The fruits of this creeper. Not flowers alone

There are quite a lot of decorative vines with which you can decorate the garden plot. Among them are honeysuckle, clematis, morning glory, girlish grapes ... Do you want to grow a vine called "actinidia" with tasty and tender fruits? Read our article on how to do this.

Liana with useful fruits

Actinidia are beautiful deciduous perennial vines belonging to the Actinidia family. The leaves on the shoots are placed alternately, they are solid or with a serrate (serrated) edge. It is interesting to observe how, a few days before flowering, the leaves of Actinidia Kolomikta turn white, as if they were powdered with snow. After flowering, their color changes to crimson. Actinidia Argut also has elegant leaves: in summer they are dense, glossy, dark green. You will not find any antennae or suckers for mounting on a support in Actinidia. The flowers are white, yellowish or orange, their diameter is from 10 to 35 mm. Oblong fruitlets are yellow-green or orange in color. Some species grow in Southeast Asia. In Russia, representatives of wild species can be found in the Far East.

The taste of berries is determined by the ratio of sugars and organic acids. Vitamin C in them is much more than in lemons, oranges, currants. There are riboflavin, thiamine, rutin, flavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll, macro- and microelements in the fruits. Berries are especially useful for beriberi, anemia, hypertension, weak immunity, gastrointestinal diseases, whooping cough, tuberculosis.

Since the root system of these vines is fibrous, they need moist soil. In addition, it should be fertile, saturated with humus, with a neutral or slightly acidic medium, preferably loamy. It should be borne in mind that actinidia cannot grow on swampy, acidic, light sandy or heavy loamy soils.

About species and varieties

Botanists number about 75 species of actinidia. GreenColor will dwell in more detail on several well-known species, the cultivated forms of which can be found in the gardens of Russians.
  • Actinidia Kolomikta - the most common, the length of the shoots is about 4 m. In the spring, they have green leaves, by the flowering period they turn a little white, and then turn crimson until the leaf fall. These creepers are dioecious, so to get a crop of berries, you will need to plant both female and male individuals in one area side by side. The fruits are small (3-5 g), green, round or oval in shape. They begin to ripen in August. The species is winter-hardy, calmly tolerates temperatures as low as -45°C. In one place it grows well and bears fruit with proper care up to 50 years.
  • Actinidia Arguta - in nature, it occupies large areas in cedar-broad-leaved forests on the Kunashir Peninsula, in the south of Sakhalin, in the Primorsky Territory. There, its shoots climb up the trunks of trees, reaching a length of 15 meters. The leaves on the shoots are elliptical, large. Flowers unisexual, odorless. The fruits are large (10-12 g), dark green in color, usually spherical or cylindrical. An adult liana with good care can produce about 15 kg of delicious fruits in September. This species is less winter-hardy, more thermophilic.
  • Actinidia polygama - initially chose the southwest of Primorye for its growth. The length of the shoots is approximately 6 meters. Its leaves are large (15 cm each), broadly ovate, with a pointed apex. It surprises with silver variegation of leaves and fragrant flowers. Toward the end of September, the fruits grow larger, gain a mass close to 8 grams, but their taste is bitter-burning. The bitterness disappears after frost, then the taste of the berries improves markedly. These creepers are very fond of warmth, their winter hardiness leaves much to be desired.
The first varieties of actinidia ("Clara Zetkin", "Pineapple") were obtained by I.V. Michurin. The most famous now varieties of actinidia Kolomikta are as follows: "Early Dawn", "Magpie", "Homestead", "Stranger", "Gourmet", "Abundant", "Marmalade", "Queen of the Garden", "Grape", "Sweet". Actinidia Argut has the Primorskaya variety, and Actinidia Polygam has the Apricot variety.

How actinidia is propagated

There are several ways:

Cuttings (green or woody);
root offspring (characteristic only for actinidia Kolomikta and polygamum);
division of an adult bush;
seeds (with preliminary stratification);

It is best to resort to the propagation method using green cuttings. They take root well in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Such cuttings should be cut with a sharp knife in the first fifteen days of June, 10 cm long. Within four hours, treat the cuttings with a growth and root formation stimulator, for example, Heteroauxin. Take a mixture of sand and peat, deepen the cutting into it by 3 cm.

Lignified cuttings are made from material that is cut in winter or with the advent of spring. Cutting cuttings into pieces of 10-15 cm is carried out in the spring. The soil for rooting needs light, the conditions for rooting will require greenhouse or greenhouse.

Reproduction by layering is carried out as follows. In May, make grooves next to the liana to a depth of 8 cm. Put the shoots there, fasten them to the ground with metal brackets. When small shoots begin to grow, then from time to time carry out hilling. In the second or third year, these grown layers can be transplanted to another place.

Planting Actinidia

It is rational to plant actinidia along the house (on the south side) or along the fence. It is better to immediately install supports - metal pipes or rods that can withstand a massive vine in the future. Three or four-core tapestries are also suitable. Do not use wooden supports, they can rot, and it will be impossible to unravel the shoots. If it is not possible to put additional supports, then plant the actinidia next to the gazebo, veranda, fence. It is desirable that the vines are well lit, a slight penumbra is acceptable.

It should also be remembered that the plant is dioecious. To get a plentiful harvest of berries, you need to have at least two creepers with male flowers planted nearby for 5 females.

Plant in the spring, before the buds open. Leave a distance of about two meters between plants. After digging a landing hole (60 cm deep, long and wide), place pieces of broken brick or pebbles on the bottom. Prepare fertile soil, humus, wood ash, superphosphate. When planting actinidia, keep in mind that the root neck after compacting the soil and watering should be at the level of the soil surface. Now start mulching. Humus or peat is suitable, the layer should be four centimeters. Some gardeners recommend shortening the aerial part.

The area around the plantings of actinidia should be periodically loosened (shallow), freed from weeds. In dry weather, timely watering is important. In the spring, you can add ammonium nitrate, and in the fall, every three years, when digging, add 4 kilograms of humus (compost) or rotted manure, 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 30 grams of superphosphate. In order for young plants to survive the winter normally, in the first years of their life, cover your actinidia in late autumn using fallen leaves and spruce branches. One more observation. In the spring, cats can pretty much spoil the young actinidia in the first two years of its cultivation. They undermine plants, gnaw out roots and small shoots. You can protect the plantings if you cover them at this time with a cage-like structure made of metal mesh or rods. Even adult vines need pruning so that the crown is sparse. Pruning is best done in mid-summer and late autumn. In the spring, these plants are not pruned, otherwise the shoots will “cry” and die.

And no less valuable warning is given by GreenColor: actinidia vines cannot be removed from the supports, otherwise they will cease to bear fruit or die altogether.

The first fruits usually appear on those vines that are 4-5 years old. During the ripening of berries, it is better to cover the ground near the vines with a film, because some of the fruits fall off.

Eat ripened fruits fresh, so they will bring the greatest benefit. And you can use them to make wine, candied fruits, marshmallows, jelly, jam, compote. They are suitable for freezing, drying and drying.

Fruiting vine actinidia

There are several types of actinidia, among them a purely decorative type of actinidia polygamum. But we are interested in those species that have edible fruits. The largest fruits are produced by actinidia kiwi, bred in Australia and named after the kiwi bird, the symbol of this country. In nature, actinidia arguta grows, which has the same shaggy fruits like kiwi, only much smaller. But, unfortunately, both kiwi and arguta are heat-loving plants and in our country can grow only in the southern regions. There is another variegated vine of actinidia - kolomikta, the fruits of which resemble gooseberry varieties Date fruit- the same amber brown, elongated and smooth and about the same size. They have a pleasant taste, reminiscent of either strawberries or pineapple, but in fact they have their own unique sweet and sour taste and wonderful aroma. From the fruits of kolomikta, jam is made that is not inferior in taste to strawberry jam, compotes are made and simply eaten raw.

In the fruits of actinidia there are a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin C, a lot of all kinds of micro and macro elements and organic acids. Besides the fact that actinidia

Kolomikta is useful, it is also strikingly beautiful. Its small elongated leaves with clear veins have a magical property to change color. In the morning, when you first went out into the garden, its leaves were light green, and suddenly, in broad daylight, their tips turned white or some of the leaves turned crimson, and on some of them a light strip formed in the middle! It is because of the ability to change the color of the leaves that it is called the variegated liana.

Like all creepers, actinidia is moisture-loving, so it needs to be watered in hot and dry weather, although it has a rather deep root system. But at the same time, vines do not tolerate stagnant water, so it is necessary to provide for drainage when planting it.

Usually, plants that require supports are planted near the wall of the building, but you should know that a trench for planting them must be done, stepping back from the wall at a distance of at least 75 cm, otherwise the powerful root system of vines will gradually destroy the foundation. As supports, you can use arches, pergolas, gratings, nets made of nylon fishing line or nylon ropes. Do not be afraid if the liana sticks close to the wall. The established view that under the canopy of its foliage a tree could begin to rot was recognized as completely erroneous when they began to restore the house of the writer Dickens in England. It turned out that under the liana the tree was dry and whole, in contrast to the rotten walls, free from vines. There is a simple explanation for this: the leaves of the vines are arranged like a tiled roof, one above the other, and the water flows down them without falling on the wall. In addition, there are stomata on the lower surface of the leaves, through which the vines suck moisture from the surface of the wall.

When planting for a creeper, you should not dig a separate hole. It is necessary to dig a trench along the house, along which the roots will go in the future. Several plants should be planted at once - primarily because actinidia is a dioecious plant, and it is best to place one male plant between two female ones.

Unfortunately, until the vines bloom, it is impossible to distinguish a female from a male plant, so you should not buy actinidia from random sellers at some exhibition. It should be purchased only in nurseries or from well-known people.

The trench should be dug to a width of 50 cm and the same depth. Plants can be planted at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m from each other, because the vines grow widely in the future and do not tolerate transplantation in adulthood, so plant them correctly immediately in place. Remember, creepers do not like acidic soils! But they grow well and bear fruit on slightly acidic soils.

Stones, broken silicate (but not red clay) brick, gravel or pebbles should be laid at the bottom of the trench, then covered with coarse, river sand (for foundation work). And only after that you can fill the trench with soil. The soil must be specially prepared from a mixture of leaf humus and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. What to do if there is no leaf humus? Replace it with rotted compost. If there is rotted manure, then it must be half mixed with the soil that you took out of the trench (of course, if it is not solid clay). The soil must be very well wetted with water, make mounds, spread the roots of vines on them and carefully cover them with soil removed from the trans-

neck. Landings should not be trampled down! To ensure that the soil adheres well to the roots and no voids form under them, water the plantings from a watering can a little, and the soil will stick to the roots. When trampling down, you compact the earth too much, and therefore the air necessary for the roots does not pass into it. From above, the soil should be mulched, that is, covered with dry earth or peat, in order to prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the earth. But the peat will have to be deoxidized, for this, sprinkle it with ash or lime. At an early age, actinidia can be killed by cats that dig and gnaw the roots. To protect against these uninvited barbarians, iron bars will have to be placed over the landings. When the trunk becomes woody at the actinidia, the cats will lose all interest in it and stop touching it. The trellises can be removed about 2-3 years after planting. In the spring, after frosts have passed, vines can be fed with organic matter containing nitrogen, and before flowering, give phosphorus top dressing (1 tablespoon of double granulated superphosphate per 10 liters of water) for each vine. After fruiting, it is advisable to feed the actinidia with potassium that does not contain chlorine (1 tablespoon is enough), planting it in the soil under the vine, or sprinkle it with ash under it (one glass is enough). Just before winter, you can pour out half a bucket of rotted manure or compost. For the winter, actinidia is not removed from the supports. This winter-hardy plant does not require shelter, but in spring it is very vulnerable and suffers greatly from spring frosts. So that young leaves and shoots do not die, in the spring it is necessary to throw lutrasil on the vine. Actinidia kolomikta can grow up to 5–7 m in height.

When and how to cut the vine?

All vines do not tolerate spring pruning at all (just like stone fruit crops). They do not tighten the cut and the juice flows all the time through the wound until the entire branch dries. So all pruning of vines is done late in the fall. Cut out only broken or too old branches.

When the vine begins to grow, its stems are immediately tied to the supports. In the future, it will spin itself around the supports counterclockwise.

Usually creepers grow in the forest, clinging to trees, so the plants themselves should be in the sun, and the soil under them should be covered from it. It is usually recommended to plant actinidia along the western or eastern walls of buildings. It will not grow on the north side of the house.

How can you tell a male plant from a female plant?

At the time of flowering on the female plant, small single white bell-shaped flowers are located throughout the vine. And on a male plant, the same flowers are collected in bunches of 3-7 flowers. Naturally, fruits are formed only on female plants. An adult liana at the age of 10 years gives up to 5 kg of berries.

How to propagate actinidia?

Just not seeds. She does not give root offspring, layering takes root poorly, for a long time and difficult. The easiest way to propagate actinidia is with green cuttings.

kami in early July, but always with Kornevin. You can dip the end of the cutting in water, and then in Kornevin powder and immediately plant it in the cutting. On the cuttings, you need to take the middle part of the new growth. The end of the vine is not good for cuttings.

I remind you again: the cuttings are made in the shade, they must be covered with a film, they constantly (2-3 times a day) spray the plants and soil from a manual sprayer and keep bowls of water in it to humidify the air.

I immediately warn you: in the North-West, actinidia kolomikta is more of an ornamental plant than a berry, because it often wakes up prematurely during long winter thaws, and in late spring frosts, as a rule, it freezes slightly, despite all its winter hardiness, so it blooms and bears fruit only occasionally .

Liana practically does not get sick with anything, and she actually has no pests. So plant it, especially if you need to close any unsightly building.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Unpretentious flowering liana with original fruits. Homeland - North America.

Echinocystis lobata, or blackberry (Echinocystis lobata, sin. E. echinata), better known as prickly fruit or the funny nickname "mad cucumber". This liana forms dense thickets of long, weakly branched shoots with large leaves. One bush can cover an area of ​​​​up to 6-8 m 2 with lashes in a season. In summer, the plants are covered with an airy, creamy-white fragrant cloud of inflorescences, and closer to autumn, numerous bluish-green fruits, similar to barrels, ripen on them. They are quite large and, although they look very prickly, they are quite soft to the touch. When ripe, the fruits crack, and large brown seeds fall out of them, from which new plants appear the next year.

Propagated by sowing in the spring in the ground or self-sowing. Seeds are sown at a distance of 50-80 cm from each other near the supports, for which Echinocystis itself clings with antennae. One has only to grow it once on your site - and for many years you will not have to worry about resuming it, since it gives a very plentiful self-sowing. You just have to remove the extra shoots.

You should know it

Echinocystis is extremely unpretentious. It is undemanding to soils, although it develops better on rich and nutritious ones. It can grow both in the sun and in shady places, and needs watering only during a period of severe drought. The walls of buildings, hedges, pergolas, arbors, terraces, etc. are decorated with thorn fruit. In gardens, he likes to climb trees.

Echinocystis lobed. Photo: /User:VP.

Dolichos lablab

Liana, very similar to ornamental beans. Homeland - the tropics of Southeast Africa.
Dolichos, or hyacinth beans (Dolichos lablab), forms curly shoots 3-4 m long with three-lobed leaves and flowers collected in a brush. They are colored differently than beans: lilac-violet, raspberry or white, and the fruits are flat-oval in shape and green, maroon or red-violet. These beans are also edible: in many areas of Asia and Africa, dolichos is better known as a food and fodder leguminous crop.

For decorative purposes, chalmoid pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima var. turbaniformis) and vicoleaf (C. vicifolia, sin. C. melanosperma) are most often grown. Often this group also includes common lagenaria (Lagenaria vulgaris), also known as gourd, gourd and Indian cucumber, although from a botanical point of view it is a separate genus.

Ornamental pumpkins are powerful vines with lashes up to 5-6 m long, covered with relatively small carved leaves, in the axils of which bright yellow bell-shaped flowers open in the daytime. However, the main interest is not at all they, but the fruits that form in their place closer to autumn. They can be of a wide variety of sizes and shapes: from round and oval in the form of a small watermelon or melon to pear-shaped, elongated, turban-shaped, tuberculate and ribbed. In addition, these wonderful fruits delight the eye with all sorts of colors: white, yellow, reddish, orange, green, almost black. In addition to plain, they are also multi-colored - with stripes and spots.

Sow the pumpkin directly into the ground in the second half of May. If it is required that the plants reach the peak of decorativeness earlier, the seeds at the end of April can be sown in pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Seedlings are planted in the ground in June, when the threat of frost has passed. Plants need watering during the dry period, about once every two weeks - top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as providing supports, tying the lashes and directing them in the right direction.

Pumpkin. Photo:

You should know it

All pumpkins are photophilous and thermophilic, they like abundant watering, but without stagnant water. They grow best on fertile, loose soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. They do not tolerate excessive thickening, shading and poor ventilation. On the site, decorative pumpkins can not only mask compost heaps, decorate vegetable gardens, outbuildings and fences. They can be successfully planted near arches, pergolas, arbors, and the ripe fruits can be dried and used for various crafts, compositions or room decoration.

Beans fiery red, or Turkish beans

A well-known annual liana. Homeland - South America.

Ornamental bean (Phaseolus coccineus sin. P. multiflorus) has long - up to 5 m, thin, curly stems with large trifoliate leaves. Inflorescences are formed in their axils - brushes, consisting of 7-15 bright red (less often - white, pink or two-color) flowers. However, this plant can be attributed not only to flowering vines: after flowering, large, long, often brightly colored pods form on it.

They are quite edible and are used as food in many countries. That is why beans are often used to decorate ornamental gardens.

Beans, like farbitis, can be sown both in open ground and for seedlings in pots. Dolichos, on the other hand, requires higher temperatures for germination (22-27 °C) and a longer period of development before flowering. Therefore, in the temperate zone, it is sown for seedlings in April (if the plants are very long, they can be pinched). Dolichos blooms quite late - in August. During the period of flowering and fruit set, the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C, therefore, in the middle lane in a damp cold year, plants feel bad and may not bloom at all.

You should know it

In terms of their biological requirements, both beans and dolichos are similar to farbitis: they are thermophilic, love loose, nutritious, non-acidic soils and a bright location.

Actinidia-liana belongs to the woody type of plants, very light-loving, winter-hardy, blooming from May to June. In addition, the plant is considered ornamental, edible.

The radial arrangement of all available ovary columns in the flower gave the real name to this plant, which is translated from Greek as a ray.

Actinidia in the form of deciduous vines, which are of different sizes with simple petiolate leaves and flowers that have the correct shape, have fruits in the form of a juicy multi-celled berry.

Species and varieties

There are about thirty species of such vines, most of which can be found in the territories of central and eastern Asia. Only four of their species grow in forests that are located in the Far East in Russia.

On the territory of Central Russia there are three types of actinidia. Among them, it is called Amur gooseberries, Far Eastern raisins or sultanas. This type of creeper is considered decorative and fruitful with red-brown shoots and thin leaves, and very tall. Leaves are able to change color to white partially or completely during the second half of the growing season.

The period of its flowering - May-June is distinguished by the presence of fragrant white flowers. The appearance of no less fragrant edible fruits of dark green color with the presence of dark stripes falls on the period from August to September, and a good harvest can be obtained after the fifth year of life. Since all creepers are classified as dioecious plants, that is, one creeper can consist of either only female or only male flowers, in order to get a rich harvest on the site, it is recommended to plant one male and one female plant.

Varieties of this type of vines, called "Festive", "September", "Nakhodka", "Marmalade" are considered very popular.

Another type of actinidia is acute actinidia or actinidia arguta. This liana is considered very large, fast-growing - about thirty meters high with light gray shoots, rounded ovate leaves. Flowering begins in early June, and fruits in the form of fleshy berries with the smell of pineapple ripen during December. The plant is considered decorative and vitamin.

This type of actinidia is considered less winter-hardy, and therefore requires the presence and provision of its winter shelter. To do this, the liana is carefully placed on the surface of the earth, including its support, and then covered with a layer of snow.

Among the varieties of acute actinidia, you can find Balsamnaya, Taiga Emerald. On sale is the fruit of a self-fertile vine of this type, which has a sweet and sour taste and a delicate pineapple aroma - wild kiwi.

The third known type of vines - actinidia polygamus polygamus or nosed, or sharp-fruited. It is also known as the silver vine. This is a dioecious liana with a woody trunk up to five meters high with leaves that have white or cream tops. Flowering is observed for three weeks of June. This type of vine is distinguished by late ripening of fruits with a peppery taste.

You can often find Chinese actinidia or otherwise kiwi with shoots that have a reddish dense tomentose pubescence. Eight-meter creepers have rounded leaves that are very leathery to the touch with a beautiful color - dark green on top, below they look white-felt with reddish bristly hairs along the existing veins.

Actinidia care.

The place for planting the plant should be protected from the wind and illuminated by the rays of the sun, where there is well-drained rich soil. The basic rule of planting actinidia should be observed. One male plant should be surrounded by five female ones.

Actinidia grows well in a mixture of humus, sand, garden soil with the provision of regular watering and fertilizing, as well as the installation of mandatory supports.

The fruits of the creeper are rich in vitamin C, therefore they are used in medicine. Cooking is also considered an area that actively uses the fruits of actinidia.
