Why is it impossible for a man to go to Mars? The main problems of flying to Mars (11 photos)

An expedition to Mars has captured the attention of mankind more than once, ever since the space race in the 1960s. Now it is no longer fantasy, but a matter of time and resources. In 2020, the missions of several organizations will start, which continue to prepare for the development of a new planet and bring closer the implementation of the main goal - the colonization of Mars.

NASA Mars 2020 Mission

The Mars 2020 rover mission is part of NASA's long-term program to study the Red Planet. The main goal of the project is a reconnaissance mission of the planet's surface, which will answer many fundamental questions. For example, whether there was life on Mars, whether traces of habitable conditions in the past remained on its surface, or signs of the existence of bacteria and other microorganisms.

In addition, the tasks of Mars-2020 include the collection of information and testing of technologies that will be used by the colonialists in the future. The program will test the production of oxygen from the local atmosphere, the search for minerals and resources (for example, groundwater), the settlement of planting processes, the determination of weather, dust concentrations, etc.

The Mars 2020 project is a rover that will be launched from Earth in July / August 2020 (as reported on the official website of the project). The rover will move on the surface in an unusual way: using built-in helicopter blades. Thus, he will, as it were, “jump”, rising up, spilling a certain distance and landing on the ground. However, the helicopter can only fly 3-4 times a day because the rover is equipped with a small solar array. This decision was made to keep the weight of the device to a minimum. Otherwise, he would not be able to fly in the conditions of local air density.

The expedition on the surface of the planet will last at least one Martian year (687 days). During this period, the necessary information will be collected, including soil samples, which are subsequently planned to be sent to Earth for further study in a specialized laboratory.


Another program to study the Red Planet is EXOMARS 2016-2020. It is developed and controlled by the European Space Agency and the Russian state organization Roscosmos. The program has two missions:

  1. Launch of the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) in 2016.
  2. Mars rover flight to Mars in 2020.

The ExoMars program is aimed at exploring the surface and demonstrating new technologies that will be used by the future expedition. Her tasks include:

  • reentry, descent and landing of payload;
  • mobility testing on the surface of Mars;
  • access to subsoil and obtaining samples.

Interesting: One of the priority goals of ExoMars is to participate in an international mission to return samples back to Earth.

The TGO orbiter was launched back in 2016. It has successfully arrived in Mars orbit and is already doing the required research. The tasks of TGO include the study of the constituents of the atmosphere: in particular, methane and other gases, water vapor. In addition, it will work as a relay satellite to communicate with the rover, which will be launched in 2020.

The rover has equipment for collecting soil and other samples of the planet. Its tasks include the study of exobiology and geochemistry. Roscosmos is providing the Proton launcher for both missions.


Elon Musk is planning a "human" expedition to Mars in 2024. At the moment, the construction of a spacecraft and a rocket is underway, which will take the ship to orbit. This task will be assigned to the Falcon 9 rocket. It is a two-stage launch vehicle that is designed for reusable use.

The ability to return the first stage back and reuse it has significantly reduced the cost of space flight. For example, launching a Falcon Heavy cost SpaceX about $90 million, while launching a similar rocket from ULA (a Boeing company) would cost at least $400 million. If scientists manage to return the second stage as well, then this will save even more money for the exploration of space.

In May 2018, Elon Musk presented the design of the Crew Dragon manned spacecraft, which will take people to Mars. At the beginning, it will undergo test flights, including the transportation of a payload to the ISS. And in the future, it will be tested by pilots who will also go to the ISS.

Inspiration Mars Foundation

The non-profit organization Inspiration Mars Foundation (foundation), founded by Dennis Tito in 2013, announced its intention to organize a flight to Mars in 2018. The company planned to take advantage of a special orbital period in January 2018, which allows it to reach the orbit of Mars with minimal fuel consumption. An additional window is planned for 2021 if the mission fails in 2018.

The proposal was based on a free return trajectory. The manned spacecraft was supposed to enter the orbit of Mars through the orbit of Venus and the Earth, and return back to Earth after 501 days. This campaign has been subjected to considerable criticism from state and independent organizations.

At the moment, there is no up-to-date information about the activities of the fund, since their official website is blocked.

Mars One

is a private project of the Dutch organization Mars One and Interplanetary Media Group, led by Bas Lansdorp. The program involves a one-way expedition to Mars. The company positions itself as a non-profit organization. However, it offers a way to generate income from the expedition in the form of filming and further selling documentaries about the preparation and implementation of the mission.

The implementation of the project involves a phased implementation. From 2020, the first landing module will be launched to the surface of the planet to collect information for the expedition. Until 2026, robotics will be used to build residential modules on Mars, transport equipment and other payloads. The flight of the first ship with people is scheduled for 2026. The next ships with people will be sent in 2028 and 2029. Until 2035, the organization expects to build a colony for 20 people.

However, the Mars One organization has been repeatedly criticized and accused of misconduct in order to obtain material gain. In the Russian documentary "Finding Mars", its leaders were bluntly called scammers.

Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars: video

Source: 2020-god.com

MOSCOW, 12 Oct— RIA Novosti, Irina Khaletskaya. About 200 thousand people agreed to participate in the Mars colonization project, which was proposed by the commercial company Mars One. As planned by the organizers, the landing of the first people on the Red Planet will occur no earlier than in 10 years. In the meantime, the participants are preparing for the flight physically and mentally. For five years, only one hundred colonists from all over the world have passed the selection, from Russia only four girls have reached the semi-finals. But the selection continues.

They are waiting for a one-way flight and a responsible mission. The RIA Novosti correspondent found out why the girls want to fly to Mars and how developed the Mars One project is.

Space is forever

One of the semi-finalists, Anastasia Stepanova, was born in Uzbekistan. Despite the fact that the space industry was not developed in the republic, the girl wanted to become an astronaut. She later entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, studying space journalism under Yuri Baturin.

“Together we wrote the book “I wish you a good flight,” these words were said by Academician Korolev to Yuri Gagarin before the start.”

Anastasia heard about the Mars One project in the news and decided: “Either now or never. I filled out a questionnaire, made a video message, passed a psychological test. I think many did not even understand where they sent their application, but no one forbade them to try themselves.”

© Photo: Mars Society Scientists disagree on which planet to explore is a priority. “There is no atmosphere on the Moon, and it cannot become autonomous. From the point of view of accessibility, the Moon looks more real, but as a frontier for expanding the habitat of mankind, the only real candidate accessible to modern technologies is Mars,” says Olga, head of the Mars-Tefo interactorium Cherkashin.

Another "Martian", Ekaterina Ilyinskaya, promised herself in her childhood that if she had the opportunity to fly into space, she would definitely use it: "This is an exciting adventure that I myself will never be able to organize." Ekaterina is a master of sports in bench press, a champion of the Moscow region in wingsuit piloting, loves extreme sports, enjoys long-distance road trips, mountain climbing, skydiving, plus rides a motorcycle.

Mars we go

The Mars One commercial project is led by the Dutchman Bas Lansdorp, who has eight associates on his team. The company selects future "Martians" and prepares them for flight, but does not build spaceships itself. This, according to Lansdorp, will be done by contractors that Mars One is willing to pay. According to the company's forecasts, the implementation of the plan will require about six billion dollars, and another four billion will cost each further launch of the ship.

Funds are raised in various ways, including through crowdfunding platforms or through private investors. The organizers of the mission plan to make a similar documentary film about the life of people on the Red Planet, which will be broadcast on TV.

The organizers of the project are going to use ready-made prototypes of other companies. First, Mars One will launch a drone in flight to search for a place to build a colony. Next, a landing module and a communications satellite will be sent from Earth to Mars. The design of the module is planned to be based on the Phoenix module used by NASA in 2007. The landing of the first colonists of Mars One was scheduled for 2025, but the dates were repeatedly shifted - now we are talking about 2031. First, four colonists will go to Mars, two more years later, four more, and so on (in total, the first settlement will consist of 24 aliens from Earth).

What to do there and how not to go crazy

The participants do not yet know what exactly they will do on the Red Planet: duties will be distributed after the final selection. Basically, they will have to expand the residential complex and understand the question "is there life on Mars?"

"Imagine: you are on a planet where there is no one else. You must have skills that will help you survive. You need to know engineering, be a mechanic, doctor, biologist, geologist. If something happens to one crew member, he must be replaced by another ", says Anastasia.

Anastasia began to prepare for such a harsh life in advance: she took rescue courses, received a second education in the specialty "Mechatronics and Robotics". She had to change her diet to get used to the "Martian" food: excluded sugar, fat, milk and cheese. The girl does yoga, swimming and running to maintain her tone. Nastya says she doesn't like to run, but she has to.

The second semi-finalist Ekaterina often participates in bench press competitions, so she knows how to properly prepare her body for serious loads.

"I have two educations - psychology and fitness. Both will come in handy on Mars. There you will need to keep yourself in shape, and I know how to do it more efficiently. I have knowledge in the field of biology, anatomy, if you still learn, from me a good doctor will come out," the future colonist is convinced.

Egoists have no place here

According to the calculations of astrophysicists, the flight from Earth to Mars will take about seven months. The space of the ship is small, no shower, only wet wipes, constant fan noise and a three-hour warm-up. There is no doubt that the "journey" will be difficult.

Last year, Anastasia applied for another project to study the Red Planet - Mars-160. It was conducted by the American non-profit organization Mars Society with the participation of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For three months, the girl and other participants were in complete isolation at a research station in the Utah desert and a month in the Arctic. They worked in space suits and saw only each other. So they wanted to prove that it is possible to live in conditions similar to those on Mars.

"In the desert, I was convinced that this is mine. It is very difficult to work in isolation with the same people. Therefore, egoism should not go beyond the permissible level. Already now there is a set of rules that can help people not go crazy. Yes, and psychologists from the Earth will work remotely with the crew," says Anastasia.

Never see loved ones

Not everyone in reality is ready to live the rest of the days in isolation without the opportunity to see their loved ones. Anastasia believes that it is too early to prepare loved ones: if she passes the final, then another 10 years of training await her.

"Many of the colonists had children during the five years of selection, but did not quit participating in Mars One. I have not made such plans yet, I have other tasks. But maybe the mission will change, and we will spend a few years there and return?" - the girl thinks.

Catherine, on the contrary, warned her relatives in advance. He says they were philosophical: "I'd rather fly to Mars than hitchhike somewhere in Colombia."

About escape and destiny

No one knows how the flight and stay on Mars will affect the human body. Perhaps the experience of the colonists will be useful in medicine and will make new discoveries. “Of course, there are risks here. We may not fly at all. But at least after us it will be safer to fly to Mars,” Anastasia added.

© Photo: Mars Society The influence of private companies on the space industry, according to the scientist, is an absolutely normal development of the space industry. “At first, these are only state projects, then commercial companies are included, and then it becomes available to anyone. We will live to see the time when private and student research satellites will surf the expanses of the solar system,” says Cherkashina.

People who sign up for the flight are sacrificing everything for the sake of space exploration, the "Martian" believes. This is not entertainment, and certainly not an escape from problems on Earth.

"We understand what we are getting into. Space is beautiful because you can never outgrow it. No matter how much we develop, we will still open up new horizons that we will have to explore. And even if Mars One does not take place, I believe that I take part in it not in vain."

Ekaterina also does not worry that everything can end fatally: “I have such thoughts every day when I leave the Moscow Ring Road. Crashing in a car accident is much more likely than dying on Mars. I’m used to this thought.”

Criticism of Mars One

The technical and financial feasibility of the project, as well as the ethics of the actions of its founders, have been repeatedly called into question by scientists.
Astrophysicist Professor Joseph Roche was one of the 100 finalists who was dropped from the program after being interviewed by Medium magazine. Roche stated that the organizers took money from the participants and the testing was carried out carelessly. Anastasia explains this simply: the specialists physically could not come to each participant or send him money for a ticket. So we talked through Skype. And as a contribution, she paid 300 rubles.

Of course, the exam was not as serious as in Roscosmos or NASA. I think that in the last stages we will have a rigorous selection of the best of the best, those who really understand why they fly to Mars," the participant believes.

Total flaws

Researchers have found several serious technical miscalculations in the Mars One project. So, according to Alexander Ilyin, a member of the expedition to the station in Utah, it is not clear what the colonists are going to eat, what sizes of the greenhouse are needed and where to get lighting for it:

"In the end, all Martians will be vegetarians or someone will send them canned food for billions of dollars?"

Ilyin remarks that it is not clear how the colonists will get water. We need energy, huge masses of soil, time and, again, a lot of money. "If the bulldozer is powered by solar panels, then where are the estimates of its mass? It does not look like a simple rover, which is drawn in the pictures. What about Martian dust? Will the colonists sweep it away from the batteries?" the scientist asks.

Also, representatives of Mars One do not explain how the colonists will land on the surface of Mars in a way that is safe for humans. Perhaps they do not have specific calculations.

“In general, technical problems can be solved if there are funds for this. Everything is possible, but not in the same way as the guys from Mars One. For them, this is not science fiction, but a fairy tale,” Ilyin is sure.

Anastasia and Ekaterina say that the organizers keep them informed of events and send letters with reports.

“It is difficult to start a project like this without capital. In 2013, no company had agreements to build equipment, now, as far as I know, two flight concepts have been provided. Mars One recently received six million dollars from an investment company, in November we they will announce the date of the last stage. Humanity has every chance to implement the project," Anastasia is sure.

Space has always attracted humanity, people have sought to conquer the starry peaks and find out what the heavenly abyss hides. There were first steps on the moon which heralded the great progress of the whole world. Each country strives to make a particularly significant discovery, which is sure to be saddened in history. However, the level of scientific achievements and modern technical equipment do not allow conquering distant and mysterious celestial bodies. How many times, in theory, expeditions to Mars have been carried out, the implementation of which in practice is currently very difficult. But scientists believe that in the next decade, a human foot will set foot on the red planet. And who knows what surprises await us there. The hope of existence excites many minds.

A manned expedition to Mars is bound to take place someday. And today even the approximate dates established by scientists are known.

Flight perspective

Today, an expedition to Mars is planned for 2017, but it is not known whether this will come true or not. This date is due to the fact that at this particular time it will be as close as possible to the orbit of Mars. The flight will take two or even two and a half years. The ship will have a mass of about 500 tons, just such a volume is required for the astronauts to feel at least comfortable.

The main creators of the Mission to Mars program are the USA and Russia. It was these powers that made significant discoveries in the field of the conquest of outer space. The development concept covers activities until 2040.

All stakeholders would like to send the first astronauts to a distant planet in 2017, but in reality these plans are difficult to implement. It is very difficult to create a single huge one, so it was decided to work in complexes. They will be delivered by booster rockets in parts to the orbit of the planet. At the same time, it is calculated to create a fully automated process in order to minimize the energy costs of astronauts. This will gradually create the necessary infrastructure in space.

A manned expedition has been planned for about half a century. "Mars" is a lost station of the USSR back in 1988, which for the first time transmitted to earth photographs of the surface of red soil and one of the. Since then, different countries have launched interplanetary stations to study Mars.

Problems with the Mars expedition

The expedition to Mars will take a long time. To date, humanity has the experience of a long stay in space. Valery Polyakov is a doctor who spent a year and six months in Earth's orbit. With correct calculations, this time may be enough to reach Mars. It is very likely that it may increase by another six months or so. The big problem is that immediately after landing on a foreign planet, astronauts will need to start reconnaissance work. They will not have the opportunity to adapt and get used to it.

Difficult flight conditions

Going to Mars requires completely new technologies. A number of important conditions must be met. Only in this case, the probability that the first expedition to Mars will still be successfully carried out increases to the maximum. It is necessary to take into account a number of factors when developing a project to conquer Martian space. One of the most basic is the life support of the crew. It will be implemented if a closed cycle is created. The necessary reserves of water and food are supplied into orbit with the support of special ships. In the case of Mars, spacecraft passengers will only need to rely on personal strength. Scientists create methods for regenerating water and obtaining oxygen using the electrolysis method.

Radiation is another important factor. This is a serious problem for humans. Various studies are able to provide answers to questions related to the influence of electromagnetic energy on the body as a whole. Such exposure is likely to lead to cataracts, changes in the genetic composition of cells and the rapid growth of cancer cells. The developed medicines cannot completely protect people from the harmful effects of radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to think over the creation of some kind of shelter.


Weightlessness is also an important issue. The absence of gravity leads to changes in the body. It is especially problematic to deal with the emerging illusion, which leads to the appearance of an incorrect perception of distance. There is also a serious hormonal restructuring, fraught with unpleasant consequences. The problem is that there is a strong loss of calcium. Bone tissue is destroyed and muscle atrophy is provoked. Doctors are very concerned about all these adverse effects of weightlessness. Usually, after returning to Earth, the space crew team is engaged in the active restoration of depleted mineral reserves in the body. It takes about a year or more. To reduce the adverse effects of the absence of gravity, special short-radius centrifuges have been developed. Experimental work with them is still being carried out today, since it is difficult for scientists to determine how long such a centrifuge should work to create favorable conditions for astronauts.

All this is difficult not only from a scientific and technical point of view, but also incredibly expensive.

medical problems

Medicine requires special attention. It is necessary to create such conditions that, if necessary, during the expedition to Mars, it would be possible to carry out a simple surgical operation. There is a high probability that an unknown virus or microbe lives on the red planet, which can destroy the entire crew in a matter of hours. Physicians of several specializations must be present on board. Very good therapists, psychologists and surgeons. It will be necessary to periodically take tests from the crew members, to monitor the condition of the whole organism. This moment requires the presence of the necessary medical equipment on board.

Failures in the sensation of day will lead to improper metabolism and the appearance of insomnia. This will need to be controlled as much as possible and eliminated by taking special drugs. Work will be carried out daily in very difficult and extreme technological conditions. A fleeting weakness will inevitably lead to serious mistakes.

Psychological stress

The psychological burden on the entire crew of the ship will be enormous. The possibility that for astronauts the flight to Mars may be the last expedition, will inevitably lead to the emergence of fears, depression, feelings of hopelessness and depressive states. And that is not all. Under negative psychological pressure during an expedition to Mars, people will inevitably begin to enter into conflict situations that can provoke irreparable consequences. Therefore, the selection for shuttles is always carried out very, very carefully. Future astronauts undergo a lot of psychological tests that reveal their strengths and weaknesses. It is important to create the illusion of a familiar world on the ship. For example, consider the change of the year, the presence of vegetation, and even the imitation of bird voices. This will make it easier to stay on an alien planet and mitigate stressful situations.

Crew selection

Question number one: "Who will fly to a distant planet?" The space community is sensibly aware that such a breakthrough should be made by an international crew. You cannot place all the responsibility on one country. In order to prevent the failure of the expedition to Mars, it is necessary to think through every technical and psychological moment. The crew should include true experts in many areas who will provide the necessary assistance in emergency situations and be able to easily adapt to the new environment.

Mars is the distant dream of many astronauts. But not everyone seeks to nominate their candidacy for this flight. Because such a journey is very dangerous, fraught with many mysteries and may be the last. Although there are desperate daredevils who yearn for their names to be included in the coveted lists of participants in the Expedition to Mars program. Volunteers are already applying. Even gloomy forecasts do not stop them. Scientists openly warn that for astronauts this is - quite possibly - the last expedition. Modern technologies will be able to deliver a spacecraft to Mars, but it is not known whether it will be possible to launch from the planet.


All scientists are unanimous in the opinion that women should be excluded from the first expedition. The arguments in favor of this are:

  • the female body is not well studied in the space zone, it is not known how its complex hormonal system will behave under conditions of prolonged weightlessness,
  • physically the lady is less hardy than the man,
  • numerous tests and scientific studies confirm that the psychology of a woman is by nature less adapted to extreme situations, they are more prone to depression in a state of hopelessness.

Why go to this planet at all?

All scientists unanimously declare that this planet is very similar to our Earth. It is believed that once the same rivers flowed on its surface and plants and trees grew. To establish the reasons why it broke off, it is necessary to carry out research activities. This is a complex study of soil and air. Mars rovers have already taken samples many times, and these data have been studied in detail. However, there is very little material, so it was not possible to draw up a general picture. It was only established that it is possible to live on the Red Planet under certain conditions.

It is believed that if there is a possibility of organizing a colony on Mars, then this should be used. Living on our plane is potentially risky. For example, when a huge meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere, the complete destruction of all life will occur. But with the development of Martian space, one can hope for the salvation of part of the human race.

In modern conditions, overpopulation of our planet will help overcome the demographic crisis.

Many political leaders are interested in what the depths of the Red Planet conceal. After all, natural resources are running out, which means that new sources would be very helpful.

In the future, Mars can be used as a testing ground for experiments (for example, atomic explosions), which are very dangerous for the Earth.

Similarities and differences between the blue and red planets

Mars is similar to Earth in many ways. For example, its day is only 40 minutes longer than Earth's. On Mars, the seasons also change, there is an atmosphere similar to ours, which protects the planet from cosmic and solar radiation. NASA research has confirmed that there is water on Mars. The Martian soil is similar in its parameters to the earth. There are places on Mars whose landscape and natural conditions are similar to those on Earth.

Naturally, there are much more differences between the planets, and they are incomparably more significant. A brief list of differences - 2 times less low air temperature, lack of solar energy, low atmospheric pressure and a weak magnetic field, high radiation levels - indicates that life on Mars, familiar to earthlings, is not yet possible.

The dream of a man flying to another planet, and in particular Mars, has always been in the minds of many, but now we have come to the possibility of realizing this dream. Mars attracted man as a planet on which life is possible and a planet on which people hoped to find brothers in mind. But today we know that there are no intelligent beings on Mars and that life there is often tested because the conditions of life on Mars are much different from the conditions of life on Earth that we have long been accustomed to. So, are people still capable of a favorable flight to Mars?

Will humans go to Mars?

The red planet is also interesting in that it is the most favorable in terms of colonization. But in order to colonize a planet, it is not enough just to land on it. It will take a huge amount of work so that we can accurately say that Mars is our second home. The surface of the planet Mars is not similar to the Earth, so mastering Mars will not be an easy task. How should Mars be populated? Here the views of scholars differ.

The former believe that in the modern world there is no need to risk people and high-tech robots can do the job of populating Mars. This makes sense from a scientific and economic point of view. The flight of a man to the red planet is long enough and is exposed to radiation, and therefore there is no point in sending a man. They also believe that it is necessary to land a group of robots, which will begin to take the first steps in the colonization of Mars. And the person in this program will be needed only in order to “leave a mark on the planet” and to carry out work that the robot cannot handle.

Other scientists have a completely opposite point of view. Robots are needed only at the initial stage of settling the planet, to install the necessary structures that will support human life, since there is no air, no atmosphere, no water, no magnetic field on Mars. After the robots do this work, it is necessary to send a group of astronauts who will begin the colonization of Mars. This means studying the soil and growing plants on the surface of Mars, to provide yourself with air, then you need to learn how to live with the Martian pressure and gravity of the planet. A person will have to go through a series of tests in order to succeed.

Human flight to Mars under the Mars One program

Who will fly to Mars for such a crazy mission? The flight to Mars is very important for us and the selection of people who can get into the first group of astronauts who will land on the planet is already beginning. This project is called "Mars One". On the official website of the project, it is reported that at the moment 165,000 people have applied for participation in this project. By the way, I will tell you the main condition of this flight - A person who flew to Mars under the Mars One program will NEVER be able to return to Earth again. By July 2015, 24 people will be selected from all candidates for the flight, who, in the future, will be preparing for this one-way flight for 7 years in groups of 4 people. The flight of people to Mars is scheduled for April 2024 and the exploration of Mars will begin. will also be intensively studied, but after a certain period of time, necessary in order to get used to this alien world for us.

Why fly to Mars?

This question is very pertinent. Is it worth spending so much money on it? There are many problems on Earth without this that require significant funds to solve them. The conquest of Mars will not give people on Earth any benefits and will not help in any way. But in terms of the development of our civilization, the study of outer space, and in particular, neighboring planets, also has its place in our world, so the flight of man to the planet Mars is important. So what are the challenges facing the first settlers?

The first and main task is to study our neighboring planet, let me remind you that a very long time ago Mars was indistinguishable from the Earth, there were rivers and reservoirs, atmosphere and air, but for some unknown reasons, Mars lost it all. And the task of this group of people is to study our neighboring planet in order to predict the development of the Earth and, if necessary, intervene in the development of our planet so as not to get the same deplorable results.

The flight of a man to Mars has a second reason - to have a spare house. We all live on the same planet and there are such natural and cosmic forces that we cannot control and that are destructive. For example, the fall of some large asteroid is unlikely, but it is still possible and this will mean the decline of our species and the end of life on the planet as a whole. Yes, people themselves are a danger to themselves. But if we have a colony on Mars, this will be a way out of this situation. Of course, we will have to start life “from scratch” and this process will take a very long time, but still this will not be the decline of our species and, over time, a person will be able to restore everything. We should not be skeptical about this, any global catastrophes can happen, and Mars will be our second home, this is another reason why this flight is necessary.

The third reason is prestige. There are many ways to raise the prestige of a country so that this country is respected. Just remember how the authority of the United States rose after the implementation of a number of Apollo programs, even though the latest Apollo programs were no longer so interesting and people weren’t watching them so massively, anyway, this program gave a considerable increase in authority in the United States. Many people dreamed of landing a man on the moon, and the United States took it and did it and immediately rose in the eyes of many, but this is not about that now. Contrary to all the talk of skeptics about this, going to Mars will always be a prestigious dream and the realization of this dream will be prestigious for many generations.

Russia in flight to Mars

If we are talking about such a big project, then we should not write off our country. Russia is only a developing country and, of course, we have a lot of problems, but we have always been at the forefront in space exploration. It was the Russian man who was the first to be sent into space, and now Russia can not be inferior to other developed countries in space exploration. Now Russia has everything to carry out the first flight to Mars: intellectual potential, experience in the construction of manned vehicles, high-quality materials and labor. Large investments are needed in this considerable work, and perhaps in ten years it will be the Russian people who will be the first to fulfill the dream of manned flight to Mars and leave the first trace there.

At the beginning of the new century, several giants of the space industry at once headed for the conquest of the Red Planet. This is not only about manned flights, but also about robotic missions that will obtain the necessary knowledge and create conditions for safe human expeditions.

Perhaps the most comprehensive and thoughtful strategy developed by NASA. It includes many studies of the human body and the creation of technologies that will consistently take us away from Earth and closer to Mars. The American space agency is taking confident steps: for example, a study of the long-term effect of weightlessness on humans has already been carried out using the example of ISS astronauts Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly, an experiment to simulate life in a Martian colony has been supported, and an apparatus for landing cargo on the planet has been developed.

SpaceX is famous for even more ambitious plans, the owner of which Elon Musk dreams of creating an autonomous city of a million people on the Red Planet. To do this, at a minimum, it is required to create a super-heavy rocket and a fleet of reusable ships. Musk is working on this with might and main: for example, in early February, his company launched one of the most lifting rockets in history - Falcon Heavy, two of the three stages of which successfully returned to Earth.

A joint project for the exploration of Mars has been implemented for several years by the alliance of the European Space Agency with Roscosmos. The ExoMars project ("Exomars") is mainly focused on searching for signs of life on the planet, but its tasks also include identifying hazards for future manned missions. In addition, Russia, with the participation of many international organizations, several years ago conducted the Mars 500 experiment, which simulated the main features of a manned flight to Mars in conditions of crew isolation.

Many other countries have plans for the development of the Red Planet - India, China, the United Arab Emirates, as well as private organizations (for example, the Mars One project). In general, these are more than ten initiatives around the world, often implemented for more than a year. And yet it is worth recognizing that we are still very far from manned missions of an interplanetary scale. What is missing in the "suitcase of technology" of mankind in order to go to Mars and begin to explore it?

1. Rocket of unprecedented carrying capacity

A mission to the Red Planet will take years - just to fly to Mars at least 200 days. People will need to take with them a huge amount of equipment and resources. On board, it will be necessary to transport a life support system to support the crew, infrastructure for life on the planet, launch and recovery platforms, and much more. In sum, this will result in the need to move a mass much larger than any previous human mission into space. According to NASA estimates, several payloads of 20-30 tons may be required at a minimum. On Earth, such a cargo does not frighten, but its launch into space and delivery to Martian orbit is a real technological challenge. Moreover, in the case of a payload, the principle “the more the better” is especially relevant.

What is already there

Superheavy launch vehicles have been developed already in the last century. For example, to launch manned Apollo spacecraft to the Moon, the Americans built Saturn V with a payload capacity of up to 140 tons, and the USSR created Energiya with a payload capacity of up to 105 tons to launch Buran reusable orbital spacecraft. But these rockets were focused on near-Earth space, and the features of the Martian flight were not taken into account in their development.

The carrying capacity of a rocket depends on its purpose - as it moves away from the Earth, it decreases. Even if the design carrying capacity to low Earth orbit reaches 100 tons, Martian rockets will be able to deliver several times less cargo. That is why it is important that the rockets be able to return for our "baggage" several times. Here at the forefront of Elon Musk with his developments: in his arsenal is Falcon Heavy with a payload capacity of 63 tons and the possibility of partially reusable. And its sister, the reusable Big Falcon Rocket, which is under development, will be able to launch up to 150 tons of cargo into Earth's orbit. NASA is not far behind and plans to launch the reusable Orion spacecraft on a Space Launch System rocket capable of carrying 130 tons of payload into orbit.

In addition to bone loss, muscle atrophy, weakening of vision, a violation of the circadian rhythm lies in wait for a person, because the Martian day is 40 minutes longer than the earthly one. Jet lag will make astronauts feel exhausted

2. New energy

The type and volume of fuel has a decisive influence on the duration of the mission and the cargo that we can take with us. Since a manned flight to Mars is a priori a long journey, a lot of fuel will be needed and refueling will be difficult. It will require upgrading existing solutions or switching to solar energy, which can be replenished during the entire flight.

What is already there

NASA plans to partially move away from chemical fuels to systems that will convert solar radiation into energy. Solar-powered travel will take longer, but will give engineers the flexibility to choose their flight path. It will be less dependent on the 26-month Mars-Earth planetary alignment that all traditional chemical-fueled spacecraft navigate.

There are also more exotic ideas: for example, a group from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that a “hook” through the Moon for refueling can reduce mass during the launch phase by 68%. Given this, as an alternative, scientists propose to build a plant on the Moon to create fuel and, even before the launch of the main expedition, send tankers towards Mars - ahead of schedule.

3. "Parachute" for landing on the planet

Entry into the atmosphere, descent and landing of the ship are among the first lines in the ranking of technological challenges: the atmosphere of Mars is so rarefied that its density is not enough for a soft landing, parachutes and wings cannot “hook” on it. Many Martian missions have failed at this stage; in particular, in October 2016, the Schiaparelli probe crashed, which was practicing landing on the surface of the planet as part of the Exomars space program. And how to land an order of magnitude heavier ship with colonists and equipment for the base? Specialists have yet to develop a new approach for missions of this magnitude.

What is already there

So far, SkyCrane, which was used to launch the Curiosity rover, has been recognized as the most successful landing system. She left the rocket engines high above, due to which she was able to deliver just under one ton of payload to the surface of Mars. But NASA is already working on a supersonic braking propulsion system that should provide a safe and, just as importantly, precise landing for a craft weighing 20 to 30 times as much.

4. New generation space communications

The crews of the first Martian missions will need constant communication with the ground crew. Since the journey to Mars and back will take many months, communication systems must take a big leap in development. Comfortable travel to a planet can require up to a billion bits per second, over a thousand times the frequency range of the ISS. In addition, in order for the ship to accurately follow the trajectory, the connection must be stable.

What is already there

The small, lonely Curiosity rover is currently transmitting scientific data and full-fledged images from Mars. This process is provided by three key elements: the rover itself, an artificial satellite of Mars and one of the centers of space communications on Earth. Signal continuity is ensured by several points of data reception and transmission, which are available 24 hours a day. The communication of a manned mission will most likely be provided in a similar way, but the amount of data will increase by an order of magnitude.

5. Smart suits

Before traveling to Mars, it is imperative to put “walking clothes” in the “suitcase” - spacesuits for going into outer space and moving around the planet. Their task is not only to satisfy the basic biological needs of a person, but also to provide comfort, agility and protection from aggressive conditions. For example, in the design of a spacesuit, it should be taken into account that Mars has a very rarefied atmosphere, the pressure on the planet's surface is less than 1% of the Earth's, and a weak magnetic field practically does not protect against solar wind particles and radiation.

What is already there

The suits used for spacewalks on the ISS provide high mobility for the upper body only. At the same time, they are sensitive to dirt and consumables, and require frequent maintenance. This greatly limits the time of work in open space - today the record is 8 hours and 13 minutes. For deep space research, scientists plan to modernize existing developments and increase the possible operating time of the spacesuit by at least a quarter. The test site for new suits could be The Asteroid Redirect Crew mission, the crew of which will have to collect samples from an asteroid boulder.

And prototypes of spacesuits for working on the surface of Mars are, for example, at the laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. BioSuit is based on the concept of "second skin", when the fabric of the suit compresses the astronaut's body directly. This results in a smaller volume of the suit, better mobility and no separate ventilation system, since the vapors go directly through the fabric.

6. Servants and carriages

Man loves comfort. However, it is not only about him - without the help of robots, a large settlement in an airless desert cannot be created: people will not be able to independently deploy the infrastructure of the colony. Therefore, engineers will have to develop devices that will perform the preliminary routine work, assemble the systems, and also provide their maintenance. They must be independent enough to do all this in the absence of a person.

What is already there

Mars rovers have been developed by the USSR and the USA since the 70s. Throughout history, four rovers have operated on Mars, and two of them remain active to this day - Curiosity and Opportunity. The launch of two more is scheduled for 2020. Of course, their goal remains the exploration of the planet, and not the attempt to erect structures. But their “descendants” will be able to become builders who will take on some of the tasks of creating infrastructure and serving people. To do this, of course, it will be necessary to “cross” rovers with terrestrial service and industrial robots, which, in the meantime, are also rapidly evolving.

7. Alien industry

Since each supply of additional resources will cost fabulous money, people should strive to break their dependence on supplies from Earth. To do this, it is necessary to learn how to use the resources encountered during space travel, whether it be solar energy or water in the form of ice crystals on the planet. According to NASA experts, it will take decades for the colony to begin to provide itself with the necessary resources. The main thing to do for this is to build a multifunctional robotic plant for processing Martian resources into useful things.

What is already there

NASA is developing In-Situ Resource Utilization and Surface Power technology that will allow the use of local resources and obtain from them fuel for flight, water, materials for radiation protection and consumables for life support systems. And the "robot revolution" is just taking place in the earth's industry, the first fully robotic factories appear - perhaps, when it comes to a Martian colony, such a factory will not be a big problem for it.

8. Life support system

Life support systems in existence today rely heavily on consumables. They severely limit the time a crew can stay in space and require constant, costly supplies of new supplies of water, oxygen, and equipment. To fly to Mars, you need a system that can work for years with minimal spare parts and consumables.

What is already there

The life support system on the ISS can now operate without replacing components for less than six months, and the level of oxygen extraction and water renewal is 42% and 90%. NASA plans to combine the systems of the ISS and the reusable Orion spacecraft in order to obtain a reliable long-term life support system. As a result, engineers plan to achieve up to 75% oxygen recovery from carbon dioxide, 98% water renewal rates, and more than 30 months of battery life without spares.

Russia is also working on this task. Back in the 1980s, the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences was one of the first in the world to create a biological life support system based on photobioreactors that allow oxygen to be produced using unicellular algae. Today, this idea is being improved: in early March, the civil cosmonautics community Your Sector of Space presented a prototype of a 435nm photobioreactor that uses highly efficient light sources and modern automation tools. In the near future, the researchers plan to test the photobioreactor on humans, and then launch it into space on a microsatellite, where other microorganisms will feed on the oxygen produced instead of passengers.

9. Space medicine

Long flights in zero gravity are fraught for astronauts with bone loss, muscle atrophy, visual impairment and other problems. In addition, a violation of the circadian rhythm lies in wait for a person, because the Martian day is 40 minutes longer than the earthly one. Because of this jet lag, the astronauts will constantly feel exhausted, and the mission may be in jeopardy. To overcome these risks, the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools is required.

What is already there

The ISS is an ideal testing ground for simulating many aspects of interplanetary travel, and science groups around the world are taking advantage of it. In a recent study, scientists from Russia and Canada analyzed the effect of space flight conditions on the protein composition of the blood of 18 Russian cosmonauts. It turned out that when flying into space in the human body, there are multiple changes at the level of cells, tissues and organs that help to adapt to new conditions. The body, as it were, is “at a loss” and is trying to change everything at once.

NASA conducted a similar experiment called Twin Study - "Twin Study". Scott Kelly has been in Earth orbit for almost a year while his twin brother Mark Kelly has been on Earth. After Scott returned, scientists compared the physical condition of the brothers. The first results show that Scott's DNA has indeed undergone partial changes. They are not in a hurry with loud conclusions, but, according to preliminary data, being in space was rather useful for DNA - telomeres, sections at the ends of chromosomes that break down with aging, turned out to be in better condition for Scott than for his brother. Who knows, perhaps in the future, “space medicine” will be understood primarily as sending people into orbit in order to rejuvenate?

10. Radiation umbrella

At the current level of technology development, the participants of the mission to Mars will at best remain severely disabled, and at worst they will die due to strong radiation. The impact of streams of charged particles of enormous energy penetrating space damages biological molecules, therefore technologies must be created to increase the radioresistance of a person.

What is already there

In early February, a consortium of researchers from 29 global organizations, including NASA and MIPT, drew up a strategy to increase human radioresistance. It considers several directions for future research on the protection of astronauts from radiation: the development of radioprotective drugs, targeted modification of the human genome, and medical selection of radioresistant astronauts. There are also methods that are completely unusual for us - for example, hibernation technology that can slow down all processes in the body, or regenerative technologies that will completely replace damaged organs with new ones.
