Pelageya is a diminutive. What does the name Pelageya mean? Broadsword in childhood

This article describes three names: Polina, Pelageya, Apollinaria. What is their difference?

When parents want to name their newborn daughter, they look for a beautiful and unusual name. I want the baby to have a special name - rare and unique. But it happens that the names seem to be similar, but they are different. For example, Pelageya, Polina and Apollinaria - the same names or different ones? Let's understand this in the article.

The name of Pelageya and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

The name of Pelageya and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

All these names are very beautiful and unusual. It's rare these days for girls to be called that. But, if you give one of these names to a girl, then the rest will be derivative names? The name of Pelageya and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

  • Pelageya and Polina are different names. They even have different characteristics. Pelageya is translated from Greek as “sea”, “way”, and Polina is “sunny”.
  • Fields is a shortened and affectionate form of the name Polina.. It turns out that these are the same names.
  • Polina - this is how girls used to be called in Poland and France. Pelageya is a purely Russian name.
  • But often girls with the name Pelageya are called Polina or Fields. This is wrong as they are different names.
  • There is no such name in the church as Polina, and therefore, at the time of baptism, the girl is recorded as Apollinaria.
  • By the way, Apollinaria is also often called Polina or Fields. This is more correct than calling Pelageya Polina, although it is also erroneous.
  • There is also a version that the name Pelageya came from the name of Apollinaria, and this is true. But soon these names became independent and were considered completely different.

Output: Polina and Polya are the same names. Pelageya, Polina and Apollinaria are different names.

Pelageya or Polina, Apollinaria: how to correctly call the full name?

Before giving a name to a child, parents always look for its full form so that it blends nicely with the patronymic. Pelageya or Polina, Apollinaria: how to correctly call the full name? All these three names will completely sound like this - Pelageya, Polina, Apollinaria.

What is the difference between the name Pelagia and Apollinaria?

As mentioned above, the name Pelageya comes from the name of Apollinaris. But now they are two completely different names. Even in the church, when they conduct a baptismal ceremony for girls with the name Polina, they ask their parents under what name they will baptize their daughter: Pelageya or Apollinaria.

The difference between the name Pelagia and Apollinaria lies in the interpretation from the ancient Greek language. The name Pelageya means "marine", and Apollinaria - "dedicated to Apollo".

Can Pelageya be called Apollinaria?

The name is given by the parents after birth. This name is then called a person in kindergarten, school, college and at work. But sometimes another name, similar in meaning, is “glued” to a person. For example, can Pelagia be called Apollinaria?

As mentioned above, these are different names, but the name Pelageya comes from Apollinaria. Therefore, if a girl, girl or woman does not mind being called that, then it is possible.

Advice: If you want to change the name of a person, then first ask his permission.

In any case, all three of these names are very beautiful, and if you are in a dilemma, then think about which name is more suitable for your child. It is also worth considering that Pelagia and Apollinaria are old Russian names, which in 10-15 years may sound strange, as new modern names will appear. Although the fashion for old names is back, so the decision needs to be made only individually.

Video: The meaning of the name Apollinaria

Today, ancient name forms are being revived more and more, children with the names Dobrynya, Elisha, Barbara, Pelageya are more and more common. Today we want to talk about the latter. We will talk about the meaning of the name Pelageya, learn about its origin, about how the name affects the character and fate of the girl.

Hearing the name Pelageya, a beautiful girl in Russian folk attire with a long braid, a fortune teller, immediately appears! But the name has far from Slavic roots, its history goes back to Ancient Greece.

The name Pelagia comes from the ancient Greek word "pelagios", which means "sea", the name Pelagios was called men. From Greek mythology, you can also learn about Aphrodite Pelagios. The name spread from Byzantium, and then began to be used as Pelageya.

In Russia, the name form appeared during the adoption of Christianity. It is not so popular in it, although it has recently begun to appear more often than 10-15 years ago. This is a beautiful name, the meaning of which will be discussed later.

The meaning of the name for a girl

The origin of the name Pelageya comes from the word "sea", and means "sea", "sea coast", "coastal zone", simply "sea". Therefore, the color of the name will be turquoise, sea wave.

Many people know that the character and fate of a person depends on the name. Pelagia means modesty, independence. The girl named by this name does not like to brag, self-praise, she is sweet, modest, with a sense of dignity and independence.

Diminutive variations of the name - Fields, Pasha, Palaga, Broadsword, Pelagushka, Polina.

Character and fate

Pelageya in childhood is a friendly and kind girl who is loved by everyone around her. The warmth radiated from the owners of this name attracts the location of not only relatives, but also completely strangers, teachers.

The character of Pelageya is strong-willed, she has a core. And no matter what she undertakes, she will do everything perfectly, because she always tries to be the first, the best.

At school, Pelageya studies well, tries to lead an active lifestyle, participate in events. This is a talented child, and peers often envy her. But at the same time, the name Pelageya for the girl carries a certain indecision. Despite their activity and talents, Pelageya try to be invisible, as they do not like to attract too much attention to themselves.

In adolescence, Pelageya is a rebel, can be intolerant of her peers and less successful children. A certain phlegm, even isolation, may appear. But, as soon as it comes to her interests, Pelageya will immediately become the first activist again!

The Pelageya woman is reasonable, smart, hardworking and decent. She tries not to flaunt her dignity at work, and less conscientious colleagues can use this. For example, after hearing Pelageya timidly talk about some excellent idea, people can quickly write down smart thoughts, passing them off as their own!

But Pelageya is not a closed girl, she is not a sociophobe. In companies, she feels calm, confident, relaxed. She is cheerful, can support any conversation, only good things can be heard about her from friends and colleagues.

A sharp mind, openness and cheerful disposition attract people to Pelageya like a magnet. As a rule, girls with the name Pelageya have a lot of acquaintances, well-wishers, but the circle of real friends consists of 2-3 people.

Pelagia's character is impulsive, but she will never go beyond the generally accepted norms. These women are not rude. Unbalance is not about them either!

Pelagia is adaptive. She can easily change jobs, even move not just to another city, to another country! In any case, a woman will quickly and easily adapt. But before changing something in her life, a woman will think it over a hundred times, analyze everything. She will never break away due to her inherent impulsiveness, she will not do what she has not analyzed.

As for the profession, Pelageya will work not according to the one she studied for, but where they pay more. These are mercantile girls, for whom the main thing is earnings, and love for work will come with age! Pelageya chooses a profession that does not require full dedication, increased physical or mental labor. The type of activity will be chosen one that will allow you to devote more time to your home, family. That is why Pelagia rarely reaches career heights.

As for family affairs, Pelageya is a domestic person who would rather take care of a garden plot, plant flowers, than go to clubs to have fun! For the sake of her beloved people, friends, Pelageya will do anything, she is prone to self-sacrifice. Many use this, because they know that no matter how busy Pelageya is, she will rush at any time of the day or night, help financially, even if she has to give the last.

Men pay attention to Pelageya, she really enjoys popularity with them. She simply fascinates those around her, but she herself does not succumb to charms. Pelagia can pay attention to several men, she will analyze everyone, it is difficult for her to choose a partner, since the requirements are too high. But if Pelageya fell in love, then this is forever! In the case when a man decides to leave Pelageya, she will not let him go just like that, because it is difficult for her. A woman can even take revenge!

Pelageya will bring her husband to her ideal, changing the shortcomings in him (in her opinion). Men rarely like this, so at home, against the background of constant reproaches from the wife, there can be scandals, misunderstandings, which often end in divorce.

Pelageya's children are always well-groomed, satisfied, but not spoiled. The mother brings them up in severity, but does not overdo it, she tries to devote more time to her children.

Name days and patron saints

Pelageya is patronized by two saints:

  1. Holy Martyr Pelageya of Tarsia. This woman, originally from the nobility, died for Christ in terrible torment, as she was burned alive in a bull made of copper. This event took place in the 3rd century. Patroness Day - May 17, according to the old calendar - May 4.
  2. The maiden of Antioch is the second patroness of Pelageya. The name of the girl was Palaga (in Orthodoxy - Holy Palaga). The great martyr for Christ died in 303. Patron's Day - October 21, according to the old style - October 8.

In addition to these days, Pelagia notes the name day according to the church calendar:

  • 12th of February;
  • April 5;
  • 9, 26 and 30 June;
  • July 11;
  • The 20th of October;
  • the 3rd of November.

Middle name compatibility

Before giving a child a name, you need to see how compatible it is with the father's name - patronymic. Many will agree that a name that is inappropriate for a middle name will completely spoil the big picture!

A patronymic is suitable for the female name Pelageya:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Igorevna;
  • Alexandrovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Dmitrievna;
  • Romanovna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Genrikhovna.

You can list for a long time, because the name Pelageya itself is gentle, without growling and hissing sounds, not too long and tricky, so almost any middle name will do!

Influence of the season

The time of the year in which she was born also affects the character of the girl Pelageya.

  1. Born in winter, Pelageya can be harsh, some seem arrogant, but this is just a mask. Inside the girl is very kind and gentle. "Winter" Palaga is very energetic, it always achieves its goals, never leaves things unfinished.
  2. If a girl is "spring", then she can be extremely insecure in her actions. Often doubts the correctness of the choice, led. He is too fond of other people's advice, so he often finds himself in difficult life situations. Pelageya, born in the spring, needs to be constantly shown the right path, not only parents, but also teachers and friends help in this. For family life, such Pelagia is a gift, the husband will be the leader, he will be able to sculpt whatever he wants from his wife.
  3. Born in the summer, Pelageya is executive, restrained in emotions and actions, and has a strong inner core. The intercessor of the weak, will be able to stand up for herself and others, to take revenge on the offender. Often, summer Pelagias get married early, but the first marriage rarely lasts long.
  4. Pelageya, born in autumn, is the most honest of people. He does not know how to flatter at all, he directly expresses everything to everyone, and many do not like it. The tongue is sharp, does not tolerate offense.

Talismans for Pelageya

For good luck to come along, you need to have talismans in your arsenal that will attract it, take away troubles.

For Pelagia, these are:

  1. The patron planet is the only "woman" in space - Venus.
  2. Calling Pelageya is better than girls born under the sign of Libra, this is the most successful sign of the zodiac for them.
  3. All undertakings should be postponed until Saturday or Thursday, these are the most successful days of the week. As for the time of year, in winter Pelagia all the ways are open!
  4. The color of luck is blue, all shades of the sea.
  5. Animals are whale and swan. The first is a symbol of power, fortitude, rebirth. Swan - nobility, purity, a symbol of generosity, a prophet.
  6. Pelageya has two totem plants - poppy and lotus. The latter is peace, material well-being, stability. Poppy - youth and charm. You need to have it with you (in the form of a brooch, medallion, drawing), because it will protect the girl Pelageya from any witchcraft, the evil eye.
  7. The stone is pearl. Firstly, it is a symbol of the sea, and the last is the meaning of Pelageya. This stone gives Pelageya wisdom, removes negativity, gives self-confidence and calmness. You can wear earrings, rings, medallions, brooches, beads and many other jewelry with this stone. In no case should a stone be re-gifted, given to vilify, as pearls get used to their owner and can darken and die on a stranger!

Pelageya is a charming, attention-grabbing name. For any girl and woman, it will become a real decoration, it will highlight people with ordinary names among the gray mass!

The ancient Greek name Pelageya comes from the word "pelagios", which literally means "sea coast". In Greek mythology, this was the name of the sea goddess Aphrodite - Aphrodite Pelagios. The name came to Europe along with the spread of Christianity and has survived to this day, although its popularity has lost a little. In Russian, the name Pelageya has long been interpreted as "free, independent, proud."

This ancient name was glorified by many women who became successful scientists, actresses, singers and artists. Among them are Soviet astronomer Pelageya Shine, singer Pelageya Khanova, hydrodynamic scientist Pelageya Kochina, Russian opera singer Pelageya Rykalova, artist Pelageya Kuriar and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Pelagia is a modern form of the church canonical name Pelagia - this is how newborn girls are baptized. Pelagia Diveevskaya (Serebrennikova) is considered the patroness of all Pelagia. She was born in 1809 into a wealthy family, and from a young age she was noted for her enviable beauty. Fleeing from the impending marriage, Pelagia began to pretend to be a holy fool, but the family nevertheless married her off.

After that, she went to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, and this meeting turned the girl towards spiritual life. The most important thing for the girl was the Jesus Prayer. Relatives in every possible way opposed her churching, starved Pelagia and beat her, but the girl endured everything steadfastly and even with gratitude. Over time, Pelagia finally moved to the monastery, where she lived happily for 47 years. The sisters of the monastery and the parishioners consulted with the blessed one in everything and always received advice and consolation.

In the Orthodox calendar, there are not very many saints who bore the name Pelagia. According to church traditions, the heavenly intercessor of a particular person is the saint whose commemoration in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or the next date following it - this particular day will be considered a name day. All Pelageya can choose their name day from the following dates: April 5, May 17, June 26 and 30, October 20 and 21, November 3.

Name characteristic

Giving their daughter the name Pelageya, parents give the girl a happy talisman, predicting her good luck and many accomplishments, as well as external becoming and fortitude, nobility and ambition. Mysteriousness emanates from women with the name Pelageya, they absolutely do not need to make an effort to interest the interlocutor. She knows how to charm people, her natural charm allows her to shine in absolutely any society.

Pelageya, like no one else, knows how to find joy in small things, she knows how not to seem, but to really be truly happy. Pelagia's character is formed under the influence of her natural softness and meekness - usually she is a kind, warm-hearted, modest woman with a calm, non-aggressive beauty.

However, despite her softness, Pelageya will never allow herself to be pushed around, she knows how to be principled and defend her opinion. Pelagia is characterized by impulsiveness, she often does not complete the work she has begun. A woman does not like to stick out her virtues, in society she prefers not to stand out in any way. But among close friends she is known as a hospitable hostess, with whom it is always fun and interesting.

Pelagia is characterized by such personal qualities as external isolation, indecision and even commercialism. However, she is a purposeful person who can be relied upon in everything. She is calm and reliable, prone to constant introspection, but does not always know how to draw the right conclusions from her reasoning. Pelageya is tormented by eternal self-doubts, although outwardly this is not at all noticeable. Intelligence, intuition and erudition of Pelageya rarely go beyond the average.

Recipe for the occasion::

Pelagia is characterized by an innate sense of decency - this is her main advantage. She is merciful and sympathetic, capable of self-sacrifice, but she experiences failures hard, so sometimes she can be vindictive and vindictive. In some cases, it may deliberately provoke a conflict. But even despite this, pretense and deceit are completely uncharacteristic of her, her strict moral principles will never allow her to act dishonorably.

In general, Pelageya is the owner of a very peculiar, contradictory character. She is able to surprise others with unexpected actions and instant decisions.


In childhood, little Pelageya is the favorite of parents, peers and teachers. Pelageya learns early to be flirtatious, and her natural charm helps her in this. But the girl never uses the love of others for selfish purposes.

She is a quiet and modest child, a little "on her mind." In the team she is kept modestly and a little closed, but she can not be called a “gray mouse” in any way - the girl knows how to stand up for herself. Pelageya is always ready to help, both adults and her peers, while her desire to help is always sincere, and not ostentatious.

Studying Pelageya is easy, but parents still should not let everything take its course. It is difficult to captivate a girl with something, she can do a little of everything, and as a result she will not achieve great success.


Pelageya is in good health, however, there is a tendency to psychosomatic ailments. There may be problems with the intestines and the digestive system, so Pelageya needs to monitor her diet.

Pelagia is not too hardy and gets tired quickly. To recover, she definitely needs a good sleep, otherwise the woman will feel bad. For good health, she needs to observe the daily routine from early childhood.


Pelageya's sexuality is not clearly expressed, since the psychological inhibition of a woman does not allow her sensuality to break out. Pelageya may even develop a feeling of dislike for men, which in no case should be allowed. Weak sexual excitability can cause Pelageya to remain an "old maid".

It is very difficult to please Pelageya, since she organically cannot stand lies and hypocrisy. To her beloved man, she is very demanding, she should sometimes lower the bar lower and just enjoy love.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Pelageya attaches great importance to family life, therefore, she approaches the choice of her husband responsibly. She is trying with all her might to bring to life the picture of an ideal family, and makes great efforts for this. Family life with Pelageya will proceed calmly and without scandals, as she strives for harmony and mutual respect.

Pelagia will share all household duties with her husband, but she will not sit on his neck. Pelagia's pragmatism will also affect family life - she will be an economical hostess, in whom everything is calculated and laid out on the shelves.

A woman will strive to remake her husband to fit her ideals, which often leads to conflicts. She should come to terms with the fact that her husband is not at all obliged to live up to the ideal that she painted in her head. Nevertheless, Pelageya will be a devoted and faithful wife, and love will help her come to terms with the shortcomings of her beloved.

Pelageya will pay the lion's share of her attention to children, she will surround them with attention and care, and even excessive guardianship.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Vadim, Eugene, Yegor, Philip, Dmitry, Sergey, Ilya, Alexei, Roman and Victor. An alliance with Alexander, Mikhail, Andrei, Pavel, Vasily, Oleg, Yuri and Ivan should be avoided.

Business and career

Work occupies an important place in Pelagia's life, but not the first. It is not aimed at reaching sky-high heights, the main thing is that the work brings a stable income. Pelageya will always try to choose a highly paid job, as she loves money very much. A profession that does not bring a stable income, a woman will never choose. Lack of patience often prevents her from achieving good career success.

Pelagia has a highly developed creative vein, so she should turn her attention to such professions as an art critic, teacher, actress, stylist, music critic, journalist or singer. Pelageya is happy to grow flowers and tinker in the garden, she can make a talented landscape designer.

Pelagia does not like physical labor, it is difficult for her to concentrate on painstaking work. It is also better for her not to go into medicine, since Pelageya is sensitive to smells and is squeamish.

Pelageya can get along in almost any team, as she knows how to adapt perfectly. At work, she will be appreciated for her hard work and modesty.

Talismans for Pelageya

  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra. Pelageya is recommended to call girls born under this sign.
  • A good time of the year is winter, good days of the week are Saturday and Thursday.
  • Lucky color - marine, blue, turquoise.
  • Totem animal - swan and whale. The swan symbolizes purity, generosity and nobility, the gift of prophecy is also attributed to the swan. The whale is a symbol of power and incredible spiritual strength. It symbolizes rebirth and the beginning of a new life.
  • Totem plant - lotus and poppy. Lotus is perfect beauty, happiness, spiritual development and rebirth. Lotus is able to bring peace to the house and improve material well-being. Poppy is a symbol of charm and youth, he will protect Pelageya from the evil eye and witchcraft spells.
  • Talisman stone - pearls. From time immemorial, the stone has been considered a symbol of wisdom, it is able to improve mood, get rid of bad thoughts and negative energy. Pearls very quickly get used to their mistress, so they cannot be re-gifted or given into the wrong hands. Pearls will not serve a selfish, malicious and envious person - they will darken very quickly or simply crumble. But pearls are not recommended to be worn by an unmarried lady, as they can cause melancholy and a feeling of loneliness.

Horoscope for Pelagia

Aries- a delicate, well-mannered young lady, easily converging with people. She loves to lead an active lifestyle, indulges in her passion with passion and joy. She is constantly where something happens. Pelageya-Aries loves compliments and admiration, she is a real coquette. In the eyes of others, she may look like a controversial person who is critical of herself and others, but what cannot be taken away from her is her constant striving forward. In love, Pelageya-Aries is selective, she will not tolerate a slobber next to her, but she will not allow herself to be commanded. She is possessive, jealous, but she can flirt recklessly. For marriage, Pelageya-Aries is best suited for a Gemini man - despite the contradiction of characters, they will be best friends and like-minded people.

Taurus- a wonderful friend and comrade who considers friendship to be the main thing in life, but does not forget about his career either. She is a patient listener, a subtle and pleasant companion, her company always acts pacifyingly. She is a wonderful hostess, whose house is in perfect order. Pelageya-Taurus is very feminine, but in her character there are such qualities as an iron will and excellent self-control. She can be vindictive and vengeful, especially if she is offended unfairly. Pelageya-Taurus is the object of dreams of the stronger sex, but she will give preference to a wealthy man. She loves luxury, and paradise in a hut is not for her. For marriage, a woman is best suited for a man born under the same zodiac sign with her - two bodies will never be bored together, and even 20 years later they will live in perfect harmony.

Twins- a naive dreamer who sees only the good in people. A completely trifling occasion can cause admiration in her, or vice versa, resentment. She is fickle and unpredictable, and home life seems too boring to her. Travel, adventure, new acquaintances and impressions are her element. People around her like it, because the woman has a flexible and non-conflict character. She is always fast - in thoughts, deeds and movements. Pelageya-Gemini is a wonderful wife and mother. As her husband, she will try to choose a spiritually rich person who can provide her with a decent standard of living. The Libra man is ideal for marriage to Pelagia-Gemini - it is rare to find a happier couple, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign between them.

Cancer- a romantic nature who wants to appear stronger and tougher than she really is. She is in constant longing for a better life and missed chances, she is experiencing past grievances. Her tears are very close - a woman can cry for any trifling reason. It is unacceptable to scold this impressionable nature or somehow mock her - Pelageya-cancer will be very hard to experience any careless word. She is very afraid of losing what gives her peace and prosperity. No need to expect decisive action from her - she is not capable of them. In relationships with men, trust is very important for Pelageya-Cancer, she really needs love and a sense of security. A Pisces man can give her such a feeling - they will perfectly understand each other, and there will be no place for scandals and quarrels in their life together.

a lion- very energetic and strong-willed Pelageya, a true leader. She is bright and regal, loves compliments and admiration. She knows how to look at home no worse than on the catwalk. She is a great hostess, but home life does not appeal to her at all, because she needs to shine! Pelageya - Leo is smart and noble, but it’s better not to anger her - it will be a terrible sight. Next to her, the Lioness wants to see the real king - she sincerely believes that she is honored by agreeing to accept signs of attention and compliments from a man. It will be very difficult for the husband of this queen to maintain his “I”, and what he definitely should not do is to relax - no one has yet succeeded in taming the Lioness to the end. Pelageya Leo and Aries man - this is the most successful combination of horoscopes. This couple has every chance to live a long and happy life together.

Virgo- A self-confident, selfish person who has his own opinion on everything. She is not afraid of any difficulties, on the contrary, they only stimulate her. She is in perfect control of herself, from the outside it may even seem that she is far and inaccessible. Pelageya-Virgo is self-critical and modest, she never strives for public speaking, but is quite capable of challenging public opinion. By nature, Pelageya is not jealous, she is not aware of the stormy "African" passions. Such a restrained outwardly, Pelageya-Virgo is ready for any madness for the sake of love. A Taurus man can awaken such feelings - this union will be very successful and fruitful.

scales- diversified nature, charming and smart. She is unable to indifferently pass by a showcase with jewelry that she knows how to wear with unique charm. Pelageya-Libra has a masculine mindset, is surprisingly smart, but knows how to listen to other people's opinions. She is an intelligent adviser, knows how to win over people with a smile and friendliness. In difficult times, he will be able to provide invaluable support to his acquaintances and friends, he will never betray them. Pelageya-Libra, even in small things, will always strive for perfection. As a mother and wife, she is caring, gentle and strict at the same time. It may even seem to a husband that he has two wives - she is a born housewife, in whose hands everything is arguing, and the other, a true business woman, is smart and prudent. The Leo man will be able to make a worthy match for this unique woman - according to statistics, the Leo-Libra couple has the lowest percentage of divorces, since their mutual understanding lasts from the first minute of meeting and forever.

Scorpion- an incredulous, selfish person who is literally overwhelmed with emotions. Pelageya-Scorpio faces many trials, but it is not so easy to break her fortitude. Feminine, graceful, flirtatious and proud, which makes her incredibly attractive to men, such women are often called "fatal". Without a twinge of conscience, she can destroy a person in love with her, but if he succeeds in subduing this woman, then he will have every reason to be proud of her. For Pelagia-Scorpio, there is no golden mean - she either loves or hates, argues with passion, scolds with rage, leaves - burning all bridges behind her. Imposing your point of view on her is completely useless. Pelageya-Scorpio will have to suppress her tendency to alcoholism all her life, fight other temptations that will definitely meet on her way, since she will always be at the center of events. A quiet home life is not for her. The Cancer man will be able to tame this shrew - this couple has everything to make this family union long and happy.

Sagittarius- sociable, romantic and amorous Pelageya, always ready to compromise. Friendly and honest towards people, she absolutely does not know how to hypocrite and lie. In order for her to fall into melancholy or depression, fate must beat her pretty badly. Pelagia-Sagittarius is a born optimist who knows how to infect others with a good mood. At the same time, she is strong in spirit and is quite capable of standing up for herself. Everything that she thinks about people, she says to them in the eyes, and does not gossip behind their backs. For this they are considered callous and tactless, but in fact, Pelageya-Sagittarius is a fierce fighter for the truth. She is an ardent admirer of freedom and independence, so she can safely live in the status of an old maid without experiencing discomfort. The Aries man will be able to conquer her heart - this couple has an excellent mutual understanding and many common interests.

Capricorn- a very ambitious person, ready to work day and night. She is distinguished by practicality and solidity, an ardent desire for independence, in which Pelageya-Capricorn sees the basis of her stable future. She strives with all her might to become a respected person, she is no less than men concerned with achieving a high position in society. Pelageya-Capricorn is hardworking, patient, not womanly hardy. She never scandalizes or screams, on the contrary, she is calm and even meek, so many are surprised by the success that this woman can achieve. The negative side of her character is a tendency to protracted depression, from which Pelageya comes out for a long and difficult time. She will never marry the first person she meets - the man of her dreams should give reason for pride. Pelageya-Capricorn will do her best to maintain the image of an ideal family, and the Taurus man will help her in this - paired with each other, they will gain the desired stability and mutual understanding.

Aquarius- sociable, sociable nature, witty and charming. She knows how to adapt to any situation and to any society, largely due to her developed intuition. At the same time, she never hovers in the clouds, but on the contrary, she knows how to work patiently and fruitfully. In no case should her future husband encroach on her freedom, on the contrary, he must leave her the opportunity to communicate, experiment, and spend leisure time in a friendly circle. The fact is that Pelageya-Aquarius does not at all see her destiny in belonging exclusively to relatives and family. But this does not mean at all that she will not be faithful to her chosen one. In any case, Pelageya is definitely not in danger of being alone - there will always be many friends next to her. A woman does not like to share her secrets with anyone, even with the closest people. She is very honest, she just prefers to remain silent about what she considers secret. For Pelageya-Aquarius, love means a lot, but physical attraction is not at all the main thing for her. She will be an ideal partner for a man with a weak temperament. A pair of Aquarius-Gemini are simply made for each other, and their love arises literally at first sight.

Fishes- Unsure of herself, always doubting Pelageya, in great need of friendly support. She loves to be praised and encouraged, and reacts sharply and painfully to criticism. It is characterized by frequent mood swings, cheerfulness and fun in just a minute can turn into apathy and even depression. Pelageya-Pisces never screams or scandals, does not try to impose her opinion, she can leave any conflict situation with a sweet smile. She is a big fan of comfort and luxury, but at the same time she is completely incapable of solving her financial problems. She can easily go to deception, just to avoid responsibility and punishment. He usually covers up his insecurity with mock gaiety and jokes. In the understanding of Pelageya-Pisces, the purpose of men is to cherish and cherish a woman, but on the other hand, she will never compete with representatives of the strong half of humanity and will gladly give them the palm. Nevertheless, Pelageya-Pisces can become a caring wife and loving mother. The Scorpio man will be able to create family happiness for Pelageya-Pisces - the energy of such different partners magically flows into each other, making them feel an inextricable connection and mutual understanding.

Name day Pelagia

Saints: The Holy Martyr Pelageya of Tarsia came from a noble family; Saint Pelagia - 4th century martyr, student of Lucian of Antioch; Venerable Pelagia of Antioch, Pelagia of Olives and Palestine - reverend; Pelagia Diveevskaya Pelagia - New Martyr; Pelagia (Balakireva) - New Martyr; Pelagia (Testova) - New Martyr.

What does

Pelageya means "of the sea".


Name mystery analysis Pelagia it makes sense to start with the origin. The story has ancient Greek roots. And it means sea.

Characteristics according to Grushko, Medvedev

The character is such that its owner, as a rule, is a pretty and peculiar woman.

According to the description of the name Pelageya, this is a person in whom something mysterious will always be felt. She is very receptive. Pelagia is able to experience happiness from any little thing, a trifle, and constantly indulges herself with these little things. She has a meek appearance, but at the same time she is businesslike, decisive enough and always knows exactly what she wants.

She does not have the habit of imposing her will on others, she has absolutely no desire to command others. Pelageya is one of those people who respects another person, his words and deeds.

What does the name Pelageya mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation according to B. Higir, she has a practical mind, a strong will, but intuition is completely undeveloped. The owner of this name stands firmly with her feet on the ground. Pelagia is distinguished by a natural sense of decency. She is able to be merciful and can sacrifice herself. She deeply experiences life's troubles and failures and therefore will remember insults for a long time and is even capable of revenge. Sometimes Pelageya herself becomes the instigator of conflict situations. Pelageya is not very confident in herself and seeks refuge from life's problems in her work. She is always trying to achieve success in order to prove to everyone, and first of all to herself, that she can part with her complexes.

Pelageya chooses a job that does not require great physical and psychological stress from her. Pelagia is able to adapt to any everyday situations. However, she lacks the patience to achieve her goals and to raise her business status. He is very principled and tries not to violate his principles, no matter what happens. She is both sensual and slightly excitable. This quality sometimes prevents her from starting a family.


Variants of the name Pelageya : Pelagia

Diminutive pet names of Pelageya: Pelaga, Fields, Polusya, Palaga, Palyanya, Broadsword, Pasha.

Different languages:

  • Name Pelageya in French: P?lagie
  • Pelagia's name in Polish: Pelagia

Famous Pelageya:

  • Pelageya (1986) folk-rock singer Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova.
  • Pelageya Curiar (1848-1898) - landscape painter
  • Pelageya Kochina (1899 - 1999) - hydrodynamic scientist, academician.

Short form of the name Pelageya. Pelaga, Pelagusha, Fields, Polina, Polusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Palageyka, Palaga, Palanya, Broadsword, Pelageyka.
Synonyms for Pelagia. Palagea, Pelagia, Pelagia.
origin of the name Pelageya The name Pelageya is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Pelageya has ancient Greek roots, derived from the male name Pelagios (the female version of that time is Pelagia), meaning "sea". The meaning of the name Pelageya is completely identical to the meaning of the name Marina, which is of Latin origin.

The diminutive address Polina is also an independent name. In the modern language, the male version of the name Pelagia is rarely used: Pelayo and Pelagio - in Spain, Pelayu - in Portugal, Pelagius - in Poland, Pelagia - in Serbia.

In Orthodoxy and Catholicism, several martyrs and reverend martyrs with the name Pelageya are revered. For example, Pelagia (Pelagia) of Antioch and Pelagia of Tarsus. Among Catholics, Saint Pelagia (Margaret) of Antioch patronizes actresses. Under the name Pelagia in Christianity, Polina is baptized, since the name Polina is not mentioned in Orthodox calendars.

Pelagia is characterized by such personal qualities as indecision and at the same time a strong will. She has a complex and contradictory personality. The girl is often closed. It is worth noting that Pelageya is inherently a purposeful person who is characterized by calmness and reliability. Despite external phlegm, Pelageya can be quite active. This is especially true in cases where the interests of the girl are affected. In such situations, she is stubborn and persistent.

In addition, the commercialism of Pelageya should be noted. She wants to make money. After graduating from university, such a girl often chooses a job not in her specialty. The girl is prone to constant introspection, but rarely draws conclusions from her reasoning. Usually, the intelligence, intuition and erudition of the owner of this name rarely go beyond the average.

Often Pelageya does things, following some stereotypes. She has a good working relationship with her colleagues. The girl does not try to somehow distinguish herself from the rest. She tends to choose a profession that is not related to serious moral and physical overload. Pelageya needs to do business that leaves time to solve personal problems. She easily adapts to different circumstances. Lack of patience and inability to bring the work begun to its logical conclusion prevent Pelageya from climbing the career ladder.

At home, Pelageya likes to spend her free time watching sports television programs and cartoons. Often she is engaged in growing flowers in the country. This process gives her pleasure.

Pelagia is endowed with a practical mind. She has an innate sense of decency. Some representatives of this name are not only merciful, but also capable of self-sacrifice. Failures and disappointments are not easy for her, therefore she can manifest herself as a vindictive and vindictive person. It can be a provocateur of conflict situations.

Pelageya is not a self-confident person. What is reflected in her behavior and morale. To get rid of her own complexes, Pelageya needs to establish herself in some field. She does not like to fantasize and often withdraws into herself.

The actions of the owner of this name may differ in decisiveness. Often she manifests herself as a self-sufficient and prudent person. The girl knows how not only to save, but also to spend money wisely. Pelageya always dresses well, although she never chases after fashion.

In family life, Pelageya tends to distribute responsibilities. Usually she is engaged in cooking, and her husband, in turn, goes for groceries. August Pelageya is characterized by amorousness and caution.

Pelageya is squeamish, so she invites more often than goes to visit someone. In a team, she likes to watch the rest and listen more than to be an active participant in the conversation. Before getting married, a girl meets her chosen one for a long time. She needs to get to know him well. She strives to avoid possible mistakes. Pelageya is looking for a calm man who is not addicted to alcohol and smoking as a companion. A man should love her, be attentive and have a sense of humor.

In a difficult situation, Pelageya is able to find the only right way out at this moment. She is able to surprise others with instant decisions and unusual actions.

At its core, Pelageya is a sympathetic girl. She is compassionate and always ready to help. She is not characterized by deceit and pretense. Always tries to strictly adhere to moral principles. She rarely succumbs to the influence of other people. Despite some earthiness, he has strong-willed qualities.

Some representatives of the name are trying to change themselves, trying to deal with self-doubt and perform difficult tasks. Pelageya rarely shares her own problems with anyone, but at the same time she is always ready to go away to others. She can't pretend. Always distinguished by decency and inability to deceive.

Name day Pelagia

Pelagia celebrates name days on February 12, April 5, May 4, May 17, June 9, June 26, June 30, July 11, October 8, October 19, October 20, October 21, November 3.

Famous people named Pelageya

  • Pelagia of Antioch (early Christian martyr, virgin)
  • Pelagia of Antioch (Oleone, Palestine) ((d. ​​ca. 457) Christian saint, venerated as a saint)
  • Pelagia of Tarsus ((d. ​​at the beginning of the 4th century) a Christian martyr who lived in Tarsus during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. She was buried on one of their hills in the vicinity of the city, and Emperor Constantine I the Great built a holy church over the relics.)
  • Pelagia Diveevskaya ((1809 - 1884) the first of the three canonized blessed Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery. According to the testament of Seraphim of Sarov, she became a holy fool and, after his death, protected the sisters of the monastery.)
  • Pelageya Khanova ((born 1986) Russian folk-rock singer, founded the Pelageya folk group, where she is a soloist. Her repertoire includes Russian folk songs, author's songs and romances, stylized in the style of folk rock.)
  • Polina (Pelageya) Strepetova ((1850 - 1903) famous Russian theater actress)
  • Pelageya Bragina ((1905 - 1982) a resident of the Kaluga village of Yuryevskoye, who during the German occupation of World War II several wounded Soviet soldiers came out, she wrote about this in The Tale of the Seventeen Saved. Every citizen of the USSR knew about her feat, she was so actively covered this information in the media.)
  • Pelageya Aleksandrova ((1872 - 1953) in marriage - Aleksandrova-Ignatieva; Soviet teacher of food science, author of a number of culinary publications)
  • Pelageya Kochina ((1899 - 1999) nee - Polubarinova; Soviet hydrodynamic physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Pelageya Gromova ((1819 - 1887) Russian actress. In 1838 she made her debut at the Alexandrinsky Theater (under her maiden name - Bormotova), where she played until 1886. From the 1850s she was busy in the premiere productions of plays by A.N. Ostrovsky.)
  • Pelageya Rykalova ((1779 - 1862) nee - Pozharskaya; opera (mezzo-soprano) and dramatic actress, artist of the St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters of the early 19th century, wife of the famous comedian V.F. Rykalov, with whom the Rykalov acting dynasty was founded)
  • Pelageya Shine ((1894 - 1956) before marriage - Sannikova; Soviet astronomer. In 1928 she became the first woman in the world to discover a small planet (1112 Polonia). In total, she discovered 19 small planets, the comet Shine - Shaldeha (1949), more than 150 new Variable stars. Conducted work on the photometry and colorimetry of stars. In honor of Pelagia Shine, one of the minor planets (1190 Pelagia), discovered in 1930, was named.)
  • Pelageya Curiar ((1848 - 1898) nee - Vokhina; Russian landscape painter. In 1882 she organized the "First Ladies Art Circle" (St. Petersburg), where until 1894 she was the chairman, it was to her that the society owed prosperity. In the album of chromolithographs she completed drawings of wildflowers in watercolor, which was called "From Our Fields".)
  • Pelageya Sekirkina ((1927 - 2011) pig farm of the collective farm "Znamya Truda" of the Rakityansky district of the Belgorod region, Hero of Socialist Labor (1971))
  • Pelageya Danilova ((1918 - 2001) Soviet gymnast, Olympic champion in 1952, world champion in 1954, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, trainer and teacher)