Canned tomatoes: recipes ordinary and unusual. Tomato blanks for the winter: "Golden Recipes


It is unlikely that among the many blanks in the cellar you will not find tomatoes! Preserving a tomato for the winter is an occupation known to every housewife. There are many ways to harvest this vegetable, consider the best of them.

Among the many options for harvesting tomatoes, we especially love this method of canning. The list of necessary ingredients is given based on 1 three-liter jar. If you plan to roll the tomatoes into liter jars, simply divide the indicated amount by three. So, you will need:

  • parsley and basil, 3-5 branches each;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • 8 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar, granulated sugar and vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of table salt;
  • about 15 medium sized ripe tomatoes

Let's start cooking by washing the jars. Then we sterilize them. You can do this in the old, well-known way - put the neck down on a kettle with boiling water. Hot steam will do the trick. It’s just that several cans cannot be processed at once, so many people prefer to sterilize the cans in the oven.

To do this, set the temperature at 200 degrees, place the jars on a baking sheet and hold them for exactly 4 minutes - this is enough for all microbes to die. Next, we move on to the main stage. We fill the jars with ingredients: put peppercorns, garlic, sprigs of greens on the bottom. My tomatoes, cut into halves. By the way, vegetables grown in are best suited for conservation. They need to fill glass containers by ½.

We chop the onions into rings, which we lay out on top of the tomatoes. You can also add a sprig of parsley or basil on top. Then we spread the remaining tomatoes to the very top of the jar, add oil, salt, sugar and pour boiling water. Within 12 minutes, the blanks should be sterilized, and only after that the jars are rolled up with lids.

This preparation will turn out spicy and fragrant. We will need the following products:

  • 1–1.5 kg of ripe but not overripe tomatoes;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • dry mustard - 70 g;
  • allspice;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • tarragon - 30 g;
  • dill greens - 250 g;
  • horseradish - 50 g.

To boil the brine, you need 5 liters of pure water and 150 g of table salt. We thoroughly wash the greens and tomatoes, remove debris and tails from tomatoes. One part of the spices listed above is placed in a deep container (pan). Then add the tomatoes, which we shift with herbs, leaves, garlic, tarragon and horseradish. Sprinkle the remaining spices over the tomatoes. Choose only healthy vegetables for preservation, without the slightest.

Next, we need to boil the brine. To do this, boil water, pour salt into it and mix until the grains of salt are completely dissolved. Pour the vegetables with the resulting brine and put some kind of load on top. After a week of keeping the tomatoes under pressure, you can put them in the cellar.

Winter tomato salad

Tomato conservation for the winter is also salads in all their diversity. This recipe is one of them. It turns out amazingly delicious! To prepare it, you should stock up on the following: about 3 kilograms of ripe tomatoes and a kilogram of bell peppers, carrots, onions. You will also need 500 g of round rice, 450 g of sunflower oil, 1.5 cups of granulated sugar and salt to taste.

The harvesting period is always a responsible event, since it is during this period that it is necessary to take care of what will be on the table all winter.

Zealous hostesses strive to foresee all the nuances and prepare the fruits of the harvest so that it is both tasty and healthy. Fortunately, there are a thousand recipes that have delighted with their taste for more than one year.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes have unique properties. Their positive action allows:

  1. Have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Destroy and prevent sticking of blood platelets.
  4. They have a large amount of antioxidants.
  5. Prevent the development of osteoporosis.
  6. They have anti-cancer properties.
  7. Indicated for obesity and low metabolic process.

Before you start harvesting, be sure to prepare the fruits - wash them and sort them. If you mix different varieties and different levels of ripeness in one container, you get porridge. Also, do not preserve tomatoes of different sizes.

Preservation is possible both with and without the peel, but if not, the tomato is blanched, and so that the whole vegetable does not crack, it is pierced at the stem.

It is also worth sorting the tomato by integrity - the tomatoes must be whole.

It is necessary to say about salt. Some people find it very beneficial to add sea salt to preserves. However, in practice, this is not relevant, since such preservation is not always “worth it”, and it is difficult to successfully select the ratio of such salt, due to the dishonesty of manufacturers.

When adding horseradish oak leaves, cherries and currants to a jar, it increases the taste of the product, and also makes the seaming crispy, stronger, etc.

important to say- the more spices, the better.

How to choose and prepare a product?

The hostesses know why it is important to carefully select the fruits, because one poor-quality tomato will ruin the entire jar.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose tomatoes that have:

  1. Form.
  2. Elasticity.
  3. There is fine graininess.

The tomato should be mature enough - for seaming, not have green areas.

Important: select the fruit by smell, since the absence suggests that such a crop was created as a result of selection on the contrary - for endurance, and not for the benefit and quality of taste. They have a hard and thick skin, no seed chambers, and the core will be fibrous and green.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to prepare banks?

The first rule of successful preservation is carefully sterilized jars. Initially, they are washed with soda, then heated. Thus, the negative flora is completely killed in them.

It does not matter how the sterilization will be carried out, it is important that the jar is perfectly clean.

Before rolling anything, the container must be prepared. Thoroughly wash all jars, and then sterilize, thereby removing the remnants of microorganisms and detergents.

Banks must be inspected for chips and damage. Sterilization can be carried out in several ways:

  1. For a couple. To do this, you need to put a jar over boiling water (water is drawn into the pan, and a sieve is placed on top) and hold each for minutes. After - put the container on a towel to cool.
  2. On the water. To do this, a wooden board is laid out on the bottom of the pan, jars are laid out on top, with an interval between them. Banks must be completely in the water. Boil them for a couple of minutes.
  3. On a steamer. The method is quick and easy, since the container must be laid out in a double boiler and the appropriate mode must be turned on.
  4. In the oven. 15 minutes at 160 C.
  5. In the microwave. 15 minutes at 700 watts.

Note! After all the jars are sterilized, corked, they must be turned upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket. Cooling home preservation should occur gradually so that there is no temperature drop.

Preserving tomatoes for the winter - recipes

First of all, for conservation, everything must be prepared in advance. For instance:

  1. Prepare cooking utensils.
  2. Wash fruits thoroughly.
  3. Prepare onions, peppers, carrots, herbs, spices.
  4. When rolling to the bottom of the preservation container, line with chopped onions, carrots, peppers, and several branches of greens. Then make a bookmark of vegetables and fill everything with boiling water for 30 minutes.
  5. Prepare a brine from 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of salt, diluted in 1.5 liters of water.

Canned tomatoes without sterilization

To prepare a tomato according to this recipe, you need:

  • tomatoes;
  • spices (pepper, horseradish, dill, bay leaf, leaves of fruit trees);
  • marinade - 60 gr. salt, 120 gr. sugar, 5 g of vinegar.


Previously, the jar is poured with boiling water, then spices, tomatoes are laid out without liquid and boiling marinade is on top.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Canned tomatoes with garlic

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are extraordinarily tasty. For their preparation it is necessary:

  • 2 kg tomato;
  • garlic;
  • vinegar;
  • For brine - 60 gr. salt, 120 gr. sugar, 1 liter of water, black pepper, cloves, currants, dill..


Everything is thoroughly washed, the stalk is cut out, garlic is inserted into each of the tomatoes, everything is carefully laid out in a container.

After laying, the jar is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes. After - the water is drained and the brine is poured, 30 gr are placed on top. vinegar in each container. Once sealed, the jars are turned upside down.

Sweet tomatoes for the winter

Spicy, extraordinarily tasty tomatoes can be prepared according to this recipe for a 3-liter container:

  • tomatoes;
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;
  • onion 4 pcs.


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt 60 gr;
  • sugar 150 gr.;
  • black pepper and bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 60 gr.


Put everything in a container, keeping the order from the bottom - onions, peppers, spices, tomatoes. Then, pour boiling water for 5 minutes, drain. In parallel, prepare the marinade and pour it into boiling jars. At the very end, add vinegar.

halves of tomatoes

Everyone's favorite recipe - halves, will not only be a great addition to a winter dinner, but also a great appetizer or main dish on the festive table. This recipe requires the addition of vegetable oil, which makes it extraordinary.

To prepare such tomatoes, you need to prepare:

  • parsley,
  • basil,
  • garlic,
  • bulb,
  • spices - pepper, bay leaf, 1 tablespoon of sugar, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt.


First, the layout is done - spices, herbs, and then tomatoes - cut in half. It is not necessary to invest them too tightly, but not loosely either.

Salt and sugar, oil and vinegar are poured into each container, everything is poured with boiling water. First, the jars are covered, boiled in boiling water for up to 20 minutes and canned immediately upon delivery.

Tomatoes in their own juice

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are incredibly tasty, as they have both sourness and a pleasant spicy aroma. Despite the high cost of such a recipe - after all, it is necessary to prepare tomato juice earlier for it, the recipe still deserves attention.

For this workpiece, you need to prepare:

  • 3 kg tomato - for juice;
  • 3 kg tomato for seaming;
  • spices - dill, parsley, peppercorns.


Squeeze the tomatoes in a juicer and digest them with spices, salt and sugar at the rate of a tablespoon per liter.

Put the tomatoes for seaming in a jar, add 2 pcs. pepper, pour boiling water for 20 minutes. After - drain the water, and instead of it, tomato juice is poured. Cover everything and roll up.

Tomatoes with mustard

No less interesting recipe with mustard. Such conservation will be a real find.

To prepare a tomato in this way, it is necessary to prepare a brine - boil water, adding sugar and salt there at the rate of 30 grams per liter. Then put the tomatoes in a jar, add pepper and garlic, pre-chopped. It is also necessary to lay out dill, spice seeds, 10 grams of dry mustard.

Everything is poured with a boiling solution, corked and laid out under a warm blanket for 15 hours.

The end of the summer season - the beginning of autumn, the time when everyone begins active work on harvesting. What methods are not used - from conservation, to pasteurization and fresh preparations. Each method has its own history and adherents.

Note! Homemade preparations are a great treat for both family and guests. Regardless of the recipe chosen, tomatoes harvested in the fall are wonderful.

Salted, canned, pickled or lightly salted - tomatoes are unbeatable. Choose any of the proposed recipes - and the deliciousness that will be on the table will certainly please you with its taste.

Only recently, tomatoes have been sold in shops and supermarkets in winter: but their taste is most often far from the taste of home-made vegetables, they are usually tasteless and tough, and imported ones are unreasonably expensive.

So that our tables are not empty without this beloved vegetable, there are a lot of different canning methods that allow you to prepare a variety of dishes from the summer: festive and everyday.

Canned tomatoes for the winter - the subtleties of cooking

Each recipe has its own cooking technology, different from the rest. There are many pickles, marinades, sauces used for canning, but there are general principles that you can follow to achieve the perfect taste of your dish.

1. If you are canning whole tomatoes, they should be firm and undamaged.

2. The stalks must be removed.

3. The fruits should be slightly "unripe", strong, before laying them in jars, they are pierced in several places so that the skin does not burst.

4. If you plan to preserve chopped tomatoes, it is better to pick up absolutely ripe, soft fruits.

5. Banks must be steamed before canning, and lids must be boiled.

Many housewives sort vegetables before cooking, while others, on the contrary, prefer to see tomatoes of different shapes and colors in one jar. In any case, only healthy, whole fruits of medium size should be selected for canning.

A variety of seasonings and herbs are used for canning: from classic dill and parsley to honey, cinnamon and currant shoots. The taste of tomatoes is enhanced and combined with many additives, which is why there are such a variety of ways.

In all countries where there is a canning tradition, there is a recipe for harvesting this fruit: Korean-style spicy tomatoes, chakhokhbili, tomato adjika, Ukrainian-style tomatoes with garlic, and many others.

All fruits are subject to conservation, regardless of maturity, variety or color. Greens will be nicely crunchy and sour, firm red tomatoes are perfect for canning whole or in halves, and overripe fruits are used to create dressings and sauces.

Classic Recipe: Homemade Canned Tomatoes

This is perhaps the most common recipe: it is as simple as possible, even a person taking the first steps in cooking can easily cope with it, and you can store the product in a warm place - thanks to the addition of vinegar essence. Canned tomatoes for the winter in this way should be in the arsenal of every housewife.

Ingredients for one can of 3 liters:

1 tbsp salt

5 tbsp sugar

1 teaspoon vinegar essence (70%)

Cooking method

Prepare the tomatoes - check their integrity, rinse, remove the stalks. The jars must be sterilized, then put the tomatoes in them, fill with boiling water and cover for about half an hour. Next, the water must be poured into another container, add the remaining ingredients to it and boil. As soon as the brine boils, you need to pour tomatoes over them again, adding vinegar essence in accordance with the recipe.

Spicy canned tomatoes for the winter

Another recipe that can rightly be called a classic. Such tomatoes are distinguished by a spicy spicy taste and rich aromatic filling.

Ingredients for one can of 3 liters:

1 bell pepper

½ hot red pepper

4 garlic cloves

Celery - 3 sprigs

3-4 bay leaves


Brine: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp 70% vinegar essence

Cooking method

To prepare the brine, bring water to a boil, add sugar, salt and vinegar essence.

Laurel leaves, bell peppers, chopped into large cubes, garlic, celery sprigs, allspice and red peppers are placed at the bottom of the jar. Next, the tomatoes are tightly packed into the jar, after which the contents are poured with brine.

Now cover the jar with a lid and place in a large bowl of boiling water (the water should cover the jar by 2/3) to sterilize. Then the can of preservation is rolled up, turned over on the lid until it cools. The advantage of this method is that you can store canned tomatoes for the winter in this way even in a warm room.

Green canned tomatoes for the winter with celery "Caucasian"

If the tomatoes did not have time to reach the garden or after harvesting, use them for cooking according to a recipe that is very popular in the Caucasus.


Unripe strong green tomatoes - 1 kg

Celery - 300 gr

Garlic - 200 gr

Hot red pepper - 1 pc.

Salt - 1.5 tbsp.

Water - 1 l.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the brine: boil water and add salt to it.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, cut them across. Cut the celery, garlic and red pepper, mix and stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mass. Ready tomatoes are stacked in jars and filled with pre-prepared filling. Cover the jars with a plastic lid and store in a cold room. Such tomatoes are not sterilized, so they need to be stored in a cool place.

Georgian canned tomatoes

Chakhokhbili is a must-have for any Georgian housewife. It is prepared from ripe, soft tomatoes with the addition of onions. The advantage of this dish is that it can be eaten both on its own and as a sauce for meat, dressing for borscht or the national Georgian dish Chakhokhbili. These are not just canned tomatoes for the winter, this is a complete semi-finished product. Add eggs and you have a great winter scrambled egg with tomatoes.

Products for cooking:

5 kg tomatoes

1 l. frying oils

Salt - to taste

Cilantro - 500 gr.

Cooking method

Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly and scroll through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into cubes, lightly fry in oil at the bottom of a thick-walled pan. In the passivated onion, add the resulting mass of tomatoes. After that, you need to reduce the heat so that the tomatoes do not burn, and bring the chakhokhbili to readiness (the dish will be ready in 30 minutes).

Without waiting for the chakhokhbili to cool down, you need to pour it into jars with a volume of up to a liter, they must first be scalded or doused with boiling water. Cover with tin lids, sterilize, roll up and turn over.

Tomatoes canned for the winter in jelly

Canned tomatoes for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, are considered one of the most original ways of preparing this product. The dish has an exotic look and will be an original addition to the table.



Water - 1 l.

Sugar - 80 gr.

Salt - 40 gr.

Vinegar - 1 tsp

Gelatin - 30 gr

Sweet peas, bay leaves to taste

Cooking method

Prepare gelatin - soak it in water, then heat the resulting mixture in a bath until dissolved, strain, a homogeneous mass should be obtained. Coarsely chop the tomatoes, put in jars.

Preparing the filling: add salt, sugar to the water, after boiling, add vinegar, gelatin mass, spices. After 3 minutes, remove from heat, pour the hot brine into jars and sterilize. Next, the banks must be rolled up and kept upside down until they cool.

Canned tomatoes for the winter in tomato sauce with onions and carrots

The original recipe for tomatoes in tomato sauce came to us from the Urals, but it is appreciated and loved throughout the country. To prepare 4 liter jars you will need:



2 medium carrots

3 onions

cilantro, parsley

Bay leaf, sweet pea

4 tbsp Sahara

1 l. tomato juice

1 tbsp salt

Cooking method

Jars must be sterilized before cooking. At the bottom we lay out lavrushka, cilantro, parsley, 2-3 peppercorns. Tomatoes must be in large parts: into halves or quarters, cut carrots to taste - into small or large straws, circles, onions - into half rings.

In a jar on top of the greens, lay out in even layers, first tomatoes, then carrots, again tomatoes, onions, and then until the jar is filled.

Salt the tomato juice and stir in the sugar, put it on the fire and let it boil. If foam has formed on the surface, it must be removed. After that, hot tomato juice is poured on top of the contents of the cans.

Be sure to sterilize the workpiece: cover the jars with sterile tin lids, dip the jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, then, according to the classical scheme, roll up and turn over to cool. Store canned tomatoes for the winter using this method in a dark, cold place.

Salted tomatoes from a jar or barrel

One of the oldest recipes, loved by our ancestors, is preservation through fermentation and an atypical combination of flavorings in the form of horseradish, cherry leaves, honey and others. The taste is unusual and different from the usual preservation due to the carbonation of the product. The process is usually long and drags on for a month, but the taste becomes unique. Such canned tomatoes for the winter are distinguished by production volumes and the absence of the need for sterilization.


To preserve 15 kg of fruit you will need:

10 horseradish leaves

1 kg of cherry and currant leaves, dill sprigs

300 gr. garlic

300 gr. apples

To prepare the brine you will need: 10 liters. water, 230 gr. salt, 3 tablespoons of honey, 50 gr. sugar, 40 gr. mustard powder, sweet peas) and 1 tbsp. hell.

Cooking method

How to make canned tomatoes for the winter from a jar:

First you need to prepare the container: rinse thoroughly and scald. The same goes for the barrel.

Sort and wash the fruits, greens, they should be fresh and without external damage. Cut the garlic without peeling it, cut the apples into large pieces. After that, start laying out layers of greens, apples, tomatoes and garlic. Apples are stacked only in the first tier. Fill the flask and barrel in this way almost completely, leaving 15 cm, the last layer should be lined with horseradish leaves.

Then we prepare the filling for salting: add salt, sugar, honey, mustard, horseradish, peppercorns to the water and mix thoroughly until the salt and sugar are dissolved. The resulting liquid must be poured before filling. The flask must be closed, blocking the access of oxygen, and left for 30-35 days. You can speed up this process - at a temperature of +20 degrees, the dish will be ready in 3 weeks.

To cook in a barrel, you need to put a load on top of the tomatoes and cover it with a linen napkin or gauze. After about a month, the salting process will be completed and the tomatoes will be ready, their taste will almost completely match the taste of tomatoes cooked in a flask.

Almost every hostess knows how to preserve tomatoes for the winter. But not everyone knows a few tricks that greatly simplify the work in the kitchen. Triple sterilization of everything and everything, careful selection of tomatoes with a caliper, filling five times and a large set of unnecessary worries. Let's figure out how to close tomatoes for the winter without any hassle.

The right choice is the key to success

If the tomatoes are grown with their own hands in their backyard or even on the windowsill and balcony, then for sure, before planting, the seed bag was carefully studied from all sides. All that should interest us for high-quality conservation is the purpose, color and size of the fruit.

We are looking for the right line on the bag. Purpose: salad variety. That is, such tomatoes are good for twisting as part of adjika, sauces, lecho, ketchups. They make great tomato juice. But for conservation as a whole, this variety is unsuitable. The fruits will be soft, spread into an unappetizing slurry, and the taste will leave much to be desired.

But if it is written on the bag: it is suitable for long-term storage and preparations, then we can safely preserve the tomatoes. They will remain dense, elastic and magical in taste.

What to do for those who do not have a vegetable garden and only buy tomatoes for twists? You don't have to buy them in the store. Often, they are covered with a good layer of edible wax there, so they can be stored for months. And even in the high season, in July, you run the risk of running into tomatoes that ripened in February.

For a purchase, we boldly stomp to the market. And we're already making the right choice. No need to ask the seller what the fruit is good for. In an effort to sell a product, he will tell you that only he has the best tomatoes in the whole world. Just ask him to cut, and it is better to break one fruit. And look carefully: there is too much juice released - the tomato is not very suitable for spinning in general. Large seed chambers also speak of this. The pulp is thick, fleshy, there is practically no juice - so we take the right amount and proudly drag it home. Why do we drag? Because they bought a lot. You won't buy one tomato, will you?

Advice. Naturally, we choose whole tomatoes, without visible damage and dents.

The second factor of interest to us is the color and size of vegetables. Today, genetics is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Few people will be surprised by brown, black or striped tomatoes. Yellow and orange are also far from a curiosity. No doubt, they look original in a fresh salad on the table. But during conservation, they behave completely unpredictably. Even an unbloated can can bring a lot of unpleasant moments. An unpleasant smell or a mess in a cloudy brine - was this achieved by standing idle over the banks?

All tomatoes are suitable for preservation, but the most delicious and fragrant ones are red. The pink ones are good too. Leave orange, yellow and chokeberry for salads, ketchups and lecho.

The size of the tomato should be such that it fits freely into the neck of the jar. Some craftsmen preserve chopped vegetables. You can do this, but the brine will be cloudy and the flesh will be watery. Cutting does not affect the taste at all.

With a large chicken egg or a little more walnut - beautiful on the table and convenient to eat.

But the advice to collect fruits of exactly the same size in a jar is clearly superfluous. Will you measure each tomato? What is the point of this lesson? If only there was nothing to do. Because during the heat treatment, boiling water does not take into account the size, it scalds all vegetables equally. The marinade also does not go with a caliper and a notebook, but soaks all the fruits evenly.

Advice. By the way, small tomatoes, the so-called cherry tomatoes, can also be preserved. Even the most capricious children eat them with pleasure.

Sterilization is the scourge of housewives in the summer heat

Well, which of the hostesses has not said at least once in a conversation with her girlfriends that tomatoes are good in winter, but what do you think about sterilization? And immediately before my eyes a picture: summer, it was hot outside, there were clouds of steam in the kitchen, jars, lids, water for pouring were boiling. And in the evening, squeezed like a lemon, the woman lies flat with a cold towel on her forehead.

Down with old-fashioned methods! Give civilization! You can quickly sterilize jars up to 1 liter in the microwave. Why are they so small? And cherry, too, pour a three-liter balloon? Or a person who lives alone, why does he need such huge vessels?

Therefore, pour 3-5 cm of water into jars, install it on a microwave plate, turn on the maximum mode for 5 minutes. Let's go do our thing. Or prepare the next batch of containers.

Pikalo, took out sterile jars, knocked over on a clean towel, after draining the water. Naturally, the lids will have to be boiled as usual. Do not put any metal in the microwave.

What about those who simultaneously preserve a large batch of vegetables? You are tormented by warming up over the kettle. A healthy balloon will not fit in a microwave. The best assistant will help out - the oven! In it, darling, right in the cold, we put the washed containers. Then we forget for 12-14 minutes at a temperature of 120 ° C. After carefully pull out with mittens or a towel. Everything can be preserved.

Advice. If you are confident in the quality of your water, then you can generally refuse sterilization. Scrub the inside and outside of the jars with a hard brush and baking soda. Preferably with hot water. Pay special attention to the necks. Then rinse thoroughly and you are ready to use.

How many times to pour

There are recipes in which tomatoes are tormented with boiling water repeatedly. Practically turn them into gruel with only one filling. And in winter, having opened a jar, they raise their eyes to grief - again the variety is bad!

Why these dances with a tambourine? Properly preserving tomatoes for the winter is as follows:

  1. Washed thoroughly without pressure, let the water drain. By the way, they are not wiped, so as not to wrinkle once again.
  2. We put the selected spices on the bottom of the container, tomatoes on top. Preferably without tamping, carefully.
  3. Filled with boiling water, put a lid on top. Left for 20-25 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the next batch or drink tea.
  4. Drain the liquid into a saucepan. Added salt and sugar. The amount of acid required by the recipe (if required) was added to the containers with tomatoes. The brine boiled - you can pour it.
  5. Screw the lid on and flip it upside down. Everything.

It is not necessary to wrap the vegetables so that the vegetables remain elastic and dense. Additional insulation is required only for green tomato preservation recipes. They are harder than red ones, so it only benefits them.

Tips for Preparing Tomatoes

In order not to waste time washing a large number of tomatoes, they do it simply. All raw materials are poured into one basin or vat, poured with clean water and left for 20 minutes, let them swim. In the other - a large sieve or colander. Tomatoes are washed with handles directly in the first container, laid out in the second design. There, the party is poured with clean water, allowed to drain, and that's it, you can make any blanks.

Often you can observe the following situation: vegetables seem to be strong, dense, and at the first scalding the skin bursts. This will not affect the taste, but the appearance of the spin is no longer the same. How to avoid such troubles?

Prick each tomato at the stem with a wooden toothpick. This will avoid a sharp pressure drop and the peel will remain intact.

And if you have to conserve three buckets and even cherry? Or more? It will take half a day just to pierce. There is a solution. Pour the tomatoes not with boiling water, but let it cool slightly. They turned off the fire, waited 3-4 minutes and only then poured it into containers with vegetables.

You can not bother with these methods at all, but simply remove the skin completely. It is impossible to do this without processing. So they do it like this:

  • cooking three pots
  • one on fire with boiling water, the second with water and ice, the third empty and the largest
  • throw tomatoes in the first, wait 5-6 minutes
  • with a slotted spoon, transfer from hot liquid to ice, wait 2-3 minutes
  • during this time we put the next batch in the hot
  • transfer from ice water with a slotted spoon to an empty container

After all the vegetables have been blanched, the skin can be easily peeled off with bare hands. You could say she's filming herself.

Advice. Processing time can be reduced by first making a shallow cross-shaped incision on the top of the tomato with a sharp knife.

Classic recipe

All products and spices are designed for a standard 3 l jar:

  • firm red tomatoes, about 1.7-2 kg
  • pure water, 1200-1500 ml
  • vinegar essence, 1 des. l.
  • rock salt, 2 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l.
  • 4 medium cloves of garlic
  • spices to taste

The most commonly used spices in the preservation of vegetables are currant leaves, dill umbrellas, allspice peas, carnation roses. For a standard recipe, take 5 of each ingredient. The quantity can and even should be varied according to your own taste preferences. If desired, add horseradish, black peppercorns, basil sprigs.

Seasonings are placed on the bottom of the jar, then prepared vegetables are reported to the top. Boil clean water, pour into a cylinder. Cover with a lid. After 25 minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan, add both "white deaths", let it boil. Vinegar is poured into the jar and filled with filling so that it goes a little over the edge. Roll up, turn over and let cool.

You can try after 14 days. It is recommended to store in the cellar.

Advice. Some hostesses pour out the first water, supposedly it washes away all the dirt, and the brine is made on a new one. We do not recommend doing this. First, what kind of dirt if you thoroughly washed the containers and tomatoes? And secondly, she collected the brightest aroma from tomatoes. Why flush this magic down the toilet?

Some tips recommend pouring boiling water over tomatoes three times, and then sterilizing them before final seaming. Why all this extra work? From such a number of heat treatments, the output is porridge in a tomato shell. They will just melt! All infection dies after the second filling. This is quite enough.

The classic recipe for tomatoes for the winter involves 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar per three-liter bottle. Do not regret the sweet, add not 2, but 4 spoons. In winter, you will be very pleasantly surprised. Not only tomatoes will fly away in one fell swoop, but the brine will be drunk without a trace.

By the way, on the basis of this sweet and sour filling, some housewives prepare amazing mustard. All you need to do is add dry mustard powder to the state of liquid sour cream, and let it brew for an hour. And there is enough salt and acid in the brine.

How to preserve tomatoes for the winter? Thanks to our advice - easier than ever. As a result: mom is not tired, the cellar is packed to capacity, the household is happy and fed with delicious preparations.

Video: how to properly preserve tomatoes for the winter

Preserving tomatoes for the winter is so popular that there is not a single woman who would not be engaged in such a procedure. In the summer, tomatoes are easily available, inexpensive, and in winter, strong tomatoes will come in handy as an addition to various side dishes or serve as an independent snack.

Currently, thanks to the Internet, women are getting acquainted with new types of recipes for preserving tomatoes for the winter, many have discovered previously unknown ways, thanks to which their loved ones can eat a new dish almost every day of winter and appreciate the art and skill of the housewife.

For canned tomatoes choose fruits of varying degrees of maturity, from green and brown to red, elastic, even overripe tomatoes will go into action, depending on the recipe chosen. There are several ways to preserve sweet fruits:

  • sterilization in a water bath;
  • multiple filling;
  • laying in pre-sterilized glass containers (usually salads).

Each woman has her favorite recipes for very good canned tomatoes using various ingredients, but the classic method suggests that pickling for the winter is done under the influence of salt, and sugar and vinegar or citric acid are used in conservation.

Canning recipes with sterilization or triple filling

Sweet tomatoes with muscat grape flavor

Bookmark in one three-liter bottle you will need a couple of kilograms of cream-type tomatoes and one bunch of Muscat grapes. For a spicy taste and lasting aroma, they take a medium-sized garlic head, a pod of hot pepper, a few currant leaves, a couple of bay leaves. The marinade is prepared based on one and a half liters of water: a spoonful of salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of vinegar 9%.

Before laying in a container, sweet tomatoes are washed and several punctures are made with a pointed wooden stick in the stalk area. The garlic is disassembled into slices, the pod is cut into pieces, all the ingredients are washed and put into a bottle. A grape brush is also placed there, then tomatoes are placed. For this recipe, a double filling is enough, the first of which is made with boiling water, left in a glass container for 25 minutes to warm up. For the second time, the tomatoes are poured with brine, for which the proposed ingredients are boiled, then they are closed for the winter and turned over.

Canned Tomatoes with Roasted Peppers

For three-liter bottles take:

Tomatoes are washed and freed from the stalks, peppers are only washed, but don't choose seeds m. In general, they are fried in oil, cut in half and put in jars, crushed garlic, circles of carrots, onion rings and tomatoes are also placed there. The contents are poured with salt water and put like this for a day. After that, the banks are subject to sterilization for 25 minutes, then rolled for the winter.

Delicious tomato wedges with onions

For a canned delicacy, they are taken based on a liter glass container:

  • a large onion;
  • a spoonful of oil;
  • pepper, laurel, cloves to taste;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • a spoonful of salt.

Tomatoes are taken sweet and small and divided into halves. The peeled onion is formed into rings and placed on the bottom of the jar. Next, put chopped tomatoes mixed with spices and additives, pour oil on top. The brine is boiled from the proposed norm of sugar and salt per liter of water, poured into a container with the rest of the vegetables. Seaming is subject to sterilization 15-20 minutes.

Spicy tomatoes in their juice

For conservation, they take tomatoes of medium ripeness in the amount of one three-liter bottle and overripe fruits for mashed potatoes, it will need 2.5 liters, 3 sweet peppers, 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic, salt and grated horseradish, half a glass of sugar.

Put prepared tomatoes in a glass container. Boil overripe tomatoes in a saucepan, after softening pass through a fine sieve or grind in a meat grinder. In the resulting mass, introduce the norm of sugar, salt and bring to a boil, then put the horseradish, chopped pepper in a meat grinder, garlic. Add the resulting filling to the jar to the rest of the tomatoes and put on sterilization for 15-20 minutes.

Canned tomatoes with plums

Prepare plums and tomatoes in the same amount, for brine, based on 1 liter, take 3 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt.

Plums and tomatoes are washed, the latter are pricked with a toothpick in the stalk area. The fruits are placed in glass containers, alternating plums with tomatoes. For brine, a norm of salt and sugar is added to boiling water, with this solution pour the contents of the jar three times leaving each time for 15 minutes. After that they roll up.

fragrant tomatoes

For one three-liter jar, you will need a couple of kilograms of small tomatoes, horseradish, dill, leaves: bird cherry - 2, currants - 5, bay - 3. a few cloves of garlic, up to a dozen peppercorns, two dozen cloves. For a liter of water for brine, take a spoonful of salt, 4 tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of vinegar.

All the leaves washed and doused with boiling water are placed on the bottom of the glass container, garlic, dill umbrella, cloves, laurel and pepper are added. Tomatoes are placed in a jar tightly, but so that they do not press hard on one another. For this canning recipe triple filling, the first two are made with boiling water, keeping it in a jar for 15 minutes each time. Sugar, salt and vinegar are added to the container before the third filling, boiling water is poured and rolled.

cold storage tomato recipes

Salted tomatoes with corn

It is better to salt such tomatoes in barrels, choose hard tomatoes, you can use unripe ones. For 10 kilograms of fruit you will need:

  • 5 kilograms of corn leaves, stems can be used;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 20 blackcurrant leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • a pound of salt.

First, scalded currant leaves are placed at the bottom of the container, then washed corn stalks and leaves. Then tomatoes are placed, layering them with spices and spices. Between the rows of tomatoes, corn stalks are also placed, while cutting them into small pieces. After filling the container, the fruits are covered on top with the remaining corn leaves.

Only after that pour water into a barrel. For salt, a clean bag of linen is prepared, into which it is poured, then placed on top of the contents of the container on corn leaves, so that the bundle is in the liquid. To crush tomatoes, a wooden circle is provided, on which a heavy object is placed as oppression. Tara for the winter is placed in a cold place,

mustard tomato recipe

The quantity of products is calculated on an enamel pan with a capacity of 8 liters. To fill it, it is preferable to choose firm elastic tomatoes such as cream, or you can use unripe or even green fruits. The following is used as a report:

Half prepared spices put in the bottom of the pot, sprinkle a layer of mustard on top. Tomatoes are placed in a container, evenly distributing garlic, pepper, horseradish, dill, plant leaves and tarragon between them. The remaining report is placed on top of the tomatoes, then everything is covered with a linen napkin. The brine is prepared in advance and poured into a saucepan with fruits, a circle of wood on top, then a load. Tomatoes are left at room temperature for a week for salting, then put in the cold for the winter for long-term storage.

Tomatoes with cinnamon flavor

This recipe will surprise seasoned gourmets, as salted tomatoes with cinnamon will fit the festive table and everyday meal. Tomatoes are taken in an amount sufficient to fill the selected container. Dry or fresh herbs are taken to taste, dill, parsley and garlic are used.

Marinade is being prepared based on 4 liters of water:

  • 4 leaves of laurel;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 15 stars of cloves;
  • a teaspoon with a slide of ground dry cinnamon;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • a glass of acetic acid 70%.

First, marinade is prepared from the proposed components for 15 minutes and allowed to cool, after that add acetic acid, mixed. Tomatoes are washed and placed in prepared jars, evenly interspersed with herbs and garlic. The marinade is poured last, cooled down, it should be viscous, and the container is closed with steamed capron lids. Such a delicious sunset for the winter is stored in a cold place.

Tomato salads, ketchups and dressings

Tomato ketchup "Memory of summer"

For two kilograms of red tomatoes, there is a pound of onions, bell peppers, a glass of sugar. Prepare a spoonful of dry mustard, ground hot pepper, salt, cilantro.

The vegetables are washed, the onion is freed from the skin, the stalk is removed from the pepper, the seeds are removed. All prepared ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and put to cook in a wide container. Cooking continues one and a half to two hours. After this time, the rest of the spices, pepper are added to the mixture and boiled for 5 minutes.

To lay ketchup in hot jars, they are pre-sterilized, after pouring they are rolled with boiled lids. You can store such a tasty product at room temperature, cold is optional. Ketchup goes well with a side dish of potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat, and other cereals.

Autumn layered tomato salad

To prepare a delicious salad, they take 3 kilograms of tomatoes, a kilogram of sweet peppers and onions. You will need one and a half glasses of oil, a glass of sugar and 9% vinegar, 4 tablespoons of salt.

All vegetables after washing and cleaning cut into bite-sized pieces. Carrots are finely chopped or grated, tomatoes and onions are formed into half rings, peppers are chopped into strips.

To prepare the marinade, salt, vinegar, sugar and oil are used, after boiling it is removed from the stove and poured over the vegetables laid in layers in a saucepan. After that, the semi-finished product is infused for 8 hours, then put on fire and boiled after boiling for about 40 minutes, you can not interfere. Mix only before the end of cooking for 3 minutes, spread in a pre-sterilized container and close for the winter.

Canning Green Tomatoes

A wonderful snack of green tomatoes justifies itself, as the elastic, sharp fruits successfully compete with expensive and prestigious vegetables in the winter. They will successfully complement dishes on any table, and every guest will be happy to try delicious green fruits. There are a large number of recipes for making seaming, but first you should pay attention to classic canning green tomatoes for the winter. For the recipe you will need:

Strong green tomatoes, take part of the yellowed fruits, in a total of 3 kilograms. It will take about 250 g of greens, the types of which are chosen according to your own taste, it can be parsley, dill, horseradish, cherry or currant leaves, sometimes an apple tree is placed. Onions take 3 heads, garlic - one, vegetable oil is calculated from the amount of one spoon per liter of volume.

The marinade is prepared from 3 liters of water, in which 9 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, two bay leaves, a few peppercorns, a glass of 9% vinegar are boiled.

Garlic and greens are placed at the bottom of the container, oil is poured, then green tomatoes and onions cut in half are placed. Having prepared the filling, pour it with boiling water to the vegetables and put a liter pasteurize the jar for 15 minutes.

Delicious Sun Dried Tomatoes

Such an original fragrant appetizer will not leave anyone indifferent. Many guests will like a slice of toasted bread, on which a slice of cheese is placed, and a slice of dried tomato emitting the smell of spices on top. The recipe does not require sterilization of the product in a jar, but pre-boiling or steaming of glass containers is used, in which a tasty mass will be placed.

To prepare the recipe take red ripe fruits without flaws, they are washed, cut into two halves, and large specimens are formed into quarters. Slices are freed from seeds and juice is selected. Then there are two scenarios for the development of events. Slices of tomatoes are placed on a baking sheet very close to each other.

In the first version, the tomatoes are smeared with crushed garlic, sprinkled with pepper and poured with vegetable oil ¾ of the height. In this form, they are put to languish in the oven for 3-4 hours, constantly adding oil. After that, the resulting semi-finished product is laid out in steamed jars and poured with oil from a baking sheet, rolled.

In the second version, the halves on a baking sheet are smeared with garlic mass, sprinkled with pepper and put in the oven for 2 hours, and after that they are laid out in a container and poured with separately hot oil and rolled up. Which of the recipes you like more is up to the hostess, but you should try both options for making a delicious snack of their sun-dried tomatoes.
