end predictions. The war that will soon destroy Europe

Mankind has more than once been convinced of the correctness and accuracy of the prophetic predictions of the great Nostradamus. There are several verses-quatrains of his authorship that relate to the current 2016.

Some of them have already begun to come true. Violent and bloody battles in the Middle East, according to Nostradamus' prediction, will cause the death of many innocent people. This region will be the center of confrontation between the two countries. Vice claimed that people in turbans would begin to mercilessly exterminate each other, and many powers would be drawn into this battle. Nostradamus believed that such a confrontation would be the initial stage of the Third World War.

He writes that it is in 2016 that a very important event for the entire Islamic world will take place. It will be a terrible tragedy that will start the most terrible and bloody war in history. Christians and Islamists will be irreconcilable enemies for 30 years. As a result, only one faith will remain on Earth. Only now what it will be, Nostradamus does not specify ....

Scientists around the world are deciphering the quatrains of this great man. In some predictions for 2016, Nostradamus predicts natural disasters of an incredible scale that will affect all of Europe. Heavy rains should begin in the spring, which will last for several months and lead to global floods in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, and the UK. America will also have a hard time. It can cover the strongest tornado. Russia and Australia may suffer significant losses from forest fires.

What did Vanga predict for 2016?

The world-famous clairvoyant Vanga predicted the coming future with incredible accuracy. The prophecies for 2016 from her are also disappointing. Like Nostradamus, Vanga spoke of a very serious threat of the outbreak of the Third World War. The conflict will spread from the Middle East and gradually take over the entire planet. According to the clairvoyant, threats should be expected from Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan. As you can see, her prophecies are already beginning to come true.

The use of banned chemical weapons can lead to a global catastrophe, from which not only the warring parties, but also some European countries will suffer. This is the main danger that the prophetess warned about. The United States will become the instigators and main provocateurs of the third world. However, thanks to Russia and China, they will not be able to complete what they started.

Vanga spoke about a terrible tornado that would cover almost all of America, and would cause the destruction and destruction of many cities. Some US metropolitan areas will be forever wiped off the face of the earth by natural disasters.

Our western neighbors will not bypass the political crisis, accompanied by mass discontent and riots among the population. Grandma Vanga claimed that the "black president" would be the last ruler of America. His inept rule will plunge the country into a series of incessant wars and lead to the collapse of a powerful state. Not the least role in this will also be played by the global economic crisis.

In one of his visions, Vange received an image of a huge celestial body falling into the water near the European continent. Such a collision will inevitably turn into a catastrophe, causing serious changes in the climate, the formation of tsunamis and earthquakes. Political relations between European countries will also worsen. But Vanga did not say anything specific about this. The Old World expects economic decline.

In her predictions for 2016, Vanga highlighted Ukraine. She said that this period would be especially difficult for the country. The third Maidan will be the point of no return. Such a political event should take place in the spring. The current government will be destroyed. The new heads of state will try to unite with Russia again. The civil war, to the delight of all the inhabitants of Ukraine, will be stopped. Not the last role in this process will be played by the Russian government, which is ready to compromise. At the same time, the Bulgarian soothsayer did not say anything about the need for military intervention in the affairs of a neighbor.

James Hansen Predictions for 2016

This soothsayer spoke about the beginning of a man-made disaster in 2016. The ice will begin to melt very quickly, which will lead to partial flooding of several European countries, as well as massive floods and tsunamis in the Americas.

Pavel Globa about the future in 2016

Pavel Globa is a famous Russian astrologer. According to his calculations, the United States and the European Union will have a very hard time in the coming year. These countries are waiting for the strongest economic and political crisis. By the end of 2016, the EU will begin to gradually disintegrate, riots and protests will occur throughout the American territory.

Portugal may declare itself bankrupt. This will cause the UK to leave the European Union. The association will not survive such a blow, and by the end of the year will cease to exist. Many are concerned about the question - what will happen to the euro currency? Globa claims that everyone will soon abandon it and return to national currencies. The visa-free regime for most countries will be canceled, the borders will be closed.

The astrologer also made a forecast for Ukraine. This country is waiting for a new revolution, a change of power, and the choice of a new president, with a loyal attitude towards Russia. Western patrons after such a reshuffle will very quickly lose interest in Ukraine.

Globa did not forget to mention the natural disaster that will rage in 2016. Western Europe may be flooded as a result of heavy rains and tsunamis.

Vera Lyon Predictions for 2016

Clairvoyant Vera Lyon gave her forecast for 2016. She argues that the European Union may cease to exist due to the wrong policy of its leaders. Many countries will want to withdraw from this association. The influence of the United States on the world economic situation will decrease. As you can see, all the processes that the fortune teller is talking about are already running. The US is losing its credibility every day. In 2016, the secret about the real size of America's public debt may be revealed. Vera Lyon claims that Barack Obama will be the last president. This can be seen very soon, because re-elections are scheduled at the end of this year.

Israel will gradually turn its back on the US. All political processes will not be too obvious and open, so ordinary citizens of these countries will not immediately be able to notice such a change.

Everyone knows that drugs are legalized in some American states. Vera Lyon claims that it is in 2016 that everyone will be able to see the results of such a policy. The complete collapse of the United States, according to her, will occur in 2020-2023.

Glaciers will melt inexorably, flooding more and more new territories. The Kazakh seer made a prophecy for her country. She argues that during this period, the water resources of Kazakhstan will significantly decrease, but almost no one will pay due attention to this problem. The thing is that this is a rather lengthy process, which will begin in 2016.

The sensational problem of gambling will cause a public outcry. It will cause financial loss to many people who will subsequently attempt to commit suicide.

Jane Dixon on the events of 2016

The clairvoyant claims that oil production in the United States will drop significantly in the near future. Geopolitical tension will intensify, which will in no way contribute to the stabilization of the exchange rate. It will keep changing over the course of several months. As a result, oil will rise in price greatly, as the demand for "black gold" will increase to an unprecedented scale.

Max Handel's Predictions

The American mystic and soothsayer Max Handel was born in America. He has repeatedly proved the reliability of his prophecies. Handel claims that strong warming will begin in 2016. This will benefit crops in Southeast Asia and Australia. In these countries, the economic situation will improve, world GDP will also rise, which will increase inflation around the world.

Alice Anna Bailey Predictions for 2016

The well-known seer and writer in England, Alice Anna Bailey, gained fame as the creator of the Arcane School, in which everyone can learn esotericism. She claims that the demand for silver will increase significantly this year, its natural reserves will decrease all the time. This will lead to shortages and make silver one of the most expensive metals in the world, exceeding the price of gold.

Lennart Wolf's Predictions

Wolf believes that the only way to resolve the geopolitical crisis is to lift Western sanctions on Russia. In the near future, Western investors will again begin to improve the state of the Russian economy. As a result, the ruble exchange rate may rise by 25. The complete lifting of sanctions will lead to an unprecedented jump in the Russian currency by 50 upwards. Lennart claims that it is the ruble that will become the most stable world currency in the near future.

Predictions for Russia for 2016

Michel Nostradamus

The Prophet believed that it was in this year that the Third World War should end. Local conflicts in different countries have already claimed millions of lives, it's time to stop all this. Natural disasters will not bypass our country. In Russia, the strongest fires will rage, which will cause great damage to the environment. Nostradamus argued that very soon the geopolitical situation would change dramatically, and Russia would become a world center. A new humanity will begin to emerge here.


The Bulgarian soothsayer gave her forecast for 2016. Russia will certainly overcome all difficulties and problems, continuing its persistent movement towards strengthening world authority. Some may think that these are generalized and meaningless phrases. However, these are not the words of an ordinary person, but of a great personality endowed with a divine gift. What was her prophecy for Russia in 1998 worth. She claimed that a "familiar figure" would appear who would change Russia's entire future. All her prophecies come true with incredible accuracy. Vanga claimed that 2016 would be the peak of the negative. Spiritless people, striving for enrichment, will strive to keep power in their hands for as long as possible. However, this "last battle" will not be victorious for them, the reign of "Vladimir" will only strengthen. Vanga called the President of Russia a "ruler" and claimed that he would gather around him the same strong personalities. Together they will be able to change the world situation and extinguish the aggression of Western countries. The Russian president will make every effort to end the civil war in Ukraine.

Maria Duval

This fortuneteller also saw many fires in Russia in 2016. The summer will be very hot and dry, which will lead to a decrease in crops and a deterioration in the situation in the agricultural sector. Such natural disasters will affect not only our country, but unlike others, Russia will be able to cope with them faster, after which it will begin to help neighbors who find themselves in a worse situation.

Edgar Cayce

The clairvoyant has always considered Russia a unique country, with great prospects for the future. In his predictions, he practically repeats the statements of Nostradamus and Duval, says that Japan and most of Europe will be flooded. No disasters are foreseen for our country in 2016.

Mikhail Levin

This Russian astrologer made his forecast for the Motherland for the coming year. All his statements are based on the position of the stars. 2016 will be marked by a change of power and significant amendments to the legislation. He believes that parliament will soon rule the country, and officials will become the embodiment of the people's will. The Russian police will also change. Large-scale purges will be carried out in the judicial and military spheres.

Faith Lyon

The clairvoyant speaks of the great "migration of peoples" to the territory of Russia in 2016. These will be mainly Russian-speaking residents from neighboring states. In particular, the Kazakhs will want to move to Russia. Great prospects await this country, but the country will reach the peak of its development a little later. In 2016, Lyon saw a lot of difficulties for the Russians, which they will have to constantly overcome. However, without this complex stage, further development will become impossible.

Gaby Satori

This woman is studying the Guruvedic culture, in which it is believed that all future events are directly related to what has already happened. She argues that Russia will actively suppress corruption, which annually causes irreparable harm to the economy. The popularity of the president, and indeed of the entire country, will be ambiguous throughout the world. The information war will do its job. The domestic auto industry will actively develop in 2016.

Alexander Litvin

Litvin is a famous Russian psychic. His prediction for the current year almost completely coincides with the statements of Maria Duval. The time will not be easy for Russia, but we will be able to go through this difficult stage and reach a new level of economic development. In 2016, the sales markets for domestic goods will expand significantly, and new faces from the regions will appear on the political arena. This is a very good time for people who can act spontaneously, completely relying on their intuition. People who are accustomed to thinking and calculating all their steps in advance may face big obstacles and errors in calculations this year.

Alexey Grishin

In his prophetic dreams, this man saw Ukraine in the fire of a civil war. Global upheavals or catastrophes are not expected for Russia in 2016. Small changes will affect the visa regime, and they will not be for the better. The exchange rate of the American currency will decrease slightly and then stabilize. This will not be something catastrophic for our country. The natural element will also be favorable to our homeland. There will be a slight drought in the summer, but agriculture will quickly be able to restore resources.

Pavel Globa

Globa is a well-known astrologer from Russia, who gained worldwide fame, made a lot of calculations, having previously studied the map of the starry sky. He claims that in 2016 the global economic crisis will completely overwhelm America and the European Union. Russia and China will dominate the global arena. In Ukraine, power will change again, which will be another shock for the country. The new Ukrainian head of state will want to restore cooperation with Russia, thereby improving the position of his country.

Donnie Eichar

This predictor paid special attention to Russian scientists and researchers. It is in 2016 that they will be able to make a great discovery, which will be the first step towards understanding the mystery of the creation of the World. This will be a great shock to the inhabitants of the whole earth.

For the last couple of months, we have only been hearing a variety of predictions for 2016, what awaits Russia and the United States, peace or war - only the lazy one did not give such interpretations. Well, let's try to put together a single picture from the prophecies of the most famous seers - what will be the coming year 2016.

Predictions about Russia and the USA from Madame Duval

According to Madame Duval (née Caroline Maria Gambia), the Russian economy will face a tough test of integrity and stability this year. The country is waiting for fires, drought and crop failure. However, the exam will be passed and the standard of living will go up. Maria also predicts that Russia will help other countries cope with the unbearably hot summer of 2016.

Prophecies of Edgar Cayce for 2016 about Russia

But Edgar Cayce predicts that 2016 will be full of various natural disasters, especially floods. It is noteworthy that, according to Casey, Russia (Western Siberia) will practically not suffer, but will become a new pillar and center of recovery.

But parts of the islands of Japan, Europe and America are less lucky - they can be destroyed by floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It is worth noting that Edgar Cayce left many predictions related to climate change on the planet.

Some of his prophecies have already come true or have begun to come true.

So, for example, global warming and the melting of northern ice, the eruption of Etna in 1964, 1971 and 1979. Moreover, the last eruption was so strong that the city of Catania was covered with ash and coals. An eruption of such force has not been recorded in the previous 20 years.

What Vanga predicted about Russia

The seer Vanga, on the other hand, predicted a global world crisis that would affect absolutely all countries and would cause the collapse of the European Union. In addition, the seer said that in 2016 the planet may be on the verge of World War III, the outcome of the conflict will be on the conscience of some Arab power.

According to Vanga, Turkey or Iraq can unleash a war. Many European countries will be subjected to severe destruction.

Matrona of Moscow and Nastradamus about 2016

Blessed Matrona of Moscow also prophesied global catastrophes and loss of life in 2016. According to the seer, only true faith is able to protect the Orthodox.

One of the oldest predictors of this era, Michel Nostradamus, also assured in his prophecies that the world would undergo a destructive war. That World War III will destroy millions of people, and Europe will be empty. It will take many years to restore the lost civilization.

Born November 22, 1881, Sebino, Epifansky district, Tula province, Russian Empire, (now Kimovsky district, Tula region)

Troubles will not bypass Russia either. But China will become an ally in this period. By the way, according to other sources, Nostradamus predicts global air pollution in 2016, the source of which will be one of the European countries. This ecological catastrophe will entail a sharp decline in the birth rate.

Vera Lyon's prediction about Russia and the USA

Vera Lyon, a clairvoyant from Kazakhstan, on the contrary, believes that no global catastrophes or wars are expected in 2016. Although the year will still be difficult. Ms. Lyon claims that the US as it is known will cease to exist, and Barack Obama will be the last president of this country. While the United States will lose its positions in the world arena of geopolitical struggle, Russia, on the contrary, will win them back and take its rightful place.

Forecasts from astrologers

But the Russian astrologer Mikhail Levin believes that Russia will become a world leader, but not now. In 2016, he predicts a change of power in the country, but he does not undertake to say exactly how it will happen. Nevertheless, he is confident that only after a long process of perestroika, which will drag on for many years, new rules will be established in the country, and Russia will be able to take its rightful place on the world stage.

According to Pavel Globa's forecast, no serious changes are foreseen in Russia. Even the next wave of the economic crisis will not affect the country in any way. According to the astrologer, Russia can take a leading place among the world economies through the sale of oil and other energy resources.

But for the European Union, 2016, according to Pavel Globa, will not be so rosy - the EU will begin to move towards disintegration, and the United Kingdom will be the first to leave. But the Eurasian Union will cease to be just a project. Russia, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Donbass and Abkhazia will be exactly the shoulder that the world can lean on to get out of the crisis.

Julia Wang Predictions for 2016 for Russia

The winner of the fifteenth battle of psychics Julia Wang sees the world in a dark color. For Russia, she predicts a difficult year - this is an economic crisis, and popular unrest, and a change of power. Even a civil war is not ruled out. Also in 2016, oil and energy prices will continue to move down.

Vang Julia Vladimirovna was born in 1981 in Riga

There are other opinions regarding the world order in 2016. Some of the astrologers and clairvoyants prophesy the world, some of the crisis and catastrophes. Opinions are sometimes polar opposites. But at the end of the year, we will be able to check whether the predictions for 2016 came true, what awaits Russia and the United States - peace or war.

From esoteric forecasts to real forecasts - will there be a war?

The conflict between the US and Russia, and indeed throughout the world, is heating up every day. And if now it is only an information and propaganda war, then tomorrow it can develop into an open clash. Or still can't? Some political and military experts have their own answer to this question.

So, for example, in the Russian Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems (Colonel-General Viktor Yesin), they believe that a war between the two world giants is unlikely. Because the outcome of such a war, whatever it may be, will not meet either the interests of Russia or the interests of the States.

But if the conflict suddenly escalates into an open large-scale military clash, then Russia has only one argument against the United States - nuclear weapons. It will be the Third and last World War, because if the atomic bombs are still involved, there will be no winners.

Some military experts believe that a full-scale military conflict between the two countries is impossible. They will continue clashes in the territories of "hot spots" in the Arab countries, they will "butt" in Ukraine and other countries, but not a single sane ruler will dare to go to war.

There is also an opinion that if there is a clash, it will be a war without allies. None of the countries will dare to get involved in a conflict that is obviously losing for it.

Astrologers for the most part also agree that there will still be no open conflict between the two world powers. And although small focal skirmishes are inevitable, there should not be a global war.

Of all the predictions for 2016 about what awaits Russia, the United States and the planet in general - peace or war, one unequivocal conclusion can be drawn - the year will be difficult.

Shocks from terrorist attacks, fluctuations in the foreign exchange market, instability in Ukraine and in the Arab countries, antics of migrants in Europe - all this does not contribute to the positive mood of the population. Someone blames the leap year, and someone blames the greed of the "rulers of thoughts."

But that's not what matters. The really important thing is to be human. Despite any predictions.

Video: Predictions for 2016, what awaits Russia and the United States from Zhirinovsky

Every year, astrologers and soothsayers promise catastrophes and the disappearance of the world, terrible diseases and serious changes. What were the forecasts for 2016 and what came true? Draw your own conclusions.

Predictions about Russia and the USA from Madame Duval

According to Madame Duval (née Carolina Maria Gambia), the Russian economy in 2016 faced a difficult test of integrity and stability. Fires, drought and crop failure awaited the country. However, as the fortuneteller claimed, the exam would be passed, and the standard of living would go up. Maria also predicted that Russia would help other countries cope with the unbearably hot summer of 2016.

Prophecies of Edgar Cayce for 2016 about Russia

Edgar Cayce predicted that 2016 would be full of various natural disasters, especially floods. It is noteworthy that, according to Casey, Russia (Western Siberia) should have practically not suffered, but would have become a new pillar and center of recovery. But parts of the islands of Japan, Europe and America would be less fortunate - they could be destroyed by floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Edgar Cayce left many predictions related to climate change on the planet. Some of his prophecies have already come true or have begun to come true. So, for example, global warming and the melting of northern ice, the eruption of Etna in 1964, 1971 and 1979. Moreover, the last eruption was so strong that the city of Catania was covered with ash and coals. An eruption of such force has not been recorded in the previous 20 years.

Pavel Globa's predictions for 2016

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa has been giving fairly accurate predictions for the future for 30 years now. In his opinion, 2016 was supposed to be a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, world powers are the first to be in sight, since the fate of the planet depends on them. So, in 2016, the US and the European Union were waiting for the economic and political collapse. The economic crisis was supposed to lead to the fact that devastation and political turmoil would begin in the United States, and the EU was supposed to disintegrate. In 2016, according to Globa, Portugal should have declared itself bankrupt, after which the UK would finally leave the EU. This was to be the beginning of the collapse of this union, which by the end of 2016, judging by the predictions, was to cease to exist. Countries would again return to national currencies, borders would be closed for visa-free travelers who are already used to moving freely around Western Europe.

Russia had to easily overcome the global economic crisis, strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian Union, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in strength.

Globa also predicted the expansion of the Eurasian Union throughout 2016, to include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossia - the union of regions that would not want to live in Ukraine.

In Ukraine itself, another revolution was to take place in the spring, which would bring to power those who would be ready to cooperate with Russia and the Eurasian Union.

As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to the possible flooding of Western Europe, since heavy rains were supposed to cover the UK, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.

Michel Nostradamus Predictions for 2016

The verses-quatrains of the great Nostradamus more than once opened pages of the future for mankind, which came true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016? Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle East, which Nostradamus mentioned, should have claimed many lives. The confrontation between the two countries in this region, as well as the situation when people in turbans would literally start to cut each other, the involvement of many other states in this swara, could, according to the prophet, completely result in the Third World War.

In addition, he wrote, at the end of 2016, an event was to occur that could excite the entire Islamic world, after which a thirty-year war between Christians and Islamists would begin. As a result, there would be only one religion left on Earth. But what, Nostradamus, did not specify ...

In the quatrains of the medieval prophet, scientists also saw global natural disasters that awaited humanity in 2016. Europe would have suffered the most, waiting for the great flood in the spring of 2016. Heavy rains for several months were supposed to pass in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic. But in America, devastating tornadoes of unprecedented strength were supposed to rage. Russia and Australia would also be seriously affected by nature, which were waiting for the strongest forest fires in history, and it would not be possible to extinguish them until autumn.

Vanga's predictions for 2016

Note that the blind Bulgarian seer almost never gave exact dates, so she does not have a specific prediction for 2016 either. But Vanga talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, such as the global global economic crisis, which, in her opinion, will take place in three stages. Since we have already experienced two of them (before 2016), then, apparently, in 2016 we were waiting for the third, which should have overthrown the regime of the unipolar world.

Apparently, Vanga foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power would lose its world domination, losing leadership to Russia and China. Germany's influence would increase in Europe. Russia was supposed to become a spiritual world leader.

With the greatest anxiety, the blind seer spoke of the conflict in the Middle East, which could well develop into the Third World Massacre. Vanga even pointed out that the most serious threat in this regard came from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries could unleash a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But that would only happen after Syria fell. However, the world collapse, Vanga specified, would not have happened, it became possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.

Vera Lyon's prediction about Russia and the USA

Vera Lyon, a clairvoyant from Kazakhstan, on the contrary, believed that no global catastrophes or wars were expected in 2016. Although the year still had to be difficult. Ms. Lyon argued that the United States as it is known ceased to exist, and Barack Obama was to become the last president of this country. While the United States would lose its positions in the world arena of geopolitical struggle, Russia, on the contrary, won them back and took its rightful place.

James Hansen Predictions for 2016

This soothsayer spoke about the beginning of a man-made disaster in 2016. The ice was supposed to melt very quickly, which would lead to partial flooding of several European countries, as well as massive floods and tsunamis on the American continent.

Information about what Russia will be like in five years is of interest to many. Today, the situation in the state is not the best - debts, quarrels with world partners, poverty, and one would like to believe that everything will be fine in the near future. Politicians prefer not to talk about the future, because they themselves do not know what awaits us, but predictors, clairvoyants and astrologers are quite willing to make some predictions, and people are no less willing to believe them.

Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020 can be very different, starting with its bright future and ending with wars and problems, but humanity can only find out which of them will come true and which will not come true with time.

Will the world end?

Perhaps no one will have to worry about the fate of the Russian Federation, because starting from 2012, according to various scientists and predictors, the end of the world should happen. Since 2012, the ancient Maya miscalculated in their calculations, since a lot of time has passed since that moment, but the world still exists, but what awaits humanity next.

Even 20 years ago, one Ukrainian historian announced the end of civilization in 2015, explaining this by the end of the “annual cycle”. The fact is that the planets of the solar system go through certain cycles of development once every 1596 years, and the next of them ends precisely in the 15th year. In fact, most scientists consider this opinion controversial, because after the end of one cycle, another usually begins, so you should not worry too much about it. Therefore, you can also plan something as before, and worry about what the future will be like in the next few years.

What did Wolf Messing say?

At first glance, it may seem silly to many that people are still interested in Messing's predictions about Russia for 2016-2020, because this person passed away a long time ago. However, the predictor whom Stalin trusted (naturally, the leader gave him several tests) cannot be forgotten by people, and it is precisely because of this that modern people are trying to find at least something about their future fate in the words he once said.

It is difficult to find accurate information about what awaits the Russians, especially if we talk about a certain period of time, but during his life he repeatedly said that Russia would soon become a superpower that everyone would be guided by. This does not mean at all that certain difficulties will not await its people, because there will be a lot of them, but this path will need to be passed, because in a different way to achieve everything that the different authorities of the Russian Federation (starting from the time of the union) went in different ways, it is forbidden. True, it is worth saying that Messing believed that China would attack the Russian Federation in 2016, but so far there are no alarming signs that the prophecy is coming true.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

If we analyze Vanga's predictions about Russia for 2016-2020, then they can be described in one word - "foggy". The all-seeing gaze of the clairvoyant often turned towards the Russian Federation, but at the same time she never gave any accurate predictions regarding this state (or maybe no one could simply decipher them).

But it is known that the soothsayer repeatedly predicted a natural disaster on a global scale, which would be associated with the fall of a celestial body, and, by the way, she was the only one who spoke about its fall. From some sources it became known that a large asteroid would fall into the sea, as a result of which a huge part of the European mainland would be flooded (apparently, a celestial body would fall not far from Eurasia, because there is simply no other way to explain this).

However, there are other opinions about flooding, take, for example, the words of James Hansen, a researcher who studies the climatic state of the planet, because he also warns humanity about land flooding, but it will happen for completely different reasons. He said that the earth will go under water due to the destruction of the Greenland glacier, and this will happen in the year 16-17. His prediction would have been frightening if other scientists had not begun to say that with the help of such data, Hansen wants to draw public attention to his research work, and this is done to improve its funding.

Thus, all the prophecies about Russia for 2016-2020, videos about which now and then appear on the Internet, can be understood in different ways, and practically no one can prove that Vanga was telling the truth.

What do the saints say?

In varying degrees, the events that await humanity in the future were discussed not only by people with the gift of foresight, but also by saints. This is evidenced by the words of the biblical prophet who wrote the Old Testament, one of the chapters of which contains information that the time will come and the state of Damascus (meaning Syria) will turn into a pile of stones. Moreover, Bishop Anthony also connects part of his predictions about the future of the whole world with the war in the Middle East, while he advises that after it begins to start praying strongly, because it is prayer that will help people survive.

Read also:

As for the predictions of the saints about Russia for 2016-2020, specific dates are not indicated in their words, but most of them say that the Russian Federation is waiting for restoration, but its path will be very difficult and long, on which many tragedies and difficulties await it . Saint Theophan claims that the Almighty favors this country, therefore he shelters it from most enemies, but she will have to fight with some of them on her own. He says that "foreign" teachers will soon come to the country, and it is they who will direct it on the right path.

And the Schieeromonk of Athos during his life said that the Judgment of God has been going on for a long time, and no one will be able to avoid it, but the Russian state will be saved. Moreover, for some reason, he believes that everything will end in China, where an explosion will occur (but it will be unusual), as a result of which a cross will shine in the sky. From now on, the Russian people and the territory in which they live will become a beacon for every person wandering in the darkness.

Talking about the saints, one cannot help but recall Abel's predictions about Russia for 2016-2020, who was considered great by one of the most powerful predictors of the end of the seventeenth century. In fact, the psychic Vasily Vasilyev (this is the real name of the monk Abel) could not know anything about the modern Russian Federation, because he lived in the time of the Russian Empire. However, he predicted the death of the Romanov family and even the beginning of a new war. Despite the desire of a person to find out something about his modern fate, but according to Abel, this simply will not work. Apparently, the gift of foresight does not extend for hundreds of years, so there is no mention of what the Russians should prepare for.

Words of Saint Matrona about Russia in 2016-2020

Matrona's prophecy about Russia for 2016-2020 can be told separately, because the abilities of this great woman deserve special attention. She is considered one of the most powerful seers of the Russian Federation, and her strength is reinforced by the fact that people believe in her words (otherwise, it is impossible to explain the fact why they built a whole monastery for her). This woman lived a rather hard life, and she did not work out from the very beginning. Already when she was born, it became clear that many trials awaited her, because she had no eyes.

Because of this injury, her mother wanted to abandon her, but the Gods took the fate of the baby into their own hands, sending the woman a dream that her child was sent to this world in order to fulfill a special purpose. In her youth, Matrona could not walk, but even then it became clear that she could heal people, while she herself said that her life was based simply on faith. She did not conduct any shamanic rituals, did not call spirits and similar creatures, but simply truly believed in her actions.

As for the future, it is known that Matrona knew that the time when the Golden Calf came to power would be difficult for the Russian people, because such a ruler would strive to conquer new territories and strengthen his power (perhaps we are talking about the annexed Crimea), and this will be fraught with the development of new troubles. However, every person can be saved with the help of pure faith in the help of the Almighty, and you need to start believing right now, because it will be very difficult to find its source in yourself.

Prophecies of the Elders

The existing predictions of the elders about Russia for 2016-2020 do not give a person any specific data, because the prophecies of these people usually concern the whole world and they do not speak about anyone specific. People called the elders the travelers of the Optina Hermitage, who maintain a “connection” with the Gods and convey their thoughts to the rest of mankind. Russia occupies a major role in the prophecies of many predictors, and the elders were no exception, since they assume that the “destruction” of the world will begin with it, but it will end there. They believe that big problems await this state, but it will be able to cope with them, which means that its fate will be quite happy, although it may not be the same as the current president sees it.

Opinion of astrologers

Although the opinion of astrologers is mentioned at the very end of the story, it is by no means worth discounting, because the fate of many generations of people was determined by the stars, and today it is worth asking them about what they have planned for the Russians. To begin with, it is worth recalling the predictions of Nostradamus about Russia for 2016-2020, because this person is known for quite truthful prophecies that often came true. He was able to determine the date of his death from the stars, predicted the destruction of towers in America, and even discovered the planet Pluto.

In fact, he made quite a lot of predictions, but as for the specified time period, the French astrologer believed that in 2017 the world will fall into a nuclear war. Naturally, given that most of the countries that exist today are developing nuclear weapons, one can believe in this, but most scientists who study his predictions say that this cannot happen. The fact is that Nostradamus in his predictions relied not only on the location of the heavenly bodies, but also took into account his personal feelings (so to speak, relied on intuition).

Thus, his prophecies are a cross between clairvoyant data and mathematical calculations, and it is impossible to say how true they are. Moreover, only a limited number of people have seen the exact texts of the Frenchman, and the originals are generally so confusing that not everyone can understand them. Therefore, it is simply impossible to be 100% sure in his words, but you still need to pay attention to them.

Finally, it is worth talking about predictions for Russia for 2016-2020 from Globa, who claims that these four years will be quite difficult for the Russians. The state is waiting for a crisis, which the modern government will not be able to solve, so there is nothing good to say. Whether this information turns out to be true, time will tell, especially since earlier in 2014 the astrologer predicted the start of another world war. Most experts, of course, say that it has not started, but the conflict in Syria, which has been going on since the end of 2014 and the fact that more than 70 countries of the world are already participating in it, makes us think a lot.

If you look at the chronology of Globa's predictions, you can see that on the eve of the start of the conflict in Syria, he said how much he feared a war in Iran, because then it would be impossible to do without total terrorism. And recently it became known that the Iranian group is already involved in the Syrian conflict, so we can only expect the worst. The astrologer says that the revolution from the Arab countries will gradually begin to move to Asia, and subsequently “cover” the whole of Europe, but what role Russia will play in it is not yet known.

In fact, you can talk about predictions for the Russian Federation indefinitely, because everyone likes to talk about the future, but above are the most popular prophecies, the implementation (or non-fulfillment) of which can be monitored by everyone together.

Predictions and forecasts for the future can be treated differently, but it should be remembered that quite often forecasts for the future tend to come true, which means that the statements of people who have the gift of foresight should not be ignored. I wonder what to prepare for humanity in 2016?

It should be noted that in 2016, not a single predictor made a sensational statement about the apocalypse, that is, about the end of the world. This means that for at least a year we can live without fear for the fate of mankind and our own lives.

Meanwhile, there will not be much peace in the world, since according to the prophecy of the Bulgarian blind soothsayer Vanga, it is in 2016 that a conflict will occur in the Middle East, as a result of which weapons of mass destruction will be used and the world will be on the verge of World War III. War can be unleashed by Iraq or Turkey.

If you look into the past, then the greatest soothsayer of all time, Michel Nostradamus, predicted a new epidemic for this period, which would come from sizzling rays. It is quite possible that chemical exposure is meant. As a result of such an impact, an unprecedented pestilence of people will begin and many will be forced to migrate to the north.

Much more prosaic and clearer about 2016 was one of the most authoritative astrologers of our time, Pavel Globa. According to the predictor, this year we should expect a severe economic downturn, which will put the very existence of the European Union on the brink. Already towards the end 2016 In the next four years, four countries will leave it, and this trend will only gain momentum. One of the countries that the crisis will hardly affect will be Russia. During this period, the country will be on the rise, its geopolitical influence will increase significantly, and three more states of the Balkan Peninsula will want to join the union in which the Russian Federation will be a member by this time.

American futurologists are talking about a possible political crisis in the United States, as a result of which millions of people will hold demonstrations and rallies, calling on the government to resign.

But researcher James Hansen, who has been studying the melting of glaciers for decades, says that from the beginning of 2016, the process of turning ice into water will accelerate hundreds of times. Perhaps this will be preceded by a man-made disaster. The result of this will be the flooding of most of Europe, South and North America.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2016

Probably everyone has heard about the greatest of all known soothsayers and psychics, Michel Nostradamus. This great man, who lived more than 500 years ago, left a significant mark in history with his accurate forecasts for the future, which he, fearing the Inquisition, encrypted in the so-called quatrains. What is only the prediction of Nostradamus about a terrorist act in the United States, as a result of which the "twin towers" were destroyed. I wonder what forecast this great man gives for 2016 and what should we all be ready for?

According to the decoded quatrains, at the beginning of 2016, a freak will be born, which will be an omen of a terrible fate awaiting all of humanity. Mainly, humanity should be afraid of global cataclysms, although people themselves will cause irreparable damage to each other.

So, Nostradamus predicts heavy rains that will flood the countries of Europe for two months without a break. As a result, Great Britain, part of Italy, the Czech Republic and Hungary will go under water. But in Russia, with the advent of summer, the strongest fires will begin to rage, which will burn out its entire central part. Meanwhile, people from all over the world will strive this year to move to the north of Russia, as well as to other snowy countries, fleeing from the sizzling rays. Perhaps the great soothsayer had in mind the chemical weapons that will be used by one of the countries in the Middle East. But other soothsayers, including the famous Bulgarian witch Vanga, also mentioned a serious conflict in Asia.

Nostradamus himself spoke about the global conflict between the two Arab states, warning that people in a turban would wage a bloody war against each other, and other states would get involved in this war. Moreover, by the end of the year, as a result of one unexpected event, the Arab world will rise up and start a bloody war against the whole of Christendom. Perhaps from this moment the Third World War will begin.

It is also interesting the prediction of the great soothsayer that in 2016 humanity will begin to explore the world's oceans and come to the construction of the first city at the bottom of the ocean. The great soothsayer Nostradamus also spoke about the fate of Russia. From the message, we can conclude that Russia, starting in 2016, will develop at an incredible pace and become the new hegemon in the world, which will be feared and respected.

Pavel Globa's predictions for 2016

With the approach of the next year, humanity is drawn to soothsayers and astrologers in an attempt to look into the future and find out what to expect from the onset of the next year. Today, in this regard, the forecasts of the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa, who has long been famous for his accurate predictions, are very popular, one of the most sensational among which is the prediction of the conflict in Ukraine. Let's find out what the famous astrologer says about the upcoming 2016.

Analyzing the onset of 2016, Globa and the site notes that major changes are expected in geopolitics that will affect the life of every person. The global economic crisis, which will primarily hit the United States of America and the European Union, will play its role in this. America will lose its position in the world and moreover, the US government will have to take measures to restore order in the country, where numerous demonstrations and protests will take place due to mediocre foreign policy and the economic crisis. On the contrary, the influence of China will seriously increase. The Russian Federation will also strengthen its positions and, along with the United States, will dictate its terms to the world, making the world from a unipolar to a multipolar one. In this regard, the confrontation between the United States and Russia will intensify, and the country may expect a new "cold war".

Russia's incredible successes in economic terms should be noted, since the way out of the crisis proposed by our state will become exemplary and the only correct one. Russia will not plunge into crisis thanks to the sale of energy resources, and also due to the fact that by 2016 this country will be part of the Eurasian Union. This new association will be a serious counterbalance to the eastward expansion of the NATO alliance, as well as the European Union, which will begin to fall apart by the middle of the year. Indeed, according to Pavel Globa, many leading countries will declare their unwillingness to continue to be part of the European Union. The United Kingdom will be the first to leave the union, followed by Spain. And the Eurocurrency will cease to exist by the end of the year.

On the contrary, Gagauzia and Transnistria will want to join the Eurasian Union, which Russia and four other states will create in 2016. And by the end of the year, the issue of joining the association of Novorossiya, that is, the separated regions of Ukraine, will be considered. Ukraine itself will experience another revolution in 2016, after which the new ruling elite will begin the path to improving relations with Russia.

Vanga's predictions for 2016

The new year 2016 is just around the corner, which some are looking forward to, while others are apprehensive. It is not known what this period is fraught with, and therefore, in order to lift the veil of secrecy, we will study the predictions of the greatest soothsayer of all times and peoples, the famous Vanga.

In fairness, it should be noted that Vanga never made predictions specifically dated 2016, casually bypassing the exact dates of her prophecies. Nevertheless, there are her statements regarding the period from 2010 to 2018, in which the great blind witch speaks of global changes in the world and even declares the likelihood of a Third World War. According to the fortuneteller, the threat will come from one of the countries of the Middle East, possibly from Iran, Afghanistan or Turkey. Two eastern countries will enter the conflict and one of them will decide to use nuclear weapons. The conflict will be resolved at the very last moment, and China and Russia will stand up to protect the integrity of the world.

In general, Vanga says a lot of flattering words about Russia during this period. First of all, the soothsayer speaks of the leader of the Russian people, who in 2016 will create a powerful coalition that will be able to withstand the threats of the West and America in the future. This ruler in the future will be called none other than the Great. The Russian economy, according to the site, will also develop at an incredible pace, which will allow our country to turn into a superpower by the end of 2016. By the way, according to Vanga, in 2016 a baby will be born in Russia, who in the future will be destined to become a messiah and unite people of different faiths.

As for the situation in Ukraine, Vanga speaks of a deep crisis and a third revolution that will take place at the beginning of the year in this country. The civil war will be stopped under pressure from Russia, and the new government that will be established in this country will attempt to unite with Russia.

As for the rest of the world, Europe in 2016 will be in decline and many countries will break off contacts with each other. Perhaps this forecast should be understood as the destruction of the European Union as an association. The role of the United States of America will also weaken, where mass protests will be held due to the political crisis in the country. By the way, the territory of America in this year may be seriously affected by the elements, most likely from destructive tornadoes that will destroy a major city. Whether it will actually be so, we will find out very soon, because 2016 is already close.

Predictions about Russia for 2016

There is not much time left before the arrival of 2016, and therefore every person living in the Russian Federation thinks about how the fate of the country will turn out next year and what each of us should prepare for. Let's study what the great predictors, astrologers and psychics said about Russia in 2016.

First of all, I would like to analyze the statements of Pavel Glob, the famous astrologer, who back in 2011 managed to predict the conflict in Ukraine and its division. According to the famous astrologer, the revival and formation of Russia as one of the most powerful states in the world will begin in 2015, when Russia will create the Eurasian Union, which will include four states at once. And in 2016, it is with the help of the Russian Federation that Southern and Eastern Ukraine will join the union, which by that time will be called Novorossia. Moreover, Gagauzia and Transnistria will apply for membership in the Eurasian Union.

Pavel Globa speaks about the economic crisis around the world and at the same time notes that this crisis will practically not affect Russia, since this country will receive huge profits from the sale of energy resources. And in view of the severe economic decline of the United States of America, Russia will equal this power in terms of its influence on the rest of the world.

The great soothsayer Vanga also spoke about the greatness of the Russian state in these years. According to her, the development and revival of Russia from the ashes, like a “Phoenix bird”, will also be celebrated by other countries, because it is Russia that will become the arbiter in the conflict in the Middle East, which can escalate into the Third World War. Among other things, in 2016, a cultural revival of Russia is expected, which will mark the emergence of a national idea. And at the end of the year, a baby will be born in the south of this country, who is destined to become the messiah and unite all the people of the world under one religion.

Confirms the words of Vanga about Russia and the famous fortuneteller Maria Duval. According to her, in 2016 Russia will become the strongest economy in the world and will help other states financially. And the Russian economic path of development will replace all the others. The gap between the rich and the poor is leveled, which will save the country from many internal disagreements.

But US space explorer Donny Eihar said that in 2016 Russian researchers will be able to unravel one of the greatest discoveries, which will remove many questions and reveal the secret of the formation of the universe.
