Outline of a literacy lesson (middle group) on the topic: literacy lesson in the middle group "Red is a vowel sound". Preparation for teaching literacy to children of the middle group

Lilia Zolotarevskaya
Preparation for teaching literacy to children of the middle group

According to educational program in the middle group in front of us, educators face quite difficult tasks for literacy education for children. We must teach children of the fifth year of life:

understand terms "word" and "sound";

Understand that words are long and short;

Pronounce words independently, emphasize intonation the necessary sounds in them;

Understand that words are made up of sounds and even identify vowels and consonants by ear, soft and hard;

And even determine the place of sound in a word (first, last, middle);

And from the second half of the year, children learn to make sentences for "live model".

One of the most difficult tasks in the section preparation for literacy is the understanding of the term "word". Oksana Semyonovna Ushakova offers a number of interesting games for this. We will play one of them now.

1. Game "Magic Screen"

Task: Introduce children with the term"word". Learn to listen to the sound of words and pronounce them clearly. To form the ability to regulate the strength and tempo of the voice.

Before you is a magic screen, there is nothing on it. I will say the magic words "One, two, three, show me" and an image will appear on the screen. You must clearly, clearly pronouncing each sound, pronounce the word that denotes the picture. Repeat quietly, you louder. Let's repeat in chorus, slowly, quickly.

You spoke clearly and correctly.

Colleagues, in the process of naming a variety of objects, children the concept is formed that the word is the name of any object, further action and quality.

If you do not have the opportunity to use multimedia, you can practice the skills of naming words with a pointer or magic wand. Point with a stick at an object. What is it? (ball). Listen as I pronounce this word. Repeat it.

Thus, children begin to understand the term "word".

In addition to the fact that children know how to name, select words, we learn to compare words by length, that is, we determine which are long and which are short. I offer you game: 2."Long short" Task: Learn children understand the term"word", identify short and long words. Get your hands ready, let's learn how to measure the length of a word (cat, bike). And now you you will measure word length (catfish, shop, ball, policeman). Well done, correctly measured the length of words.

When children have a good understanding of the term "word", we teach them to make sentences on "live model". Now we will learn how to make sentences.

3. "Drafting proposals for "live model".

Task: Introduce children with a proposal for "live model".

Who came to visit us? (Hedgehog) What hedgehog? (barbed). To make it easier to make a proposal, we will use diagrams. You be the word

"Hedgehog", here's the diagram. You - "barbed". kids model suggestions:

- "Prickly hedgehog"; And if we switch places, what offer will we get?

- "Hedgehog prickly".

Now look at the screen. What is the hedgehog doing? (asleep). You be the word"asleep".

Offer Modeling:

- "Hedgehog prickly sleeps";

- "Prickly hedgehog sleeps";

With this game, you can make a variety of sentences.

And now I offer you a series of games on the sound culture of speech.

At the beginning of the year, not all children clearly pronounce hissing, whistling sounds, R, L. We give exercises with simple sounds that children clearly pronounce. 4. "Catch the Sound" In this game we are learning children understand the term"sound", to hear the desired sound in words. Develop phonemic awareness.

We will now play with sound "B".

Bunny taught sounds

Bunny forgot the sounds.

Here our bunny cried.

A kitten came up to him

He speaks: "Don't cry, oblique,

We will learn sounds with you.

"B" hear - clap loudly.

And stomp your feet too.

I will name the words, and you must catch only those words in which you hear the sound "B" (house, mushrooms, stump, carrot, bull, crow, bun)

You can complicate tasks, catch only those words in which the sound "B" is at the beginning of a word (bun, shelf, bouquet, puck)

Now only in the middle of a word (kolobok, boat, box, dog)

In this game you can learn children determine the hardness and softness of sounds.

Now we will catch only those words where the sound "B" soft (Squirrel, box, child, barrel, foal).

See how many exercise options can be used with one sound.

As children master the pronunciation of complex sounds, we include these sounds in games. These are hissing, sound R, L, whistling.

In this game we are learning children choose words with a given sound.

5. "Who lives in the house?"

Task: Learn children pick words with sound "F".

We need to settle the animals in the house. Only in the house will live animals, in the words of which we hear the sound "F".

Name who can live in the house. Pronounce words clearly and correctly. And now we will check if the answer is correct. Why didn't they settle?

You did a good job with this task, correctly resettled the tenants in the house.

When children have learned to isolate a sound in a word, we teach to find the place of a sound in a word. We use diagrams for this.

6."Find the place of the sound in the word"

Task: Learn children locate a vowel "BUT" in the word.

I will call you words with sound "BUT", and you must show the place of the sound in the word with a chip on the diagram (beginning, end, middle) (stork, poppy, fox, ball)

You can also learn to determine the position of a sound in a word using such a game.

For this game I need 6 people.

7. "Find Your Mate"

Task: Exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words.

I will give you pictures. You must find your friend.

What do you have drawn? (Cone)

What is the last sound in this word? (BUT)

Who has a picture with a word, where is the first sound A?

(chair - spoon, teapot - key, bump - bus)

Well done, correctly identified the first and last sound in words.

Ekaterina Androsova

Literacy is always useful to learn.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the middle group.

Program tasks: Teaching children intonation "F" in words. Continue to acquaint children with the term "sound". To consolidate the knowledge of children about the length of words and dividing them into parts. Develop speech attention, phonemic hearing. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the answers of children, to answer questions at the request of the teacher.

Material: "flanegraph; 7-9 subject pictures, including 5-6 with sound "F"(beetle, giraffe, ice cream, knife, acorn, toy beetle.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Educator: "Guys, can't you hear anything?" (quiet buzzing is heard) Children's answers.

Educator: “That's right, someone is buzzing. Look, a beetle flew to us, listen to how it buzzes “zhzh”. Buzz like a beetle. Let's play with him."

Game "Beetles".

Children imitate the flight of a beetle with their hand, accompanying it with a buzz.

Educator:"The beetles got tired and sat down to rest on a leaf (palm).

We rested and flew into the forest. (The sound "Zh" is pronounced loudly at first, then quieter and quieter)"

Educator:"The beetle flew away, but they left us their song.

Children's answers.

educate l:"Listen to how I pronounce the word" bugs "-" zhzhzhuky. " Katya, say the word "bugs" and highlight the sound "g" in your voice.

Children's answers.

educate l:"Oh, look, the beetle brought us something. Some pictures. Let's look at them and find words with the sound "g".

Children alternately find pictures with the sound "g", name the words and intonationally distinguish the sound "g" in them.

educate l:"What is in this picture?"

Children's answers.

educate l:"Children, why did Vanya name the word "ice cream"?"

Children's answers.

Educator:"Name all the words with the sound "g".

Children's answers.

Educator:"Guys, let's play. Now you all turn into bugs. One, two, three, four, five, all the bugs will fly"

Physical education minute

Beetles fly and buzz:

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

We are tired of flying (stop).

We are tired of buzzing (sit down).

Let's sit under the chamomile

Let's look at chamomile. (Repeat 2 times).

Attention game "Tell me a word"

Educator:"Listen to the verses and name the last word that is missing."

The sun is shining very bright

The hippo became ... (hot).

And next to the hippos

Grabbed for ... (tummies).

And the elephant, all trembling,

So I sat down on ... (hedgehog).

He's tall, he's huge

It looks like a crane

Only this crane is alive

With real head.

One of you will be right

Who will answer everyone ... (giraffe).

Educator: What sound is repeated in all words?

Children's answers

Educator:"Guys, you and I have already learned how to measure words. What are words by length?"

Children's answers.

Educator:"That's right, words are long and short. How can words be measured?" (claps and steps).

Children's answers.

Educator:"Now we will play the game "Telegraph". Telegrams are sent by telegraph. Let's try to "transmit" words by telegraph, slapping them.

Telegraph game.

Children measure short and long words with claps, steps: ball, car, doll, beetle, ball, milk, plane, giraffe.

educate l:"Well done, guys, all the words were conveyed correctly. Tell me, what did you like most about our lesson? What game would you like to play more?"

Children's answers.

E. Androsova

kindergarten teacher №100 "Ship"


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  1. Learn to distinguish the sound U from a series of vowels, highlight the initial stressed sound against the background of a word, hear words with the sound U.
  2. Develop auditory attention, phonemic and visual perception, general and fine motor skills, thinking.
  3. Exercise in the ability to change the pitch and strength of the voice, in the use of antonyms soft-loud, big-small; complete the sentence.
  4. To form the ability to form the plural of nouns and nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  5. Increase interest in pre-literacy classes.

Equipment: individual mirrors, simple pencils, an image of a girl Uli, a large and small aircraft, object pictures: an iron, a fishing rod, a snail, a duck, ducklings, ears; airplane paths.

Plan - abstract. Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist invites the children to sit down in a given sequence: Veronica, Katya, Sophia, Lisa, Camilla, Maxim.

II. articulation exercises.

The speech therapist shows a picture of a girl: "This is Ulya, Uliana." (The name is repeated first by all in unison, then by individual children.)
What is the first sound in this name? (U). What exercise do our lips look like when we pronounce Y? ("Tube"). Performing exercises in front of a mirror: “Tube”, “Smile”, “House opens”, “Curious tongue”.

III. Sound articulation W.

Say the sound Wu again and look at each other, in what position are the lips? Teeth?
Lips with a tube, teeth do not close, closed with lips. Is the voice sleeping or singing? (sings, so the sound is sonorous). What can be done with the U sound? (stretch, sing). Children pronounce the sound "U" in chorus and one at a time.

IV. Identification of the sound U by the articulation "Guess what sound"

The speech therapist silently pronounces vowel sounds: a-o-o-o-o-o ... Having determined the sound, the children pronounce it out loud, and with U they also clap their hands (catch the sound).

V. Physical education "Loud-quiet"

There are two pictures on the board with the image of a large and a small aircraft. Are the planes the same or different? What is the name of an affectionately small plane? (airplane). The plane is flying, the engine is buzzing in it: U-U-U. How does a big plane buzz? (loud). Little? (quiet). Alternately we “fly” and buzz like small and large planes. Show with your voice how the plane takes off (intensification of the voice with the sound U), how does the plane land? (weakening of the voice).

VI. Extracting the sound U from a word.

A speech therapist pronounces words with initial stressed vowels, children determine the first sound in a word, call; having heard U at the beginning of the word, spread their arms to the sides - the wings of the aircraft.

Lexical material: duck, autumn, fishing rod, aster, ears, needles, stork, street, cloud, dinner, windows, August, morning, Ira.

VII. Didactic game "One-many".

The teacher explains the conditions of the game: "I will talk about one subject, and you - about a lot."
Vocabulary material: snail - snails, iron - irons, duck - ducks, fishing rod - fishing rods, smile - smiles, street - streets, beetle - beetles,

VIII. Didactic game "Finish the sentence" (based on subject pictures).

Give each child a subject picture: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, duckling, ears. The speech therapist starts the sentence, the child whose picture fits the meaning ends. The child raises his picture and repeats the sentence in full.
- Mom irons things ... (with an iron).
- For fishing you need ... (rod).
- He wears a house on himself ... (snail).
- The boy got sick ... (ear).
- Floats on the pond ... (duck)
- Mom - the duck calls her ... (ducklings)

IX. Exercise for fine motor skills "Traces of the plane."

Take pencils and draw paths from the plane through the dots and sing a song: U-U-U.
What sound did you study in class? Let's say goodbye to him: stretch our hands forward and say Woo.

Lesson in the middle group in literacy

Subject: "Teddy bear woke up"


1. Develop the articulatory apparatus.

2. Develop phonemic hearing.

3. Distinguish vowels and consonants by ear; indicate sounds with red and blue chips.

4. Distinguish between the concepts of "sound" and "word"

5. Learn intonation to highlight and name the first sound in words.

6. Activate the names of wild animals and their cubs in the speech of children.

Equipment: kitten and teddy bear toys, red and blue chips, 2 red and blue baskets, toys, pictures with articulatory gymnastics.

Lesson progress:

Timoshka the cat (a regular character in the classroom) comes to the children and greets them.

Timoshka: Hey guys! I already miss all the kids! But today I am not alone, one of my friends came with me. He really wanted to get to know you, but he couldn’t wake up! Well, let him sleep a little, and at this time we will wake up our Tongue and his assistants.

Teacher: guys. Let's remember who helps our Tongue to pronounce all the sounds and words?

Children's answers: teeth, lips, cheeks, palate, neck.

V: Well done! And now let's do our gymnastics for the Tongue. And you, Timoshka, don't be lazy, do it with us. And our funny little animals will help us with this.

Articulatory gymnastics "Funny animals" (exercises "hippopotamus", "elephant", "tasty honey", "squirrel", etc.) are carried out. - see the book by N. Nishcheva.

T .: Something my friend does not wake up. And let's play "Repeat", it's so much fun!

B: Sure, let's play. Come on, repeat after me!

There is a game for pronunciation of pure phrases:

MA-MA-MA - I can do everything myself!

MO-Mo-Mo - they bought me a popsicle!

MU-MU-MU - let's give milk to whom?

V .: Timosha, can you still tell me who is sleeping under your covers and snoring?

T: Can you guess my riddle?

He sleeps in a den in winter
under a big pine tree

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.

Children: it's a bear!

V: Right. Indeed, it is difficult for a bear to wake up after a long winter hibernation. I suggest playing the game "Clap if you hear a sound!"

And the bear will wake up from our claps!

The game "Clap if you hear a sound!" - the teacher calls words and sounds, the children clap only if they hear a sound.

"Wakes up" teddy bear (toy): Oh. Who won't let me sleep? A. Yes, this is Timoshka and my friends! How glad I am to see you! Oh, because other forest animals also wanted to come with me, how will they find their way to you now?

V .: Guys, who else can come to us from the forest?

Children: Fox with ... fox cubs, she-wolf with ..., hedgehog with ... etc.

V .: And now we will show what the bear's friends are doing in the forest.

Dynamic pause "Forest animals"

Tell me guys

How animals live in the forest.

Like a fox washes

How the baby squirrel wakes up

How the wolf cub ran

How the bunny jumped.

Like a hedgehog and a hedgehog

Harvest blackberries.

Only the teddy bear sleeps. Waking up is not in a hurry.

V .: You, Mishutka, do not be upset! The guys will now help pave the path to the forest. Your forest friends will definitely get to us next time.

The game “Sound Path” is being played - the teacher calls vowels or consonants, and the children on the board lay out the “path” from blue (consonants) and red (vowels) chips.

T .: Now they definitely won’t get lost, and you, bear, will find your way back. And we will send gifts to your friends in the forest. Only after all, I also need to leave toys, what should I do?

V .: And we will do everything honestly: here is a blue basket for you, Timoshka, and we will give Mishutka a red one. If the name of the toy begins with a “singing” sound, then the toy goes into the red basket, and if the first sound in the word “stumbles, meets an obstacle”, then into the blue one.

The game "Put the toys in the basket" is being played.

M: How great! Everything was shared fairly! I will now run into the forest along the path, I will take the gifts. I haven't seen the animals all winter. And next time we will all come together! Thank you very much!

(middle group)


1. To consolidate the ability to select intonation a sound in a word, the ability to determine the first sound in a word, to model the syllabic composition of one to three compound words.

2. Development of the ability to select words with a given sound.

3. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

4. Enrich children's vocabulary

Course progress.

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, greet "Good morning"

Good morning sun and birds

good morning smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind, trusting,

Let the good morning last until the evening!!!

Let's join hands, guys, and share warmth with each other, so that our morning will also be good until the evening. And now guys, I offer you a little trip to the forest.

Look guys, here in the clearing, there is a house. They live together in this house

Cat - Kitty - Kitty

Goose - Ga - Ga

Baran - Bee

Horse - Igo - go

Tiger Cub - Roar

A river flows to the will of the house, and you can go to the house only along this bridge. But this bridge is not simple, it is magical. It is possible to leave the house, but it is difficult to go back. A learned bird sits on the railing of the bridge. She asks everyone who comes to the bridge what sound the name of an animal or bird begins with. Whoever says correctly will go into the house, whoever does not say, or forgot, before that the bridge falls through.

Here the animals and birds are returning after a walk, they approached the bridge, they are very tired, they want to get home as soon as possible and cannot, they have forgotten what sound their name begins with. Let's help them kids! (bring the animals in turn to the bridge, the children name the corresponding sounds and name what it is (hard or soft consonant sound).

Well done boys! All the animals are very grateful to you. Now get up, let's play a little:

We have good posture

We brought the shoulder blades together.

We are like socks

And then on the heels

Let's go soft like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear

And like a gray wolf - a little wolf

And like a bunny coward.

Here the wolf curled up into a ball,

Because he is cold

The hedgehog's ray touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Now let's see how smart you guys are. The game "Name how much". The teacher shows the cards with the image of various objects, and the children name the nouns in the plural.

Well done guys, did you enjoy playing? Let's play another game "Name it?" What kind of pencil? (wooden, sharp, green, broken). What trees? etc

Well done boys! I really enjoyed playing and traveling with you. And next time we will go on another interesting journey with you.
