away to the same district as we have right alone in one, only there are balconies a little bit different, well, a little bit strange, very strange balconies and people are the same, in principle, the same people and neighbors and grandmother are the same only slightly changed and they say that they say how I got here and supposedly I should not be here and drove away I went to some square and stood there for a very long time and everyone who passed me recognized me but didn’t tell me anything and I seemed to know them but at the same time ordinary crooks and then some guy called me and said hall that they say I have to leave urgently just get up and go! I did so, I got up and went and dashed back to the airport and met there some person very familiar to me who it was I don’t remember but I remember that I was very glad of our meeting and he told me that I would no longer rush to him in guests, if it is supposed to be necessary, he himself will come!

    It's like I'm in a big room. I am standing on a beaton, water goes further than Beaton, but it is green. After the water, the statues of a woman stand in full growth of the cave. And suddenly she turned her head. On the left is a wooden table on the table, 2 brown papers and one white. Most likely there were some documents on the brown ones, and the white ones were empty. I also saw people worrying like something is going to happen. Then I heard a voice and decided to write it down on a white sheet, but I didn’t have time, and suddenly the pen itself began to slowly write something. And I woke up

    in a dream it was necessary to cross a big swamp, but why I don’t remember with a person who had already died a long time ago, he told me in a dream there was a path along it, you could cross it, I grabbed it well, so as not to stray from the path and then I tell him maybe it’s better with a stick let's go so it will be more reliable and he says yes with a stick it will be more reliable I tell him where to get it he turns around and points to the forest that was behind us but he was quite far from us in general the stick I never found the swamp we never crossed I woke up, but the most interesting thing is that this person is not my relative, I just once lived with them in their apartment !!! I had a dream this afternoon on Monday 02/01/2016 !!! I wonder what it would be for??

    My husband and I make our way through the swamp in a bog and we can’t go out onto the big road, but all the same we go out the swamps bloom and are separated from each other by small roads, a woman asked me if there was fish here and then she herself says you’re not a fisherman dream is bright beautiful places are warm only in the middle of the year like summer or autumn indian summer

    I walk along the stream. Upstream, it seems, or downstream - then the stream turned out to be under a layer of earth, as if after a lot of water or mudflow, but not mud, I want to move away from the stream to the side and start to get bogged down in the mud - the earth becomes mud - I wake up

    Hello, Tatyana. I had a dream that a large puddle of mud was sucking my husband in. He tried to get out with all sorts of strength, but it didn’t work. At that time I stood still, screamed, but could not move. What does this mean?

    I was walking in a village near our river and saw how an unfamiliar man was trying to offend the boy, I rush to save him, the man runs away, I run after him and find myself in a green swamp, trying to get out of it, I walk, carefully choosing the path to a safe shore, I see this a man who offended a boy and ran away from me, he helps me safely get out of this swamp

    I dreamed that I was not walking through the forest alone, I see a person who is hiding for some reason, then I see a little bear cub that is lying in the grass, and a big bear sits behind him, I feel danger and quietly run away, as it were, from a hillock and go down to swamp and there are a lot of berries in it, which I was looking for

    Hello! I dreamed of a swampy place, and some woman (grandmother) with a girl, and there were two paths, and this woman said that she was short and dangerous, many people died there, and near this path a man’s corpse lay in a pit, and the other path is long, and I had to return halfway back and go through people unpleasant to me, and on this I woke up in difficulty choosing the way home.

    This is a paid service???
    I don’t remember the dream completely, but I remember the sensations well - like I’m going to a company of people who are on the other side of the swamp, I try to cross, I find a path, but I fall into a quagmire. The swamp begins to suck me in, I try to get out, scream for help, but my voice is weak, I have no strength. In a dream, I understand that it is necessary to get out, and now I find the strength and start screaming, calling for help, calling everyone I know, but most of all I call my husband for help. He finally noticed me and came, while I told him to lie down on the ground to pull me out so that he would not get bogged down in the swamp. And so he pulled me out.

    I dreamed of a grandmother who had already died, something fell into the grass, and my grandmother began to pull it out, hit her head, and then it turned out that it was a swamp, the two of us got stuck, but I felt the bottom, but I didn’t remember whether I got out or not

    I accidentally climbed into a swamp that was surrounded by yellow walls, in the middle of the swamp there was a bridge with which I got out and climbed onto one of the walls. After that, I began to carefully crawl along the wall and thus got out of there.

    I dreamed of a large swamp in the middle of which I found myself, no one knows how. At the same time, in the swamp, a huge fish swam right on the surface, in whole shoals. When I started to walk through the swamp, I tried to disperse the fish so as not to step on, and besides the fish, I saw huge croaking toads that jumped out of my way.

    I am sitting at a corporate party where my friend Andrey Bogomolov is present. He says to me, if you want to tell a joke, just repeat the words after me. Well, I began to repeat the words after him, and suddenly found myself in the middle of a swampy area and with me a few more people I did not know, as if we were tourists. The weather was clear, the water in the swamp was clean, that a bald man and a boy even swam and dived in it, there were still bumps, on one of which I stood. I also remember the path in this swamp, lined with clean white boards, which went straight from me somewhere into the distance through the swamp. I wanted to go along this path first, but I saw how other people went along the path, but the boards turned out to be fragile and rotten, they began to break under them and they began to fall into the water, but in the end everyone got out. I stood and watched what was happening, after which I went out onto a hard surface, and walked through the swamp without any effort, easily. On the shore, I noticed that I was in white trousers, the legs of which were in green duckweed. He returned to the corporate party, of course, expressed his displeasure to a friend about what had happened. To which he answered me, well, such a joke ... a strange dream, of course, what can it mean?

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was walking on water and at some point the water turns into a swamp, before that I saw two men who told me not to go there, you don’t see something, but it was too late I was already walking. I walk along it and feel that it is sucking me in, I think to myself that I have a granddaughter, I can’t die for her and I start to pray and I feel that my legs felt the soil and I began to slowly leave the swamp and fell into the water, into a small river, the river was calm, I wanted to go ashore, but then a black horse found itself in the water. I only saw her head, she didn’t let me go ashore, tried to bite off everything, but didn’t bite off. I don’t remember anything else, I know that there was a continuation of sleep, but not I remember. What could this mean? I feel there is nothing good in this dream, but I cannot fully understand what he warns against.

    I saw a swamp on the right in front of me and frogs in a horizontal position periodically swam through it, large, like a Tortilla turtle. And on the left, a lake, clean, with a light wave. The swamp was separated from the lake like an isthmus of earth and trampled grass, like a two-lane path forest.

    I dreamed that I was getting married and I was pregnant, then
    I am walking with my mother near the swamp, I feel dizzy and I fall. Mom sees this and pulls me out. At this moment I wake up. What does this mean? When I fell into the swamp, I felt warmth.

    at first I dreamed that I was walking up in a wedding dress, but I couldn’t get up because of the swamp and fell down, then I got into a white car, and there was a house in the car and my alleged husband wanted to stab me with a knife, and I screamed that I loved him and cried

    The man went to the middle of the swamp for a bright flower, a man who was pretty to me stood on the shore, he accidentally let go of my hand and I fell. I didn’t feel that this swamp was an ordinary dirty river. Then he fell with me, we laughed and got out.

    good night. standing in a swamp, a woman in black monastic clothes came out to me. She said that if you come with me, I will take you out, and if not, you will be lost. in my dream I decided not to go. then the alarm rang and I woke up

    Hello! Dream: we are driving in our car, my husband is driving, I am in the car, our son and my mother. At first we drive a little to the side of the road, but in time we manage to turn onto the road, I say smear look at the road and after a few minutes the turn and the road is slippery - we are thrown off the road and we fly into a swamp / pond overgrown with mud. I don’t see how we plunged into the Water, I just think how to get my son out and wake up

    My sister was drowning in a swamp, I swam up to her on a boat, pulled her out, and she herself fell into a swamp and began to drown in it, and no matter what I did, I continued to drown there was a lot of algae and in the end I already stopped trying to swim out and woke up

    Hello, today I had a dream that my mother and I were walking somewhere in the field and we ended up in a swamp, my mother immediately fell into the swamp, but I immediately began to help him by pulling her hands, I could almost pull it out, and then she fell again, and the cat woke me up when I was sleeping. I don’t know what happened later, I probably could have saved her, but the cat woke me up.

    I saw the city in which I wandered and could not find my way back. The weather was sunny. While I was wandering, I thought that something was not right, since I can’t remember the way. Along the way, I met young people whom I don’t know in real life, but in a dream I know them. There was a lot of sun and life and people of nature were in full swing. We had a conflict and I chased one of them. I went to the hillock and was horrified at the bottom there were immense swamps, just black slush in which there were dead trees and old rickety houses. This is where everything becomes black and white, there is no sun, no people, no nature. I needed to get over to the other side, but I didn’t see this because I woke up

    Dreaming of village, familiar friends
    Then the path along the sides of the trees, coniferous and deciduous
    I went to one of the edges of the path and looked down, there was a swamp, on both sides
    At first everything was in cold colors, but then, looking ahead, there was a lot of color, trees grew in the middle and it was so beautiful
    Then I dream about the school and the fact that competitions are held in it (football)
    All schools play, but there were all the friends who don’t even know how to play
    Then a big company came and they know me, but we never really talked
    I also called my friends, but they did not hear me and continued to walk without turning around and not answering me.

    Good night. It feels like I've seen this dream before. I remember only a fragment. Some kind of reservoir, visually not deep, the water is clean, transparent, there are many islands with green grass. There are some houses on the other side. I need to these houses. Then comes the realization that all this has already happened to me. And as if I know that this is a swamp and there is a fear that I will be sucked in. But I somehow quickly, imperceptibly and painlessly get over to the other side, never falling through or slipping. I well remember the pile of firewood stacked behind the house. There is a husband in the house who tells me about his mistress, that they meet daily and this will continue.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a friend. Then we go down to the water. I understand that I am stepping with my foot and starting to fall through, then the second and as if it is something viscous and sticky. I understand that there is no way back and I have to swim. It all happened way too fast. I didn’t have time to come to my senses and I was already in this swamp right up to my throat. I call my friend for help, but very quietly, because I'm afraid that water will flow into my mouth. And in general, for some reason, I'm afraid to even say something. I am sucked into one, where I rest my back on something prickly or sharp. Then abruptly I manage to get out of this quagmire. I float somehow. I look, but my girlfriend is not there .. then a sharply different dream, as if I found a homeless cat and entered someone else's apartment (I don’t know how, in my opinion I found a key somewhere) so that he would live there. When I left this house, all the people gathered and they knew that I was supposedly an animal protector and stuff like that .. what does it all mean?

    My boyfriend’s father and mother and I were walking somewhere, then a swamp appeared in front of us, when the guy’s mother passed very easily. Dad and I spent the night to go, I talked to him, he did not answer, and only occasionally screamed and told him to leave and leave. As a result, we went through and ended up at home, dad was lying on the floor trying to catch his breath, and suddenly yelled at the whole house “my eyes, I don’t see anything.” I called out to him, talked to him, but he just didn’t hear me. Then he disappeared and in his place was a red, wet dress.

    i had a dream that my son was drowning in very dirty water turning into a swamp, it was more separate circles each covered with a swamp, but strangely, the water was warm and I began to dive into the swamp, seeing how my son was drowning in another circle of water, he was 2 years old, but in a dream he was probably 4 and I ask people for help, but they don’t help. What do you think, what is it for? Thanks in advance.

    I remember that there were 2 people there, a man and a woman, I knew them from somewhere. We walked, they told me about their swamp, I remember very well that they told me about a boy who was 11 kg and he drowned there, and many more people. The man crossed the swamp, just on top, and the woman asked God to help me and also crossed it, I stood on the tree to the very foot, why I began to jump through the swamp, I went through it and screamed very much with joy. Then this woman hugged me, and I began to cry. We went somewhere. 2 guys were standing further along the road, apparently they love me and sorted out among themselves, then I woke up

    I walked through the swamp, trees mostly birch grew on it and I walked along their roots, but then they ended and it remained to cross a small section of the swamp, but I knew that I would fail there. I also knew that I would have time to get to the shore. I jumped there and near the shore was already waist-deep in a swamp, but got out of it.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in a swamp, with a loved one, an ex-girlfriend and relatives. We went mushroom picking, but we didn’t find mushrooms, there was a raft in the swamp, brand new, but it was half in the water .. Then I moved to a place where everything was abandoned, and I was looking for a loved one, climbed over an abandoned dark dirty room, and ran to him, but he was hiding and running away, and finally I caught up, then the witches came out and told me something. Then I was at the wrestling and wrestled with whom I don’t remember.

    I ran through a dark, foggy forest ... it was as if it was evening or earlier in the morning there was a swamp everywhere (well, as if the earth after rain) suddenly I see the road and the car is gray in color, I run out, and from behind I hear a voice (they called me by name) grandmother deceased, but it’s as if she didn’t say it, she turned around, but she gave me 20 UAH and said buy whatever you want and she herself went to that forest from where she barely ran out, I turned in the other direction and already ended up in a store where they offered me an encyclopedia about horses , which I have been looking for for a long time ... And my grandmother dreamed of me once on the day of her death, she said that everything would be fine with me, then she brought me my favorite dress and gave it to me in a dream, then she didn’t dream for 3 years ... and not long ago she dreamed that she was standing looking like I quarrel with my mother because my mother drinks and doesn’t cry a little, I came up and she fainted in my arms, I brought her to her senses and we had to leave with her, we opened the door and some kind of hand took my grandmother and something mom took me delayed, my grandmother went out the door, and a little later she went out and saw it was dark that one turned dark ... I screamed and cried but could not wake up and then suddenly the phone rang me saying that I should go to a vocal competition (grandmother always wanted me to be a singer, and she also knew that I adore horses) why such dreams? They are so rare for me to take off and so strange ... Today in a dream I saw the ghost of my cat, my beloved dog betrayed me, and not long ago the spirit of my horse dreamed, why do spirits always come to me in a dream?

    I ran with a friend around the city, but then my friend ran away faster than me, and I fell into a swamp from which I then couldn’t get out, I grab tree branches, but everything breaks, but then I got out but already naked

    I walked through the muddy area, took a step and suddenly fell into the swamp, I began to be sucked in, I tried to get out, but I could not. I was sucked, there was blackness and a strange feeling of death

    I don’t quite remember the beginning, but an element rushed to my memory as in the struggle literally for life, I pushed the girl into the swamp (or some sucking slimy liquid). She started screaming that I was a traitor and grabbed me by the edge of a knitted pink cardigan, I was afraid that she would tear it and tried with all my might to take this edge, but soon she herself was in this liquid and drowned until literally only her face remained on the surface. I began to persuade the girl to let me go, as she will be able to live on again after she drowns, but I can’t. As a result, I found a hanger and grabbed it by the edge, she did not let me go until I promised that I would pull it out again and she agreed. I got out clinging to everything I could. My yellow dress (before that I did not pay attention to it) was covered in slime, but I did not care. I handed the hanger to the girl, told how to catch and how to climb, but she could not. She went to the bottom, and I went to the tent, which was behind, where I left all my things, but there on the floor lay only my black bag and incomprehensible old, but familiar keys to me. My silver earrings and a gold ring should have been on the table. Then I noticed a guy, but he didn't take them, I was sure. I felt very sad, because my mother gave it to me (I said this in a dream, but in my life I don’t have any ring from my mother). But then my coach from the camp showed up (he died about 5 years ago from cancer). He opened his hand, and there was a ring, some clean and shiny keys, and something else. He sat on the bench in front of that guy, another friend of mine came up behind and put a chair in front of the coach to sit down, and I was still standing, although there was a place next to the coach from the camp to sit down. We started a conversation with my dress, or rather, with the fact that it is in mucus, but we didn’t focus on it, he just said something like “you used to be neat and followed everything, but now what, are you worse than yourself or what? ". Then he began to say that until they came up with something new, everything was going well, but now everything is incomprehensible. (It was different there, but the meaning is the same) Then he asked, “Anna, how would you divide the inheritance?”. I got into a stupor, but began to say that between those who treated better, supported, loved more, etc. But every phrase that I said was continued by the guy who was sitting there initially. Then the coach began to say that he had two such people. I started crying in my sleep and I don't remember what happened next. Then, at one point, the coach said, “Now she will not communicate with me and will be afraid that they will put me on a strict diet ......” (.... .- I don’t remember what else was). After that, we began to look for a shadow in the tent, and as soon as we found it and moved there, I woke up.

    Hello! Men z 2 to 3 had a fierce dream in which I swim in the swamp, wanting to swim, I can’t. The weather seemed to be good, I don't remember exactly. I swam in the swamp with two lads, I know them, but I don’t remember who stinks myself. We were playing with the ball at the same time. Slowly, the sounds appeared like a kid and a zaishov in a swamp and started to curl up on a club. All the dream is over

    Hello! I go home, and as usual in the usual way through the school path, but there turned out to be a lot of dirt that was after the supposed flood, I turned around and walked along the other path and behind me was a woman with a man and a dog, they walked with her on the street. But there was also a swamp along the other path, but most of all it looked like mud, we walked with them and talked, when I approached the house they turned around to go back in the direction where we all came from together. When I began to come closer to the house, I seemed to see my husband and a friend, drinking, sitting on the porch of the store that is located in our house (although my husband is now at sea). I tried to carefully run so that he would not see me, but he shouted at me to come up, he kissed me. I went around the house and went out from the other side of the house and went to pick up my husband, he was already sitting under the windows of our apartment with a friend and there was one more man from the other side of the house and they started a fight, to which my the husband (the face was not his, but I knew that it was my husband) hit an unfamiliar person with an empty bottle on the back and ran and shouted to me that I was going home, this man helped him and he fell and shouted go home to me. I ran and tried to call the police. Then I woke up all wet.

    Hello, from Thursday to Friday I had a dream in which: I am standing near some kind of swamp, behind me is a crowd of African American men, girls, and I try several times to go through this swamp with the fear that something will eat me, but each Once I reached the middle, I returned. And then I woke up

Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a swamp:

The swamp symbolizes your established habits and unwillingness to change your lifestyle.

If you find yourself in a swamp in good weather, then you lead your life serenely, enjoy your health, communicate with your partners and you don’t need anything else. Oblomov is resting! If you pick berries in a swamp (cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries), then you lead an active sex life with a large number of sexual partners, but the element of novelty has already disappeared. Each new contact is an open book even before the connection is made.

If you are lost in a swamp, then you are entangled in your sexual problems and cannot find a way out of them.

If you find yourself in a swamp in bad weather, then you are in for a breakdown and exhaustion.

If you failed in a swamp or drowning, then you have health problems. Don't put off your visit to the doctor!

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing a swamp in a dream means:

To dream about how you walk through a swamp - to meet an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.
If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp, it means that in reality you will experience a strong shock caused by the treachery and betrayal of your friends.
A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire indicates your untapped opportunities. If in a dream you saw a swamp covered with ice, this means the fragility of the world around us and its defenselessness against the impending civilization.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream with a swamp in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

Swamp - for bad; wander around it - slander, slander, see a rotten swamp - for wealth; if the swamp is attached - some kind of disease, sore will attach.

Miller's dream book

Sleeping with a swamp means:

Walking in a dream through a swamp or swampy places means that you will soon find yourself in unfavorable circumstances. The legacy you expect will turn out to be illusory, and you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.
If, while walking through the swamp, you meet clean puddles and green bumps, this means that you will be able to keep your luck and, having reached it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.
To be in the middle of a swamp is a sign that you are unable to fulfill your duty.
Seeing other people in the swamp means that people close to you will soon upset you.
This dream may portend illness.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

The meaning of sleep swamp:

Damage and disorder in business

Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a swamp:

Walking through the swamp - uncertainty, a precarious position in business and family. Drowning in a swamp is a difficult situation, a hopelessness that can pull you towards suicide or unrestrained drunkenness. Someone is drowning in a swamp - your loved ones are in the same danger. Danger can be prevented if its cause is found.

Old Russian dream book

What a swamp may dream of:

to the bad; wander - slander; to see a rotten swamp - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Swamp, in a dream means:

bad outlook for the future
wander through the swamp - danger awaits
climb out of the swamp - an improvement in everyday affairs.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If a girl dreams of a swamp, then this means:

To thin;
wander - slander;
to see a rotten swamp - to wealth.
See also go.

Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a swamp:

Walking in a swamp or swampy places - unfavorable circumstances, a ghostly inheritance, disappointment in heart affairs; to meet clean puddles and green bumps - good luck, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you; to be in the middle of a swamp - you are unable to fulfill your duty; to see other people - close people will upset you. This dream may portend illness. See also Frog, Crawl, Bog.

English dream book

Swamp in a dream English dream book

To dream that you are making your way through a swampy area is a dream that means a life full of anxieties and worries. If you walk through the swamp with difficulty, then sorrows and difficulties await you. But if you easily overcome the swamp and quickly reach solid ground, it means that you will spend the rest of the days in modest prosperity. For a lover, this dream portends many troubles and trials, but in the end he will triumph over all enemies and obstacles.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Swamp in a dream Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

The swamp is a sign of poverty and great work ahead. To get bogged down in a swamp means to become a victim of deception.

Slavic dream book

Swamp in a dream Slavic dream book

To thin; wander - slander; to see a rotten swamp - to wealth; drowning in it - getting into an unforeseen dangerous business.

Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Swamp in a dream Dream Interpretation Krada Veles

Swamp - damage and confusion in business, bad views on the future; to go along the swamp path - obstacles in business, the precariousness of the situation; wandering through the swamp - a sick bed, personal troubles; pull someone out of the swamp - help someone in a difficult situation, help out with money, work

Dream interpretation for women

Swamp in a dream Dream interpretation for women

This is a kind of warning that indicates that lately you have become too lack of initiative, inert, in general, you go with the flow. In your life, nothing more or less significant is happening, for which you stubbornly continue to consider only the fate-villain to blame.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp, then you did not have time to think. And the point is not at all that the monotony, like a swamp, draws you in. Apparently, a wonderful opportunity passes by you, a chance that not everyone gets, and at that time you are lying in front of the TV, thinking whether to reach out to grab luck by the tail, or still not be distracted from your favorite program.

Dream interpretation for men

Swamp in a dream Dream interpretation for men

Chaos in business. Consciously enter the swamp - get into an unpleasant story in which a woman is involved. If you enter the swamp consciously, but at the same time the feeling of fear does not leave you, then this means that it is in your power to do everything so that troubles bypass you.

Trying to get out of the swamp is a heavy burden that you cannot get rid of. If you get out of the swamp in a dream, then in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with the least losses.

Wallowing in a swamp and seeing some solid objects on its surface is a problem with a partner. You feel that the time has come for change, but you just can’t decide on anything.

Drowning in a swamp is an unforeseen dangerous business.

If a dream frightens you so much that you wake up in the middle of the night, then this means that in reality you have a chance to avoid danger.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Swamp in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

The dream in which you find yourself in a swamp portends unfavorable circumstances. Your hope to get rich quickly and easily will turn out to be illusory, unlucky in love, which together will plunge you into deep disappointment.

If, walking through the bog, you see transparent windows among the mossy hummocks and water covered with duckweed, it means that you will be able to keep your luck due to the fact that you will be even more careful and attentive to the intrigues of your competitors.

To see that you are surrounded on all sides by a shaky impenetrable swamp in which you get lost and cannot get out means that in reality you cannot fulfill your obligations. If you see other people in such a situation, you will soon experience grief from relatives or friends, which may be caused by illness. Seeing a lot of frogs in the swamp means misfortune that you will overcome thanks to the timely help of friends. Stumble upon a snake - you will live in constant fear of getting sick or getting pregnant. Crawling through the swamp means that you will become depressed and lose the trust of people who had high hopes for you. Your friends will have reason to accuse you of not keeping your word.

If you dream that you are walking through a quagmire without making out your way, your most ardent desires and bold plans will meet temporary obstacles. Unusual changes in circumstances will force you to reconsider some of your actions.

Drowning in a quagmire, slowly plunging into it - make a serious mistake.

Seeing people stuck in a quagmire - great efforts will bring little return. If you pull someone out of the swamp or pull you out, the future will be filled with anxiety and fear.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Swamp in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The dream portends poverty and great labors. Walking in the swamp - an awkward situation in which you put yourself will bring financial difficulties. Wade through the quagmire - your feelings and nerves are strained to the limit, the events of recent days can be disastrous for your plans. Drowning in a swamp - the betrayal of a friend whom you trusted infinitely will be the cause of your problems.

Imagine that the swamp turns into a lake, and the lake into an ocean (see Fig.

Ocean). One can also imagine that the swamp dries up completely.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Swamp in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a reflection of your forebodings of great danger and self-doubt.

If nothing bothers you in reality, be careful! Such a dream suggests that your position is not stable. Most likely, the plans that you are building for the future can collapse at any moment, and you yourself risk being in big trouble. The dream encourages you to look around and soberly assess the situation.

If in a dream in the middle of a swamp you saw a solid island, a path or a solid shore, it means that the solution to your problem is somewhere nearby, you just need to search well.

Even skeptics who do not trust dream books often think about what dreams portend to them, especially if something unusual and disturbing has been dreamed up at night. Dreams do not always come true, but it is better to know what to prepare for and what to expect - this will help to partially avoid trouble. Why is the swamp dreaming, and should you worry that disturbing events will occur in real life?

Why dream of drowning in a swamp

Should I start to worry and why dream of drowning in a swamp? As many dream books testify, one should not be delighted with such dreams - most often they portend considerable trouble. If you had such a dream, you have to wait for only one thing - betrayal. The probability that the dream will come true is almost 100%, and this cannot be avoided, even if you make every effort.

Some dream books claim that a person who has already done this many times will betray, therefore, if there is a suspicion, it is better not to trust such people with their innermost secrets. There is a possibility that the betrayal will be committed by the best friend, and after that, severe pain will settle in the soul for a long time, and the sediment will remain for life. Most likely, it will not work to forgive such a thing, and to revive friendship as well.

In fairness, it’s worth saying that if you managed to watch the dream to the end, and its ending is positive - you managed to escape and get out of the quagmire, then troubles can be bypassed, although this happens extremely rarely.

Why dream of a green swamp

How good will everything be in life, and why is the green swamp dreaming? Dream Interpretations warn in this regard - you can start to rejoice and look forward to future events - they will certainly bring only positive. Green is usually associated with spring, leafing and flowering, so a dream dominated by green colors certainly portends something new and unusual. If a girl has a dream, then it is likely that a new life will soon arise in her.

Even if in a dream it turned out to fall into a green swamp, you should not worry about this - good events in the future will not be overshadowed by anything. There is even a chance to strengthen your financial situation, for this you don’t have to do anything, just wait for the gifts of fate. After such dreams, men are recommended to make an offer - the chosen one will certainly answer positively.

Why dream of a dirty swamp

Why dream of a dirty swamp and should we be afraid of such dreams? You should not count on surprises or gifts of fate - night dreams, in which a black quagmire was seen, portend danger. Dirt itself does not pose a particular danger to the dreamer, but the fact that it is associated with a swamp is already a chance to run into trouble.

A dream in which it was possible to see a dark, terrifying quagmire may portend:

  1. a large number of ill-wishers (it can even be relatives or fairly close people);
  2. betrayal;
  3. the dreamer will soon be denigrated or greatly humiliated, and in front of the eyes of the dearest person, who can then turn away for a long time;
  4. all the secrets or secrets that were entrusted to a loved one will be given out and will bring many difficult minutes.

Such dreams do not always come true in reality, but it is better not to experience the whims of fate and not be frank for some time.

Why dream of water and a swamp

What is the dream of water and a swamp, is it necessary to do something to avoid unpleasant events? There is little pleasant in such dreams, so you should not expect that fate will be favorable. Most often, such dreams portend soon longing, bitter disappointment in a loved one or sexual partner, rudeness and heartlessness from relatives.

Unfortunately, such dreams almost never lie, and subconsciously a person already feels trouble and begins to prepare for them. You can calm down a little if the swamp and water do not have a connection - first the dreamer dreams of a bog, and after a while - clean water. How should this be understood? In real life, a period of disappointments will follow, but if you do not pay special attention to them and do not give up, everything will certainly end quickly and a period of joy and happiness will come.

Why dream of swamp and mud

How to respond to a disturbing dream and why do you dream of swamp and mud? Almost always, such dreams portend unpleasant events. It will not be possible to avoid or completely prevent them, the only way out is to carefully observe the subsequent night dreams and diligently decipher them. There is a considerable chance that it will be possible to partially avoid the danger.

Dirt and quagmire may indicate such events:

  1. if you get bogged down in them, troubles and terrible misfortunes will soon begin;
  2. dirt will remain on the outfit - failures will be quite small, you can even ignore them;
  3. to walk next to a quagmire and mud - troubles will begin soon, but not necessarily with a dreamer, it may even be a barely familiar person, but it is possible that one of the relatives;
  4. drinking water with mud from a bog - a serious illness will soon begin to develop, it will not be possible to prevent it, but a successful recovery is possible.

Not always a dream with mud and quagmire portends such terrifying events. If you managed to wake up in a good mood, night dreams did not leave a painful residue behind, it is quite possible that the dark streak will not come.

Why dream of drowning in a swamp

What will happen very soon and why dream of drowning in a swamp? One of the most terrible dreams that portends disasters and grief is to drown in a quagmire. It doesn’t matter if there was clean water, green or mud - the result of such dreams is only one - the imminent death of one of the relatives.

The sign is especially bad when a person drowning in a quagmire experiences severe emotional stress, screams and tries to swim out. Along with the death of a close relative, additional sorrows may appear in life - one of the relatives or even family members will become very ill, considerable problems will appear at work. The only consolation that can help the dreamer a little is that if a dream that inspires such anxiety was dreamed on Monday night, it is likely that it will not come true.

Why dream of walking through the swamp

Is there a reason to expect disturbing events and why dream of walking through the swamp? Such dreams also do not bode well for the dreamer, although one should not expect any special troubles. A dream in which you had to make your way through the quagmire, and not drown in it, but simply walk, albeit with some difficulties, promises that soon the dreamer will face a difficult choice.

You should not hope that help will come from relatives or close people - you need to do it yourself. There is no guarantee that the choice will be made correctly, and sleep will in no way facilitate this process. The only thing that can be done in this case is to try to follow the subsequent night dreams - it is likely that they will contain a hint of how to do the right thing.

Why dream of a swamp with mud

How dangerous is a dream, and why does a swamp with mud dream? It should not be expected that a quagmire with green mud does not hide anything dangerous for the dreamer - not everything is so simple. Very soon you will have to face difficult problems face to face, and you should not count on the fact that there is a person nearby who can substitute a reliable shoulder.

Such night dreams can also hint at a danger that can await not only on the street, but even at home or at work. You need to be careful for several weeks - it is likely that you will be able to overcome the obstacles prepared by fate.

As you can see, it is quite easy to recognize the hints that lurk in such dreams. There is no need to puzzle over what the swamp is dreaming of, because each person is free to decide or change his own destiny, and even if troubles are prepared, you can endure them with honor.

Everything is possible in the world of dreams - we find ourselves in a variety of situations that are completely unacceptable in reality, and in a variety of places.

And not only to places that we only dream about in everyday life, but also to those that we diligently avoid: not the most pleasant, dangerous or scary. Dream Interpretations are always ready to answer and decipher such signs.

But even at the level of intuition, any dreamer can feel whether the dream promises joy, or whether it is a warning. However, you cannot make a correct and detailed interpretation yourself.

Swamp, mud, swamp - all these are not the most pleasant phenomena, and it is unlikely that anyone associates them with something bright and good. However, it is not easy to understand reliably what the swamp is dreaming of - these dreams can portend both successful deeds and happy twists of fate, as well as warn of impending difficulties or conflicts.

Unfavorable interpretations should not be afraid. They are useful in that they will help you avoid trouble, notice the danger in time and turn right in your life, make the right choice.

So, if the interpreter does not bode well, do not rush to get upset and do not be afraid of reality. Analyze the information and think about how to do the right thing.

Well, in order to find out correctly and without errors what the swamp is dreaming of, you will have to remember all the details - how it was, what you did, and other nuances that took place in dreams. Variants of "swamp" dreams are as follows:

  • You saw the marshland.
  • In the middle of it grows a tree or a bush.
  • Swamp reeds in a dream are everywhere.
  • Old, rotten swamp.
  • There are some people in it.
  • Clean water in the middle of mud.
  • You are in a swampy area.
  • Walk past, near, along the shore.
  • Stuck and can't get out.
  • Walk, make your way through the swamp.
  • Walk easily and effortlessly.
  • Drown in the swamp.

There are many options, and one is more unpleasant than the other - nevertheless, such a dream can hardly be called a nightmare, and the interpreter offers not always bad values. Choose the closest option to find out what the swamp is dreaming of - and discover the secret of what awaits you in reality.

Only to see

You can plunge into the mud, but you can avoid this - both in reality and in a dream. If you only saw swampy places, whatever they were, from the side - find out what this means.

1. According to the dream book, a swamp in night dreams, simply seen from the side, is a symbol of a false, wrong path.

You just need to stop the course of events now, take a break and think carefully: are you doing the right thing, are you moving in the right direction, is happiness waiting for you at the end of the path that you have chosen. Maybe we should take a different path?

2. If a tree grows in your dream in the middle of a swampy area, this is a good sign. In reality, despite the troubles, difficult affairs and problems, things will go uphill, and soon you will have great success.

Do not be afraid of difficulties - they are current and will soon pass if you show strength and steadfastness. You will achieve great results.

3. Reeds are generally an unfavorable symbol. Such a dream is a hint that energy and strength are leaving you. You need to take a break, relax - you are too bogged down in the routine of affairs, and if you do not stop, you will simply get sick or lose the desire to live fully.

4. Such a dream, the swamp in which was terribly old, rotten, neglected, is actually a very good sign. The interpreter assures that this is a dream for big profits and even prosperity. Dirt is not always a bad sign - in this case, it promises wealth!

5. If there were some people or a person in it, this is a sign that your loved ones may upset you, disappoint or upset you. But try to be more tolerant, avoid conflicts - take care of relationships with loved ones. Difficulties pass, and relationships with dear people should be protected.

6. People in love dream of mud and swamps as a symbol of difficulties in relationships. However, keep in mind, the dream book says that if you survive these temporary troubles wisely and peacefully, then happiness will await you later.

7. If in the middle of a swamp you suddenly find an island of clean water, this portends you with great prosperity. You will be able to overcome difficulties and work conscientiously, without fear of obstacles. And this, believe me, will lead you to the heights of success and good.

If there was contact

Another thing is if in a dream you had to not only see a swamp or mud, but also get bogged down, fall into it, or go through swamps. In this case, it is not so much its appearance that is important, but the actions of the dreamer - they will answer what the swamp is dreaming of.

1. If you accidentally landed in a swamp in a dream, this is a hint of a mess in your current affairs in reality. Think about how to bring them into harmony.

After all, the chaos in life is the cause of disordered thoughts, and they are, in fact, easier to deal with than it seems. Relax, put them, that is, thoughts, in order - and adjust the course of affairs.

2. Walking along the shore next to the swamp is a hint of the dreamer's sadness, blues and melancholy. Is there a reason for this, or is there simply no strength to enjoy life? Gather your strength, see the beauty nearby - and live happily, it's in your power!

3. Not very favorable if you got stuck in the swamp mud in a dream and could not get out. This does not portend trouble, but warns of possible losses.

It is up to you to avoid this by managing your finances wisely. Be economical, now is such a period - it will end, but now it’s just worth being prudent and spending less money.

4. Walking, making your way through a swampy place is a hint of temporary difficulties and obstacles in business. And advice - you need to show diligence and activity.

There is no way to give up now in the face of difficulties. You will win and achieve great results if you are more courageous and hardworking.

5. A good dream, if in it you easily and without problems passed through the swamp, this means that no problems will harm you. Do not even pay attention to the apparent problems, and to the encroachments of ill-wishers - just go to the goal, and then you will come to it easily and successfully.

6. Drowned in a swamp? You obviously need a rest. Routine work simply absorbs you, and it's time to retire a little, relax, unwind. Find a way to do it!

The interpreter gives a lot of advice, but this is not a panacea, and certainly not a verdict. Think for yourself and make a decision: how to act in reality, whether the dream book is correct or not in your case.

Remember that you build your own destiny, and the interpreters only suggest, give advice - and you decide whether to take note of them or do otherwise. Your fate depends on you! Author: Vasilina Serova
