Monolithic polycarbonate which is better. How to choose polycarbonate - which is better? Types of plastic for greenhouses

Polycarbonate has long been the leading material for the construction of greenhouses. Many gardeners do not even consider alternatives in the form of film and glass. Nevertheless, difficulties with the choice arise. Products are produced in a wide variety. The buyer will have to focus not only on the cost, but also on the parameters suitable for their needs.

Popularity polycarbonate is explained by its characteristics:

Received with optimum properties. Plants will be able to take light, the necessary heat, they will not overheat and will not overcool. The design is quite simple to assemble yourself. The shape is changed by heat treatment - the risk of fire is minimal, since ignition occurs only at 120C. The sheet is difficult to break, even if successful, it will not shatter into sharp fragments. Such a greenhouse can be left for the winter without fear of cracks, used as an additional storage place for country accessories.

The disadvantages include:

  • ease of damage by abrasive means;
  • deformation in extreme heat;
  • destruction of the structure from high doses of ultraviolet radiation.

All the minuses are corrected by the correct installation site of the greenhouse, gentle care, and the application of special films to the surface.

Polycarbonate classification

The material is produced in two types:


Solid sheets of various sizes and thicknesses.

The monolithic version resembles cloudy glass. It has a noticeable weight, aesthetic appearance, is very durable, but it also costs more. Such polycarbonate is easy to mount without additional frames. Meanwhile, monolithic sheets practically do not keep heat. In such a greenhouse, sensitive plants will freeze.


Two or three sheets connected by a layer of numerous ribs. The structure resembles a honeycomb, hence the name.

Cells of honeycomb type better scatter light, evenly distribute the temperature inside the building. Seedlings will not get burned, will not suffer from overheating or hypothermia. This material is much cheaper. In addition, cellular polycarbonate is more flexible. It is attached to the frame even in the form of arches. Lightweight series with thin ribs are produced.

For the arrangement of greenhouses and hotbeds, it is mainly cellular polycarbonate that is taken.

What kind of polycarbonate do you choose?


Key parameters of polycarbonate

Both types of material are of different quality. Only a combination of certain parameters can guarantee a long service life of the finished product.


High-quality polycarbonate is produced according to the Bayer patent. In its formulation, special plastic granules of increased strength are used. Such raw materials must be marked "Premium".

There are also sheets made of recycled plastic. They are often labeled with an "Eco" badge. The service life of such options rarely exceeds 5 years. But the cost of the "secondary" is much lower.

Cell Density and Shape

Two inseparable parameters. Cells in the form of a triangle or hexagon give the highest density. Such a layer is difficult to demolish even with a strong gust of wind, but it is less flexible and delays more Sveta.

Square cells have average plasticity and poor light transmission.

Rectangular honeycombs are very popular. Such sheets are quite flexible and are cheaper than others. At the same time, they do not have the highest breakage resistance.

The density also depends on the mass of the ribs. It is optimal to choose species with an indicator of at least 800g / sq.m.

Sheet size

Monolithic polycarbonate is made in the form of sheets of 3.05 m by 2.05 m. For cellular material, a width of 2.1 m is typical with a length of 6 or 12 m.

The dimensions shown are standard. They are followed by manufacturers of domestic and foreign brands. There is no single formula for calculating costs, since everything depends on the individual cutting.

Sheet thickness

There are many more options for this parameter in polycarbonate. Both honeycomb and monolithic plates are available in thicknesses of 4, 8, 16, 6 and 10 mm. Lightweight series are thinned to 3.5 and even 3 mm.

Compacted sheets within 20-32 mm are made to order. They are rarely found on the open market. Such types are used for structures where strength is especially important.

For greenhouses and greenhouses in summer cottages, material 4 mm thick is most often used. The room will last 3-4 years, but will cope with its functions perfectly well. In harsh climatic conditions with storm gusts of wind, frequent hail, it is recommended to take cellular polycarbonate 6 mm (less often 10). Thicker varieties, for all their strength, will not transmit enough light. It will be extremely hot or cold inside, depending on the weather of the day. In addition, the thickness of 16 mm makes the construction extremely heavy. It is necessary to strengthen the frame, and it is quite difficult to build it yourself.


For greenhouses, you can choose not only colorless, but also colored polycarbonate.

Colorless is standard. It transmits up to 80% of natural sunlight, scatters it evenly, and is suitable for all types of plants.

Colored options reduce light transmission, change spectra. Therefore, they should be taken only under certain cultures and conditions:

  • brown, red, green shades - for berries, flowers and mushrooms;
  • white shades - for crops;
  • yellow shades - to avoid burns in hot climates (transmits 72% of the light);
  • bronze - for shady plants (up to 60% of the light).

It is better to refuse turquoise, opal, blue flowers. They scatter no more than 40% of the rays, while the most important of them do not pass through the spectrum.

If there is artificial lighting in the greenhouse, you can safely take polycarbonate of any color.

Also, experts recommend paying close attention to textures. Matte sheets are suitable only for southern regions with an abundance of sun. They protect well from burns, passing only 65% ​​of the rays. In other regions, it is better to opt for transparent polycarbonate. With a short day, a small number of hours of sunshine, photosynthesis should not be slowed down by haze.

UV coating

The plastic from which polycarbonate is made is subject to destruction by ultraviolet rays. Constant heavy exposure leads to the formation of microcracks on the surface. Over time, the stars blur into large webs. In the end, the sheet finally breaks, the structure collapses.

The process of photodestruction of polycarbonate is slowed down by a special coating. The protective function is performed by films resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They are attached to the surface of the sheet using co-extrusion technology. The bonding of the layers occurs while still in liquid form, so the risk of separation of the coating and the base during operation is minimal.

Most brands apply the coating on one side of the plates. Bilateral protection is rare or is made to order. Has a mark on the machined side. For greenhouses, a film on the outside is sufficient, where direct contact with radiation occurs.

Recent advances in the technological process have made it possible to start producing polycarbonate with the initial inclusion of a protective additive. The component is mixed into the plastic itself, so the film becomes unnecessary. The percentage of UV absorption is about 30-45%. There is a corresponding mark on the sheets.

Polycarbonate without a filter is not suitable for plants. It is suitable only for interior work, because under the sun it collapses in less than a year.

The advice of experienced farmers will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of plastic panels. The practical experience of a large number of people shows that you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the goods, you can always ask the seller for a certificate. Documentation is always attached to the original sheets. Counterfeits can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous due to the release of harmful impurities upon contact with the sun.

Features of the construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse

Rational use of material significantly reduces the cost and time. Experts advise to follow the rules:

  1. For arched structures, arcs of 6 and 12 mm are made.
  2. All joints must fall on the profile. Arcs, the frame is best made solid to increase strength.
  3. For a gable greenhouse, the wall and roof are guided by the size of the sheet. Each plate should divide without residue.
  4. Between the frame and sheets make gaps of about 2-3 mm. This is done for the free expansion of polycarbonate when heated. For the same purposes, the bolt holes are made slightly larger than the declared diameter.
  5. It is preferable to use rubber washers in the places of fastenings with bolts to soften during expansion. So cracks will not go.
  6. It is better to cover the outer ribs with a vapor-proof film or profile. Gives moisture protection and eliminates clogging. The inner edges are left as is, so that the condensate drains freely.

In this way, savings are achieved without loss of greenhouse productivity.

During transportation, polycarbonate is laid flat in the body. The location on the ribs deforms the sheets. Plates up to 8 mm must fit completely into the machine to avoid breakage. Thicker ones can be left suspended by 0.5-1 m. Thin flexible options can be rolled into a half-roll and secured with tape.

Storage of material is carried out in a dry closed room away from the open sun. Perfect for a shed or garage. On the street, it is better to stack the blanks on top of each other without packaging (UV layer up) and cover with an awning.

To clean the walls of the greenhouse, non-aggressive agents are used. The best option for washing is soapy water and damp cloths. After cleaning, the walls are wiped dry to maintain the best transparency.

A competent choice and work with polycarbonate is the key to a long service life of the greenhouse, a good harvest without harm to plants.

The introduction of new technologies makes it possible to create new materials, which have no analogues in the construction market yet. These include polycarbonate - a polymer plastic with a lot of positive properties: high aesthetic performance, strength, practicality, low weight and flexibility, thanks to which it is possible to create such structures that are quite problematic to make from other materials. Moreover, polycarbonate sheets are only slightly inferior to glass in terms of transparency, but they are hundreds of times stronger than glass. But before engaging in the manufacture of polymer plastic structures, you need to know how to choose polycarbonate so that it is the best for solving a specific problem in the construction industry.

Types of polycarbonate

honeycomb panels

The most popular is cellular polycarbonate material, which is better known as cellular. Structures made of it look like airy, almost weightless structures, which is what they really are. Honeycomb polycarbonate material is popular in:

  1. The sphere of advertising - for the manufacture of three-dimensional letters, canopy structures, boxes, tabloids.
  2. Agriculture - for the construction of agro-industrial facilities, glazing of greenhouse and greenhouse structures.
  3. Industrial construction - for the manufacture of body parts of equipment of various types.
  4. Urban construction - today no one is surprised by stops, arched structures, telephone booths and other structures made of this material.
  5. Interior design - to create suspended ceilings, partition structures and other elements.

Monolithic polycarbonate

This type is transparent solid slabs, which are much more expensive than a cellular counterpart, therefore they are used to create structures less often. But the monolithic look of polycarbonate sheets is characterized by higher strength. For example, sheets 12 mm thick can even withstand a pistol shot.

The material is used in:

  • the financial sector;
  • construction of stadiums, gyms, swimming pools;
  • production of fences, industrial greenhouse complexes;
  • production of signboards, pavement signs and other elements of outdoor advertising.

Monolithic or cellular?

It is impossible to determine immediately which polycarbonate is better and which one to buy. First you need to know how thick the material is, and for what purposes this or that type is best suited. In addition, when buying, you need to take into account considerations of style and design, the financial capabilities of the buyer. So, if the cost does not matter, but it is extremely important that the visor, the hinged structure, the gazebo have an exquisite and stylish look - it is better to purchase a monolithic version. But if it is planned to build a practical functional structure and invest less money at the same time, it is better to choose a cellular analogue.

Key Benefits

Before making a choice and deciding which polycarbonate is better - cast or cellular, you need to know their main advantages. For cellular material, they are:

  1. Excellent insulating characteristics.
  2. Resistant to the vagaries of the weather. This is possible thanks to a special layer that protects the panels from yellowing and wear.
  3. The voids inside the sheets endow the material with excellent soundproofing and heat-preserving properties.
  4. Fire resistance, at high temperatures, polycarbonate sheets melt, but do not spread the flame.
  5. Long operating periods. Manufacturers give a guarantee for 10 years, but as practice has shown, the first structures made of it, built over 15-20 years ago, still retain their properties and appearance. And this is possible only when the consumer knows not only how to choose polycarbonate, but also knows how to choose the right material for the manufacture of a particular design.

Criterias of choice

The main factor when buying polymer plastic is, of course, quality, so the question - how to choose high-quality polycarbonate - worries every consumer. Today, not everyone knows that for the production of polycarbonate material, not only primary raw materials are used, which are usually of higher quality. Recycled plastic containers can also be used for this. As a result, it is undesirable to use the second version of the material for the construction of structures intended for outdoor use in the open.

If you are going to buy polycarbonate, you need to pay attention to its price. It should not be too low, since good material cannot be very cheap. The manufacturer's certificate and warranty certificate also serve as confirmation of the quality of the material.

What else needs to be considered in order to know how to choose a good polycarbonate? In the store, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • plastic weight: one sq.m. honeycomb material with a thickness of 10 mm should have a mass of approximately 1,700 gr., 0.8 cm thick - 1.5 kg, six-millimeter - 1.3 kg, and 4 mm - 800 gr. If this figure is lower, it is undesirable to make a purchase;
  • look through the sheet to the light, it should not have any inclusions. Transparency, deep and even color - signs of high quality products;
  • if the canvases crack or break when bent, this is also a sign of poor-quality material, since it is plasticity that is a property of an excellent quality material.

Determination of the desired thickness of the sheets

This parameter is extremely important when buying polycarbonate. Manufacturers produce material whose thickness can be from 25 mm to 4. To decide which polycarbonate is best for a particular structure, you also need to know what sizes are and how to choose the right thickness - the area of ​​​​application, in particular, of cellular material depends on these indicators:

  • 4 mm - designed for the production of greenhouses, advertising structures, sheds;
  • 6 mm - is used more widely - greenhouses, stained-glass windows, canopies and other structures that are not subject to heavy loads are made from it;
  • 8 mm - used in the construction of greenhouses, partitions, roofs, arbors;
  • 10 mm is more suitable for glazing and noise barriers;
  • 16 mm - this type is designed for heavy loads, therefore it is suitable for the manufacture of roofs over large spans of buildings and structures.

Knowing these numbers will help you choose the right material for the construction of a particular building. In addition, in order to choose the right polycarbonate, you need to pay attention to the choice of color. It is best to harmonize with the color of the main building on the site. But it is quite possible that an extension to the house - a visor, a veranda, a terrace, a winter garden of a contrasting color - became just the highlight that completely transformed the appearance of the structure.

Which polycarbonate is better to choose

To choose polycarbonate, you first need to know how thick the material is, and ... Cellular polycarbonate looks like airy, almost weightless structures ...

Polycarbonate for greenhouses - which is better

Today, the range of polycarbonate is quite wide. In addition to the fact that it is produced in a cellular and monolithic variety, transparent, translucent, colored types are distinguished. Each of them has found its scope as elements of entrance groups, visors, ceilings and other light-transmitting structures. But most often, consumers use polycarbonate for greenhouses. Its cellular structure perfectly retains heat inside, but does not prevent sunlight from entering.

Greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate

In order to understand that how to choose polycarbonate for greenhouses, which one is better, it is worth studying its properties and characteristics. More details in our article.

Cellular or monolithic - which is better

The main task of polycarbonate for a greenhouse is to retain heat, sufficient insolation and reduce the load on the supporting structure. Monolithic polycarbonate does not meet such requirements, since its full-bodied structure simply does not let in sunlight. At the same time, the material itself is inferior in weight to glass by only 10%, which is also not the best solution for building a greenhouse.

Unlike monolithic, cellular (cellular) polycarbonate is much more suitable for maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity conditions indoors. Honeycomb material has a very low specific gravity - it is 17 times lighter than glass of similar strength and several times stronger than it.

Cell PC Sheet

The structure resembles a honeycomb, due to which the name was given - honeycomb. The stiffening ribs connecting the 2 layers create an air cushion acting as a buffer between the coolness of the street and the warmth of the greenhouse. Moreover, such a structure provides excellent thermal insulation, which is no less important than the abundance of light.

When choosing which polycarbonate is better for a greenhouse - monolithic or cellular, preference should be given to the latter. Such a material has a low specific gravity, but a high coefficient of thermal insulation.

Primary requirements

From the entire list of technical characteristics that the manufacturer offers, attention should be paid to the following:

  • mechanical strength of each sheet;
  • stability at temperature peaks (linear expansion);
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • light transmission coefficient (k);
  • UV protection factor.

Given that all sheets have a certain linear expansion, a gap of 2-3 mm should be left during installation so that over time the sheets do not deform or crack when the temperature changes.

It also matters how much polycarbonate for greenhouses costs - the price in this case depends on the characteristics of the material and the manufacturer. Do not choose too cheap or expensive sheets. In the first case, the risk of breakage is high, since the reduction in the cost of production affects the quality of the product. In the second, the construction of a greenhouse will become unprofitable in principle.

What thickness polycarbonate sheets are suitable for greenhouses

Comparing the price of sheets, it becomes clear that the thinnest ones are the cheapest, the thick ones are expensive. But this is only at first glance. In fact, there will be no savings if sheets are too thin. The fact is that when choosing a thin sheet, it is necessary to increase the strength of the entire structure due to a larger number of beams and crossbeams. With a small step (so that the polycarbonate can withstand snow and wind loads), the material consumption for the frame increases, respectively, the cost of the greenhouse increases.

Visual representation of the thickness of the sheets of material

The choice of a sheet with a thickness of 10-16 mm will also increase the cost of the building. An increase in specific gravity requires a stronger base and a rigid frame. Accordingly, it will be necessary to use either pipes of an increased diameter or also to reduce the step size.

An 8 mm thick polycarbonate sheet will become optimal for central Russia. While maintaining all the technical properties and parameters, it does not give too much load on the frame and perfectly withstands wind and snow loads.

If it is not possible to choose a greenhouse with a removable roof, you need to choose its shape correctly. In regions with significant rainfall, the shape should be arched or teardrop-shaped, due to which snow will not accumulate.

There are 2 categories of material on the market:

In general, transparent sheets fully meet these requirements - more than 80% light transmission. But in the southern regions this becomes a problem, for which it is necessary to obscure the structure in every possible way. Someone uses camouflage nets for this, someone covers it with lime or chalk.

Colored sheets have a lower light transmission coefficient, which causes certain difficulties in growing crops.

An example of holding and passing rays

Any color of polycarbonate differentiates the natural spectrum of sunlight, so it is not recommended to use green, blue and especially red sheets for greenhouses.

UV Protection

And although the question of the presence of such a protection factor is quite controversial, since it significantly increases the cost of the sheets, it is still necessary. The fact is that the greenhouse is designed for at least 10-15 years of operation. During this time, certain destructive processes occur, primarily caused by the sun's rays.

An example of UV exposure

In the first 2-3 years, microcracks appear on the polycarbonate, later, with a change in temperature, they begin to expand, which increases the fragility of the sheet. Already by the 10th year of operation, the sheet can burst even with a simple touch, not to mention a more serious load in the form of snow or wind.

To ensure the safety of the greenhouse during its entire service life, it is recommended to choose sheets with UV protection.

For this purpose, a thin film is applied to the already finished polycarbonate sheet, which cannot be separated or torn off. When installing the greenhouse, the side with the film is turned outward - for this, the manufacturer makes a special marking.

It does not make sense in greenhouses to use sheets with UV protection applied on both sides. This increases the cost by 10-12%, but does not technically make sense.

Which polycarbonate is better for a greenhouse

In order to understand that how to choose polycarbonate for greenhouses, which one is better, it is worth studying its properties and characteristics. More details in our article.

How to choose polycarbonate - which is better?

Wood, metal and metal tiles, various types of fabrics are widely used as a covering for awnings, canopies, greenhouses and other outdoor structures. But polycarbonate roofing has gained particular popularity.

Today, any hardware store can offer you a huge range of polymer plastic: any color, flat or embossed, of various thicknesses and structures. To choose the best option, you need to familiarize yourself with the market offer and, according to the main criteria, understand which polycarbonate is better.

First of all, you need to know what polycarbonate is:

Cellular polycarbonate

It is a hollow translucent material with internal bridges. That is, a sheet of cellular polycarbonate in cross section is 2 or more thin layers interconnected by jumpers that give rigidity to the structure.

Due to its structure, the specific gravity of the material is very low. For example, glass of the same size and thickness will weigh 16 times more. Therefore, when constructing canopies made of polycarbonate, there is no need to install heavy supports, installation work is facilitated.

Unlike glass, plastic is quite flexible, which makes it possible to create structures of complex shapes without the use of expensive equipment. At the same time, the strength is much higher, which makes it possible for polycarbonate structures to better withstand loads: the effects of precipitation and gusts of wind.

The performance of plastic does not depend on the ambient temperature. Those temperatures at which polycarbonate can melt or become too brittle are not found in the natural environment.

The advantages also include its good heat and sound insulating qualities, the ability to transmit up to 86% of sunlight, perfectly protecting against ultraviolet radiation.

Monolithic polycarbonate

It differs from cellular in that it does not have internal voids. As you can see in the photo, outwardly, monolithic polycarbonate is very similar to glass. It is also transparent, but much lighter and stronger. Another advantage over glass is its flexibility and safety - when broken, it does not break into small sharp fragments.

Monolithic polycarbonate has all the basic qualities of a cellular one, but it is much more transparent, its weight is somewhat higher and it costs more.

Both types can have both a smooth and a wavy surface, the so-called profiled polycarbonate.

Monolithic or cellular polycarbonate - which one is better to choose

When deciding which polycarbonate to choose for construction, cellular or monolithic, first of all, considerations of design and style are important. If the price is not too important for you, and you want the canopy or visor to look stylish and elegant, then you can use monolithic polycarbonate. But if you need a practical, functional design at an affordable price, then it is better to stay on honeycomb panels. They are easy to install and look great, especially if you choose a profiled structure.

Quality polycarbonate - selection criteria

The determining criterion when choosing polycarbonate is its quality. Not everyone knows that polymer plastic can be made not only from primary, high-quality raw materials, but also from recycled plastic containers. In the latter case, it cannot be used for glazing structures (greenhouses, canopies, verandas) that will be in the open air, since it does not include components that protect from the sun's rays.

When choosing polycarbonate, you need to pay special attention to the price. Remember that a good product cannot be too cheap. The presence of a certificate and manufacturer's guarantees can also serve as an indicator of product quality.

To choose high-quality polycarbonate right in the store:

  1. look at it in the light. The material must be transparent and not contain any foreign inclusions. The color should be even and deep;
  2. touch it: it should be solid, when bent, it should not make crackling sounds and, moreover, break. Plasticity is a sign of high quality;
  3. find out the weight of the plastic. With a thickness of 1 cm, a square meter of cellular polycarbonate should weigh about 1.7 kg. If the weight is less - do not take this product.

Thickness of polycarbonate - cellular and monolithic

Another important issue is the choice of polycarbonate thickness. The industry produces sheets with a thickness of 4 to 25 mm. It is not recommended to choose 4 mm honeycomb panels, as they deform very quickly. This type of polycarbonate is mainly used for greenhouses.

For sheds and other street structures, sheets with a thickness of 8 mm or more are used. The purpose directly depends on the parameters of the product and the dimensions of the crate.

The thickness of cellular polycarbonate affects such parameters as:

  • minimum bending radius of the sheet;
  • panel structure;
  • the distance between the supports and the frequency of the crate;
  • main technical indicators (weight, light transmission, impact resistance, etc.);

Colored polycarbonate - transparent and matte

The color of the panels is very important. For roofs and awnings it is not recommended to use transparent polycarbonate, as it does not provide sufficient protection from sunlight. It is better to opt for color panels with a matte finish, which let in up to 65% of sunlight and create a pleasant shade.

The most popular are milky and bronze color. In any case, when choosing a colored polycarbonate, it must be remembered that the light passing through the sheet will take on the appropriate shade and color everything that is under the canopy. So, if you like to read outdoors, take a colorless transparent polycarbonate, and if you need a corner in the shade - matte.

The choice of polycarbonate color for home gardens or greenhouses has its own nuances. Naturally, the glazing must be absolutely transparent so that the plants receive enough light. If you want to use colored plastic, please, but try not to choose very dark colors.

There is a common myth that a polymer roof does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, which is vital for plants. That's right: polycarbonate does not transmit hard infrared and ultraviolet radiation, but at the same time transmits the entire spectrum necessary for the full development and flowering of plants.

Let's summarize. Now you know how to choose polycarbonate - determine the quality, choose the color and thickness.

Which polycarbonate is better - how to choose the thickness and color of the sheet

Which polycarbonate is better, how to choose a quality material. Transparent or colored polycarbonate, cellular or monolithic. The thickness of a quality sheet.

Polycarbonate for greenhouses: which is better, dimensions, thickness, density

New coating material of all types of greenhouses and greenhouses has confidently replaced traditional glass and film. Most consumers have not had a question for a long time: what is better polycarbonate or a film for a greenhouse? Rather, what kind of polycarbonate is needed for the greenhouse?

Manufacturers have taken care of the variety of types of this plastic, which differ significantly in many ways.

Our task is choose the best option so that the price does not hit the budget too much, and the building lasts without repair as long as possible.

Short story

Polycarbonate- plastic based on polymer raw materials. Interestingly, the substance itself was obtained in 1953, almost simultaneously in the German company BAYER and the American General Electric.

Industrial production of raw materials dates back to the end of the sixties of the twentieth century. But sheet cellular polycarbonate was first made in Israel, two decades later.

The material had unique qualities:

  • Transparency;
  • Strength;
  • Flexibility;
  • High thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Ease;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes;
  • Security;
  • Chemical resistance;
  • Environmental friendliness.

The remarkable combination of the technical characteristics of this polymeric material has become the reason for its popularity. Its scope is extensive, and in the private sector it has become a favorite material for covering greenhouses.

Types of plastic for greenhouses

Before answering the main question: polycarbonate greenhouses how to choose polycarbonate, let's deal with the types of this modern material on the market.

The structure is distinguished monolithic And cellular(cellular) polycarbonate. Monolithic, as the name implies, are solid sheets of various thicknesses and sizes. With the help of hot forming, they are able to take any shape, which is very convenient for the construction of complex structures.

Strength of monolithic materials above than cellular ones. They can be used for floors without additional frames. Available in various colors, as well as in the form of transparent colorless sheets. Monolithic plastic for greenhouses can be used, but it is quite expensive.

The air layer that fills the cell space increases the heat-shielding properties, which is of great importance for greenhouse-greenhouse structures.

Special mention must be made of lightweight polycarbonate grades. It is manufactured with thinner outer and inner partitions, which allows saving raw materials and reducing its cost, but the performance characteristics do not benefit from this.

The only plus is affordable price. It is used for temporary greenhouses, as a worthy replacement for film coating.

The market presents products of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

From Russian brands generally recognized leaders are "ROYALPLAST", "Sellex" and "Karat", producing high-quality quality material. Companies such as Polynex and Novattro have proven themselves well.

Polycarbonate grades Ekoplast and Kinplast specialize in the production of cheaper, lightweight modifications. A distinctive feature of the carbonates of Russian producers is that they are better adapted to our weather conditions.

The main competitor of our manufacturers is China, whose products are not distinguished by quality, but are affordable.

Cellular polycarbonate for greenhouses

What polycarbonate is used in our country most often? Why do many gardeners prefer it cellular polycarbonate building shelters for your plants? Let's name the main reasons:

  1. The cost is much lower than monolithic sheets.
  2. Thermal insulation is the best.
  3. Light weight with high strength.
  4. The upper plane of the sheet always has a special coating for UV protection.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted poor resistance to abrasive influences and cyclic expansion - compression of the material when changing temperatures.

The choice of a cellular polymer from the variety of its types is a crucial moment, on which both the functionality and service life of the finished structure and the cost of construction will depend.

With a free budget, it is not worth saving, it is better to purchase plastic from leading manufacturers of premium brands. But what thickness do you need polycarbonate for a greenhouse? The answer is simple:

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all factors - building size, appointment(spring or winter version), the number of consumables and possible loads on the roof and walls. All this will help to avoid unnecessary costs.

Standard sheet dimensions (2.1 x 6 or 2.1 x 12 meters) are the same for any thickness. The consumption of the necessary material should be considered, taking into account the rationality of cutting.

A budget option greenhouses using thin polycarbonate sheets will indeed be such only with small structures.

With large dimensions, in order to increase the parameters of possible bearing loads, the frame will require a smaller step of the crate.

As a result, an increase in the cost of consumables, and such a greenhouse will last for a very short time.

The everyday reality is that a fairly large segment of the population has very modest incomes. That is why many people deliberately choose the cheapest material for the greenhouse, in the hope that in the near future financial matters will improve, and it will be possible to replace the greenhouse with a better one.

This approach has the right to exist, especially when the calculation is for the cultivation of vegetables, herbs, flowers or berries for sale. After all, if things go well, then part of the income received can be used to build a more solid option.

In case you want to build reliable greenhouse for your own needs, it is necessary to carve out a fairly large amount from the budget - the absence of the need for annual repairs will more than pay off the invested funds.

Sheet thickness standards

The thickness of polycarbonate offered by manufacturers is 16, 10, 8, 6, 4 mm and lightweight series with a thickness of 3 to 3.5 mm. By special order, sheets of 20 and 32 mm are produced, which is used for especially durable structures. For the manufacture of greenhouses, sheets with a thickness of 4-8 mm are most often used.

The 10mm sheet is well suited for glazing vertical walls of sports facilities, swimming pools, etc. The 16 mm thick sheet is suitable for roofing large areas.

For greenhouses sheet thickness choose depending on the destination. The minimum allowable, at which it can serve at least a few years, is 4 mm. The climate in Russia is not at all mild, so it is preferable to use thicker sheets.

bending radius sheet directly depends on its thickness. The table below: polycarbonate sheets for greenhouse dimensions. When developing a preliminary project, these data will help to correctly calculate the required amount of material and choose the best option. In addition, the actual density of polycarbonate should be clarified with the seller or supplier.

Service life of cellular polycarbonate

Companies specializing in the production of polycarbonate premium brands, claim a product life of up to 20 years. Mostly these are products of European brands. Of the Russian brands in this segment, it is worth noting the ROYALPLAST brand.

Average lifespan of polycarbonate produced in Russia is 10 years old. The Chinese counterpart, which is quite a lot on our market, is often made from recycled materials, which negatively affects the quality. 5-7 years of service of such polycarbonate will be the limit.

In the photo: a greenhouse made of monolithic polycarbonate, polycarbonate sheets for a greenhouse - properties

Whichever polycarbonate option you choose, you should always pay attention to quality. The more famous the manufacturer, the more it values ​​its reputation, which means it produces better products. Quality products have:

  1. Manufacturer's marking. Usually it is located on the front side, and contains information about the thickness, sheet dimensions, manufacturer, grade of material and release date. The UV protective layer is always located on the front side and must be on the outside when installed. On lightweight stamps, they put the designation “Light”, or do not indicate the thickness of the sheet at all. (3-4mm).
  2. Good appearance. The surface is smooth and even, without scratches and breaks. The sheets are covered with a thin film on both sides, the company logo is applied on the front side of the film. The material should not contain cloudy opaque areas, bubbles and other inclusions.

An important indicator packing condition. It must be clean and undamaged. In the warehouse, the sheets lie in a horizontal position and their surface should not have any bends and waves - if there is such, then the material is of poor quality.

Purely visually it is not always possible even for an experienced craftsman to distinguish high-quality polycarbonate from cheap fakes. Please read the product documentation before purchasing.

Sometimes unscrupulous "leftist" firms, hoping for ignorance or excessive gullibility of buyers, supply low-quality goods for sale and indicate logos on the packaging even of brands that are not supplied to Russia.

Largely build quality will depend on the correct installation and the choice of consumables for the crate. Holes for fasteners should be slightly larger than the diameter of the self-tapping screw or bolt to prevent cracking of the panels from thermal expansion and contraction. A rubber washer must be placed under the fastener head.

The panels themselves mount on a special H-shaped profile. All open edges of the material are closed with a special vapor permeable profile- this will prevent moisture and foreign particles from entering the sheet. The bottom edge of the sheet should be left open, the resulting condensate will drain through it.

Subject to all installation rules and a good choice, the coating for the greenhouse will serve for a long time and reliably. We hope that our information turned out to be useful to you and now you know exactly which polycarbonate for greenhouses is better.

How to choose polycarbonate for greenhouses: which is better, material, coating, thickness, density, types of polycarbonate, properties

The article talks about the types of polycarbonate for greenhouses, compares which polycarbonate for greenhouses is better. You will also learn how to choose plastic, what thickness and density to prefer.

Polycarbonate greenhouses have long established themselves as the most durable, comfortable and functional. It is not surprising that the demand for them only increases every year. And people not only buy ready-made greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate, but also build them on their own.

However, inexperienced craftsmen always face the problem of how thick polycarbonate is best used for a greenhouse. These are the questions we will answer today.

To understand the basic properties of polycarbonate, you should get to know this material better. So, it was discovered back in the 19th century, but then it was considered a side effect of certain chemical reactions. They created it again and began to use it only in the middle of the 20th century.

Polycarbonate is a colorless plastic, a thermoplastic polymer, very durable, lightweight, not afraid of temperature changes, optically transparent. Also, one of its main properties is durability. From an environmental point of view, this material is also very good - used polycarbonate is perfectly processed into a new material.

On a note! Such properties are given to polycarbonate by the special structure of its molecules. And the layers themselves, which we are used to seeing in greenhouses, are created from special granules. The range of application of polycarbonate is very wide: with its help, the facade is finished, roofs, barriers, etc. are made from it.

Polycarbonate is monolithic and cellular. The first is a dense sheet that does not have internal voids, and the second is a familiar material that has a certain internal structure - honeycombs created thanks to the jumpers located between the two layers of material.

Types of polycarbonate - cellular and monolithic

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Of course, cellular polycarbonate is much lighter than monolithic, but it can also be different in weight. It often depends on the weight and - the heavier it is, the stronger and more enduring, which means it better resists the effects of winds and snow pressure. Its mass increases due to the thickness of two sheets fastened with jumpers.

On a note! High-quality polycarbonate will not only be heavier, but also more durable. It lasts 2-3 times longer than economy class material.

However, it cannot be said that a certain thickness is used for the construction of greenhouses. Selection criteria often depend on the climatic conditions of a particular region. In addition, each type of material has its pros and cons.

Criteria influencing the choice of polycarbonate.

  1. Region of residence. This is one of the most important criteria, since the need to choose a denser or, conversely, thinner material will also depend on the wind and snow load.
  2. Material for the frame of the greenhouse. It is desirable to install a denser and heavier polycarbonate on a metal frame, while a lighter one can also be placed on a wooden one.
  3. Seasonality of building operation. The less the greenhouse is used, the less durable polycarbonate is needed. For example, for structures that are operated only in spring or autumn, there is no need to buy thick material.
  4. The shape of the roof also affects the correct choice of material. For example, if snow can roll off it in winter on its own, then the material can be taken thinner.

Table. The main types of polycarbonate used for the construction of greenhouses and differing in sheet thickness.

ThicknessAdvantages and disadvantages
Thickness 4mm
Polycarbonate with this thickness is most often used for the construction of greenhouses. The fact is that it bends very easily, thanks to this property, you can create arched structures from it with your own hands. It is also easy to process and has excellent transparency compared to thicker counterparts. Another plus is the low cost of the material, so it is available even to a summer resident with a low income.

One of its main drawbacks is the need to install a large number of stiffeners when mounting the frame, otherwise there is a high risk that the greenhouse will simply collapse in winter under the pressure of the snow cover. That is why, if you still decide to make a 4 mm thick polycarbonate greenhouse, you should regularly (after each heavy snowfall) remove snow from it. And from the cold and frost, such material does not protect well enough. In general, this polycarbonate is quite suitable for creating a small country greenhouse.

Thickness 8-10mmThis type of polycarbonate is already considered more professional and is suitable not only for amateur summer residents, but also for those who live off the income from the garden and consider this not just a hobby. Such material retains heat much better than the previous one - in a greenhouse created from it, you can work even in winter under certain conditions. Its light transmission is quite good, although lower than that of thinner coatings. And when mounting the frame, you will need fewer ribs, and structures from it can be made much larger than from 4 mm material. By the way, the average life of such polycarbonate is about 10 years. But the price of this species is already higher, and not everyone can afford to buy it.
Thickness 15mmPolycarbonate, which has the highest strength among those described. It is frost-resistant, not afraid of high pressure created by snow. It keeps heat well, and therefore is often used to create winter gardens. But the price of such polycarbonate is much higher than that of the first option.

Based on this, we can conclude that polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 mm can be considered optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. It is from it that you can create a fairly strong, warm and durable greenhouse in an ordinary garden plot.

Prices for monolithic polycarbonate

monolithic polycarbonate

Color and honeycombs matter

When choosing cellular polycarbonate, you should also pay attention to its structure - it also has a significant impact on its strength, light transmission and quality in general.

On a note! In fact, the honeycomb present in the structure of the material is very important. The fact is that they create an air gap, which allows the greenhouse to retain heat much better.

There are three types of honeycombs.

  1. Rectangular. The type of polycarbonate with such honeycombs is most often used. This polycarbonate has low strength, but at the same time it transmits light well and is perfect for creating small greenhouses.

  • Square. Polycarbonate with this type of honeycomb is stronger than the previous type. Usually used for fairly large structures.
  • Hexagonal. A material that has a honeycomb of this shape is the strongest, is not afraid of winds and snowfalls. But it transmits light much worse. Usually used in roof construction, rarely used as a coating for greenhouses.
  • In order not to spend extra money, it is worthwhile to clearly weigh all the requirements for the future construction. It makes no sense to install a polycarbonate greenhouse with hexagonal honeycombs in a warm and calm region - these will be unjustified costs. Yes, and such material transmits light worse, which means that it is not suitable for plants, especially light-loving ones, so you will have to spend money on additional lighting.

    The color of cellular polycarbonate is also of great importance. In pursuit of fashion, manufacturers now offer material of almost any color - not only yellow, green, red, but even black. But when choosing polycarbonate by color, you should, first of all, think not about the design, but about the plants that will live in the greenhouse. It is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the indicator of the light transmission of each type, and the lighting should be as close as possible to the natural level - only in this case, the representatives of the flora in the greenhouse will be comfortable.

    Attention! The light transmission of polycarbonate for plants must be at least 80%.

    Not all color sheets meet this requirement. For example, blue polycarbonate absorbs 40% of solar radiation, and bronze - all 60%. It is also worth remembering that colored polycarbonate often passes only a certain part of the spectrum, and there are no guarantees that it will only block the type of radiation that is dangerous for plants.

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the optimal polycarbonate should be transparent and with square honeycombs. This will be the optimal solution in combination with a material thickness of 8 mm.

    Do you need UV protection?

    When choosing polycarbonate, it is important to think about whether it will be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

    On a note! By the way, a material that has a coating against this part of the spectrum lasts much longer than polycarbonate that does not have such protection.

    With constant exposure to UV radiation, microcracks gradually form on the plastic - the so-called photoelectric destruction begins. Gradually, these cracks increase in size, grow together and thereby destroy the polycarbonate sheet.

    To prevent this destruction and increase the life of the material, polycarbonate is covered with a special layer that protects against UV rays. A coating is applied on one side, on which there will be a mark indicating that the material is not afraid of this type of exposure. It is with this mark that the sheet is mounted outward during installation work to cover the greenhouse.

    Attention! Polycarbonate without a protective coating begins to break down in the first year of operation. That is why it is unsuitable for greenhouses in principle.

    By the way, on some types of polycarbonate, such a coating can be on both sides. But for greenhouses, this will be a waste of money.

    Choosing polycarbonate

    How to choose the right polycarbonate for the greenhouse, which will meet all the necessary requirements and become optimal? Everything is very simple.

    Step 2 Consider the shape and dimensions of the structure that you want to build in your summer cottage. Remember that for arched greenhouses or structures with steep roof slopes, polycarbonate can be taken thinner.

    Step 4 Consider what crops you will be growing in the greenhouse. Some need a lot of light and heat, others need a little light. The choice of polycarbonate will also depend on this, both in terms of thickness and in terms of the ability to retain heat.

    Step 5 When you go to the store, be prepared to take some measurements yourself. Careless sellers can slip you thinner material than what you need. Take a ruler with you.

    Step 6 Carefully inspect the sheet you have chosen: it must be intact, have a protective film, the stiffeners must be even (not bent or broken).

    Step 7 Ask the seller for product certificates. Each polycarbonate must have accompanying documents confirming its quality.

    Step 8 Check if there is a mark on the protective film that the sheet has UV protection.

    On a note! Buying polycarbonate without this protection does not make sense - it will be a waste of money, since a greenhouse made of it will not last long.

    If you are afraid to make a mistake with the choice of polycarbonate, then contact the specialists who will accurately calculate the required density and thickness of the material in accordance with the stated requirements. True, their services are not cheap.

    Video - Choosing polycarbonate

    Polycarbonate manufacturers

    Now on the market, the buyer is offered a large assortment of polycarbonate from various manufacturers.

    Table. Characteristics of cellular polycarbonate 4 mm thick from various manufacturers.

    brand nameDescriptionLight transmission, %Specific weight, kg/m2

    It is one of the largest polycarbonate producers in Russia. The products are in steady demand, as they have long established themselves as one of the best. The greenhouse from this polycarbonate serves more than 12 years.84-87 0,75

    Polycarbonate has excellent characteristics. The average service life is 8 years.81 0,8

    Produces polycarbonate with the same name. This is a Russian-Israeli company. Their polycarbonate is durable, inexpensive, and lasts a very long time. With proper operation, the greenhouse retains its properties for about 10 years.82 0,65

    Chinese brand, produces one of the cheapest cellular polycarbonate. Therefore, it is also popular with consumers. Serves 3-4 years.86 0,79

    Creating a durable reliable greenhouse involves the use of high quality materials. An important role in the design is played not only by the frame, but also by the coating, in this case polycarbonate. A reliable manufacturer can provide a guarantee of quality and long-term operation.

    Many gardeners are thinking about building a polycarbonate greenhouse on the site. But on sale there are polycarbonate sheets of different thicknesses, sizes, with different cell shapes, there is a cellular and monolithic material. How to choose polycarbonate for a greenhouse or a finished greenhouse from it?

    Pros and cons of polycarbonate

    Polycarbonate has become a popular material for greenhouses along with glass and film.

    • It transmits light well.
    • Has low thermal conductivity.
    • Durable.
    • Not afraid of low temperatures.
    • Does not conduct electricity.
    • Has a small weight.
    • plastic and thermoplastic.
    • It can be recycled.

    Such advantages make polycarbonate a suitable material for greenhouses for various purposes. Of course, there is no material without drawbacks: it is easily damaged if cleaned with abrasive or caustic agents, expands significantly when heated, due to which the structure can be deformed, and is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. The last drawback is eliminated by applying a protective film.

    Monolithic or honeycomb

    Polycarbonate is divided into monolithic and cellular. Which polycarbonate is best for greenhouses? Cellular is most often used for this purpose. It consists of two or more sheets interconnected by numerous ribs. It has a honeycomb structure, which makes it strong and flexible, in addition, reduces thermal conductivity. Such material scatters light to some extent. This can be useful if plants need to be protected from scorching.

    Polycarbonate transmits light better than glass (up to 88%), sometimes it has a film that protects against ultraviolet radiation. Also, this material is less fragile than glass, if it breaks, it does not form dangerous fragments, is light in weight, and resists fire well.
