Lera's full name. Lera: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character

Consider the spelling and sounding of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Ukrainian: Lera. Yiddish: לעראַ (lera). English: Lera (Lera).

Origin and meaning of the name Lera

The origin of the name Lera is The meaning of the name is Born healthy and strong.

The nature of the name

If you forget about this, you will be overcome by timidity, discouragement, indecision, fear of failure and complete dependence on the opinions of others.

It is important for you to learn to be brave and self-confident. Remember: you have a strong character, and the desire to help others is not at all a sign of weakness! You can be compared to a "cosmic mother" who intelligently and lovingly endows her children with self-confidence and the ability to find a better path in life. In a world of struggle and fierce competition, there is always a need for someone who can calm and cheer up. Your benevolence, desire to please and great patience are as valuable as any other talent.

Sometimes, you are characterized by extremes - some desire or business can captivate you so much that you will not hear reasonable arguments "against". Moreover, you may develop such strong likes and dislikes that it will lead to conflicts with your environment. Without outside help, it will not be easy for you to return to more useful things.

If you have received an upbringing corresponding to your exalted character, then success in business and in love awaits you. Loneliness and the absence of a loved one make you unhappy, and a successful marriage brings harmony not only in personal but also in business life.


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.

Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day not withstand external pressure, burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a commodity that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.


You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the things you buy. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. The number of appearance is “Four”. The practicality of the "two" is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the things you buy. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Numerology Of The Name Lera

The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their strongest points. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

Lera's name as a phrase

L People
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lera

Meaning of the name: Translated from Latin, Valeria sounds like “valeo”, which means “strong”, “healthy”, to be healthy”, “rich”.

Name origin: Valeria is a name of Latin origin. The patron saint of the name is the martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who, together with her companions, converted to Christianity. Before her death, she was forced to accept the pagan faith, but she sincerely prayed and believed in God, because of which she was subjected to severe torment.
Other forms: Lera, Eleanor, Glyceria, Elara, Valentina, Valya.

name day

March - 31st;

April - 28th;

May - 6th;

July - 7, 20;

December - 20th.

The name Valery has a strong energy, it gives its owner cheerfulness, confidence and unpredictability.

As a child, Valeria grows up as an energetic and cheerful child, she is active and cheerful. It has a strong temperament, sometimes very demanding of parents. At school, Lera stands out among her classmates, she persists in studying almost all subjects, attends various circles, and always takes part in school events. He has many friends, among whom he always strives for leadership.

Growing up, Lera becomes a bright, bold and authoritarian girl who often shows her discontent. She strives to succeed in life, so she can often appear proud and selfish. Valeria is always confident in the correctness of her actions, strives for financial independence.
Adult Valeria is very vulnerable, sensitive and suspicious. She has strict character She is strict with herself and her surroundings. It is often closed, which repels friends from itself. At the same time, she is very vulnerable and takes all failures to heart.

Adult Lera has good taste, she dresses beautifully, has many fans. Her elegance, mystery and inaccessibility always attract the opposite sex. But women with this name are always looking for the perfect man whom she can trust, give all her love and tenderness.

The nature of the name

Valeria has a contradictory and complex character, she is unpredictable in her actions. It is very difficult for her to win the trust of other people, but if a person succeeds, then he will find a faithful and devoted friend for life. Outwardly, Lera looks like a confident woman, but internally she is vulnerable and emotional. Women with this name are strong in spirit, they are purposeful and strong-willed. Their inner strength helps to overcome any difficulties.

In the company of friends, Lera is cheerful and cheerful, she knows how to cheer up. Sometimes it is secretive and closed, which causes distrust in other people. In certain situations, Valeria can be harsh and angry, can provoke conflict situations.

"Winter" - Valeria - sharp in statements, unpredictable in her actions;

"Autumn" - balanced, sociable;

"Summer" - conflict, difficult to communicate, independent;

"Spring" - capricious, cheerful, stubborn.

The fate of the name

Little Lera is overly active, chaos always reigns in her room, but when she takes up cleaning, she does everything perfectly. In relations with her parents, she is demanding and capricious, loves a lot of attention. Can stand for hours in front of the mirror trying on mom's outfits. She is artistic and talented, so she always takes an active part in all school activities.

Adult Lera is responsible and kind, but her changeable and touchy character. Leroux is attracted to those professions that will allow her to climb the career ladder. Most often he chooses the profession of a financier, accountant, manager. Can work in banking, medicine, trade. Given the good artistry of these women, they often choose the profession of an actress, hairdresser, designer.

Having created a family, Valeria becomes a wonderful hostess, mother and wife, she loves to maintain comfort in the family nest, she cooks well. She becomes a homebody, reluctantly accepts friends, does not like noisy companies. Valeria is very jealous, and she perceives every woman who is close to her husband as a potential rival. It is jealousy that often causes divorces in Valeria's family.

Valeria's health is strong. In childhood, she often suffers from colds, is prone to allergies. In adulthood, Lera often undergoes nervous disorders, so she may suffer from depression.

Positive traits of the name

The owners of the name Valery are cheerful, self-confident individuals who are capable of performing unpredictable acts. She is kind and sensible, but doesn't like being taken advantage of.

Negative traits of the name

In the character of Valeria there are such qualities as stubbornness and perseverance. Sometimes she is harsh in her statements, can offend the interlocutor, while not realizing it.

Valery name compatibility

To create a family for a woman with this name, men with the name Anatoly, Matvey, Semyon, Anton are suitable. Difficult relationships are possible with Cyril, Mark, Valentin, Eugene.

Valeria, usually outwardly seems tough and self-confident. She persistently achieves her goal. Quickly climbs the career ladder. Basically, it shows male character traits.

Translated from Latin, Valeria means “strong”, “healthy”.

Origin of the name Valeria:

The name Valeria comes from the male name Valery, which, in turn, comes from the name of the famous Roman family - Valeriev.

The nature and interpretation of the name Valery:

As a child, Valeria is unpredictable. If she got up on the wrong foot in the morning, then the whole day may be out of sorts - sulk and be offended by one of her relatives for no reason, get angry and freak out at the slightest flaws - the TV is loud or quiet, the toy is not lying like that, not so they looked at her ... And the next day she can wake up joyful and carefree.

During her school years, Lera will often try to impose her opinion on others. Even if she turns out to be wrong, it will be impossible to convince her of this. Lera loves to study, but she always lacks perseverance. Valeria is a sociable person, she makes friends easily, but she will communicate openly and frankly with only a few of them - those whom she considers her reliable rear. In fact, this seemingly strong and persistent girl is very vulnerable and sensitive. Be wary of strangers.

Valeria hates disorder, carelessness and insincerity. She takes care of herself, everything in her house should be in its place. If for some reason Lera did not like the person, then, in communication with him, she will try to show it in every possible way. And if the hints are not understood, he will say so directly. Often such frankness offends people, but Lera will never apologize if she considers herself completely right.

The main features of the adult Valeria are diligence and diligence. Everything has to be on schedule. She is a great speaker, not shy of the public. She is suitable for any profession related to public speaking. Valeria can make a brilliant career as a politician, journalist, TV presenter, actress. The professions of a translator, psychologist, teacher, fashion designer or designer are just as good for Lera. She will be a strict and demanding leader.

Usually, she gets married, having already received an education and started working. Early marriages are not for her. In marriage, Valeria prefers to continue working in order to be financially independent. But her work does not prevent her from being an excellent hostess. All her free time, she is engaged in restoring absolute cleanliness and order in the house, preserving preparations, preparing gourmet dishes, even for an ordinary family dinner. Lera does not like guests very much and she prefers not to visit. She likes to stay at home, raise children and communicate with her husband. Looks soberly at relations with the opposite sex, will not dissolve in a man. She will never adapt to the interests of her husband, on the contrary, she will try to correct his tastes and habits so that they meet her requirements. Valeria is very jealous, any woman from her husband's entourage will arouse her suspicions about his infidelity.

Having become a mother, Valeria will try to start working again as soon as possible, now to provide for the child, not relying on her husband. But all the free time will play and engage with your child. In education, he will try to take the main authoritarian position. He loves children very much, but he will bring them up in severity.

Rigidity, exactingness and jealousy of Valeria often leads to the collapse of even the most successful and strong, at first, relationships. Unwillingness to seek compromises is usually the reason for quarrels and scandals in the family, which, in turn, can lead to divorce ...

Girls with the name Valeria, most often, have a tendency to be overweight. Therefore, sport for Valeria is a priority.

The female name Valeria, like the male name - Valery (derived from the Roman generic name Valerius) is of Latin origin and means "hardy", "healthy", "strong from birth". It has wide popularity among newborn babies in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman Stone: Malachite
  • Yellow color
  • Wood: chestnut
  • plant: peony
  • Animal: scarab beetle
  • Favorable day: Tuesday


Names that have a male and female pronunciation are endowed with a difficult character and contradictions. So, the name Valery carries a lot of energy, strength, discipline, tends to order. Such a woman strives for power, has a bright personality, and is able to fight. Most often it has a sharp, quarrelsome character. She does not know how to play in a team, she is too freedom-loving, she always strives to be the first and do the work on her own.

Valeria is an excellent tactician, but a weak strategist. She achieves success through willpower and fortitude. Impulsive, it combines cheerfulness and sentimentality, lyricism and aggressiveness, short-sightedness and practicality. More often she is dissatisfied with herself and the environment than vice versa. Self-confident, prone to idealization, seeks to subjugate everything that surrounds her. Educated, observant.

The secret of the name is that behind the unpredictability and conflict Valeria hides a vulnerable and sensitive nature. She is able to react very violently to a disliked look or a carelessly spoken word. prone to tantrums. The real problems appear when there is a complex, acute and deep conflict. This girl does not know how to concede, apologize, forgive. She despises diplomacy and considers it a weakness of character.

The owner of the name Valeria is a wonderful hostess, order and discipline reign in her house. People who like her acquire a reliable friend and helper in such a woman.

Interests and hobbies

Lera is actively interested in interesting ideas and projects, but rarely brings things to the end. She likes classes that give instant results. Valeria is able to create a business for the sake of a hobby. She is interested in photography, extreme sports, organizing weddings, parties, public speaking as a toastmaster, entertainer.

Profession and business

High resistance to stressful situations and education allows Valeria to become a good leader. The profession of a journalist, insurance agent, sales manager, designer, reporter, TV presenter, actress can bring good luck.


Valeria is well aware of her character problems and the impact of negative emotions on her overall health. Its weak points can be called the gallbladder and liver. The need to get rid of excess energy leads to diseases of hypertension, fatigue, memory loss. A girl with this name should take care of proper sleep and rest, seek unity with nature.

Sex and love

Leroux is attracted to calm, non-conflicting men who know how to listen. But her prudent nature interferes with trust and rapprochement. A woman named Valeria is very sexy. Intimate relationships play a central role in her union with a man. But she never discusses this issue with anyone. He is a faithful companion and assistant to his chosen one.

Family and marriage

Valeria is a straightforward person. If she has already made her choice, then she demands complete submission from the second half. For this, she agrees to pay her husband with devotion, fidelity, attention and “fiery” sex. She never refuses to help and unconditionally takes family worries on her shoulders. Living with her is not easy because of her quick-tempered and jealous nature. However, many men are ready to endure her shortcomings, because she is a wonderful mother, an excellent housewife, a brave and confident life partner.

All parents want their children to grow up healthy, and therefore, from the most ancient times, they gave them “guardian” names, which were supposed to attract health, happiness or wealth to the younger generation. And one of these names is the male name Valery and its female version.

The meaning of the name Valeria is the same as that of the male version of it: in Latin, valeo means "to be healthy." But the Latin root of the name had several meanings, so the name Valery in translation means not only “healthy”, but also “strong”, “strong”, “influential” and even “powerful”. It is believed that this name is derived from the kind of Roman patricians. First, the male name Valery spread around the world, and much later his “partner” appeared.

The unusualness and novelty of the female version of the name, as well as its origin, have contributed to the fact that girls are now much more often called them. And not only in Russia - in European countries such names as Valerie or Valerian are very popular. They have the same meaning, only their sound is due to the peculiarities of different languages.

Valeria, as a full female name, is most often abbreviated as Valya, Leka, Lera. There are also various affectionate derivatives of these names - Lerunya, Lerochka, Valunya. Of course, this is most often called Valeria in childhood.

So what does the name Valeria mean, what will her character be like, what should the parents of the girl they named by this name pay attention to? The main feature of little Lera is emotionality and sensitivity.

It may seem that her character is unstable: just now she almost cried, but is already laughing. But the secret is just in the impressionability of the girl. Often even parents cannot predict how their daughter will react to a particular event.

In order for Lerochka to learn the necessary and useful information, you need to genuinely interest her in what you want to convey to her. Her character is such that she will only learn well what has a bright emotional coloring for her. Valeria's learning abilities are above average, but she will study well only with those teachers who cause her sympathy and positive emotions.

The character of the girl makes it difficult for her to make any significant changes in her life: getting used to her peers and kindergarten teachers, starting school lessons, and so on. In any such situation, little Valeria simply needs the moral support of her parents.

"Mysterious stranger"

Of course, the name continues to influence a person as he grows up. In doing so, the following key questions need to be answered:

  • How does the name Valery affect the character of a girl and an adult woman?
  • How will Lera's personal life develop?
  • What professions would be most suitable for her?
  • How can Valeria maintain her health reserve until her advanced age?
  • When can she celebrate her birthday?

In adolescence, Valeria is often "closed" - after all, not everyone is able to understand the intricacies of emotional experiences. Because of this, many believe that such a girl is secretive, and maybe insincere. But Lera's few friends know that her character is not at all like that: she is straightforward, she cannot stand liars and deceivers, and her external "armor" is from excessive vulnerability.

Sometimes Valeria treats people much stricter than they deserve, but the origin of such an attitude is also from her “thin skin”. Her trust is difficult to win, but if someone manages to do this, he will see a sincere and passionate nature in front of him, and besides, a true friend for many years.

In high school and after it, Valeria studies much more diligently than in elementary school. She learns to control herself, to control her emotions, and her stubborn character manifests itself in full force when obtaining the knowledge she needs. In the "minus" there is one thing - relationships with guys, because feelings always come second after her interests.

Valeria's hard work and responsibility can only be envied, but how her fate and career will turn out depends on how much she learns to manage her emotions. Of great importance to Valeria is how her colleagues and friends perceive the results of her work. And the most difficult moment for her is to learn to perceive constructive criticism not as a personal insult.

Despite the seeming detachment and isolation, Valeria is able to perceive as her own troubles those with whom her fate has brought her. Despite this, she has very few friends - this is also a consequence of her unwillingness to be disappointed in people.

Her impregnability and at the same time her innate sense of style, her ability to be elegant creates one impression in men: often Valeria seems to them mysterious and enigmatic, unattainable and therefore even more desirable.

"Imperfect" do not worry!

Despite such an attitude on the part of the fans, the fact that her potential boyfriend matches her ideal will matter to Valeria. It happens that she chooses one of the applicants for this role for a long time and gets married quite late. It is very difficult for an “imperfect” man to interest her even in the light of a short romance - this should also be remembered by someone who wants to win the girl’s heart.

In order for Valeria to agree to marry a potential groom, there is one, but a very important condition. Both she herself and her chosen one should have the most sincere and ardent feelings for each other.

This origin of her family can manifest itself in two forms: on the one hand, she does a good housekeeping and supports her husband in everything. But on the other hand, she uses any, even the slightest reason for jealousy. The fate of Valeria's husband, who looks at the oncoming beauties, will be very unenviable - his wife can bring down a whole hurricane of emotions on him.

If a woman has the prospect of a career take-off, then the value of the family for Valeria may decrease, and she will primarily be engaged in her own professional growth. The fate of the family union will depend on how much the spouse will be ready to provide moral support to her.

Valeria's emotionality also determines the most favorable professional sphere for her. And it is very wide - it's all that causes positive emotions and interest. They are best manifested in the field of the humanities and communications with people in any of their manifestations - whether it be pedagogy or organizing your own catering point.

The meaning of the name Valeria has a direct impact on her health. But at the same time, she needs to follow a diet and give herself a decent physical activity. By the way, regular exercise will help to make the emotional background more stable, which will positively affect relationships in the family and with colleagues.

Despite the seeming "foreign" sound, the name Valery for a child can be given at baptism. According to the Orthodox Church calendar, her name day will fall on 7 days a year - in March (31), April (28), May (6), June (6, 7, 20) and December (9). Who will become the patron saint of the child, it is worth deciding on the calendar - the day of veneration of which saint is closer to the date of birth of the child, or which of them is closer in spirit to the family in which the girl Valeria was born. Author: Olga Inozemtseva
