Portuguese Russian phrasebook with pronunciation online. Russian Portuguese

The translation of all phrases, aphorisms, sayings, quotes from Portuguese into Russian, and from Russian into Portuguese was carried out by TRUST Translation Agency

Protected by God.
Protegido por Deus.

Bless and save.
Salva e protege.

I will get everything I want.
Obterei tudo o que quero.

My heart is changeable.
O meu coração é inconstant.

Love conquers everything.
O amor vence tudo.

Don't judge me by my past. I don't live there anymore.
Não me julgue pelo meu passado. Eu não vivo mais la.

God is in my heart.
O Deus está no meu coração.

Respect the past, create the future.
Respeita o passado, cria o futuro.

I love those who love me.
Eu amo aos que me amam.

If you don't learn to control yourself, others will control you.
Se você não aprender a controlar a si mesmo, lhe vão controlar a Você os outros.

You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you.
Você pode tudo, se ao lado há uma pessoa que confia em você.

Everything beautiful is rare.
Tudo o belo e raro.

The faster time flies, the happier it is.
Quanto mais corre o tempo tanto mais e feliz.

Step by step to the dream.
Passo a passo ate o sonho.

Destiny helps brave.
O destino ajuda aos decididos.

Love kills slowly.
O amor mata lentamente.

It's time to live.
Tempo para viver.

My life is my game.
A minha vida e o meu jogo.

I love life.
Amo a vida.

There is always a way out.
Semper ha uma saida.

There is only one step from hate to love.
O amor e um passo do ódio.

Father, forgive me for all my sins.
Pai, perdoe por todos os meus pecados.

One life - one chance.
Uma vida, uma chance.

Only you decide if you can rise.
Só Você decide se pode levantar-se.

That which is harmful to me does not tempt me.
O que me é nocivo, não me tenta.

Whoever is able to tame his heart, the whole world will submit.
A quem que e capaz de domar o seu próprio coração lhe vai submeter-se tudo o mundo.

I always tell the truth, even when I'm lying.
Semper digo a verdade, sequer quando minto.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
O que não nos mata, só nos faz mais fortes.

Enjoy your life.
Deleita-te com a vida.

Each head has its own punishment.
Cada cabeça, sua sentença.

Do not descend in poverty and do not exalt in wealth.
Não vá baixando na pobreza e não te engrandeça na riqueza.

The future belongs to God.
O futuro pertence a Deus.

My guardian angel is always with me.
O meu anjo da guarda sempre está comigo.

Phrases in Portuguese
about love translated into Russian.

Fale comigo sempre que você estiver triste, mesmo que eu não consiga lhe trazer a felicidade, eu lhe darei muito amor.
Talk to me always when you are sad, although I cannot bring you happiness, I will give you a lot of love.

Quando dez passos nos separam, nove e apenas a metade do caminho que temos que percorrer.
When ten steps separate us, nine is only half of the path that we must overcome.

Um grande amor terminado e como um grande golpe: deixa sempre uma cicatriz.
Great love ends with a great blow - always leaves a scar.

Palavras podem não dizer o que o coração sente, mas fazem sentir o que o coração diz.
Words may not say what the heart feels, but they make you feel what the heart says.

Um dia te amei para esquecer alguém, hoje para te esquecer não consigo amar ninguém.
Once I fell in love with you in order to forget someone, and today, in order to forget you, I fail to love anyone.

Se a tua vida, depender do meu amor. Viveras alem da vida, pois lhe amo alem do amor.
If your life depends on my love, then you will live, because I love you more than love itself.

Amar é sofrer um instante de saudade, é sentir um segundo de ciúmes, é viver um momento de paixão.
To love means to suffer a moment of anguish, it means to feel a moment of jealousy, it means to live a moment of passion.

Na vida há coisas simples e importantes… Simples como eu e importantes como você…
There are simple and important things in life... Simple things are like me, and important things are like you...

Não sei se percebeu que a distância nos separa… mas o pensamento nos une.
I don't know if I feel that distance separates us... but thought unites us.

Podemos brincar com nossos corpos, mas jamais com nossas emoções.
We can play with our bodies, but never with our feelings.

Que os sonhos faça-nos realizar o que a realidade não nos permite sonhar.
May dreams force us to accomplish what reality will not allow us to dream.

O fantástico da vida é estar com alguém que sabe fazer de um pequeno instante um grande momento…
The most fantastic thing in life is to be next to someone who knows how to make a big moment out of the smallest moment ...

Quando alguem te ama, a forma de falar seu nome e diferente.
When someone loves you, you pronounce their name differently.

Proverbs in Portuguese translated into Russian.

Mal de muitos consolo e.
Evil is a comfort to many.

Não gozes com o mal do teu vizinho, porque o teu vem a caminho.
Do not rejoice in the misfortune of your neighbor, because misfortune will soon come to you.

A vingança é um prato que se serve frio.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Deus me dê paciência e um paninho para a embrulhar.
God gives me patience and a thin piece of cotton to wrap myself up.

Aphorisms, sayings, quotes of famous people in Portuguese with translation into Russian.

Às vezes - talvez sempre - são os mais lentos que aprendem as lições mais óbvias.
(Miguel Esteves Cardoso)
Sometimes, maybe always, only the slowest people learn the most obvious lessons.
(Miguel Esteves Cardoso)

O que sou toda a gente é capaz de ver; Mas o que ninguem é capaz de imaginar é até onde sou e como.
(Miguel Torga)
What I am can be seen by every person; but what no one can even imagine is what I am capable of and how.
(Miguel Torga)

Um dos meus sete pecados mortais: a sede de amor absoluto que me devora.
(Miguel Torga)
One of my seven deadly sins is the thirst for absolute love that devours me.
(Miguel Torga)

Ter um destino é não caber no berço onde o corpo nasceu, é transpor as fronteiras uma a uma e morrer sem nenhuma.
(Miguel Torga)
To have a destiny is not to fit in the cradle where the body was born - it is to cross the boundaries one after another and die without crossing any.
(Miguel Torga)

O mundo é uma realidade universal, desarticulada em biliões de realidades individuais.
(Miguel Torga)
The world is an objective reality that is divided into billions of individual realities.
(Miguel Torga)

Não perturbes a paz que me foi dada. Ouvir de novo a tua voz seria matar a sede com água salgada.
(Miguel Torga)
Do not disturb the peace given to me. Hearing your voice again is like quenching your thirst with salt water.
(Miguel Torga)

Que belo e que natural é ter um amigo!
(Miguel Torga)
How beautiful and natural to have a friend!
(Miguel Torga)

A unidade de uma pessoa e tal, que basta um gesto para revelar um homem.
(Miguel Torga)
The unity of man is such that a mere gesture is enough for it to manifest itself.
(Miguel Torga)

Não há céu que me queira depois disto.
(Miguel Torga)
There is no paradise that would want me after this.
(Miguel Torga)

Uma mulher sincera e a coisa mais excitante do mundo.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)
A sincere woman is the most exciting thing on earth.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)

É muito menos doloroso morrer do que estar vivo com vontade de morre.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)
It is much less painful to die than to live with the desire to die.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)

Escolhes sempre o amor; mas: e o teu amo.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)
Always choose love; but that it be your love.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)

Cada passo que deres no sentido contrário ao da tua pessoa é mais um passo que dás a caminho de ti.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)
Every step you take in a direction opposite to yourself is another step you take towards yourself.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)

Fizeste tudo o que tinhas de fazer para respirares tranquilamente; então: porque não respiras.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)
You did everything you had to do to breathe freely; then why don't you take a breath.
(Pedro Chagas Freitas)

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Common phrases

I'm from Russia

eu souda Russia

eu so de russa


obrigado / obrigado

My pleasure

naw a de ke



Good morning, good afternoon, good evening

bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite

bon dia, boa tarde, boa noite


a te avista

I do not understand

nau entendu

What is your name, sir / madam?

como se chama o senhor/senhora

to whom se shama u sener / a sener

How are you?

who needs it?

Thank you, OK

baym obrigado

Where is the toilet here?

onde e a casa de banho?

onde e a kaza de banyu?

What is the price...?

kuantu kushta

One ticket please...

por favor, um bilhete de…

pur favor, um billete de...

What time is it now?

ke orash cay?

Do not smoke

e proibido fumar

e proybidu fumar

Do you speak English (Russian)?

fala ingles russo?

fala inglash/ russu?

Where is...

onde fika


I would like a single/double room

Queria um quarto individual/de casal

kria um quartu individual/de kazal

The check, please

a conta, favor horn

a conta, pure favor


room, number

Store (shopping)




Could you gift wrap this?

pode-mo embrulhar para oferecer?

podem embrular para ufereser?


It's too expensive for me

isso e muito caro

isu e muytu kapy







The airport


emergency cases

Fire Department







Table for one (two, six)

uma mesa para uma/duas/seis pessoas

uma meza para uma / duash / seysh pesoash

Language of Portugal

What is the language in Portugal?

One language is spoken in the main territory of the country. Portuguese is spoken by most of the population. But this does not give him exclusive rights.

The official language in Portugal is complemented by Mirandese, which is spoken in the northeastern region of the country. In the municipalities of Miranda do Douro, Vimioso and Mogadoro, Mirandese is used in communication and writing. It has equal status along with the main language of Portugal.

Today, about eighty percent of the speakers live in Brazil. The Portuguese language is also spoken in African countries. This is explained by the fact that Angola, Cape Verde and other countries were once its colonies.

The alphabet of Portugal is represented by the Latin alphabet and consists of 23 letters.

In oral speech and dialects, there is a significant reduction in many phrases. Therefore, students of the official language of Spain sometimes face difficulties in understanding the locals. But you can get used to the peculiarities of pronunciation, and there will be no problems in the future.

We offer translation services from Portuguese: written translation, interpreting in Moscow, editing texts in Portuguese and Spanish. Translations from Portuguese are handled by the Romance department of the translation agency and supervised by a Spanish editor.

Cost of translation from / to Portuguese (per standard page)

Service Price
390* / 480 rubles/page
960* / 1200 rubles/page
960* / 1200 rubles/page
540* / 660 rubles/page
630* / 780 rubles/page
630* / 780 rubles/page
* The price is indicated taking into account the discount on the first order.

Our prices for translation from Portuguese are significantly lower than market prices. We manage to do this thanks to regular work with clients from Russia, Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Latin America. The cost of translation from Portuguese into Russian is per one page of text. The translation into Portuguese is judged against the original text. The usual rate of translation is about 6 pages per day, but for complex documents, the term can be extended by 30-50%.

You can calculate the price of translation from Portuguese into Russian. Prices and availability of translators for Portuguese language destinations are kept up to date.

It should be noted that clients from Russia and Moscow, in particular, show little interest in translations from Portuguese into Russian. However, by creating this site, we hope to involve more actively Portuguese translators in the work of the office and increase interest in the Portuguese language in general. We work with all popular foreign languages, however, Portuguese does not even make up 1% of all translations and we put extra efforts to promote translation services from Portuguese so that our "Portuguese" people do not stand idle.

In case the translation is intended for a wide audience whose native language is Portuguese, we recommend adding the translation proofreading service by a native speaker to the order. Our Portuguese translators live and work in Lisbon (Portugal) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). There are also translators in Mexico, Macau and China.

For editing and proofreading the text, we need only the translated document, the translation into Portuguese can be done in another translation agency or by a translator. Please do not send us for editing a translation into Portuguese made by a machine or online translator, editing such a text is not possible. Pricing for editing text by a native speaker is per page.

The Ibero-Romance subgroup of the Indo-European language family includes a number of unique and inimitable languages, one of which is considered to be Portuguese. Among the Romance languages, it firmly occupies the second place, second only to Spanish. It's funny, but all native speakers of this language (and there are about 240,000,000 people) are called lusophones. This name is associated with the once existing Roman province called Lusitania, corresponding in length to the territory of present-day Portugal.

Russian-Portuguese online translator from Google

Different meanings often require different translations. They are marked with brief summaries or information relating to areas of use to help differentiate. Join us and, together with other users, help create the world's first online English-Portuguese dictionary. Portuguese Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese develop as languages. Therefore, translations from English to Portuguese will also change and develop. to keep the dictionary updated with your own translations.

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Whenever a new English or Portuguese expression is suggested as a dictionary addition, it is marked as unverified. This means that it will still show up in the results when the English-Portuguese dictionary is used but users know they may not be 100% correct. In order not to miss the registration with us today. Registered participants collect points and compete for the top position in the world rankings. Any participation, like adding new Portuguese translations, will earn user points.

4.7/5 (total:10)

The mission of the online translator www.site is to make all languages ​​more understandable, the ways to get an online translation are simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to "erase" the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

Not sure about the translation from English to Portuguese? Then why not ask other users a question on the English-Portuguese forum? We are building the largest and most comprehensive free online dictionary in the world. You can be part of this by lending your hand with a Portuguese to English dictionary. For each Portuguese term added, the dictionary improves and its usefulness increases. The more users, the better, the more varied the Portuguese-English translation. For example, there are many different Portuguese words with the same translation.

Here - you can make a transfer (do not forget to enter your e-mail so that we can send you a photo report). Be generous, because each of us is responsible for what is happening!

If you want to learn Portuguese from scratch, a simple dictionary is not enough. And new media are not only suitable for vocabulary research, but also offer many other opportunities for learning a foreign language. Our language learning system does not yet have its own general online dictionary, but offers you the opportunity to create your own dictionary according to the topic.

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Other translation resources

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To maintain a high quality standard, new German-Portuguese translations in the German-Portuguese dictionary only need to be checked by ten other users to be permanently included in the dictionary. You can register and start earning points for the World Cup. All entries, such as new Portuguese sentences in the German-Portuguese dictionary, give you points. If you are not sure if the German-Portuguese translation is correct, you can always ask on the German-Portuguese forum.

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Portuguese is spoken by over 215 million native speakers worldwide. Portuguese has been the official language for many emigration flows for many centuries and is one of the most important minority languages ​​in many Western European countries as well as North America.

4.2/5 (total:15)

The mission of the online translator www.site is to make all languages ​​more understandable, the ways to get an online translation are simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to "erase" the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

This means that you can enter a German word for a German-Portuguese translation in the search field, on the other hand, you can also enter a Portuguese word and get a Portuguese translation. Because it's usually not easy to understand a word or put it into context, you get a sample sentence for every word, whether it's a German-Portuguese or a Portuguese-German translation. But you will also get synonyms, pronunciation and a lot of useful information to understand this word.

And how can you best do it? If you want to learn more about new Portuguese, try our Portuguese trainer. With it, you will learn a new Portuguese vocabulary in ropes, rehearsals already passed or generally update your Portuguese vocabulary. Do you already have good to very good Portuguese language skills?

Being the best mobile translator for us means:
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Do you just want to find a Portuguese word or do you want to learn Portuguese properly? If you can answer yes to the last question, you are here. Whether on the road or at home, with Babbel you can always learn Portuguese or one of the other languages ​​we offer, simply and efficiently. If you want to learn Portuguese, you can't get around the topic of "vocabulary". For some, this can be annoying because he can remember English or French lessons at school through a dictionary.

Classical Portuguese Dictionary

But now there are more and more diverse ways of learning vocabulary than usual in school years. Of course, there is also the good old bilingual Portuguese dictionary. This is also quite fair as it is easy to use and suitable for both beginners and advanced users. For Portuguese learners with prior knowledge, a monolingual dictionary is available in Portuguese. Here you will find a lot about the context of words and their correct application. The disadvantage of these printed dictionaries is their scale and the inconvenience associated with them.

A Portuguese medical expression may be similar to another scientific term, but has a different meaning or translation. Any new addition to the Portuguese-English dictionary must be corrected before it is finally included in the dictionary. This happens when 10 other users have voted the translation as correct. Any activity in which you help improve dictionaries, such as adding new translations in Portuguese and English, forces you to point to the world ranking list.

Free Russian-Portuguese translation

If you are not sure if you are eligible for a translation, you can always ask other users on the Portuguese-English forum. Forum topics are discussed such as translation, grammar and other subjects related to the Portuguese language. Currently certified.

In addition to the mission and vision, there is another important reason why we are in this business of online translation. We call it "the root cause" - this is our desire to help children who became victims of the war, became seriously ill, became orphans and did not receive proper social protection.
Every 2-3 months we allocate about 10% of our profits to help them. We consider it our social responsibility! The whole composition of the employees eat to them, buy food, books, toys, everything you need. We talk, we instruct, we care.

Therefore, the so-called pocket translators are more practical for the annual holidays in Portugal. These electronic dictionaries resemble a pocket calculator and display possible Portuguese translations after entering a search term on the digital display. It saves you time for longer browsing and searching and has the right translation in seconds. Among the electronic dictionaries there are already models that combine different languages ​​and even allow you to transport entire sentences. A relatively new form of dictionaries is the online dictionary.

In this way, searching for words is very fast and, for example, you can store a dictionary in order to repeat them later. With a smartphone and an Internet connection, you can use the online dictionary not only at home on your desk, but also during Brazilian or Portuguese holidays. However, high roaming rates scare many tourists before activating their Internet connection abroad. Therefore, pocket translators are still relevant.

In English, Arabic, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian. from English to Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian. This document describes what the exam tests, what the exam includes, and how it is graded.

Certification Benefits Certifications offer qualified and independent evidence to both the translator and the client that the translator has professional competence in a particular language combination. Passing a certification exam automatically converts associate membership to voting membership. Only members of the Voting may vote in matters of the Association.

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